1984 Jan-Feb
Official publicati.on of the HORATIO ALGER SOCIETY, .rg.ri.. devoted to the study of'Horatio Alger, Jr., his" life, works, and influence on the culture of America. 1832 - 1899 Founded 196 1 by Fortes, Campbell & Kenneth B. Butler Yolume XXII January-Februarv'1 984 Numbers 7-8 Owner, Ken Butler atop an old road coach (stage cosch) at the Time Was Museum 4 miles eouth of Mendota, IL. This photo is from a recent copy of The Hoosier Voice of Fellowship, ed"ited. by HAS member Amos Smith. Kenneth B. Butler, co-founder and long-time friend of the Alger Society, is the owner of the renowned- TIME'WAS MUSEUM near Mend-ota, fllinois. Ralph D. Gardner announces a new item for Alger collectors. See page 3 for full iletails. NEI.fSBOY HORATIO ALGER SOCIETY NEI,{ MEMBERS REPORTED To further the philosophy of Horatlo PF-719 Grace D. Bales Alger, Jr., and to encourage the spirit 1829 Cherry Road of Strive ancl Succeed that for half a Springfield,, IlIinois 62704 century guided. Algerfs undaunted heroes--lads whose struggles epitomized Grace reacl of us in a recent issue of the Great American Dream and flamecl the Tri-State Trad.er. Her hobbies hero ideals in countless millions of include antiques, chi,na and glass, young Americans. genealogy, lace making, travel, and elder hostefs. She is a retired. OFFICERS federal and" state employee. ROBERT E. SAI{rYER PRESIDENT PF-721 Louise Kent-Boyd EUGENE H. HAFNER YICE-PRESIDENT 47 Hannaford. Street CARL T. HARTMANN SECRETARY Toronto, 0ntarlo CANADA ALEX T. SHANER TREASTIRER M4E 3G8 PAI]L F.
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