Press Releases: 2007

Press Releases: 2007

How words can describe the great taste of - Diageo Great Britain launches new Guinness campaign for summer

11 May 2007 Europe

This summer, Diageo GB is investing £2million in a new advertising campaign for GUINNESS®, the most widely distributed beer brand in the Great Britain (GB) on-trade, which will highlight the unique taste and quality of the black stuff. The campaign, which launches today, will include a new television commercial entitled ‘Taste’, as well as press, outdoor and digital advertising that aims to increase consumer awareness of Guinness from May through to August. The advertisement brings to life the great taste of Guinness. It begins with words used to describe a pint of Guinness, such as velvety, beautifully crafted and genius, being poured into a pint, and viewers watch as the words surge and settle. As the shot widens in the final scene, viewers see the words have created a perfect pint of Guinness.

Following a successful St Patrick’s Day and spring rugby campaign, Guinness has been cemented as the number three beer in the GB on-trade and is currently performing ahead of the beer category1. Alongside its summer advertising campaign, Diageo GB is investing £600,000 on in-bar point-of-sale (POS) items and a promotional campaign for Guinness. The POS is focused on educating bar staff on how to correctly serve a pint of Guinness, which in turn leads to a great tasting pint of the black stuff. Research shows that consumers judge the standard of an outlet by the quality of its beer, with Guinness the number one brand used to define quality2. However, a recent mystery shopper campaign conducted by Diageo GB in the on-trade surprisingly revealed only 48% of GB pubs and bars are achieving the Guinness perfect pour3.

The main areas where bars were not meeting the Guinness team’s standards included not holding the glass at the correct 45 degree angle; not achieving the correct head size; not using branded glassware and not using the two-part pour. Rob Newlan, Guinness Senior Brand Manager, Diageo GB, says: “We were quite surprised by these results. Many pub and bar stuff pride themselves on being able to pour a great pint of Guinness, but there are obviously others who can perfect their technique further. By doing this not only will they be giving their customers a better quality pint, but they will also see a boost in profits - licensees see an 8% increase in Guinness sales and a 1% increase in beer sales overall through well served pints of the black stuff4.

“The point-of-sale materials, distributed to thousands of outlets across Britain in time for summer, will describe the steps to achieve the perfect pour, and additional posters and drip mats will drive Guinness visibility in outlet. This activity combined with the new TV campaign will really support licensees to boost their Guinness sales over summer.”

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The POS kits will also include a consumer and trade promotion to find the outlets that are serving great quality pints of Guinness. Customers who are served a great tasting pint of Guinness in outlet send a text vote. Nominated outlets will receive great prizes as well as exposure on the Guinness Blog.

- Ends - Notes to editor · The Guinness word and associated logos are trade marks · The new Guinness advertising campaign 'Taste' was developed by Abbot Mead Vicars BBDO and was produced by The , the same production house who helped to deliver the special effects behind the Cannes Awards winning Guinness ad, Noitulove · 1 – Guinness is currently -1%, versus total beer at -4% (ACNielsen on-trade MAT to January 2007) · 2 - Market Measures Oct 2006 · 3 - The Guinness two-part pour: 1. Pour o Hold the Guinness-branded pint glass at a 45 degree angle under the nozzle. At this angle the two gases (30 per cent carbon dioxide and 70 per cent nitrogen) will mix evenly to form the creamy head o Gradually straighten the glass to vertical until its three-quarters full o Leave the beer to settle on the bar. This allows the beer to settle and create the perfect head. It also creates anticipation and theatre and reassures the customer about the quality of their pint 2. Top-up o Top up the pint until the head rises slightly above the rim of the glass. Pushing the handle away from you will help control the beer flow. Present the pint of Guinness to the customer with the branding facing forward · 4 - Diageo Quality research 2006 Diageo Great Britain is the sales and marketing division of Diageo in Great Britain. Diageo is the world's leading premium drinks business, owning such brands as SMIRNOFF®, GUINNESS®, GORDON’S®, BELL’S® and BAILEYS®. Visit for more information on the company and brands.

Innovation is pivotal to Diageo Great Britain's growth and we are constantly monitoring the marketplace and talking to both consumers and commercial partners to help identify new opportunities and trends in the drinks industry. Visit for information and guidance on responsible drinking.


Media Enquiries: Katrina Ward/Anna Calver Mercieca PR T: 020 7485 0100 E: [email protected]

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Ruth Allchurch Diageo GB T: 0208 978 8300 E: [email protected]

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