JULY 2014 THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO GO® istanbul ® ISSN: 1309-3851 ISSN: Mall Of İstanbul: the city’s newest shOpping centre 21ST İSTANBUL JaZZ FESTIVAL SUMMER cOLLECTIONS OPEN AIR cONCERTS + … AND MUCH MORE Your traveling companion since 1936® ® WELCOME Editor's Letter wheremagazine WHERE MAGAZINE İSTANBUL EDITORIAL Welcome Ramadan! EDITOR Dilek Koç MANAGING DIRECTOR Gürkan Kınacı İstanbul offers an endless choice of concerts and shopping this July, along with open- CONTRIBUTING editor Emma Levine air dining, music and dance on high terraces with stunning views of the city. All these, ENGLISH edıtorıal dırector Bob Beer along with the special Ramadan activities during this special fasting month, makes DESIGNERS Tijen Tezel, Yasemin Şahin İstanbul an extra-fascinating destination this month. Throughout the city, top hotels contrıbutors Ardan Zentürk, Özden Akbal DEPUTY edıtor Özlem Aykın Kınacı and restaurants are offering a wealth of activities for Iftar, the sundown meal that oaykin@ whereistanbul.com.tr breaks the Ramadan fast each day for a month. Photo edıtor Sami Atalan During the month, the city’s galleries continue to host fine exhibitions. The Stephen consultant Aynur Koç RESPONSIBLE edıtor Aslı Koç Chambers and Andy Warhol shows are still at the Pera Museum (p. 21); İstanbul ADVERTISING & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Modern presents a collection of photographs documenting Turkish communal life, SALES DIRECTOR Selen Uzeroğlu Kaya and Rampa hosts This Secret World That Exists Right There In Public (p. 21). Check the
[email protected] Galleries page and discover your own favourite. busıness develoPment & marKetıng MARKeting DIREctor Mahmut Bölükbaş This month’s entertainment line-up includes a great choice of indoor and outdoor
[email protected] concerts, including the 21st İstanbul Jazz Festival and performances by music legends Evren Satır
[email protected] Metallica, Neil Young (p.