December 2007 Issue 50

FREE of charge

TThehe LivingLiving IIff I Can’tCan’t DanceDance I DDon’ton’t WantWant ToTo BBee PPartart OOff CChristmashristmas TTreeree YYourour RRevolutionevolution OOuch…that’such…that’s gottagotta hurt!hurt!

HHomoomo fforor tthehe HHolidaysolidays WWhat’shat’s HappeningHappening forfor CChristmashristmas


GLBT RESOURCE • & EDMONTON 2 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 3 4 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Established originally in January 1992 as Men For Men BBS by MFM 14 Communications. Named changed to in 1998. Stand alone company as of January 2004. First Issue of Magazine, November 2003. Name adjusted in November 2006 to GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine. Publisher Steve Polyak & Rob Diaz-Marino, [email protected] Table of Contents Editor Rob Diaz Marino, editor@gaycalgary. com 7 A Chilly Christmas 11 Original Graphic Design Deviant Designs Letter from the Publisher Advertising Steve Polyak [email protected] 11 The Living Christmas Tree Contributors Ouch…that’s gotta hurt! Steve Polyak, Rob Diaz-Marino, Jason Clevett, Jerome Voltero, Kevin Alderson, Allison Brodowski , Mercedes Allen, Stephen Lock, 12 Sweet Charity 16 Benjamin Hawkcliffe , Arthur McComish, Linda Hey Big Spender - Spend a Little Time at Stage Eckess, Romeo San Vicente and the Gay and West! Community of Calgary and Edmonton Photographer 13 Philips Arcitec Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino Conquer the Challenges of Daily Shaving Like Never Videographer Before Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino Please forward all inquiries to: 14 Oliver Twist GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine Holiday Presentation Dark but Heart Warming Suite 403, 215 14th Avenue S.W. Calgary, T2R 0M2 15 Chris and John to the Rescue: Provincetown Phone (403) 543-6960 or toll free (888) 543-6960 16 Map & Event Listings Fax (403) 703-0685 Find out what’s happening 13 E-mail [email protected] 23 Conflicts of Democracy Print Run Monthly, 12 times a year Copies Printed Monthly, Over 10,000 copies. 25 Q Scopes “Pull up the drawbridge, Capricorn!” Masthead continued on page 6 26 Letters to the Editor 28 Deep Inside Hollywood 30 Door Policy Discrimination?

Continued on page 6

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 5 Continued from page 5

31 Fundraising Photos Continued from page 5 Distribution points up to 200 points in 35 A Bitter Girl Calgary, largest number of distribution points for any Gay publication in Calgary. 36 Homo for the Holidays Up to 150 points in Edmonton, largest What’s Happening for Christmas number of distribution points for any Gay publication in Edmonton. Also distributed coast to coast across in select 38 The Secret of Hiding our Holiday Blues locations in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and other 40 A Twisted Sense of Pride places across Canada and the United Illegal Power Grab Disrupts Pride Calgary AGM States. Please call us if you would like to be a distribution point. 43 Movie Review Distributed by Gallant Distributions Duck (Calgary), Clark’s Distribution (Edmonton), 12 Canada Post (rest of Canada and USA) 44 Music Review and by “Don’t Be a Stranger” by Jeffrey Altergott Deadline for Ad Bookings 25th of the month (unless otherwise stated) 45 KICKIN’ IT AROUND Deadline for Ad copy 28th of the month The International Gay and Lesbian Football Association (unless otherwise stated) Legal Council Courtney Sebree Aarbo, 47 If I Can’t Dance… Barristers and Solicitors …I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution Printers North Hill News 50 A Couple of Guys This Issue Cover Model Top Adin Hughes. Photos taken at the Calgary Eagle by Steve 51 The Mystery of Edwin Drood Polyak. Solve-it-yourself Musical Mystery a Masterpiece The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of or 52 Queer Eye - Calgary & Edmonton the contributors of the magazine. Community Events this Month People photographed or interviewed, writers, advertisers, contributors and anyone else involved with this publication 52 59 Press Releases are not necessarily gay, lesbian, bi, bi-curious or trans gendered. They can be 60 Classifieds Ads straight people that are gay friendly. No part of the publication may be reprinted January 2008 without the expressed permission of the editor-in-chief. Press Deadlines Copyright 2007

AAdd SpaceSpace BookingBooking - ThursdayThursday DDecemberecember 27th27th 20072007 Member of Canadian Gay & AAdd SubmissionSubmission - Lesbian Chamber MMondayonday DecemberDecember 31st31st 20072007 of Commerce Member of International Gay & IInn CirculationCirculation - FridayFriday JanuaryJanuary Lesbian Travel Association 44thth 20082008

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Member of Edmonton Rainbow Member of Tourism Calgary. Business Association.

6 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 A Chilly Christmas Letter from the Publisher

at any tier of society can apply their creativity to make a By Rob Diaz-Marino difference in the world. It was very enlightening. Now I’m kicking myself for coming back from A lot of people are asking me if Steve is living in Mexico – as if I had a choice. I’m not sure if I’m Edmonton these days. It doesn’t help that for the past ready to deal with this record cold winter after so several months, busy Calgary and Edmonton weekends have coincided, so I’m starting to sound like a broken many years of mild temperatures. On the plus record every time someone asks me where he is. The side, we may actually get snow on the ground on not-so-busy weekends when we are both in town, we Christmas for once. tend to spend the daytime running about town to do our Wow, small-talking about the weather. I have to admit daily errands, and the evenings at home working, or tak- my writing faculties are a little maxed out this month, ing a break to watch our favourite TV programs together. especially after having to hash out a large and thorough On rare occasions we go out to the bars just to hang out, article last minute (mentioned below). This month I’m but keep a much lower profi le than when the camera is going to keep my publisher’s column reasonably brief, in our hand. but direct you to the multitude of other stories that This Month should be read. There is a huge multitude of events happening in Mercedes’ Trans column and the Porn Reviews will Calgary and Edmonton this month during the holiday resume as usual next month. Mercedes was undergo- season, so we have written a special event guide entitled ing her move from Edmonton to High River, and couldn’t “Homo for the Holidays” (page 36). It covers special submit anything, while we just couldn’t fi t the Porn events leading up to Christmas, but not quite as far as Reviews. It’s a packed issue. New Years, which is pretty obvious anyway. Last Month What’s with all the Twisted Bashing? We were invited by the SHARP Foundation to attend Yes, no doubt that’s going to be a term we’ll be hear- a special event outside of the gay community: National ing a lot over the course of this month. I can understand Philanthropy Day. We showed up with Camera in hand, how it looks, but it didn’t happen the way you might not realizing that we were being invited as their guests. expect – born from some grudge or need for revenge. In Ironically Steve and I had heard the word Philanthropy fact, Steve and I had no intention of this issue turning used before, but were not of aware of it’s meaning – the into such a lightning-rod for the issues at hand. closest thing in my head was Lycanthropy, but that’s It all started back in August, prior to our article ex- the technical term for werewolfi sm. As explained at plaining that our magazines had been banned from the the event, Philanthropy refers to the practice of helping premises of Twisted Element. Our writer Allison ap- people without expecting anything in return – in essence, proached us, wanting to do an article about the club’s altruism. Traditionally it has been used to describe door policy after a group of her friends were split down corporate millionaires who donate their money to charity, the centre at the door, some being charged cover, others but the presentations emphasized that people at any age, not. We mulled over the idea for about a month before giving her the go ahead, but making sure she did due diligence to check out how other night clubs (be them straight) in the city handled entry. The article was origi- nally planned for November, but in good taste we didn’t want to publish them the month of their (and our) an- niversary. This turned out well because Allison was able to give the owners many more opportunities to answer her questions, which they refused and ignored. (See page 47) And incidentally, we did send them a large bouquet of fl owers for their anniversary, (to the chagrin of some) as we have done for all of the bar’s anniversaries. In October we received two letters to the publisher (see page 26) complaining about the club’s door policy. In light of the Le Stud incident in Montreal, we wondered what legal recourse people had, and so forwarded the two letters to Darryl Aarbo for a legal advice column. By

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 7 the new website. It’s in much better condition from how I left it when I went on holidays. Surprisingly we re- ceived a Proud Out Loud award from for the site, even though it’s still under construction! I have made a number of updates in the Directory area, bringing back our business images that show recent magazine advertisements amongst listing informa- tion – as well as interfacing with Microsoft Virtual Earth to display location maps for any listing with a valid ad- dress. But the biggest change has been the completion of the Events Calendar, and the addition of all the events we could fi nd from last month’s magazine. I was in awe to see the sheer volume of community events visualized in the calendar for the fi rst time – November had not a single day without something to do, and December looks now we realized this December issue was going to sting about the same. When I revisit this feature later, I will a little, but that was to be the end of it…until the day have to devise a strategy for users to fi lter out events before our press deadline when the owners of Twisted they are not interested in. This is already somewhat pos- attempted something very ugly at Pride Calgary’s AGM. sible if you have a user account on the site. When you (See page 40) bring up the detailed event information for any event, you can click the “Remind Me” link to add it to your per- Though we haven’t talked much about the drama that sonal events list. Your personal events list is shown on has plagued the Pride Calgary Boards for several years the main page (only when logged in) as well as on your now, we had made a resolution earlier this year that MyGayCalgary page (reached by clicking your username we were doing the organization no favours by turning in the upper right corner of the site). a blind eye to it – in fact, we talked about the AGMs of Apollo, ARGRA, and Calgary Outlink before this, as part Though the photo sorting is coming along well, un- of that resolution. I’m happy to say most went smoothly fortunately the photo publishing is not. I discovered a this year, as we reported. We were partially to blame bug in my sorting software that is hampering our ability for stirring things up at previous AGMs, but things have to properly upload the photos to the website – you’ll see changed and we have mellowed – still it was nothing some days that only have 1 photo, and there are obvi- compared to Pride. I was going to talk about it just in ously supposed to be a whole slough more. I’m looking the publisher’s column, but it turned into a full length at this in tandem with everything else. article. My sights are set on fi nishing sorting through the Then, the Secretary of the Pride AGM wrote us a third inactive Directory listings so that we can fi nally provide letter to the publisher about her disgust over the conduct the form for visitors to add their own listings. After that, of the club owners and their groupies at said meeting. a similar form to add events, and then fi nally the site search feature. It’s a good thing I enjoy coding! So now, we’re left clutching 4 articles that could be considered “Twisted bashing” and wondering how on Happy Holidays earth we’re going to live this one down. In the end we Steve and I would like to extend our best wishes to opted to get them over all at once, rather than spreading our readers and advertisers; to the organizations and them over future months – quick and painful - kindof businesses we work with each month, our tireless writ- like removing a band-aid. ers and contributors, and the people who work hard to make good things happen. We appreciate your support I do want to assure our readers that we have done our and friendship, your kind words and helpful criticisms, due diligence to collect evidence to back up everything your patience and understanding, and your wisdom and stated in Allison’s and our articles, especially because we guidance. are sticking our necks out a little farther than previous articles. I spent many hours as editor making sure we We want to hear what YOU have to say about the topics in this article, and any other articles in our magazine. Visit the chat forums at and were iron clad, with the help of our lawyers. So although write your heart out! Or write us a letter to the publisher by E-mailing publisher@ you may hear the term “slander” thrown around a lot,, and we may respond to it in the magazine! one has to remember that statements must be proven false, purposely malicious, and to cause direct harm (all three at once) before they qualify for the term. Other- wise it’s just another word used incorrectly to intimidate people, or rile them up. The Website Maybe this is why I feel like I haven’t been getting out as much as usual – I’ve been locked away slaving over

8 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 9 10 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 The Living Christmas Tree Ouch…that’s gotta hurt!

By Arthur McComish Community | Spotlight Rudolph: “Well Santa what’s new this year to get me in the Giving Christmas Spirit?” decorations they can handle and fi t via clamping them onto their bodies. Although they won’t be lit up, (lights Santa: “Well Rudolph a great debate is happening, let might be too far even for fetish fun) they are more than me tell you about it.” likely to radiate some colour by the end of the night; black and blue is always a good sight! The fun doesn’t end with The old debate between getting a real Christmas tree or the decorations - the event concludes with the grimaces a fake Christmas tree has now become a moot point, for an of “Oh my @$%%” as the ornaments and latex/body paint ingenuous solution has been found by the Calgary Eagle! are removed in a not so gentle fashion. These volunteers How so you might ask? Well thanks to a little latex know what they’re in for and say, “Well it’s for a good body paint, and some “real” volunteers, the Calgary Eagle cause so what’s a little pain…” is hosting its 4th annual Living Christmas Tree Event on Johnathan Finlayson, in charge of Events and Promo- behalf of Beswick House. tions for the Eagle notes that, “This event in all it’s good So forget about having to decide just what type of tree spirit and fun has a serious note of which the community you would like to decorate this year, as the Living Christ- has rallied time and time again for, in support of The mas Tree event will surely satisfy all your decorating SHARP Foundation, on behalf of Beswick House We are fetishes. What had started out as a fun event hosted and always impressed and humbled by the incredible com- created by Lady Fawn, a well known face in the Calgary munity spirit towards Beswick House and are honoured Leather community, has now become a Christmas tradi- to play a small part to donate to their incredible contribu- tion at the Calgary Eagle. tions to quality of life for individuals and the community.” For those of you that have yet to experience the Living In true Eagle spirit, the Living Christmas Tree event Christmas tree event, you can expect to have a good time will again be a successful fundraiser for Beswick House, for a good cause. This year’s event on Saturday Decem- a facility run by the SHARP Foundation, which provides ber 15th will consist of three volunteers; last year’s Living 24/7 long-term, transition, palliative care and support for Christmas Tree, Adin, who will now be joined by two new individuals affected by HIV/AIDS. eager volunteers; Lindsey – a lady’s Christmas tree and Though this event has no cover charge, your giving Calgary’s very own Leather Boy, Paul will be a Menorah spirit is always welcomed with a warm thank you. See you respectively. These scantily clad volunteers will be covered there! in latex or body paint The Living Christmas Tree of which In Support of Beswick House patrons December 15th (9:00pm) can help, shall we say The Calgary Eagle “paint them 424a 8th Ave SE, Calgary up”. Then (403) 263-5847 throughout the evening everyone will be invited to participate in the selection of ornaments to anoint the “Trees” and “Menorah” via way of a donation. The goal is to cover the volunteers with as many

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 11 Sweet Charity Hey Big Spender - Spend a Little Time at Stage West!

By Jason Clevett Review | Theatre Neil Simon’s 1966 Broadway hit, which later became a fi lm starring Shirley McLean, brings Miss Charity Hope Valentine and her crazy life back to the stage. With famous Broadway hits such as Hey Big Spender and If My Friends Could See Me Now, Sweet Charity is a throwback to how Broadway used to be. Set in New York City, the title character is a hopeless romantic and hostess (the 60’s equivalent to a lap dancer) at a dance hall. After being pushed into the river by her boyfriend Charlie, she is reminded by fellow hostess Nickie “you run your heart like a hotel – you’ve always got people checking in and checking out” What follows is trademark for the romantic style of the 60’s. Charity fi nds herself meeting and dining with a famous movie star, Vittorio Vidal, and later trapped in an elevator with charming claustrophbic Oscar Lindquist. After helping Oscar overcome his fear in the song Bravest Individual, the two start spending more time together with sweet results. She gives him courage, he gives her hope, itself holds true today – a story of ambition, yearning love, and their relationship grows. and living… hopefully… ever after. Stage West’s production is simple, as is the show, but Sweet Charity that is what makes it so interesting – it survives on the November 22nd, 2007 – February 10th, 2008 skill of its lead, played with charm and, well, sweetness, by the gorgeous Elodie Gillette. While comparisons are Tickets: (403) 243-6642 certain to be made to Christina Applegate, who starred in the 2005 Broadway production, Gillette performs a role she was obviously meant to play, based on her enthusi- asm. She becomes Charity Valentine and it’s a pleasure to watch while she effortlessly sings, dances and acts her way through the production. Her versions of If My Friends Could See Me Now and I’m a Brass Band are show-stop- pers. The choreography is dazzling, especially the dance hall number Rich Man’s Frug, which left the crowd breathless. Numbers like this, done to perfection, are what make me a fan of the musical genre. There is plenty of comedy in the show as well, with a lot of genuine laugh out loud moments. Risa Waldman as Nickie and Robyn Wong as Helene often steal the scenes they are in. Michael Lomenda’s over the top Big Daddy in Rhythm of Life and Canadian Idol’s Aaron Walpole (back for his third production with Stage West this year) as Her- man also spice up the mix. Sweet Charity is a sweet escape for the holiday season. While not specifi cally holiday themed, it is an enjoyable night out whether as a couple, with friends, or a staff Christmas party. While not as fl ashy as some over-the-top spectacles that have become the Broadway show, the story

12 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Philips Arcitec Conquer the Challenges of Daily Shaving Like Never Before

By Jerome Voltero Review |Product

With Christmas around the corner, is recommended for daily shaving routines, and can start to struggle with thick stubble from several days’ growth. With the it’s time to start thinking about head being such an odd shape, it can be diffi cult to maintain what to get for your man! The any sort of precision around a goatee, beard, or sideburns, Philips Arcitec is a unique piece of which is why the Triple Track shaving head pops off, exposing technology that might make you sit a handy trimmer. up in your chair. A funny story though – I thought this unit was so high tech It’s the fi rst electric shaver to feature that, when it beeped at me every time I entered the bathroom, 360 degree Flex and Pivot action, I began to expect it had a light sensor to activate the display. ensuring a meticulous shave on the Silly me, I forget those shaver outlets are usually connected to neck, chin and face. This advanced the light switch. It just goes to show the effect of this shaver’s technology enables the heads to sexy technology! maintain maximum skin contact even in hard-to-shave curved areas, such as the neck and chin. It also includes Triple Track shaving heads with an integrated Lift and Cut System that provide a faster, closer shave. The unit is extremely sleek and easy to use, with a light-up display that indicates the minutes of remain- ing shaving time for the battery powered device. The tripod-like head is so gentle on the face that I often found myself pressing too hard, thinking I needed to compensate. Each of the three circular blade areas gently bend back when you push on them, and return to their origi- nal position when you let go. It is exceptionally easy to clean and reas- sem- ble, and comes with a stylish charging stand that you wouldn’t be embarrassed to leave out on the counter for guests to see. Now guys (and bears especially), don’t go attacking a beard with this shaver, thinking you’ll mow through it. The unit

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 13 Oliver Twist Holiday Presentation Dark but Heart Warming

By Jason Clevett Review | Theatre Once again, the Martha Cohen Theatre has been transported back in time for the holidays, as Charles Newcomer Patrick Quinn plays Twist himself; ATP doesn’t use actual children in children’s roles - and understandably Dicken’s Oliver Twist or, The Street Boys Progress so, with some of the content in shows like this - so it was comes to life on stage until December 27th important to fi nd someone who could pull off the innocence Adapted by Michael O’Brien, who also adapted Treasure of a 9 year old. Quinn accomplishes this with fl ying colors. Island two years ago, Joel Smith is fantastic as Artful Dodger, while Russel Rob- Oliver Twist tells the erts shows his versatility in playing both the warm, tender story of Oliver, a boy benefactor Mr. Brownlow and the legitimately creepy, Ad- born into a life of pov- dams Family style Undertaker, Sowerberry. erty and misfortune. This isn’t the musical version of the show, and thus while Orphaned almost not as dark and gritty as the original works of Dickens, it from his fi rst breath also doesn’t paint a sunny portrait. The message is clear, due to his mother’s and what did come out of this, at least for me, is the sad death during child- realization that some birth, and his father’s things never change. unexplained absence, Oliver Twist could be Oliver is meagerly considered one of the provided for under fi rst pieces of social the terms of the Poor Law, and spends the fi rst nine years commentary when it of his life at a “baby farm” in the ”care” of a woman named was written in 1837. Mrs. Mann. Along with other juvenile offenders against Now, 170 years later, the poor-laws, Oliver is brought up with little food and few children are still home- comforts. Around the time of the orphan’s ninth birthday, less, in gangs, and Oliver moves on to a workhouse, where, having drawn a can’t escape. Often small straw, has to ask for more gruel. It is at this moment innocent lives are that the boy makes his famous request “Please, sir, I want affected as kids feel some more.” trapped by people like Fagin and Sikes. Sure, we don’t have After being sold to an Undertaker, Oliver eventually runs workhouses like we once did but, for a piece written nearly away, meeting street boy Artful Dodger, who offers Oliver two centuries ago to still ring true is rather tragic. a place to stay. The end result, Oliver ends up in a den of While Oliver Twist is a family production, the wee ones thieves run by criminal mastermind Fagin. The story pro- would be best left at home. In addition to the imaginatively gresses through young Oliver’s life each time he seemingly dreary set and mature subject matter, the show also does gets two steps forward, he once again ends up back with feature some violence - on stage and off - that may be a bit Fagin. much for kids to handle; the show is recommended for ages Haysam Kadri plays a much younger, suave version of 8 and up. I once again brought my best friend’s daughter, Fagin than is traditional, but it works. Part charismatic ring- 11-year-old Dakota, to the show and felt no issue with her master, part sinister bad guy, Kadri plays the role up to the being there, but had I brought her 6 year old sister it may hilt - a big factor in the success of the show. Balancing out have been a different story. That said, Dakota told me after Fagin is his associate Sikes, played by Rylan Wilke. Wilke that she really enjoyed the show and was ok with everything sports tattoos, a close shaved Mohawk, and is constantly in it. clad in leather. An imposing fi gure on stage, Wilke’s portray- Whether young or old, Oliver Twist is an enjoyable and al shows zero humanity and likeability. His treatment of Fa- worthwhile evening out. gin, Oliver, as well as prostitute Nancy (Ja- mie Konchak) speaks Alberta Theatre Projects presents of a man with no con- Oliver Twist or, The Street Boys Progress science. As someone November 22nd – December 27th, 2007 who has seen Wilke in Tickets: (403) 294-7402 a number of roles in Calgary Theatre, it was startling seeing him portray someone so evil so well. 14 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Chris and John to the Rescue: Provincetown

By Arthur McComish Review | TV Show Now in its third season, Chris and John to the Rescue: Provincetown is the most watched televi- However bad it may seems, it is understandable to see how this show is the most watched on OUTtv. It was like sion program on OUTtv. According to the produc- a bad car accident - you know it is horrible, but you just ers of the show, “It’s a hilarious, glossy, no-holds- can’t look away. But some might say this is the case for barred television series chronicling the latest any queer orientated programming these days. With such crazy antics of best friends Chris & John. In each a small selection to choose from it is hard to be picky. episode, these pals and self-proclaimed culture Chris and John, it seemed, were able to penetrate this afi cionados go on a demanding mission to save need to have gay culture, especially younger generations, latch onto the notion of inclusion in society at any cost the world…one gay at a time.” - even if it was only on a level of pure kitsch. Only those In this season’s premiere episode, Chris and John are who have channel-surfed late at night on Showcase for given the task of fi nding a replacement fag, for Deidra - the queer programming will miss that art house element of morbidly obese fag hag. Chris and John fi nd four potential queer shows from ancient fags for her, each representing aspects of the gay commu- nity; the young, the youngish, the old, and the pure weath- For some mental holiday fun you can tune into Chris and ered. Each “fag” is given a superfi cial task to win over the John to the Rescue: Provincetown Mondays at 10pm EST / affections of Deidra (none of which is fi nding her a healthy diet or moderate exercise plan). Picture the scariest epi- 7pm PST on OUTtv sode of elmiDATE and add in the gory parts of Queer Eye for the Strait Guy and some makeshift superhero cartoon sequences and there you have episode one. Calling Chris and John culture afi cionados is a bit of a stretch, thus OUTtv has made sure to note that this is a self-proclaimed title. I am sure that most culture afi ciona- dos keep the eyebrow twitches to a minimum - something that Chris has yet to fi gure out. Instead, Chris and John are better thought of as the spirited naivety of twinkdom that we all we wish could return to - or maybe not. The show offers up some bubble gum band-aid solu- tions to some pretty superfi cial problems (Chris and John pale in comparison to the Edison Twins), which makes it hard to tell if the show is a supposed to be a sincere montage of reality television, or indeed a carefully crafted farce based on the ugly side of reality programs. Either way it feels as though you are watching a com- mercial for a useless product where all the testimonials are pro- vided by poorly paid actors. The preceding plug for the crappy pop punk songs used in the show did not help this image out.

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 15 Events Listing Find out what’s happening

Money-Pennies O9 Barristers & solicitors Calgary Listings See our ad on page 29 Businesses A Little More Interesting O 51 Chronos Apollo 1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411 See our ad on page 46 #520 922 5th Avenue SW • (403) 237-2353 1501B, 17th Avenue SW •(403) 475-7775 Physician directed skin care and more Accommodations Texas Lounge O6 Cruiseline Westways Guest House O13 See our ad on pages 59 See our ad on page 64 216 - 25 Ave SW • (403) 229-1758 308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911 Adult Depot (403) 777-9494 trial code 3500 Open 7 days a week, 11am-close 140, 58th Ave SW •(403) 258-2777 Sex toys, and Straight, Bi, Gay video rentals, largest Phone chat room & talking classifieds for 18+ Bars and Clubs Gay video rental collection in Alberta BackLot O3 Twisted Element O33 Deva Dave Salon O32 B & C Financial Services See our ad on page 37 1006 11th Ave SW • (403) 802-0230 See our ad on page 49 9298 Horton Road SW • (403) 250-55785 209 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-5211 910 12th Avenue SW • (403) 290-1973 Open 7 days a week, 4pm-close Insurance See our ad on page 12 Calgary Eagle Inc. O4 eXude Productions See our ad on page 10 and 15 Bathhouse and Sauna’s Brian Mahoney & John McNeill 424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847 Goliath’s O6 #10, 6020 - 1A St SW • (403) 259-4141 Open Wed-Sun 5pm-close See our ad on pages 4 and 50 Re/Max Reality Professionals First Class Flowers 308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911 Elbow and Heritage Drive SW• (403) 255-2239 Courtney Sebree Aarbo O24 Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day Inside 1138 Kensington Road NW • (403) 571-5120 Corner of Blackfoot Trail & 34th Avenue SE• (403) 241-8550

16 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Jane Doe Marketplace & Cafe O50 MFM Communications Sol Sourced Weddings more information. Online ticket sales available in See our ad on page 44 See our ad on page 13 See our ad on page 11 November. 311 17 Avenue SW • (403) 245-5263 (403) 543-6970 (403) 270-9480 Apollo Calgary Friends in Sports Calgary’s Only Marketplace featuring Women Entrepreneurs. Coffee Shop too! Web site hosting and development. Computer Wedding Commissioner Hardware and Software. Apollo Friends In Sports is a volunteer-operated, O La Fleur 41 Z-Group non-profit organization serving primarily members See our ad on page 9 More Better Buses Voice over IP (VOIP) phone service and long of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered #103 - 100 7th Avenue SW (403) 651-1692 distance communities but open to members of all (403) 266-1707 Providing unique, comfortable & affordable (403) 770-1940 communities. We currently have more than 400 Florist Shop transportation. Charter us for: High School members and are growing fast! The primary focus Graduations, Senior Groups, Pub Crawls and Lammle’s Western Wear Community Groups and of Apollo is to provide our membership with well Sporting Events Chinook Centre •(403) 255-5292 organized and fun sporting events and other Crowfoot Crossing •(403) 547-9808 Priape Calgary O16 Organizations activities to allow them to participate and interact in Deerfoot Mall •(403) 275-6877 See our ad on page 16 a positive social framework. Aids Calgary O2 Market Mall •(403) 247-9224 1322 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 215-1800 110, 1603 10th Avenue SW • (403) 508-2500 Absolutely Smashing! Badminton - The 2007 Marlborough •(403) 273-2233 season for Badminton runs from Sunday, October Stephen Avenue Walk •(403) 266-5226 Clothing and accessories. Adult toys, leather wear, 14, 2007 to Sunday, December 16th, 2007. Friday, Dec. 21, 2007 - Roundup Centre, Calgary Westhills Town Centre •(403) 249-2822 movies and magazines. Gifts. Sessions are 1:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Please note - The UNION and X92.9 FM are proud to present Leather and Lace there is no badminton on Sunday, November Rev. Nadene Rogers JINGLE BELL ROCK: BLACK XMAS with RISE 2020 32nd Avenue NE • (403) 291-4060 See our ad on page 10 11th (Remembrance Day). Bookings for 2008 will AGAINST, PENNYWISE AND SPECIAL GUESTS The art of romance be notified by December 5th. Location: Western (403) 247-0602 at Roundup Centre, Stampede Park .Part of the Canada High School (641 17th Ave. SW) Schedule: proceeds of each ticket sold will go to benefit AIDS Lorne Doucette /CIR Realtors Sunday afternoons in the MAIN GYM, 1:30 p.m. Marriage Commissioner Calgary See our ad on page 13 to 3:00 p.m. (403) 461-9195 Reymark Saturday, March 29, 2008 - Calgary Cares Curling - The 17th season of Apollo Curling will See our ad on page 10 2008: Sweet 70s at the EPCOR CENTRE, Calgary begin in October 2007, with the same general Able Craftsman, Your home renovation specialist – The much anticipated event returns o the Jack Marcy Calberry /CIR Realtors format as last year. Games are at the North Hill (403) 478-2411 • [email protected] Singer. Calgary Cares offers a heart pounding (403) 291-4440 or (866) 859-4440 Curling Club (1201 - 2 Street N.W.) with two draws evening packed with music, theatre, dance, R. Cobalt O45 on Saturdays: 2:20 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. and at Marnie Campbell /Maxwell Realtors and interpretation, in support of AIDS Calgary’s See our ad on page 4 the Inglewood Golf and Curling Club, Saturdays at (403) 479-8619 HIV/AIDS awareness, education, prevention and 735 12th Avenue SW • (403) 228-7822 12:30 p.m. See our ad on page 49 Hair & Aesthetics support programs. Visit for gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 17 Squash - Location: University of Calgary. Day: Artists for the Quality of Life for one-to-one peer counseling for many issues Meets every first and third Friday 7pm to 9pm at Mondays. Time: 6:45 - 8:15 p.m. (90 minutes). (403) 890-1261 surrounding family, coming out, , GLCSA. Date: Sep 17 - Dec 10 (Fall Session) except October loneliness and other issues. Deer Park United Church and Wholeness 08th - Thanksgiving Day - No Squash. Weeks: 12 Calgary Frontrunners Running Club - Between Men and Between Men Online Centre Apollo Volleyball - Apollo Volleyball offers 2 When: 9 am on Saturdays, Peer support, sexual health education for gay 77 Deerpoint Road SE - (403) 278-8263 leagues for competitive and recreational volleyball Where: Update! Coffee Junkies -795 1 Avenue SW or bisexual men, as well as those who may be enthusiasts to play. The Sunday intermediate/ (no longer meeting at Eau Claire Y) uncertain or questioning their sexuality. Discussions Worship Time - 10:00am Sundays competitive league is held at the YWCA (320 – 5th What: Walkers and Runners between 5 km – 15 range from personal relationship or life issues, to Different Strokes Avenue SE) every Sunday from 4:30pm to 7pm. km from sub 5 min/km pace to 10 min/km pace. sexual health and well-being. The Friday recreation league is held at a school Who: All are welcome - Typically about 15-20 men Meetings at GLCSA Tuesdays 7:00pm to 9:00pm Swim Club. every Friday from 7pm-9pm. Check our website and women depending on the weather conditions for updated fees and location: www.apollocalgary/ Contact: E-mail [email protected] or - Calgary Networking Club Check website for current schedule apollo/volleyball. More info: Write to Kitt at vb@ call Tim at (403) 660-6125 Calgary Networking Club (CNC) is back.... after a Don’t Buy In Project vb@apollocalgary. 5 year hiatus, CNC is meeting again in Calgary on com Website: www.apollocalgary/apollo/volleyball Calgary Gay Fathers the first Thursday of every month. The networking This Calgary Police Service Initiative aims to Phone: 263-2112 [email protected] meetings are open to all individuals who would encourage youth to working towards an inclusive like to promote their businesses or who would like environment in which diversity is embraced in their Rainbow Riders Bowling League - Let’s 10 Pin to meet new people - no business affiliation is Peer support group for gay, bisexual and schools and community. Bowlerama, 2916 5 Avenue NE, Wednesday’s at necessary. 6:30pm. Season is from September to April. League questioning fathers. Meeting twice a month Fake Mustache - Heading Out fees are $15.00 per Night. Shoe rental is $2.00 Calgary Humane Society Calgary’s ONLY Drag King Show Peer group for men who are looking for an (403) 250-4455 Soda Lounge: 211 - 12th Ave S.W. Outdoor Pursuits - In attempting to meet our alternative social activity to the bar. Activities vary (403) 923-3953 members requests for diverse sporting activities we and are fun and entertaining. The group meets have formed the Apollo Outdoor Pursuits League! Animal Adoptions and for Prevention of Cruelty to the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month from 7 pm [email protected] If it’s done outdoors we do it! (and occasionally Animals to 9 pm. we venture indoors too). This summer we will be A benefit show for the Miscellaneous Youth Network, hiking, biking, rock climbing, rafting and a whole Calgary Men’s Chorus - Illusions Calgary Fake Mustache is guaranteed to please! Come see bunch more. If you’re interested in any of these Social group for Calgary and area our boys strut their stuff at Soda, the first Thursday community members (cross dressers, transvestites, of every month. $5 cover. $2 cover under 18. or something else completely, get in touch with See our ad on page 9 us. Tired of playing alone outdoors? Well this is drag kings and queens). Illusions provides a safe, Advance tickets available at Barbies Shop. a GREAT opportunity to participate in events you Rehearsals are held from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. discrete and welcoming atmosphere, in which All Ages show starts at 7:30. 18+ show starts enjoy doing with other interested members of the at the Old Y Centre for Community Organizations, transgendered people can meet others of like mind. at 10:15. community. To be added to the distribution list for located at 223 12 Avenue SW. Illusions offers discretion, acceptance, compassion Gay Prairie Alumni regular updates please email outdoorpursuits@ The Calgary Men’s Chorus presents “Guitarra and a safe place to express your gender. Cross- - A Spanish Christmas Celebration” with special dressing is the purpose of the group, but is not This group is for all gay/lesbian/transgendered guests Annette Morcos featuring Salero Calo. mandatory. Golf - Contact [email protected], Or by alumni of Prairie Bible Institute and/or Prairie December 16th, 2007, 2:00 p.m. at the Eckhardt- phone 276-8094 - Inside Out High School in Three Hills, Alberta. It’s purpose Grammatte Hall, Rozsa Center, University of Peer-facilitated youth group for GLBTQ ages 15-25. is twofold: First, social -- to renew old friendships Lawn Bowling - For more information, please Calgary. Tickets $20 each, available at the door or The group aims to let youth know they are not and make new ones. Second -- to talk about contact Chris or Phil at lawnbowling@ from chorus members. alone, and to connect them with their peers. Every our common experiences as gay people at a Calgary Sexual Health Centre Monday, 7 pm to 9pm at GLCSA. It is a funky and fundamentalist school. Any other questions, please Slow Pitch - Friday Nights - Slo Pitch League, Co-Ed 304, 301 14th Street NW safe environment with a variety of resources and feel free to ask. * Rec * Drop-In, Every Friday at 7:00pm - starts (403) 283-5580 activities. Girl Friends May 11, 2007 (tentative – based on weather), - New Directions West Hillhurst Community Centre, 18 Street & 5 Calgary Sexual Health Centre is a pro-choice Drop in peer-support group to provide support and Avenue NW (East Field) organization that believes all people have the right resources for individuals who identify as transsexual Just a quick reminder that our next GirlFriends event and ability to make their own choices regarding Yoga - Have you always wondered about yoga? or inter-sexed. The group meets every 3rd Friday of will be our 4th annual Taste Buds Holiday dinner their sexual and reproductive health. Calgary What really is down-dog? Do you think touching the month from 7 pm to 9 pm at GLCSA. & gift exchange on Saturday, December 15th at Sexual Health Centre started as a volunteer based, your feet with your legs straight is just humanly 7:00 pm. We have reserved our own room at Tony grassroots organization and has been providing If you are transsexual, or know of someone who impossible? For the second year, Ki Essentials is Roma’s restaurant. It should make for an intimate comprehensive sexuality education and counselling is, please contact our office for information and offering an exclusive yoga class to Apollo members evening of fun and holiday cheer. Tony Roma’s is programs to the Calgary community since 1972. assistance. You are not alone! There is support! and friends. This class comprises of 12 weekly located at 6712 MacLeod Trail S.E.. The reservation 90- minute sessions that focus on basic poses and - SHEQ Soulful Healing Ego Quest is under “GirlFriends”. If you are interested in Calgary Outlink Formerly know as GLCSA proper alignment, and are conducted in a fun and A workshop for women that want to be themselves checking out their menu ahead of time, visit their - Gay And Lesbian Community Services supportive environment. This is a multi-level yet in a supportive, safe environment. It is a chance website at: Association O1 beginner friendly class. No previous experience is to grow and share their experiences related to algary%20revised%20menu%20Nov%2013-062. #4, 1230A 17th Avenue SW required. women’s sexuality. Runs for a ten week period on pdf. Participation in the gift exchange is optional (403) 234-8973 Thursdays at 7pm. Call Trudy or Krista at 585- - anyone who brings a gift will receive a gift. ARGRA – Alberta Rockies Gay Rodeo 7437. To participate, please call the exclusive Recommended value for a gift is $10 maximum. Association Please RSVP by December 13th so we can try to Peer Support and Crisis Line - Front-line help service SHEQ line at 585-7437 (you may leave a voice Hotline: (403) 541-8140 accommodate everyone. for GLBT individuals and their family and friends, or message for Trudy or Krista) or leave your name anyone questioning their sexuality. and a contact time/number with the Gay & Lesbian Saturday, February 9th, 2008 - Chinese New Year ARGRA Christmas Dinner and Dance - December Community Services Association at 234-8973. Celebration - details to come Library - A great selection of resource books, fiction, 8th, 2007 non-fiction, videos and everything in between, all - Womynspace Girlsgo Productions January 12th, 2008 January Dance More Info with a queer perspective. Peer social/support group for women providing an (403) 510-2502 February 16th, 2008 (anti) Valentines Dance evening of fun, bonding, discussion and activities. See our ad on page 3 Drop-In Center - A safe and supportive environment

18 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Event production and promotion in Alberta for you may consider going to, they worship every Pride Calgary 1130–11 Ave SW at 10:00 AM. women. Check online for fun things to do! Sunday morning at 8:00 am (traditional prayer See our ad on page 43 Dec. 05 - Free Pool at the Eagle. book service) and the contemporary worship service (403) 262-3410 GLASS, Gay & Lesbian Association of Students at 10:30 am. Or try. Dec. 08 - Saturday Coffee at Midtown Co-op and Staff - 1130–11 Ave SW at 10:00 AM. - Argra Christmas 279R Student Union Club Spaces Knox United Church Pride Rainbow Project Dinner & Dance at Hillhurst Sunnyside Community University of Calgary 506 - 4th Street S.W. • (403) 269-8382 [email protected] Hall, 1320 – 5th Ave NW.Tickets available at MoneyPennies (403) 220-6394 Knox United Church is an all-inclusive church The Pride Rainbow Project was started in Fall 2003 Dec. 09 - Eagle’s Christmas Dinner -Toys for Tots at HIV Peer Support Group located in downtown Calgary. A variety of facility by 4 youth of the Unitarian Church of Calgary. MoneyPennies 2pm til.... (403) 230-5832 rentals are also available for meetings, events and The Pride Rainbow Project is a project designed Dec. 12 - Free Pool at the Eagle. [email protected] concerts. to show support for same-sex marriage in Canada Dec. 15 - Saturday Coffee at Midtown Co-op and elsewhere. It is a fabric rainbow banner ISCCA – Imperial Sovereign Court of the Worship Services - 1130–11 Ave SW at 10:00 AM. - PrimeTimer’s approximately 5 feet wide, and the goal is to make Chinook Arch Wednesdays - Communion Service 12:10 pm Christmas Dinnerat the Old “y” 223-12 Ave.S.W. it 3.2km (2 miles) long, in order to break the world See our ad on page 39 Sundays - 11:00 a.m. September to June Cocktales at 5pm Dinner at 6pm.Tickets must be record (set by a group in Florida at 1.25 miles)! Sundays - 10:30 a.m. in summer July and August. purchased before Dec.8 Tickets $10. for members It contains the 6 colours of the pride flag: Red, $20. Guests & visitors For tickets contact Harvey Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. The project Every Friday BBQ with the ISCCA @ the Backlot NETWORKS at 547-9129 5:30pm - 9 pm, weather permitting [email protected] is youth run, but anyone can help!. Dec. 19 - Free Pool at the Eagle. Every Saturday Shooters with the ISCCA @ the Primetimers Calgary Positive Space Committee at Mount Royal Dec. 22 - Saturday Coffee at Midtown Co-op - Bunker/Texas Lounge 7pm - Midnight E-mail: [email protected] College 1130–11 Ave SW at 10:00 AM. All monies raised go to Charity: Agape Manor, 4825 Mount Royal Gate SW Dec. 26 - Free Pool at the Eagle Beswick House, HIV Peer Support, Artists for Quality Phone: 403-440-6383 Prime Timers Calgary is designed to foster social Dec. 29 - Saturday Coffee at Midtown Co-op - of Life, Children’s Wish Foundation Web: interaction for its members through a variety of Email: [email protected] social, educational and recreational activities. It is 1130–11 Ave SW at 10:00 AM. Integrity Calgary open to all gay and bisexual men of any age and Rainbow Community Church The Positive Space Committee at Mount Royal respects whatever degree of anonymity that each See our ad on page 25 College works to raise awareness and challenge NO SERVICES TILL FURTHER NOTICE member desires. Hillhurst United Church the patterns of silence that continue to marginalize 1227 Kensington Close N.W. St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, at 1121 - 14th lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gendered, two-spirited Dec. 01 - Saturday Coffee at Midtown Co-op - Website: Avenue S.W., is a very welcoming community that and queer (LGBTTQ) individuals. E-mail: [email protected]

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 19 The Rainbow Community Church is an all-inclusive “Yeah... What She Said!” One Yellow Rabbit O35 Steamworks O11 church. Everyone is welcome (and we mean it!). Every Monday evening from 8:30-9:00pm Big Secret Theatre – EPCOR CENTRE for the 11745 Jasper Ave• (780) 451-5554 Services are held every Sunday afternoon at 4:00 CJSW 90.9 FM Performing Arts • (403) 299-8888 PM. [email protected] Businesses Rocky Mountain Bears YouthSafe Pumphouse Theatre O37 B & D Emporium O13 2140 Pumphouse Avenue SW • (403) 263-0079 New City Compound, 10081 Jasper Avenue Thursday, December 6th - 7:30pm - General Alberta’s website for youth with sex-and-gender STORE HOURS FRIDAY 9 PM - 1 AM, SATURDAY Meeting at Money Pennies, These meeting are differences. lists the resources, Skew Gallery NOON - 6 PM, 9 PM - 1 AM open to all members and friends, we welcome your information and services to help youth find safe and 1615 10th Avenue SW • (403) 244-4445 suggestions for events or just general comments and caring spaces in Alberta. Cruiseline input for the Club. If you can’t attend please feel See our ad on page 64 free to e-mail your comments or suggestions to the Stagewest (780) 413-7122 trial code 3500 executive of RMB. Restaurants 727 42 Avenue SE • (403) 243-6642 Calgary Eagle Inc. O4 Saturday, December 8th - Rocky Mountain Bears See our ad on page 10 and 15 Phone chat room & talking classifieds for 18+ Annual Christmas Party. The party is moving back to 424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847 Sweet Charity Nov. 22, 2007 – Feb. 10, 2008, Pride Construction Lyle’s - 4636 Monterey Ave NW. Drinks at 5:30pm Sweet Charity is a musical look at one woman’s (780) 239-9197 followed by Dinner at 6:30pm and a gift exchange. belief that in the midst of adversity, that she will Jane Doe Marketplace & Cafe O50 Construction and Renovations Dinner is a complete Turkey dinner with all the find hope and strength to know that someday she See our ad on page 44 trimmings and wine service with dinner. will finally meet that nice young man who will 311 17 Avenue SW • (403) 245-5263 romance her away; and all of her dreams will come Community Groups and Monday, December 10th - 7:30pm - Coffee Night Calgary’s Only Marketplace featuring Women true. Sweet Charity features classic musical numbers at the Good Earth Cafe (1502 11th Street SW) Entrepreneurs. Coffee Shop too! such as the show stopping “If My Friends Could See Organizations Rejoin friends and continue discussions started at Money-Pennies O9 Me Now” and “Big Spender”. the party.... Buck Naked Boys Club (Edmonton) See our ad on page 29 Stride Gallery O47 Naturism club for men. Sunday, December 16th - 2:00pm - Calgary Men’s 1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411 1004 MacLeod Trail SE • (403) 262-8507 Meets the second Saturday of each month. Chorus Concert. “Guitarra: A Spanish Christmas (780) 471-6993 Celebration” at the Rosa Center (Eckhardt-Gramatte Theatre and Art Theatre Junction Hall). Tickets are $20 at the door or from Chorus Alberta Ballet members Additional Info at their website: http:// Our club has been meeting continuously for over 10 Truck Gallery O46 years. The similar club in Calgary ceased to exist NUTCRACKER - December 19 - 23, 2007 in Calgary 815 1st Street SW (Basement) • (403) 261-7702 several years ago. Naturism is being social while Safety Under The Rainbow DANGEROUS LIAISONS - February 7 - 9, 2008 everyone is naked, and it does not include sexual in Calgary activity. Therefore participants do not need to be MOZART’S REQUIEM - March 27 - 29, 2008 in Vertigo Mystery Theatre O34 gay, only male, but almost all participants over the Mission: To raise awareness and understanding of Calgary 161, 115 – 9 Ave SE • (403) 221-3708 years do self-describe as being gay or bisexual. same-sex domestic violence and homophobic youth GISELLE - September 13 - 15, 2007 in Calgary bullying. Camp fYrefly ATP, Alberta Theatre Projects O36 7-104 Department of Educational Policy Studies Sharp Foundation Phone: (403) 294-7402 Faculty of Education, University of Alberta Phone: (403) 272-2912 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G5 E-mail: [email protected] OLIVER TWIST OR, THE STREET BOY’S PROGRESS Edmonton Listings - By Charles Dickens, Adapted by Michael O’Brien, Edmonton Pride Week Society Travel Masters - Need a vacation?, Ed Smith at November 22 – December 27, 2007 Travel Masters has agreed to donate 25% of Bars and Clubs Boots & Saddles O5 his profit from WestJet bookings to The SHARP AXIS Contemporary Art ERBA - Edmonton Rainbow Business 10242 106th St • (780)423-5014 Foundation. So before you plan your next trip with 107, 100 – 7 Ave. SW • (403) 262-3356 Association WestJet, email Ed at TravelMasters [email protected] Buddy’s Nite Club O6 #3379, 11215 Jasper Avenue • (780) 4915- Monday to Friday: 10am to 6pm 11725 Jasper Ave • (780) 488-6636 4458 Urban Sex Saturday: 10am to 5:30pm Prism Bar & Grill O8 Sunday: 11am to 3pm 10524 101st St • (780) 990-0038 Our primary focus is the provision of networking Radio Show – Every Wednesday from 9-10pm. opportunities for gay, lesbian, bisexual and Focus on sexuality; gay bisexual lesbian trans First Thursdays (the First Thursday of each month): 10am to 8pm transgendered (GLBT) owned or operated and gendered and straight issues here in Calgary and The Roost O9 GLBT-friendly businesses in the Edmonton region. around the web. Listen on CJSW FM 90.9. Broadway Across Canada 10345 104th St • (780) 426-3150 Membership is open to all kinds of entrepreneurs, Western Canada Bigmen and Admirers from tradespeople to professionals to commission salespeople. Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra See our ad on page 19 WesternCanadaBigmenGroup/ • (403) 571-0849 Woody’s O12 The Edmonton Rainbow Business Association After [email protected] Business Mixers. Held on the second Wednesday of Fairytales International Gay & Lesbian Film 11725 Jasper Ave • (780) 488-6557 every month 5:30 – 7:30 pm Vigor Calgary Festival (403) 255-7004 Bathhouse and Sauna’s Mixer and AGM - December 12, 5:30 to 7:30 pm Down Under Baths O7 at Chateau Nova, 101-159 Airport Road. The Lisa Hienricks (Artist) O43 12224 Jasper Ave •(780) 482-7960 Pantry Restaurant (small board room at the back) Violence in Gay Male Relationships (VIGOR) is a Art Central, lower level, 100 7th Ave SW 451-4700 committee of professionals dedicated to increasing the awareness of gay men’s domestic violence and Steamers O10 January 9: Garage Burger Bar & Grill, 10244 Looks Could Kill Art Boutique the services available to them. 9668 Jasper Avenue • (780) 422-2581 -106 Street Art Central, lower level #11, 100 7th Ave SW • (403) 264-7576 20 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Edmonton STD O4 Living Positive through Positive Living Society - Saturday Movie Night November 23 - GAMES NIGHT @ PRISM BAR & 11111 Jasper Ave of Alberta O2 Weekly movie nights, with themed movies and GRILL. $2 ENTRY. Board games, Pool tournament (780) 488-5768 discussion afterwards at the Pride Centre of and more! Edmonton Vocal Minority Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: (780) 488- See our ad on page 30 Saturday Dec 8 - Christmas Dinner & Dance, Providing confidential one-on-one peer support for 3234. from 2:00 to 5:00 Bellevue Hall. Dinner 7 - 8:30 pm, dance to follow. infected or affected individuals…. Internet support Phone: 780-479-2038 - The HIV Positive Gay Men’s Group $20 Members, $25 Non-Members. Dance Only [email protected] Drop in caring circle every Thursday, 1-4 pm @ 7- members $5, non-members $10 Monday, December 17th 2007 at 7:00pm. FREE Northern Chaps 9 pm in main area, at the Pride Centre of Edmonton - Prime Timers Admission. Unitatian Church of Edmonton (10804 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: (780) 488-3234 (EPT) is a group of older gay men and their 119th Street) Facilitator: Mark, HIV Outreach admirers who come from diverse backgrounds but Northern Chaps is Edmonton’s original leather, Free To Be volleyball The HIV positive Gay Men’s Group is a place for have common social interests. We meet on the latex, fetish, uniform club. We have been in Amiskiwcy Academy, 101 Airport Rd. (near the gay men to come and share their feelings on second Sunday of most months at the Unitarian existence officially since 1987 but have been in downtown airport) how it is affecting their personal lives. This is a Church of Edmonton (10804 - 119th Street) at existence originally around 1982 in Edmonton, Every Wednesday and Thursday night, 8pm-10pm. personal private time for them to express how it has 2:30 pm for a social period, a short business Alberta, Canada. Everyone is welcome to join or Wednesday night recreational level: All players changed their outlook on life. As well to support and meeting and then either a guest speaker, discussion attend events and skill levels welcome. Contact Marc for more help each other dealing with being HIV positive. panel, or a potluck supper. Special interest groups information: [email protected], Tel: (780) Pride Centre of Edmonton O1 Whatever is said in the room stays within the room. meet for other social activities throughout the 445-0365. 95A St. and 111 Ave. • (780) 488-3234 Remember! You are not alone! month. In July and August we have a BBQ or picnic in lieu of a meeting and in December it’s replaced Thursday night intermediate level: Coaching and - Bears Movie Night - Youth Understanding Youth with a Christmas party. EPT is affiliated with Prime drills provided. Contact Alex for more information: Bears club of Edmonton meets the last Sunday of Youth support and social group meets every Timers World Wide. If you would like to know more [email protected], Tel: (780) 424-9984. (Please the month for movies 1- 6 pm in the TV room at the Saturday from 7 to 9 pm at the Pride Centre of about our group, email [email protected], note that there is limited space on the intermediate Pride Centre of Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: (780) 488- visit, or night) (780) 488-3234 3234 Contact: [email protected] (www.members. ) attend a monthly meeting. HIV Network Of Edmonton Society O3 - Trans Education/Support Group - Suit Up and Show Up Big Book Study 11456 Jasper Ave Support and education for all transsexual, - Womonspace Saturdays at 12 noon. At Pride Centre transgendered, intersexed, two-spirited and (780) 482-1794. questioning individuals meets 1st and 3rd Sundays see our ad on page 50 - Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Cocaine Imperial Sovereign Court of the Wild Rose of each month, 2-4 pm at the Pride Centre [email protected] Anonymous meeting of Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: (780) Thursdays 7-8pm CA Hotline 425-2715 Edmonton Illusions Social Club 488-3234 A non-profit lesbian organization established for - Youth Drop-in The Edmonton Illusions Social Club meets the Edmonton and surrounding areas. Organized - Sunday Night Mens Discussion Group Every Wednesday at 5:00pm second Thursday of each month at the Roost activities include: licenced non-smoking dances; Mens social and discussion group meets every Open to all youth 25 years and under Bar&Grill, 10345-104St, Edmonton, in the upstairs coffee houses; family events; games nights; golf Sunday @ 7 pm at the Pride Centre of Edmonton Contact [email protected] or boardroom at 8pm. For info go to http://groups. tournaments; and more. Memberships available, 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: 488-3234, Contact: Rob call 488-3234 for more info. or call which also includes confidential bi-monthly Wells - [email protected] 780-387-3343. Newsletters. gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 21 - Men’s HIV Support Group Edmonton. [email protected] Will be meeting on each second Monday of the Theatre and Art Community Groups and KICKBOXING - Dates to be determined. Location to Alberta Ballet month. At the Pride Center, Edmonton Starting in be determined. [email protected] Organizations April, from 7pm to 9pm. OUTDOOR PURSUITS - January 25-27 2008, NUTCRACKER - December 14 - 16, 2007 in - Parents Rock the World Workshops Alberta Transgender Support and Activities Ski/Snowboard Trip to Banff and Lake Louise Edmonton PFLAG Canada: Edmonton Chapter - Workshop Group For more information contact outdoorpursuits@ DANGEROUS LIAISONS - February 15 - 16, 2008 Series Tuesdays, Pride Centre (95A St. and 111 in Edmonton Ave.) 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. Ph: (780) 488-3234 MOZART’S REQUIEM - April 4 - 5, 2008 in A nexus for transgendered persons, regardless of A series of workshops for Parents of Gay, Lesbian, RUNNING - Arctic Frontrunners. Sundays, Tuesdays Edmonton where they may be on the continuum. Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning children. and Thursdays. Times and locales vary running@ GISELLE - September 18 - 19, 2007 in Edmonton Each session will feature a 30 – 45 minute Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition / Coalition topic specific presentation, followed by a group Broadway Across Canada santé arc-en-ciel Canada STEP AEROBICS - Resumes in September. Every discussion. Social time for sharing and networking P.O. Box / C.P. 3043 Tuesday Night. Meet in the Aerobics Studio at will follow at the end of each session. Call the Pride Saskatoon SK Canada S7K 3S9 5pm. Kinsmen Sports Centre 9100 Walterdale Hill. Exposure, Edmonton’s Queer Arts and Culture Centre to register or for more details. 306-955-5135 [email protected] Festival toll -free / sans frais 1-800-955-5129 - GLBT Seniors Drop IN See our ad on page 48 and 49 fax/ télécopieur 306-955-5132 SWIMMING - Making Waves Swimming resumes Every Thursday Pride Centre (95A St. and 111 September 6th. Tuesdays 8 to 9pm. Thursdays 7:30 Ave.), 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm to 8:30. Institute of Technology The Pride Centre is thrilled to introduce a new (NAIT) pool. 11762 - 106 Street. swimming@ Egale Canada program serving our GLBT seniors. Hosted by Jeff Lethbridge Listings #310, 396 Cooper Bovee, contact the Centre at 488-3234 for more GALA/LA - Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Ottawa, ON K2P 2H7 info. TENNIS - Dates to be determined. Tennis is Lethbridge and Area 1-888-204-7777 toll free currently looking for a new coordinator for the (403) 308-2893 (live on Mon. and Wed. evenings Team Edmonton Stephen Lock – Regional Co-Director (Male) fall. If you are interested, please contact Norm at until 11 p.m.) Prairies/NWT/Nunavut [email protected] BADMINTON - Women’s Drop-In Recreational (403) 708-5302 cell phone Badminton, Oliver School Gym 10227-118 Street. VOLLEYBALL - Free to Be Volleyball resumes on The Gay & Lesbian Alliance of Lethbridge and Area Begins October 3, and then every Wednesday October 10th and 11th, 8 to 10pm. Wednesday dance season begins Saturday, August 25 with [email protected] 6 to 7:30pm. Levels: Beginner, Intermediate Recreational [email protected]. the next to follow the last Saturday of each month Egale Canada is the national advocacy and lobby and Competitive. Fees: $30.00 for the season or Thursday Intermediate volleyball@teamedmonton. (except December) until May. For more information organization for gay men, , bisexuals, $5.00 drop in Phone: 465-3620. badminton@ ca. Fees to be determined. 101 Amiskiwacy on dances, monthly Pot-luck Dinners (all ages) and trans-identified people and our families. Academy (the former Municipal Airport Terminal just other programs, visit the GALA/LA website at www. Membership fees are pay-what-you-can, although off Kingsway) Also our Support Line (403) BALLROOM DANCING - All gender combinations pre-authorized monthly donors are encouraged (and 308-2893 is open Monday OR Wednesday 7 pm welcome. Salsa, Rhumba, Waltz, Jive. Begins YOGA (HATHA) - Lion’s Breath Yoga, Every get a free Egale Canada t-shirt). Egale has several -11 pm (leave a message any other time). PFLAG Sunday December 2, 7:30pm-8:30pm Phone: 469 Sunday 2:00 to 3:30. Beginning September committees that meet by teleconference on a offering support through Parents & Friends for - 3281 [email protected] 9th, 2007. Fee: Free. This is an introductory regular basis; membership on these is national with Lesbians and Gays is available as well, call us any level class. No previous experience with yoga is members from every region of Canada. BOOTCAMP - Monday at 7:00- 8:00pm. St. time for more information. required. Bring: Yoga mat or beach towel & water. Alphonsus until Dec 10. 11624 - 81 St. $30.00 fee Wear Comfortable sweats or shorts & t-shirt. To for the season. [email protected] Theatre and Art confirm your participation please contact yoga@ Red Deer Listings Brothers TV BOWLING Northern Titans Bowling resumes on Affirm See our ad on page 10 Saturday September 29. Every Saturday 5 to 7pm, Soccer - will be on the South field of the Oliver Composed of LGBTQ people, their friends, family GATEWAY LANES at #100 3414 Gateway Blvd School every Thursday from 7 - 9pm. 10227 -118 and allies. No religious affiliation necessary. $15.00 per person. [email protected] Street. (weather permitting) For more information Activities include support, faith and social justice OUTtv CURLING WITH PRIDE - Resumes Mondays at 7:15. contact [email protected] discussions, film nights, and potlucks! Affirm See our ad on page 63 Oct 15 2007 to Mar 17 2008. Granite Curling Club meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7PM at 8620 - 107th Street. [email protected] Sunnybrook United Church, (403) 347-6073. If you would like to add your business or non-profit CYCLING - Wednesdays 6:30 Various locations in group to the list above, please call (403) 543- National Listings 6960, or toll free 1 (888) 543-6960 or E-mail [email protected]. You can add your Businesses information to the directory on the Entre Nous website for free. 1-866-467-5252 endeavors to have the information here as accurate as possible. Events and listings can Love and Pride change at any time so it is recommended that you Gay and Lesbian themed Jewelry check with the establishment before you head out. Squirt Non-Profit groups get free listings. Business receive See our ad on page 62 a listing once an ad has been placed. The business Dating and hookups website listing will last 1 year after the appear up to ad has been placed unless there is a service located at that business. Wega Video Adult DVD’s

22 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Conflicts of Democracy

By Stephen Lock Politics Democracy is a particularly messy form of gover- nance but, as Winston Churchill once remarked, it right? True. Chandler has managed to chomp down on his own foot on more than one occasion. sure beats the alternative. Chandler is also involved with a right wing radio program Take the recent election of Craig Chandler as Progressive called the Freedom Radio Network. On both it’s and Con- Conservative nominee in Calgary-Egmont and the subsequent cerned Christian Canada’s websites, Chandler declared that controversy and decision by the Progressive Conservative’s “God sees murder as equal to homosexuality” and has on Executive. The Calgary-Egmont Progressive Conservative more than one occasion likened gay activists to Nazis, claim- Riding Association voted to have Chandler as their candidate ing activists are “the new Nazis out to silence Christians.” in the next provincial election. He won the nomination by a Lovely…. sizeable majority. Chandler, of course, is well known for his intemperate, certainly controversial, and sometimes outright Chandler was also involved in a rather poorly produced homophobic comments - and for being linked to what many documentary on same-sex marriage a couple of years ago would classify as “extreme right wing.” called “God Only Knows: Same-Sex Marriage.” The documen- tary pit proponents of same-sex marriage, in this case a gay Premier Ed Stelmach faced a particularly sensitive situ- male couple in Vancouver one of whom is the pastor of the ation. If he endorsed Chandler in Calgary-Egmont then he Vancouver Rainbow Community Church, against opponents of not only ran the risk of Chandler possibly embarrassing the same-sex marriage, in this case Craig Chandler, his wife and party at some future date if elected as an MLA but, it could be his compatriots from Concerned Christians Canada. argued, he could have been seen as at least tacitly endorsing Chandler’s controversial views and past tactics. On the other The fi lm premiered at the 2005 Calgary Film Festival. I say hand, by refusing to endorse him for those or other reasons, it was poorly produced because of the false premise allowed he could be accused of being undemocratic. In fact, this was to stand unchallenged that religious institutions and clerics exactly – and predictably – the tact taken by Chandler and his would be forced to marry same-sex couples if same-sex mar- supporters. riage were legalized. The “resolution” saw Chandler agreeing to accept Rainbow Community Church’s right to marry same-sex Chandler is a self-avowed Right Wing Christian. He was, couples as long as his church’s right to not marry was likewise at one time, the CEO of the Concerned Christians Coalition respected. Thing is, that was never the issue. (now Concerned Christians Canada Inc.), which vehemently opposed equal marriage. That’s fi ne, everyone is entitled to Throughout the three years-long debate around same-sex his or her opinion. However, where Chandler and his lieu- marriage, the Right and other social conservatives repeatedly tenant, Stephen Boissoin, got into serious trouble was via a trotted out this falsehood as a way to create fear and opposi- letter Boissoin sent to the Red Deer Advocate a few years ago tion to same-sex couples having a civil marriage ceremony accusing homosexuals and homosexual activists of all sorts of legally recognized. evil and comparing us to murderers, pedophiles and terrorists. The documentary did highlight one thing, however. Craig Chandler, who claimed he had no prior knowledge of the letter Chandler is adept at twisting things around to fi t his agenda is on record as saying he supported Boissoin in this matter. and he is a bombastic bully. The whole situation around Boissoin’s letter got messier In one scene, a barbeque held “in honour” of Dylan, the gay when the leading GLBT rights organization, Egale Canada (for which I was then Vice-President and Regional Co-direc- tor in the Prairies/NWT/Nunavut Region), spoke out against the original complaint fi led by Professor Darren Lund, citing freedom of speech concerns. Predictably, Egale Canada came under considerable fi re for that position, as did I as their representative (despite having argued at Board level for Egale to come out strongly against Boissoin and in support of Lund’s complaint). The Board opted to issue a public statement condemning the “language and tone” of Boissoin’s letter but upholding his right to say the things he said in order to expose such odious ideas to the “cleansing light of day” and “the marketplace of public opinion.” As Voltaire once said “I disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.” Well, one can hardly fault Chandler for what Boissoin said,

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 23 man favouring same-sex marriage, revealed several individuals lowed in their political views and now found their true home making not only anti-gay remarks, but racist and anti-Semitic within the ranks of the Progressive Conservatives? If one can’t remarks as well. Chandler does nothing. change the system from without, then change it from within. In another scene, Chandler berated his wife for “daring” to Anyone who has followed Craig Chandler’s arc can’t help question some of the ideas Chandler is promulgating regard- but suspect that is exactly what he is up to, despite his assur- ing homosexuality and same-sex marriage after listening to ances of becoming a “team player.” Chandler is also on record the reasoning of the gay man who is a guest in their home as having said he and his supporters were planning on “infi l- during this segment (as Chandler was to be in the gay house- trating” the party in order to return it to its truly conservative hold later in the fi lm). roots. The assurances of becoming a team player, for those fa- miliar with Chandler’s style, just never rang quite true. Chan- According to Dylan, once the camera crews were gone dler seeks to be out in front, carrying the banner. I doubt he Chandler “lost it” and became verbally abusive towards his could handle being just “part of the team” for very long. wife, physically intimidated her (but not, it should be noted, to actual physical violence), threatened her with divorce if she David Crutcher, former president of the riding association didn’t shut up, shouted he was head of the household and she and a long-time associate of Chandler, has come out against was to obey him, etc. There is a tape-recording of Chandler the party that the association represents with guns blazing. leaving an apology on the other man’s answering machine for having subjected him to this “domestic squabble” while a He claimed he was “disgusted with what [was] going on” guest in Chandler’s home. when it came to Stelmach and other party executives exam- ining whether to endorse Chandler’s nomination or not and In yet another scene, Chandler nonchalantly ‘outs’ a former stated he would resign in protest if the party decided to not business partner and apparently close friend, who suicided recognize Chandler’s candidacy. He didn’t get the opportunity. in Chandler’s garage, as evidence he is not prejudiced against The Calgary Egmont Riding Association voted to remove him as homosexuals. president. I’ve had my own experiences with Chandler. At a reception However, he had a point, as do the party bigwigs. following the screening of God Only Knows, Chandler ap- proached me. During our conversation, I politely and calmly His point was members of the riding association elected pointed out to him some of the errors he made in his argu- Chandler and therefore his candidacy should have stood with ments. He immediately started yelling and leaning in towards Chandler being allowed to take his chances in a provincial me, called me a “fucking bigot,” and storming off. election. Apparently, the PC Party was not prepared to run the risk of losing that riding, which some pundits have stated This is what he does…he shouts down his opposition. He was likely if Chandler were allowed to run. refuses to engage in reasonable debate and he attempts to bully and intimidate. Stelmach’s point, on the other hand, was he, and those close to him, had legitimate concerns about Chandler’s agen- Regardless of what I, or others, may think of him, Chandler da, to say nothing of concerns about his politics. As party managed to garner 945 votes - beating his rival by 460 votes leader, Stelmach, and the party’s Executive, have a responsi- - to land the nomination. Did Chandler rally his support- bility to ensure that all those purporting to represent the party ers from the Concerned Christians and the equally right wing adhere to party policies and principles. Progressive Group for Independent Business (of which he was Executive Director at one time), in order to stack the vote? I Returning to the Boissoin-Lund controversy mentioned ear- don’t know. All I do know is he won the nomination. lier – as a director and the representative of Egale Canada, I had a responsibility to represent the views of Egale Canada to The fact is, Chandler has plenty of support amongst the the best of my ability, even if I was not in 100 percent agree- right wing, many of whom see “Lib-left” conspiracies every- ment with those views at the time. The place to make known where, including within the Progressive Conservative Party any opposition I may have had was at board meetings. Once which is often viewed as having sold out its conservative a decision is reached, each director is duty-bound to speak on values and moved too close to the centre. That is certainly the behalf of the organization, and not use their position to further position Chandler and his supporters are taking now, follow- their own agenda or points of view. ing the party’s decision to not endorse his candidacy. Chandler had the same responsibility. Of course, the Progressive Conservative Party, even in Alberta, has always been a centrist right party - “conserva- He stated he was willing to pull in his horns on various is- tive” rather than “right wing” - so in actuality, the PC’s haven’t sues and that he understood and accepted he would have to signifi cantly “moved” anywhere; they remain where they have “fall into place” with the party’s positions and vowed he would always been on the political spectrum; a few steps right of be a “team player.” centre. Right, wrong, or indifferent he was not given that chance. Certain elements within the Party take issue with that. And His past behaviour ensured that. that’s fi ne. All political parties have a position on the political In classic Chandler fashion, he is now claiming it was he spectrum and, within the party itself, there exists a microcosm who was discriminated against and it is he who is the victim. of that spectrum with party members ranging all the way from He has mused in the press about why the party allowed highly liberal, through the centre, to very conservative mem- him to run for the nomination and, in the process, spend bers. The Liberals, NDP, you name it; they all experience this $127,000.00 on his campaign if they had no intention of al- phenomenon. lowing him to represent the party. He apparently intends to We have also seen individuals who have been aligned with sue the party for reimbursement. such avowedly right wing parties as the Reform, Alberta Alli- We have not heard the last of Craig Chandler. ance and Western Heritage Parties join the provincial Tories. Does anyone actually believe it’s because they have all mel-

24 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Q Scopes “Pull up the drawbridge, Capricorn!”

By Jack Fertig Lifestyle | Astrology The Sun sextile Neptune this week promotes sympa- thy and inspiration. Take time for artistic pleasures or SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): The work deep personal conversations. With both planets aspect- ethic you derived from your family may need a ing “new planet” Eris, these arts and conversations little adjustment so that you can cooperate better with oth- ers in your current work situation. But being aware of your might focus best on expressing how and where you fi t background will help motivate you, and discussing it with into your community and the world. colleagues can also help.

ARIES (March 20 - April 19): Try to think of SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): If ideological labels (such as “Christian,” “social- it’s not actually your birthday this week, it’s close ist,” or “feminist”) as adjectives, not pigeonholes. That will free enough for some extra celebration - not that you ever need an you to deal with others more as individuals, allowing you more excuse to party! Enjoy music and merriment, but be careful room to explore ideas without feeling trapped by labels. not to let secrets slip out during all the fun.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): There are resources CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Let out there for every personal taste, and you can your home be your castle. Pull up the draw- connect with like-minded friends. If being part of some erotic bridge, and enjoy some time alone. Meditating, being intro- secret society is a turn-on, go for it - but remember it’s always spective, and reviewing your life and family history could all just one option among many. offer terrifi c insights and potential for reconciliation.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): If you’re looking AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Your for love, you may fi nd it someplace where you’ll political and social skills are sharper than usual, likely get into an argument. If you have love, you’ll fi nd the but maybe not as sharp as you think. The best thing you can argument. Try to maintain a civilized exchange of contrasting do now is to listen with your heart, getting past words and ideas; the differences could be part of the attraction. apparent logic.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Your hard work PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Your intuition is can get you recognized as more professional particularly sharp now, especially at work. Focus than you now see yourself. Sleeping your way to the top is on “enlightened self-interest,” the principle of increasing your usually a very bad idea, but right now, it could work out. personal benefi t through group cooperative effort. Being help- ful to bosses and anyone who needs a hand will boost your position. LEO (July 23 - August 22): Pretend you’re some- one from far away, or that you’re somewhere you’ve never been. Play it out with someone else, whether or Jack Fertig, a professional astrologer since 1977, is based in not that person knows the real you. This could be the begin- San Francisco. He can be reached for consultations at 415-864- ning of an interesting relationship, or a catalytic creative 8302, through his website at exercise.

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Just how do you identify your “family”? That may include your family of birth, the GLBT community, or long-trusted friends. Think also about how sex - orientation, identity, or “doing it” - fi ts into the shaping of your clan.

LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): How does (or would) your primary relationship fi t into the larg- er society? You need to discuss both the vision and the reality with your partner. Approach the subject playfully, discussing options for getting involved in sports or arts groups.

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 25 Letters to the Editor

By Staff Letters Dear Steve and Rob, we were told that he thought we were straight. This to me is I would like to tell you my story...with hopes that we can discrimination and got me a bit fi red up. I talked to the other makes a difference. guy working the door that night and got the same story about 15 years ago when I decided to come out, I searched for a them charging straight people to try and discourage them from place where ridicule and discrimination was not a part of my coming. I replied that this was discrimination, but was told if everyday life. We have come a long way in 15 years, or have I didn’t like it I could fi nd somewhere else to go. The door guy we? said it was because too many straight people were coming to the bar and they needed to make room for more gays as they I have been an active part of the gay community for those 15 are the only gay nightclub. years, and a part of Calgary’s gay scene for 5, working in gay bars and helping with events and raising money for various I feel that if straight people want to go to a gay bar and show causes. You can Imagine my surprise when I walked in to our their support, we as a community should embrace it, as it is local gay night club and was charged a $5 cover for the simple sign that times have changed. I think it is sad that if it were to reason that I did not look gay enough. happen to one of these guys at a straight bar, the community would be up in arms in support of the person discriminated I approached the door man about this subject and asked against. how they were basing this cover charge. He told me that if they noticed the people coming in were regulars they let them For the owners of Twisted to encourage this behaviour is de- through and if not they paid a $5 cover. I have been support- plorable. I watched as their Pride fl oat passed by me in the gay ing this night club on a bi-weekly bases since it opened, but he pride parade to support equal rights for gay people and feel it is also told me the ones making this decision were new employees with shame now that I have supported a bar which is showing – their fi rst night on the job. So to summarize, I walked in with discrimination towards straight people. my gay male friend and they thought we were straight so they The owners once told me personally that they opened this asked us for money. bar because they did not like the way Boyztown’s policies and The door man also told me they need to steer the “straights” treatment of people were discriminatory and unfair. Well a few away to make more room for the “gays” - can you imagine if years later, look where they are now. I will no longer support someone said this to a gay person at a straight bar?! this bar and hope that others will feel that supporting this bar is a step backwards in equal rights. I was disgusted seeing young gay-looking people getting in and I was left out. I felt so discriminated against. But to all the straight people that support Twisted I say a big thank you, because of you I feel we have come a long way in I have never gone to a straight bar and paid cover because I this battle of equal rights for all. look too gay! So why was this happening to me? I think basing cover charge on appearance is very discriminating. - Clif Hagstrom Are we fi ghting a fi ght with an endless battle? Or is the dis- crimination within our own community? Dear GayCalgary, - Tree I happened to volunteer to take Minutes at the Pride Calgary AGM on December 4th, in the absence of the Board Secretary. Tree has worked at the Verge and Victoria’s Restaurant, and What I witnessed that night was more like a three-ring circus has been photographed in this magazine as far back as 2004. than an Annual General Meeting. Attendance was strong, which probably should have tipped me off, but I was bliss- fully ignorant thinking how wonderful to have so many people Dear GayCalgary, passionate about their organization. Shortly after the meet- ing convened it became evident that this was not the case. In On October 12th I went to Twisted with a friend of mine and fact, the crowd proved more to be a lynch mob than a group was asked to pay cover. This was a shock to me as I have had of people who cared about the Pride Calgary organization. No my artwork displayed in the bar since it fi rst opened and have sooner had the Co-chair asked for approval of the past AGM supported the bar over the years. I have been involved with Minutes, than the crowd became hostile and unruly. One events in the bar as well. rowdy joker (let’s call him RJ, for short) started in immediately, The lady I went with that night has also been a big infl u- refusing to approve the Minutes because they had not been ence in the gay community in Calgary for the past fi ve years. I recorded verbatim, spouting off about “The Rules of Roberts” found out later that the guy working the door was a brand new which as many people know is actually, Robert’s Rules of employee who would have no idea who the regulars are - that Order, a manual for parliamentary procedure. As a profes- is forgivable. What upset me was this was not the reason given sional Minute-taker for the past 10 years, I vainly tried to to us about why we were being charged cover. When we asked, explain to the now riled-up crowd that meeting Minutes are not intended to be transcribed verbatim, as in the courts, but are

26 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 only intended to summarize items that are discussed during a meeting. Only motions and action items need to be docu- mented verbatim, as they are the offi cial record of committee decisions made. “RJ” then proceeded to insist that the meeting was “out of order” as there was no Quorum present. I patiently explained to “RJ” and company that the number of people required to form a Quorum is determined by the organization’s By-laws. In the case of an AGM, the paid members have voting privileges for the purpose of electing the vacant Board positions and a Quorum is not required. The meeting proceeded to go downhill from there. It became apparent that this unruly mob had ulterior motives, as they proceeded to become disruptive, rude and demanded the resignation of the Co-chair, in spite of the fact that this fellow has been trying to carry the entire organization in the midst of Board members dropping out left and right. As it turns out, many of those present represent local gay businesses in Calgary, who seem to be looking for their share of the profi ts of this NON-PROFIT Society. It did not seem to occur to them that any fi nancial gains directed to them would be a confl ict of interest, nor did it occur to these small-minded, short-sighted individuals to form a Business Association which would not be in confl ict, but could partner with Pride Calgary to share com- mon goals. I doubt any of these people are aware of the Society Act of Alberta or the Charitable Organization regulations of Revenue Canada, let alone read up on them judging from their familiarity with Robert’s Rules of Order and parliamentary procedures! The Co-chair was not provided with the opportunity to pres- ent his annual report without interruption, as many present insisted on cross-talk, interrogatory questions and the general spewing of nonsense, such as accusing improper account- ing practices by the Chartered Accountant who certifi ed the Treasurer’s Report (because he didn’t have his Corporate seal on his statement) and demanding explanations for Finan- cial Statements for which no one had a clear understanding. Members then proceeded to refuse to elect the twelve new Board members required, because they insisted that they start clean with a “whole new Board” - nevermind the democratic process that allows for people of diverse and varying opinions to balance out a Board. This is only a very small part of the fi asco I had to suffer through. In the end, the Co-Chair had to abruptly adjourn the meeting and postpone it to a later date, as the crowd would not permit proceedings to move forward. No wonder the organization can’t recruit volunteers - who wants to be subjected to that kind of petty, juvenile behaviour? All I can say is, thank God you don’t have to be a “card-car- rying member” to be straight. - Kim Clarke

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 27 Deep Inside Hollywood

By Romeo San Vicente Celebrity | Gossip Salma Hayek Takes Over a marquee, but don’t pity the theater company that commissioned TV the work. That would be the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, a Ugly Betty was no fl uke for highly respected regional theater that will undoubtedly make an Salma Hayek. The Latina actor even bigger name for itself when the piece has its world premiere knows that Hollywood tends there in spring of 2009. It’s good to have friends in high places. to turn its back on women as they age, so what better way Katherine Heigl Speaks The Ugly to keep in front of the camera than to run the show behind the Truth scenes? That’s why Hayek has “Ugly” isn’t a word that describes turned Hollywood player with Emmy-winning Grey’s Anatomy and several new projects bought by Knocked Up star Katherine Heigl, but both ABC and CBS. Queer audi- T.R. Knight’s BFF is about to go before ences weaned on Buffy the Vampire Slayer will have their interests the cameras for gay director Robert piqued by the untitled female werewolf drama written by gay com- Luketic in a romantic comedy called ics creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, but Hayek is also working on The Ugly Truth. The story centers on developing Guilty, a marriage drama; Get Out, a workplace sitcom; successful TV producer Heigl hiring and Yo!, about an author who uses her immigrant family as the one of those harsh, tell-it-like-it-is subject of her work. If even one of the shows catches fi re like Ugly, relationship advice professionals for Sayak should be sitting pretty for some time to come. her show. His brash style confl icts with her views on the world, naturally, until she begins to fi nd that his “ugly truth” style of Grey Gardens Gets Gets dating tips really do help her fi nd the guy she’s always wanted. In Since the end of Caroline in the City, gay actor Malcolm Gets has other words, another fi lm to confi rm that straight people really are moved over to the indie side of life, appearing in Thirteen Conver- an odd bunch, made all the more subversive - one hopes - by hav- sations About One Thing and the queer romantic comedy Adam & ing a gay director at the controls. No word on a male lead yet, but Steve. But now he’s signed on to participate in what could become a start date of April 15 is set, so audiences will probably see how his most high-profi le project to date. Grey Gardens, which Romeo ugly it all gets sometime in early 2009. reported on earlier, is the narrative fi lm based on the documentary of the same name about Jacqueline Kennedy’s eccentric relatives, Rogen and Banks Join Smith’s Porno Edith Bouvier Beale and her daughter, “Little Edie.” Boosted by Kevin Smith loves the gays, and we love him right back. The the success of the Tony Award-winning musical, this version won’t Clerks and Chasing Amy writer-director always includes queer feature characters breaking into song nearly as much as the stage elements in his literately raunchy , and he even graced play, but Gets will appear as “Big Edie’s” musical accompanist, the cover of gay lifestyle magazine A Bear’s Life. So there’s bound alongside Jessica Lang, Drew Barrymore, and Jeanne Tripplehorn to be some same-sex action included in his upcoming Zack and as Jackie Kennedy. The fi nished product will air on HBO in 2008. Miri Make a Porno. Romeo has mentioned this fi lm before, but now Can’t wait. some recasting of the leads (Rosario Dawson was Smith’s muse on this at fi rst) is on deck: Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks (he of Gets Its Man Knocked Up, she of Fred Claus, both of The 40-Year-Old Virgin) will Character actor Wallace Shawn is one of those men you know play the title characters, a platonic pair of best friends who enter but maybe don’t know that you know - the guy who kept mutter- the world of amateur porn to help pay the bills. But will the experi- ing the word “inconceivable” during The Princess Bride, to name ence make them discover they’re not so platonic? Find out when one of his many comedic projects. And now that the new season Zack and Miri opens in 2008. of The L-Word is just around the corner, Shawn will be joining the cast as the money man behind writer Jenny’s “fi ctional” fi lm Guinevere Turner TV Project Gets a Go project, Les Girls. The veteran of more comedies than most actors If Romeo ran Hollywood, his fi rst offi cial act - even before paying writers can count, Shawn will appear in a multi-episode arc. And yes, that what they’re worth - would be to give writer-actress Guinevere Turner (Go Fish, means Jenny (Mia Kirshner) didn’t wind up being eaten by sharks The Notorious Bettie Page, American Psycho) all the work she can handle. So when she set sail in a little boat at the end of last season, though it’s exciting to hear that Turner will be putting on her actress cap again for Don’t getting back to land to work on a fi lm in Hollywood can have simi- Go, an upcoming TV pilot about the lives and loves of the residents of an L.A. lar results. fourplex that sounds like Melrose Place meets The L Word. The racially mixed cast includes several African-American up-and-coming actors as well as South Tony Kushner’s Latest Marquee-Unfriendly Play Asian Chutney Popcorn star Nisha Ganatra, so it sounds more like the real L.A. Tony Kushner, the award-winning playwright behind the land- than the TV version we so often get. Romeo - who’s still not running Hollywood, mark Angels in America, is hard at work on a new piece. Its tenta- alas - can’t wait. tive title? The Intelligent Homosexual’s Guide to Capitalism and So- cialism with a Key to the Scriptures. There’s no word on the plot yet - and if there were, it might take too much room here to explain - but it’s reportedly going to deal with gay issues in a family set- ting. So pity the poor person assigned to arrange those letters on

28 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 29 Door Policy Discrimination?

By Darryl Aarbo Legal Advice At least two letters have been written to Gay Cal- gary complaining about how the owners of a local were taken. There is certainly an argument to be made that gay men and/or lesbians should have a “safe space” to be nightclub handle the line up outside their estab- without inhibition, socialize and express physical attraction to lishment. These letters have alleged that persons each other in a non threatening atmosphere. Clubs directed are selected based on perceived sexual orientation. at specifi c ethnic origins or backgrounds are not uncommon, People who are perceived to be straight, it is sug- although they are usually “private clubs” as opposed to night- gested, are singled out before less favorable treat- clubs. ment, including paying a cover charge. Human rights law prohibits any discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation. The These are, of course, only allegations. The owners of the blanket rule would seem to suggest that one cannot discrimi- establishment have not been given the opportunity to respond nate against heterosexual people with respect to entry in an to any criticisms in this particular article. Nevertheless, this establishment commonly frequented by gay men. Neverthe- issue is one that has received a signifi cant amount of de- less, human rights commissions and the courts have vari- bate throughout the English speaking world - whether it is ous exemptions and exceptions at their disposal to allow “discrimination” to favour gay and lesbian persons going into behaviour if it is justifi ed based upon some specifi c principles. a gay and lesbian establishment. In other words, can gay In particular, the Alberta human rights law states that one and lesbian people discriminate against heterosexual persons can contravene the act if the conduct is “reasonable and jus- going into what is generally understood by the public to be a tifi able” in the circumstances. Further the Charter of Rights homosexual establishment? and Freedoms, the supreme law of Canada, requires a person There is no easy answer to this question. Neither the courts claiming discrimination from being from a “historically dis- nor any human rights commissions have specifi cally answered advantaged group”. “Heterosexual male” is not a historically this question, thus, it is certainly an open one that has yet to disadvantaged group, but women are from such a group. be decided by the authorities. In sum, there is no easy answer to this question. If this In Melbourne, Australia a gay bar was granted an exemp- is in fact what the bar is doing then a good one may be able tion from its human rights laws in an important ruling that to make a logical argument to exclude heterosexual people allowed security to refuse entry to heterosexuals. This ruling from an establishment that is frequented by gay males and actually went further than excluding heterosexuals: it sought lesbians. the right to exclude heterosexual men and all woman from the If you wish to send in a letter, please email it to legaladvice@gaycalgary. club. com. Darryl A. Aarbo can be directly reached at Courtney Sebree Aarbo, In London, England gay bars have been specifi cally pro- Barristers & Solicitors, 1138 Kensington Road NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2N hibited from excluding anyone on the grounds of sexual 3P3. Visit their website at Phone (403) 571-5133. Fax: orientation or their perceived sexual orientation. New laws (403) 571-5134 were passed in 2006 that prohibited gay bars from screening Other than the question, all personal information (i.e. name, address, potential customers based upon their sexual orientation. E-mail) will remain confidential. Magazine does reserve the right to alter questions for brevity and content. These are two examples where two different approaches

30 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Fundraising Photos

Photos by Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz Marino of Magazine

ISCCA Shooters at the Calgary Eagle - Calgary ISCRW World Aids Day Fundraiser at Boots - Edmonton

ISCRW - Bachelor Auction at Boots - Edmonton

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 31 Ms. Merry Xmas Show at Boots - Edmonton ISCRW Prince & Princess Show at the Roost - Edmonton

32 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 ISCCA Show at the Calgary Eagle - Calgary ISCRW Teddybear Picnic at the Roost - Edmonton

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 33 World Aids Day Fundraiser at Money-Pennies - Calgary World Aids Day Fundraiser at Twisted Element - Calgary

34 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 35 Homo for the Holidays What’s Happening for Christmas

By Benjamin Hawkcliffe Community | Spotlight The holiday season is upon us. Every December we fi nd ourselves spending time with family and “Why a Spanish Christmas? Well, considering that Spain rallied to establish similar same-sex marriage laws just friends, shopping, attending holiday events, and before Canada, it seems only fi tting that we should offer trying not to jump the really hot “straight” guy up a toast in honor of the friends and families there whose that’s had too much to drink at the offi ce party. hard work and conviction has won greater equality for all the people of Spain. I can think of no better way to cel- However, December is also a gay old time with many ebrate Spain’s commitment to equality than through their fantastic events and fundraisers within our community. music and dance – specifi cally fl amenco dance. Not only While always willing to open our hearts and wallets, the is fl amenco a characteristically Spanish dance form, but GLBT community has many options this year. the passion and energy in both the music and dance serve The Eagle is hosting Momma G’s X-mas Dinner on as a metaphor for the indispensable passion and energy Sunday December 9th. Barry G. will put a warm feeling in inherent in the queer community,” explained chorus direc- your tummy – and the dinner is good too! I kid. The din- tor Jean-Louis Bleau. Doing a Spanish event was certainly ner is delicious, and always in friendly company. a challenge, but also rewarding. Mz. Rhonda’s 11th annual Crowns for Kids was held last Expect something different and exciting at the Rozsa month, but Dr. Richard Denny’s 12th annual Toys for Tots Centre on the 16th. drive is still coming up on Sunday December 9th at Money “I think this will be one of the most unique and visually Pennies. Long time favorites of the community, these exciting performances we have done to date. While there fundraisers ensure that children do not wake up Christ- is a strong Spanish component to the concert we will also mas morning with nothing under the tree. feature a few carols and songs which people will recognize, While attending fundraising events is always an eve- songs which have become ning well spent, a great time socially can be found at the traditions for this time of year such as Happy Xmas, and Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community Centre for the traditional O Holy Night, as well as Away in a Manger but with gay ARGRA Christmas Dinner and Dance on December 8th. twist.” For 15 years ARGRA has held their fundraising dances, which raise money to help put on the rodeo each July. Up in Edmonton, excitement is building for the fi rst ever Snow Ball Envy party, on December 14th at New City Sub- “The December dance, is a favorite for many as it gives urbs, brought to you by the creators of Green with Envy. an opportunity to sit down for an awesome meal with friends, and then kick up your heals with the dance Green with Envy was initially created by as a fundraiser that follows,” says Darrel Reid, Sponsorship Director for for OUTreach U of A in 2003 with a bachelor/bachelor- ARGRA. “Great food and entertainment at a great price: ette auction and drag show and has continued every year $20 for members and $25 for non–members; or come to since. the dance only $6 for members and $10 for non-mem- bers. Doors open for dinner at 6:30pm and the dance is “Snowball Envy has been created to do the same. In a at 8:30pm. Dinner tickets must be bought in advance of growing community like ours, it is imperative that we have December 5th.” some place to express ourselves and do so to benefi t our community. This has brought about these circuit parties!” This year’s dance also features a silent auction with said LJ Renard, owner of Chance Productions and creator many fantastic prizes, including Hotel stays and Bed and of both Green with Envy and Snowball Envy. “Past events Breakfast getaways, Theatre tickets, Hitmen tickets, fi ne have benefi ted various charities in Edmonton including: dining experiences and much more. HIV Edmonton, OUTreach U of A, Pride Squad Edmonton and the John M. Kerr Scholarship Fund. Snowball Envy “We give back to a community that supports us! ARGRA will be raising money for the Imperial Soverign Court of is proud to have donated over $60,000 back into the com- the Wild Rose Social Association which benefi ts 3 charities munity since 2001. Some of the organizations we have this year: HIV Edmonton, Emily Morgan Foundation, and given to include Aids Calgary, the SHARP Foundation, the Pride Center.” Small Change Big Changes,, Alberta Kids Care Cancer Foundation, and many others,” said Reid. “Attending Snowball Envy raises a substantial amount of money to give to community charities and organizations On December 16th, The Calgary Men’s Chorus drops in that often fi nd it hard to run on without the support from to the Roza Centre on the University Campus for Guitarra: community businesses. With sponsors like, A Spanish Christmas Celebration.

36 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 costs are kept low to generate the most possible proceeds we can get for organizations from Health and Peer Sup- port, Sports Organizations, Social Organizations etc,” Re- nard continued. “Attending a fun event where all you are required to do is dance the night away and party makes this a unique fundraising event. This event raises any- where from $1,000-$10,000 based on attendance!” Snowball Envy is your chance to enter Edmonton’s Very Own Winter Wonderland. Join Chance Productions, a contractor for and New City Suburbs Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! Fridays to a winter carnival where masques are encouraged and wearing white after labour day is a must! The Roost is a hotbed of activity this holiday season, but drink it in because this is your last chance to spend time at the club before they close down after their New Year’s party. They’re having their annual Children’s Christmas Party, a special event at 2 in the afternoon where staff and customers can bring their families and children down to the Roost. There are presents for the kids, and obviously no booze for the adults – well, we can’t all win. Ask the staff at the Roost for more details. Roost also promises Christmas Eve goodies, and Christmas Day Dinner at 5pm with all the trimmings.

Happy Holidays everyone! Have fun, drive and play safe!

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 37 The Secret of Hiding our Holiday Blues

By Kevin Alderson, Ph.D., R. Psych. Queer Quest I often suffer from seasonal affective disorder, a Breaking Out. [12] Denial type of depression caused by the onset of shorter is when you either refuse to hours of sunshine and my lesser likelihood of want- believe or when you are blind ing to spend time outdoors. But that is just one to something in the fi rst place of the many conditions that can affect our moods that is affecting your life in and our ability to cope. Fact is, queer individuals in a negative way. Individu- general have a harder time coping emotionally com- als dependent on alcohol or drugs who cannot see the pared with most straights. [1, 2, 3] Many also suffer damage the drug is causing from a loss of true connectedness to family, and this them emotionally, mentally, can feel especially diffi cult during the festive season. physically, or behaviourally It’s a bit ironic that the time we are supposed to be are victims of denial. I believe happiest (i.e., around Christmas) is the time that denial is a prevalent defence many people have the most diffi cult time feeling it. with all sexual minorities, and I suspect that is one of When homosexuality was declassifi ed as a mental dis- the reasons we have elevated order by the American Psychiatric Association in 1973, it reports of anxiety, depression, and suicidality. When we are did so because research had demonstrated that gay and denying, we are escaping, and escape can take many forms. lesbian individuals are no more disturbed than hetero- sexual individuals. [4] That research freed us from most of So maybe you are not coping well right now, right this the barbaric treatments that we had been subjected to (e.g., very second. What do you do? The fi rst thing is to get a electroshock, castration). [5] However, more recent research sense of how bad you actually feel. If you feel that you need has shown that gays and lesbians are more likely to suffer to end your life right now, then immediate help is neces- from stress-related disorders, like anxiety and depression. sary. One approach is to phone your local distress line or [6] This, in turn, has been linked to the fact that we experi- centre: in Calgary, call (403) 266-1605 and in Edmonton, ence discrimination and oppression – even today. [7] If you call (780) 482-4357. Both operate 24-hours a day. If you doubt this, start necking with your same-sex partner in a live elsewhere, look on the fi rst page of your white pages mall and see how well received it is. telephone book for a listing of emergency services. Frightening indeed, gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth, Another approach is to get yourself to the emergency ages 14 to 21, continue to report much higher rates of department of any hospital and let them know how bad you attempted suicide (over 30 percent) compared to straight really feel. I know this can be embarrassing – I’ve had to do youth, [8] and a higher risk of suicide compared to hetero- it myself before. The fact is, once you are feeling better, you sexual individuals for those aged 20 to 44 years of age as will be amazed your mind ever gave you the thoughts that well! [9] You might also think that sexual minorities are it did. Trust me on this. “gentler” compared to those who are straight because we If your emotional blues have not turned to the above have to face a lot more adversity – but the rates of same-sex worst-case scenario, you still should not waste precious couples experiencing intimate partner violence is about the time believing the problems will go away on their own. You same as that experienced by opposite-sex couples: between may give yourself two weeks to make it happen, and if after 25 to 35 percent of all couples. [10] that time the problem remains, you probably need to seek Bisexual and transsexual individuals often suffer the help from someone else. most compared with the other sexual minority groups. One During the two weeks you work at changing your emo- study compared the mental health of bisexual participants tional reaction, put into action the coping skills you already to homosexual and heterosexual ones and found that the have at your disposal. Some examples include (a) focus on bisexual group suffered the most emotionally, followed by whether there is an actual solution to the problem (e.g., if the homosexual group. The heterosexual group was report- you are broke, you need a job); (b) social support – hang- edly the healthiest. The measures these researchers used ing out and talking to friends can be enormously helpful; looked at anxiety, depression, and negative affect. Both the (c) physical activity – aerobic exercise – like swimming, bisexual and homosexual groups were high on suicidality dancing, cycling, fast walking – is particularly helpful in – again refl ecting a genuine vulnerability. [11] reducing emotional tensions; and (d) spiritual solutions My own experience and some readings tell me that – sometimes prayer and meditation are very helpful during gay and lesbian individuals are adept at using a defence times of stress. mechanism called denial; I wrote about this in my book

38 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Another approach is to change the way you look at References: whatever is bothering you. If you have recently experienced References: a break up for instance, your thoughts might be getting 1) D’Augelli, A. R. (2002). Mental health problems among lesbian, gay, unrealistic, such as believing you are unlovable and that and bisexual youths ages 14 to 21. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, you will never fi nd another person like your ex. Change this 7(3), 433 456. thinking to something more rational, like “I am lovable de- 2) Jorm, A. F., Korten, A. E., Rodgers, B., Jacomb, P. A., & Christensen, spite this relationship not working out,” and “In truth, I am H. (2002). Sexual orientation and mental health: Results from a commu- compatible with many, many potential mates. Once I have nity survey of young and middle aged adults. British Journal of Psychiatry, 180(5), 423 427. healed, I will be ready to seek out another relationship. Furthermore, what I have learned – both good and bad 3) Koh, A. S., & Ross, L. K. (2006). Mental health issues: A comparison of lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual women. Journal of Homosexuality, 51(1), – from my recent relationship will serve me well in fi nding 33 57. a better partner and in becoming a better partner myself.” 4) Bayer, R. (1981). Homosexuality and American psychiatry. New York: Life experience is there to teach us something useful about Basic Books, pp. 121-142. ourselves, our needs, and our preferences. 5) Bohan, J. S. (1996). Psychology and sexual orientation: Coming to Talking to a counsellor or psychologist can make an terms. New York: Routledge. incredible difference when you need someone to provide ob- 6) Jorm et al. (2002). jective feedback and an objective perspective. Furthermore, 7) Mays, V. M., & Cochran, S. D. (2001). Mental health correlates of per- a masters-level psychologist has received at least six years ceived discrimination among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults in the United of university training and a doctoral-level psychologist at States. American Journal of Public Health, 91, 1869-1876. least eight. Their training has provided them expertise in 8) D’Augelli (2002). dealing with people who need help, however mild or severe 9) Jorm et al. (2002). the problem might be. 10) McClennen, J. C. (2005). Domestic violence between same gender partners: Recent fi ndings and future research. Journal of Interpersonal If you can afford to see a psychologist in private practice, Violence, 20(2), 149 154. the recommended rate from the Psychologists Association 11) Jorm et al. (2002). of Alberta is now $160.00 per hour, [13] although practi- tioners are entitled to charge more or less – and many do. 12) Alderson, K. (2002). Breaking out: The complete guide to building and enhancing a positive gay identity for men and women. Toronto, ON: Calling your provincial psychologists’ association is a good Insomniac Press. way to get a referral to someone who works with sexual 13)Retrieved December 3, 2007 from http://www.psychologistsassocia- minorities. Another resource is to call your local queer information service - in Calgary, call (403) 234-8973 and in Edmonton, (780) 488-3234. If you seek inexpensive or free counselling services, there are usually options where you live. I only have contact information for three centres in Calgary. 1. Eastside Clinic – Phone (403) 299-9696 (free one-ses- sion counselling service). 2. Distress Centre – Phone (403) 265-4980 (crisis service and free limited counselling provided). 3. Calgary Counselling Centre – Phone (403) 265-4980 (sliding fee scale and ongoing counselling provided). If you live outside Calgary, check with your local queer information service or city or township information service. Any of the emergency services listed on the fi rst page of your white pages telephone book can also refer you to these free and low-cost services. I sincerely hope our holiday season is fi lled with the connectedness to others that helps us stay mentally and emotionally healthy. You are a beautiful person, even if you do not feel this today. Tomorrow does happen, and when it does, don’t forget to once more fi nd the beginnings of self- love and acceptance. With appreciation, Dr. Alderson

Dr. Alderson is an associate professor of counselling psychology at the University of Calgary who specializes in gay and lesbian studies. He also maintains a private practice. He can be contacted by confidential email at [email protected], or by confidential voice mail at 605- 5234.

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 39 A Twisted Sense of Pride Illegal Power Grab Disrupts Pride Calgary AGM

By Rob Diaz-Marino Local News It was a dark day today (December 4th) at Pride Calgary’s AGM, where owners, staff, and custom- numerous directors has been commonplace over the recent history of the group. ers of the Twisted Element stacked the membership to attempt a hostile overthrow of the organization. In fact, Twisted Element employee Arin Chilton brought Remaining directors Sharon Boutilier, Sig Moser up this lack of volunteers, stating it was time Pride Calgary and male Co-chair John Skorka could only look on turn back to the gay community to rally volunteer support. Skorka agreed whole heartedly, and stated he was open to in earnest as the group commandeered control of suggestions, but none were made at that time. the meeting and began passing resolutions without regard to the non-profi t group’s procedures and When it came to the treasurer’s report, things started to bylaws. This included a demand that Skorka resign get hairy. Before anything else could be said, Twisted Ele- ment club owners RayJean Fafard and Cliff Andrews put prematurely from his elected two year term. doubt in the membership’s mind by stating that the audit Co-chair Skorka was clearly not prepared for the bar- was not valid without an offi cial seal and letterhead of the rage of challenges made to the underlying foundation of the auditor. Skorka explained that the report was indeed signed organization. Without a copy of the by-laws handy, he was by their chartered accountant as required by Pride Calgary unable to contradict the free-for-all that ensued. Association by-laws, but did not know anything about the al- leged requirements Fafard and Andrews were touting – most “This is a three-ring circus, this is not the way a board likely because their statement referred to a formal audit, meeting is held,” commented Kim Clarke, a secretary ap- which has nothing to do with the yearly audit requirement pointed specifi cally to assist during this meeting. Chosen for common to most non-profi t groups. her experience chairing meetings in the business world, she got her fi rst taste of gay community politics in action – she Section 7.1 of the Pride Calgary Association’s by-laws has never seen anything like it. “It was the most unprofes- states: “The books, accounts, and records of the Secretary sional meeting I have ever attended.” and Treasurer shall be audited at least once each year by a duly qualifi ed accountant or by two members of the society At the beginning of the meeting, most members kept elected for that purpose at the Annual Meeting.” things civil (relative to past meetings) asking legitimate ques- tions and voicing criticisms and concerns – such as the late A formal audit this was not, but another member agreed date of the AGM. Although the Pride Board was chastised with Fafard and Andrews that a stamp was required even for for not involving more gay businesses in the production and this regular audit to be valid. Just like that, the credibility of execution of Pride Week, those same members agreed on the audit report was undermined, leading to intense scrutiny a suggestion to shift the group’s promotion and marketing from the membership, and renewed misgivings regarding the away to an impartial company outside of the gay community. Pride Board’s rocky past. However it should be mentioned that the meeting minutes from last year’s Pride AGM report Former Media Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator Tawde that Fafard abstained (meaning he neither favoured nor op- Clark (who resigned just short of this year’s Pride Week) posed) approval of that year’s audit, also lacking the charac- asked Skorka to explain in front of the membership why a teristic stamp of a formal audit, for no reason listed. number of situations occurred – such as the last-minute cancellation of advertised events, and the lack of follow-up A motion was made by an unidentifi ed female member to on the dissemination of incorrect event information to some hire an “actual certifi ed accountant to look at things” next media outlets. In many cases Skorka could only point to the time. Skorka responded “the current accountant that does lack of manpower on the Pride Board, created by the void it is a chartered accountant.” But Fafard scoffed, “obviously left from the resignation of numerous directors. With only not if the audit is not stamped and sealed. …As a mem- 6 individuals pulling the weight of 13 positions by the time ber, how do I notify this guy – there’s no letterhead, there’s of Pride Week, and the crippling lack of volunteers, Skorka no phone number, there’s no address, there’s no nothing.” admitted many things were overlooked. The resignation of Nevermind that the name of the accountant is clearly shown and signed in the Accountant’s Statement page of the report. A.K. Ross, a certifi ed general accountant is, in fact, a well known accountant in the gay community. Contact informa- tion is readily available on the website and from many other sources. Upon reviewing our records, the audit reports from ARGRA (2005, 2006, 2007), Apollo/OutGames (2006, 2007), Calgary Outlink (2007), and even that from a condo board (2005)

40 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 all follow a similar format to that of Pride Calgary’s. Clearly again showing a stunning lack of understanding for termi- Fafard and Andrew’s objections should have fallen fl at – but nology. without research or expert knowledge to cut them off right then and there, how could the rest of the membership have A Special Resolution is passed at a general meeting of known? which at least 21 days notice specifying the intention to pro- pose a resolution as a special resolution has been given. A Former directors asked for additional paperwork and re- special resolution requires a 75% majority. Fafard’s declara- cords, past and current, that Skorka could not produce - in tion that a special resolution had occurred did not, in reality, some cases grilling him on their own vague memories about make it so. accounting discrepancies that went all the way back to 2005. Tragically without an offi cial treasurer to give an informed Quite suddenly Skorka stood up from his chair and fi rmly explanation of the current audit and clarify any confusion, stated, “Ladies and gentlemen…the by-laws [to force] anyone the membership’s and directors’ confusion had them hacking to resign is by special resolution, and because this is turning the fi nancials to smithereens. into a bickering session, this meeting is adjourned – it will be rescheduled.” But he was left standing as the contingent of In all this commotion, members failed to realize that the mutinous membership continued to conduct the meeting. report showed this year’s beer gardens with the 2nd high- est profi ts in the past 6 years (best in 2003, worst in 2004); “We all can sit right here and start up a whole new Pride and though tickets sales for the dance were the worst yet Board,” Fafard proposed, to the agreement of the mutinous in a steady decline since 2001, their total income was third members. He went on to say “John, it’s in your best inter- highest in the past 6 years (best in 2002, worst in 2004). ests right now to step down.” They managed to bring their expenses down from last year “This is a group of people that are concerned about an by close to $20,000, resulting in their second highest net organization that isn’t working,” lamented Chilton. income over the past 6 years (best in 2004 by only ~$500, worst was last year with a defi cit of approximately $12,000). “Obviously the members that are sitting here are not Aside from a pending expense dispute, the Pride Board has happy with the way Pride has been running for the last 2 pulled themselves out of the hole this year, and may very years – that’s a given,” said Fafard, presuming to speak for well be on an upward rebound – that is, if the angry mob everyone in the room. “So the honourable thing to do would doesn’t get to dismantle the organization fi rst. be to step aside, let’s start from scratch.” Fafard’s contempt for the Pride Board became more evi- “Instead of asking him to resign,” interjected Kim Clarke, dent as he took charge of the meeting and pushed things on “why don’t all of you who feel so impassioned about it run for to the elections. “Let’s start this [board] from scratch and do the [12] other positions…?” it the way normal people do it? Let’s do it the legal way.” “No,” said Fafard fl atly, cutting her off. A bold statement considering the actions that followed Fafard, Andrews, Chilton and Clark continued pressuring were anything but legal. Tawde Clark asked if Skorka would Skorka to resign, citing everything from “problems with the be retiring from the board, to which Skorka responded that image of the organization” to “discrepancies” from his previ- he had only completed the fi rst year of his two-year term ous one-year pick-up term as Male Co-Chair following the as elected Male Co-Chair. Fafard asked again if Skorka pre-mature resignation of former Male Co-Chair Dean Bur- would be retiring, and he responded no. Clark immediately ton. Skorka defended the necessity of this previous one-year motioned that Skorka resign from the board – an unidenti- term to satisfy the by-law imperative that Male and Female fi ed female seconded, and a membership majority voted in Co-Chair positions be staggered such that both do not resign favour. Fafard proclaimed, “The aye’s have it.” simultaneously. Immediately some members cited that this was not accept- Section 2.3 of the by-laws state, “For the fi rst year of these able procedure for impeachment according to the by-laws. amended by-laws one Co-Chair position will be for a term Indeed section 14.1 states “Any offi cer or director of the of one year and the second Co-Chair will be for two years. Board of Directors may be removed from offi ce, at a Special (This creates overlapping Co-Chair terms). Thereafter each Meeting properly called and constituted for such purpose, Co-chair position will be for a term of two years” Section upon a one-third vote of all members of the society.” 14.2 2.6 states, “With the exception of the Co-Chair who is in continues, “Such meeting shall be called by the Co-chairs the middle of their two-year term, the whole Board shall be upon receipt by them of a petition signed by 10% (ten per- retired at each annual meeting. All retiring Board Members cent) of the members in good standing stating the reasons are eligible for re-election if otherwise qualifi ed.” for impeachment.” But it was clear that the rogue members wanted to affect Though the exact details of the by-laws were unavailable change in this organization whether legal or not, offering at the time, Fafard ignored this point of order, stating “ma- Skorka the lame assurance that he could run again for the jority rules … if he wants to run again, he can. Right now position if he wanted to, provided that he agreed to tender everybody has resigned, there is no board. Let’s start from his resignation. Skorka would not budge. scratch, let’s get some new policies, and let’s stop bickering back and forth and let’s start acting like something we can “Everybody [here] wants to do something for Pride Calgary be proud of.” and you’re refusing it,” Tawde Clark accused Skorka, “You will single-handedly destroy Pride if it kills you.” Secretary Kim Clarke stepped in to once again remind the membership that the organization was required to abide Then Fafard got on his soap box. “I make a motion by the by-laws, to which Tawde Clark chanted “Pull the amongst all of us, that we start a new Pride organization… by-laws!” Fafard announced “The by-laws are written by because I bet you fi ve bucks that [Pride Calgary] hasn’t paid the members. Ladies and gentlemen we are the members their renewal fees for the last four years. I want to say one of Pride Calgary – we have made a special resolution,” once thing before we leave. Saturday was World AIDS Day. I

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 41 got up on stage and you know, it was funny. I had half the spite their mistakes, did not buckle under the pressure of [ISCCA] who walked out because they were pissed off from these school-yard bullying tactics. That is not to mention politics. It is high time this community we pulled together – the amazing feat of pulling off a Pride each year with half a for the better of the community, not for ourselves – I couldn’t panel of directors (the outgoing half often sabotaging their ef- give two shits about what goes on. But when it’s represent- forts) only to get torn apart for “lack of effort” at subsequent ing Calgary, the gay community, I think we need to put our AGMs. If Skorka had given in this day, it might have set a [problems] aside and work as a team. You should need to be dangerous precedent that could see other non-profi t groups wanting to sleep with your worst enemy to get fi ve bucks out bullied out of their autonomy. of them to further the cause in life. That’s the way it should work – not ‘I am not doing this because it doesn’t serve my Now with the future of the offi cial Pride Board at stake needs.’ And that applies to everybody that’s in this room. from the threats of an unsanctioned competing organization, I’ve said this from the get-go and I will always say it. …Most will anyone stand up to help get Calgary Pride back on it’s of us here have this agenda right now that it’s all about them feet the proper way? and not the greater good. Even Nixon had the good sense to Skorka has rescheduled the meeting for 7:00pm on resign when he knew he wasn’t wanted and was impeached. Wednesday January 9th at the Knox United Church (506 If I was standing here and nobody wanted me, I’d be like, for Fourth Street SW), with assurance that measures will be the good of Pride Calgary I’m stepping aside, have a nice life. taken to ensure the same shenanigans don’t disrupt the For the good of Pride – not for yourself, not for me, not for organization a second time. the Bunker or not for the Eagle, or who ever – for Pride Cal- gary. That’s what we need to be doing and this is why, for Quotes in this article were taken directly from an audio the last three years it’s gone downhill…and if you think it’s recording of the Pride Board AGM, with the permission and gone downhill this year, it’s going to be even worse next year. knowledge of the acting board. All captured statements were So I suggest if this is the way they’re going to operate, then made in a public forum already subject to being recorded in we push them aside, we contact Calgary, and we tell them the meeting minutes – and thus considered public informa- this is the new board. We will be taking over from now on, tion. Public information is not subject to individual permis- because I bet you fi ve bucks you guys have not mailed out sion or approval, and can be freely published unless said your incorporation [forms] or paid for them, so therefore this information is proven to be falsifi ed or slanderous in a court is not even a legal corporation to begin with. Your Rules of of law. For the sake of completeness, the full audio record- Roberts, if you want a copy…I have two – I sit on two condo ing will be made available on the website so boards. We have to follow by the law.” that readers may verify the accuracy of the selected quotes in full context. As the newly formed mob fi led out of the room with prom- ises from Andrews of a free meal at “Smuggler’s” for their valuable time, we were left to see the other members who had sat so quietly that we didn’t even realize they were there. These are people we have known for years – many are up- standing, active and contributing GLBT individuals that have good intentions for the gay community, driven by an honest concern for the wellbeing of the people in it. They want a successful Pride too, and they showed up to this meeting to offer their help. But each one looked drained, broken, and eerily switched off after witnessing this shameful scene. This is not an unfamiliar look, especially in the GLBT community - the horror of seeing one of our own kind effectively “gay- bashed” – the onlookers too afraid to do anything, and hating themselves for it. Is this really how we want the next Pride Board to come about? Would it not be an abomination of everything a community stands for? What happened to the spirit of friendship, support, and cooperation? Are we to be reduced to Fafard’s idea of sleeping with our worst enemies to get “fi ve bucks” to further our “cause”? What worth is our cause if all we have to look forward to is hating one another, but fucking anyway? If John Skorka was shaken up by the abuse he and the organization received, he did a valiant job of hiding it. There is no doubt that Pride Calgary Association has some serious problems to overcome in the next few years – starting with securing a stable and reliable panel of directors, and an able force of volunteers. This will not be easy with the incessant bad-mouthing Fafard and Andrews began two years ago. Is it any wonder the dance failed when the duo was inform- ing their customers months in advance that it was going to suck? The development of this new “Anti-Pride faction” is more likely to the the death of Pride in Calgary – not Skorka. Still, commendations should be handed out to Skorka, and the handful of directors with and before him who, de-

42 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Movie Review Queer Duck

By Rob Diaz-Marino Review | Movie Queer Duck I had never “You must be THIS GAY to ride”. One of the theatre shows heard of this features “Mostly Dick” a penis-shaped whale. cartoon before, but oh my god I know in summary this movie probably sounds silly, did I laugh my but it’s the little puns, jokes, and gay humor that make head off! The this cartoon incredibly funny – the storyline itself is… animation is a well…its a bit fl uffy. With cameos by Conan O’Brien, Rosie bit crude but O’Donnell, , Liza Minnelli, and voices by the jokes are so well known actors like , Tim Curry, Andy much fun. It is Dick, this cartoon will have you howling about the life of Queer Duck, Movie rental courtesy of Online DVD rentals carrying his partner a huge selection of GLBT themed DVD’s as well as standard Openly Gator, brand new releases, TV shows, classics and more. No Late and friends Bi- Fees, No Due Dates, and 57,000 Titles. Polar Bear and Oscar Wildcat. In an early scene, Queer Duck is watch- ing TV and comes across an evangelist show called “The Born-Again Supremacy” where Reverend Van Der Gelding (a horse of course) claims to be successful in cur- ing gayness. Queer Duck phones in to the show posing as a person with Tourette syndrome, begging for help and insulting the host concurrently. After being rejected from Happy Land, a narrow minded theme park, Queer Duck wonders if life would be easier if he were straight. Working as a male nurse, he befriending an old, rich gay icon, an eventually makes the snap deci- sion to marry her - much to the distress of Openly Gator. Reverend Van Der Gelding is enlisted to cure Queer Duck’s gayness but the standard electro-shock therapy doesn’t work. Not to be defeated, the evil reverend kidnaps him on his wedding day, mixing a magical potion that actually works – but Queer Duck’s straight stint is short lived as he bangs his wife to death on their honeymoon. Queer Duck sees a doctor to turn him gay again, but in the end the only thing that works is Barbra Streisand. With the estate of his deceased ex-wife, Queer Duck opens a gay baseball stadium much to the delight of Bi-Polar Bear. Next, he buys out Happy Land and renames it to Fairy Land, posting up signs such as

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 43 Music Review “Don’t Be a Stranger” by Jeffrey Altergott

By Rob Diaz-Marino Review | Music After a long string of les- heartfelt that they just might make the straight guys bian artists want to cuddle him too! (don’t get me wrong, I en- Track List: joyed them), it 1) Brothers Beautiful is refreshing 2) Thank You to see Jeffrey 3) ‘Til Tomorrow Comes Altergott in 4) Kickstand the gay music 5) Don’t Prove Me Right scene. If this 6) Everyday Is a Reason bearded bear 7) Undone 8) Little by Little doesn’t hook 9) Dandelion you with his 10) Over the Rainbow big brown eyes on the CD cover, then the inside 11) Breakneck Speed (acoustic) shot with his shirt open might be the extra nudge you needed. But looks aside, it all comes down to the music. This folk album delivers tender and sensitive sentiments as Altergott sings about friends and lovers, happiness and sorrow, all at a laid-back pace. “I strived to create an experience that removes the barrier between artist and listener – where we’re just hanging out and I happen to be the guy with the guitar,” says Altergott. A transcript of the lyrics is included so that you can sing along, or perhaps better appreciate the poetry of his songs. I particularly liked the story told in “Every Day is a Reason” – it paints a sweet portrait of a loving relation- ship that makes a family. I also enjoyed “Little by Little” for the quicker tempo and poignant lyrics. Other unique songs include Altergott’s own take on the classic “Over the Raibow” and the acoustic revisit of “Breakneck Speed”, which was originally featured on his fi rst album. “Don’t Be a Stranger” is Altergott’s third album release, and he hopes his songs about love and longing are so

44 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 KICKIN’ IT AROUND The International Gay and Lesbian Football Association

By Stephen Lock GLBT Sports Soccer - or “football” as it is known in most of the non-AFL/NFL world - is a sport that is hugely It seems to be a different story for male athletes. popular throughout the world, and is gaining in The world of soccer, especially at the international level, popularity in North America. But what is not so remains a sport integrally tied up with the culture of well known is that many gay men and lesbians machismo, particularly in Europe and the Latin American countries. For a male soccer player to come out while still are becoming increasingly involved in the sport playing would have serious repercussions. and playing in openly GLBT leagues. “Male athletes have more to lose if they come out during The International Gay and Lesbian Football Association their career,” notes Hadley. “We see it in so many sports. (IGLFA) began in 1980 when the New York Ramblers orga- Mark Tewksbury talks about that in his book, about how nized as the fi rst openly gay soccer team. As with many fearful he was he would face sanctions or whatever from such beginnings, one team spawned other teams, which the International Olympic Committee if he came out or, how in turn created leagues for those teams to compete within, he would lose endorsements - that coming out would have and eventually the IGLFA was formed. serious repercussions on one’s career. I think that is still By 1982, when the fi rst Gay Games were held in San a valid concern for many athletes, and it’s just so wrong.” Francisco, two teams competed: One from San Francisco In fact, the Brazilian men’s team were so concerned and one from Denver. Today there are over thirty-seven about being outed in South American media they pulled teams worldwide, which compete at IGLFA’s International out of the tournament, as did Argentina’s women’s team. Championship, commonly referred to as the IGLFA’s World Cup. Twenty-eight teams competed at the recent World “There is a ripple effect to that,” noted Hadley. “Because Cup held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in September 2007. of the Brazilian team’s withdrawal, the Philadelphia Fal- cons had their game canceled. They spent all that time, Openly lesbian referee, Kimberly Hadley, from Edmon- effort, and money to get to play at the International Cham- ton, a 29-year veteran of provincial, national, and inter- pionship in Buenos Aires only to have the game canceled national tournaments, has been involved with the IGLFA on them.” after seeing a booth promoting the 2005 Montreal Out Games at the World Master’s Cup when it was held in However, change is underway. Despite the culture sur- Edmonton. rounding soccer, the response to the presence of so many gay and lesbian athletes in Buenos Aires was, in Hadley’s “I’d never heard of a specifi cally gay and lesbian league view, overwhelmingly positive. before,” she said. “It was exciting to see FIFA (Fédéra- tion Internationale de Football Association or International “The tournament was fully supported by the Argentine Federation of Association Football, the international body government and by the City of Buenos Aires,” she said. which governs soccer) supporting and promoting that.” “Of course, Buenos Aires is a cosmopolitan city and is She decided to get involved as a referee. often described as the Gay Capital of South America,” she added. “There were a few problems here and there, of “I’ve refereed for 29 years,” she said. “I’ve had very few course, but overall we got a great response from everyone.” problems with being out. Any negative reaction towards me tends to be because I’m a referee and sometimes The city of Buenos Aires even went so far as to renovate because I’m a woman…and even that is hard to pinpoint… six soccer fi elds for the World Cup and amongst the digni- but the opportunity to referee for a gay league was too taries at the Opening Ceremonies was a Vice-president of good an opportunity to pass up.” FIFA. Soccer is still seen by many as a primarily male-oriented “Having him there was so important to all of us,” she sport, especially at the higher level or within professional said. “FIFA is the world organizing body of soccer so hav- soccer. ing him there on behalf of FIFA was a pretty strong indica- tion that FIFA was prepared to accept IGLFA into their “Women athletes tend to be more out [than male ath- fold.” letes]. There is still this assumption that if you’re a woman and you’re playing soccer – or a few other ’rough‘ sports GLBT soccer leagues have not come under FIFA up until - you are probably a lesbian anyway,” she chuckled. “If this year. The Buenos Aires World Cup was the fi rst time you’re not a lesbian, that gets to be known fairly quickly, the international body had shown any interest. I should think. Women involved in this sport are there to “IGLFA is not yet a member of FIFA,” notes Hadley. “But play. Questions of sexuality just shouldn’t be a factor.”

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 45 FIFA’s presence at Buenos Aires indicates a defi nite inter- lar teams have to be covered by the teams themselves by est.” fundraising or out-of-pocket. While there are concerns amongst some leagues within “As a referee, I don’t have access to that sort of IGLFA about coming under the auspices of FIFA – mainly fundraising,” noted Hadley. “The team can fundraise on a issues of autonomy and some general discomfort with variety of levels to defray the cost of going down to Buenos another body’s policies and regulations – Hadley believes Aires. As an individual, I can’t do that.” membership in FIFA would be a good idea. Hooking up on a team’s fundraising is not possible. “It would add more credibility to the GLBT leagues “We need to be objective and seen as bias free,” Had- and teams, absolutely, but there would also be tangible ley points out. “Benefi ting from a particular team’s benefi ts in terms of advertising and promotion as well as fundraising efforts creates a clear perception of bias.” support.” Hadley is hired by individual leagues and, in the case of FIFA is heavily involved in anti-racism and anti-violence international championships such as the one held in Bue- work, following several instances of hooliganism at various nos Aires in September, referees get paid the local going European tournaments and games. Hadley believes anti- rate, along with a portion of the tournament fees. homophobia work intersects with that work. “Tournament fees are approximately $50, so there’s not As a referee, Hadley was pleased to see the reaction of much there,” said Hadley. “And local rates vary widely Argentine referees who worked in conjunction with the when it comes to what referees get paid. What might be a foreign referees. tidy sum for an Argentinian referee isn’t to a North Ameri- “The Argentine Football Association has a school for can referee, but you make allowances for the good of the referees. Their referees pitched in and helped out when game.” needed. Because of the costs involved in traveling to Bue- However, she is trying to get the IGLFA Board to under- nos Aires, we were experiencing a shortage of referees, so stand the need to adequately compensate referees. One it was wonderful to see local refs just get in there and lend way this could be easily accomplished, Hadley believes, a hand.” is for IGLFA members to pay a slightly higher member- Given the level of machismo even amongst gay South ship fee than they currently do, with the difference going American teams, Hadley was impressed at the reaction of towards compensating referees. the players towards her. “It wouldn’t be an exorbitant amount to the players and “I fi gured, as a female referee, I might have problems it would make a real difference at the referee end.” with some of the male players on some calls I may have to Hadley wanted to note the two Canadian teams, the make,” she said. “But it just wasn’t an issue. They ap- Toronto Titans and the Royal Canadians, made quite an peared to respect me and appreciate the professionalism I impression in Buenos Aires. bring to what I do.” “These guys were seen by everyone as just the sweetest “One of the South American offi cials said to me, in fact, bunch of guys going,” she said. “And they were. Outgoing, he was impressed at how I handled having to card some- fun, friendly…they did Canada proud.” one,” she said. “I was always polite. Some referees really get in the player’s face. That doesn’t work. You already Toronto is currently the only city in Canada with a gay have a pumped-up player who is now upset he is get- and lesbian soccer team. They will be hosting the 2nd An- ting carded. Being aggressive towards such a player is nual International Pride Cup in Toronto, June 20th –22nd just going to escalate things. I think my style got me that 2008 during Pride Week ( respect.” For more information on IGLFA, go to Individual athletes at this level of competition are still amateur and do not get paid. Travel expenses for particu-

46 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 If I Can’t Dance… …I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution

By Allison Brodowski Investigation The quote in the title of this article is attributed to Emma Goldman, a feminist activist whose literature We asked to sit down and have a formal interview with the owners of the club, to give them a fair chance to respond was infl uential around the time of Stonewall. It sug- to our questions. However they were reluctant to comment gests the importance of being allowed to celebrate any further, accusing this of being “another Twisted-bashing the changes that we have fought for in our society. article.” In the end, although they were contacted numerous times, we received no defi nitive response before time of press We are fortunate in this day and age to have freedom for this issue. of speech, freedom of press and freedom of information – although those who generate unfl attering information are Despite his expressed intentions, the policy has the usually not very free about it. Even common knowledge by potential to affect a large and diverse array of individuals, word of mouth is often dismissed as idle gossip. However, and indeed it has. Femme lesbians, bisexual women, and when this troubling information goes down on paper, it can trans-identifi ed individuals have been turned away outright be a lot harder to ignore. or charged fi ve dollars cover for “being straight,” while their gay male friends are exempt. But other testimonials sug- This article was written in response to the overwhelming gest the cover may also be selectively applied to individuals quantity of complaints, verbal and written, that this maga- over 30, or of ethnic minorities. When there is no real proof zine has received on a monthly basis about a particular of one’s VIP status, members of the gay community – even Calgary club. They come from the experiences of community loyal regulars – can be subjected to the ‘hetero head tax’ at members, community groups, business owners, and people the discretion of door staff. who just want to go out and have fun. A cover charge for non-VIP members is common practice For a long time, the fi nancial pull from the advertising at other bars in the city, as we found out from our investi- of this business caused this magazine to overlook these gation. The Warehouse, for example, maintains a private complaints – in fact, trying to quash them on the business club licence (as the former Metro Boyztown did) and charges owners’ assurance that they were false, unreasonable, or fi ve dollars for a year-long membership, giving members a even laughable. Upon further investigation however, it has card to show at the door. Meanwhile the Back Alley charges become evident that something must be said. everyone a fl at rate of four dollars to cover their manda- On busy nights, many guests to the Twisted Element tory coat check. Neither of these establishments charged spend part of their evening in the line-up outside, watching cover based on visual appeal or sexual orientation – nor as owner/manager RayJean Fafard (known to many as sim- did they pull even their VIPs to the front of the line-up. In ply “RJ”) personally hand-picks mostly young men (whom he fact we were quite impressed with the lack of discrimina- refers to as VIPs), giving them permission to circumvent the tion considering the diverse company I travelled with on the fi rst-come fi rst-serve expectations of the line. When inside evenings we chose to visit these establishments – a bisexual the door, your attention might turn to the large free-stand- man and woman, a lipstick and butch lesbian, a drag queen, ing sign that proclaims the bar a gay venue that is “straight and more. We paid the same cover as everyone else, drank, friendly”. But this positive affi rmation of openness is danced, and made out until early hours of the morning quickly contradicted by another sign, not fi fteen feet further without incident. in, declaring “No skirts, No heels, No purses at discretion of I spoke to a former employee of Twisted Element who management.” wished to remain anonymous. He admitted that the door The owners and staff of Twisted Element are not shy policy was introduced to cut down on the number of straight about explaining this policy or why it was implemented. women coming into the club, an action prompted by cus- “99% of our problems come from straight people getting tomer complaints. He confessed that, as time has pro- drunk and stupid, causing fi ghts with gays and lesbians,” gressed, the policy was often used on women who were part RJ told GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine in an informal of the community but did not look obviously gay. encounter. This must not have been a concern in the past “It gave them an excuse to turn people away who they when the club ran advertisements repeatedly in FFWD and didn’t want in the club.” the Gauntlet, publications that target a primarily straight demographic. The club has also been reviewed or received It is a valid observation that there are many straight bars, mention in Avenue Magazine, The Calgary Herald, and The and only one gay dance club in the city; straight individuals Calgary Sun to name only a few additional straight-oriented have the option to go elsewhere when queer people often feel media outlets – not to mention Facebook. Is it any wonder they don’t. However, being part of a sexual minority does why so many straight people know about the club, and in- not place our rights above the rights of everyone else around deed feel entitled to frequent it? us. Regardless of orientation, human rights are just that. In a political fi ght for equality there cannot exist the idea of

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 47 being more or less equal - this would defeat the purpose of their involvement. The Pride Board maintained that they did equality altogether. not sanction the statement, insisting that it was the individ- ual member’s own opinion. Despite this, Twisted Element Once you make it inside, Twisted usually provides a good pulled out of the Pride parade, banned all members of the time. The staff are friendly, the music is good, the space Pride Calgary Board from their club indefi nitely, and hosted clean and upscale. However it is clear that there is a target an event to compete with the Pride Dance. We revisited the audience – a subset of the gay community that Twisted Ele- incident with John Skorka, a director of the Pride Board at ment particularly caters to. The owners have a very strong the time, who pointed out that other prominent commu- vision about how the club should be represented, and this is nity members quoted in the article did not receive the same evident in more than just their advertising. The looped porn harsh treatment. playing on the wall screens is strictly gay male, the adver- tised events are male dominated and the staff consists main- GayCalgary Magazine’s own Steve Polyak was one such ly of men. There is very little in the club’s entertainment person quoted in the article, admitting that another gay repertoire that does not appeal specifi cally to gay males, dance club would not be bad for the community. He now re- with the exception of the recently created variety show. veals that Twisted Element did threaten to pull GayCalgary Magazine from their club and terminate all advertising if he While targeting a particular demographic is not a bad did not retract his sponsorship of Pride, and elicit letters strategy for a bar, blatant prejudice and discrimination at of apology from the Pride Board and Beatroute Magazine. the door are. When they fi rst opened their doors, the Twist- GayCalgary refused to pull their sponsorship and support ed Element’s advertising hook was a promise to be welcom- of Pride, although they expressed disappointment about the ing of everyone in the community; this was in contrast to tone of the article and the usage of his quote to the author. the private men’s club of Metro Boyztown that was Calgary’s After some consideration following an informal discussion popular gay dance club at the time. Even before Twisted with Pride Board director Linda Craig, GayCalgary decided Element came onto the scene, there was always the alterna- that it was not their place to pursue the apology letters ei- tive of Detour/Arena. Now it seems that Twisted Element is ther. Twisted Element did not follow through on their threat moving towards a similar polarization as Boyztown. Uncon- at the time. tested as the only gay dance club in Calgary, many custom- ers feel they have no choice but to tolerate the hassle at the For Pride Week the following year, the Twisted Element door. Those that are fed up are spilling over into the other did enter a last minute fl oat and marched in the parade, to bars, gay and straight, or simply not bothering to come out the surprise of a many in the community. Skorka hopes at all. this means that bridges are being rebuilt. The co-operation between gay business owners and non- “We were quite happy to see them, and actually, as a sign profi t groups is the foundation of the gay community in of good will we waived the entry fee.” most cities. This can sometimes be a diffi cult relationship Although it was business as usual for GayCalgary, Polyak to maintain, stemming from the fact that businesses and states that the Pride 2006 incident was neither the fi rst nor non-profi ts have vastly different ways of serving their sectors the last of many diffi cult demands made on the magazine by of the community. While non-profi t organizations exist to the club owners. assist minorities within our minority community, gay busi- nesses cater to a broader range of community members. A For some time now, the Twisted Element has championed healthy gay community cannot exist when these two cannot their support of the Imperial Sovereign Court of - garner a working relationship. nook Arch (ISCCA) and The SHARP Foundation as proof of their community support and involvement. In a discussion This is particularly diffi cult when individuals from many with Lonnie Starlight, the current reigning Empress of the non-profi t groups in Calgary have been barred entry to the ISCCA, she expressed some frustration about the lack of Twisted Element, often for their actions outside of the estab- advertising for their Wednesday night fundraising shows, as lishment. Over the last three years, the club has barred or well as the limited fundraising methods that the court was made to feel unwelcome directors, volunteers, or members permitted to use during the event. Recently the club owners from Pride Calgary, Fairy Tales Film Festival, Herland Film cancelled the ISCCA’s Wednesday night shows, after an ulti- Festival, Apollo, ARGRA, Different Strokes, Calgary Outlink, matum that the group must take action to make the nights Miscellaneous Youth Network, the ISCCA, and OutGames/ a success. The ISCCA strives to involve all bars in their OutFest/OutRights – citing reasons surrounding the opera- fundraising efforts, but this decision effectively pushed them tion of their groups, or their members’ personal opinions of out of the club. We contacted many other gay businesses community representation. The staff of Metro Boyztown and and non-profi t groups in the city, who would only com- Detours/Pulse also received blanket bans for the actions ment off the record for fear that they would suffer setbacks and opinions of individual staff members, as did other gay in their efforts to rebuild a relationship with the club, or to businesses in the city. At times these bans affected some simply co-exist peacefully. individuals that had not set foot into the Twisted Element in their life. Last month we attempted to contact the SHARP Founda- tion that operates Beswick House and Scott House - two In June of 2006, an article appeared in Beatroute maga- AIDS Hospices that care for the terminally ill from the GLBT zine in which Tyler Hunt, a director of that year’s Pride community. Our inquiry was as to whether moneys raised Calgary Pride Board, among other things made a statement from the Twisted Element Bike Giveaway, which concluded that Calgary still needs an “alternate, friendly space” in the in June of this year, were received in good order. Perhaps queer community. Many of the quoted individuals were not this is moot point considering the club publicly donated informed that their words were being used to support the $10,000 to the charity after their World AIDS Day service. author’s criticisms of the Twisted Element, but regardless the owners of the club were furious at the Pride Board for “The Twisted Element has been our biggest supporter,” commented Floyd Visser of the SHARP Foundation. 48 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Twisted Element owner Fafard has traditionally been the face and voice of his club, and during personal appearances at events such as Paragraph 175 (an event honouring Gay survivors of the Holocaust) he has also claimed to repre- sent the gay community as a whole, based on his status as a successful business owner. On the other hand, looking at his club’s behaviour - their treatment of the majority of non-profi t organizations, their door policies, and their at- tempts to control free media outlets - he is far from being the ideal representative of Calgary’s GLBT community at large. Perhaps it is time the organizations in the community cast off their feeling of obligation to be accommodating to the Twisted Element when they are not willing to afford the same courtesy back. Although organizations should be open to working WITH them, they must draw the line before end- ing up working FOR them. For some bar patrons, there is still hope that something will change for the better at the doors of the Twisted Ele- ment – they enjoy the club and would gladly return if they could avoid the frustrations at the door. However, the fact that their complaints are reaching this magazine indicates that outcries directly to the bar have been falling on deaf ears. Others can’t wait for a competitive “alternate space” to open in Calgary, on the hopes that things might be better elsewhere. To date, bars have been a hub of the GLBT community, and it is there that we should all be welcome to celebrate our revolution and build the organizations that serve us. This feeling is best represented in Twisted Element’s own slogan: “Coming out was hard enough, going out shouldn’t be.”

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 49 50 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 The Mystery of Edwin Drood Solve-it-yourself Musical Mystery a Masterpiece

By Jason Clevett Preview | Theatre Charles Dicken’s The Mystery of Edwin Drood was scheduled to be published in 12 installments from April 1870 to March 1871. His death from a stroke on June 9th, 1870 left half of the story unwritten, and the ending of The Mystery of Edwin Drood re- mained just that, a mystery. Vertigo Mystery Theatre not only brings his tale to life on stage this holiday season, but also lets you, the audience, decide the ending. A “show within a show,” Drood takes its audience back in time to The Music Hall Royale in the late 1800’s. There the cast and crew rush around putting together the fi rst performance of Dickens’ tale. While the novel is named after Edwin Drood, the story is mostly that of his uncle, a hypocritical choirmaster named John Jasper, who is in love with his pupil, Rosa Bud. Miss Bud is Drood’s fi ancée, and has caught the eye of the high-spirited and hot-tempered incredibly fl exible Helena Landless is exotic and perfectly foreigner Neville Landless, who with his twin sister, Helena, over the top. Elinor Holt absolutely steals every scene she is immediately makes an enemy of Drood. Drood goes for a in as the incredible Opium Den owner, Princess Puff. Doug walk on Christmas and disappears, leaving a long list of McKeag has the unenviable task of supporting the show in suspects. the role of chairman, the man who in that period of theatre With a cast of 18, and an extensive and impressive set, would narrate the story and introduce its stars. From top to The Mystery of Edwin Drood is the largest production in bottom, the talent in this show - both vocally and in produc- Vertigo’s history. With book, music, and lyrics by Rupert ing vibrant caricatures on the stage - is astounding. Holmes, The Mystery of Edwin Drood was fi rst produced in And the songs are fantastic as well. Holmes’ lyrics are 1985 by the New York Shakespeare Festival, and then trans- catchy and fun, with the standout being the fast paced Both ferred to Broadway, where it ran for 608 performances. The Sides of the Coin by Doug McKeag as The Mayor and Zach- production won fi ve Tonys in 1986, including Best Musical, ary Stevenson as John Jasper. It is simply one of the most as well as Drama Desk and Edgar awards. incredible things I have seen in musical theatre and not Because Dickens’ book was left unfi nished, the musi- really something that can be described beyond that. Add in cal hinges upon a novel idea: the audience decides by vote Mark Bellamy’s skill at choreographing great art on stage which of the characters is the murderer. Though it seems and you will fi nd yourself sitting in awe during many points fairly clear that, barring a twist, John Jasper is Dickens’ during the show. main suspect, the musical’s suspect pool is broadened to When the Betty Mitchell Awards are announced in 2008, include other characters such as Neville Landless, Rosa you can bet you will see quite a few nominations for The Bud, Helena Landless, Rev. Crisparkle, Princess Puffer, and Mystery of Edwin Drood and with good reason. It is one of Mr. Bazzard. Adding further interactivity, the audience also the best productions in Calgary of the year. And with the chooses one male and one female character to develop a added twist of the audience input, going more then once romance together: Holmes wrote brief alternate endings for could potentially lead to an entirely different ending. Do every possible voting outcome, even the most unlikely. The yourself a favor and don’t miss out on seeing this absolute end result is 568 potential endings, depending on how the treat of theatre. audience votes. It takes a very special type of cast to pull off an over the The Mystery of Edwin Drood top spectacle like Drood and director Mark Bellamy has suc- November 17 – December 16, 2007 ceeded. The actors play both actors as well as the characters Vertigo Mystery Theatre in the play. Onalea Gilbertson genderbends masterfully Tickets: (403) 221-3708 as the title character. Zachary Stevenson’s John Jasper is sinister enough to make you gleefully boo and hiss him whenever he appears on stage. Lindsey Dawn’s Rosa Bud is played with innocence, beauty and charm and her operettic voice is highlighted strongly in her songs. Natascha Girgis’

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 51 Queer Eye - Calgary & Edmonton Community Events this Month

Photos by Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino of Magazine Taboo Sex Show Calgary and Edmonton

La Fleur Open House - Calgary

52 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Texas Lounge & Goliath’s 20th Anniversary - Calgary

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 53 Drag Shows at The Roost - Edmonton Drag Shows at Buddy’s - Edmonton

Diva-Licious Drag Shows at Twisted Element - Calgary

54 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Moma Kim’s Show at Twisted - Calgary DJ WCBD at the Calgary Eagle - Calgary

ARGRA Dance - Calgary

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 55 Exposure Festival - Loud & Queer at TransAlta Barns Exposure Festival - Rouge Masqueerade Ball - Edmonton - Edmonton

56 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Exposure Festival at Latitude 53 - Edmonton Alberta Beef and Fake Moustache at Prism - Edmonton

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 57 Twisted Element 3rd Anniversary - Calgary

58 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 Press Releases

By GayCalgary Staff Press Releases Scissor Sisters – Hurrah! November 28th, 2007 each of the female artists by letter and the recordings were made all over the world in each artist local studio over the The wait is almost over - this Tuesday, December 4th, the spring of 2007. new Scissor Sisters DVD ‘Hurrah! A Year Of Ta-Dah!’ will be released!. TAC was founded on 10 December 1998 in Cape Town, South Africa. They campaign for treatment for people with As you’d expect from your Sisters this is no run of the mill HIV and to reduce new HIV infections. Their efforts have music DVD; it features a 60 minute documentary, behind resulted in many life-saving interventions, including the the scenes footage from all manner of green rooms and a live implementation of country-wide mother-to-child transmis- concert fi lmed at London’s 02 during the band’s sold-out sion prevention and antiretroviral treatment programmes. ‘Kiss You Off’ tour this summer. The TAC also runs a treatment literacy campaign: this is a Extras include a 25 minute intimate acoustic gig and all training programme on the science of HIV treatment and four music videos from ‘Ta-Dah’. prevention.

ANNIE LENNOX ‘SING’(REMIXES) November 29th, 2007 Annie Lennox has teamed up with 23 of the world’s most acclaimed female superstar voices for the charity record Sing, to raise money and awareness for the HIV/AIDS organisa- tion, Treatment Action Campaign (TAC). The original track, already available to download through all online retailers; is now ac- companied by special remixes available starting Tuesday, November 27th only at iTunes in anticipation of WORLD AIDS DAY - SATURDAY 1st DECEMBER. The track is taken from Annie’s new critically- acclaimed album Songs of Mass Destruction. Annie Lennox recently spent 2 weeks in South Africa with the TAC, recording the real situation millions are facing every day, so the people unaware of the pandemic might gain some understanding. There are few resources to help medicate sufferers or educate the people about the prevention of HIV/ AIDS. The trip will be documented across online, TV and print media produced by Annie Lennox herself. Included among the group of superstar voices are TAC lo- cal activist members own vocal group, known as “The Gener- ics”, whose CD of social / political activist songs inspired An- nie to make Sing a reality. Annie then personally approached

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #50, December 2007 59 Classified Ads

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