Holgate Protecting Themselves Against the Observed by a Special Committee of Stumbling Around in the Dark.”
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''V ,. MARY CHANEY LIBRARY ' 1 ’=i' -ji'--- '. ■ ■ ' 1 iFr rv.7f.ki| vy-' M ^ . T0B8DAY, DECEMBER 7,1948 lf»raU> ------------------------------- ^ ^ ^ ^ II- 2 f t i _ i M s i iiU of CtaristasM carols. Ksfresh- offarlng wffl he taken, for the bea and whits, wearing polntsd ^ s r st of missions. Fair S t Margaret Mary Mothers Or- caps, and canryfiig atar-tippad ments of coffee, cookies, and buns fair teMgfei will be served by a committee The general committee In charge Igta’dadaROIti cle wUl meet Wednesday night at Local Church wands. of the Lucia festival Is Mrs. O. Al It Rain!^ Let R Pour! Mat nlgbtt About Town the home of Mrs. H. J. A pUylet, "Ths Oirlstmas from the Mtsslonary Society; Mrs. bert Pearson, Mrs. Brte Anderaon, 57# Hartford road. S t Monica a Dream,” will be given by a g ^ P John Bowon, chairman; Mrs. Wil Plans Pageai^t liam Orr, Mrs. Herman Johns^ Miss Eva Johnson, and Mise Nor The Ladlea’ Auxiliary of tlw Mothers Circle will have a meeting of young people. Marguerite Hln- ma Johnson. SfantheaUtr-^'A City o f VittaK* Charm tomorrow evening at the home of richs and Priscilla Treat, as two and Mrs. Ivor Carlson. A free-will Han-American club will mwt sisters, will receive some little tomorrow night at 7:30 at the Mrs. Howard White, 38 Llnnmote lH Drive. The members'arc asked to Christmas visitors In their hom^ MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. DECEBIBER 8. 1948 (THIRTY PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FOUR CSgfm'. c lubrooms on Eldridge street. Emanuel Church to VOL. LXVnL, NO. 58 ; Ou Page Elflseu) note the change In schedule. TOe in the persons of Barbara and •j * Holy Family Mothers Circle will Hold Traditional Fes Ronald Olson, Linda and Barbara Manchester Lodge of Masons Smith, and Richard Johnson. will con.cr the Master Mason de- meet tomorrow night also wll^ p, A. Young, Apartment 1, 300 tival on Dec. 10 A mixed quartet, comprised of Christmas A*, * L m at a special communication Mrs. Carl E. Olson, Hys. Eric An A Detectivea GriU Ihree-nm e Murder Suspect tonight at 7 V3 O. This will be the Porter street. Miss Laura Andlslo of this town, of St. Francis hospi The traditional festival honor derson, Herbert Bengtson, and final degree work of the year, m Hugo Pearson, will sing a group British Get Story Former Sayre Aide If the annual meeting and election of tal psychiatric clinic will be ing St. Lucia will be observed at Present For officers will be held on Tuesday, speaker. Friday evening the Holy Emanuel Lutheran dhurch, Friday .December 14. Ghost Mothere Circle will meet at evening, December 10, at 8 the home of Mrs. Frank Sama, 45 o’clock, with a pageant and a play The midweek service at the Middle Turnpike east. sponsored by the Women’s Mis Her She Will Jewish Forces Go Covenant Congregational church sionary Society. INSURE ■ *v' .‘ '■■'■■'-V I. Quizzed in Secret tomorrow evening will begin at A Christmas story hour by Miss Miss Lois Gustsrfson will portray WHli ' ’ ■;> V . „ Marion Jesseman. children’s libra- 7:80 instead of 8:00 because of the Lucia,” and as Is the custom In McKINNEY BROTHERS special business meeting to follow. riafi. Is scheduled for Thursday at Sweden, she will be dressed In Enjoy Ail Into Battle Again 3:15 around tlie fireplace of the white, with a crown of bay leaves OmU Estate aad Mary Cheney Ubrary. and lighted candles, and will car .V» MAIN ST. TEL CSii from the first through the fifth ry a serving tray with coffee and Year Round House Probers grades are Invited. Swedish coffee-bread. Her attend Receive Private Inform Red Delegate, ants, who will wear pastel gowns ation Trans - Jordan Atlantic Mrs. Albert C ^ n of 26 Trotter and carry lighted tapers, will be FENDER AND BODY Eunice A. Lincoln in street entertained about K Laurine Hoaglund, Barbara Peter Invaded; British Del Uves of this town and Haruord son, Dorothy WllUs, Esther Olson, Urges Ending Office of Ffunner As Range and Fuel with a surprise party In honor of Lorraine DlManno, Joan Hatha WORK Automatic Rotary Ironor $199.95 egate Says If Report Donald Hiss Called her mother-in-law, Mrs. F. r. way, Susan Todd, and Betty Wil Solimeiia ami Flaitfi. lac* sistant Secretary «f Mletsner, whose birthday occurred lard. The procession will be led Trae It Would Oblige Korea Group on that day. The party * by two children, Karin Pearson and Wah ssdl you try tUe wpswlre G ^ With His Brother State at Same TIkm OIL family dinner party at which Mrs. Joan Anderson, dressed In silver aaal Elsettk sotsfy iiooer whfc 195 ■ 0 H I U 1 M B .: Britain to Take Action sqsam If-ffc— o f iioalag shoe larfacc;. As Alger Hiss Em Mletxner was the f«f«^ * M M liV A U I Malik Terms Commis Games and reminiscing while away Wait aoifl you ees how ^ e t^ Psria, Dec. 8.—<ff)—Th® ployed There; Lovett the time and she was remembered -•paid iraoiag” tso be with adjuttaUe sion *Tool of Ameri L. T. WOOD CO. British said today they haie T o T tM h B efore F«*^aim e8e Arm v Tells N < ^ Conferw with many choice gifts. PINEHURST OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY «Msd o f the roll . w iA sutoeaenc pri^te information that Jew can Imperialism’ in erm Grand Jury; J 51 Blasen St. TeL 4496 liZd or kaee opeiatiea . ead with ence Code Changed , The Past Chiefs’ aub of Memor big, foldiag eod d id tee, ish armed forces have invad Asking Term^ation O fficitd Say^r ‘b o d y ial Temple, I^ythlan Sisters, wl^ll ed Trans-Jordan. Harold Bee- Group Breaks meet Thursday evening at the SOFT WHITE NAPKINS Bat dod't welt may loager la ^ iht I reeed of tel / ly. British United Nations Near Fintd Contusion Washington. Doc. 8-—(F) home of Mrs. Kay Perkins. M AU' oew G-E De Lam Antooietic Rotary Paris, Dec. 8—(F)— Soviet Dele ■A ’woman described as a tumn street. TWt will be the an Irootrl CoaM la and let at show you delegate, told the Security gate Jacob A. Malik demanded to Out of Circle When onr paper selesman bilked what ifs like to tit dowa and iron at Beautiful Gift New York, Dec. 8.—<ff)— former State department see- nual Christmas party and each we told him thla grade of naplto | ‘ Ckiuncil’a Palestine commit ds^ the United Nationff Korean A battenr sf poBoe quesMoM LouIb Spencer (rtght). heM oa a diarge of hdag a tagHlre a rotary Ironet that wet built for Wg la Hartford. Speacer vfaa aMo qdxsed, ndloe said, as a snspect la the manW of garn^re to Donald Hiss, former State de It's Benson's- member la requested to provide a He Insleted that If the depertawnt stow c o ^ ^ l tme ^ ■ tee if the information proved cominisrion be ended, terming It a re ta ir who woriced with Al freoMt /eSi. You’ll roarince youradf trus, it would “oblige Britain "to SmSomA^ PcBBsylviuda aad West Vlrglahk Left to right are (front row): Detective Joha 1. Zekas, partment employe, was called ger Hiss, wfM questifmdi he- [g ift. ____ white Hollywood Luncheon Nepkln et * ^ e are I tool bf American imperialism.” Units of Hard-Pressed For The at 85c eo conld the grocery More. He was r l ^ * * S J I that the Gcncrd Electric Rotary Iroocr U m b re lla s take action envisaged la Its treaty BMttcnt State PoSce; Sgt. Beary EMheiberger, Peanaylnuila State PoUce, aad Spraoer. B ^ rewt today with his brother, Alger, lind closed doors today hy I Group A of Center church wo- jutt can’t te beat. with that Arab eountry.” Malik said J<4m Foster Dulles, D^uty PoUee Cldef Thoorea J. HIchey. Hartford; Detective Sgt. Thomaa J. Kershaw, Harttard, 12th Army Contact acting charman of the U. B. dele tb testify before an espio the House (Committee on Un- men will enjoy a Christmas party SUty ortiillS ^toe at 16c, S fo r *»c and 18c a box. I Site Not SpeoMed Deieetlve Samael Borne, Oeaneettcut State PoUoe. (NEA telephoto). ______ '________ tomorrow evening In the Federa- | gation. “wants to utilise the U. N. nage-probing Federal grand Other Troops Advanc American Activities. She OBIlBRAL^BUCraiC Beely did not specify the atse 1 tlon room o f the church. A ll n'*®*’" , aa a cloak for transforming south jury. The jury entered the gave her name to reportm FOR ECONOMY FOODS I WASNIRS * SRTPR8 * inONIIS of the forces reported to be in ern Korea Into a playground of ing from Hwai Line bers are urged to attend and enjoy ' / $3.98 16 rib volved. He said a second JewlMi third day of its renewed in Eunice > A. Unoeln. the entertainment planned by Mrs. SHOP ALL DAY WEDNESDAY AT PINEHURST I capitalism and a sprlng1>oard for Doubt Arises Major Fight 4 committee official said ,aba force was reported to have ad impcolaltsm.” News Tidbits vestigation with a Federal of BuDctinl POLOINO William Steiner, .5=^“ *;: Dosens of patterns In colorful {dalds, stripes and borders In all vanced southward half way be ficial reporting it to be near a was a secretary back la ISST aad man. Mrs. Herbert House wUl head FOE PANCAKE BBBAKFASTS sa Other M odels .............. $169.95 to $229.95 'hie Russian delegate spoke NeaUag, Dee. S—(SV-bnro IMS la the office of fVancia OOLl'.COACH I cUlors.