AHE Pioiteee I Earl Hunter

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AHE Pioiteee I Earl Hunter Rjomor PuMo If VOL XVIII LOWELL, MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY 2, 1911 NO 33 %%%%%%%%»%%»%%»»%%%%»%%%%%%%%%%% THE CITY STATE BANK * Lowell, Mich. "Gibson Family Reunion" Made Suddenly in Grand Rapids Lowell Beaten at Holland. Wins VALENTINES) a Big Hit. Home Monday. from Ionia. AT "The (iihson Family Ueuiiimr' The Lowell High school basket ^YOUR CHECK BOOK I-•i s sinii'Cii last (n*emn<i; at the ball girls went to Holland Friday •r In JIIVVM.VH hmidv and rmi alwiiys City hall mnler the direetion of to play the Holland team. They •I* LOOK'S | snake the ri^lit. cium^o, ta valiu*- 4* Miss ClaiJi Andrews ul' the I Jock were defeated by a score of 4 to 5. ICiiterlaiimnMii Co., was one of It wos an excellent game and II'HH In Uiy liai I!H uf anyone en- •> Hie most: creditable, enjoyable the Lowell girls played well. The BA1V eepttn^ yomwlf, and em li cheek «£ and sticeessin! home-talent enter- lloor was very slippery and both : Drug and Book Store j Is a receipt f!»r < h»* ni'iney paid. •}» tainments ever jiiven in Lowell. teams were unable to deep their THAT PA Vmi will lik»! the H.VHteni unci* ? The mnsienl nnmbers were feet, but on account of the Hol- The custom of sending Valentines is centuries old and •i'ood. the eomedy excellent and S land team hoving prod iced on von hc^ln. •• •s* tlie parts were all well t.-iken, it they had the advantage of the was never so generally observed as now. The quality of J0 - / This is the Day j- oviili'iii-inji tiilciil nil the part of Lowell girls. Valentines has steadily improved until now it is possible T* the amateur netors and tiie abil- A fejiture of ihe trame was the to gather really remarkable stock, such as we are showing. " 4v 2 iiy and patience ol" those who making of all the baskets by 1 The City State Bank had thealTair in ehaijic. Alva llowen. Lowellgot no Held Where nil did so well, compar- baskets and Holland one. Hol- Choose Valentines Now? isons wmild be odious; and we liiod made buskets and Lowell and thus get your choice of all the new and beautiful ones. simply advise all who like "fet- I. lluth Layer .'ind Inn ()'Har- We have CARD MOUNTS, FANCY DROPS, COMIC and 1 h\v" music, cleanhnimn'and lots row played espeeiallv well .'is ol it to nt lend I he sct nud exbibi- gioirds. Fdythe Charles snbsti- FANCY POST CARDS, BOOKLETS, CUT OUTS, and a ai&sa mmamsjatiimtmut i ion nt I he City hall toni^lit. 1 uleii fur Kul li Loyer iluring t he lot of oddities new this season. rie' ndvanci'd sale of tickets and hitler part of the game. PRICES RANGE FROM 1c TO $1.00 I li e lar^i' Miid well pleased I The Lowell girls played unus. You Need Tim. c audience Inst ni^iit assures n imlly well making their passes 1.500 BEAUTIFUL VALENTINE POST CARDS Al 1c piicked hniise tonight. ,\lrs. Henry .N'^ilicll. formerly occurately and ployingnll around of Lowell, died Monday morning the llollaml team. The return game will be plnyed We Have It For Sale of heart failure at her home in (Irand Ihipids. She desceiided here in the near future. D. G. LOOK I he Holland Coach paid Marie the stairs .'ipparently in her Lowell nsusal health and was iibont to Perry, runniny center for Lowell, The Rexall Drug and Stationery Store, Held Installation and Banque seal herself at the breakfast the com|»linient of being the best Alto ; Our slock of Watches is in good player, except one, he has ever Friday Evening. table, when she complained sud- shape for inspection. We carry denly of feeling ill and l:iy down seen play. Lowell Lodjie Mystic Workers on the couch. Within ten min- all the leading makes and some held an enjoyable semi-public in- utes sin* had passed oway. Fun- The Ionia, llasket ball team of the cheaper grades. Clocks, stallation and bamjuefc at Mac- eral services were held yestenhiy cabce hall Friday eveninji' last . were defeated by the Lowell bas- afternoon at the i'csidein-e. ket ball team in a fast game here too! We know we have just M. li. Cnrtiss, of Hi^Uapids. Ida Louise Hatch wa^ born in vice supreme master, assisted by Inst Friday evening, score to fm the time-piece you want (Jrand Kapids in LSoi'. but enme ."1. Sewing Deputy Arthur Sm!illiil«>e of to Lowell with her porents when (Irand Kapids, installed the fol- The home team outclassed the MODELS OF PERFECTION. ———— ;i young girl, attendcil school visitors in every department ol Jewelry is almost a specialty lowing ollicei's: and was married here, moving PERFECTLY Clmrles M. McKlwain. prefect; I he game. Ionia failed to get a Machines to (Irand Kapids about twenty Held basket. Fvery boy on the SIMPLE with us. China and Glassware Mrs. I*!. C. Walker, monitor; Mrs. years ago. Lowell team played well. With in profusion. Laura McKlwain. secretary; Mrs. She was a ja'oininent club SIMPLY A 10113 Anna Walker, banker; I!. C. a little more time for develop- "White," ''New Home," woman, an earnest clmrch work- ment Lowell should have a fine Walker; marshal; I lo ves Uolf. er, an able thinker and a strong PERFECT. "Ruby," "Will C. Free," warden: Klwood Stinchcomb, team. writer. She had a leading part The boys will play the fastj Needli-s. i)il. Hi lts and .•ill kiiuls (if Sowing Ma- etc., sold cheaper than sentinel; Will IJoss JIIHI(lodl'rey in the Island park program at chilli- Mipplics, Uepairint; u spi chilty. There Are Always Bargains In Our I'riedlie, supci'visors. Olivet team here Friday, Feb. in any other place in the the last Lowell home-i oming. The la.dyj teachers will play the At the conclusion of the cere- The husband Hciiry .Mitchell, State Come in and let me give you some facts and figures. mony addresses were jriven by Lowell High school basket ball Wimlows. Soe Them. son (Jains, brother (1. W. Hatch jiirls team Hie same eveninir. Large bottle of highest grade oil and needle threader Messrs. Curtiss, Smallidiie, Mc- of (Jrand Kapids, and sister Mrs. Mlwain and Johnson; then the C. W. Hull of West Seattle, sur- al special price of 15c while they last. members and their jrnests par- vive her. A good crowd attended the in- took of an elaborate bam|net. door baseball games Monday Amoii'i' the quests were Mrs. night. The lirst game between R D. STOCKING Repair Work a Specialty Kachel Frost. Mrs. I lorry Hhodes lln' Athletics and the Specialty ami Miss Christina, Linderboom, Co. went two extra, innings and of (irand Ihipids, besides numer- I was won bv the special! v Co. ous locnl friiMids of the members. 11 to ir». ' 'I'lie Mystic Wo 1 kers order is Edgar Kennedy's Long Illness In the second game the Cutter enii»yi?'<!,.a stviuly growth; 'ind FrvMn « V kid ^ factory team won from the Tillers mtmmrn olTers protection for the Inmie Fdgar Kennedy died Mond.iy, ina poorly played game 15 to Ji D.Oliver, and fainilv at a low rale. Jan. •"»<>. at his home in Keene IS. The next game will be Mon- towwuship after ;i long decline day the (Jth when the Colts play These Cold j lacaaai&sffjzi and illness, aged .V» yc.-irs. I'un- the Specialty Co. the llrst game OURCOAL eral services will be held at the and the Athletics the ('inter Fac- e^MrjKMUKMtt'xnwu w.v Apmituictaraa A HE PIOItEEe Keeiie Methodist church Thurs- tory the second. Mornings day at 2o'clock |t. in., conducted The slanding of the teani.s: by Kev. (ieorge of Saranac. won lost percent Abner D. Thomas Died iU The Mr. Kennedy was b jrn in \ er- 1 l<iers .•II BUCKWHEAT FEED Age of 86. gennesFebruary l."), 1 S.",S. Later Cut ter fact on- .(;(»(; We aim to supply the Abner D. Thomas died at the the family moved to Olisco. Special ty Co. .(»(Ht best the market affords. Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 7, 1911. honii' of Mr. and Mrs. Warren where he was married in INS;; to Colts .L'.lo King Milling Co., Lowell, Mich. Lillie. Monday moniin«r. .Ian. •'U Miss Flsie A. Koweii. Soon af- Alhlet ics Am ter their marriage they moved Gentlemen:— at tne a«ie of N(; yenrs. Mr. Tiiomns wos a brother-in-law of to a farm in Keem?, where he re- The analysis of the sample of Buck wheal Feed shows it & Mrs. Lillie's and had lived there sided iinl il his death. He was a Earl Hunter. to contain Protein and Fat: 18.255 per cent. for the past t wo years. membei of the Methodist church Yours truly lie was born in Ovid, N. Y.. and of t lie order of Maccabees. W. C. Kirchgessner, Ph. C. Sept. 10. l.S2."». but came to He is survived by his wife and Kent county when a youn^ man, son Howard .1., of Keene and by Edward Stinton Fell Dead The liwat feed for cattle I'roleln and Iwit nhnost niual to l»rnn and moved to a farm in Howne four brothers: Alonzoand (Ieorge His Home. ami MlddlhiKN. township, where he had spent of (ireenville. Willard of Kutrican IMward Stinton's life came most of his life since. For sever- and Wilbur of Lakeview. a sudden close at his home •HB Bpi B 5 S1B.00 PEP.
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