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%%%%%%%%»%%»%%»»%%%%»%%%%%%%%%%% THE CITY STATE BANK * Lowell, Mich. "Gibson Family Reunion" Made Suddenly in Grand Rapids Lowell Beaten at Holland. Wins VALENTINES) a Big Hit. Home Monday. from Ionia. AT "The (iihson Family Ueuiiimr' The Lowell High school basket ^YOUR CHECK BOOK I-•i s sinii'Cii last (n*emn Hie most: creditable, enjoyable the Lowell girls played well. The BA1V eepttn^ yomwlf, and em li cheek «£ and sticeessin! home-talent enter- lloor was very slippery and both : Drug and Book Store j Is a receipt f!»r < h»* ni'iney paid. •}» tainments ever jiiven in Lowell. teams were unable to deep their THAT PA Vmi will lik»! the H.VHteni unci* ? The mnsienl nnmbers were feet, but on account of the Hol- The custom of sending Valentines is centuries old and •i'ood. the eomedy excellent and S land team hoving prod iced on von hc^ln. •• •s* tlie parts were all well t.-iken, it they had the advantage of the was never so generally observed as now. The quality of J0 - / This is the Day j- oviili'iii-inji tiilciil nil the part of Lowell girls. Valentines has steadily improved until now it is possible T* the amateur netors and tiie abil- A fejiture of ihe trame was the to gather really remarkable stock, such as we are showing. " 4v 2 iiy and patience ol" those who making of all the baskets by 1 The City State Bank had thealTair in ehaijic. Alva llowen. Lowellgot no Held Where nil did so well, compar- baskets and Holland one. Hol- Choose Valentines Now? isons wmild be odious; and we liiod made buskets and Lowell and thus get your choice of all the new and beautiful ones. simply advise all who like "fet- I. lluth Layer .'ind Inn ()'Har- We have CARD MOUNTS, FANCY DROPS, COMIC and 1 h\v" music, cleanhnimn'and lots row played espeeiallv well .'is ol it to nt lend I he sct nud exbibi- gioirds. Fdythe Charles snbsti- FANCY POST CARDS, BOOKLETS, CUT OUTS, and a ai&sa mmamsjatiimtmut i ion nt I he City hall toni^lit. 1 uleii fur Kul li Loyer iluring t he lot of oddities new this season. rie' ndvanci'd sale of tickets and hitler part of the game. PRICES RANGE FROM 1c TO $1.00 I li e lar^i' Miid well pleased I The Lowell girls played unus. You Need Tim. c audience Inst ni^iit assures n imlly well making their passes 1.500 BEAUTIFUL VALENTINE POST CARDS Al 1c piicked hniise tonight. ,\lrs. Henry .N'^ilicll. formerly occurately and ployingnll around of Lowell, died Monday morning the llollaml team. We Have It For Sale of heart failure at her home in The return game will be plnyed (Irand Ihipids. She desceiided here in the near future. D. G. LOOK I he Holland Coach paid Marie the stairs .'ipparently in her Lowell nsusal health and was iibont to Perry, runniny center for Lowell, The Rexall Drug and Stationery Store, Held Installation and Banque seal herself at the breakfast the com|»linient of being the best Alto ; Our slock of Watches is in good player, except one, he has ever Friday Evening. table, when she complained sud- shape for inspection. We carry denly of feeling ill and l:iy down seen play. Lowell Lodjie Mystic Workers on the couch. Within ten min- all the leading makes and some held an enjoyable semi-public in- utes sin* had passed oway. Fun- The Ionia, llasket ball team of the cheaper grades. Clocks, stallation and bamjuefc at Mac- eral services were held yestenhiy cabce hall Friday eveninji' last . were defeated by the Lowell bas- afternoon at the i'csidein-e. ket ball team in a fast game here too! We know we have just M. li. Cnrtiss, of Hi^Uapids. Ida Louise Hatch wa^ born in vice supreme master, assisted by Inst Friday evening, score to fm the time-piece you want (Jrand Kapids in LSoi'. but enme ."1. Sewing Deputy Arthur Sm!illiil«>e of to Lowell with her porents when (Irand Kapids, installed the fol- The home team outclassed the MODELS OF PERFECTION. ———— ;i young girl, attendcil school visitors in every department ol Jewelry is almost a specialty lowing ollicei's: and was married here, moving PERFECTLY Clmrles M. McKlwain. prefect; I he game. Ionia failed to get a Machines to (Irand Kapids about twenty Held basket. Fvery boy on the SIMPLE with us. China and Glassware Mrs. I*!. C. Walker, monitor; Mrs. years ago. Lowell team played well. With in profusion. Laura McKlwain. secretary; Mrs. She was a ja'oininent club SIMPLY A 10113 Anna Walker, banker; I!. C. a little more time for develop- "White," ''New Home," woman, an earnest clmrch work- ment Lowell should have a fine Walker; marshal; I lo ves Uolf. er, an able thinker and a strong PERFECT. "Ruby," "Will C. Free," warden: Klwood Stinchcomb, team. writer. She had a leading part The boys will play the fastj Needli-s. i)il. Hi lts and .•ill kiiuls (if Sowing Ma- etc., sold cheaper than sentinel; Will IJoss JIIHI(lodl'rey in the Island park program at chilli- Mipplics, Uepairint; u spi chilty. There Are Always Bargains In Our I'riedlie, supci'visors. Olivet team here Friday, Feb. in any other place in the the last Lowell home-i oming. The la.dyj teachers will play the At the conclusion of the cere- The husband Hciiry .Mitchell, State Come in and let me give you some facts and figures. mony addresses were jriven by Lowell High school basket ball Wimlows. Soe Them. son (Jains, brother (1. W. Hatch jiirls team Hie same eveninir. Large bottle of highest grade oil and needle threader Messrs. Curtiss, Smallidiie, Mc- of (Jrand Kapids, and sister Mrs. Mlwain and Johnson; then the C. W. Hull of West Seattle, sur- al special price of 15c while they last. members and their jrnests par- vive her. A good crowd attended the in- took of an elaborate bam|net. door baseball games Monday Amoii'i' the quests were Mrs. night. The lirst game between R D. STOCKING Repair Work a Specialty Kachel Frost. Mrs. I lorry Hhodes lln' Athletics and the Specialty ami Miss Christina, Linderboom, Co. went two extra, innings and of (irand Ihipids, besides numer- I was won bv the special! v Co. ous locnl friiMids of the members. 11 to ir». ' 'I'lie Mystic Wo 1 kers order is Edgar Kennedy's Long Illness In the second game the Cutter enii»yi?'. at his home in Keene IS. The next game will be Mon- towwuship after ;i long decline day the (Jth when the Colts play These Cold j lacaaai&sffjzi and illness, aged .V» yc.-irs. I'un- the Specialty Co. the llrst game OURCOAL eral services will be held at the and the Athletics the ('inter Fac- e^MrjKMUKMtt'xnwu w.v Apmituictaraa A HE PIOItEEe Keeiie Methodist church Thurs- tory the second. Mornings day at 2o'clock |t. in., conducted The slanding of the teani.s: by Kev. (ieorge of Saranac. won lost percent Abner D. Thomas Died iU The Mr. Kennedy was b jrn in \ er- 1 l00 00 iK-posits -nri.JiiiC) 02 Next Sunday will be Moody day ted him to the kitchen to supply spent in Lowell village. FOR— Ileal tiatato 770 «i(» at the Conjirelational church. February 1, isyi. lie was mar- his wants and while she was busy :< '.'x/ TO HAVE THOSE CAHII and due from hnnkn.. .'(»,80.'{ 2.M The reason lor this is next Son- for him he stole a new razor thai, ried to Mary P lOasterday of HOME - MADE CANDIES day Feb. o, bein«r IK L. Moodv's this vicinity. To thisnnioii were lay on the wash stand. The loss PICTURES TAKEN That Are Strictly Home Made. S.TIl.OSI O.'i s:!:,i.!is.| or. birthday and also the 2oth an- was not discovered until he had born four children; William 8., niversary of the Moody Bible in- disappeared. l-'loyd F., Martha A. and Ethel The Christmas Pan Candies, Cream Cara- OFITCFKS AND DIIMXTOKS stitute of Chicairo which event L.. all of whom survive and with Keminds one of the dog that rush is over, so mels, Chocolates, Kisses. E. L. BENNETT, CHARLES McCARTY. TOM. F. DOYLE' will be celebrated on the above bit the hand that lifted him out three sisters, the wife and an ajjed mother are left to mourn. we can take Vice.Pret. President Vice-Pres. date ami continued thruiiirhout of the well. anniversary week. Pastor Ogg This testimonial was read at plenty of time All home made plain Taffies C. A. LEE. DUDLEY E. WATERS, D. G. MANGE, having been a student of this Got One on Hick's. the funeral service: to get acquain- E. D. McQUEEN. Cashier. Bible school from MU-'OT feels "At about the age of 17 years S^v ted and bring that the church here in Lowell At the conclusion of the Board lie was converted to the faith of 10c. out your best could do no better thing than to of Trade bamjiiet, "America" Jesus Christ, baptised and took at the Little Stand on the Ilrldgil points. call the attention of the |>eople was announced as tlu closing nieinbership with the t'nited / of Lowell to that greatest of number. Brethren class at this place. He Also, we MRS. H. c. SCOTT .lust as "Dee" struck up the 11lh DON'T GET STUCK | evangelists I). L. Moody, so both held fellowship with this class have some in- The Gaudy Maker. tf at the morning and evening ser- prelude some disturbance was until until last November when vice, D. L. Moody as a man of lieard at the rear of the hall. he united with the Baptist church t'resting things f When company comes. Have come cf our choice Canned 4§ FOR SALE CHEAP. Goods on nand and you'll always be ready. We have • (iod and a friend of man will be S. P. Hicks, who always re- of Lowell. in the new CANNED HOMINY, PEAS, CORN, TOMATOES, SUCCO- I the thought. Make a special sents any slurs on "America," During all the years of his {) style Holders { f TASH, PUMPKIN. PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES, RASP- effort to be present at these ser- jumped up and shouted—"Wait Christian ex))erience his sole aim i and Mountings 74 p. Gasolene Engine 1 BERRIES. SALMON, SARDINES. HERRING. LOBSTER, vices. a minute! 'd/'t everybody who was to continually become more lias anv respect for our national f SHRIMP, and CONDENSED MILK. Quality best, prices Other meetings for the day are: and more like his Savior and al- A full line of Corn Husker, Buzz Saw, A right. service prompt. Men's class at noon and the Y. hymn KERP STILL!" so to teach others to lollow the "Oh,saidToastmaster Look "I P. S. C. E. O.JIO-T p. m. Ahhie straight and narrow way. His AMATEUR Feed Grinder, Belts and Maleoin. leader. Subject. "Why 1 thought you wanted us to sixa thoughts were not of himself. believe in the Christian I'ndeavor it." For others he dwelt. Many the Shafts. G. W. BANGS & CO.j society. the load which he lightened; SUPPLIES. For real barga ins in cloaks and many the heart that he britfht- W. M. Lavender Mrs. P. H. Schneider of Akron, suits go to Collar's. ened, by just a kind worn or Phone 250 Gets Us Quick. | Ohio, is visiting relatives an«l Valentines—all kinds—all prices deed spoken or done in time of Saranac, Mich., R. R. 10 friends here. at Winegar's. need." The Rhodes Studio 3Cp Want a Memorial Building. AIRY FAIRIES. ENLIST AID OF CHURCHES ' Knees Became Stiff One of the matters which has been Try Tfvt Home-Made FOR CCUNTRY-WLOE EFFORT BLAME PHYSICIANS FOR brought to the attention of the legis- Powerful Weapon Brought to Bear in GROWTH OF DOPE HABIT ILEGIMURE lature and is attracting nol a llitl< Cough Remedy Five Years of Sovoro Rhoumatism the Fight Against Tuber- Foes of Tuberculoiii Have Plan to attention Is Ihe plan for a beautiful The cure of Ihnry •T. n 11 ••fin, 14 SEEN AND HEARD culosis. Use Most Powerful Weapon Druggists Say Prescriptions and Net meniorlal building at Ltinslng to Costs Little, But Does the Work M o luu Sirfet, Huston, .Ma.-:s.t i, auuth. serve as a monument to the soldiers Quickly, or Money Refunded. f— • t vict'iry by 11 M illn. en Earth. Patent Medicines the 'tills g|.:i( llieiliclne l HIS > IN MICHIGAN and sailors of the state. The move- Just how serious a problem tubercu- is s -I I In Cause. IIS nrmy enst-s wii'Te otli-rs ( •• utterly ment for the building la backed by losis is to the average church, and in April 30 has been set aside this year 1 Mix one iiim of granuluted auRur full.. I. Mr. iJoldrOein Miy.- "1 .suf- the G. A. R. of the si ate and has the ; with Vt pint of warm water, and Hllr ' jus' what ways pastors are called up- !• ri d froin ri • Mii.iii.-m nv. Flint.—George Easton, twenty-nine, I as "Tiiberculosis Day," and will be ob- PROPOSED CHANGE IN SOME OF V-U's. It New York —Blaine for the prev- Indorsement of Gov. Osborn. The j for 2 minutfs. put liVi ouneos of Pln- h' lit nu! Irnni binim .Y/?/c/yr ind says the man is suffering from a occasion, made by the national asso- enacted city ordinance prohibiting the K and also for the offices of the state nnn' • •;!!:! f .m or side of 21 hours. Kplendid. too, for i sis day on April :I0. Statistics are cii< (.olatcd tabHs cJIcd Saraatabs. tracturo of the skull and says the in- ciation for the Study and Prevention sale at retail of any preparation con* OUT OF BUSINESS. military department. Then, too. It whooplnc coiiRh, chest puliiH, bron- chitis and other throat troubles. It ; being gathered from thomands of jury is weeks old. Easton pays he 11 Tuborciilnsio, the leaders of the talnlng morphine or Us salts except will be a museum of the war relies owned by Ihe slate. Including the stimulates tho apprtlto and is slight- j ministers regarding this subjcci, and T ALWAYS lias HPeim-d tlmt th( was hurt in Winnipeg by falling from movement state that they hope to en- upon a doctor's prescription. The Latest Fact and Gossip From ly laxative, whieh helps end a OOURII. battle flags which are now in the ro- j This roi-lpo makes more and better I among other figures the number of poet Jolm Boyle D'Reilly must have a ladder. After spending some time list a I! of the 33,000,000 church mem- The ordinance Is aimed prlmarilf the State Canitol Briefly tunda of the-capltol. A bill for the COURII syrup than you could buy ready {deaths last y»or from tuberculosis in Splendid Crops liutl Wafchliigtoa in miliil wlicn he in a hospital, he was shipped 200 bers in country. at paregoric and at stomach remedies, Noted. erection of the memorial has already i made for 12.50. It keeps perfectly and In one respect Tuberculosis day will tastes pleasant the church congregation will be given. In Scskatchewan (Western Canada) wrote the iioem which begijiH with miles and since then has been sent by I according to members of the board of been Introduced In the house. The I Plnex Is the most valuable conren- "What becomes of all the smashed It is planned to place th'se statist ics. 800 Bushels from 20 acres the wor.is "A city of ptUaces." I am various authorities from county to dllTer from Tuberculosis Sunday uf | health who were instrumentaf in oh* (». A. R. asks Its erection at this time j trated mmpound of Norway white ( By L. C. Ward.) aeroplanes?" together with other educational ma- of wheat wns the Ihrrshff's more cqtivinced than ever that Wash- county, during which time he has suf- 1910. Instead of requesting the - I pine extract, and Is rich IIn culalcol return from .1 l.loyd- | tulnlng Its passage. Caswell Mayo, so that the surviving members of the and all the natural pine elements which "They sell them to the girls for THtmitT l a,,n, : th ,nPn, bruneH 0,llor terial, in the hands ol' every minister mir.ster fumi in the ington must have hecu in the poet's fered considerably. Easton has papers churches to give to the tuberculosis J one of the druggists, said he had Senator Vanderwerp has introduced army may see It completed hofjire j l r ' .l? '' . - a bill reorganizing the judicial cir- hats, 1 guess." in the country for his use in connec- seifon of Hit). Mmy miml because he added the words, j substantiating his statement as to his cause a special Sunday service. Hit! made a canvass by mail of several they die. preparations will not work In this for- fiflos in thnt u"swell as cuits of the Klate. It cuts off six dis- mula. t tion with Tuberculosis day, Miliinns other distriot* yieliS- • No, not quite, a city where palaces i Injury and the time of leaving Winnl- national asseciation Is going to ask sanltarluma and the replies convinced tricts and eight Judges and will be This plan of making rough syrup with A Transaction In Stamps. of elreulars and pamphlets on tiie pre- ed from •.•> .15 bu- are, is host." One can forget all i peg. He was sent homo from here. this year that meetings, at which the him 90 per cent, of the victims of The State Convention. Plnex and Rugar Syrup (or Hi rained aliels of wheat to the followed by nnother bill which will So far as can be learned Ihe Re- honey) has proven so popular throughout I The stamp vending machines In- vention of tuberculosis will also be *. a O A re Other grains in ahout the beautiful government Snult Ste. Marie.—Governor Os- subject of luberculosjp and Its pre- 1 1 8, e, | drugs formed the habit as a result of provide for the rotating of the judges IfrJ t,"i ' . a'l l In many stores and shops about issued both from the national office projiorti',:i. buildings in this city, and yet know vention can be discussed, be held on publican spring convention will be a often imitated. Rut tho old. succcssful born a Initial acts were indorsed in a i using prescriptions given by physl- so that the judges of light districts fo mu I ihe city are not favored by a woman Sundny. April 30, or on any other day- very tame' affair. There arc mi op- i i J» ha* never been equaled and irom the headqiiartnrs oi the l.'.O URGE PROFITS it as a place "where palaccs are." resolution adopted by the Pine Grove claim and only s per cent, from using may help out where the work Is . i , ; A guaranty or ahsolule satisfaction, who hurried into a drugstore in Mas- 1 arc liiu« d e r 1 \ •* d near that date, either iu the week poncnts to Justices Ostrander and | or money promptly refunded, goes with anti-i'ibi rculosis jissodatlons wiio w ill The capital city has within its grange at its annual meeting here. proprietary medicines. heavy. Following are the proposed from the ! K I. K preceding or Ihe week lollowing. Ihid ol' tho supreme court, who are this recipe. Your drucglst has Plnex or sachusetts avenue s-everal days ago, cooperate In the movemeM HO M K S MAD I. \ > I) S bordfrs hundivds uf the mansions Sault Ste. Marie.—Members of Ihe new circuits: candidates for renomlnatlon and elee will get It for vou. Tf n-i*. Kend to Tho uf Hi'ikleni < aiatidrt. "What we went," says Mr. Living- where there Is a branch post ofllce. uf the rich. .More and more every roynl commission on industrial train- Was Taktng No Chances. First—Calhoun. Plnex Co., 204 Main St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Tin- ••> • ••in -hi • re i-ansr-* tlon. nor to Luther L. Wtight as sup- "How do you sell your two-cent A Corner In Candles. |i*li ••• In ;i Oan- •• i, i r. I siou Farrand, executive secretary of Kleventh— Chippewa, Schoolcraft, *'• .IIIV ing and technical education of Canada An amusing incident occurred a few erlntendeni of public Instruction. L stamps?" she inquired indignantly. -hnii il '1 • u .. • • ,ii• 1 1 il.e National Association for the Study Luce, Alger, Mackinac. As an example of trusts and monop- <> riilo III^.MII v cil f. 1 iii- lluished their two days' work in Sault days ago outside Maranz. Austria. L. ilitbhard, appointed by Gov. Os- One's Own Heaven and Hell. LIIC. < NOS.U^ • .1 UITLR* - Thirteenth—Benzie, Grand Traverse. "Two cents apiece," replied Hassett. alles prevalent e\en in that eniiy day liiK 'iif till • ',»•. 1 rrc Ste Marie, Out., and left for Montreal and Prevention of Tuberculosis, In a A cow strayed from the pasturage and born as regent, will have no oppo-i- Moat of our grief comes from with- Leoletiuw, Missaukee and Wexfofd. "Well, that's all right." she replied, it may be mentioned that in IT-*." one lloixeHtciiiNor M. '.»rri«iii»* and the immediate vicinity. Com pie- report on this movement, "la to have came within reach of ihe fort. The llon, and lien. S. Ilanchett will suc- in—we torti re and 'ortnent our very lo be hml In i (m* \.-y lici this whole t .ibject of tuberculosis dis- Fourleenth— Muskegon, Newaygn while she fished In her purse for a Kenjaniin Cr ibb ule li'.e i the cm- i.-ive I'NIrlrls I ItO hiTi lev'-enili- ! ting a tour of Canada, the commisston officer In command suspected ihe pres- ceed Judge Knappen of Grand Kap- souls. Each man makes his heaven I imi* II I ^;;.O:;• in w ii"- In !er» was a small house on the grounds. The tluough the cheek with n revolver. He the observation of two of his men, Twenty-third-Branch, Hillsdale aad inaw on March 2. and where he Is strong. Hut many liuiii CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for walk all over the city. Give me two liiihidelphia. Th'ir -Miput greatly re- siory is that a fortune teller infonncd Mrs. Town j later said the act was merely an at- charged with the duty of following the St. Joseph. take entirely too many liberties with i-'Tants and children, and see that It stamps." duced 'he price of c:iii(i!e-, wh 11; n.,- i iir.iHuii A»i-lil. send that if .-he buiit a new house and took up her : tempt to gain notoriety. He will re- suspected home to ascertain whether Twent.V'Flxth — Antrim. Charlevoix. Anti-Trust Campaign, themselves.—Exchange. Cheboygan. ICmmet, Kalkaska. The woman laid down a dime and long before sold for liv - .-hi.lir.L-.- :i M V. St;lnr.r, 176 j'ffe-tar !»• iV-ei; residmce therein she would be dead within a ' cover. Hears the h«r owner was an Italian spy. Attorney General Franz Knhn i; j Yon'll be de- Twenty-seventh —Alcona. Alpena. hurried out with two two-cent stamps, pound. In tho e day.- Sl.L!.'. w.is worth it C. A Lau.'Cf. SJJII Sfi. 1 M.cn. -rrffT' year. She therefore resolved to compromise. She Lansing.—Floyd W. Robinson, Signature of planning a general campaign against lighted with the re- Iosco. Montmorency, Oscoda, Presque Nothing Much. leaving six cents in change if lug on tully thre" th'es its much as it is now. 11 •• aiWr- • in ii-, - nv built a magnirtcetit new house, but in such a forui The Latest Golf Story. all trusts operating In Michigan, lie whose six years' scrvice as stale an- In Use For Over 30'Years. Isle. "I don't know whether I o:>nM to the show case. She did not return.— —From the Hrslgne". encloses envelope house Two Scotchmen met and exchanged sults of Calumet Baking has already started prosecution ol alyst ended with the change In' ad- The Kind You Have Always Bought Twenty-eighth — Arenac, Crawford. recognize him here In the city or not. Indianapolis News. which stood on the building sire. the small talk appropriate to the hour Powder. No disappoints— the cash register combination and he ministration, has been asked by Doc- Gladwin, Ogemaw, Roscommon and Our acquaintance at the seashore There are many kinds Of plea II! "S, As they were parting to go supper- BO flat, heavy, soggy biscuits, is also gathering evidence anainst The Associatirn of Anuriiun Architects baa tor Wiley, head of Ihe pure food bu- The Walkers. Otsego. w as very slight." and seme of several ether of the national tru.-ts A Mosque in London. t hem an n't ;i o pleasant. been occupying r'-cently what is known as the reau at Washington, D. C., to join the James M. Beck, the famous corpora- ward, Sandy said to Jock: cake, or pastry Tliirty-nrsl—Livingston and Shia- which are operating in Michigan. One "You promised to marry him, didn't It Is proposed to erect a mosque In Octagin house. It is the famous old Tayloe man- federal forces at once. He docs not tion lawyer of New York, is a native "Jock, men. I'll go ye a roond oa wassee. you?" Just the lightest, daintiest, most of his first moves is to secure an the capital of the jjreaiesi Moham- of Philadelphia and to Philadelphia the links in the morru." Thirty-third-Cass and Van Buren. n know what his posiMon would be, or Uniformly raised and most deli- amendment to the Michigan anti trust "Yes, but that was all." medan power in the world, and the he often returns to see his old "The morru?" Jock repeated doubt- The movetncni for the abolition of whether he will accept the offer. cious food yon ever ate. laws, which places in the hands of only surprising feature of t he pro- friends. fully. the justice courts and the substitution Ypsilanti.—George Schneider, who the attorney general the power to A Card. ject is that it has not been executed Mr. Beck, in a recent banquet In "Aye, mon, Ihe morrn." said Sandy. of a system of county judges, which says he lives in Detroit, Is under ar- I—« MUMatrmnrS WtrM'a grant Immunity baths to witnesses. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree belore. The building is to cost .UIOO.- | "I'll go ye a roond on the links the Pur* r—4 axMviUM, would do away with the present jus- rest elitrrged with having passed a Philadelphia, defended corporations Ihe same as is done innle,- the federal to refund the money on a oO-cent bot- CMMM. isor tice courts, has taken on movement 00U, to which the apa khan has al : fci with an epigram. j morrn." statutes. Senator Guy A. Miller has tle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of forged (heck for $8 on a local sa- through the appointment of a sub- ready contributed i.''i.000. The com- TJitr TOW/VJJTJiO /VA/fJ/O/V "The trust buster and the Socialist "Aye weel," aald Sandy. "I go passed such an amendment through Tar If It fails to cure your cough or loonkeeper. committee of the senate judiciarv mittee in control oi the scheme is ' That's what it co?t9 to pr>t r—wecVn t'orkirg Goad Smofce may do what they please," he said, ye. But 1 had Intended to get mar- the Senate and It Is now on its way cold. We also guarantes a 25-cent bot- treatment - of CASCARETS. They Coldwater.—William Gales, forty- committee, consisting of Senators presided over by Amir All. and In- "but mankind will still be divided into ried In the morrn'." tluough the House. do more for you than any medicine two. married, had his left arm and White. Miller and Vanderwerp and tle to prove satisfactory or money re-. (iud(.s ihe Turkish and Persian min- two great classes—those who walk lo THEY SPIKED THE TRACK. on F.arth. Sickness ^en-.-rally shows hand so badly mangled In a corn also Rep. Warner, to prepare ihe /nnded. Your Druggist. My Druggist, |slerSt as weli as ,hree members of 1V H 2 get an appetite for their dinner, and If you fear to soil your hands in Old Not Need Job. Any Druggist in Michigan. and starts first in tho Bowels and shredder on the farm of L. A. Byers necessary bills. The measure has the the council of India.—London Globe. m those who walk to get a dinner lor lielpfuincss you may be sure you are Floyd W. Robinson, state chemist, Liver; CASGARETS cure these ill-.. mm !t Vt iliiit he had to have the arm ampu- backing of every lawyer In both It's so easy to try—why not start to- their appetite." j drilling your heart. on whose neck the axe fell when Mr. To Economize Space. Fell 5 Cesls' K'sriii tated at the elbow. houses who wish to see the justice His Opinion. ni^ht and have help in the morning? conn system done away with. Paine became dairy and food commis- "But why It la that you always serve Grand Rapids.—The charter com Nephew- What do you think of the That Essential Struggle. sioner. is not worrying about tiie fu- i toast with each slice stood up on i CASCARITT^ nv: n box for • wpeV* 905 opera? trealtncnt, a!l (iiugglsts Bicgcst «eJ>r tnh slon will appoiui a lobby to work There are men who go through life lure as ihe announcement of his dis- edge?" I at Lansing for a law that will grant Wine and Cider Making. 1 iu the world. Million boxes n inciuh. without ever getting what one would missal was followed immediately by "Oh, I just got Into the habit: you liuio .losh—Them women In th' A liquor bill will make its appear- the iiiitiutiv" and referendum, the re- call a throw-down or set-back—they an offer from Dr. Wiley, of the na- boxes ought to be able to raise enough ance this week which Is of great In- knew we lived in a flat when we were call and non-partisan elections to never get to know what it means to tional pure food department, asking first married." money on their diamonds to buy some terest to the rural counties of the him txi hurry to Washington and take cities of more than 70,000 population. face rough or tough weather. Their clothes with, by jinksl .n |. state. It will prohibit the making of a chemist jcb at 17 per day and with RAW FURS ••Tt ii"i: structure is prosi rved fi r a'l time. When the Brit Branch EalublUlnuvnts UIIIIIT SAME NA.MK at in Nc-.v York ri:v. H- t feature-; of roun- ing gaiheriiig. irom i.l:e with their birds and a hall had been not sold In quantities of loss than Woman Suffrage Bill. i.-h e:iir-red Washing'cn Polly Madiscn lied from, A Woman's Reason. Praise is encouraging; it brings out J.KIF/.in. I.OXIMIN. I'AIIIH. f v aad ciiy lite Uii:-ul-'i' or ; • r:» : !•< iai | oint of view, "Why," asks the inquisitive person, five gallons. It is the contention of Ucruiun; l.n^luiiil i'rKuce ti><. While House Just before the Red Coals arrived rented when Ihe marshal put a stop Tie woman's suffrage proposition Dr. Pierce's Pleasant I'elletR regulate the best that Is In a man and inspires , , ^ hool park of 35 acrns near'.itrt i-i. I on wliich the old Morton some of the wets that wine and cider and invigorate ntoinach, liver and bowels. Itiiyiiie 'iii'l sHilnK r' iir'""'ii !iilToi in oil 'ns- to apply tiie lereh Mrs. Madiscn went to the Oc to the arrangements. "do you enjoy having some one tell will come up on the floor of the house, pririani Fur Murk^n uf Mim Wnrlil. illMrllmtlnf l.'iver. Academic Cour«c Primary 'iasst 1 n bouse ever held was Cadillac—W. R. Sawyer, superin- should not be favored over other Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take him to do his duty cheerfully and you that you are pretty, when you having been made a special order for it.ii nrtiiie wlii-r^ ln'«t r.-.-Mlt* lev olnaiin'.!. en- Graduation. Upper class for Advanced tagcu l".o:;se, which w-is the residence of the Tay- liquors and Ihe bill will amend tin* ae candy. fuithluliy.—Henry Lee. nltf IIH to jiay hlgli^.-i nmrket pri. •!• lor raw that of the invited tendent of the Mitchell Bros.'mills, re- Tuesday. There Is a big lobby of Special Strnk'nts. Mi! ic a-. i Ar: Write loe family. Suddenly she renumilnred that the know you are not? Does It make you statute so that wiun a county goes turn al nil llmi's. guests win; came to- fused to appear to defend a damage "Now, that was a wrecking crew women at the capltol. headed by Mrs. Our Haw Fur CJ'iofn'Iiin*. Stitpplne Tfga. etc.. for catalogue and terms. Stuart portrait of George Wash'nston had been left believe that you are?" wisely diroctod, will cause her to dry the cider mills and wine presses Pe a live wire, but don't burn your ' No noble fhir.gs, not dream them all Will be -•nt to any ailitrc-y mi n^iifst. i:ei l.er to witness Hie suit brought against him by Mrs. Die worth while—It was the worst smash- Huntley Russell, wite of the state , , Khs Bjrji i;.d V!>- Wbtca. Khtrdiit Aitent. ro: I;lr: 5L, A::-:. \ I hang!:!;; on the wall of^lie Wlilte House. She ran "No," she answers readily. "But it 1 will disappear with the breweries. associates. Rpf«'ri»ui < »: Any Mcrcuutlle Ap n y or Hank. marriage of the OM'V Olesun, who claimed that a runaway give to her little ones onl} the most up I ever saw, and in 20 minutes they land commissioner, and they have day long —Kingsley. back and e.:t the picture from its traine and es- makes me believe that he believes I KEASE MEHTION THIS PAPES WHEN ANSWER1NB. . daughters of Mr and in which her husband was killed, was wholesome and beneficial remedies didn't leave a sign of It." been working industriously with tin-1 N. U., DETROIT. 5--'. 911. OLD TXYlOr /VA/fJ/ON— 77f£ OCTAGO/Y HOUSr caped with It just as the British soldiers crossed am."—Judge. Governor and the Senate. Mrs. Root to U. Simp- j caused by Sawyer's automobile. Saw- and only when actually needed, and "Wrecking crew, you Idiot! They members of both houses. They claim the Jhresh®!. There Is little chance of the breach to have the required number of votes son Grant III. Il was a simple affair, m period yer declared a "farmer jury" would the well-informed mother uses only were souvenir hunters." ><•;;;• •:? is bee omlng a resilience city, a sort of On Sl .teenth street Mil In Washington Is the j DISTEMPER between Gov. Osborn and the senate —<:7—to pass the resolution in the keeping with the desire "f both the bride j.ud give an automobile owner the worst Hie pleasant and gentle laxative rem- place oi" rest r.nd refuge after the storm of busi- l ouse known to the populace as Henderson castle. In all il* forms among all acn of homen. healing up. in fact, it Is growing house. They are arguing on the theo- j Every Picture Tells a Story groom, for young (Irani, who is a subaltern army of it. A verdict of $5,000 was given as well UH dogH, cured and others iu same edy—Syrup of Figs and Elixir of ECZEMA GONE, BOILS CURED wider every day. and the result Is j ness iile. for tin* retiring men of wealth. Here It Is the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson i ry that the people cf the state are en- ofiiccr, is of a retiring disposition, and Is not against Sawyer by default. stable prevented from having the disease going to be that much Important leg- ! they build beautiful homes, and here they are who have lived in Washington ever since Mr Hen ' Senna—wlien a laxative is required, titled to an expression of opinion on given at nil to a desire for the social limeligat, Ann Arbor.—"I am not satisfied with with SPOIIX'S DISTEMPER CURE. "My son was about three weeks old islation will suffer, although the sen- the mailer. more than content to stay from the early fall days deri-on was. years ago. a Republican senator tronii Every liottle guarantepd. Over OOO.WO us it is wholly free from all objec- either from his own nature or Irom the fact that the results of the Inquiry Into the when I noticed a breakingout on his ators say frankly that they will nol until the heat of the summer drives them to the the state of Missouri. The Henderson house has; bottles sold last year 8.50 and $1.00. Any tionable substances. To got its ben- he is the grand-on and namesake of the uroat Jeath of Foster Campbell," said Coro- cnod druggist, or send to mnnufacturers. cheeks, from which a watery sub- allow any personal feelings to enter Stop Jugrjling. Koashcn' and the mountains. every appearance cf a castle, it is of brown stoue,. eficial effects always buy the genu- itso the consideration of pending "Silent Soldier' of t!ie rivil war. When Ihe Root ner Johnson when he adjourned in- Atienls wanted. Spohn Medical Co., Spec. stance oozed. A short time after, his A bill will make its appearance -.liis j Iurr»ted. and it stands on a commanding hill The , Contagious Diseases. Goshen, Ind. ine, manufactured by the California tne:!stires. The senators feel that tiie Wi en a man is elected i senator of the I'nit- family gave over their lease of the Morton resi- - ^elinitely the inquest. The Campbell arms, shoulders and breast broke out week which will prevent stale insiitu- | Henderson home l> the scene of constant hos.;' ti- governor is going out of his way to ed S*a!« s and knows that li>#has six years' lease dent John Hays Hammond then took it up aad lad was found dead In a shack In the Fig Syrup Co. also, and in a few days became a solid tions from ju.ugling their accounts to ll y. and the diplomats representing foreign govern In the Blood. 'fake trouble with them and the con- of nflieial life he is almost certain either to rent -ear of his father's home with a rope scab. I became alarmed, and called - set api roprhuious winch are detm.ij there he lives today. men is In Ihe capital are frequently dinner guests Willis—Are those Kentucky horses tiiiaiory feeling which existed aite; M ti t buy oniright one of ihe palaces of the city, Levi Z l.eiier. now dead, a Chicago multi-mil- around his neck. Neither the police our family physician, who at once pro- in the hndgol. The way the trick i- '/jwi m of t lie "castle" host and hostess. you bought scared of autos? ' The most democratic thing ia the first Unlit on Ihe appolmments or i; be is morally; eenain that he is to have two lionaire. built one of the most imposing residences nor the sheriff's force had anything nounced the disease eczema. The lit- aecompilshed now is to ask several Larz Anderson, a relathe of Nicholas Long- Giiiis—No, indeed. They never no the world has almost entirely disappeared. m$tri lease- i f oflidal life, the chances are that he will which the city of Washington holds. It stands to report and the induest was indefi- tle fellow was under his treatment times lie sum needed and then use worth. lives on Massachuselta avenue in a huga lice a train either, but I can't get ii:e halancv for some o:l:er purpose, j 1 build a castle for himself. close to Dupont circle, a fashionable residence nitely adjounied. for about throe months. By the end Speaker Rebuffed. house about which the "lecturer" on the big sight- them used a sprinkling cart tu save The bili to introduced will provide i section, and Us front and side grounds are of K.t .iiurs in Washington say that residential seeing automobile calls out Interesting Information Cadillac.—Arthur Verne Nixon, a of that time, he seemed no better. 1 Speaker Baker received his lirst re- that there shall be no transfers of i greater extent than are usually found adjacent to my life!—Puck. s«'et;..r >. (f iiujt ei'y are the most beautiful in the to the passengers eight or ten times a day, and the well-to-do Cherry Grove farmer, became discouraged, and as 1 had bufl' at the hands of the house Thurs- Hinds and in tho case of an unexpend- a house in the city where every Inch of land costs mm wor'd i'ovtrty and wealth appear side by side mcgaphonic tones of the information giver pene- whose eldest slater married Jacob ONLY ONE "BROMO QITINIXE.- KNOWN THE WORLD OVER read the advertisements of Cuticura day when his rilling that a resolution ed balance it must li • retii;ned to tlu ! much money. The widow of Mr. L« iter s-llll occu- Rockefeller, an uncle of John D., tells That in I, AX ATI VIS HUOMO QUININ'B. I^ok for Remedies and testimonials of a great | of Rep. Warner authorizing the com- general fund of the state. in tlie c iidtal of the Union. In scores of the city trate to every recess of the Anderson family man- Hit- tili;nuiiir« of K. W. (JKOVtt. I mhI tba World pies Ihe great pillared house which her husband interesting stories of Ihe days when mittee on the University of Michigan m bidets little frame structures, many of them shaky sion. The automobile barker tells his bride and uverlu Cure •Cutdiu Una Usjr. 'Ou. many people who had used them with built. Within a stone's toss of the Leller resi- to visit that insiiiiiliou was out of en I*!' *r ioundati'jns. the homes of negroes, stand groom passengers and other sightseers that "This he attended the little school in Rich- —WROQPESI wonderful success, I dropped the doc- That Junket Matter. 1 dence is the marble Washington home of Mrs. order was not sus.ained by the house. «n>i«m, cure* wmd colic, SJC a bottle. of his party become hungry on the long stretch of | make a man of himself." boils which 1 cured with Cuticura who have been here urging the pas- woman who has a had hack. The distress begins in early morning. Vou feel lame and not refreshed. squale life, to f<'el a pulsing desire to serve his have done, to lake up their residence and to lead mUtilutr* road b: !ween Inns, all that would be necessary to j Muskegon—Conrad IlermansonIlei , an Many mistake soft words for tender, Soap and Ointment. Surely he must sage of the resolution believe they Governor Signs a Bill. It's hard to get out of hed. It hurts to sloop to tie your shoes. All day ihe ache ke eps up. Any sudden feiiov. man in ofllce. Mr. Hammond was not nom- Ihe life of the capital. It Is, however, rather a have votes enough to assure its pas- do Is lo purh a crank an inch and give a little tug, employe of the Eagle Tanning Works It.-ving ways. have been a great sufferer. During the The first bill to be signed by the inate.;. but lias been in the public eye in Wash- different life which the Boardnmns lead. Miss sage by the house, but the anils laugh movement sends sharp twinges through the hack. It is torture to stoop and straighten. At night the suf- and out will come a cook stove, a supply of fuel, j at Whitehall, was fearfully scalded time of teething and from the time I governor is the one ratifying the ington only lo a less extent than he would have Mabel Poardman Is Ihe chief American spirit In at this. It is plain to be seen that the kittles and pans and a dining-room table. The food ! soon alter he had reported for work, dropped the doctor's treatment, 1 used aniendment to the constitution of the ferer retires to toss and twist and grown. Backache is kidney ache—a throbbing, dull aching in the kid- been were ii be instead of .lames S. Sherman who the Red Cross movement. She is devoted to this wet Interests have taken a hand In T is kept iu a refrigerator In another part of the ma-Hermanson. while in the act of re- the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint- l niled Stales providing for an in- neys. Plasters or liniments won't do. Vou must get at the cause, inside. presides today over the deliberations of ihe Unit- work, and gives lo it Ihe major portion of her the matter, as a number of the mem- chine, and another little tug brings to view spring j moving his coat, slipped on the oily ment, nothing else, and when two come lax. The bill parsed the Senate ed Slates senate The city home of Mr. Ham- time. The Boardman house Is a scene of many bers In the house who are openly chickens, ham and eggs, bread and butler, coffee j floor and plunged Into a vat of hot When FOB Think years old he was the picture of health. last week and this week Ihe ilou.-;e , against all dry legislation are lining mor.d has a history of some interest. gatherings of people, hut at least one-half of them passed it and Gov. Osborn has af- and the rest. | tanning liquid. Some fellow-workmen Of the pain which many women experience with every His complexion was soft and beauti- up the vote against the suffrage propo- have humatiltarianism for their object. fixed his signature to it. There w.isi Seine years ago Levi p. Morton, who was vice- As a mailer of fact, Larz Anderson's aulomo-' saw lis predicament and quickly res- month it makes the gentlenett and kinducsi always associ- ful, and his head a mass of silky curls. sition. The Boardman home Is one of the few In ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle. no opposition at all to the measure. | DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE SICK KIDNEYS I:• >ident of the rnited States under Benjamin bile Is nolling more or less than a traveling laiel,! cued him. Fortunately, the liquid had I had been afraid that he would never Washington which President Taft visits la a pure- While in j|cncrnl no womoa rebels •fcaiost what she re- Harrison, built a great palace-lihe house on a tri- find fit that II Is a hol"l which makes as fast ti-.» j uot reached Us top l.eat and. although be well, and 1 feel that I owe a great The Adjournments. ly Informal way. He "drops la" at Boardmun's j(ard3 as a natural neeesRity there is no woman who would The State Fair. COMPLETELY PROSTRATED. an^le of land bordered b\ Uhode Island avenue, en the road as is made by any of the automobiles 1 hl.s burns are painful, they will not deal to the Cuticura Remedies." The senate has not sett led entirely How To Tell When The Kid- for aft. rnoon tea or for an evening call just as Dot gladly be free from this recurring period ol pain. The resoltitlon of Senator Frank D. i M de; Fifteenth streets. It is said that this resl- which are guiltless of tavern alfa?h'Ments. ! prove fatal. (Signed) Mrs. Mary W. Ramsey, 224 into its swing yet and is adjourning WEIGHED ONLY 80 POUNDS. he would if lie were not president of the Culled Scott for an Investigation of the state 1 tor, pierce'9 Ftrorite Prescription mahea regularly on Thursday Instead of on neys Are Disordered— denci- still beic ngs to Mr. Morton. It has been the States and therefore bound by strands of the 1 In. residence of Gifford Pinchet is a mansion.; (Myde.—A team of horses, valued weak women Btroai aad alck women E. Jackson St., Colorado Springs, fair wi:h a view of having the proper-1 Mrs. Eliza Kirk. S. Main St.. Friday. So the house tried the same the scene of ollleial social gatherings uninterrupt- tape of etiquett'. The presidenl is greatly inter- Of course evcrvbodv veil, and Hives them freedom from pain. Colo., Sept. 24, 1910. ty taken over by the state has been I Spencer, Ind., says; "I had been thing on Thursday, but the members edly lor years WN n Mr. Morton retired from estrd in the work of the Red Cross. I!e Is Ihe It establishes regularity, subdues Intlam* acted on favorably by the Senate. Thej prostrated with Inflammatory rheu- Painful Symptoms: Backache, sideache, pains n :i lipimcltc. li'ls St. Clair Ave.. who want a short session wouldn't the \ i r'-. i'l'-i ev the n sidence was taken by matlon, beats ulceration and cures fc* An Invarfable Assumption. House will also act favorably on It i matism. My limbs when stoopintr or lifting, sudden sharp twin- l.iVC! I'lll I, II.. K!\-: "l U il» In-lp- organization's president, as Miss Boardman Is one stand for it, and insisted on a Friday f'oui.: Cas.'-iiil, tbe ambassador of the czar of Rus- male weakness, "It must be dreadful to have any of were swollen, lc»s m lied with kul- of its hardest workers and Us guiding spirit. morning session. and a committee of eight wili be ap- jrcs, rheumatic pains, neuralgia, painful, ncy troiiliK-. I ran hands drawn out tia lo il.e rnited States. The Russian and hta There is one home In Washington with which Sick women are invited to eonsult us by letter, free. your relatives become Involved lo pointed to Investigate the fair. scanty or too frequent urination, dizzy spells, ili.w 11 until 1 wciuli of shape and I nle«e the Coimtess Cassinl. were great entertuin- there is connected a curious story. It la the Mas- All correspond*; ee strictly private and sacredly con* — scandal." dropsy. but S(l pound* an I fideatial. Write without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary Med* One little junket is to be indulged was so sensitive its. and in their residence met the high represen- sachuseits avenue residence of Mrs. R. H. Town- from Cticle Sam's service. that Mrs. Claire Brown, who left for " replied Miss Cayenne. "The | Rep. Lord's scheme to hold a tax- even one IIIOUKIH 1 ical Association, R. V. Pieroe, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. in by the members of the house, or at to pain 1 bad to Urinary Symptoms: Discolored or clomiy hail cnnsiimption. A ta'ives of all the dltferent departments of govern scud, who is known In Washington as Mrs. Scott- The riuchot rrs'd 'Uco has large rooms, magnlfl- only poa»iu!e compensation Is the ex- I atlon conference every year in Lan- Scuttle three weeks ago, is lost in be turned In specialist Rave me ment. the twin armed services, and the diplomats cent staircases, a dining room which is almbHi a If you waut a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to cure tent to which It causes you to be Im- least two or three of them. This is sing has fallen by the wayside. The urine. L'rine that contains sediment. Urine Townsend. She is the niece of "Tom",Scott, the the west. Her husband, who was a sheets. It was up and so iliil my banquet hall, and a library which for size and for them at home, send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailiag mediately written about as a member to be f trip to the asylum for the members of the house discovered a that stains thclincn. Painful passages. Ulood from ail parts of the world. Pennsylvania inultl-iniilionnire. who died several Grand Trunk employe, went west in- criminal Insane at Ionia lo determine surprising how lioine physician. Sur- •sly, end we will send you a fret copy of Dr. Pierce's great thousand • page of the most exclusive society." clause in his resolution which ap- years ago. Mrs. Townsend's only daughter, Ma- books would Hull the service of a city. This honu. tending to meet her and failed, but as quickly Doan's or shrc.is in the urine. Let a bottle of the priMiig as it may Vbe Morton house, under Ihe rule of the Cassi- illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser — revised, up • to - date editioa, is whether a man confined there is sane peared lo them to be favorable to the seeia, 1 wan able to thllde, generally has been pronounced the most was not built by the forester; It Is the property of Kidney Pills re- mornin;: urine stand for 24 hours. If it shows she had a large amount of money handsome French doth bindini. or otherwise. This man is one who leave my bed after iiis. was the scene of social activity tieason after his mother with whom he lives, for he la a bache- Unnecessary. corporations ai.d »heii decland the lieved me and how soon I was beautiful of the young women of the capital city. when she went away he fears she has testified before the legislative commit- whole scheme was impracticable anv- a cloudy or fleecy settling;, or a layer of fine UHinu six boxen of Eeason. Then the house? passed into I lie iwsses- lor. Mr. Pinchot makes the trees his closest com- "Do you tell your wife everythlnf cured. For three years my cure Rumor connrcted Ihe daughter "In marriage en- been slain. tee two years ago on promise that he way, and so voted it down. grains, like brick dust, the kidneys are proba- i'« Kidney Pilln and for -ix yearn Kion of Ellliu Root, secretary of state in Theodore panions, and apparently he loves them above a'l you do while she Is away?" has been permanent" ve remained free from kiduey trou- gagement possibilities" with half a dozen foreign- Cadillac—Harry Lee and Hazel Mll- should not be punished for It. Now bly disordered. RoosevelfH rablnet. The secretary and hia wife other socletv, although there Is h large social ele- "No; the neighbors attend to that" he claims he Is being punished by ers. all of them well within the titled circle, and ner, employed In the Benzie county Of courte Rep. Mart*. living in De- are to domesticity inrllned. With the exception ment in his lit*'. The former chief forester of tho —Houston PosL confinement In the mad house when one or two of them of the blood royal. The daugh- poorhouse, were overcome by fumes troit, knows all about wolves, espe- • of small affairs to which only close friends were government gives dinner parties regularly at his he is sane. The members of the old T,rt lka t ter showed her good sense and her rare discrimi- escaping from the exhaust pipe of the daily female wolves. Therefore he A TDIAf CDEC ' invited, the former home of the Casslnls aaw little Weak? Tired? Run-down? legislative committee who are now in nation by marrying an American. residence and fine affairs they are, but it Is known 1 Any New Methods? A IKIAL rluX My PUU Yt«r»clf gaiety .during ihe occupancy of the family of the gasoline engine in the basement of has introduced a bill providing for that he prefers the campfire banquet—whether It These conditions come from overwork, a weak stomach, overtaxed nerves "Ain't It strange, th' way Kelly beats the house will be sent to investigate Cut out this coupon, mail it to Foster-MiIburn Now, as for the story about the Townsend hoime. the institution. Miss Milner is in a the ciise. raising the bounty on female wolvctt former secretary of slate, although there were be served in ihe Dismal swamp of Virginia or io oi feeble blood. When you feel "all in"—hardly able to drag about, no his wife? " to |I00. Co., Buffalo. N. Y. A free trial package of It should be said that it is of rather grewsome In- serious condition. certain "ofllclal society" affairs which, because of the mountains of Montana. energy, no ambition, easily exhausted and can't sleep—lake "1 dunno. How does he do It?" Doaa't Kidney Pills will be mailed yoa il, office I,, the government, .1.. secretwy wa. In lere.,. Mrs. TownHend. .ome year, ago lockej at Bay City—In spite of the efforts of Rep. Lord wants Michigan's taxa- Senator Putney wants every boy promptly. C.N U. many farmers in the beet-growing sec- tion problems studied by a taxation w PTLTO rrKKll IK and girl to have an opportunity to at- tion of the state to compel sugar fac- TwdnuDfUToardniiuiKt will n-tnnretand imone y If I'AZI) OINT- conference. He has therefore secured MINWENT nlisjfalis tou cucurme any/ crsn e of Itehlng, Blind, tend high Hchool, regardless of his Guarding the Tongue tories to pay an Increased price for •laaUagwPMtradinxrilssiaftulidajra. Me- the adoption of a resolution in the financial situation. He has therefore French Present Grim Tragedy beets for the 1311 season, the man- house which authorizes the governor Introduced a bill providing that How many of us have the tongue It is not a pretty habit, you will ob- iction proceeds with the father absent I had rather be kissed by an enemy to call such a conference to meet in enough money must ba. furnished to Certain drastic experiences of tiie serve, for there Is nothing attractive agers of the three factories here say BEECHAM'S PILLS upon the business of hia union. The trick—that seeming inability to silent- I-ansing in the near future to discuss French people at the bands of organl- that there has been very little falling and note what a difference they make ia your condition. Tiie stomach is the than wounded by a friend who enjoyed eighth grade graduates to attend the ly accomplish anything without having about a tongue protruding. If you do the problems. Those to be invited doctor begins the operation, but he off in the number of contracts made. first to feel the good et'fects. Food tastes good, t !ie digestion is strengthened; tne job. high school, if they desire. 0 TNI MUM a THCfti DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS gers of strikes that affect public utili- the top of one's tongue visible, and not know whether you have this prac- are the mayors of all cities and the ties like railway and systems of light- haa nut proceeded far before every Standish—The Arenac County Agri- bowels and bile work regularly, the blood is clt-as >. il, and the nerves rested. .MMCTVOM HMTO Sold l^y ill dealers. Price so cents. FostER-HiLfiURN Co.. Buffalo. N.Y.. Proprietors. nearly as active as one's fingers! tice or not summon a little thought officials of the cities and counties » THI MM C THBM light in the city is extinguished by The wliule system responds to the tonic anion ol Bcedum's Pills. Soon WHY suffer with eye troubles, quick re- The amendment to the federal con- ing have been seized upon by the sentinel from your brain and put him cultural society met for its annual- and of the state who are interested SVtMCT VOUR wwrn. the order of the father. The child dies Watch your young friends for awhile there is the buoyant (eeltngof returning health. lief by ufing PKTTITS EYE SALVE. 2*, stitution to provide for an Income tax- Grand Guignol,* an establishment on guard at your Hps. If he reports a meeting here yesterday with a good in taxation. They are to keep a in the doctor's arms and the father re- when they are busy about something, All druggists or Howard Bros.,Buffalo,N. x. will in all probability be ratified by where the current offering is ever visible tongue at any time, go and look attendance. Following are the ofllcers stenographic report of debates and turns to discover what, unwittingly, he and see how many of them show their the .Michigan legislature. The bill pro- timely—nothing if nol topical. Just at yourself In the glass. You will keep electcd for 1911. President. James proceedings to be published and are has done. "Sabotage" they call the tongues. Watch yourself and see if you Tho manly man makes altogether viding for this has been reported out PUTNAM FADELESS DYES now It Is presenting a grim 111 tie (rag- that little sentinel on duty until you Uobsen; vice president, Walter Gam Fresh Strength and New life the best woman's man. to form a permanent organization to In the house and has passed the com- ^ A A ^ A • diiHtry want* a^«-iu» to uuUert»kc the wile of piece, and no doubt It points an ex- do It. You may find that you do not, meet annually. ed) lo which the child of a labor lead- have cured ypurself of tb« tongue mon; secretary, C. R. Holden; treas mittee of the whole In the senate. Htoi-k. LejiUlnintc. Buuk vefereiieeh. Write, treme case, but Just now Parisian au- but It will astonish you to see how Boxes 10c. and 25c., with full directions* er Is about to undergo a grave opera- | trick. I '.rer, NcLoa Ireland. JtIN lUtl, JR., Crtchcr BelKlifl. friiclKi diences are iu the mood to applaud it. i many there are who do. ticu ML on which its life depends. The

* McCORDS and Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Hert Auble The Ledger Clubbing List THE LOWELL LEDGER wonder why Collier's did not se- I Why the Quit Har Job. of Nebraska recently, an 8 lb girl, DEADLY MINE GASES. A lady of my acquaintance In Tokyo, WH1TNEYVILLE ledger and New York Tribune PnbHtbriCtrtry Ttiaraday Afternoon cure their valuable services for .lohn Wooding Is quite sick. Farmer Sl.'iO this series. 'Twas n great over- says a writer In the World Wide Mag- Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle of (irattan 1 Their Action Upon the Flame of ths At Lowell. Michigan. • HIS GIRL FRIENDS. The cemetery association will hold Ledger and New York Thrice- azine, possessed a valuable servant of Gifts of sight surely. verware visited Mr. ami Mrs. Ld Hlgler and a week Tribune 1.7.'. Safety Lamp. somewhat mature years who rejoiced their ne.vt monthly meeting ut the attended the Pomona grange which Ledger and Michigan Farmer.... 1.70 The safety lamp, a heavy metal lan- p. M. JOHNSON, Editor tad Prep'r in the poetic name of Oharu San— Our Country Cousins Rid it of Gas, Sourness and home of Mrs. A.C. Auble the last Fri- THE Detroit Journal editor was 1 fid at Ihe Whltneyvllle Hrange ivtlger and (irand Haplds Dally tern shaped object with a circular Mark Twain Dearly Loved Chil- "The Honorable Miss Spring." Nothing more acceptable con be offered than Fermentation in Five Min- CktoDii waxes cute l)ecau8e«Senator I^i- GENT OF DISEASES day In February. Herald, rural routes only JJ.OO globe of heavy plate glass, is the only One day Miss Spring brought In attractive silverware, combining good taste with a hall. Ledger and Detroit Twice a dren as Playmates. utes, with Mi-o-na Stom- A merles of evangelistic meetlmrs light oilier than electricity that can be D. ABBOTT, A4v«rttol«s aad Priatiac. Follette is likely to be the pres- luncheon ns usuill. All seemed serene: .lulius Fischer attended the farm- week .ioiirnal 1.G5 quality of endurance which assures lifelong tervice. are announced to begin at. this village safely carried into a gaseous mine. idential candidate of the progres- Advice Concerning Stomach there was not a shadow of a cloud In er's meeting which was held at Cal- ach Tablets ledger and Toledo HIade 1.2r> Such characteristic* make church February 12 Ourpastor, Hev, Tbe lamps are lit before they are sive Hepublican league. La Toi- tbe domestic sky. But at teatinie no Ledger and New York thrice fflflHTBINTH YBAR NORTH CLARKSVILLE I SKlOLtt Y CORN ICRS edofda last Wednesday. M. N. lioni'v soils llicin and j taken into the mine and, in addition, Uaiar maaasaatat lette is all right; and a good Troubles and How to THE ANGEL FISH SOCIETY. tea appeared; neither. In answer to I'utmnn and an evangelist will con- a week World Lli'i Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. I'pley and son o'lumiiitoes llicin. ledger and ( Jrand Haplds Press are securely locked, that no accident calls at lirst patient and afterward K'/,ra and Andrew Post went to I I'dw/ird Stinton dropped dead of duct the meetings. enough candidate for any party. Remedy Them. Krnest visited his parents Mr. ami Vou ism 1 food to k('(*)) VMiirsoU ! rural routes only, one year 2 aO or ignorant iiiteutlon may expose the iaftacriptlea by Mail, poatpaidt Impatient, did Oharu. After awhile flrand Haplds last Thursday to see heart trouble Saturday inorntnu at However, the Journal might as A Delightful and Touching Story About |847 ROGERS BROS.T.% Mrs. Lon Wrlgiit of Lowell. Ledger and Success Magazine of open tliiine to the gases of tbe mine. $1.00 Do not neglect indigestion the lady went herself to the back re- their cousin, Joe Post, who IH very bin boiai? one mile north enst of here. jtlivo. W lion yon pnliood into LOWELL 1)1 ST. NO. 5 well laugh as to cry. .Machine Little Margaret, One of Its Members, New York, oue year 1,^5 Over a small sooty yellow flume .•.Or which leads to all sorts of ills gions and found—desolation. The char- He has been a life long renMent here, Channcey Patterson id Cascade JI lioallhy sloinncli il is the duly ft*'. 2')C ware most desirable for gifts. To-day this renowned low ut tbe IJ. H hospltni. Mr. I'OSI'B Mr. Wilcox and sons attended the Ledger and American Boy; both which gives a light less bright than M. polities and machine papers an' and complications. An eminent and the Genial Humorist—A Pretty coal box was filled with gray ashes, vlHlted Ids parents Mr. and Mrs. of that stoinarh looxli Jid I'mni trade mark assures the purchaser not only of securing wife Hat tie IM also" very nick at the and IIIM Hiiddcn denth IH a shock to Farmers Institute at South Hoston one year for 1 'm that of an ordinary candle are two (loomed anvwav. Compact and a Quaint Letter. the kettle cold. Half the luncheon Wm. PatterHon Wednesday. Ledger and Cosmopolitan Mag- doctor once said that ninety-live the original brand of Rogers, but the heaviest grade same hospital. j all. Ills family have our deepest Hit' food all ol ils nutritions niai- grange hall Wednesday of lust week. wire gauze cones titling snugly Inside S^arad at (ti« pwtoftice at Lowell, MichijcBii. plates lay immersed In a bowl of Oley Fountain attended the funer- u'/lne both one year 1 .(»;*» per cent of all the ills of the hum- Like many another great man, Mark sy in pa I by. Funeral services will be lor. Frank Hobblus Is helping on the tbe heavy globe, and It Is through aiMNOaiI «la' « mattar. ILKAT'sallhow many men there soapy water; tbe other half stood on plate guaranteed by the makers to give absolute Fred Hunt of Alto was In ("larks-1 Ledger and Grand Kapids Dally an body have their origin in a Twain was fond of children. He never al ol Clara McCroton which was This mil l it ions niattor is pass- these cones that the flame draws the aii' who can show tiie editor how the sink ready to be put away. Oharu sadsfaclion. vllle last week buying horses. held 'ruesday at. 2 p. m. at the Uap- lumber job In Hensei's woods In News 2.2r» disordered stomach. outgrew childhood, and he always held at Duttoa Flldav. od alonji'io tin? blood, and in turn Ledger and Hryan's (Jommoncr 1.05 jdr which supports it. The presence of ADVERTISING RATKS. the paper ought to be run. A herself simply was nol. The remarkable durability of "1847 ROGERS BROS." Mrs. .lames Miller was tn (Jrand tlst chinch In Lowell Howne. chose young playmates where they Old Mr. Dean fell on the lee and Ledger and Fruit Kelt 1 2r» black damp, or carbon dioxide, can A physician who made a spec- The next morning, however, she re- Haplds last xteek to visit Ids daugh- Several from here attended the I'sh is oaiTH'tl to and supplies lil'o to N. I'. Alien moved Ids saw mill to Display, transient, single loMerttuuH friend heard two men wisely (?) were to be found. He formed curious Silver has won it the popular title Ledger and The Woman's World 1 2r» appeared. very much on her company supper at the Whitneyvlile church has In-en laid up for a week. He was every part . Prunkei of Stronii. BO W X IC-IvOO A N. lie will puss Uirough a line In which Obituary poetry and resoluttons, her riirhts. ballot or no ballot. ach. They are rich in pepsin, came one of tbe chief inlerests during ing the winter In (Jrand Kapids was and ineinory. Archie Pelton recently purchased a send all orders to Tut: LKDOKK, Lo- there are nine parts of air to one part 5c per line. his final years. It bad its beginning Okla., *1 tuiid'put Hucklen'H Arnica j Hoy McN'iuzhton a:.d .lobu Thom- I'orany stoniaeh trouldo. no well, Mlcb. one of the greatest digest ive aids Salve on It.' She did so, and II cured home over Sunday. urn crusher. gas (the e\p!o: in- Beans, 1 >."» Mrs. Jesse D. Armstrong who re- ask you to try them at our risk. last Friday night. , the Ladles Aid society of tin Catho- at the instant that the explosion oc- resemblance between Roosevelt parents visited him there, and the bil- here and in th: vc. Hoy, baled, per ton )."> no supper Friday night and alt enjoyed Frvln Parker of the marine cently underwent tin operation for Andrews spent Thursday with Mrs If they do not give youentiresat- Mrs. C. Hosenberger Ih Hpcndln^ lic •hurch last Thursday. Ther" were curs within the globe It will not ex ANENT the communication of liard room, whore the "fishes" were Possessorsol . ;ii: ill Corn and Oats per ton.. L'.'I 00 the splendid program. Proceeds ('has. Forman. ami Osborn. isfaction, we will return you the T several days with her daughter Mrs. sixty at dinner. service who has been home visiting alieess In the nose, Is improving She tend beyond the gauze.-Atlantic. our friend Ansley, it must, be re- read this paper; thry sv.. ,i !•> .Middlings per ton 20 00 money you paid as for them, likely to spend most of their time Corn Meal per ton L'I no $21. In the Kapids and Lowell wasji caller Is In (Jrand Haplds. membered that the present state knocking the bails about, under the it. They want to U- sl. iv.v.. Trowbridge. Mrs. .1. S. Thomas was called to Ma. TAFT may be renominated without question or formality. Bran per ton L'.'t on Mr. and Mrs. Clair Yelter of Free- with Ids sister Mrs Hlpstra of (Jrand ohn Prang of Fremont, met with of church division lias been cen- chief member's instruction, was called If your goods are ri-iu, tlit > Aineila Long spent Saturday night her daiiijhter'h Mrs. Harry Ch'inens LAYING BRICKS. bat is not likely to be re-elected. They come in three sizes, prices Flour perbbl .") LO' port are visiting her brother, Louie Haplds on old friends here last Cannon Arbor Monday, .Ian. iJU. He SPHERICITY OF THE EARTH. turies in developing. Evidently the Aquarium, and gay prints of want to buy. This piipir Ruck wheat llourper bbl ti no anil Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hurt Wednesday oa account of their little When he chose to carry the I'al- cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Clark and family. Tuesday. Frvln Is looking line after will spend a week soliciting member- Nov. Scientific Methods Raised th? the work of centuries cannot be many Bermuda fishes were hung along Rutter per lb 10 Long of Clarksvllle. .ion who was (| ulte t ick with pneu- "Parallax" Bet Against It. and He Lost linger iiicabas he was hopelessly talks to that money :it r.! Mr. and Mrs Frank VanAmburg his four year's trip to foreign coun- Remember you can obtain them the walls to carry out the idea. Each I'-g^s Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hedell and nioala but Is better now. ship- Standard of a Da/* Work. His Wager. undone in a moment. However, intervals. It's nr.m y Hi:" visited the hitter's sister Mrs. Wm. handicapped for the race. only at oar store—The Rexall member had the privilege of selecting Lard The Growth Uerule were Sundny guests of Mr. tries. He has returned to bis work A. C. Hostwlck of Vermilion, Ohio, There are now eminent consultitii: Tho straigbtest canal in the world lb we believe the general trend from talks back and tali.s l a;- ; Potatoes Mrs. Louisa Uaytnond of Lowell Thomas last Tu.sday. engineers who are engaged by iud'is- Store. The I). (J. Look drag one of these as her patron fish and of and Mrs Fills HoIIlns of near Alto. leaving Monday fur Washington, D. will assist Hev. A. K. Flliott wltb !n Fngland and runs from Frith, in this time on will be toward Chris- Identifying it with her name. strong. Get yoe.r snare d ) Timothy Is visiting her brother Lewis and Mrs. .1. W. Hrewer and Mrs. Mali, trial heads to study their establish- store. Clover seed per bu Mr. and Mrs. CharlieAustln of near ('., to join the seaman gunner class meetings held ot ()aklield, commenc- Cambridgeshire, to I'en vers Sluice, tian unity. Before the accom- It was in Bermuda one day when he your talking throuiji our ad- family. lon Thomas are on the sick list. ments from top to bottom with a view Reef live per cwt 2 00 r' where he will remain for a. few ing next Sunday. twenty lwu miles away. It was here plishment of the good end, there vertising columns. Our Monuments Knepor H t visited I-rlday and Satur-1 to liuding by scientilic study the meth- was walking along the beach with one Reef dressed per cwt J , I Mr--. Lewis lloulard spent Thurs- Ld Hlgler purchased a new tenm months. A brother Stanley Parkei that years a d".-isive experiment EIHISIESI Unjustly Accused. day at I^ewis lieeces. , , , ... . ,, must be a great growth of toler- of bis angel fish members that he pick- —.-y—'T.' gjg. fgvju, ods of working, accounting and han- Calves live , ti . i*. • day and I* tiday with her son Percy in (Jrand Haplds Saturday. Is also in the marine service ns elec KEENE CENTER. was ennducted to prove the sphericity Andrew Carnegie, when talking ed up a small Iridescent double shell, (Cupyritftil, I'AU, b) U N ! from fniindatlonto finish Is Mrs. S. Drew was a Lowell visitor : • dling labor which will improve on the ation and charity. No person Veal dressed per cwt V» I) 00 | and faiall.\ ol (irand Kapids as they County (Jrange held at the Whlt- of tic- ear Mi At that time, says "Iligh- about the Sculdi dlaieet once, said: entrusted only to skilled trlclan. Sucess to the boys < f I'alla- nor no one church or sect can How to Tell if Your Hair is delicately hinged together. He sepa- Sheep live last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lampklns old traditional habits. Some extraordi- w:iy- and i'.vu.iy- In Cambridgeshire," ••Scotch dialect is a lingo bard to un- workmen. That's why :: i were about to leave for California neyvllle hall the 17th was well at- burg. dictate what the "essentials"' rated It and handed his companion half. Lambs Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hryant are on were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. nary results have been attained. What a deluded gentleman, who called him- Diseased. derstand, and it often causes awkward "You will be going away from me Pork live on an extraded visit. tended. D'.U eating dinner and supper. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- scientilic ma na cement means is ad- the sick list. Post of Orleans Tuesday night. self -ParalLx." w:.- "bsessed with tlw shall be. As long as men have mistakes. Once an American divine Pork dressed ' :» r.o Two fine talks by Drof. Halley, Kven if yoa have a laxuriaat pretly soon. Margaret," he said, "and Monuments we put up Miss (I race I'ierson of A'to sjient ris Kalward are slowly improving mirably illustrated by the story of notion that the tilolie was a flat disk brains their opinions will differ spent Christmas in a highland inn. On W R N T S Fowls live per lb Lewis Luce and S. Drew were In Fd Trask Is on the gain and helps head of hair you may want to growing up. and I won't know you .Sunday vrit.li Miss Josephine Sals- music by Dean's orchestra and reci- from their recent severe illness. bricklayimr. as told by an expert. and used 'o go lecturing with great and great latitude must be allow- Christmas morning be gave tiie maid Fowls dressed, per Hi... have Grace & Symmetry Freeport last Wednesday. to care for his two sons who are In know whether il is in a healthy any more. I shall see a great many , bury. tations were much appreciated by Clark and Hobert Haliner of (Jrand Ordinarily a brick mason makes vigor on the subject. After these lec- ed for individual beliefs swayed a tip of a sovereign, and be said, look- FOR SALE—-White Wyandotte cock- bed nulte 111. eighteen different sets of motions in Margarets, and now and then one of \V,MI like to show you some all present. Ledge weie callers on ( Id friends tures he invited questions, none of by environment and heredity condition or not. 1^8 percent of ing earnestly at her, for she was a erels, McDeld stock. II. L. Oodfrey Mrs Leroy Hunter and Flva came them will say she Is my Margaret, but of our work. It reeomends falts Victim To Thieves. Much Work to Make Ono Doll. Those who attended the funeral laying a single brick. He bonds over, which was able to shake his belief. the people need a hair tonic. pretty maid: and nelgbbors here recently. The\ widelv differing. Whatever inliu- I will say. 'No: you resemble my Mar- FOH SALE—Small olllce desk. Itself. All we have served last Thursday to help her sister Mrs. in the first place, to pick up one brick, When askc,]. fur example. "Why does Pull a hair out of your head: '• •Oo you know, Kathleen, you are nre delighted, and praise S. W. Heads, of Coal ('Ity, Ala., has j It takes 80 men to iiiako a Tinr- of Mrs. Walker at Caledonia from also visited their aunt Mrs. .1. Ham- ence THE LEDGER has will certain- garet, but you are bigger than my H. L. Godfrey. Rallwav Time Table a justlliable grievance Two thieves Kd Trask take care of the sick. He- and In lifting it he lifts ten pounds of the hull "f a shin disappear below the if the balb at the end of the root a very good looking lassieV what we do. :: :: :: man doii. l^scb man makes a small this vicinity were Mr. and Mrs. ilton of Lowell and relatives In ly be in the direction of unity of Margaret, and I can't be sure.* Then I stole ids health for twelve years. turned home Monday. brick and about a hundred pounds of hnrlzon while the masts remain vis- "Of course Kathleen was pleased, FOUND—A pocket book. Owner porlion ol" ;i doii, but It is the same .lulius Fischer, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Skeld- Christian people. To this end we is white and shrunken, it proves will take ont this shell and 1 will say, Grand Trunk They werealiver and kidney trouble. Keene. Mrs. Nellie (Jolt went Tuesday to brick mason—tbe upper part irand Hap- day's work he lifts Pin.OOO pounds of ai|d therefor" snMpest conceals objects spirit of toleration, charity, re- "'Aii, na! Ah, na! Hut my kissing, Godfrey They Will Please You. can be made in a day in some of tho Hardy, Son & Co. millinery depart and it will fit exactly.' Then if she for Constipation. Malaria, Headache. friend from the city. brick mason. This was an obvious loss would be avoided. If the big factories. Al ter the men liidsb the lds at. the home of her iriend Mrs. seen (hror.gh it." Finally he showed spect for others, fair niindedness, sir, is beautiful!' FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Barred No. Il' 0:.V.l a. rn. except Sunday Dyspepsia. 2r»c at all druggists of nient by the year' waste of labor. So a common laborer has Ihe shell and il tils I shall know ,4 Wo have tbe lartfeat stock Lottie Hlpstra. his wbob' hearte-i belief in his absurd and fraternity: and of the willing- balb is pink and fall, the hair is "The divine frowned. Plyinoutb Hock cockerels $1.00 Lowell. body of Mil dull, the women's work Mr. nnd Mrs. H. F. Wilkinson and that it Is really my Margaret, no mat- 22 !»:17 a. m. was hired to put the bricks where the views by laying a heavy wager that no healthy. "•Leave tiie room, you wicked each. Fine birds. Merton Easter of finished Monuments in begins. Tb< y paint faces, tint on wigs, Catarrh Cannot be Cured Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pottrnff visited ness to "unlearn*' some old ideas ter how many years have gone by or •• IS .":00 p. in. Michigan to Heleet from. Llbble Lawrence spent Saturday In masons would not have to stoop for one would disprove them. The stakes We want every one whose hair young baggage!' he said sternly. by. P O., Lowell. :ir»p lb the beat •."o g-oa toi you? IT nol, dress lite dolls, and pack thom for with LO'AL A I'I'LI CATIONS, ns their daughter Mrs. William Laux to make room for new ones as how much older she has grown." I I 7:IN p. tn. dally Saranac. them. Another thing is that when n wen- dei "sited in the hands of judges, requires treatment to try llexall "lie didn't know, you see, that mod- market. they cannot reach the seat of the dls- and family Sunday. tney shall constantly be brought All this be said very gravely and WANTED—Logs at the highest prlc take The Ledp^r. A word from Mrs. Mar.v Carr from mason picks up a handmade bri'-k. and the tri-'l. under agreed conditions, est Kathleen bad been simply praising WKST not:\ i»1 Lowell Granite & Marble ease. Cat arrh In a blood c^r a con- "JW Hair Tonic. We promise earnestly. an;l ihe little girl took the es. Save middleman's profit by Walter Hogers returned from near which is a,!ways a little thicker at <.no took pi;; -e up-ci 'b" New river, as part to light in this progressive old in her highland dialect the superior stitutional disease, and In order to Saginaw saying she Is better and that it shall not cost anything if shell thongblfully and promised lo selling your own tlinlter direct to Works. J. H. Hamilton. Smyrna and spent over Sunday with side than on (be other, be tosses the of th" ennal Is •••:•;led. Three boats world, remembering that while charms of her cousin Janet of I'ee- No. 17 0:17 a. in daily cure It you must take Internal rem- bas gone to Mt. i'leasant to visit it does not give satisfactory re- keep It always. Next morning when factory. Michigan Bent Kim vV: edies. 'Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken his family. brick up. turning it over until bis were moore.i »hi miles apart, each truth is eternal, men's know- hies." Basket Mfg. Co. " 10 I2:l."i p. in. except SIHHIJI.V her granddaughter Mrs. (Juy Mor ledge and ideas concerning it. salt. It is designed to overcome she came running np lo meet him on " RI o:!-! p. in. " " Internally, and acts direct on the Mrs. Funlce KIchmond, Mrs Carrie touch tells him which side is the top provided with a crosstree of equal blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's gan before he puts it in place in Ihe wall dandruff, relieve the scalp irrita- the hotel veranda he looked at her Harber and Miss Luella KIchmond heL'lit. If Hie earh "as spherical the change. Philosophic Tea. DRY OAK WOOD for sale. J. E " II S:{is p. m. Catarrh Cure Is notaquack medicine Mrs. Dutt, mother of Mrs. Fred quest ionlngly. r a ^ Days Free Trial The cure for this was to have ail the conlral cress vonld appear above tho tion. to stimulate the hair roots, The famous Adam .Smith bad ail the Tower, phone 8l}-.»r. tf It was prescribed by one of the best were visiting relatives here Inst "You look like Margaret," he said, LOUCKS, died last Thursday night. bricks piled lop up before they were other to ; •! ..'iserv-r looking througli THE United States Senate is tighten the hair already in the proverbial absentinindedness of Hie Ir- Your Own Home physicians in this country for yenrs week are now at the home of Llincr "but I can't be sure. If you are really Pare Marquette ' KILL THE SCALE BEFORE | Funeral services were held at the brought to tho masons. Then, further, a te|esce;.e 1,frc.m 'ho crosstref philosopher. An amusing story of him nnd is a regular prescription. It Is still boosting salaries. Some head, grow hair and care bald- BOOK WANTED.—Will tbe person KIchmond of Vergennes ami expect every one has seen the mason tap hH is told In Air. Fyvle's book, "Noble my Margaret you will have a shell i nt tlic im;itovOii composed of the best tonics known, Keene church Monday ut 11 o'clock. of the boar at • Irber end; if it was flat more of those nabobs will have ness. who borrowed a volume, "Master- KAST HOI \ |I to return to their home In (Jrand brick several limes to settle it into the Dames and Notable Men of tho Cenr- gave her once—the mate lo this one"— combined with the best bio ul purlli- Kev. Ueorge oflicluted. Hurlal at he would -••-e lio:h Mie other crosstrees to hear from the people again. It, is because of what Uexall pieces of Humor", please return it Haplds soon. mortar—more wa>ie of lime. The <-ur<' glan Era." "Mr. Oamer, it appears, He got no further. The talisman was to F. M.Johnson. Lv. • Mlla, in. er, acting dlrcctly on the mucous Lowell, her former home. as one. I'arailax" declared that ho On the one hand, good, decent, "IKI" Hair Toaic has done and promptly produced, and it fitted ex- surfaces. The perfect combination of was to make the mortar thinner, so called one morning upon tiie Scottish 2:17 p. m. KILLS | Miss Dorothy Fry over and brother Mr. nnd Mrs. Dell Howen was a did see t!;ei!i so, but the judges uminl- THE SCALE the two Ingredients Is what produces that the weight "f the brick would set honest men supporting families oar sincere faith in its goodness philosopher just as be was preparing actly. He returned to America, and Simplex" Gilbert of Hoston township visited mouslv d-' ided a _-.M'ist him, and tho T() RKXT—Suite of living; rooms 0:1s p. m. such wonderful results In curing dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank on from $1.25 to $&00 per day that we want you to try it at his breakfast. As they talked tin' somewhat later Margaret received a at the home of.I (dm Wright of Ver- tie il into Hie right position. This was poor man lost his money. letter- one of Ihe pretty letters he was over bakery. II. Strong. i Hand Vacuum Cleaner Catarrh. Send for our testimonials Suyles Sunday. scientific management, "motion study." with living expenses going up; oar risk. Two sizes, 50c and learned man took a piece of bread and WKST 1:01 M» gennes Sunday. always writing to children. In It he j "T.'ii* Clci\f.er That Cleans Clean** J'l free. It raised (he day's work for the aver and these statesmen shoving np $1.00. Sold only* at our store— butter in his band and, after roiling F. .1. CHLNLV &CO., Props., We're All Actors. Lv. 10;iria. m F. (J. Fryover and daughter Dor- it round and round, popped it into bis said: YOUR TREES 1 Toledo, O. VERGENNES CENTER. age brick mason from l.ooo up to '..'.TOO Mine. Alexandria Viarda. the Polish salaries from sS.Ooo to ^IJ.ooo The Rexall Store. 1>. (J. Look's PROBATE NOTICE. | \V( want to sup- othy were In.Sarannc last Thursday. teapot and poured the boiling water 1 nm always tnaklnc mistakes. When :5:3I p. in. Solid for Chlca;^). Sold by Druggists, price Tiie. bricks a day ami in Individual cases to tragedienne, -.nee propounded the fol- and from |0,000 to .^l0,1)()(). as drag, store. I was In New York six weeks hko I was TATE OF MICHIGAN. The Probate Court ! ply one lady in every Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parker and Clare Anderson and Dela Kelzer much higher figures. The mason made a upon it. Uamer watched with quiet S tor the County of Kent 4:10 p. in. for Klindale iV Frco Take Hall's Family i'llls for low itu : the correspondent says without on a corner of Fifth nvenue and saw a nnr'iilii, hood widia amusement without drawing attention At a session of said court, held at the probate port; constipation. little son, Mrs. Nancy Parker of Lo- visited Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis only six motions where be used to "It is n st ran ire tiling, but ask a man protest." Tiie "protest" will TRAVELER KICKS ON COOK small Klrl—not a blK ono—start across oflice in the city of Urnnd HupUls, in said Smij'li ." VaniiHi) to this peculiar proceeding, and pres- from the opposite corner, and 1 exclaim- c;ouiity,on the 28 th day of January A. 1). lltll 0::{7 p. in. Ck-aniT, Ini adver- Dow Lime and Sulphur will do the Business I well and Frvln Parker of Washing- Sunday. make eighleen.—Amerlcsm Review of to mend rip in his coat. come from the people later and ently be had his reward, for when ed to myself joyfully, "That Is certainly Present, Hon. Harry 1). .Icwell, Judge of li:.iii^ lui'iiUM s. ton, D. ('., were visitors last Thurs- Mesdumcs T. Head and O. Htbler Hevlews. "No; he is not a tailor. Declares Continental Cooking la No my Margaret." so I rushed to meet her. Probate. LOGAN LOCALS. others will follow Brother har- Adam Smith poured himself out a cup In tho inatter of tiie estate of Oren , . FOR SALE BY | day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. spent several days In Lmla visiting "A-k another to stop the faucet from Longer Unchallangad aa to But as she came nearer 1 beRan to doubt I I'M ; J.n- (or L. Voder has been very ill with rows over the plank. of this dt-coction and lasted it and said to myself, "ICH a Marnarot, that Ford Deceased. leaking. Its Excellence. Clarence Fo»d having tiled In said the iii.-'t lil'rial (li- Ira Pottrnff. Charles Houghey and family and Mr. WHISTLER WAS INDIGNANT. he quite innocently remarked to bis is plain enough, but I'm half afraid It is court big petition praying that a certain in- measles the past week. "No; he's not a plumber. somebody else's." So when I passed her The Lowell Post Office. fer cvel Miadc. Miss Fvle Pottrnff went to Held- tltbler. PRESIDENT TAFT does well to visitor that It was tbe worst tea be strument in writing, purporting to lie the .lacob Housh of Lowell was a The Idea of Buying His Pictures and I "Or another to do a bit of cabinet Contlnenlal rooking Is no longer un- I held my shell so she couldn't help but last will and testament of sutd deceased, now ing Tuesday to remain with her Dela Kelzer, who has been visiting had ever met with." The "Simplex" THE SCHANTZ CO. 1 guest of his daughter Mrs. .lohn quote McKinley on Canadian rec- see It. Dear, she only Klanced at It and on tile In said court bn admitted to probate, p Then Demanding Possession. work. challenged as to Its excellence. It Is and that the adminlstrat'on of said estate I« ;s guaranteed tu do aunt Mrs. Mary Sears for a time. her cousin Mrs. Ada Anderson fo iprocity. 11 wa s i lea rly 1 <) yea rs passed on. I wondered If she could have OFFICF. IIOI RS Misbler Monday. A certain eminent Fngllsh lady, (he ! "No; he is not a carpenter. charged wit., being unequal—partial overlooked It It socmod best to find out. granted to hluiself or to some other suitable siomi WDlk as several weeks, has gone to Lowell to ago that the martyred president Not Stealing. person. 7:00 A. M. to 7 "0 i'. M. Clint Hooper of Clarksvllle visited proud possessor of a title of fairly high ^ "P.UI a-k any one of the three or all to meats and fishes and very unfair In so 1 turned and followed and caught up It Is ordered, that the 24th day of February dmiic uKuhincs David nolasco deiicalely dissected a H. L. Godfrey, Mgr. | Life Siivcd At Death's Door work for Mrs. Delos Owen. degree, who admired W histler's gen- j of them to • aact a little part In a play in his Buffalo address plead for Ita treatment of vegetables and fruits. with her and s:ild deferentially, "Hear A. 1). liill, at ten o'clock In the foienoon, at Sundays; 0:00 to 10 (III A M. roMMi.r ^ lOU.tyO and his son Char'es Hooper and family certain playwright one evening at a miss, 1 alrendy Know your first name by said probate olllce. be and Is hereby ap|iolnted •m. It is lijilit in "I never felt HO near my grave," Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Head visited ins lo the extent of purchasing one of | and each will smile in fatuous confi- greater liberality in our dealings | A "traveler," who evidently deems for hearing said petition; KASTIMF.V MAILS voavi: Tuesday. dinner given by tiie former to some of Ihe look of you. but would you mind weight (on'y 20 Ita t u? writes W. H. Patterson of Welling in (Jrand Kapids from Wednesday his pictures, never was able to obtain dence and instantly acquiesce. with other countries find fori It prudent to remain anonymous, writ- lelllnjf mo your other one?" She was It is fuither ordered, That public notice Cirand Trunk 12:1." A.M.' Mr. and Mrs. Scott Campbell spent bis friends of lite theatrical profession. thereof be given by publication of a copy of ruib' exirt inely easy li ) ton. Tex., ns when a frightful couub until Monday. possession 'if her property. One day "Hut watch him act!" mutual benefits in reciprocal tar- j ing for the Lady's Realm, complains vexed and said, pretty sharply: "It's this order for three successive weeks previciik Grand Trunk R.:l I r. M. j and 1 e ojn rated V 'I Monday at the home of the bitter's This playwright is successful and pro- PouKias, If you're so anxious to know. I and luug trouble pulled me down to .'mines Anderson of Low« 11 has been she drove to Ihe studio in her victoria, that in continental hotels It Is almost to said day of hearing, in the Lowell Ledger, a Grand Trunk N;;IS r. m. ! IK.imiy and easily "1 iff reductions, saying "We mast duces many plays, but, it is admitted, know your name by your looks, and I'd newspaper printed and circulated in said brother Charles Hooper. 100 pounds. In spite of doctor's treat- Mr. Whlsller went to greet her. Pere Mari|iiete 10:l."i .\. \i b) on" ;.,)er>on. /f iu.au spending the past week with his Saintliness Unpopular. not rest in fancied security t hat we j Impossible to get a good dish of owes nearly ail bis best ideas lo oth- advise you to shut yourself up with pen county. , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yoder re- ment for two jeurs. My father- A truecopy HAKUV I>. .IKWKLL, Ptre M'trquette .i:."7 A. M -Mr. Whistler." she said, "two years That state of mind which let us call mashed potatoes, that plain stewed to- ers. and Ink and write some more rubbish. 1 mother and two sisters died of con- mother, Mrs. Catherine Anderson. can forever sell every tiling and nm surprised tliiit I hey allow you to run Hoy M . Watkins. Judge of Probate. WKSTIOUX MAILS A It It IV K Wi:!i ordinary fWf turned home from Kansas City, Mo* ago I bought one of your pictures, a the Ignominy of the virtuous l.s not matoes and green peas are unknown, "One night the playwright Imagined Ktegistoroe f Probate li'i sumption, and that I am alive today buy little or nothing." Nearly nt large. Vou me likely to get run over Grand Trunk A. M enre die "Siiii/>li.\" > r where they have been visiting their IB due solely to Dr. King's New DIs. beautiful thing, and I have never been entirely eonllned to boys of nine although many sauces are flavored that lie heard a noise In his house," by a baby carrlago any time. Run along will ia.-.t a lifetime. SOUTH BOSTON. 10 years, and still t here are stat es- Grand Trunk 0:17 v. M- daughter Mrs. F. Dunmireand other covery, which completely cured me. able to hang it on my walls. It bas years. 1 have seen grown men and with the former, and the latter are said Mr. Iteiasco. "He lighted a lamp, now and don't let the cows bite you." P^cli, A pple, Grand Trunk WO p. M Dealers and Acents Wanted to sell •. ^ Now I weigh 1S7 pounds ami have been loaned lo one exhibitloii or an- women, being accused of saintliness, men who "hardly dare think" used continually as mere "culinary What an idi-a! There aren't any cows PROBATE NOTICE. > relatives since last fall Mrs. P. C. Freeman nnd Mrs. Phlla went downstairs, searched bis library, on Fifth av»-iiue. Hut I didn't smile. I Pere Marquette 7:50 A. M- both our hand and electric machlnea. been well uml strong for years." oiher. Now. today I have my carriage over whose faces passed an expression about Taft's ('anadian treat v. decorations." parlor, dining room and kitchen, then . elc.jctc. We can plcace yen Mrs. IL W. Seeseof north of Clarks- Cllley wereln Grand Kapids Satur- didn't let on to perceive how uncultured TATU OF MICHIGAN. The Probate Court Pere Marquette 2:1S i'. M Ijulck, safe, sure. It's the best remedy with me. and I would like to take It of mortllicatlon. They would accept C'trrota are omnipresent, and so Is went to the butler's pantry and there S for the County of Kent. vllle visited Mrs. Charhs Hooper day. she was. She was from the country, of In the matter of the estate of Nathan Pere Marquette 0.1S v. m Electric Cleaner Co. on earth for coughs, colds. lagrippe, home with me. 1 am odd it Is in your with mure coniplacency the tribute SOCIALIST Congressman -elect cauliflower, which the waiter admits discovered a masked man kneeling course, and didn't know what a comical n varie ty, price and quality. asthma, croup, nnd ail throat and blunder she was making. lilair. Deceased. Mali pnuche' are closed thirty niiu- 98 Jjvckson Boul. CHICAGO, ILL. nnd Mrs. F. Ford Tuesday. .lohn Freeman lost a valuable cow possession." that they were getting to be devils lu Bergerof Wisconsin proposes pen- Is "the one vegetable they managed to over the chest of silverware. Notice is hereby given that four months iltec prior to depnn.ure of train. lung troubles. riOc, «.Vr .fl 00. Trial from the l.'lth day of Janinry A. I)., 11)11, Mrs. H. Hrtghton of Canada spent last week. "Dear lady." returned Whistler, "you their old age. Atlantic. cook weli." Margnrel, with her mother, called HiKal Mall carrlernlenwPont oflice bottle free. (Juaranteed by all drug- sions for all neople over GO years "•Aha!' said he huskily. •Steaiing'/' have IHM'II allowed for creditors to present SS YCARS' Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hartlet of ask the Impossible, I will send It (o If one is a vegetarian—and this "'Oh, no,' replied the burglar calm- when I bey returned lo America. When their claims against said difeeaxed to said nt SioO. A M & gists of Lowell. of age. Of course. But why stop court for examination and adJUHtnient, and CXPEFUBNCI Seese. South Lowell visited Geo. Tucker you when I have it again, but it is not writer lays himself open to the suspi- tbe cards were brought to him he look- i ". (Juv I Kituv, Postmaster Lack of Tact. theie? Why not a pension for ly. 'I'm only adapting.'" that all creditors of sad deceased are re- here You have been misinformed." ed at hers and said: quired to present their clalmH to said court, N. P. Husted c o Hobert Ford of South Lowell uml family Sunday. "That man is about the most tact- cion—one is in difflcult straits Indeed. CASCADE VILLAGE. And so forth, and so forth, to the same every person, nmn, woman and "Well, the .voting lady, her name at the probate ofllce. In the city of Gra^d Kap- called on his mother Mrs. N. Ford MISH Nemma Freeman was In Hlg •ss person I have ever known." As one cannot live on carrots and cau- Time to Make a Change. ids, In said county, on or befoio the l.'ith day child? Isn't I'ncle Sam rich Halph Auble lost a horse last week. effect, and the !ai!\ drove off without "1 a-iivc wiih yu. He would have liflower one has recourse to bread and Sir William I'hips was appointed seems ramiiiar. but I can't be sure it's of Nay. A. U. 1011, and that said claims ' LOWELL, MICH. on his way to Freeporr Friday. Kapids from Thursday till Saturday enough? Just try taking money my Margaret without a certain token will he hoard by said court on Saturday the Mrs. Carrie Niles spent last week her picture. i:o more sense than to ask a barber to fruit But, alas! the bread Is so hard governor in chief of the province of Pith day of May, A. I). 11*11, at 10 o'clock in Tllman Dleum lost a valuable horse attending tbe meeting and banquet which she is supposed to carry ns a FOR WOMEN After she had departed Whistler subscribe to a fund for tho purpose of out of one pocket and putting it It breaks the teeth, and the fruit Massachusetts l!ay in PKt'J. During the forenoon. Monday night. Wednesday to Friday with a cousin, of the F. C. A at the Ferris Institute proof," The shell came up without Dated January Pi. A. D. 1911. commenced lo poke around liN studio providing a monumeut for the inveu- intotheother. It'seasy-on paper. makes one long for home orchards. his administration the terrible war Harry |). Jewell, TRAM MARKS Mrs. Fred Peck and family at Sara- Dr. J. A. McGiU'. DCSIONS .lohn Misbler was at (Jrand Haplds Chas. Klahn and family wereguests and, to Ihe great astoiiishnient "f a And the world owes us all a living "The native apples are dry and taste- against witchcraft raged for some six- delay. He took the two halves now to Judge of Probate. nac. Mrs. Frances Thompson kept tor of the safety razor."—Chicago Rec- COPVRMHTSfte. , , Saturday. of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Lind Sunday. friend who had been an involuntary a jeweler and had them set In gold as Famous Female ++'I"I"I"F'h'I'l^t"l"I"l"l'+ l"l'i'l"I"I"l 'l'l"l' ord-Herald. —in a horn. Pensions for every- less. The pears are hard and Inferior, teen months. When his own wife. Anynno flfiulliiK a nkcli'li and house for her during her absence. charms. One of,these Margaret wore qiilddy um'uriiiln «iiir oplnl'— Several from this way atiended listener to Ihe above conversation, he and the ordinary grapes are not to Lady l*hips, was named as having ex- o Suppositories 0 InvoiiMmi IH iirolinblr piiton body? Sure thing! What's the W. S. Merrill ami Fred DeWeert the Farmers institute at Herlin and brought forth a canvas. ercised the powers of witchcraft Sir on a ribbon about her neck, and tho Are a famous remedy for tliuiM HI riel lycoiilltlonllul. H/.. Tortured for IS Yeirs. She Knew Her Dad. use of working, anyhow? be compared with our own." McCarty Brothers. fciMit fruo. Olitost nueney for t have had telephones placed tn their "Here it Is." he said. "She was right The last hope of all diners Is coffee, William began to view this whole ter- other he linked to his watch chain, z all female diseases I'atfiita tnUuti throuuli Aluun bv a cure-defying stomach trouble Keene last week. Stuithers Do you know any one who tprcUtlprrvil TI' nntlct,H KC, W wliliou IIIIIIUWt obarge VHTCf HV, InI lIM »a*v that bullied doctors, and resisted all Homes. about ono (bing-it is beautiful." And and our "traveler." with vegetarian rible madness In* a new light, and he where It remained till be died. What Wholetale Produce Dealers Suffering Women try Heuben Lee was In Grand Haplds has a horse to sell? She—Yes; I sus Rottl Griswold.... remedies he tried. .lohn W. Modelers, it was beaut 1 fill. SOJIE senators object to Pres- put a stop to all trials and discharged a sweet fancy It all was! a Sample Mesdamcs Fred Vrooman and C. Saturday and Sunday. pect old Hrown has. Smithers—Why ? tastes, reaches for It with a renewed Cotton Seed Meal Scientific flimiKan. of Moddersvllle, Mich., seemed doom- "Hut Ihe Impudence of these people," ident Taft's tariff treaty with the prisoners then awaiting trial. He spent the last months of his life A hanrtflomnly lllnntratml weekli Hendricks called on Mrs. Sarah She -Well, papa sold him oue yester- glimmer of hope. But "it is seldom For ssle by all DrngtiMs ed. Ilo had to sidl his farm and give The Institute at the hall last Wed ho continued, "who think that because In nermuda In Ihe home of one of his Beet Pulp culnUoti of miy.di'loiitlUo lounii Johnson last week llndlng her Im- Canada on the ground that the excellent; it Is never served with Pi PRICE ei.oo our: fournmiitlid,!!. GIIANI) H1VEH AVICNTK 5 up work. Ills neighbors said, " he ncsday was quite well attended and they pay a few paltry hundred pounds day.—-London Punch. angel fish. Helen Allen, daughter of Brick rice of living is not too high. cream." and the last hope dies when The Way It Happened. Call on your home druggist Q WBmimr and HHlSNVOLDSTHFH r Detroit, Michigan t can't live much longer." •' Whatever proved in health. It proved a decided success every way. they own my pictures. Why. it mere- Brother Lobstock—How did yo' ail the American vice consul there. She I ate distressed me," he wrote, "till I (ow very comfortable it is to he ii forced to admit that It must be Blatchford's Calf Meal o for book and free sample Branch omce, & F SU Waihlogloo, A carryall with 20 friends of Mr. t he subjects presented were all well ly secures them the privilege of hav- Not Homemade. E was his daily companion, and It will KUKD POSTAL. Pnisidunt tried Fleetrlc Hitters, which worked at least two-thirds chickory. got yo' nose busted? Brother Tump— Planter Paris and Mrs. Fred DeWeert drove out Defending Counsel (to witness IT. drawacongressional salary from be her lifelong happy. memory that POSTAL HOTEL CO. M. A. SHAW. MamiKcr such wonders for ins that 1 can now '•'liiidled. it seems to us that farmers ing (hem in theh houses now and Poor traveler! may his Journey be I done slipped down an* plumb lit on bandagesI Are you married? Wit Uncle Sam; and how easy every- ahe brightened and comforted his flnnl Baled Hay eat things I could not take for years. from the city and enjoyed a midnight should avail themselves of every op (hen! Tbe pictures are mine:" short, and may he return to his truck my buck. Brother LobHlock — But, ness- No; I was knocked down by a thing looks from that point of jays.-Albert Bigelow Paine ia Ladles' Hydrated Lime I ts surely a grand remedy for stomneh luncheon and Dutch breakfast. They farm before his peas and beans and name o' goodness, sah, yo* uose Isn't porunlty of attending meetings of this Cllii last Week. World. Stone Lime trouble." .lust as good lor the liver brought well-Illled baskets. A most A Medical Sherlock Holmes. view. Let the honorable gentle- corn and tomatoes are all gone, so located on fo' back! Brother Tump- SEEDS kind as we believe that much prac ami kidneys. Fvery botthi guaran- A physician was knocked down and men try it from the laboring No, sah, an* needer was Brudder Drain Tile JuKumtmtnccmi I !: lEipcitfei : in: Riincdtliiig,: ruiuhhinK rand : Decoralisir ;; enjoyable social event for all. ileal knowledge may be gained from that he may revel in vegetable hash teed. Onb -f'C at all druggists of .Lo- robbed while on his way to see a pa- Sewer Pipe SEEDS fSPECIALOPPIRl • • «• roan's standpoint, and try mak and "boiled dinner^' the rest of ths Wack.—Puck. Turkish Olrls Do Oo Out Fretb. Rtllable, Pure well. The Cascade Cemetery association others experiences. If you intend •Made to bMA Rev RaalaNa. Atrialwm] tient. Ilis pockets wore rifled, and ing the daily wage do the work season. On summer nights in Turksy, when Chimney Tile SuarantMS to Plf tie 100 rnoms with hot and cold wator Imlh near liy, nt .fb.'O mid ii|i imt «lity. will give their annual New Fngland make jrou our permanent oustomar, • Mr. nnd Mrs. .lames Hatch went to ono of I ho articles stolen was a clin- Sale to have • M1« ; Ambiguous. people should be asleep, you can sse Land Plaster Kvery (lanleiirr ami 100 riMims with tub and tdiowur Imlh. circiilatiiiK ico ^ah-r, at VJXU and up |ii>r day. oftwo. "Oh, but that's different, PlaiitnrilluuH tent the IpriKftiiKtm Mind's Power Over Body. dinner at tho Grange hall here Wed- Grand Haplds Wednesday to attend ical thermometer with which he had let our prices "Why did you spend so much money closely hooded figures flitting about Wood •up«rlor inerltHofOur NeweHt and iluost cafe iu the city. inL'bidint; IIIL* most luMiutifiil olectriod roiinlain in you know." Tho mind has power to keep the nesduy Feb. 15. Chicken pie will bn ed the funeral of Mrs. Ida Mitchell. earlier In I ho evening taken tho tem- Swasthesrta Are Bought on your wife's funeral?" asked a man noiselessly, like black ghosts. They Nurthorn (irowu SMdM. America. Clo?er Seed spieiiL trriR ~ OPAKANTEKR TO PUCAHB. H a prominent feature of the dinner — — - ••• perature of a patient. He remem- Bills In the Kamyshin district of Russa are Turkish peasant girls. What thsy body strong and healthy, to renew of a neighbor. Writ* rtwfsy; Mention thh Paper, Now drill for Kditli'ineii. bered (he temperature registered and it:/ COLLIER'S WEEKLY has begun a suitor haa to buy his sweetheart Hed Top FOR 10 CENTS lifo, and to preserve It from decay to which will be served from 12 until - Hedged About with Loving Csre. . Mk. V "Ah, sir," was tbe reply, "she would are about nobody knows. Perhapi we will Mini pott ten Id our Now HHII with soatiiiK eapneily of 100 pomins. for ronvi nlioiif. Iianqin'ts. liiitchfoiiH. Orchard Grass also that he bad not shaken down (he a long series of articles on "The from her father. A pretty girl of good have done as much for me and more, looking for the moon, which wili not SEND 10 CENTS curd purtiuH and dant'os. a far greater extent than wo are apt o'clock or until all are served. A Mote—"I heard that old Goldlc was PRI] ^ FAMOUS COLLECTION NTED im family costs about $100. Fertlllier i ftff.AANr TMUU ••••!£ itaeompei to think. going to marry again." Doam—"Noth- mercury before pulling the thermom- I American Newspaper," a study too. with pleasure." rise for some hours. At eTery dark I FK|. IMM •••••!!* . eolUciioo Six prlvatt' DiuiuK liooins for cbdis and after'I heal ru imrtiuH, cordlaUlnvltation to all. Rock Portland Cement rrlMftt eter In his pocket. He communicated of journalism in its relation to corner of a wall also you may see a I MFL, IMMrawlat (VTWY *"• Mrs. C. Hendricks and dauuhter, ing In It. Ilia children arc loo smart for Potato Crates 1 MI. brly *F r«W.FC«4 NBTAT. • • J I Private ParlorH for weddings, rcceitlions. mcotiiiKs, clc. those facts lo Ihe police. Some time TBE LEDGER young gent sitting in the deep shadow I SF.rall.rlMaart.IL.UM* •••'?• Extreme Contervstlves. that. They never let blm go behind tb# public. man Slnearity. Grape Baskets AMIIURKLLMCMMRIAA.RHM4I . ' We serve club brnakfants, I'.M; np, binchuuns and dinners, a la eurlc. atfiKipnlar prices. Mrs. J. C. Tlllyer, were guests of afterward a thermometer roglsterinc 'We are fixed for tununs 1 Anomsllsa. with wonderful perseverance. If yoa It Is the habit of some people to tho scenes. They keep hbu well so will improve the opportunity us Be resolutely and faithfully what yon I •1.00 Our fnoilitioii fnr'hiKlicIaHS Kervlco are exceptional, and similar to the liet-l hotels iu brother and uncle Case Kdetsler and the Identical temperature was dlscov Ths best descrlpUon of the Rhine are; be humbly what you aspire to be, gp very near, and they do not happen Wtlli today I SANRT 10 unU to MP Pfr.PMtei* .•»«» condemn everything they are mentally that he can't fall In love with a nurse. out work of this Idnd 1 he has others for thirty yeaib; packing and neaiva ttw almv. "Kamuni (ki!l«ctlon, New York. family Tuesday p in. and called on ered iu a pawnshop, and tho police was written by a man who had never to see you, you may bear them sine* McCarty Brothers. g.lh.r with our Saw and ltii»ru«tl»a (lard.n «luld.. incapable of understanding, and then And for fear that he ndghl marry the llsn's noblest gift to man is his sin- Yoncannay doublo our rates for your accoiiiiimdations, tint ymi ciuiuot anythiiiK 'j were enabled (hereby to track the doc- in double-quick time. 1 but there are people in Lowell wao seen it And the fsllow who burls* OKKAT MOKTUKRN HKKU.ttO. Edward Koetsler and the mother'' C| cerity, for it embraces bis integrity Ing songs, as low as tbe httnuning oft Office, 1st door west of McCarty's > I tetter, | ImdHt upon calling it "cuuservstism" cook they make hbu live ut a hotel. know all about journalism. WO1 lloae Sti . Rockfurd, Illinois t tor's iissaHunts uud to arrest them. QMS bar fSTsr asvar had It also.—Thorean. . bees, and always through tbe none. Old Stand, PhoeSM). instead ot Ignorance. sa little oues. —Cleveland Plain iw-* •••Hiuiiiniutiiim

// LOWELL LEDGER BISHOP EDW. D. KELLY. MICHIGAN BANKS GAIN. THE SCHOOLS OF "Offended?" I repeated, puzzled. F. M. JOHNSON. Publisher. One of the Most Imposing Church New Banking Commissioner Shows : Wedding Invitations, Bntvred ul ihi' PoHtomf" at Lowell ns Gain in Savings Deposits. WESTERN CANADA "You see, 1 have been living out of Sicuml-Clamt Mutlvr. Ceremonies Ever Eeen In U. 8. tbe world so long, and never seeing .. . , ELUAH APPEARS LOWKLL - I ~ MICHIGAN With all the pomp, grace, dignity Ranking Commissioner E. H. Doyle any women but Indian squaws'—so has issued his first, report, slowing ; Announcements, Etc, M and color with whieh the Roman there were no Spanish girls!—"that SEVEN In Some of the Cities and Towns the WHIN A AN U. S. OFFICIALS the condition of the 399 si ate banks IN ISRAEL DOUBLE LIFE Catholic church can invest her grand School Buildings Cannot Accom- I'm afraid 1 say what comes Into my and five trust companies doing busi- occasions, the consecration of Rev. Printed on elegant atock, mind without circumlocution. And NDWHY SUNDAY School LCIMI for Feb. 5, 1911 modate the Increasing Num- Edward D. Kelly, pastor of the | ness in Michigan.'and the s atistlcs W. R. BOLTER i 'V'LL F. CONANT, A ONCE TRUSTED CARTER. HEAD OF EMBASSY. RE with two acts of envelopes, then—I did not know you were mar- Specially Arranged for Tnis Paper j church of St. Thomas the Apostle, was show that the depositories ai;' in ex- bers. (SuceMsor to H. W. Hakes) SIGNS, DUE TO INDIGNITIES your choice of type and forma M ried." OFFICIAL. ARRESTED FOR ;ellent condition at the present time. ARRIES ^ YEARS OF held in Ann Arbor, at tiie siltar "No, oh, no," I said hastily. "But, VAGRANCY. where lie lias so long olllciated as ON TWO ASSISTANTS., According to the latest returns filed One of tho most important factors with the banking commissioner the MEDflMTT of course, the more a woman Is mar I.KSSON TEXT- 1 Kings 17. Memory parish priest, with Cardinal (libbons, in the building of a new country is Verses 14 1(J. .-ommerclal and savings departments rled—1 mean, you cannot say too AGED INVENTOR'S SUCCESS tiie only American prince of ihe the attention that is paid by the au- S3.00 per 100 the: circular cStairga^ eiOI.DKN TEXT—"Tliey that geek the SERGEANT INSTIGATED MUTINY UNDERTAKING CAPADLE AND EFFICIENT MICHI- chinch, two archbishops, including his of the state banks contained $121,002,- many nice things to married women. Lord shall not want any good tiling."— thorlties to tbe edtfcatlon of the rising the: man Tn udwer te:n . etc. grace. John Ireland, of St. Paul; M AMONG 50 TURKISH SOLDIERS loo.oi. since the last report, Nov. 10. COPr**c/fr. tfopjgr. rm I, co*/*/rr They—need them, you know." The people who declare that a man i PSN. 34:10. MISERY GAN MAN IS AFFLICTED WITH boboj-mckp/a ART GOODS and there has been a gain In the aggre- generation. Fortunately for western Calling Cards, correct aizea bishops from the foremost sees of tiie ON STEAMER NEW JERSEY. I bad floundered miserably, with his has outlived liis usr-fuiness when he i TIMK hJIIjah lived during tiie reigns of MENTAL ABERRATION. gate business of $."..r.9y>K0.97. The Canada, tbe settlement of that new for Mesdames, Misses, Gen- Almtj in Israel, and Jeliosupbal in Judah. PICTURE FRAMING American continent, three monsignori SYNOPSIS. the four of you. and have your game." eyes on me, and 1 half expected blm attains the age of sixty years and ; All Relieved by Lydia E. Pink* commercial deposits show an increase country began in such recent years tlemen and professionals, in nnd l heir successors B. (2. D.'O-'JOO (Or of note, and over :iiiii priests partici- They looked guilty. "But I will block should be put out of bis misery with a i Seven years practical e.xpefk'nc*. All of $2,9llS,270.Lr) and the savings de- that it was able lo lay a foundation to be shocked, or to say that married Assyrian. .STS-8&7). ham's Vegetable Compound. pating in the ceremony. American Embassy at Constantinople Plate, Kid or Linen finish, Jamer Wllnon or Jimmy ns he is called that right now. 1 am going to stay ^vork ifiven prompt attentiou. Holding Seven Positions cf Trust. posits $2,(:."»9.292,49. women should be satisfied with the dose of chloroform, will have to ex-, PI-ACK Various places In the kinKdom 8 ikes ton. Mo. — "For seven years 1 Tiie stene was one worthy of the for thin work, gained by the experi- your choice of type. »>' Ids friends. Jimmy was rotund and of tsnii-i. He prohaltiy first met A hah Has Demanded an Immediate looked shorter than be really was. Ills —here. If Aunt Sellna wants me, she nice things their husbands say to tend the limit If they wish to make a ; Buffered everything. I was in bed Each Time Wanderlust Becomes beautiful parish ciiurch in which ii A comparison of the report just ence of older countries. In this way In Saniaria his eHpiml. Cherith was a Investigation. "intiltion In life was to be laken seriously, can find me—here!" them. But be merely remarked hit with the residents of San Jose, Cai., ; for four or five days Office Plione, 22-2 R. House Phone. 22-3 R. Supreme and Away He Goes. occurred -a monument to the utilir issued with the statistics of the bank- the very best is the result. Through- nut people steadily refused to do HO. his brook In a ravine, llowins into tiie .Tor* ing commission of a year ago shows art it eonsldeml a huge Joke, except to The flrst Indication those men bad apropos of nothing, or following a line since it has become l.nown that | dan on the Kust. /imipnth was a town at a time eyeri ing pastoral labors of tiie priest, who Out the entire country are to be seen himself. If he asked people to dinner ev- ; month, and so weas in increase in loans of $20 966,022 97 50c per 100 that Mr. Harbison didn't know the of thought he had not voiced, that tt George Gates, a struggling seventy- in Phenli'la h<-tween Tyre and Slden, Sea- is called upon to assume the purple .1. Hidgely Carter, who lias been the most improved style of architec- ••ryone expected a frolic, Jimmy marries 1 could hardly walk. and a total increase of $23,731,119.07 Hellu Knowles; ihey live loaether a year state of affairs was when be turned year-old inventor of that city, will be- i ports on the Mediterranean. Wili V. ConnnI. a nuMnber of ono Tiie consecration sermon was deliv- placed tu the head of tiie American ture in school buildings. The cities was trite but true that a good many I cramped and bad Df the host families in .Michigan and in Hie past year. Tiie total reserve Mall orders solicited and and are divoreed, JiiiMiiy's friends ar- and faced them, come a muiti-mliiionaire through tiie i Harley ered by Archbishop .lohn Ireland. embassy in Constantinople, with ih< and towns \»le with each other in the range to eelehrale the llrst anniversary men owed their success in life to It was a dark day for Israel when backache and head- maintained by Michigan state banks "Mrs, Wilson Is quite right," he who was. ;ii different times, (i< puiy The consecration of a bishop is one rank of minister pb nipotentir.ry promptly filled. Samples of Ids divorce. Those who attend the their wives. sale to a syndicate of eleven of the • Jezebel "set herself, with her hus- ache, and was so the first of Ihe year was $56,173,863.03, efforts to secure tbe best of accom- parly are Misn Katherlne MeXair. who •.'ily clerk of Detroii, secret:iry ol" tiie that .Michigan litis not seen beiore pending the appointment of a suc- said gravely. "We're a selfish lot. If "And a good many owe their wives greatest railway systems of the Cnited ; nervous and weak while the total cash reserve amounted modation and at the same time get free on request, address every one calls Kit, Mr. and Mrs. Palla* band's tacit connivance, to extirpate Maynard iightins commission and cusiiici of a within tiie memory of most men now cessor to Ambassador Straus, resign Hrown, the Missei* Mercer, Maxwell Heed Miss Caruthers Is a responsibility, let Slates, of his patent rights in a con- , that 1 dreaded to to $I9,.110,8ri7..'!7. At present Hie total architectural lines that would appeal. to their success In life," I retorted the religion of Jehovah from the land , big linancial liovise. is locked up as a living. ed. after lodging a protest with the and a Mr. Thomas Harhison, a South us share her." crete railroad tie which he bas in- see anyone or have reserve cairled by Mlch^an state Sufficient to say that nowhere Is there Amerif-an rivil engineer. The party is in cynically. At which he stared at me of Israel, and lo substitute in its place } vagi'iint in Cincinnati and in iliis'iies pone ti,aii in st He assault and iitdig vented. The price to be paid for the anyone move In tho banks is approximately $13,000,000 run Kwing when Jimmy receives a tele- "To arms!" Jim said, with an affec- again. open and avowed paganism—the wor- PLUMBINQ i is weird ;• story of dual ir.rntaiiiy nilies to whiih ihe American consu- the greater attention paid to elemen- gram from Itls A mil Sellna. who will ar- room. The doctora over the requirements of the banking : THE LEDGER! tation of lightness, as they put their It was then that the real complexity new tie is $17,500,000. •is tiia? of "Dr. .lokyU" and "Mr. lijde.'" Mrs. Dowie. in Want. Is III. lar repn ii.i. es at lU inu and Ai tary and advanced education than in rive jo four hourH to visit Iiim and Ills slilp of Ashloreth and of Haal. Splen- gave me medicine to And all work in connection law. LOWELL, MICHIGAN wife. Jimmy gels his funds from Aunt glasses down, and threw open the of the situation began to develop. (bites lias been working on the con- , The two pcrsouaiitiey in tiie man Mrs, .lane Howie, widow of the late exiindretla v < re recently subjected western Canada. A report just lo netlnn and after he marries she douhtes did shrines were built, especially one ease me at tho BO _ Rased on savings depos.ts of $171,- door, Dai's retort, "Whose?" was lost Some one bad rung the hell and been crete tie for about ten years. He cast ire as di.-lim( as could possibly lie. 'Troplier .lohu Alexander Howie, It appears that a sergeant l.isiiaatei hand shows that In Calgary, Alberta, Ids allowance, lie neglecls to tell her of of vast size in the capital; and Hie times, and said that 1 ought to have au with City Water System. r!»;!,:;71.2r> the law requires mortgage Ids divorce, us she Is opposed to II. Jim- In the eonfuslon, and we went lnt6 tbe thousands and thousands of concrete operation. I would not listen to that, and when Ms jierBonality as an ac loumier of /.ion ('if., has been con- a miiiiny amoiig r.o Turkish soldier.- lhere are eighty teachers employed, admitted to tbe library and a maid rites and ceremonies of the new cult ind bond investments of ai least |SI- my takes Kit into his confidence, lie tries library. On the way Dallas managed ties in those years and was not dis- and when a friend of my husband told live, able ni:d tiiicicnt imsiiirss man fined to her bed al 'Hen MacHhui the who were being Transported on tin to devise si line way so that bis aunt will came to the doeir of the den. When Phone 182 >11.7ol.:!I, in addition lo -keeping tiie and the enrollment 4.22S pupils. In were exhibited on a grand scale, with him about Lydia K. Pinkham's Vege- is uppermost, lie has not the -i'.iesl last two weeks wilb urin. durin.e steamer New Jersey, When that ves uot learn that he has no longer a wife. to speak to me. she saw us she stopped uncertainly* heartened when they failed to stand nece.;;-iiry b gal reserve. The report the Province of Alberta there was a He siiKgesis thai Kit play the hostess for sensuous accompaniments of all kinds table Compound and what it had dono recoib'ction of iiis doings as lite va- wiiii h lime she ha> had only such at st I reached Alcxandrena the was Ily "if Harbison doesn't know, don't Even then It struck me that she look- tests and crumbled and cracked under j "f the blinking commission shows thai total of 46.000 pupils attending schools FnaRMMdy one night, be Sirs. Wilson pro tem. Kit —music, statuary, processions of robed for his wife, 1 was willing to take it. •iiant. tent Ion as neighbors could give. tell him," he said In an underteme, tiie vibration of heavy traffic. ing the Amerie-in ll::v,. and tiie Ane r refuses, hut is llnely prevailed upon to ed odd. and she was not In uniform. priests, victims. Incense, bands of fa- il<' tried many callings anil was Mrs. Howie's present siirrouiuiin^s tiie mortgage and bond investments in 1909. The total enrollment for the ae| tin part. Aunt BeliiiH arrives and the One day about two years ago Gates Now I look the picture of health and lean consular atient, John T. Peris- : "He's a queer duck, In some ways; However. 1 was not informed at that feellikeit,too. Icandomyownhouso^ Dr. J. P. Draper, V. S. making a suctf-s in etich when the are said to be pitiable. Her moihet exceeded this amount by $22.723,. »37.69. year In city, town and village schools deception works out as planned, as she natics worked up to frenzy by relig- tiancy. went on board to investlgaie Iiad never seen Jim's wife, he mightn't think It funny," time about bachelor establishments, was leaning against a barbed wire fence. His meager funds were about gone j work, hoe mv garden, and milk a cow. "Mr. Hyde" pt r-nnally in iiim wouii! died in Austraiia a lev- months atio was 22,883, and the total in rural Helps GhiMm and he was almost ready to give up, but the barb wires suggested a means ! ious excitement, and the like." They There he was set upon bv the s d King George Brings Suit. "Funny," 1 choked. "It's the least and the flrst thing she said, when she I can entertain company and enjoy Treats al. aiheano* be master and lie would forsa liis i and site claims a legacy from diers and driven from the stiip. Dtir schools was 23,161), Thero arc in the CHAPTER III. (Continued.) had "forsaken thy covenants, thrown funny thing I ever experienced. De- had asked to speak to me In the hall, whereby he could reinforce the concrete "I wili just cast some of these them. 1 can visit when 1 choose, ana work. 1 the estalc. ing the aiiack IIK hand was cut and It is credibly reported tiiat King province 970 schools with 1,323 de- down thine altars, and slain thy proph- of Horses and olhcr i ceiving that Harbison man Isn't so knocked her nnd her clothes clear out barbed wire's In the concrete." It was a happy Idea, and one tiiat. afterward walk as far as any ordinary woman, Often iiis wmderinszs have been bis coil', was torn off. George's advisers have insiliuted Many a mother has learned of a way "It might be scarlet fever," Max ets with the sword." biimeittic animals. partments. At the close of 1909 there proved to be wortli millions. any day in the month. I wish 1 could i stopped by the iioiici' of various cities, criminal libel proceedings with Hie of avoiding sickncss in her family, es- bad—he thinks me crazy, anyhow. of my head. Kvldently she knew, The local police arrested some ol was a total of 1,096 school districts In broke In cheerfully. "I say, scarlet Ties were cast with barbed-wire strands running lengthwise. Tests A brave, strong prophet, dared lo t^lk toe very sufferingwomanandgirl." j They would pivk him up and return NEWS IN BRIEF. objei't of ending once for all rumors He's been staring his eyes out at "Miss McNalr," she said In a low Calls promptly at the soldiers, but the eaptain of iIn- Ihe province. Great attention Is paid pecially among the children, by the fever on a Mongolian—what color stem Hie tide alone. And he dared — Mrs. DF.MA UKTIIUXE, Sikeston, Mo. which have been freely circulated for me—" showed that 36 strands twisted in a certain manner obtained tiie best results. | : iiim to his hoiue city, where after New Jersey refused to surrender tin tone, "there Is a lady In the drawing :i The most successful remedy in this tende-J to Day or ; also to agricultural education. The use of a free sample bottle of the fa- would he be, Jimmy? What do yel- A tie thus made will spring l i Inches and come back to line. And a single because he knew that God had com- : 'arefui nursing his normal mind would sergeant, the ringleader. The vessel years that His Majesty, when Prince "I don't wonder. You're lovely to- room, a veiled person, and she Is ask- country for the cure of all forms of Dowager l.a iy Decies lias sailed on hest. uses of the soil and such other mous laxative. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup low and red make? Green?" machine will turn out the ties at Hie rate of 3,500 per day. manded him. and stood with him. and N i g b t. ! reassert iiself. and li" would become proceeded subsequently to Smyrna of Wales, was inorganaHcaiiy mar- night, Kit, and you look like a vixen." ing for Mr. Wilson." female complaints is Lydia £. Pinfc. I the l.usitania for N'ev»- York, to be ried to a daughter of an admiral at matters as tend to make the agricul- "Orange," Jim said shortly, "I wish Gates, who was born In Ottumwa, Iowa, lives in a modest cottage in San i worked through him. It is probable j once more tiie met hod ical, ••nterpris- where tliete was a second row ovei Pepsin. This offer of the doctor's to "Hut to deceive that harmless old "Can you not find him?" 1 asked. ham's Vegetable Compound. Oflloe and Honpitat in Towalsy Barn [ ing business man. present at the marriage of I'.aron De Malta. ture less of a drudge and more of a you people would remember that we Jose, Cai. He Is a small, spare and unassuming. He presents the appearance i that F.lijah belonged to ihe northern the tpiesiion of whether the soldier;; send a free sample bottle has been re- lady—well, thank goodness. It's nine, "He Is In the house, probably In the It is more widely and successfully The change from business man lo eics and Miss Vivien (iould. Tiie derendant in Hie case Is Ed- success are employed. When there are trying to eat." of a typical Yankee workingman, and because he is out much in the air he ! kingdom but was living in Gilead, and used than any other remedy. It bas Office Photie 144-2 or the sapors of He New Jersej sponded to by thousands of women and she leaves In an hour or so." studio," i vagrant would apparentiy be e'Tected President Taft. who was invited to were primarily at fault. ward F. Mylius. who is said to lie is the combination of good soil, splen- Tbe fact was, however, that no one Is sunburned and does nol look over sixty years of age. that the parents of Klijah. or Elijah cured thousands of women who havo in all parts of America. But she didn't. And that's tbe story. The girl iiesitated. 1 Residence Phone 144-3. j in Hie I winkiir.,;.. of an eye. but the , attend il.e Kansas stale iair lo be When tiie vessel docked, its secone connected with the paper Tiie Li' did climate and healthy and advanced was really eating, except Mr, Harbi- He served through the civil war, enlisting from his home town. He was himself when a young man. iiad gone teen troubled with displacements, in- This Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is a "Excuse me, miss, but Miss Caruth- - ; •cvers!'chan.ue was brougiit abniit only I held at lliitchinson nrxt fail, has de- erator. published in* Paris, which son, who had given up trying to un- flammation. ulceration, fibroid tumors, mate was arrested. At this stage ol ideas in the methods employed In truly wonderful laxative and especially married iu ISt/J and went lo C:ilifornia and, after years of work as a railroad from Galilee to Giiead to escape the | elded to accept the invuaiion The : irinted Hie slatemeiMs on which the CHAPTER IV. ers—" Irregularities, periodic pains, backache, i by weeks of v are. • i qua rel the Auierican consul gc; agriciiltnre, we see accomplished the adapted to the needs of babies and derstand us, considering, no doubt, man. he laid off about litleen years ago to devote bis lime to inventing. Those persecutions of the Haaiites, nnd its president wii! lie there September i' libel chariie is based. Then 1 saw the situation. that bearing down feeling, indigestion, Drives Wife Insane, enii. Ktnesi I.. Harris, took a hand results that have placed western Can- children bccause It is pleasant tu taste our subdued excitement as our nor- were hard years. But the old inventor, who never talks freely al best, has dangerous moral deterioration. Reared G.Q.To\vsley,n.D. I and and no child will refuse It. Then, It la The Door Was Closed. "Never mind." 1 said. "Close the and nervous prostration, after all other j Naturally this peculiar turn of his wiih the result tiiat he was attacked ada on Its present high plane In the mal condition. Ages afterward I but little to say of his struggles to puiect his ideas, and lo gel big railroad amid exalted and solemnizing scenes, means had failed. Why don't you try It? I'raclice limited to i The radicals of P.arcelona. Spain, Filipinos Die in Tidal Wave. mild and, never stripes. It ts all that It was Infuriating to see how much door Into the drawing room, and 1 i brain, for it can be nothing else, has by the warring factions. However agricultural world. There Is to be a child's remedy should bo, though it is learned that he thought my face al- men to lake them up. the young prophet must have medi- Ey Ot tlar, Nose nnd Tliront j have calleil a meeting to protest he bronnht about the arrest of the Three hundred persons, aii natives, enjoyment every one but Jlip and my- will tell Mr. Wilson." j wrecked his success in every thin;; lie found men of high standing In liter- a good laxative for the whole family most tragic that night, and that be His Invention comes at Ihe right time, for wooden ties are becoming so tated long on the glorious past of hia Olasai«£ts f-itte>cl. j against the execuiion of the 1:.' iin- sergeant. •est their lives in tiie tidal wave which because it is effective at all ages. It self got out of tbe situation. They But as the girl turned toward the lias undertaken. At every reium from ary spheres as well as In financial siippoged. from the way 1 glared scarce that the demand is three times greater than the supply and the tend- country, and must have been filled Boom TlW Aoiitou itidg-., Gnuul Rapids arciiists wbd were convicted at Tokio When news ol' the lrouble reached | ol lowed the eruptions of the volcano is simply not dynamic like salts, pills Constipation liis wanderings lie lias found his ini^i- acrpsF the table, that 1 had quarreled ency is toward an annua) increase of from ten to lifteen per cent, in Hie price of ploiting against the iife of tiie em- Salonika the boycott committei Taai, according to press advices re- circles who are carrying on iarmlng, and powerful cathartics, which should with horror as tidings came of Hie in- Telephone Citizen} 6479. i ness closed or his position lilled by not be given to children anyway. with my husband! ol lies. peror of .lapan. among the shipping men declared a ceived from Manila. not alone for the pleasure they de- troduetion of rankest iieathenism, of Vanishes Forever another and lie lias iiad to begin a.qain Nine times out of ten when a child "I am afraid you are not well," he jut the bottom. Trade lignres for the lirst nine boycott against the owners of the Ail the towns within a radius of rive but for the profit they secure. complains and you don't know exactly Jezebel's abominations, tiie fierce cru- Prompt Relief—Pennsscnt Cars months of Camilla's present fiscal New Jersey. fully 20 miles have suffered damaue Mr. Adler, a wide-awake business man what Is tbe inatter with St. it needs a snld at last, noticing my food un- elties and re king licentiousness of Naturally tiie s Ira in upon his rela- CARTER'S LITTLE W.O.Merrill,M.D. year just issued show that the to- Acting upon advices the American from the rain of mud and stones, which of New York, has a ranch near Strath- laxative-—its bowles are constipated. touched on my plate, "We should Ahab's idolatrous capital. Iiidignation tives of tiiese repeated disappearances Byrup Pepsin will correct the trouble, RISE OF PENNILESS RUSSIAN LIVER PILLS tal trade amounied to an embassy promptly took ihe matter up still continues. The native population neit have come, any of us." PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. I iias been great, and his wife felt it more, Alberta, He Is highly pleased tone up the child and soon it will be burned within bim like the liames of fail. Purely vejot- so keenly that her mind lias become increase of ?»:.*>.."• 11 .it.'iO. The increase with the government, and in addition in all directions arc abandoning their well again—over night wonderful re- "1 am perfectly well," 1 replied fe- Vesuvius or .Martinifine, till it sud- with his success the past year. He sults have been secured with Syrup The failure of the Northern bank of able—act turely Specialty: Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. unbalanced and she is now in the was entirely in imports. io protesting against the ilitreatment villages and /leeing to the hills in ter- verishly. "l am never 111. I—I ate a ror. says: Pepsin. New York for $8,000,000 and Hie story: denly burst forth njon the king ami bat geaily oa URTEIES asylum at i'ontiac. The .lamaica (diamber of commerce of Mr. Perisfliincy and Mr. Harris, You can buy it of any druggist at late luncheon." liis court. the liver. I TILE Office: McCarty Blk, Lowell,Mich. The island on which the volcano is "On July 25th we eslimated our crop of Joseph G. Hobin's career in New is considering a proposal to recom- made representations regarding the fifty cents or a dollar a bottle, the lat- He glanced at me keenly, "Don't Stop alter located has sunk five feet. at 6,000 bushels of wheat. A week ter being the family sise, but yuu are York is the story of Hie gold rilled The word 'if the Lord came unio mend to the novernnieni the iioldinj; boycott at Salonika. Later tiie em- let them stay and play bridge to- dinner PILLS. bassy received assurances that ade- later we Increased our estimate to invited to make a test of it first at the streets of America tiiat lures the am- iiim. In what way we do not know. Beet Shippers Protest. of a big exhibition in Kingston in doctor's expense. Send him your ad- night/' he urged. "Miss Caruthers can quate measures to stamp out the boy- Duke of Connaught to Succeed Grey. 12.000 bushels. A few days later we bitious of Europe here. Sixteen years Perhaps in tho ways ili.s word comes O. C. MoOanneil, M. B. The railroads of the state are pre- UH.'). coincident with the formal open- dress today and he will send you a free be an excuse, can she not? And you cott had been taken. The Canadian government has been again Increased our estimate, this sample bottle direct to your home. ago lie was a penniless iMinii^rant. to us. Perhaps In more vivid ways. gejijon— unprow th* comploioa — brighte® paring to advance the freight rates ing of the Panama canal. are really fagged. You look It." Phyalelan antf Surgeen notified of the appointment of tiie time lo 18.000 bushels, but after har- Then when satlslied buy it of your fav- with perhaps a half-di:/.< n words of Hut. in either case he became sure tfte eya. Saall Pill, SsuJl Doae, Satli friiOj on sugar beets from 40 to 'id cents a .A. .Portland , Maine, firm has com- orite druggist. 8,000 Russians Go On Strike. Duke of Connaught to succeed Earl vest In September we found we had "1 think It Is only ill humor," I j Hiat it, was Hod's word. Afier the an- IMOI M NIQONCI BLK.. LOWILL, NRTOM ton, and shippers from every section I pieted arrangements with the New- Dr. Caldwell does not feel that the English at his command. For Hie past Grey as governor-general. The an- said, Itieiking directly at blm, "1 am Geminc mntbai Signaturo - IU I- L-LLL !• of the slate where sugar beets are foundland government to erect and Added to Hie horrors of the plague. 20.ino bushels. If that Isn't a record, purchase of his remedy ends his obli- year lie lias had a controlling voice in nouncement of the famir.e three and nouncement was made in a cablegram gation. Ife has specialised in etomucb, angry at myself. 1 have done some- raised are sending comphiints to the manage live cold storage plants in S.000 Russian workmen employed on what Is?" he asked. three banks, two bonding companies, a half years slowly passed away be- received by liis excellency from the dver and bowel diseases for over for;/ thing silly, and 1 hate to be silly," M. C. Greene, M. D. railroad commission. Chairman Clus- the Chinese railway, fearing Ihe dis- "This crop was made with practi- years and will be pleased to give the two real eslale development, com pa- fore Elijah again appeared before Hie that country each with a capacity of colonial secretary, it IH further an- gow slated lie would recommend to ease. have gone on strike because the cally no moisture," he continued, "and reader any advice ca the subject free Max would have said "Impossible," king. Hut Hie silent work of these fhynlolan and Surgeon MiOO.DOii pounds of lish. nounced that the duke will arrive in of charge. All are welcome to write nics ami two traction roads. lhe shippers of snaar beets that they administration refused to dismiss I.- or something else trite. The Harbi- IX afflicted with > •PFTET M NETONCI BLK^ LOWILL, •LOH To defend the memory of their pro- Canada to assume ofllce in September we now have a better opinion of the him. Whether for the medical ndvice A Russian by birih, Robin came to. years was as essential as the an- Sell their beets at the point from ."ioo Chinese laborers and provide or the free sample address him Dr. son man looked at me with Interested, aorc eyes, uso i Thompson's Eyi Water genitor from tiie attacks provoked by next, and that the term Is to be two fertility of Alberta lands than ever Hie I'nited Stales as Joseph Uabino-, nouncement. which they are shipped, and thus Hie passes to enable the families of the W. B. Caldwell, 403 Caldwell building, serious eyes. the use of his portrait on the silver years with the possibility of an ex- and value our lands higher than we Monticello, 111. wi'z. He was about twenty-two years' Having taken one co.;rse of lep^ons, freight weight would be ligured by Hie Russians to return to their own coun- "Is it too late to undo it?" be asked. s. pTmoks service of tiie battleship I'laii, descen- tension. ever did before," old then, and l.s now about thirty God sends Elijah t.o another school, railroad company instead of tiie sugar try. The strikers have been paid oft Mid then and there I determined that Ltnna, Calleetiena, Real Ealata mni dants of Hrijdiam Young have appoin- Mr. Adler, who has been on the eight. He came to this country alone,.j This was besl not only that Elijah company at the other end. and will, with their families, be evicted he should never know the truth. He Inauranoa ted a committee to see t!ov. Spry. $3,300 a M^nth Pension for Manuel. ranch for about a week, leaves for I'nder the present system, tiie sugar from their dwellings. and ho Is still single and without rela ., might learn other lessons, but in or- THE BEST MEDICINE With the raising of the passenger, cemld go back to South America and N*aono« Hlook. f.ntrol). Mich. company weighs the beets, tests them Troops have been called out and Ihe Diario de Not Idas announces New York Saturday, lives here. der that he inlght be safer, Ahab was freiglii and express embargo on the build bridges and make love to tbe for tiie sugar percentage, takes out have been stationed all along the line that the Portuguese government has This gentleman Is conducting a farm A year after Rabinowitz reached • seeking every where for him. JUit he for COUGHS & COLDS Southern Pacilic railroad in Mexico, decided to pay a monthly pension of Spanish girls (or are they Spanish the tare and freight and sends the to protect the Chinese. The Russians on a large scale, and has plenty of America lie fixed upon journalism as kept outside of Allah's dominion. Ev- LL tha reliable patent ihe head ollices of the company an- are likely to prove a source of grave $:'..300 lo the deposed King Manuel. Job Printing down there?) and think of me always medicines adTertleed In producer his money. Tiie farmer means to develop il, and his may not Hie profession lie meant to follow. For ery town, large or small, required in A LOST AFIT. nounce thai the strike of Hie engin- danger. A check for the months of October, 1 as a married woman, married to a claims he is making nothing, while be taken as a fair case. There are, _ Jtbts paper are sold by eers is considered tin incident, of the rather less than a month he was a re- those times a wall for defense. His A the sugar companies are declaring There has been no lei-mt in Hie November and December alreadv iias dilettante artist, inclined to be stout D. 0. LOOK, the iJoveUOrvf past. though. Instances of thousands who of all kinds executed with porter on the Herald, with only broken first need after his long walk through large dividends. spread of the plague. During Hie pasl been sent to him, —tbe artist, not 1—and with an Aunt and Book man. have begun life on small farms ir^ English and tremendous determination as his stock in trade. (Ieorge Hartig. of Alton. 111.. ('.2 years •IS hours -10 deaths were reponeo in neatness and dispatch at Sellna Caruthers who made buttons the famine-stricken land would be While the railroad commission is not western Canada with but brains and Feiur years later Rablnowlt/, iiad become Robin and was attracting atten suie H has any authority to interlere, old. who once was attacked by Indians Harbin alone, and probably there were and believed in tbe Cause. But never, water. The gift of water to Hie thirsty THE MARKETS. the determination over and above the tlon as deputy to Gen. .lames R. O'Beirne, Oom Paul Kruger's commissioner yet it is of the impression Hie siiuar i and lefi for dead in Nevada, was shot many others that were nol reported, never should he think of me as a silly is always regarded as a sacred duty couple of hundred dollars in ready extraordinary for the Boers In ihe United States, Within five years more he companies, and not the farmer, should ' ihrough tiie head by robbers and in the same period I r.o Chinese died little fool who pretended that she wqs in the East. Note the wisdom of this thrown into in Fudziadian, a suburb of the city. Detroit -i'ai He. -.M;ii-k,.t I0'„ ir,t. biub- money that they possessed, and today The Ledger Office was banker and financier both, his associates in ambitious enterprises inelud Milton ffV3. Perry stand Hie raise in freight rates. It is i the Mississippi river, is '•r. ( hoice -u-eis Iiclf.-rs. J.VT.V./ the other man's wife and bad a lump way of becoming acquainted, by ask- j dead as the tire owners of large farms and hand- ing some of the best known men in the Cnited Slates. Attorney and Counoe!i>r al Law expected the railroads will Iile a new i f suit of a fall of font elioiee iMIIellt-r steers, in her throat because when a really ing a simple favor; as Christ asked schedule within a short time feet. Plague in China's Air. I."HI i<> I ,-(i0 I lis. S'l.IT,/•,»-, r>0; liuhl some incomes, all Ihe result of their In 100G Robin was president of the Hank of Discount, through which, as •peeial attention civpa to Collection*, Coi lo go.Ml I.Ml. her steers and lielf. rs, nice man came along, a man who the .Samaritan woman for a drink from Myapeius and hiiln of !;• al Kstaii> Wm ii»f .Airs. Charlotte Louise Fields, who The Chinese uoveninient's desire lo efforts on land that was responsive to We carry at all times a ; a base of operations, the merger which resulted In the Northern Hank of New- QaliJled uud Simn auaiitifd t.. practico in tki .110 lo !•('(. II.s, .S-l.T.-w:,; „,i\e.| Itiio iter's knew something more than polo and the well. As she was going to fetch was believed to have been nearly 12."i Miinip oni ibe epidemic of plague was till .-uws, I.".'; Jinners. .^'..".(i'n Hie touch of Ihe hand tiiat held the York was carried out. fn»».riur Depanmfnt tud f.il the buremu th«7* L.-kes-to-Gulf Waterway Is Opposed, complete stock of Ruled S motors, she had to carry on tbe decep- the water, Elijah called to her, and to and 1« rotidy fi i.Tiivpuule ula'iui lot ihos ' years old. died at her home at Niapara deii'onslratrd when the foreign oliiee eemniMii l.alls. .|.:,(i; K(,U(| shipper's lull! -. .? 1.7,", eommoii feeders, plow, liifilanees such as these ctin be tion to keep bis respect, and be se- said: "Hrlng me a morsel of bread." that via] be eutnlud to prnkion I'ojntjr. A groat nipyeine: ! to combat the j Fills. The iigcd n"gress was formerly ai.'Hiori/.ed Dr. Wu. in eluiri.'.e of H,< and Flat Bond and Linen S •SI' I-"; gf.'id >Ve| | - lil'ed teeilerf, Sl.T.'i quoted if you will conimunicate with This, too, was a modest request. LOWELl.. WHOM l.:il;<'-•tci-tI e (5n!t' waterway i-- being j ii slave belonging from childhood io a native cjiy of Harbin, to burn L'.IMM) ,-tiM-kers. S t.::,'./-I.:,(I, date and matronly, and see him COMMANDER TALKED TOO MUCH the nearest Canndian govern ne-nt This would have been selfish had pltinned in Traverse City. Hie ini m | disiin.uuished southern fiiiniiy Hia! colli!,s eouliiining corpses of plague Will e;i 1 Ves- - Mil I'ke I Slejt.Iv; line ?!) Papers, Cardboards, Cut's change from perfectly open admira- ii- i:;- to have all the managers of victims. '•/t'.r.d; ..il . is. .v I."..,',, v..M . Mil,.i, .."ov.-.s agent, who will also mail you free de- tion at first to a hands-off-sbe-ls-my- V not Elijah known tiiat Hie meal and eanie to Niagam. and spi inger.s ? tox Cards, Etc,, and we have Commander \V. S. Sims of Hie Cult larr.o enterprises, imiyors of eh ics. Owing to the fa-l that Hie earth i-- scriptive literature. 5 oil would not fail. The request was DR. E.D. MCQUEEN l-a Manana. Hie Spanisli minisler- i and i.:ii l..- .M.irket -teadv to bosl's-wife attitude at last. fiiy councils, boards of suijervisors. Iro'/en these were not buried, and il H'e liif4 lie r. 1 .1 I ! 'I ill lis. ^"f.-'iO ft/ri.lill: ed States navy has gotten himself intc ial organ, conimenting on Ihe effurt I the type, iiiacliinery, cx- v "It can never be undone," I said also, for the widow, an educaiion in j hoaids of trade, prominent citizens is believed Hit;! they contributed lo heavy imni.s, M.T.'.V l^iu a lot of trouble after a long and very Veterinary Surgeon. i ) raise the wreck of the baltleshi|:! DURiKC A TIFF. soberly. faiih, "According to your faith be it and otiters mal.e a protest io the I lie spread of the disease. Efforts mon lamlis. ? !,.Mi'( fair in yeod perience and skill to put .1 creditable career, lie attended a ban (IrjkfiKilc of 'Mit-irio Vctfrliiiirv '"oltoife, Maine in Havana harbor recommends-1 I'l.'teher she. p. I; eulls and com- Well, that's the picture as nearly as done unto you." All Ihrough the re- j Michigan delegailon in congre.s and were made to dia mammoih irenches mon. ?-.r>ii 'ii quet in London and made a speech Cluhsof 1888. At ydiir survS-c m all llir.es, "bat the governniem ask Hie I'nited 1 3 1 can draw It; a round table with a maining yearu of the famine, ghe "It sr.cms to me that our new maid | Cov. Osliorn ii^iiinsi the canal on the by dynamiting. This phin, however, H""s Market dull: pri-es in.- low- them i>p to suit you. I'lion•••(—Ollicf. (I; IN'si.li'nri.. 135. Stales 10 forward to Madrid an ollleial during the course of which he had the ought at least to know how to serve ground Hun it will endanger the fruit is not feasible, lu view of Hie hitler er: light to you.| Imt. hers. $7.7"7.7.*,; S low centerpiece of orcnlds in laven- would need this irgining. as d.ny by Office at Bus Barn, tasf of Hotel Waverly report of the investigation. pigs, $77".; li^ni yorkers. $7.7"7 7.'.; Prices always reasonable. misfortune lo "slop over." He was water, if she was six years with her i industry of western .Michigan b\ ef- prejudice of the Chinese against cre- 9 ders and pink, old silver candlesticks day she cooked the last visible hand- heavy hogs. $7.."."; sta^s, one-tbird off. very anxious to Impress on the minds last employer." 1 feeling a change in climatic condi- Fifteen in I lot boxes" used in tin mation it was not possible to adopt Call at the office or phone j| with filigree shades against the som- ful of meal, and used the last drops "That's It!" I Cried Shrewlihiy. of his Brilish hosts the feeling of tions. general election last Novembers, have this extreme measure until the arrival Fa-t iniffalo. \. y. - Hogs—Lower; ber wainscoting; nine people, two of of the oil. She as a widow may have "Well, It's not surprising, de'ar, 1 LOST AND FOUND friendship which exists in the United Frank D. Wade, who several years been found in tho waterworks reser- of military reinforcements. heavy. $7.s": y. lougue In Haiti one o( his generals at three benefits last winter and was to steer a pretty Mtraight course lo avoid giving offense. a man of God. and her faiih in Hie Hurley—CJood sample-. $1.70'« l,sr» per here? 1 thought you were In Europe." ,i { members of the guard, one of whom tugal. announced that the govern John .1. Astor's piea to have about a wrote to an eminent oculist In 1'arla Max came to the rescue. "She re- learning a new one called "Eve!" If you are just a plain, ordinary citizen you can permit your natural exu divine messages he uttered. EASY CHANGE million dollars taken off the lax as- cwt. "Vou are biding something from " " Dr. King's 1 shall be skilled in handling a brigade, meni's decree separating church and Feed- In tOfl-lh sneks. Johblng lots: Stops Pain in tha Bladder, Kidneys ordering a glass eya. The oculiKt flat- tlised to eat it," he explained, dis- When they heard Aunt Sellna on heranco of expression to carry you away ai a banquet and It will be nobody'!? Elijah suffered with Hie people. The When Coffee Is Doing Harm. i another on sanitary conditions and sessment on his various properties in Hran, $'.'.*1; eoatse middlings. I.'ii; tine me!" she accused, "it is Jim! 1 see state would be promulgated wlthir and Back. tered himself that a successfully con- tlnctly and to everybody, apropos ab- the second floor, Anne, Dal and Max business but your own—In your enthusiasm you can "slop over" if you want reformer, the preacher, must p:inake ! i Hie third on rille ranges, and two civil- New York has failed. On pro|ierty middlings, I'js; cracked corn and coarse It In your face." a month. Nevertheless, he added structed artificial optic would sec** e solute!}' of nothing, "it said on tbe of the sufferings of those whom he A lady writes from the land of cot- in the vicinity of Filth avenue and cornmeal, $l'2; «oin and out chop, $:'0 sne>aked up to the studio for cigarettes, to and for handing out a lot of wordy bouquets you may be called a good : inns, one of whom must be a real es- the governmeni has expressed regret per lon. box, ready cooked and predlgested.' New Discovsry Wouldn't It be nice within a week or so for him a decoration of honor by tho which left Mr, Harbison to me, I was "Well, it isn't," I snapped. "It fellow. But If you are in diplomatic service you have to be mighty careful, would help. Like Christ, he niiist bo , ton of the results of a four years' uso tate man and the other a general to the Vatican that the pope had no Thirty-fourth street alone, including Flour—Hest Mlehigan patent. $.1.1:1; to liegin to say goodbye forever to the Hatlan government; accordingly, ha She declared she didn't care who In the den, sitting In a low chair by seems to mo, really, Bella, that you for every word you say Is supposed to represent the sentiments of the gov "tempted like as we are. yet without of the food beverage—hot Posliim, ' business man. Tiie commission will representative at Portugal where the Waldorf-Astoria, he must pay tax- ordinary patent, $4.straight, $4..s:»: fmcsitsr report to the legislature of 191:1. es on a 12.900.000 valuation. clear, |4.4:.; pure rye, $4.S.j; spring scalding, dribbling, straining, or too fre- devoted bis entire skill to the produc- eooktd It, but she wanted to know tbe wood lire when he came in. He and Jim ought to be able to manage ernment you represent. It you go a little too far there is likely to be an sin." He must gain the victory in Hie "Ever since 1 can remember we hud "the faithful are so numerous." paieiu, J.'t.H.j per bid. In wood. tion of a work of art who ptcdigested It." m usant, but if ceremony. The same rule applies to olllcers in the army and navy. sons in the same schools. a more or less Injurious effect upon 0X7ARANTE10 BATISFA0T02H a trust mortgage of the National Boat John R. Mort, general secretary of nnd pains in tbe back; the Krowlng inns, the Lake Shore railroad, was instant- In Copenhagen, King Frederick dined the eye to Haiti, the oculist received a one did It then, and under cove>r of may I come In?" be asked. "Don't . sin* was suffering, so was f. Jim Is He "learns that the mightiest of us all, and 1 myself suffered almost OB MOVXT BBVUHDED. & Engine Co., a |lo,ooo.ooo concern, the World's Student Christian feder- cle weaklirHs; spots iK'fore the eyes; yel- ly killed when he accidentally tripped at the legation. The company Included small li.;x from Haiti. In hU Imagin-v th* noise I caught Anne's eye, and we mind being frank. I know you are as wel"nl a"s" h' e ever was. He's upstairs God's servants are just us dependent death from Indigestion and nervous- bended by Walter J. Reynolds, of ation. and Silas Mcllee, editor of the low skin; sluggiKh bowels; swollen eye- on his coat and tell from the top of Ihe diplomatic representatives, the tlon hs pict ured the golden testimonial left the dining room. The men stayed, somewhere. I'll send for him." Muskegon, with Lleut.-Gov. Ross as Churchnuin of New York, have ar- lids or ankles; l"g cramps; unnatural tired." THE NEW SENATOR FROM OHIO upon Him in every way as the hum ness caused by It, a box car at Constantine. no f || court dignitaries and prominent mem- to his skill, so It was with horror that, e secretary, covering ah plants In the rived in Merlin. They will aivance short breath; slecplesbr.tfss and tiie de- and by the very flrmnees with which "I have a headache, and I am sulk- She gripped me again, and held oa blefil and weakest of His people," I "1 know It was that, because when bers of the American colony. Not to Be Easily Caught between the ears and his body was company. Including the Racine Boat the German preliminaries for the In spondency? when ha bad unwound tbe folds of cot- tbe door closed behind us, I knew ing," 1 said unpleasantly, "but at while her color came back. The election of a Culled States sen All these experiences were prepar- i I would leave It off for a few days I The confirmed bachelor came haek ground to a pulp. The second anniversary of the es- ternatlonal Educational conference tc ton in the box, ha saw returned his that Dallas and Max were bringing Co., of Muskegon, was filed in tbe I have a recipe for these troubles that leaat I am not actively venomous. "You'll do npthlng of the kind," she ator from Ohio, to succeed Senator Ing Elijah for his great work of re- ; would feel better. Hut It was hard to to the club lunch from tbe end of tha A sliver tray upon which rested 303 county clerk's ofllce. tablishment of the second Cuban re- be held in Con»tuntinopIe, you can depend on, and If you want'to work of art. A letter aeoompanied tha out tbe bottles that Takablro had hid- Come In." said, and she had quite gut bold of Dick, precipitated a lively contest form. Every act of guidance from i give it up, even though 1 realized how earth, and we all asked bim If be was bright silver dollars was presented Ixwal passenger trains on the Ann public was celebrated by a review at Brother Richard Clarke, said to be nmke a QUICK UKCOVKilY, you ought box. Among other thinga It said: den. I was seething. When Aunt ; So he came and sat down across herself again. "I do not want to see which ended only with Ihe selection God, every strange experience tinex harmful It was to me. married yet (ue Is near fifty). "I shall to Rev. Henry X. Couden, of Michigan, Arbor railroad will be displaced after Camp Columbia Saturday and a ball the oldest member of the Order of tu write nnd Ket a copy uf It. Many a 'Tbe eye you have forwarded me ia Sellna Indicated a desire to go over the hearth from me, and neither of us bim: I hope you don't think. Kit. that of At lee Pomerene of Canton, McKIn pectedly working out good, every' "At last 1 found a perfectly easy the blind chaplain of tbe national In the evening at the palace. After Passionists in the United States both doctor would charge you |3.ri0 Just for of a tint that resembles that of tha marry a clever woman if I do." he re- April I by gasoline-propelled Cars, the house (it was natural that she said anything. Tbe firelight flickered ley's old town, it Is said to have been promise fnlfilled, every prayer an-, way to make the change. Four yearn house gf representatives, by the mem- similar to interurhan electric cars. the review James Ward gave the In point of age and length of service, writing lids prescription, but I have It Spanish flag, and I am too patriotic to I came here to see James Wilson. plied, xriroly "Thought you didn't should want to: It was her house, in over the room, bringing out the faded one of the hottest senatorial cam swered, eulminaiing in the raising of! ago I abandoned the coffee habit and bers of the house. The occasion of Joseph Ramsey, Jr., president of the first successful exhibition of aviation died of paralysis ul the Sacred Heart nnd will be glad to send It to you entire- wear any but the color ot my coun- Why, I have forgotten that there is Ilka those clever women?" said tha a way) I excused myself for a minute hues of the old Japanese prints on tho palgns In the history of tho state. the de'ad boy to life. Increased the i began to drink Postum, and I also In- the presentation was the twenty-llfth road, is the originator of the scheme, ever seen in Cuba. Three short retreat at Louisville, Ky. Brother ly free. Just drop tne a line like this: try." such a person, and you know it." youngest member, simply. "I don't." wedding anniversary of Rev. uud Mrs. lllghts only were possible on account Dr. A. B. Robinson, K-23a Luck Dulldlng, and flew back to the dining room. walls, gleaming in the mother of-puarl Mr. Pomerene IH a lawyer and U prophet's faith, strengthened his cour-1 fluenced Ihe rest of the family to do which will be tried first betwet* Clarke was 81 years of age, and a na- Whereupon tbe oculist proceeded at Somebody upstairs laughed, and 1 •aid the bachelor, whose views are Couden. of high wind Detroit, Mich., and I will send It by re- It wai as I had expected. Jim eyes of the dragon on the screen, set- forty-seven years old. Ho Is a native age for the time when he must "beard ; ihe same. Even tbe children are al- Arbor and Toledo. tive of Martinsburg, W. Va. floee to the admiralty, where he ascer- was growing nervous. What If Aunt well known and widely spread. "But The Spanish cabinet bas decided to turn mail in a plain envelope. As you will hadn't cbeered perceptibly, and tbe ting a grotesque god on a cabinet to of the stale, a graduate of Princeton the lion In his den," and arouse a 1 lowed to drink It freely as they do New York hospitals are caring for An unusual number of "flunks" is The French government is sending tained the colors of the Haitian flag. Sellna should come down, or Mr. Har- If ever I marry It'll be an infernally more pneumonia patients than at any present to parliament soon a bill regu- see when you get It, this recipe contains rest were patting bim on tbe back, nodding. And It threw into relief tbe and has been a practicing attorne> whole peopln lo new life. water. And it bas done us all great predicted for the mid-winter examina- Dr. Hroquet, former director of the only pure, harmless remedies, but it has He then Immediataly manufactured a bison come out of the den? V clever woman who does it!" other time during the last ten years tions at Cornell university been use lating the rellBious and other associa- and pouring things out for him, and strong, clear profile of the man across since 1880. He has hold the ofllce ot good. PaKteur Institute at Saigon, Indo- great healing and pain-conquering power. scarlet and green eye, of the approved nnd physicians In private practico tions. saying, "Poor old Jim" in tbe most from me, as be stared at the fire. "Why did you come, then, Bella?'* of ar epidemic of grip and mumps. China, as quickly us |Kisslble to Chi- It will quickly show Its power once you city solicitor and prosecuting attorney The Rest We Seek. "I no longer suffer from Indigestion, report a great increase In tho num- shades, and forwarded It to the em- inaddfnlng way. And the Harbison "I am afraid I am not very interest- 1 inquired. "He may come in." With exaniinatlnns only two weeks Relatives of Leroy Cannon, the na, to vaccinate Ihe members of the use it, so I think you bud better nee what and was the most formidable rival ol Human nature Is restless. There Is and my nerves are In admirable tona ber of cases. The percentage of peror, who was much yleaaed with tha Providing for tne Future. off. nearly a hundred students are In Hanisbiirg man who, with Leonard French legation, and French soldiers It is without delay. I will send you a man was looking more, and more pus- ing," I said at last, when ho showed "I was passing in the motor," she Harmon for lho nomination for gover rcsilesHness en used by the greatness since I began to uso Postum. Wa mortality due to the epidemic, how- effort and who duly decorated the oou> "Why do you Insist on taking that the Infirmary with swollen cheeks or G. Groce, of Galveston, Tex., was ex- and cltl/.ens In Fekln against bubonic copy free -you can use it and cure your- sled, and not at all hilarious. no sign of breaking the silence, "The said, and I honestly think sbe hoped 1 nor. He was forced to accept second of our nature, as well as that caused never use the old coffee any more. youngster's photograph every few ever, is much smaller than usual. .'oiions colds. • ciited by order of President Zelaya, plague, now raging in Manchuria, Usu self at homo I descended on them like a thunder- —the Illness of the butler and-Miss would believe her, "and I saw that place, however, and was elected lieu by sin. We were made for God, and "We appreclatae Postum as a de- Two passengers. S. J. Hunt and K. will receive a large pension from the weeks?" "After he bas plunged Into Mexican papers contain an acconn* Spain Is alarmed over the extent bolt, Caruthers' arrival, have been upset am—" Sbe stopped and began again. tenant governor. we cannot find salisfaction in things. lightful and healthful beverage, which the hardships end responsibilities of A. Shapman. of Toronto, were Killed of tho execution without trial of a Nicaraguan government, according to of immigration. It is estimated that The wealth of a man Is the number Knew His Capacity. "That's it!" I cried shrewisbly, with ting," "I thought Jim was out of town, and Mr. Pomerene Is married and bh Only the divine fullness can satisfy not only Invigorates but supplies tho roatur* life he can take the pictures and Mail Clerks Manahan and Green- negro named Farrei, near Madera. Col. Paul Mason, of New York, who nearly 200,000 persons leave this Sportsman {who has bunded his of things which ho loves nnd blesses, my back against the door. "Leave He suddenly roused with a start I came to see Takablro," she said wife Is one of Ohio's popular and cul our asplnitions, Cltcumstanees are best of nourishment as well." Nama tllz were Injured near Macoun, Sask.. The paper states Farrei had made lias arrived In New Orleans from country annually lor new homes In out and look at 'em. When he sees which he Is loved nnd blcsuetl by.— flask to the stalker to celebrate tha her to me. all of you. and pat each from a brown reverie, brazenly. "He was devoted to me, lured women, who will no doubt he lluctuatlng, tho angel in us contends when a rotary snow plow on the Min- himself obnoxious both to the Insur- Nicaragua. Col. Mason received $!,- North and South America. It is pro- given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, how hie mother used to dress him Carlyle. death of tbe stag)-"Won't you have other on the back, and say it's gone "1 beg your pardon," be said, "1— and Evans is going to leave. I'll tell warmly welcomed to senatorial drctei neapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Mane rectos and ofllclals of a lumber com- 000 American money and a commis- posed to begin large public works to with the canial nature, our fellow Mich. end cut his hair he'll feol more ro tbe cup?" Stalker—"I'll no require It, cplemlidly! Chi I know you, every oh, of course not! I was wondering you what to do, Kit, I'll go back to railroad, ran Into a passenger train pany nnd was placed In Jail. At night sion as colonel In the Nicaraguan give employment to those who might at Washington. men oft deceive nnd disappoint UP; Read "Tho Road to Wollvllle," In algned to beiug grown up."—Wash It Is hotter to* lose in loving than thank ye. My mooth Just bauds a one!" Mr. Harbison got up and If I—If you wore offended at what I ahead of it. The day coach and mai he was taken out by a squad ol irmy in recognition of his aervices othervvlse seek work In foreign the dining room, and you send Taka One of the prominent senatoHal candidates before the legislature wn^ only In God can we fmd rest. Life's pkgs. "There's a Reason." tefftoa Star. to gain by Belf-seeking glass"—Punch. car were on the rear ol the train. mounted men and ahot. .o that country. pliwcs. l|iilled out a chair, but I couldn't sit; said earlier In the evening; I he- there. If any ono comes, 1 can slip Representative Carl C. Anderson ot Fosioiia, who had tho endorsement of tin reetle.'-s rea with nil its roaring bil Kvrp rrad the abnTr Irttrrf A sew 1 folded my arms on the back, '"After Brush wood Boy, you know, and all Into the pantry." American Federation of Labor. Mr. Anderson began life as a boot black am ows o;' i tue f t'nty, is he'd In the hoi oar nppeNra from time to time. They nre rreuulue, true, aad full uf MunuiB a while, 1 suppose, you'll slip upstairs, that." (TO UK CONTINUED,) utwsboy and haa made a successful uphill struggle against early Umltatlonti ow oi God's hand. ucermt. " •iftWRa—wrrcunwr IBCTWKP vnMMHKnsnB WRECK AT EUMLE Two Good Ones 16th WEEKE'S 16th Fire Box Emptied Live Coals on P. M. Train Crew. The Monarch Two Pere Marquette freight trains, Nos. 345 and 837, extras, came together Wednesday morn- ANNUAL Cotton Sale L ing about 4.45 o'clock, while run- The Pomona ning between Elmdale and Low- ell, severely injuring three of the BEGINS ENDS THE MONARCH, a double vertical cylinder Spray craw of one train, mak ing a verit- able slaughter house out of a car Pump; hat two outside packed brass cylinders, easy to full of sheep; and piling up en- get at; has a large air chamber and a long lever adjmt- gines and cars in a most pictur- able to two positions, which makes it possible to main- esque way. The wrack is said to tain a high pressure with one, two, three or four leads have been cause through a brake- SoMaii, Folintatv 4, Satontay, Febiiiary II. man allowing one train to pass of bote. Lowell for Elmdale, while the re- THE POMONA is the best Orchard Barrel Sprayer; turning train to which he was all working parts bronie; large steel air chamber; ad- attached, had right of way. justable stroke. The best for the money. Those who were sevely hurt jjnOR these 7 days we offer our stock of Cottons, totaling over 15,000 yards Of were on No. 345 and suffered We also have Bamboo Extension Rods, with brass mostly from burns. Their cloth- MB standard Brands, at prices not duplicated by us at any other time, nor by tube inside, Vermorell, Bordeaux and Mistry Nozzles. ing caught fire and l>efore they Galvanized Strainers for spray solution, etc. could jumn from the cab they others at any time. As we have had 15 of these succcssfut Annual Sales, k is b your order in for Sherwin-Williams Lime-Sulfur were caught iu a mass of flames, Conductor Burt Osterout, the needless to more than announce this Sale to the majority. But we wish to say solution? worst sufferer, is in a hospital at Saginaw, where he lives, and Fire- man Browa oof Grand Rapids isat to all newcomers that we can save you money at this sale, and it will pay all to Butterworth hospital. Osterout had practically all of lay in their year's supply of Cottons. his clothes burned off. liis face, arms and body were scorched Scott Hardware Co. and greatly swollen. It is said he may lose his sight. Lo well, Michigan Fill>1 nan Brown's face escaped SALE INCLUDES ALL BLEACHED, HALF-BLEACHED AND UN- but he suffers excruciatingly from bums about the hands,armsand body. BLEACHED 4-4 COTTONS. ALL WIDE SHEETINGS, LONSDALE Look is showing the largest dis- Engineer Slade took a header play of valentines in Lowell. out of the cab window and is Coons* red mark sale is on. now confined to his bed with a CAMBRIC, LONG CLOTHS, READY MADE SHEETS AND PILLOW HEARD ABOUT Geo. Winegar of Morrice has twisted left knee, a sore shoulder been visiting relatives here. and a bruised hip. lie expects to be up in a day or so. Mi-s. M. C. McCoy of Grand The accident occurrcfl about CASES AND ALL BED SPREADS. Rapids is spending to dav with two miles east of Elmdale. Eng- Mrs. llarolu lliler. ineer Slade was working his big Mrs. R. T. Ford has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. 10. J. Bishop ac- heavy train along west and hail See Look's big: display of val- comnanied the basketball team broken it in two at Lowell, tak- entities. to Holland last Friday. ing one portion to Elmdale be- Weekes' cotton sale starts Sat- Miss Gladys Brown and sister cause of the heavy grade. Slade urday. Ruth of Alto are spending two was returning backward for the Karl Hunter is confined to his weeks with Miss Maude Andrews. second section. The flagman home by illness. Mrs. F/ It. A. Hunt of Lansing had been left at Lowell. A. W. WEEKES has been making a short visit When Engineer George Hertzer Mrs. J. E. I^ee will entertain came along with his t rain bound the Sunshine club this afternoon. with her mother, Mrs. r. C. LOWELL, MICHIGAN Winegar. for Elmdale he was not stopped Regular meeting of Masonic by the ftagman. Accord- lodge Tuesday evening, February Mr. and Mrs. Karl Behlerof ing to Slade the flagman ex. 7. First degree. (irand Rauids visited her parents plains by stating he had no or- Rev. J. R. Wooton was in Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Young over ders to stop 337. The latter Clarence Sj>eaker of Grand Rap- Sunday. To reduce the stock, I will offer Miss Marguerite Southard was Urand Rapids on professional train then started out on the my whole line of sheet music at S in Grand Rapids Saturday and ids spent a few days last week duties Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. Sooerand son Neil, long hard up-gmde pull. eeiits acopy, excepting McKinley Sunday. his wife and mother here. Good sweaters at < \ »1 la r s. Tlley of Muir visited last week at the The track at this point turned editions which eaniiot be sold for Misses Beatrice Van Dyke ami Why Not home of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Ernie Terry spent Sunday with are cheap now. and went through a cut and less t han I Oc. Over 2000 of the friends in Grand Rapids. Helen Look went to Holland Andrews. neither engineer saw the other late songs and instrumental Friday to wit ness the basket ball S. P. Hicks attended a session Mrs. Earl Hunter returned train until about 50 or 75 yards Mrs. Nettie Balcom Sjient Sun- game between Holland and Lo- of tbe Jury commission in (Irand pieces to select from, regular sell- day with her son and his wife in Order Some Tuesday night from several aitart. Ilertzer's train was going ing price 25c, up. Also choice lot well. Rapids Monday. weeks visit at her old home in about 10 miles an hour. Slade Belding. i of."»(>c folios to go at 30c at this Earl McNaughton was in Grand of those delicious St. Ce- I Mrs. R. E.Greene and daughter Listowell, Out. thought he was alone on the sale. B. I>. Stocking. Miss Mary Delaney has been Rapids Saturday. Margaret have been visiting rel- track and was running about 15. visiting relatives in (Jrattan. celia Rolls for your Sun-J Pansy Blossom flour is liuding Overeoats 'noflf at Coons' red Coons' red mark sale is on. atives in liansing. its way in a great many homes in Going up grade and slower llert- I). A. Byrne and Charles Jake- day morning breakfast? ! mark sale. Valentine post cards, choice Lowell. Try it. Quality and zersuccrsJed in about bringing way, produce buyers at Moseley, BARN for rent. Mrs. C. C. Win- Or say some nice Cream ! his train to a stop but with Slade lines—right prices—at Winegar's prices always right. The. Michigan State Gazette, were in town Saturday. egar. 33p Puffs,Maccaroonsor An- ! it was impossible. organ oi the Michigan State Tel- drug and bookstore. Mi's. Geo. Comstock and Mrs. Mesdames Herb and Charles gel Food. Cakes made ! The craw of 337 jumped but ephone i 'ompany, has a full page Jakeway of Moseley spent Sat- Mrs. Eunice McVean is sjiend- Florence Goodsell visited the to order, large or small, ! former's sister, Mrs. Ed. Condon Slade was the only one aboard portrait and write-up of C. L. urday with friends here. ing this week with her two sons 345 who knew of the other train's Boise,a former Lowell schoolboy "Give the Man at any time. I have just ! In Grand Rapids. in Smyrna Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold lliler and proximity. He had no time to who has risen to eminence in the son Murl spentover Sunday with put in a nice line of little ! Miss Beulah Meyersand Arthur tell the others of the crew, he Mrs T. tf. Elerick is in Grand telephone world as engineer, in- relatives in St. liOiiis. fancy Nut Cups and fa- • Otto siKMit Wednesday with the says, but shut off the steam and veu tor and su|)erv isor of interests a Chance." Rapids attending the wedding of the former's grandparents before applied the brakes. ot almost nat ional scope. He is Carl Shaker and Ed Maloney vors for your receptions ' her brother Henry Fleming. Mr. Otto returnes to his home in were fishing at Murray Lake Fri- Engineer Hertzer was the last the brother of Mi's. Sarah J. The Lowell Laundry it ruiy and parties. I will make Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson Tomah, Wisconsin. day. to leave his engine and he leajoed Clark and Mrs, J. E. Lee. ning and doing good work. Your you a better price than of Freeport spent Saturday with Mrs. St.Clair who has been a second before the crash came. Archie Condon of Grattan was Difficult watch and clock re- patronage is earnestly solicited you can get in the city. < Mr. ana Mrs. James Hulliberger. visiting jicit' for several weeks, Had he been a moment tardy he thrown out of his cutter one day j and is needed if the industry is pairing done at Stocking's. Give me a show to show ' Fred Camp has gone to Ionia returned to her home in Chicago, probably would have been last week and broke a bone in | to prosper. All our money is and Mrs. Camp is s))ending a few Monday accompanied by her crushed to death between his OMI- Mr. and Mi's. Frank R. Kelley his left arm. ! spent in Lowell, where it bene- you. I will treat you « days visiting relatives in Hast- sister, Freda Mueller. gine and the tank, whieh was spent Saturday with his mother Frank Baldus si»etit week with , fits everybody. Isn't that better right. YOU KNOW togs. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Butts of driven up into the cab. and sisters here. Mrs. J. I>. friends in Elmdale. than sending it to Grand Rap- ME, With the crash horrible scenes Kelley returned to Grand Rapids Mrs. M. B. Conklin spent part Lapeer have been s|»ending sev- Mrs. Charles Wallington of ids? Patronize home industry were enacted in the cab of SI ado's witirthem for a few days visit. of Tuesday and Wednesday in eral davs in town this week. His Saranac sioentSaturday with Mr. Wait for the wagon. Don't engine. The jar flung open the Frank has been in Grand Rapids Grand Rapids with her son Glenn "confidence has been restored" and Mrs Ed Hong and daugh- give it to the kid. Hra box door and out poured during January attending the ^STRONG: so that he pnid for liis LKUCKU ter Hazel. . and wife. nearly a ton of fiery coals. In semi-annual furniture exibition. to 11)1 L Ed' 'onners of Muskegon visited Regular meeting of Island City an instant theeab was a seeth- He and his wife left Monday for City Laundry, friends here over Sunday. | THE BAKER. Rebekah lodge Tuesday evening To the many Lowell friends of ing furnace. Brown and ()sterout their home in Springfield. Mass., SSS"' F. A. KELLY, Prop. Feb. 7. Degree , work. Call to Mrs. N. G. King of Lakeview, Mr. were caught unawares. In an in- from which point he travels New Mrs. F. T. Kitij>: and daughter i"H"H iif imimmmifi order at 7.W>. Stocking's sister; will be glad to stant they were human torches. York and the New Fngland states Florence and Miss Helen King learn of her speedy recoverv from were in Grand Rapids Sunday. Weekes' cotton sale ends Sat- What followed only Engineer for the Macey Co. of Grand Rap- Woodmen, attention! Intiation Believes in Christian Unity. an operation at tho Lakeview Slade could tell yesterday. ids. Mr. and Mrs. George Bird and urday, Feb. 11. and election of delegates tocoun- McCord, Mich.,'Jan. 24. hospital. "I was sitting on the right side Alice spent Sunday with Mr. ty convention. Monday evening, Division No 1 of the Congrejra- Mr. and Mrs. Uichard Morse of Edit or Lowell Ledger; About twenty-live Lowell rit- of the cab. leaning partly out of Grand ltapidss|oent Sunday with Bird's brother, John, in Grattan. Feb. 0, followed by a uood spread. tionar church will serve a iric the window," he stated*. "The Dear Sir:—What you said in izens expect toattend the Lincoln his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. W. Klunipp has been in You will be there of course. last week's Ledger as to a union supper at the home of Mrs. Orton crash thrawme out of the window club banquet in Grand Rapids. Morse. "Dick" is running a sec- Grand Rapids a few days this of nil believers 'on the essentials, Hill, Wednesday evening, Feb. 8. and I landed heavily on the 1500 valentine post cards—lc It comes on Saturday and will ond-hand store on Fulton street week on business. Elmer White ami agreeing to disagree on mi- ground. In a few monients I saw each at Look's. Ralph Ken von. Art her Otto probably mean Sunday in the and is prospering. expects to go down .the last of misor points,' strikes a respon- and Beulah Meyers drove to Lo- city; but the fellows are bound Brown on our tank. He was a the week. Geo. Il Willard came home Geo. M. Parker has sold for sive chord -in the heart of the well from Freeport Sat urday last to hear Theodora. veritable torch. 1 knew only that Mra. William Myras of Ada from Flint to spend Sundny with people. week to meet Miss iva Frost of it was a human being because it Benj. Soules his tenant house to his family. Suits !, nff at Coons' ml mark Mrs. E. G. Hong of Grand Rap- s|)ent Saturday with Ix)well Evidently the essentials are Portland, a friend of the latter. moved about a little. I presume friends. Albert Holmes Cross of Cleve- sale. he irot there trying to get to the ids, consideration $550. Mrs. those those things necessafy to Charles McCarty left for Los Let* 11. Smith has closed his Hong expects to make her home Harry Watters sjidnt Sunday land occupied the Congregational salvation, viz: confession ol be- water tank. What became of nulpit Sundny morning mid the Angeles yesterday. He was ac crate factory and gone to North Conductor Osterout, I don't here in the near future. in Grand Rapids. lief, rapentance immersion and fel- Methodist pulpit at a union meet- lowship in new testament church- eompanied by Charlie Jr., who Chillicothe, 111., where he will join know. I saw him only after some Miss Hazel Hoag and Mrs. will go as far as Palisades. Col., a brother in mercantile pursuits. Charles Wallington spent over ing in the evening, in the interests «'w of ( h l ist. If you can persuade time had elapsed. It was hell of Sunday school work. He is where he will live for a while with Mr. Smith is an energetic voung there for a few minutes." Sunday with friends in Freeport. all believers in your township to an earnest and eloquent advor follow those principles, witli a Dean and Clara. business man and we are all sorry When the trains came together E. E. Jenks of the firm Jakeway to lose him. cateof proper training of child- life of prayer and good works, it Ladies suits, ladies suits. Re the tank of 345 kept on going EYE TAX iV Jenks at Moseley went to Chi- ren from baliy hood up; and has sura and get our price. E. R. cago on business Saturday. would lie a boon such as Lowell Coons' red murk sale ends Feb- and climed Jo 33rs headlight. iitimor and spice enough to hold never ex|)erienced. Collar. ruary 11. Back of 337's tank was a car Bruce Crawford spent last week the attention of his audiences. containing 21H sheep. Onto this Greater demands are I wish the editors of Kent AGAIN IN LIMELIGHT—Don The (Jold Medal contest at t he in All(*gan. Mrs. Martha Combs iss|)ending county would act on your sug- Evans of l/owell, who last fall Methodist church Friday evening car jriled the one behind which John Myras was in Grand Rai>- craslied down with horrible force constantly being made several weeks with her sister at gestions, and see If soinething applied and received adeer license was not as well attended as the iks Sunday. Portland. cannot be done. 1 believe thous- from tbe county clerk insteiul importance of the occasion war- killing fully one-third of thean- mals. The carnage caused a Mrs. Fred Malcom and dauirh* ' Buy your year's supply of amis are going to perdition be- of a marriage license, has been ranted. The medal was awarded on Ihe eyes by our ad- cause of church division. veritable stoek yard scene to loe ter Abbie were in Grand Rapids cotton at Weekes' sale. convicted of stealing brass and to Frail Wolcott of Hnarta, S. P. Saturday. Hastily yours, Hicks, Dr. W. O. Merrill and presented. The sheep belonging vancing civilization. Mrs. F. W. Braisted is confin d is serving a sentence of 20 days John M. •Rhodes of Detroit ^Frank Ansley. in the county jail.—[Press. James Scott acting as judges. to Mr. Veager of Remus,nnd were to her bed by tonsilites. being shipned to Chicago. The perfect adjust- spent Sunday with Miss Eva Overcoats % off at Coons' red Gehrar. There will IH? an open meeting Martin Northook, our former mark sale. The Grand Rapids offlw? was of tiie Cheerful Doersat the home ice man, who lives on the Charlee notified and soon a wreaking ment it called for. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gehrar spent The satanic mischief of ty|)es of Mrs. Geo. Rouse Mondav eve- Ernst farm on the Ada road, wan Are yov LooklRfl for an outfit was on the scene. Traffic Sunday with relatives in Grand rendered unconslous by tbe over- when they get on a jambouree Life it often a failure Rapids ning, Feb. 0, at 7.30. A picnic was never better illustrated than was delayed until about 2 o'clock supper will be served and n full turning o? a load of wood Tuee yesterday afternoon, all trnims Mrs. John Gramer entertained eitri vilie in when they made the Saranac Ad- attendance is desired. day, and at noon today had not- being sent around on the Grand through poor eyetight a number of her friend^ at her regained his senses. vertiser include "Creamed Child- The heavy fog Friday morn- ren" in the bill of fare at the Trunk via Sparta and Greenville. ho^ie Saturdav afternoon Mrs. R. E. Hefferan and daugh- The conductor with Engineer The ey e tare tbe bread- Mrs. A. Allen andgranudaugh- ing caused the regular freight No. Ladies Literary club bamiuet. 03 and an extra double header ter Esther has been visiting at TEA Hertzer of 337 was Geo. Joseph ter Blanche Wilkins returned to the home of T. F. Doyle. Overaoats % off at Coons' red of Grand Rapids. His fireman's winners. bo til going west from Lowell to mark sale. Detroit Friday after an extended If goktryoor name could not be learned. visit in this village. collide, killing conductor Folstz CARD OF THANKS. Red mark sale of winter cloth- Ehgineer HIade is bitter in his We can give you the and seriously injuring a brake- L. P. Morse was In Grand We wish to extend our heart- ing at Coons'. denunciaton of a farmer living man, two firamen and an engi- felt thanks to all those who as- near the wrack. Brown and Os- Rapids one day last week. neer. Children's cloaks at greatly re- bett vition pottible. sisted us during the lom of our 60c Brand terout had to be taken care of, duced prices, good assortment Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Winegar Mrs. Ryedorfof Grand Rapids beloved husband, father and but, according to Slade they were and son Rover have moved from spent a few days last week with SttyactfoQ ginrinfggd at Collar's. brother, also for the singing and refused the farmer's home.— Grand RapHs to Haginaw. They her mother, Mrs. Baird, who has beautiful flowers. Valentines from 2 for a cent to [Grand Rapids Herald spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. been ill. Mra. Mary Stinton and family |2.00 at Winegar's. F. W. NELSON, Roland Shivel spent over Suna 0. C. MeDannell. Miss Mm McCormick of 'Ada Mrs. Emma Onan All bed spreads included in day with his parents at Constat! Suite % off at Coons' red mark has been visiting Miss Bertha. Mrs. Sarah Gregory Weekes' cotton sale. tine. opromar/uMT «r/*e etoe* sale. Doyle. Mrs. Martha Green