tf* .r « V i’^ ' ' *»*3- - -iri 6^^ it bi^ rasi- lea suatb and A >t o{ ChiitH- ii'olo^ am . 10, 1 i Clyde. 1); 1 J Clyde tiin hurse, 5 : , 5 yenrs old*, ID-EVOTEID TO t h e ; rETTE-BESTS OE C H A T3W O R TH AETE "^rrOIlSrIT'y. !ars old; 1 1 iffiviof' milk; VOl.lJMK XXII, ('ll.\'l’S\V()li'l'll, ILLINOIS, I'm 1L\Y, DKCK.MISLK 21, Vs'i4. Ni'M BEll 10. (I, higli ciad e , Cliiiiii Tiogs, f 3W, y youpK — .John Parker, of Kemptoii, was at-I i t luit^airDYlli ^ I n ’mili'uU T 3k binder; i lending to liii-.iiiess .mil sliakiiig Ii .i i h I m I ipioii 8eedeD;.» JAS. a SMM’M |*i]UIihIk r Mtiil i rnm ictor with friends here rue^d iv evemng. | I old ground ’LAlM Ni'KII SNill H I.' ■ ,il lAliutr i eagle oIhW«\ - “ V — I'aney staliimerw choiee ))ei fume--' s r list »(l I* t H) \ H \TK> 1 square har-.r ir ptiitl m tiinnih * ti VJ: t>ihi*rv\ist oo p»*r a n d tile lin i* 't to n i-i .'.imjps at llu* l o w c 'l i -J-!■•..'.-'.M. .1 fanning-mill;. i tmnuiii. prices.- F,. .\ Hane.. I t harness; 2 AI»VKiri fSI\(J |( V'l i s EMi! hu8UH*HH noiKf.s ti*n r<*nr'^ i-cr Itric; Lc'li r \\ il-'ipii di-pai ti d the lir'l of I planter, witlh •' nitt'd lor staiiulinyr mis turm shoil* :t|>|»li<*a- timothy hay; f' tion All mlvorii.-*«-m«Mits .mh W by th e W eek lo r 1 'lei h ill i.i, K a n s a s , w h e ll' ■ ^ t ML-ii articles too d m rtions r«•^l i u*t iiil' iht tn. wni i.» V ■ i ut m i­ he e.xpeeti-i! to \ I'll i i 1 ;i t i I es ;i n il fill ini', | Term s, 12 ni oi (It'i'cii out. and t'liai ktt d tu t t>nl;im v Btioneer. J; (E C iF ra i! rile •• ale hill- prinlial at the Pl..\1N ' ■ liK.M.I.i: iilliee al e Ihi' I Iglit thing'- and | th e p n ri s iirr t/n /iiin >t ! 3 showed ps t f’hai li's Ki l l in-', fiiiin near ( 'idiom , ; tful attentio'n forim i li in Ihe li\ei \ liii'iin >' lu re Wo wi.^h you all a very merry ere thanks. was e ill!ii[r on lelati\e> and friend-- in * • * M A t I N G L Y thi-- i'il> Miindav. ■f- SULLIVAN'S Ciiri.st mas. I he olili-'l .anil mo-t ri liaLle groei-r\ n g P ow de r 'lure, a laih- nl which i' to never he nn- ind Dlolomo. ilef'i.tlil. i' tli.it o! f. .\. P .iiig'’. BUSHWAY & CO. ^ B a k iu ff — Mr <' N'l'ikler and family took P o w d e r their departiire the litter part of la-l Jlbsoiately week lor Chie.ago. wlieie they expei-t W e will make swe(‘j)ing' reduc­ P u r e to make I heir home. — Rev Fall’.er \''iliiam Mnriangli, of X' \ taitar Lil,ju^ ii'pwder tions on all (doaks now. Keilhsliurg. v.:!' a ;,rn, 'l at tin- home of Pit :pI1 ill !c:i\p‘:ii|p^ si l‘< ii'^lli — his pareni-i, .Mr and Mrs Owen Mnr l,ilh .' t Ia/it/i s f i:ir. r Ii nil r ’ l'’oOil tailgll. during the week. lit /lOt'i. EUSHWAY & CO. Henry W rede, ,Jr . is now sick Royal Baking Powder Co. with Ixplionl tever at tlie home of his uarters at lOO Wall St.. N. Y. Most Exquisit parent', lli nrv m.iki « tin- iliird in the hoi|seho!i! to he ill with I he d l'C i'e wit li — 1'. K li i i i i w i i i . wS|)(‘cial rc'duetions on all win- ill a moiiih — -Ki rrin>’, .'■aiicr Ic.iut. High Hovelties. — I>. (’ .Spieeher is |•l'eeiving new t(‘i'^oodsOf* (‘y(‘ry kind. ^ M iiy potatppp's nf Kp'i riiis gooil' every week in lil.inket' Ian roLe' — X m as eamiip's at Kp-rriiis' and everything neeiled in the li:irne" BUSHWAY & CO. — I’li'iily of liicr (ailibagf at 1' .Ip! w iii’s line (’.ill on him w hen in need of any Bought at 50 C’tMits on tlit* — K. !•' Hroun spent .SaluipLr, even- thiiig ill h i' line Dollar. i'tg anil .Siiml.iy in Pontiac — During the Week ().\en .Miirtangh 'T o he Sold at 50 Cents on — lOlp'trant lamps tor I •,>.■) at 'old to I'Eilw ird Dehm an ei'jhiy iicre Onr buyer goes east in Febrn- l?alil w ill's farm in Pella low ii'hip. 'I'he price paid the Dollar. w:i'ami the iraii'fi r was made — do to Spicclicf’s for :i fi’-t-class aj y for spring goods. That’s not i)V Ihe <'ommerei.al P>ank. h o r> c (“oil.ir ph. — .Mrs I!, .S .''aiiford entertained n iai- off* and stoc k must be reduced ♦ — M r .S T Wilson toipk tlic laoining unnilier of \om ig nu n at ditiiie!- Li't ^ood, Tin; Ttjilet Cat^eti, train for (iiim.iii riinrsiLiv atp l(‘ast Sb,('()() by Feb. 1. N o w Sniidav in honor of the liirthd iy .anni- — (ipiol! niol:l'-cs, :;t) cents :| sralloll irn, as we .y Jewel Cases, vi'f'.iry III Mr. 1> l o\. nio'i enjova is the time to buy. niilv, at Kei iiiis’. town. Glove Cases, l)le lime w a' 'pent h\ .-ill pre'ellt. M r s !•', (" oppL spent Ttmr'p’ v with ■ — Now i' the time to hllV di'llC'. I land kerchief Cases, ielati\('s am i fi ieiiil.. at Pi)ip‘r < il , . Kerriti' has tin- linc'l line,and neui-'l BUSHWAY CO. Tie Cases, — The finest line of camlip s, li lts a n d pattern'. ^id jii't think of it the 'H Collar tk Cuff Cases, cigars in town at Paid w in’s. gfe.it reduction' he i' making on all' SENTS. dh-avel ing Cases. — The .'■t l aielit and Sloplplard 'ale on Kel l ill'’ i.' the onh place to buy dishes, Tuesday w a-' quite larccly attp'i.'^i il l.imiis .and eroi kery. Manicure Sets, — A <'.at lipplic fair will Le op. m d at 'I’lie Doolittle hiime w ill he the scene Writing Desks, Piper City 'Pii Ih <■ ‘Jip, tp> Lmt a " p ek. of .'I family g iMiering during tlie lioli ilaV' M r am! M f' I-ranl^ Doolittle and — Saul,a ('l.aiis is iM iving h i' :i|Pi)le.s, X. Card Cases, son, of .J,aek'on\il!e, and M r and Mi ' lillfs and eaiidies of Kerriiis Smoking Sets, A. Doolittle, of l)i.\un, will spend Ulirisi ig s . , — M r ( ’ llpqipe was allciidine to bus­ m as at the parental liiinii'. Allniins, iness at I lie (“p unity sea I M m ida. l.i'l. — Miss ,\ildie SehalVi'i'. nf Ae'iya, ar­ (kard Trays, Piert .Marlin went to K inlcil .■ M on­ rived at the holm- of Mr. and Mr.' A h' day, where he ('\[)eet' to take i 'I'ilion O.-^ford Bibles, \\ liter on Moml i\ for a visit with Iter t>; 4 ....... I, '........ i — W ill'll ill want of tlie /n s ' at the : • - e l I A1: 1.’ If..:., i..................... ^rnni/ R^minmn cai c m i illl\ 11(11111 I M la M lA _ C/tn .'f pi II e go to jv .'V l>:ing-. | <!e|iai I tonepi i 'p w to'[M 'lid ('hri>1 m i' .at 'taif m ^ ^ B U • ■ Tripj-'le Mirrors, — .MI'sdainc' M:i 1 1 III and M ai Lall, of j the former ' home ,at H.irriiigton. Pla({iips, Korri''l, were'hopipiiig here on Wediu'.s-j .( ,' I'l'th.r held a pnhlie’sah' Is still on, and thev* ar<“ OpFointf O fast. ■til, IlllDOiS. Finn J’erfninps, - i.f hi ' 1 armi ipg ;i nil household elleetson Bronze iStatuary, — Di'hes .and lam p' of al! i nils at 'rim rsda v, a not i<a' of w liieh :i|ipe;ired in w.iy down prices at I’l.ild w in’'. j tliese i olnm n' Li't week, .Mr and Mrs X d Z E X T 'S iTMiEinsrs Vases. — .'V helielit dance :il ferre'l ' t r.aeti'il ! CU f ^ in i fa 1 1 1 i i \ w i i i so-m re n n iv e Shavinu: Sets; a mmilief from help* on Wi ini'sday ICa 111:akie, where they cxjieet to re-idi Fine Hand Mirrors, i evening. ill the flliiile OVERCOATS. SUITS. SoMKriMNi; Ni;\v — '1 lie e i inieled — For Chri'l mas and N’ew' Year holi BookU.ts, **■ X now liiiys onr good wearing hnys .any -Suit from onr oilliinets now ni.iih' :il IIall ' S'l .iio days the lllilli'i' ('ellllM I will sell ronnd .
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