DRUGO LETO MANDATA 2006 CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana


SLOVENIJA. Državni zbor Poročilo o delu Državnega zbora v obdobju 2004-2008 : drugo leto mandata - 2006 / [gradivo zbrali in obdelali sodelavci Raziskovalno-dokumentacijskega sektorja Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije ; uredila Igor Zobavnik in Tatjana Krašovec ; prevod Nina Barlič]. - Ljubljana : Državni zbor Republike Slovenije, 2007. - (Knjižna zbirka Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije)

Vsebuje tudi angl. prevod: Report on National Assembly’s work in the parliamentary term 2004-2008 : second year - 2006

ISBN 978-961-6415-15-6 1. Zobavnik, Igor 2. Slovenija. Državni zbor: Report on National Assembly’s work in the parliamentary term 2004-2008 231521792

POROČILO O DELU DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA V OBDOBJU 2004 - 2008, DRUGO LETO MANDATA - 2006 Zbirka: Knjižna zbirka Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, ki jo izdaja Služba za odnose z javnostmi Urednik zbirke: mag. Dušan Benko Gradivo zbrali in obdelali: sodelavci Raziskovalno-dokumentacijskega sektorja Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije (ure- dila: mag. Igor Zobavnik in mag. Tatjana Krašovec) Naslov izdajatelja: Državni zbor Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Šubičeva 4 Telefon: +386 1 478 94 00 Produkcija: Služba za odnose z javnostmi Oblikovanje in priprava za tisk: Prajs d.o.o., Ljubljana Tisk: Tiskarna Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije Naklada: 300 izvodov Prevod: Nina Barlič  VSEBINA


2 SPLOŠNI PODATKI 9 2.1 Spremembe v sestavi poslancev Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije v drugem letu mandatnega obdobja 10 2.2 Poslanske skupine 10 2.3 Nekatere značilnosti strukture poslancev 11 2.4 Vodstvo Državnega zbora 11 2.5 Poslanske pisarne 12 2.6 Razmerje koalicija - opozicija, poslanca italijanske in madžarske narodne skupnosti 13

3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 15 3.1 Seje Državnega zbora 16 3.2 Prekinitve sej in obstrukcije 17 3.2.1 Podrobnejše obrazložitve obstrukcij 18 3.3 Poraba časa 19 3.4 Predlagani in sprejeti zakoni in drugi akti 19 3.4.1 Sprejeti zakoni in drugi akti 20 3.4.2 Število predlaganih in sprejetih zakonov glede na predlagatelja 21 3.4.3 Število sprejetih zakonov glede na vrsto zakonodajnega postopka 21 3.5 Amandmaji 22 3.6 Poslanska vprašanja in pobude 23 3.7 Pobude in zahteve, vložene na podlagi Zakona o referendumu in o ljudski iniciativi (ZRLI) 25 3.8 Odločanje o imuniteti 25 3.9 Postopki pred Ustavnim sodiščem 26 3.10 Aktivnosti Državnega sveta Republike Slovenije 27

4 AKTIVNOSTI DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE NA PODROČJU ZADEV EU 29 4.1 Odločanje o zadevah EU na plenarnih sejah Državnega zbora 30 4.2 Obravnavanje zadev EU na sejah delovnih teles 30 4.2.1 Delovanje delovnih teles, pristojnih za zadeve EU, v drugem letu mandata 30 4.2.2 Dejavnost matičnih in drugih delovnih teles na področju zadev EU 31

5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 33 5.1 Splošni podatki o delovnih telesih 34 5.2 Nosilci vodilnih funkcij v delovnih telesih Državnega zbora 36 5.3 Podatki o delu delovnih teles 37 5.4 Preiskovalne komisije 43 5.5 Druge oblike delovanja poslancev Državnega zbora 44

6 POSLANSKE SKUPINE 44 6.1 Sestava poslanskih skupin in spremembe v sestavi 45 6.1.1 Struktura poslank in poslancev po spolu, starosti in izobrazbi (po poslanskih skupinah) 48 6.2 Dejavnost poslanskih skupin 49 6.2.1 Poslanske skupine na zasedanjih Državnega zbora 49 6.2.2 Predlagani in sprejeti zakoni po poslanskih skupinah 52 6.2.3 Zahteve za splošno razpravo po poslanskih skupinah 53 6.2.4 Poraba časa na rednih in izrednih sejah po poslanskih skupinah 53 6.2.5 Predlagani amandmaji po poslanskih skupinah 54 

6.2.6 Poslanska vprašanja in pobude po poslanskih skupinah 56 6.3 Poslanske skupine in delovna telesa 57





11 PRORAČUN DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 69 11.1 Proračun 70 11.2 Namenska sredstva 70


VIRI 75  table of contents


2 GENERAL INFORMATION 81 2.1 Changes in the composition of the National Assembly in the second year of the current parliamentary term 82 2.2 Deputy groups 82 2.3 Some characteristics related to the structure of deputies 83 2.4 Leading officials of the National Assembly 83 2.5 Deputy offices 84 2.6 Ratio coalition - opposition, deputies of the Italian and Hungarian national communities 85

3 SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 87 3.1 Sessions of the National Assembly 88 3.2 Adjournments and obstructions 89 3.2.1 Details concerning obstructions 90 3.3 Time utilisation 91 3.4 Draft and adopted laws and other acts 91 3.4.1 Adopted laws and other acts 92 3.4.2 Number of draft and adopted laws per proposer 92 3.4.3 Number of adopted laws per type of legislative procedure 93 3.5 Amendments 94 3.6 Parliamentary questions and motions 95 3.7 Motions and requests filed pursuant to the Referendum and Public Initiative Act 97 3.8 Immunity of deputies 97 3.9 Proceedings before the Constitutional Court 98 3.10 Activities of the National Council 99

4 THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY AND EU AFFAIRS 101 4.1 Deciding on EU affairs at plenary sessions of the National Assembly 102 4.2 Discussion of EU affairs at meetings of working bodies 102 4.2.1 Activities of the working bodies competent for EU affairs in the second year of the current term 102 4.2.2 Activity of the working bodies responsible and other working bodies in relation to EU affairs 103

5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 105 5.1 General information 106 5.2 Leading positions in working bodies 108 5.3 Activities of working bodies 109 5.4 Commissions of inquiry 118 5.5 Other structures of the National Assembly 118

6 DEPUTY GROUPS 119 6.1 Composition of deputy groups and changes of composition 120 6.1.1 Structure of deputies according to sex, age and education (per deputy group) 122 6.2 Activities of deputy groups 123 6.2.1 Deputy groups at sessions of the National Assembly 123 6.2.2 Draft and adopted laws per deputy group 126 6.2.3 Requests for general debate per deputy group 127 6.2.4 Time utilisation at regular and extraordinary sessions per deputy group 127 

6.2.5 Draft amendments per deputy group 128 6.2.6 Parliamentary questions and motions per deputy group 130 6.3 Deputy groups and working bodies 131





11 THE BUDGET OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 143 11.1 Budget 144 11.2 Appropriated funds 144



V letnem poročilu o delu Državnega zbora Republike Skladno z obstoječo prakso letnih poročil predstavljamo Slovenije prikazujemo aktivnosti poslank in poslancev statistične podatke, ki so prikazani predvsem v tabelah, v nadaljevanju četrtega mandatnega obdobja, in sicer za deloma pa tudi grafično. Pri predstavitvi podatkov smo obdobje od 1.1.2006 do 31.12.2006 (drugo leto mandatnega uporabili naslednje kratice: obdobja). Poročilo prikazuje bodisi: - stanje na dan 31.12.2006, DZ RS Državni zbor Republike Slovenije - spremembe v letu 2006 oziroma statistične podatke za DS RS Državni svet Republike Slovenije leto 2006. PS Poslanska skupina, pri LDS poslanski klub SDS Slovenska demokratska stranka LDS Liberalna demokracija Slovenije Pri oblikovanju in vsebini poročila smo izhajali iz SD Socialni demokrati uveljavljene strukture poročil iz prejšnjih let. Poročilo NSi Nova Slovenija sestavljajo naslednja poglavja: SLS Slovenska ljudska stranka 1. Uvod - metodološka in vsebinska pojasnila, SNS Slovenska nacionalna stranka 2. Splošni podatki, DeSUS Demokratična stranka upokojencev 3. Zasedanja Državnega zbora, Slovenije 4. Aktivnosti Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije na NS Poslanca italijanske in madžarske področju EU zadev, narodne skupnosti 5. Delovna telesa, druge oblike delovanja Državnega MDT Matično delovno telo zbora, ZDT Zainteresirano delovno telo 6. Poslanske skupine, 7. Kolegij predsednika Državnega zbora, Pomen ostalih uporabljenih kratic je naveden v sprotnih 8. Mednarodna dejavnost, opombah - legendah na koncu tabel. Znak - v tabelah 9. Peticije, pomeni, da določenega pojava ni, ali pa je njegova vrednost 10. Volitve in imenovanja, enaka 0. 11. Proračun Državnega zbora, 12. Državni zbor Republike Slovenije v drugem letu Podatke smo črpali iz podatkovnih zbirk informacijskega četrtega mandata. sistema Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, določen del podatkov pa smo pridobili od sekretarjev delovnih teles in pri sodelavcih drugih služb Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, ki se jim za pomoč in sodelovanje lepo zahvaljujemo. Nekatere evidence podatkov, potrebne za pripravo poročila, vodimo sami. Pridobljene podatke smo statistično obdelali in tudi uredili ter dodali grafične prikaze.

Raziskovalno-dokumentacijski sektor

Ljubljana, februar 2007 2 SPLOŠNI PODATKI 10 2 splošni podatki

Državni zbor RS je na konstitutivni seji Državnega zbora 22.10.2004 potrdil mandate poslank in poslancev za mandatno obdobje 2004-2008. V nadaljevanju prikazujemo spremembe v sestavi v letu 2006 in stanje na koncu leta 2006.

2.1 Spremembe v sestavi poslancev Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije v drugem letu mandatnega obdobja

V lanskem letu je prišlo do štirih sprememb v sestavi:

- mag. Franc CAPUDER, NSi : 1.12.2006 preneha opravljati - Pavel RUPAR, SDS: 12.10.2006 poda izjavo, da odstopa funkcijo poslanca namesto mag. Janeza Drobniča; s funkcije poslanca DZ RS, zato mu skladno s tretjim odstavkom 202. člena poslovnika DZ RS ter s šesto alineo - mag. Janez DROBNIČ, NSi: od 1.12.2006 v skladu s 14. prvega odstavka in drugim odstavkom 9. člena Zakona o členom zakona o poslancih ponovno opravlja funkcijo poslancih preneha mandat poslanca s 23.10.2006; poslanca (s 1.12.2006 preneha opravljati funkcijo ministra za delo, družino in socialne zadeve); - Bojan HOMAN, SDS: 25.10.2006 potrjen poslanski mandat namesto Pavla Ruparja.

(Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006).

Poimenska sestava poslancev Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije po poslanskih skupinah je navedena v 6. poglavju poročila.

2.2 Poslanske skupine

V tabeli 2.1 je prikazano število članov v posamezni poslanski skupini na dan 30.12.2006. Dejavnost poslanskih skupin in njihove značilnosti podrobneje predstavljamo v šestem poglavju poročila.

Tabela št. 2.1: Poslanske skupine

POSLANSKA SKUPINA ŠTEVILO ČLANOV 1. SDS 29 2. LDS 23 3. SD 10 4. NSi 9 5. SLS 7 6. SNS 6 7. DeSUS 4 8. NS 2

Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006. 2 splošni podatki 11

2.3 Nekatere značilnosti strukture poslancev

Struktura poslancev po spolu ostaja konec leta 2006 v primerjavi s prejšnjim letom enaka 12 poslank (13 %) in 78 poslancev (87 %).

Iz tabele št. 2.2 izhaja, da je bilo konec leta 2006 glede na prejšnje mandatno obdobje 36 ponovno izvoljenih poslancev.

Tabela št 2.2: Število ponovno izvoljenih poslancev

SDS LDS SD NSi SLS SNS DeSUS NS SKUPAJ 30. 12. 2006 7 12 8 2 2 3 - 2 36

Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006.

Število poslancev - županov ostaja v primerjavi s prejšnjim letom nespremenjeno, delno pa se je spremenila njihova razporeditev po poslanskih skupinah (glej tabelo št. 2.3).

Tabela št. 2.3: Število poslancev – županov

SDS LDS SD NSi SLS SNS DeSUS NS SKUPAJ 30. 12. 2006 4 5 2 2 4 1 1 - 19

Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - služba, 30.12.2006.

2.4 Vodstvo Državnega zbora

V letu 2006 ni bilo sprememb v vodstvu Državnega zbora.

Predsednik: , dr. med., PS SDS

Podpredsedniki: - mag. Vasja KLAVORA, PS DeSUS, - Sašo PEČE, PS SNS, - dr. Marko PAVLIHA, PS LDS.

Generalni sekretar: mag. Lovro LONČAR. 12 2 splošni podatki

2.5 Poslanske pisarne

V skladu s 35. členom Zakona o poslancih, sklepom V tabeli 2.4 so upoštevani podatki, ki so jih poslanci Mandatno-volilne komisije Državnega zbora in odločitvijo posredovali službi Mandatno-volilne komisije do vključno poslancev so organizirane poslanske pisarne Državnega 30.12.2006. zbora. Praviloma delujejo vsak delovni ponedeljek.

Tabela št. 2.4: Poslanske pisarne Državnega zbora


Nadaljevanje tabele 2.4


Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006.

Legenda: * En poslanec ima dve poslanski pisarni. ** Dva poslanca imata eno poslansko pisarno.

2.6 Razmerje koalicija - opozicija, poslanca italijanske in madžarske narodne skupnosti

V letu 2006 ni bilo sprememb v razmerju med koalicijo in opozicijo.

3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 16 3 Zasedanja drŽavnega zbora

3.1 Seje Državnega zbora

Državni zbor se je sestal na 11-ih rednih in 12-ih izrednih Na sejah je bilo opravljeno 8623 nastopov, od tega sejah. Ena redna seja je bila delno zaprta za javnost. Vse seje so poslanci nastopili 7184-krat kot posamezniki, skupaj so trajale 88 dni oziroma 617 ur. predstavniki delavnih teles in poslanskih skupin, predstavniki Vlade pa 974-krat.

Tabela 3.1: Redne in izredne seje Državnega zbora

SEJE DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA SKUPAJ SEJE DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA SKUPAJ SKUPAJ REDNE SEJE REDNE IZREDNE SEJE IZREDNE Sklicane na predlog Vlade ali po sklepu Sklicane skladno s programom dela 11 kolegija predsednika Državnega zbora 8 19 (1. odstavek 57. člena poslovnika) (2. odstavek 58. člena poslovnika) Sklicane na zahtevo predsednika RS (1. odstavek 58. člena poslovnika) - -

Sklicane na zahtevo najmanj 1/4 poslancev (1. odstavek 58. člena 4 4 poslovnika) Javna seja* 11* Javna seja 12 23* Seja zaprta za javnost* 1* Seja zaprta za javnost - 1* SKUPNO ŠTEVILO REDNIH SEJ 11 SKUPNO ŠTEVILO IZREDNIH SEJ 12 23 Trajanje v dnevih 69 Trajanje v dnevih 19 88 Trajanje v urah in minutah 509:13 Trajanje v urah in minutah 107:28 616:41 Št. točk dnevnega reda 338 Št. točk dnevnega reda 30 368 Št. umikov točke 2 Št. umikov točke - 2 Poraba časa 61% Poraba časa 75% 63% Št. razširitev dnevnega reda 6 Št. razširitev dnevnega reda - 6 Št. točk, preloženih na naslednje 1 Št. točk, preloženih na naslednje seje - 1 seje Št. tajnih glasovanj 1 Št. tajnih glasovanj 1 2 Število razpravljavcev 1001 Število razpravljavcev 482 1483 Število nastopov: Število nastopov: - matično delovno telo 174 - matično delovno telo 11 185 - poslanske skupine 1391 - poslanske skupine 204 1595 - Vlada RS 839 - Vlada RS 135 974 - poslanci 4335 - poslanci 1069 5404 - Državni svet RS 10 - Državni svet RS 5 15 - Zakonodajno-pravna služba 8 - Zakonodajno-pravna služba - 8 Drugi 25 - drugi 2 27

Vir: Podatki Sekretariata Državnega zbora in podatkovne zbirke Raziskovalno-dokumentacijskega sektorja. Legenda: * Ena seja je bila le delno zaprta za javnost in je v tabeli šteta kot zaprta in tudi kot javna seja. 3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 17

3.2 Prekinitve sej in obstrukcije

Seje so bile iz različnih razlogov prekinjene 57-krat, (posameznih) poslanskih skupin, enako pogost razlog pa poslanske skupine so napovedale 29 obstrukcij, od tega predstavlja kategorija “drugo”. V ta sklop sodijo prekinitve 21 na rednih sejah in 8 na izrednih. Razmerja v razlogih za na predlog predsedujočega, predvsem prekinitve tehnične prekinitev so podrobneje prikazana v tabeli 3.2. Med razlogi narave, in posvetovanje z vodji poslanskih skupin. za prekinitev je na prvem mestu prekinitev na zahtevo

Tabela št 3.2: Prekinitve sej in obstrukcije

ŠTEVILO PREKINITEV SEJ REDNE SEJE IZREDNE SEJE SKUPAJ Na zahtevo poslanskih skupin* 14 4 18 Zaradi pridobitve mnenja (delovnih teles, Vlade RS, 1 2 3 ZPS) Zaradi nenavzočnosti (nesodelovanja) Vlade RS 9 - 9 Zaradi nesklepčnosti 4 5 9 Drugo 13 5 18 SKUPAJ prekinitve 41 16 57 Obstrukcije 21 8 29

Vir: Podatki Sekretariata Državnega zbora in podatkovne zbirke Raziskovalno-dokumentacijskega sektorja. Legenda: * Podrobna porazdelitev prekinitev po poslanskih skupinah je prikazana v 6. poglavju.

Graf 3.1: Razlogi za prekinitev sej v %

Drugo Na zahtevo poslanskih 32% skupin 32%

Zaradi pridobitve mnenja Zaradi nesklepčnosti (delovnih teles, Vlade RS, ZPS) 16% Zaradi nenavzočnosti 5% (nesodelovanja) Vlade RS 16% 18 3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA

3.2.1 Podrobnejše obrazložitve obstrukcij

Največ obstrukcij (13) je napovedala oziroma izvedla obstrukcijo je bil neupoštevanje predlogov oziroma poslanska skupina LDS, po številu obstrukcij (8) pa ji vloženih amandmajev s strani poslanskih skupin, ki so sledi poslanska skupina SNS. Najpogostejši razlog za nato napovedale obstrukcijo.

Redne seje:

15. redna seja: 19. redna seja: Poslanski skupini SNS in LDS sta na nadaljevanju seje Poslanske skupine SNS, DeSUS, LDS in SD so na 29.3.2006 obstruirali 25. točko dnevnega reda “Predlog nadaljevanju seje 13.7.2006 ob glasovanju o 2. točki zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah zakona o dnevnega reda “Predlog zakona o verski svobodi” (druga zdravstvenem varstvu in zdravstvenem zavarovanju” obravnava), zaradi nestrinjanja z vsebino predloga in zaradi (tretja obravnava v okviru nujnega postopka). Razlog: neupoštevanja predlogov, napovedale obstrukcijo. nestrinjanje s postopkom. 22. redna seja: 16. redna seja: Poslanska skupina LDS je na nadaljevanju seje 21.11.2006 Poslanski skupini LDS in SNS sta na nadaljevanju seje zaradi nestrinjanja s postopkom in zaradi neupoštevanja 3.5.2006 pri obravnavi 19. točke “Predlog Resolucije njenih amandmajev obstruirala odločanje pri 5. točki prometne politike Republike Slovenije” obstruirali, zaradi dnevnega reda “Predlog zakona o javno-zasebnem nestrinjanja z vsebino in zaradi neupoštevanja mnenja partnerstvu” (druga obravnava). opozicije. Pri 7. točki dnevnega reda seje “Predlog zakona o javnem naročanju” (druga obravnava) je poslanska skupina LDS 17. redna seja: obstruirala zaradi nestrinjanja z vsebino in neupoštevanja Poslanski skupini SD in LDS sta na nadaljevanju seje vloženih amandmajev (na nadaljevanju seje 21.11.2006). 30.5.2006 obstruirali glasovanje pri 23. točki dnevnega reda “Obravnava predloga zakona o spremembah in 23. redna seja: dopolnitvah zakona o slovenski obveščevalno-varnostni Poslanske skupine LDS, SD, SNS in DeSUS so obstruirale agenciji”, (skrajšani postopek), zaradi nestrinjanja z 5. točko dnevnega reda “Predlog zakona o verski svobodi” vsebino predloga zakona in neupoštevanja predlogov. (tretja obravnava) zaradi nestrinjanja z vsebino predloga (na nadaljevanju seje 19.12.2006). 18. redna seja: Poslanske skupine LDS, SD in SNS so na nadaljevanju seje Izredne seje: 21.6.2006 pri 4. točki dnevnega reda “Predlog zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah zakona o zaposlovanju in 23. izredna seja: zavarovanju za primer brezposelnosti” (druga obravnava), Pri 1. točki dnevnega reda so pri glasovanju o predlogih zaradi nestrinjanja s postopkom in zaradi neupoštevanja sprememb proračuna Republike Slovenije za leto 2007 predlaganih sprememb, napovedale obstrukcijo. zaradi nestrinjanja s potekom glasovanja in zaradi neupoštevanja njihovih predlogov obstrukcijo napovedale Poslanska skupina LDS je na nadaljevanju seje 21.6.2006 poslanske skupine SNS, LDS in SD (16.11.2006). obstruirala glasovanje pri 6. točki dnevnega reda Tudi pri 2. točki “Obravnava dopolnjenega predloga “Predlog zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o proračuna Republike Slovenije za leto 2008” so zaradi zavarovalništvu” (druga obravnava), zaradi nestrinjanja s istega razloga glasovanje obstruirale poslanske skupine postopkom in zaradi neupoštevanja vloženih amandmajev. LDS, SD in SNS (16.11.2006). Isto točko je obstruirala tudi poslanska skupina SNS in sicer Iz istega razloga je poslanska skupina LDS napovedala zaradi nestrinjanja s postopkom. obstrukcijo tudi za 3. točko “Obravnava predloga zakona o izvrševanju proračuna Republike Slovenije za leti 2007 in 2008” in prav tako za 4. točko “Obravnava predloga odloka o programu prodaje državnega finančnega in stvarnega premoženja za leti 2007 in 2008” (16.11.2006). 3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 19

3.3 Poraba časa

Poraba časa, ki pomeni delež dejansko porabljenega časa glede na prijavljen čas trajanja predstavitve oziroma razprave, je prikazana v tabeli 3.3.

Tabela št 3.3: Poraba časa glede na prijavljen čas predstavitve ali razprave

SEJE DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA REDNE IZREDNE SKUPAJ** Poraba časa 61% 75% 63% -uvodne predstavitve 65% 63% 64% - predlagatelj* 64% 63% 64% -matično delovno telo 66% 62% 66% -razprave poslanskih skupin 64% 64% 64% -razprave predlagatelja 46% 63% 50%

Vir: Podatki Sekretariata Državnega zbora Legenda: * Vlada RS ali poslanec. * * Gre za ponderirano aritmetično sredino, kjer imajo redne seje, zaradi daljšega časa trajanja večji ponder, kot izredne seje.

Poslanske skupine so na rednih in izrednih sejah dejansko Poraba prijavljenega časa po poslanskih skupinah je porabile: SDS 66%, LDS 76%, SD 66%, NSi 68%, SLS 48%, posebej za redne in izredne seje grafično prikazana v 6. SNS 56%, DeSUS 55% in NS 11% prijavljenega časa. poglavju.

3.4 Predlagani in sprejeti zakoni in drugi akti

V tabelah so našteti vsi zakoni in akti, ki jih je Državni zbor Državni zbor je sprejel 206 zakonov. Med njimi je bil sprejel od 1.1.2006 do 31.12.2006. Prikazano je tudi število sprejet tudi ustavni zakon o spremembi ustave, ki ga DZ predlaganih in sprejetih zakonov glede na predlagatelja RS sprejme na podlagi 107. člena poslovnika z odlokom. ter število sprejetih zakonov glede na vrsto zakonodajnega Sicer je bilo največ sprejetih zakonov o spremembah in postopka. dopolnitvah (96), nekoliko manj pa zakonov, ki so na novo urejali določeno problematiko (67). Z zakonom je bilo ratificiranih 42 mednarodnih pogodb. V letu 2006 je bilo sprejetih 224 drugih aktov. 20 3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA

3.4.1 Sprejeti zakoni in drugi akti

Tabela št. 3.4: Sprejeti zakoni, spremembe Tabela št. 3.5: Sprejeti akti zakonov in ratifikacije SPREJETI AKTI ŠT. AKTOV SPREJETI ZAKONI ŠT. ZAKONOV Avtentične razlage 3 Ustavni zakoni 1 Odloki 14* Zakoni 67* Poslovniki - Zakoni o spremembah in dopolnitvah 96 Proračuni 1 Ratifikacije 42 Rebalansi proračuna - SKUPAJ 206 Sklepi 104 Spremembe proračuna 1 Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, zajeto: 16.1.2007. Zaključni računi - Legenda: Resolucije 6 * Med sprejetimi zakoni je upoštevan tudi zakon o verski svobodi, Deklaracije 1 za katerega je Državni svet zahteval ponovno odločanje. Priporočila 1 Uradna prečiščena besedila zakonov 93 Akti o notifikaciji - Tabela št. 3.6: Sprejeti akti - nekatere SKUPAJ 224 posebne kategorije po Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, vsebini zajeto 16.1.2007. Legenda: * Med odloki je štet tudi Odlok o razglasitvi ustavnega zakona SPREJETI AKTI ŠT. AKTOV o spremembah 121., 140. in 243. člena Ustave. - posebne kategorije Nacionalni programi* 4 Parlamentarne preiskave - Razpisi referendumov** 1 Poročila 1

Vir: Podattkovne zbirke Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, zajeto 16.1.2007. Legenda: * Nacionalni program na področju družbenih dejavnostih in gospodarske infrastrukture se sprejeme kot resolucija. ** Referendum se razpisuje z odlokom (Odlok o razpisu referenduma in določitvi referendumskih območij za ustanovitev občin ter za določitev oziroma spremembo njihovih območij). 3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 21

3.4.2 Število predlaganih in sprejetih zakonov glede na predlagatelja

Tabela št. 3.7: Število zakonov po predlagateljih

PREDLAGATELJI PREDLAGANI SPREJETI Poslanci 23* 5 Vlada RS 208 201 Državni svet 2 - Volivci 1 - SKUPAJ 234 206

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, zajeto 16.1.2007. Legenda: * Med zakoni, ki so jih predlagali poslanci, je upoštevan tudi ustavni zakon, ki ga je predlagala Ustavna komisija.

3.4.3 Število sprejetih zakonov glede na vrsto zakonodajnega postopka

Državni zbor je sprejel 206 zakonov, od tega največ po rednem postopku, 26 po nujnem, 46 po skrajšanem postopku ter 42 ratifikacij.

Tabela št. 3.8: Število sprejetih zakonov glede na vrsto zakonodajnega postopka

SPREJETI ZAKONI ŠT. ZAKONOV Redni postopek 92* Nujni postopek 26 Skrajšani postopek 46 Ratifikacija 42 SKUPAJ 206

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, zajeto 16.1.2007. Legenda: * Med zakoni, sprejetimi po rednem postopku, je štet tudi ustavni zakon, ki je bil sprejet po dvofaznem postopku. 22 3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA

Nekaj posebnosti pri obravnavi po rednem zakonodajnem postopku

Med zakoni, sprejetimi po rednem zakonodajnem zakona sprejet noben amandma, Državni zbor na isti seji postopku, jih je 89 predlagala vlada, 2 pa poslanci. preide na glasovanje o zakonu (139. člen poslovnika). V letu 2006 so poslanci po tem členu poslovnika sprejeli Po poslovniku lahko najmanj 10 poslancev zahteva 57 zakonov ali 62,6% vseh sprejetih zakonov po rednem splošno razpravo v prvi obravnavi predloga zakona po postopku. rednem postopku. To možnost so poslanci izkoristili 32- Druge in tretje obravnave so bile opravljene na isti seji v krat v zvezi z 29 zakoni (32,6%), ki jih je predlagala Vlada 83,5% primerov (76 zakonov). (k nekaterim zakonom je zahtevalo splošno razpravo več poslanskih skupin ločeno); in enim zakonom (50%), ki so ga predlagali poslanci. Pobudniki splošne razprave za zakone, ki jih je predlagala Vlada, so bili kot prvopodpisani: 3.5 Amandmaji LDS (12x), SD (12x) in SDS (8x). Sopodpisniki zahteve so bili: NSi (7x), SLS (7x), DeSUS (7x) in SD (1x). Na zakon, V letu 2006 je bilo vloženih skupno 3896 amandmajev, ki ga predlagala SNS, je splošno razpravo zahtevala LDS. sprejetih pa 2571 amandmajev. Od tega je bilo k zakonom Tabelarično so podatki o zahtevah za splošno razpravo po vloženo 3483 amandmajev in sprejetih 2403 amandmajev. poslanskih skupinah prikazani v 6. poglavju. Glede na to, da je bilo sprejetih 206 zakonov, je bilo na posamezen sprejeti zakon vloženo povprečno 16,91 Kadar so v drugi obravnavi sprejeti amandmaji k manj amandmajev in sprejeto 11,67 amandmajev. kot desetini členov dopolnjenega predloga zakona, lahko Državni zbor sklene, da bo na isti seji opravil tretjo Tabela 3.9 prikazuje podatke o predlaganih in sprejetih obravnavo predloga zakona (138. člen poslovnika). V letu amandmajih k predlogom zakonov in aktov glede na 2006 je bilo po tem postopku sprejetih 19 zakonov oziroma predlagatelja, tabela 3.10 pa glede na posamezne faze 20,9% vseh zakonov sprejetih po rednem postopku. postopka, a le k predlogom zakonov. Kadar v drugi obravnavi ni k dopolnjenemu predlogu

Tabela št. 3.9: Število amandmajev k predlogom zakonov in aktov po vlagatelju

VLAGATELJ PREDLAGANIH SPREJETIH ZAKONI Delovno telo 1469 1433 Poslanci* 1922 915 Vlada RS 92 55 SKUPAJ zakoni 3483 2403 AKTI Delovno telo 89 89 Poslanci* 322 77 Vlada RS 2 2 SKUPAJ akti 413 168 ZAKONI IN AKTI Delovno telo 1558 1522 Poslanci* 2244 992 Vlada RS 94 57 SKUPAJ zakoni in akti 3896 2571

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, zajeto 10.1.2007. Legenda: * Po poslanskih skupinah je to področje posebej prikazano v 6. poglavju. 3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 23

Tabela št. 3.10: Število amandmajev k predlogom zakonov po fazi postopka

FAZA POSTOPKA PREDLAGANIH SPREJETIH Redni zakonodajni postopek 2. obravnava v MDT 129., 131. člen 2326 1740 2. obravnava v DZ 135.(1) člen 282 109 3. obravnava v DZ 140. (3) člen 85 28 3. obravnava v DZ 140. (5) člen 47 47 (uskladitveni amandma) SKUPAJ redni postopek 2740 1924 Skrajšani postopek 2. obravnava v MDT 129 456 333 131. in 142. člen 2. obravnava v DZ 135. člen 92 23 3. obravnava v DZ 140. (3) člen 6 0 3. obravnava v DZ 140. (6) člen 2 2 (uskladitveni amandma) SKUPAJ skrajšani postopek 556 358 Nujni postopek 2. obravnava v MDT 129., 131. in 142. člen 137 109 2. obravnava v DZ 135. člen, 144. člen 38 5 3. obravnava v DZ 140. (3) člen 9 4 3. obravnava v DZ 140. (5) člen (uskladitveni - - amandma) SKUPAJ nujni postopek 184 118 Ratifikacija 3 3 SKUPAJ zakoni 3483 2403

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, zajeto 10.1.2007.

3.6 Poslanska vprašanja in pobude

V letu 2006 je bilo postavljenih 764 poslanskih vprašanj V navedenem obdobju je bilo v skladu z 246. členom in pobud. Od skupnega števila postavljenih vprašanj in poslovnika DZ podanih tudi več predlogov za razpravo pobud je bilo do 18.1.2007 odgovorjeno na 742 vprašanj o odgovoru (več kot 70), sprejet je bil en predlog za oziroma pobud, neodgovorjenih jih je ostalo 22. razpravo. 24 3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA

Tabela št. 3.11: Število odgovorjenih in neodgovorjenih poslanskih vprašanj in pobud koalicije, opozicije in poslancev narodnih skupnosti


Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora, zajeto 18.1.2007. Opombi: Podatki so bili zajeti 18.1.2007. Upoštevati je treba, da se lahko število odgovorjenih oziroma neodgovorjenih poslanskih vprašanj in pobud naknadno spremeni - poveča število odgovorov. Zahteva za dopolnitev odgovora je v statistiki upoštevana kot samostojno vprašanje.

Tabela št. 3.12 Število poslanskih vprašanj in pobud po naslovljencih

NASLOVNIK ŠTEVILO Vlada RS 112 Predsednik Vlade 43 Generalni sekretar Vlade - Minister za finance 49 Minister za notranje zadeve 51 Minister za zunanje zadeve 24 Minister za pravosodje 40 Minister za obrambo 19 Minister za delo, družino in socialne zadeve 44 Minister za gospodarstvo 23 Minister za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano 44 Minister za kulturo 41 Minister za okolje in prostor 74 Minister za promet 65 Minister za šolstvo in šport 40 Minister za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo 26 Minister za zdravje 42 Minister za javno upravo 16 Minister brez listnice zadolžen za lokalno samoupravo in regionalno politiko 10 Minister brez listnice zadolžen za strategijo razvoja 2

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora, zajeto 18.1.2007. Opomba: Poslansko vprašanje ali pobuda se lahko nanaša na več naslovljencev. V tabeli smo upoštevali le prvega naslovljenca. 3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 25

Iz tabele 3.12 izhaja, da je bilo največ vprašanj in pobud bilo postavljenih ministru brez listnice - zadolženemu za postavljenih Vladi, in sicer 112 vprašanj in pobud, strategijo razvoja - 7. predsedniku Vlade pa 43. Sledi minister za okolje in Podrobnejše podatke o številu postavljenih pobud in prostor, ki mu je bilo postavljenih 74 vprašanj in pobud, ter vprašanj po poslanskih skupinah prikazujemo v 6. poglavju minister za promet, ki mu je bilo postavljeno 65 vprašanj poročila. oziroma pobud. Najmanj vprašanj oziroma pobud je

3.7 Pobude in zahteve, vložene na podlagi Zakona o referendumu in o ljudski iniciativi (ZRLI)

Tabela št. 3.13: Vložene pobude na podlagi ZRLI

VLOŽENE POBUDE ŠTEVILO NA PODLAGI ZRLI Pobuda za razpis predhodnega zakonodajnega referenduma (13. člen ZRLI) 1 Pobuda za razpis naknadnega zakonodajnega referenduma (13. in 21. člen ZRLI) 2 Skupaj pobude za referendum 3 Zakonska iniciativa (59. člen ZRLI) 1 SKUPAJ (vloženo po ZRLI) 4

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora RS in podatkovne zbirke Kabineta predsednika Državnega zbora.

Januarja 2006 je Slovenska nacionalna stranka na podlagi Jožica Ribič iz Ljubljane je dne 18.7.2006 na podlagi 13. 13. člena ZRLI vložila v Državni zbor pobudo volivcem za člena v zvezi z 21. členom ZRLI vložila pobudo za razpis vložitev zahteve za razpis predhodnega zakonodajnega naknadnega zakonodajnega referenduma o Zakonu o referenduma o Zakonu o spremembah in dopolnitvah spremembah in dopolnitvah zakona o visokem šolstvu (EPA zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah zakona o 848-IV). Obvestilo o pobudi je bilo vloženo pravočasno. zdravstvenem varstvu in zdravstvenem zavarovanju (EPA Potem ko je zbiranje obrazcev podpore prevzela Študentska 677-IV). Rok za zbiranje podpisov v podporo zahtevi organizacija Slovenije, se je izkazalo, da je bilo pravilno za razpis predhodnega zakonodajnega referenduma izpolnjenih obrazcev premalo. V septembru 2006 je bila ni bil razpisan tako zaradi formalnih kakor tudi zaradi pobudnica obveščena, da referendum ne bo razpisan, saj materialnopravnih razlogov (odločba Ustavnega niso bili izpolnjeni formalni pogoji. sodišča). Stranka mladih Slovenije (SMS) je 12.9.2006 dala pobudo Matjaž Antloga iz Šmartnega v Rožni dolini je dne za vložitev Predloga zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah 29. 6.2006 na podlagi 13. člena v zvezi z 21. členom ZRLI zakona o vrtcih. Potem ko so pobudniki 20.10.2006 vložil pobudo volivkam in volivcem za razpis naknadnega predsedniku Državnega zbora predali zbrane podpise, se zakonodajnega referenduma o Zakonu o spremembah in je 23.10.2006 začel zakonodajni postopek. Zakonodajni dopolnitvah zakona o visokem šolstvu (EPA 848-IV). postopek je bil končan 15.12.2006, potem ko je Državni Istega dne je Državni svet izglasoval veto na navedeni zakon, zbor odločil, da predlog zakona ni primerna podlaga za zato so bile do ponovnega odločanja o predmetnem zakonu nadaljnjo obravnavo. zadržane vse aktivnosti v zvezi s pobudo. Potem, ko je Državni zbor 11.7.2006 ponovno izglasoval navedeni zakon, je bil pobudnik obveščen, da rok za zbiranje podpisov ne bo določen, saj se je medtem izkazalo, da niso bili izpolnjeni vsi formalni pogoji (zbranih je bilo premalo podpisov). 26 3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA

3.8 Odločanje o imuniteti

Ustava Republike Slovenije določa, da poslanec Državnega Ustava Republike Slovenije zagotavlja imuniteto tudi zbora ni kazensko odgovoren za mnenje ali glas, ki ga je sodnikom in sodnikom Ustavnega sodišča. Na podlagi izrekel na sejah Državnega zbora ali njegovih delovnih Zakona o varuhu človekovih pravic uživa imuniteto tudi telesih (poklicna imuniteta). Prav tako ne sme biti priprt, Varuh človekovih pravic in njegovi namestniki. niti se zoper njega, v primeru, da se sklicuje na imuniteto, ne sme začeti kazenskega postopka brez dovoljenja Državnega V letu 2006 je Mandatno-volilna komisija obravnavala 1 zbora, razen v primeru, če je zaloten pri kaznivem dejanju, za zadevo v zvezi z imuniteto poslancev. Poslancu imuniteta katerega je predpisana kazen zapora nad pet let (nepoklicna ni bila priznana in se nanjo ni skliceval. imuniteta). Državni zbor lahko prizna poslancu imuniteto tudi v primeru, da se nanjo ne sklicuje, ali ki je bil zaloten V letu 2006 Državni zbor ni obravnaval nobenega primera pri kaznivem dejanju (83. člen ustave). v zvezi z imuniteto sodnikov, sodnikov Ustavnega sodišča in Varuha človekovih pravic ali njegovih namestnikov.

Tabela št. 3.14: Imunitetne zadeve

IMUNITETNE ZADEVE ŠTEVILO ZADEV Imuniteta priznana, čeprav se nanjo niso sklicevali - Imuniteta priznana in so se nanjo sklicevali - Imuniteta ni bila priznana, čeprav so se nanjo sklicevali - Imuniteta ni bila priznana in se niso sklicevali nanjo 1 Druge imunitetne zadeve: sodniki, sodniki Ustavnega sodišča, - Varuh človekovih pravic ali njegovi namestniki SKUPAJ 1

Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija, službe.

3.9 Postopki pred Ustavnim sodiščem

Tabela št. 3.15: Zadeve v okviru postopkov za oceno ustavnosti oziroma zakonitosti predpisov

VRSTA ZADEV ŠTEVILO ZADEV Zadeve, ki jih je Ustavno sodišče poslalo v Državni zbor 176 Od tega poslano v odgovor ali pojasnila Državnemu zboru 94 Od tega zaključeno v Državnem zboru 32 Zadeve, rešene na Ustavnem sodišču 132

Vir: Zakonodajno pravna služba. 3 ZASEDANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 27

Tabela št. 3.16: Vrste odločitev Ustavnega sodišča

ODLOČITVE USTAVNEGA SODIŠČA ŠTEVILO ODLOČITEV Ugotovitev skladnosti z ustavo 29 Ugotovitev neskladnosti z ustavo 35 Razveljavitev zakona oziroma poslovnika 22 Zavrnitev pobude oziroma zahteve oziroma 83 zahteve za sodno varstvo Zavrženje pobude oziroma zahteve 84 Ustavitev postopka 22

Vir: Zakonodajno pravna služba.

3.10 Aktivnosti Državnega sveta Republike Slovenije

Tabela št. 3.17: Število predlaganih in sprejetih zakonov, število mnenj in drugih predlogov

ZAKONI ŠTEVILO Predlagani zakoni 2 Sprejeti zakoni - Mnenja 42 Predlog za avtentično razlago 2

Vir: Državni svet Republike Slovenije.

Tabela št. 3.18: Število odložilnih vetov in rezultat ponovnega glasovanja

ODLOŽILNI VETO /LETO ŠTEVILO Sprejet zakon po ponovnem glasovanju 7 Nesprejet zakon po ponovnem glasovanju -

Vir: Državni svet Republike Slovenije.


Na podlagi 3.a člena Ustave Republike Slovenije, Zakona gradivi s tega področja. Najmanj enkrat letno Državni zbor o sodelovanju med Državnim zborom in Vlado v procesu razpravlja o stanju v EU in položaju Republike Slovenije v obravnavanja zadev EU in določil poslovnika, Državni njej na podlagi uvodne predstavitve predsednika vlade. zbor sooblikuje ter sprejema stališča Republike Slovenije Državni zbor tudi sprejme stališča o političnih usmeritvah o posameznih zakonodajnih predlogih, ki jih obravnavajo za delovanje Republike Slovenije v institucijah Evropske institucije EU, in sicer na tistih področjih, ki bi po vsebini unije v prihodnjem obdobju. sodila v pristojnost Državnega zbora, če Slovenija ne bi prenesla izvrševanja dela svoje suverenosti na institucije EU. V nadaljevanju so prikazani podatki o aktivnostih Državni zbor lahko na predlog vlade ali na lastno pobudo Državnega zbora v plenarni zasedbi, delo pristojnih obravnava tudi druge zadeve EU oziroma se seznanja z delovnih teles, pa tudi dejavnost matičnih in ostalih delovnih teles - komisij na področju zadev EU v obdobju od 1.1.2006 do 31.12.2006.

4.1 Odločanje o zadevah EU na plenarnih sejah Državnega zbora

Dejavnost Državnega zbora RS v plenarni zasedbi na področju EU zadev v drugem letu mandata je prikazana v tabeli št. 4.1.

Tabela 4.1 : Aktivnosti Državnega zbora na področju zadev EU v plenarni zasedbi

SEJE DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA AKTIVNOSTI DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA Deklaracija o usmeritvah za delovanje Republike Slovenije 28. marec 2006 - 15. redna seja v institucijah EU v letu 2006 s Poročilom o stanju v EU in položaju Republike Slovenije v njej v letu 2005.

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora.

4.2 Obravnavanje zadev EU na sejah delovnih teles

4.2.1 Delovanje delovnih teles, pristojnih za zadeve EU, v drugem letu mandata

Podatke o sejah pristojnih delovnih teles prikazujemo v tabeli št 4.2, vsebino dela pa v tabeli št. 4.3.

Tabela št. 4.2: Seje pristojnih delovnih teles

ODBOR SEJE Sestal se je na 46 sejah (39 rednih in 7 nujnih), na vseh 46 Odbor za zadeve Evropske unije sejah pa je obravnaval zadeve EU. Sestal se je na 39 sejah – 13 rednih, 25 nujnih, imel pa je tudi Odbor za zunanjo politiko eno korespondenčno sejo. Na 10 sejah je obravnaval zadeve EU.

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora; podatki, ki sta jih zagotovila sekretarka in sekretar obeh delovnih teles. 4 AKTIVNOSTI DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE NA PODROČJU EU ZADEV 31

Tabela št. 4.3: Podatki o delu pristojnih delovnih teles (zadeve EU)


EU ŠTEVILO SEJ PRISTOJNO EU “U” “E” “S” dodeljene Z ZADEVAMI DELOVNO TELO obravnavane zadeve zadeve zadeve skupaj EU

Odbor za zadeve Evropske unije 32 94 20 6 68 46 Odbor za zunanjo politiko 2 11 2 - 9 10 SKUPAJ 34 105 22 6 77 56

Vir: Podatki, ki sta jih zagotovila sekretarka in sekretar obeh delovnih teles. Legenda: “U” zadeve Zadeve EU iz prvega odstavka 4. člena Zakona o sodelovanju med državnim zborom in vlado v zadevah EU in zadeve, ki se obravnavajo po smiselno enakem postopku kot “U” zadeve po 5. členu zakona. “E” zadeve Zadeve EU iz tretjega odstavka 4. člena Zakona o sodelovanju med državnim zborom in vlado v zadevah EU. “S” zadeve Zadeve EU iz 8. člena Zakona o sodelovanju med državnim zborom in vlado v zadevah EU (obveščanje in poročanje Vlade) in druge zadeve.

4.2.2 Dejavnost matičnih in drugih delovnih teles na področju zadev EU

Tabela 4.4: Dejavnost matičnih in drugih delovnih teles na področju zadev EU


EU ŠTEVILO SEJ DELOVNO TELO EU “U” “E” “S” dodeljene Z ZADEVAMI obravnavane zadeve zadeve zadeve skupaj EU

Odbor za gospodarstvo 4 4 3 1 - 5 Odbor za promet - 4 4 - - 4 Odbor za okolje in prostor 1 - 1 - - 1 Odbor za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in 1 1 1 - - 5 prehrano Odbor za finance in monetarno 2 3 - 2 1 3 politiko Odbor za notranjo politiko, javno 2 2 2 - - 2 upravo in pravosodje Odbor za lokalno samoupravo in 1 1 1 - - 1 regionalni razvoj Odbor za obrambo 1 1 1 - - 1 Odbor za zdravstvo 3 3 3 - - 3 Odbor za delo, družino, socialne 1 1 1 - - 3 zadeve in invalide Odbor za kulturo, šolstvo in šport 2 1 1 - - 1 Odbor za visoko šolstvo, znanost in 1 1 1 - - 1 tehnološki razvoj Komisija za nadzor proračuna in - 2 - - 2 2 drugih javnih financ 32 4 AKTIVNOSTI DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE NA PODROČJU EU ZADEV

Nadaljevanje tabele št. 4.4


EU ŠTEVILO SEJ DELOVNO TELO EU “U” “E” “S” dodeljene Z ZADEVAMI obravnavane zadeve zadeve zadeve skupaj EU

Komisija za nadzor obveščevalnih in 2 2 - - - 1 varnostnih služb SKUPAJ 21 26 19 3 3 33

Vir: Podatki, ki so jih zagotovili sekretarke in sekretarji delovnih teles. Legenda: “U” zadeve Zadeve EU iz prvega odstavka 4. člena Zakona o sodelovanju med državnim zborom in vlado v zadevah EU in zadeve, ki se obravnavajo po smiselno enakem postopku kot “U” zadeve po 5. členu zakona. “E” zadeve Zadeve EU iz tretjega odstavka 4. člena Zakona o sodelovanju med državnim zborom in vlado v zadevah EU. “S” zadeve Zadeve EU iz 8. člena Zakona o sodelovanju med državnim zborom in vlado v zadevah EU (obveščanje in poročanje Vlade) in druge zadeve. 5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 34  5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA

5.1 Splošni podatki o delovnih telesih

V letu 2006 je v Državnem zboru Republike Slovenije Sestava delovnih teles odraža sestavo Državnega zbora delovalo devet komisij in štirinajst odborov. Ustanovljena kot celote, v posameznih primerih pa je mogoče zaslediti je bila sicer še ena komisija, in sicer Komisija po Zakonu tudi določena odstopanja. Takšen primer je eno od dveh o nezdružljivosti opravljanja javne funkcije s pridobitno nadzornih delovnih teles, kjer poslanci koalicije nimajo dejavnostjo (Uradni list RS, št. 20/06), ki naj bi pričela večine. Ravno tako obstaja v nekaterih delovnih telesih opravljati svojo funkcijo z dnem uveljavitve navedenega povsem specifičen način dela, zaradi česar jih ni mogoče zakona, torej 9.6.2006. Po sklepu Ustavnega sodišča, št. U- enostavno primerjati z drugimi; tak primer je, na primer, I-57/06-10 z dne 13.4.2006 (Uradni list RS, št. 46/2006), pa Komisija za poslovnik, ki izdeluje mnenja o poslovniških se je izvrševanje navedenega zakona zadržalo do končne določilih in odgovarja na vprašanja v zvezi s poslovnikom, odločitve Ustavnega sodišča. Glede na to, da navedena vendar pa to ni navedeno med statističnimi postavkami v komisija še ne opravlja svoje funkcije, v tem poročilu nismo pričujočih tabelah. Tudi za druge komisije velja, da zaradi prikazali podatkov o njeni sestavi. njihovih specifičnih nalog prikazani podatki o delu niso enostavno primerljivi s podatki odborov.

Glede na skupno število mest (298) v vseh delovnih telesih so bile posamezne poslanske skupine na dan 31.12.2006 zastopane takole:

• PS SDS - 94 mest ( 31,54 %), • PK LDS - 75 mest ( 25,17 %), • PS SD - 33 mest (11,07 %), • PS NSi - 29 mest (9,73 %), • PS SLS - 23 mest (7,72 %), • PS SNS - 19 mest (6,38 %), • PS DeSUS – 15 mest (5,03 %), • poslanca italijanske in madžarske narodne skupnosti skupaj - 10 mest (3,36 %).

Do 31.12.2006 v okviru delovnih teles Državnega zbora ni bil ustanovljen noben pododbor ali delovna skupina.

Tabela št. 5.1: Splošni podatki o delovnih telesih - stanje na dan 31.12.2006

ZASTOPANOST NAZIV DELOVNEGA DATUM PREDSEDNIK KOALICIJA DRUGI POSLANCEV SKUPAJ TELESA USTANOVITVE KOALICIJE Komisije po 35. členu poslovnika Mandatno-volilna 22.10.2004 K 11 10 52,3 21 komisija Komisija za poslovnik 17.11.2004 D 4 3 57,1 7 Komisija za narodni 17.11.2004 D 2 4 30,0 6 skupnosti Komisija za nadzor proračuna in drugih 17.11.2004 D 4 3 57,1 7 javnih financ Komisija za nadzor obveščevalnih in 17.11.2004 D 3 4 42,9 7 varnostnih služb 5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 35

Nadaljevanje tabele št. 5.1

ZASTOPANOST NAZIV DELOVNEGA DATUM PREDSEDNIK KOALICIJA DRUGI POSLANCEV SKUPAJ TELESA USTANOVITVE KOALICIJE Druge komisije Komisija za peticije ter za človekove pravice in 17.11.2004 D 4 3 57,1 7 enake možnosti Komisija za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in 17.11.2004 K 5 4 62,5 9 po svetu Komisija po Zakonu o 17.11.2004 D 3 4 42,9 7 preprečevanju korupcije Ustavna komisija 16.12.2004 K 12 10 54,5 22 Odbori Odbor za gospodarstvo 17.11.2004 D 9 7 56,3 16 Odbor za promet 17.11.2004 K 9 8 56,3 17 Odbor za okolje in 17.11.2004 K 8 6 57,1 14 prostor Odbor za kmetijstvo, 17.11.2004 K 7 6 53,8 13 gozdarstvo in prehrano Odbora za finance in 17.11.2004 K 8 6 53,8 14 monetarno politiko Odbor za zunanjo 17.11.2004 K 10 9 58,8 19 politiko Odbor za notranjo politiko, javno upravo in 17.11.2004 K 9 8 56 ,3 17 pravosodje Odbor za lokalno samoupravo in regionalni 17.11.2004 K 8 7 53,3 15 razvoj Odbor za obrambo 17.11.2004 D 5 4 55,5 9 Odbor za zdravstvo 17.11.2004 D 6 4 60,0 10 Odbor za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in 17.11.2004 K 9 7 56,2 16 invalide Odbor za kulturo, šolstvo 17.11.2004 K 8 8 57,1 16 in šport Odbor za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnološki 17.11.2004 D 7 6 53,8 13 razvoj Odbor za zadeve 17.11.2004 K 6 7 56,2 16 Evropske unije

Vir: Sklepi Državnega zbora in sklepi Kolegija predsednika Državnega zbora. Legenda: K - poslanci koalicije. D - poslanci, ki niso člani poslanskih skupin strank podpisnic koalicijske pogodbe. 36 5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA

5.2 Nosilci vodilnih funkcij v delovnih telesih Državnega zbora

Tabela št. 5.2: Seznam nosilcev vodilnih funkcij v delovnih telesih - stanje na dan 31.12.2006


Komisije po 35. členu poslovnika mag. Borut SAJOVIC LDS Mandatno-volilna komisija Franc SUŠNIK SDS Josip BAJC SLS Komisija za poslovnik Bojan KONTIČ SD Dimitrij KOVAČIČ SDS Poslanka Poslanec madžarske italijanske Komisija za narodni skupnosti Maria POZSONEC Roberto BATTELLI narodne narodne skupnosti skupnosti Komisija za nadzor proračuna in drugih mag. Milan M. CVIKL LDS Breda PEČAN SD javnih financ Komisija za nadzor obveščevalnih in Davorin TERČON LDS Dušan KUMER SD varnostnih služb Druge komisije Komisija za peticije ter za človekove mag. Majda POTRATA SD Marjetka UHAN NSi pravice in enake možnosti Komisija za odnose s Slovenci v mag. Janez SLS Miro PETEK SDS zamejstvu in po svetu KRAMBERGER Komisija po Zakonu o preprečevanju Barbara ŽGAJNER SNS - korupcije TAVŠ Ustavna komisija France CUKJATI SDS dr. Slavko GABER LDS Odbori Martin MIKOLIČ NSi Odbor za gospodarstvo Franc (Feri) HORVAT SD Vili REZMAN DeSUS Odbor za promet Franc KANGLER SLS Geza DŽUBAN LDS Odbor za okolje in prostor Rudolf PETAN SDS dr. LDS Odbor za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in Marjetka UHAN NSi SD prehrano Odbora za finance in monetarno politiko Bojan STARMAN SDS dr. Matej LAHOVNIK LDS NSi Jožef HORVAT Odbor za zunanjo politiko Jožef JEROVŠEK SDS Zmago JELINČIČ PLEMENITI SNS Odbor za notranjo politiko, javno upravo Mojca KUCLER NSi Darja LAVTIŽAR BEBLER LDS in pravosodje DOLINAR Odbor za lokalno samoupravo in Franc JAZBEC SDS Cvetka ZALOKAR ORAŽEM LDS regionalni razvoj Odbor za obrambo Anton ANDERLIČ LDS Ivan JELEN DeSUS Odbor za zdravstvo Ljubo GERMIČ LDS Ivan GRILL SDS Odbor za delo, družino, socialne zadeve Stanislav BRENČIČ SLS Matjaž HAN SD in invalide Odbor za kulturo, šolstvo in šport mag. Branko GRIMS SDS Samo BEVK SD 5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 37

Nadaljevanje tabele št. 5.2


Odbor za visoko šolstvo, znanost in Rudolf MOGE LDS Eva IRGL SDS tehnološki razvoj dr. Mitja SLAVINEC LDS Odbor za zadeve Evropske unije Anton KOKALJ NSi Bogdan BAROVIČ SNS

Vir: Sklepi Državnega zbora.

5.3 Podatki o delu delovnih teles

V nadaljevanju (tabele od št. 5.3 do št. 5.7 in grafi od št. 5.1 do 5.3) so prikazani podatki o delu delovnih teles: - o številu in vrsti sej, - njihovem trajanju, - obravnavanih točkah, zakonih, drugih aktih in amandmajih ter - o nekaterih drugih aktivnostih delovnih teles.

Podatke smo pridobili od sekretark in sekretarjev delovnih teles ter iz podatkovnih zbirk Državnega zbora. Na koncu tabel so seštevki vseh podatkov za obravnavano obdobje.

Tabela št. 5.3: Podatki o delu delovnih teles (seje)

S E J E Javne DELOVNO TELO Zaprte Seje Korespon- Skupaj Nujne za Trajanje izven denčne v cel. delno javnost DZ Komisije po 35. členu poslovnika Mandatno-volilna komisija 16 5 - 15 1 - 23:18 - Komisija za poslovnik 5 - - 5 - - 20:36 - Komisija za narodni skupnosti 3 1 - 3 - - 2:53 - Komisija za nadzor proračuna in 18 2 1 17 - - 61:49 - drugih javnih financ Komisija za nadzor obveščevalnih in 11 4 - - 1 10 48:20 1 varnostnih služb Druge komisije Komisija za peticije ter za človekove 12 3 - 12 - - 34:40 - pravice in enake možnosti Komisija za odnose s Slovenci v 8 4 1 7 - - 15:53 - zamejstvu in po svetu Komisija po Zakonu o preprečevanju 7 1 - - - 7 5:24 - korupcije Ustavna komisija 3 - - 3 - - 5:33 - Odbori Odbor za gospodarstvo 20 6 - 17 - 3 41:10 - Odbor za promet 15 6 - 11 3 1 38:11 - 38 5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA

Nadaljevanje tabele št. 5.3

S E J E Javne DELOVNO TELO Zaprte Seje Korespon- Skupaj Nujne za Trajanje izven denčne v cel. delno javnost DZ Odbor za okolje in prostor 11 3 - 11 - - 26:24 1 Odbor za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in 18 6 - 18 - - 36:24 3 prehrano Odbor za finance in monetarno 25 13 - 24 - 1 52:18 - politiko Odbor za zunanjo politiko 39 25 1 19 8 11 64:42 - Odbor za notranjo politiko, javno 28 16 - 27 - 1 83:10 - upravo in pravosodje Odbor za lokalno samoupravo in 10 7 - 10 - - 14:25 - regionalni razvoj Odbor za obrambo 12 5 - 6 4 2 33:42 - Odbor za zdravstvo 16 6 - 14 - 2 46:27 - Odbor za delo, družino, socialne 19 8 - 18 - 1 64:03 - zadeve in invalide Odbor za kulturo, šolstvo in šport 14 5 - 14 - - 47:08 - Odbor za visoko šolstvo, znanost in 8 3 - 8 - - 23:25 1 tehnološki razvoj Odbor za zadeve Evropske unije 46 7 - 10 7 29 54:51 - SKUPAJ 364 136 3 269 24 68 844:46 6

Vir: Podatki, ki so jih zagotovili sekretarke in sekretarji delovnih teles.

Graf 5.1: Število sej delovnih teles












a k i c b ti u o t r o o o e j o e t j e ij i st n ž s t ije v e o k k j o o d r ij s o a u o e c t n ti ti d b tv li o n i vn n n l n v p isija rs m st a li li o zv m s a p zvo u m lo p fi s ž s u m ro ro hr o o s ra a v v š ra o s u h o o r o a p p e p p o i r ra n n i e k o k ih i o k d r v n b d i i p s n n m p k o a in p o jo a l o z n o šk sk a i v in a p z n n r a a i v o p ln a n a ost ke ju n s r je in r p n z a o t l li z d j n n v o o l ta na n io z k ls ro o a a a a g b o o e i r r ti o no v v ij ro ih n v t a d k tv n u o g o o li š h E - s a g var e jstvu e s z o s o z v re b b o , o i n u n e č U O r a a d d p o te e n m r in i e r a a m z r in O n v t o a d e m r o z d r p O o ur i e a z n ih c a p b r z in o u o ln lt t d d K i n i z e d o o b v u s a n a a l v v r O b g e d a k z a sij a ra p d , no r cia M i n v ci O o O v p o a ano za m u e p n o v anc ja u z n r o č č e e u in , o , s r z ra š v v n f o m o o , o K o e o o o tijst a k a in b o b r v k l k e z ti s ž d tv p e S a r li u O s Od r ob v s Z km o o o l o r lo b p ln dr o o č e o d a , š dz z s p za jo k lo a d a o a r O n o e ko n a z n ij o a l d o n r d is b tr a is za a e o o z v z t a m Od n r za ja je z o o r a ija i K a b o z s tic ja z b r i e r o misi m o Od Od b o o p misi b d K K a o d O z K O isija m o K 5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 39

Graf 5.2: Skupno trajanje sej delovnih teles










a k i c b ti u o t r o o o e j o e t j e ij i st n ž s t ije v e o k k j o o d r ij s o a u o e c t n ti ti d b tv li o n i vn n n l n v p isija rs m st a li li o zv m s a p zvo u m lo p fi s ž s u m ro ro hr o o s ra a v v š ra o s u h o o r o a p p e p p o i r ra n n i e k o k ih i o k d r v n b d i i p s n n m p k o a in p o jo a l o z n o šk sk a i v in a p z n n r a a i v o p ln a n a ost ke ju n s r je in r p n z a o t l li z d j n n v o o l ta na n io z k ls ro o a a a a g b o o e i r r ti o no v v ij ro ih n v t a d k tv n u o g o o li š h E - s a g var e jstvu e s z o s o z v re b b o , o i n u n e č U O r a a d d p o te e n m r in i e r a a m z r in O n v t o a d e m r o z d r p O o ur i e a z n ih c a p b r z in o u o ln lt t d d K i n i z e d o o b v u s a n a a l v v r O b g e d a k z a sij a ra p d , no r cia M i n v ci O o O v p o a ano za m u e p n o v anc ja u z n r o č č e e u in , o , s r z ra š v v n f o m o o , o K o e o o o tijst a k a in b o b r v k l k e z ti s ž d tv p e S a r li u O s Od r ob v s Z km o o o l o r lo b p ln dr o o č e o d a , š dz z s p za jo k lo a d a o a r O n o e ko n a z n ij o a l d o n r d is b tr a is za a e o o z v z t a m Od n r za ja je z o o r a ija i K a b o z s tic ja z b r i e r o misi m o Od Od b o o p misi b d K K a o d O z K O isija m o K

Tabela št. 5.4: Podatki o delu delovnih teles (vsebina, prvi del)

Opredelitev Obravnava Obravnavane točke Ustavno sodišče - DELOVNO TELO MDT do mnenj poročil, število Brez lokalnih posredovanih obravnavanih Skupaj posebne skupnosti DZ, na MDT zadev dodelitve (145/2 posl.) (41/4 posl.) Komisije po 35. členu poslovnika Mandatno-volilna komisija 69 39 - - - Komisija za poslovnik 15 9 - - - Komisija za narodni skupnosti 8 7 - - - Komisija za nadzor proračuna in 54 42 - - 6 drugih javnih financ Komisija za nadzor obveščevalnih in 34 26 - - 1 varnostnih služb Druge komisije Komisija za peticije ter za človekove 47 46 - - 3 pravice in enake možnosti Komisija za odnose s Slovenci v 20 20 - - - zamejstvu in po svetu Komisija po Zakonu o preprečevanju 15 14 - - 5 korupcije Ustavna komisija 8 2 - - - Odbori Odbor za gospodarstvo 46 5 - - 12 Odbor za promet 43 15 - - 4 Odbor za okolje in prostor 36 21 - - 4 Odbor za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in 37 21 1 - 3 prehrano Odbor za finance in monetarno 60 2 2 - 11 politiko 40 5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA

Nadaljevanje tabele št. 5.4

Opredelitev Obravnava Obravnavane točke Ustavno sodišče - DELOVNO TELO MDT do mnenj poročil, število Brez lokalnih posredovanih obravnavanih Skupaj posebne skupnosti DZ, na MDT zadev dodelitve (145/2 posl.) (41/4 posl.) Odbor za zunanjo politiko 162 105 - - 4 Odbor za notranjo politiko, javno 87 5 25 4 6 upravo in pravosodje Odbor za lokalno samoupravo in 14 - 3 13 1 regionalni razvoj Odbor za obrambo 34 27 - - 1 Odbor za zdravstvo 34 23 4 - - Odbor za delo, družino, socialne 52 13 - - 2 zadeve in invalide Odbor za kulturo, šolstvo in šport 32 3 4 - 1 Odbor za visoko šolstvo, znanost in 15 3 1 - - tehnološki razvoj Odbor za zadeve Evropske unije 153 130 - - - SKUPAJ 1075 578 40 17 64

Vir: Podatki, ki so jih zagotovili sekretarke in sekretarji delovnih teles.

Graf 5.3: Število točk na dnevnem redu delovnih teles











a k i c b ti u o t r o o o e j o e t j e ij i st n ž s t ije v e o k k j o o d r ij s o a u o e c t n ti ti d b tv li o n i vn n n l n v p isija rs m st a li li o zv m s a p zvo u m lo p fi s ž s u m ro ro hr o o s ra a v v š ra o s u h o o r o a p p e p p o i r ra n n i e k o k ih i o k d r v n b d i i p s n n m p k o a in p o jo a l o z n o šk sk a i v in a p z n n r a a i v o p ln a n a ost ke ju n s r je in r p n z a o t l li z d j n n v o o l ta na n io z k ls ro o a a a a g b o o e i r r ti o no v v ij ro ih n v t a d k tv n u o g o o li š h E - s a g var e jstvu e s z o s o z v re b b o , o i n u n e č U O r a a d d p o te e n m r in i e r a a m z r in O n v t o a d e m r o z d r p O o ur i e a z n ih c a p b r z in o u o ln lt t d d K i n i z e d o o b v u s a n a a l v v r O b g e d a k z a sij a ra p d , no r cia M i n v ci O o O v p o a ano za m u e p n o v anc ja u z n r o č č e e u in , o , s r z ra š v v n f o m o o , o K o e o o o tijst a k a in b o b r v k l k e z ti s ž d tv p e S a r li u O s Od r ob v s Z km o o o l o r lo b p ln dr o o č e o d a , š dz z s p za jo k lo a d a o a r O n o e ko n a z n ij o a l d o n r d is b tr a is za a e o o z v z t a m Od n r za ja je z o o r a ija i K a b o z s tic ja z b r i e r o misi m o Od Od b o o p misi b d K K a o d O z K O isija m o K 5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 41

Tabela št. 5.5: Podatki o delu delovnih teles (vsebina, drugi del)

Seznanitve s DELOVNO TELO Navzoči predlogi, pobudami Raziskave Raziskave Javne predsta- po 51/2 in vprašanji civilne zunanjih Razisk. vitve posl. družbe institucij oddelka mnenj (41/3 posl.) Komisije po 35. členu poslovnika Mandatno-volilna komisija - - - - - Komisija za poslovnik 1 - - - - Komisija za narodni skupnosti 12 - - - - Komisija za nadzor proračuna in 21 - - - - drugih javnih financ Komisija za nadzor nad delom 13 7 - - - obveščevalnih in varnostnih služb Druge komisije Komisija za peticije ter za človekove 49 98 - - - pravice in enake možnosti Komisija za odnose s Slovenci v 55 7 - - - zamejstvu in po svetu Komisija po Zakonu o preprečevanju 8 - - - - korupcije Ustavna komisija 6 4 5 - - Odbori Odbor za gospodarstvo 168 41 - - - Odbor za promet 84 3 - - 1 Odbor za okolje in prostor 37 - - - - Odbor za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in 71 69 - 2 1 prehrano Odbor za finance in monetarno 85 32 - - - politiko Odbor za zunanjo politiko 11 - - - - Odbor za notranjo politiko, javno 99 20 - - 1 upravo in pravosodje Odbor za lokalno samoupravo in 30 - - - - regionalni razvoj Odbor za obrambo 64 - - 1 - Odbor za zdravstvo 88 6 - - - Odbor za delo, družino, socialno 184 45 - - - politiko in invalide Odbor za kulturo, šolstvo in šport 34 19 - 1 1 Odbor za visoko šolstvo, znanost in 109 - - - - tehnološki razvoj Odbor za zadeve Evropske unije 136 - - - - SKUPAJ 1365 351 5 4 4

Vir: Podatki, ki so jih zagotovili sekretarke in sekretarji delovnih teles, ter podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora. 42 5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA

Tabela št. 5.6: Podatki o delu delovnih teles (zakoni in drugi akti)

ZAKONI DELOVNO TELO Veta Obrav. DS Dru- Sku- Veto DS MDT ZDT NUJ SKR mne- ne gi paj podpira nja DS podpi- akti ra Komisije po 35. členu poslovnika Mandatno-volilna komisija ------107 Komisija za poslovnik ------Komisija za narodni skupnosti 4 - 4 - 1 - - - 2 Komisija za nadzor proračuna in 5 2 3 5 - - - - 1 drugih javnih financ Komisija za nadzor obveščevalnih in 6 3 3 - 1 - - - 1 varnostnih služb Druge komisije Komisija za peticije ter za človekove 7 - 7 1 2 3 - - 1 pravice in enake možnosti Komisija za odnose s Slovenci v 4 - 4 ------zamejstvu in po svetu Komisija po Zakonu o preprečevanju ------korupcije Ustavna komisija ------3 Odbori Odbor za gospodarstvo 18 18 - - 8 9 1 - 2 Odbor za promet 16 13 3 4 4 7 - - 6 Odbor za okolje in prostor 5 5 - - 1 9 - - 4 Odbor za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in 9 9 - - 2 1 1 - 3 prehrano Odbor za finance in monetarno 29 29 - 6 7 12 - - 6 politiko Odbor za zunanjo politiko 50 48 2 45 - 4 - - 24 Odbor za notranjo politiko, javno 42 42 - 10 15 19 - - 5 upravo in pravosodje Odbor za lokalno samoupravo in 5 4 1 2 - 4 - - 2 regionalni razvoj Odbor za obrambo 4 4 - - 1 2 - - 2 Odbor za zdravstvo 8 8 - - 2 4 - - 5 Odbor za delo, družino, socialne 18 18 - 1 7 12 4 - 7 zadeve in invalide Odbor za kulturo, šolstvo in šport 14 12 2 1 8 11 1 - 4 Odbor za visoko šolstvo, znanost in 5 5 - 2 1 4 2 - 6 tehnološki razvoj Odbor za zadeve Evropske unije ------2 SKUPAJ 249 220 29 77 60 101 9 - 193

Vir: Podatki, ki so jih zagotovili sekretarke in sekretarji delovnih teles. Legenda: MDT Matično delovno telo - v tabeli: število zakonov, ki jih je delovno telo obravnavalo kot matično. ZDT Zainteresirano delovno telo - v tabeli: število zakonov, ki jih je delovno telo obravnavalo kot zainteresirano. NUJ Nujni postopek - v tabeli: število zakonov, ki jih je delovno telo obravnavalo v nujnem postopku. SKR Skrajšani postopek - v tabeli: število zakonov, ki jih je delovno telo obravnavalo v skrajšanem postopku. DS Državni svet Republike Slovenije. 5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 43

Tabela št. 5.7: Podatki o delu delovnih teles (amandmaji)

AMANDMAJI DELOVNO TELO Amandmaji v nujnem, skrajšanem postopku Uskladitveni Amandmaji MDT Amandmaji ZDT in v post. ratifikacije amandmaji mednarodnih pogodb Komisije po 35. členu poslovnika Mandatno-volilna komisija - - - - Komisija za poslovnik - - - - Komisija za narodni skupnosti - - - - Komisija za nadzor proračuna in 1 - 1 - drugih javnih financ Komisija za nadzor obveščevalnih in 6 - 6 - varnostnih služb Druge komisije Komisija za peticije ter za človekove - - - - pravice in enake možnosti Komisija za odnose s Slovenci v - 2 - - zamejstvu in po svetu Komisija po Zakonu o preprečevanju - - - - korupcije Ustavna komisija - - - - Odbori Odbor za gospodarstvo 314 - 31 - Odbor za promet 78 - 78 - Odbor za okolje in prostor 192 - - - Odbor za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in 115 - 11 - prehrano Odbor za finance in monetarno 363 - 83 - politiko Odbor za zunanjo politiko 31 - 6 - Odbor za notranjo politiko, javno 173 - 73 - upravo in pravosodje Odbor za lokalno samoupravo in 17 - - - regionalni razvoj Odbor za obrambo 21 - - - Odbor za zdravstvo 35 - 8 - Odbor za delo, družino, socialne 145 - 38 - zadeve in invalide Odbor za kulturo, šolstvo in šport 60 - 18 - Odbor za visoko šolstvo, znanost in 19 - 6 - tehnološki razvoj Odbor za zadeve Evropske unije - - - - SKUPAJ 1570 2 359 -

Vir: Podatki, ki so jih zagotovili sekretarke in sekretarji delovnih teles. Legenda: Amandmaji MDT Skupno število amandmajev, ki jih je delovno telo vložilo kot matično delovno telo. Amandmaji ZDT Skupno število amandmajev, ki jih je delovno telo vložilo kot zainteresirano delovno telo. 44 5 DELOVNA TELESA IN DRUGE OBLIKE DELOVANJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA

5.4 Preiskovalne komisije

Na podlagi 93. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije in v skladu Zakonu o državnem tožilstvu (Uradni list RS št. 110/02 - z določili zakona in poslovnika o parlamentarni preiskavi, uradno prečiščeno besedilo) za spremembo zakonodaje Državni zbor odredi preiskavo o zadevah javnega pomena in za druge odločitve v skladu z ustavnimi pristojnostmi ter imenuje preiskovalno komisijo. Državnega zbora. Predlagatelj zahteve za uvedbo parlamentarne preiskave je Državni svet. V letu 2006 sta z delom nadaljevali dve preiskovalni komisiji, ki sta bili ustanovljeni v letu 2005. Število članov in sestava PK 2 - Preiskovalna komisija Državnega zbora Republike po poslanskih skupinah se v letu 2006 nista spremenila, Slovenije za ugotovitev politične odgovornosti nosilcev zato veljajo podatki ob ustanovitvi preiskovalnih komisij. javnih funkcij v zvezi z domnevnim oškodovanjem državnega premoženja pri prodaji deležev Kapitalske PK 1 - Preiskovalna komisija Državnega zbora Republike družbe d.d. in Slovenske odškodninske družbe d. d. v Slovenije za ugotovitev in oceno dejanskega stanja, ki gospodarskih družbah in sicer tako, da zajema preiskava vse je lahko podlaga za odločanje o politični odgovornosti prodaje, ki so sporne z vidika skladnosti z zakoni in drugimi nosilcev javnih funkcij v Vladi Republike Slovenije, na predpisi ter z vidikov preglednosti in gospodarnosti. Ministrstvu za pravosodje in Vrhovnem državnem tožilstvu Preiskava je bila odrejena na zahtevo skupine poslancev. Republike Slovenije v zvezi z izvrševanjem nadzora po

Tabela: 5.8: Delo preiskovalnih komisij v letu 2006

DEJAVNOSTI PREISKOVALNIH PK 1 PK 2 KOMISIJ Pripravljalna preiskovalna dejanja - št. oseb - - - trajanje Število zaslišanih prič 11 18 Trajanje zaslišanj 15 ur in 40 minut 10 ur in 5 minut Število postavljenih izvedencev - - Obseg pisne dokumentacije (št. fasciklov) 25 40 Podatki o uporabi prisilnih ukrepov - - Vmesno oz. končno poročilo (sprejem) - -

Vir: Dokumentacija preiskovalnih komisij, zajeto 19.1.2007

5.5 Druge oblike delovanja poslancev Državnega zbora

Med drugimi oblikami delovanja poslancev Državnega leta 2006 skupaj 48 skupin prijateljstva. Predstavljene so v zbora je najprej treba omeniti stalne delegacije 8. poglavju - Mednarodna dejavnost. v mednarodnih parlamentarnih institucijah in v mednarodnih organizacijah; 31.12.2006 je delovalo osem V DZ RS deluje tudi parlamentarna skupina - GLOBE tovrstnih delegacij. Njihova dejavnost je prikazana v 8. Slovenija - prostovoljna oblika delovanja članov poglavju - Mednarodna dejavnost. parlamentov na področju varovanja okolja in trajnostnega razvoja. Sestavljajo jo poslanci Državnega zbora in člani Poleg tega delujejo v Državnem zboru tudi skupine Državnega sveta. prijateljstva s posameznimi državami, in sicer je bilo konec 6 POSLANSKE SKUPINE 46 6 POSLANSKE SKUPINE

6.1 Sestava poslanskih skupin in spremembe v sestavi

V nadaljevanju prikazujemo sestavo poslanskih skupin da je pred imenom in priimkom poslanca postavljena (vodje, namestnike in člane) in spremembe - stanje na zaporedna številka; dan 30.12.2006. Sestavo poslanskih skupin prikazujemo v - v drugem stolpcu so navedena imena in priimki tabelah 6.1 do 6.8, in sicer: posameznih poslancev, ki poslansko skupino - v prvem stolpcu je navedena funkcija, ki jo ima posameznik sestavljajo; v poslanski skupini (vodja, namestnik, član). Aktualno - v tretjem stolpcu (tabele ga vsebujejo le, če je prišlo do stanje v sestavi na dan 30.12.2006 je prikazano tako, sprememb v sestavi v letu 2006) je navedena sprememba v sestavi (čas trajanja določene funkcije).

Tabela št. 6.1: Poslanska skupina Slovenske demokratske Tabela 6.2: Poslanski klub Liberalne stranke demokracije Slovenije

POSLANSKA SKUPINA POSLANSKA SKUPINA POSLANSKI KLUB SPREMEMBE SLOVENSKE DEMOKRATSKE STRANKE LIBERALNE DEMOKRACIJE SLOVENIJE 1. Vodja Jože TANKO 1. Vodja mag. Anton ROP 2. Namestnik Mitja LJUBELJŠEK 2. Namestnica Majda ŠIRCA 3. Namestnik Rudolf PETAN 3. Namestnik mag. Milan M. CVIKL Člani: Člani: 4. France CUKJATI 4. Anton ANDERLIČ 5. Zvone ČERNAČ 5. Geza DŽUBAN 6. Polonca DOBRAJC 6. dr. Slavko GABER 7. Ivan GRILL 7. dr. Pavel GANTAR 8. Mag. Branko GRIMS 8. Ljubo GERMIČ 9. Bojan HOMAN Od 25.10.2006 9. Aleš GULIČ 10. Robert HROVAT 10. Miran JERIČ 11. Srečko HVAUC 11. dr. Matej LAHOVNIK 12. Eva IRGL 12. Darja LAVTIŽAR BEBLER 13. Franc JAZBEC 13. Rudolf MOGE 14. Alenka JERAJ 14. dr. Marko PAVLIHA 15. Jožef JEROVŠEK 15. Milan PETEK 16. Dimitrij KOVAČIČ 16. Alojz POSEDEL 17. Danijel KRIVEC 17. mag. Borut SAJOVIC 18. Branko MARINIČ 18. dr. Mitja SLAVINEC 19. Stane PAJK 19. Jožef ŠKOLČ 20. Miro PETEK 20. Matjaž ŠVAGAN 21. Marijan POJBIČ 21. Davorin TERČON 22. Franc PUKŠIČ 22. Vili TROFENIK 23. Bojan RUGELJ 23. Cvetka ZALOKAR ORAŽEM Pavel RUPAR Do 23.10.2006 Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006. 24. Bojan STARMAN 25. Franc SUŠNIK 26. Mag. Tomaž ŠTEBE 27. Rudi VERŠNIK 28. Bogomir ZAMERNIK 29. Milenko ZIHERL

Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006. 47 6 POSLANSKE SKUPINE

Tabela 6.3: Poslanska skupina Socialnih Tabela 6.4: Poslanska skupina Nove demokratov Slovenije

POSLANSKA SKUPINA SOCIALNIH DEMOKRATOV POSLANSKA SKUPINA SPREMEMBE 1. Vodja Miran POTRČ NOVE SLOVENIJE 2. Namestnik Samo BEVK 1. Vodja Jožef HORVAT Od 13.12.2006. Člani: 3. Matjaž HAN mag. Franc Od 1.12.2006 do Vodja 4. Franc (Feri) HORVAT CAPUDER 1.12.2006. Od 7.12.2004 do 5. Aurelio JURI Vodja Alojz SOK 1.12.2006. 6. Bojan KONTIČ 2. Namestnik Alojz SOK Od 1.12.2006. 7. Dušan KUMER mag. Franc Od 5.4.2006 do 8. Breda PEČAN Namestnik CAPUDER 1.12.2006. 9. mag. Majda POTRATA Člani 10. Janko VEBER 3. mag. Janez DROBNIČ Od 5.12.2006. Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006. 4. Anton KOKALJ 5. Drago KOREN Mojca KUCLER 6. Tabela 6.5: Poslanska skupina DOLINAR Slovenske ljudske stranke 7. Martin MIKOLIČ 8. Ciril TESTEN 9. Marjetka UHAN POSLANSKA SKUPINA SLOVENSKE LJUDSKE STRANKE Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006. 1. Vodja Jakob PRESEČNIK 2 . Namestnik Josip BAJC 3. Stanislav BRENČIČ Tabela 6.6: Poslanska skupina 4. Kristijan JANC Slovenske nacionalne 5. Franc KANGLER stranke 6. mag. Janez KRAMBERGER 7. Mihael PREVC POSLANSKA SKUPINA SLOVENSKE NACIONALNE STRANKE Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006. 1. Vodja Zmago JELINČIČ PLEMENITI Člani: 2. Bogdan BAROVIČ 3. Sašo PEČE 4. Srečko PRIJATELJ 5. Boštjan ZAGORAC 6. Barbara ŽGAJNER TAVŠ

Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006. 48 6 POSLANSKE SKUPINE

Tabela 6.7: Poslanska skupina Tabela 6.8: Poslanski skupini Demokratične stranke italijanske in madžarske upokojencev Slovenije narodne skupnosti


Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006.

6.1.1 Struktura poslank in poslancev po spolu, starosti in izobrazbi (po poslanskih skupinah)

V tabelah od 6.9 do 6.11 prikazujemo strukturo poslancev po spolu, starostni strukturi in izobrazbi po poslanskih skupinah.

Tabela št 6.9: Struktura po spolu – po poslanskih skupinah

POSLANSKA SDS LDS SD NSi SLS SNS DeSUS NS SKUPAJ SKUPINA SKUPAJ 29 23 10 9 7 6 4 2 90 POSLANKE 3 3 2 2 - 1 - 1 12 POSLANCI 26 20 8 7 7 5 4 1 78

Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006.

Tabela št. 6.10: Starostna struktura po poslanskih skupinah

POSLANSKA 70 in več Do 30 let 30-39 let 40-49 let 50- 59 let 60-69 let Skupaj SKUPINA let ŠTE- ŠTE- ŠTE- ŠTE- ŠTE- ŠTE- ŠTE- % % % % % % % VILO VILO VILO VILO VILO VILO VILO SDS - - 4 14 11 38 12 41 2 7 - - 29 100 LDS - - 1 4 12 52 7 30 3 13 - - 23 100 SD - - 1 10 2 20 4 40 3 30 - - 10 100 NSi - - 1 11 6 67 2 22 - - - - 9 100 SLS - - - - 4 57 3 43 - - - - 7 100 SNS - - 3 50 4 67 2 33 - - - - 6 100 DeSUS ------1 25 2 50 1 25 4 100 NS - - - - - 1 50 1 50 - - 2 100 SKUPAJ - - 10 11 36 40 32 36 11 12 1 1 90 100

Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006. 6 POSLANSKE SKUPINE 49

Tabela št. 6.11: Izobrazbena struktura po poslanskih skupinah

VISOKA STROKOVNA USPOSOBLJENOST VIŠJA SREDNJA POSLANSKA STROKOVNA STROKOVNA SKUPAJ SKUPINA Doktorji Magistri Drugi USPOSOBLJE- USPOSOBLJE- NOST NOST Število % Število % Število % Število % Število % Število % SDS - - 2 7 16 55 3 10 8 28 29 100 LDS 5 22 3 13 10 43 3 13 2 9 23 100 SD - - 1 10 5 50 1 10 3 30 10 100 NSi - - 1 11 7 78 - - 1 11 9 100 SLS - - 1 14 1 14 4 57 1 14 7 100 SNS - - - - 2 33 2 33 2 33 6 100 DeSUS - - 2 50 1 25 - - 1 25 4 100 NS ------1 50 1 50 2 100 SKUPAJ 5 6 10 11 42 47 14 16 19 21 90 100

Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija - službe, 30.12.2006.

6.2 Dejavnost poslanskih skupin

6.2.1 Poslanske skupine na zasedanjih Državnega zbora

Tabela št. 6.12: Skupno število nastopov po poslanskih skupinah na rednih sejah Državnega zbora

POSLANSKA ŠTEVILO ŠTEVILO V IMENU PS PROCEDURALNO SKUPAJ SKUPINA RAZPRAV REPLIK SDS 665 35 224 14 938 LDS 1212 101 304 102 1719 SD 618 42 259 17 936 NSi 394 27 209 7 637 SLS 211 14 182 9 416 SNS 376 22 204 46 648 DeSUS 105 3 172 5 285 NS 9 - 18 1 28

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora, Podatkovne zbirke Raziskovalno-dokumentacijskega sektorja, zajeto 25.1.2007. 50 6POSLANSKE SKUPINE

Tabela št. 6.13 Skupno število nastopov po poslanskih skupinah na izrednih sejah Državnega zbora

POSLANSKA ŠTEVILO ŠTEVILO V IMENU PS PROCEDURALNO SKUPAJ SKUPINA RAZPRAV REPLIK SDS 181 16 32 10 239 LDS 291 38 48 24 401 SD 124 9 34 4 171 NSi 84 8 28 3 123 SLS 45 2 26 2 75 SNS 81 5 25 13 124 DeSUS 23 1 27 1 52 NS 2 - 1 1 4

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora - podatkovne zbirke Raziskovalno-dokumentacijskega sektorja, zajeto 25.1.2007.

Graf 6.1: Skupno število nastopov po PS na rednih in izrednih sejah.

2120 2200




1400 1177 1200 1107

1000 760 772 800

600 491 337 400

200 32



Tabela št. 6.14: Prekinitve sej

PREKINITVE SEJ REDNE SEJE IZREDNE SEJE SKUPAJ Prekinitve: Na zahtevo PS SDS 2 3 5 Na zahtevo PS LDS 7 - 7 Na zahtevo PS SD 1 - 1 Na zahtevo PS NSi - - - Na zahtevo PS SLS 2 - 2 Na zahtevo PS SNS 2 1 3 Na zahtevo PS DeSUS 1 - 1 Na zahtevo PS NS - - - SKUPAJ 14 4 18

Vir: Podatki Sekretariata Državnega zbora.

Graf št. 6.2: Razmerja med zahtevami za prekinitev sej po poslanskih skupinah

Na zahtevo PS DeSUS 5% Na zahtevo PS SNS Na zahtevo PS SDS 16% 26%

Na zahtevo PS SLS 11%

Na zahtevo PS SD 5% Na zahtevo PS LDS 37% 52 6 POSLANSKE SKUPINE

Tabela št. 6.15: Obstrukcije

OBSTRUKCIJE REDNE SEJE IZREDNE SEJE SKUPAJ SDS - - - LDS 9 4 13 SD 4 2 6 NSi - - - SLS - - - SNS 6 2 8 DeSUS 2 - 2 NS - - - SKUPAJ 21 8 29

Vir: Podatki Sekretariata Državnega zbora.

6.2.2 Predlagani in sprejeti zakoni po poslanskih skupinah

Tabela št. 6. 16: Število predlaganih, sprejetih in nesprejetih zakonov ter nepopolnih predlogov zakonov po poslanskih skupinah


Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, zajeto 19.1.2007. Opomba: * Šteto po prvopodpisanem predlagatelju. 6 POSLANSKE SKUPINE 53

6.2.3 Zahteve za splošno razpravo po poslanskih skupinah

Tabela št. 6.17 : Zahteve za splošno razpravo po poslanskih skupinah

POSLANSKA Vladni zakoni Poslanski zakoni SKUPINA Prvopodpisana Prvopodpisana Sopodpisniki Sopodpisniki PS PS SDS 8 - - - LDS 12 - 1 - SD 12 1 - - NSi - 7 - - SLS - 7 - - SNS - - - - DeSUS - 7 - - NS - - - - SKUPAJ 32 22 1 -

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, zajeto 7.2.2007. Opomba: Stolpec Prvopodpisana prikazuje število zahtev za splošno razpravo, ki jih je dala posamezna poslanska skupina, kot prvopodpisana, stolpec Sopodpisniki pa prikazuje zahteve za splošno razpravo, ki jih je dala posamezna poslanska skupina, kot neprvopodpisana.

6.2.4 Poraba časa glede na rednih in izrednih sejah po poslanskih skupinah

Poraba časa, ki pomeni delež dejansko porabljenega časa na prijavljen čas razprave, je prikazana za redne seje po poslanskih skupinah v grafu 6.3, za izredne seje pa v grafu 6.4.

Graf 6.3: Poraba časa za razpravo na rednih sejah, po poslanskih skupinah

NS; 11% DeSUS; 55% SDS; 63%

SNS; 54% LDS; 73%

SLS; 46%

SD ; 80% NSi; 67% 54 6 POSLANSKE SKUPINE

Graf 6.4: Poraba časa za razpravo na izrednih sejah, po poslanskih skupinah

NS; 5% DeSUS; 55% SDS; 82%

SNS; 71%

LDS; 93%

SLS; 58% SD; 34% NSi; 74%

6.2.5 Predlagani amandmaji po poslanskih skupinah

V tabeli 6.18 je prikazano število predlaganih amandmajev k zakonom in aktom, ki so jih dali en ali več poslanec kot posameznik, v tabeli 6.19 pa je prikazano število predlaganih amandmajev k aktom in zakonom, ki so jih dali ena ali več poslanskih skupin.

Tabela št. 6.18: Število predlaganih amandmajev k zakonom in aktom skupaj po predlagateljih

POSLANSKA SKUPINA P PP SKUPAJ SDS 1 1 2 LDS 37 5 42 SD 86 15 101 NSi 10 - 10 SLS 8 - 8 SNS 44 - 44 DeSUS 18 3 21 NS - - - SKUPAJ 204 24 228

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, zajeto 10.1.2007. Legenda: P Predlagatelj je poslanec. PP Prvopodpisani predlagatelj je iz poslanske skupine. 6 POSLANSKE SKUPINE 55

Tabela št. 6.19: Število predlaganih amandmajev k zakonom in aktom skupaj po predlagateljih – poslanskih skupinah in različnih kategorijah (sama PS, z drugimi PS)


SDS 1 1002 6 LDS 462 21 16 SD 349 16 40 NSi 1 4 1003 SLS - 9 951 SNS 54 - 2 DeSUS 74 3 884 NS 3 - -

Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora, zajeto 10.1.2007. Opomba: Stolpec sama prikazuje število predlaganih amandmajev, ki jih je vložila ena sama poslanska skupina, stolpca prvopodpisana in neprvopodpisana pa prikazujeta število predlaganih amandmajev, ki sta jih vložili najmanj dve poslanski skupini. Stolpec prvopodpisana prikazuje število amandmajev, pri katerih je posamezna poslanska skupina pri vložitvi amandmajev bila prvopodpisana, stolpec neprvopodpisana pa število amandmajev, pri katerih posamezna poslanska skupina pri vložitvi amandmajev ni bila prvopodpisana.

Graf št. 6.5: Število predlaganih amandmajev k zakonom in aktom skupaj po predlagateljih – poslanskih skupinah in različnih kategorijah (sama PS, z drugimi PS)








Sama Z drugimi - prvopodpisana Z drugimi - neprvopodpisana 56 6 POSLANSKE SKUPINE

6.2.6 Poslanska vprašanja in pobude po poslanskih skupinah

Tabela št. 6.20: Število poslanskih vprašanj in pobud po poslanskih skupinah v letu 2006


Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora, zajeto 18.1.2007. Opombi: Podatki so zajeti na dan 18.1.2007. Treba je upoštevati, da se lahko število odgovorjenih oziroma neodgovorjenih poslanskih vprašanj in pobud naknadno še spremeni - poveča število odgovorov. Zahteva za dopolnitev odgovora je v statistiki upoštevana kot samostojno vprašanje.

Od skupaj postavljenih 764 vprašanj in pobud je bilo postavljenih 605 vprašanj, 138 pobud in 21 zahtev za dopolnitev odgovora.

Graf št. 6.6: Struktura postavljenih poslanskih pobud in vprašanj po poslanskih skupinah

DeSUS NS SDS 2% 1% 4% LDS 23%

SNS 43%


Graf št. 6.7: Odstotek neodgovorjenih poslanskih pobud in vprašanj po poslanskih skupinah








6.3 Poslanske skupine in delovna telesa

V tabeli 6.21 je prikazana zastopanost poslanskih skupin v delovnih telesih, in sicer stanje na dan 31.12.2006.

Tabela št. 6.21: Zastopanost poslanskih skupin v delovnih telesih - stanje na dan 31.12.2006

NAZIV DELOVNEGA POSLANSKA SKUPINA TELESA SDS LDS SD NSi SLS SNS DeSUS NS Komisije po 35. členu poslovnika DZ: Mandatno-volilna komisija 6 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 Komisija za poslovnik 2 2 1 1 1 - - - Komisija za narodni skupnosti 1 1 1 1 - - - 2 Komisija za nadzor proračuna in drugih javnih financ 2 2 1 1 1 - - - Komisija za nadzor obveščevalnih in varnostnih služb 1 2 1 1 1 1 - - Druge komisije: Komisija za peticije ter za človekove pravice in enake možnosti 3 2 1 1 - - - - Komisija za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Komisija po Zakonu o preprečevanju korupcije 2 2 1 1 - 1 - - Ustavna komisija 7 6 3 2 2 1 1 - 58 6 POSLANSKE SKUPINE

Nadaljevanje tabele št. 6.21

NAZIV DELOVNEGA POSLANSKA SKUPINA TELESA SDS LDS SD NSi SLS SNS DeSUS NS Odbori: Odbor za gospodarstvo 5 4 2 2 1 1 1 - Odbor za promet 6 4 2 1 2 1 1 - Odbor za okolje in prostor 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 - Odbor za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano 4 3 1 2 1 1 - 1 Odbora za finance in monetarno politiko 4 4 1 2 1 1 1 - Odbor za zunanjo politiko 7 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 Odbor za notranjo politiko, javno upravo in pravosodje 5 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 Odbor za lokalno samoupravo in regionalni razvoj 5 4 2 1 1 1 1 - Odbor za obrambo 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 - Odbor za zdravstvo 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 - Odbor za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in invalide 6 4 2 1 1 1 1 - Odbor za kulturo, šolstvo in šport 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 Odbor za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnološki razvoj 5 4 1 1 1 1 - - Odbor za zadeve Evropske unije 6 5 1 1 1 1 1 -

Vir: Sklepi Kolegija predsednika Državnega zbora. 7 KOLEGIJ PREDSEDNIKA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 60 7 Kolegij predsednika državnega zbora

Kolegij predsednika Državnega zbora je posvetovalno telo predsednika Državnega zbora. V primerih, ki jih v 21. členu določa poslovnik, pa je kolegij pristojen tudi za odločanje.

Tabela 7.1: Število sej kolegija predsednika Državnega zbora


Vir: Podatkovne zbirke Državnega zbora, zajeto 18.1.2007.

Poleg sej kolegija predsednik z namenom pridobivanja informacij in zaradi posvetovanj uporablja tudi druge oblike dela (npr. sestanki, posveti, delovni razgovori), ki pa niso odprte za javnost. 8 MEDNARODNA DEJAVNOST 62 8 MEDNARODNA DEJAVNOST

Sodelovanje s predstavniškimi telesi drugih držav, Posebej prikazujemo tudi protokolarne obiske. Obiski z mednarodnimi parlamentarnimi institucijami ter skupin prijateljstva, ki so navedenina koncu tega poglavja, z mednarodnimi organizacijami in mednarodnimi so vključeni v sklop bilateralnih obiskov. telesi prikazujemo po posameznih sklopih. Ti sklopi so: multilateralne parlamentarne institucije, odnosi z Državni zbor ima svoje delegacije v osmih mednarodnih Evropsko unijo, Kvadrilaterala in druga multilateralna parlamentarnih institucijah. Njihova dejavnost je zajeta v srečanja, bilateralni obiski v tujini in v Republiki Sloveniji. tabeli 8.1.

Tabela št. 8.1: Dejavnost na področju multilateralnih parlamentarnih institucij

PARLAMENTARNE INSTITUCIJE ŠTEVILO PARLAMENTARNA SKUPŠČINA SVETA EVROPE Zasedanja skupščine 4 Sestanki odborov 16 Drugo 1 PARLAMENTARNA KONFERENCA SREDNJEEVROPSKE POBUDE - Parlamentarni odbor - Parlamentarna skupščina - Drugo PARLAMENTARNA SKUPŠČINA ORGANIZACIJE ZA VARNOST IN SODELOVANJE V EVROPI (OVSE) Zasedanja skupščine 3 Opazovanje volitev 3 Drugo 10 PARLAMENTARNA SKUPŠČINA ORGANIZACIJE SEVERNOATLANTSKE POGODBE (NATO) Zasedanja skupščine 2 Sestanki odborov in pododborov 7 Drugo 2 SKUPŠČINA ZAHODNOEVROPSKE UNIJE Zasedanja skupščine 2 Sestanki odborov 15 Drugo 1 INTERPARLAMENTARNA UNIJA Zasedanja skupščine 2 Drugo 2 EVRO-MEDITERANSKA PARLAMENTARNA SKUPŠČINA Zasedanja skupščine 1 Sestanki odborov 1 PARLAMENTARNA SKUPŠČINA MEDITERANSKIH DRŽAV Zasedanja skupščine 1 Drugo -

Vir: Oddelek za mednarodno dejavnost, protokol in prevajanje.

Tabela št. 8.2: Odnosi z Evropsko unijo

DEJAVNOSTI ŠTEVILO Evropski parlament 5 Drugo (obiski, razgovori, COSAC, seminarji) 7

Vir: Odbor za zadeve Evropske unije. 63 8 MEDNARODNA DEJAVNOST

Tabela št. 8.3: Dejavnost na področju Tabela št. 8.5: Bilateralni obiski v Kvadrilaterale in drugih Republiki Sloveniji multilateralnih srečanj DRŽAVE ŠTEVILO OBISKOV DEJAVNOSTI ŠTEVILO Avstralija 1 Kvadrilateralna srečanja - Avstrija 2 Druga multilateralna BiH 2 58 srečanja Bolgarija 1 Od tega v Sloveniji 3 Ciper 1 Druga srečanja 25 Evropski parlament 3 Vir: Oddelek za mednarodno dejavnost, protokol in prevajanje. Finska 1 Francija 2 Irska 1 Tabela št. 8.4: Bilateralni obiski v tujini Italija 2 Japonska 2

DRŽAVE ŠTEVILO OBISKOV Kanada 1 Argentina 1 Litva 1 Bolgarija 1 Luksemburg 1 Brazilija 1 Madžarska 2 Estonija 1 Makedonija 2 Finska 1 Nemčija 5 Japonska 1 Nizozemska 1 Kanada 1 Poljska 1 Kitajska 1 Rusija 1 Luksemburg 1 Slovaška 2 Nemčija 4 Srbija 1 Poljska 1 Srbija in Črna gora 1 Romunija 1 Švedska 1 Rusija 1 Turčija 1 Srbija in Črna gora 1 Velika Britanija 3 Turčija 1 SKUPAJ 42

Urugvaj 1 Vir: Oddelek za mednarodno dejavnost, protokol in prevajanje. Vatikan 1 Velika Britanija 3 SKUPAJ 23 Tabela št. 8.6: Protokolarni obiski

Vir: Oddelek za mednarodno dejavnost, protokol in prevajanje. Opomba: DEJAVNOSTI ŠTEVILO Upoštevani so obiski, katerih gostitelji so bili tuji parlamenti, Protokolarni dogodki 63 srečanja, ki so potekala ob robu multilateralnih srečanj, niso upoštevana. Sprejemi 104 Vir: Oddelek za mednarodno dejavnost, protokol in prevajanje. Opomba: Pri sprejemih so upoštevani sprejemi veleposlanikov, tujih parlamentarcev in drugih visokih predstavnikov tujih držav. 64 8 MEDNARODNA DEJAVNOST

Skupine prijateljstva

Skupine prijateljstva so neformalne oblike delovanja V Državnem zboru je v letu 2006 delovalo 48 skupin poslancev, ki se glede na interes poslancev za sodelovanje prijateljstva z naslednjimi državami: Argentina, Avstralija, s posameznimi državami oblikujejo v Državnem zboru. Avstrija, Azerbajdžan, Belgija, Bolgarija, Bosna in O ustanovitvi skupin prijateljstva in imenovanju njihovih Hercegovina, Ciper, Češka, Danska, Finska, Francija, predsednikov odloča Odbor za zunanjo politiko. Grčija, Hrvaška, Irska, Islandija, Italija, Izrael, Japonska, Delegacije skupin prijateljstva delujejo praviloma v okviru Kanada, Kitajska, Koreja, Kuba, Latvija, Litva, Luksemburg, programov bilateralnih srečanj predsednika in delovnih Madžarska, Makedonija, Malta, Mehika, Moldavija, teles Državnega zbora. Predsednik skupine prijateljstva Nizozemska, Norveška, Nova Zelandija, Poljska, Romunija, je praviloma dodatno vključen v delegacije, ki obiščejo Rusija, Slovaška, Srbija in Črna gora, Španija, Švedska, Švica, posamezno državo in sodeluje v programu obiska tuje Tunizija, Turčija, Ukrajina, Velika Britanija, ZDA, ZRN. delegacije pri nas. Vir: Oddelek za mednarodno dejavnost, protokol in prevajanje, z dne 19.1.2007. 9 PETICIJE 66 9 peticije

Pritožbe in predloge državljanov, v katerih opozarjajo možnosti, ki ukrepa pri pristojnih organih ter proučuje na določene probleme pri izvajanju zakonov in drugih prošnje, pritožbe in druge pobude splošnega pomena, aktov in se nanašajo na posamične zadeve, obravnava ki jih pošiljajo državljani Državnemu zboru, ter ugotavlja Komisija za peticije ter za človekove pravice in enake vzroke zanje.

Tabela št. 9.1: Število peticij

PETICIJE ŠTEVILO Število peticij 198 Število zaključenih zadev 122

Vir: Komisija za peticije ter za človekove pravice in enake možnosti.

Graf 9.1: Peticije po vsebinskih sklopih

70 65

59 60 58



30 27

21 19 20 14 10 10 6 6 7 5 4 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 0 1 0 1 0 t i v ja e e e je k o ja lo il v v v ice tv i no s e os a v s c ta a rn a n s g na ade ad van a D r iza O r z z zadev ro v p lja t o a e e a e v va h n v v a i i sk l vne lna o ž r jneg j a a za ia r p o n n r o c D , sodn v -p k o ev o e ova S lovek tit tv n no lids č rav r a -komu v a e as p Ž t lo v l S e n ljn z lo sko i e ra r D n , e to i m a D s o e ij ro T c P insk liza jn ona oko i P enac D


V tabeli 10.1 prikazujemo število sprejetih sklepov po posameznih predlagateljih.

Tabela št. 10.1: Število sprejetih sklepov po predlagateljih

PREDLAGATELJ ŠTEVILO Sodni svet Republike Slovenije 66 Predsednik Republike Slovenije 4 Vlada Republike Slovenije 2 Mandatno-volilna komisija 18 Minister za pravosodje 1 Poslanska skupina 7 Kolegij predsednika Državnega zbora 3 SKUPAJ 101

Vir: Mandatno-volilna komisija-službe, 30.12.2006.

Leta 2006 je bilo objavljeno 31 sprememb članov v sestavi delovnih teles.

11 PRORAČUN DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 70 11Proračun Državnega zbora

11.1 Proračun

Tabela št. 11.1: Pregled sprejetega proračuna Državnega zbora in njegove realizacije

v 000 SIT SPREJETI ODSTOTEK KATEGORIJE REALIZACIJA PRORAČUN REALIZACIJE Plače 3.838.602 3.703.065 96,47 Materialni in drugi stroški ter 1.712.792 1.387.163 80,99 drugi odhodki Investicije in investicijsko 714.450 672.225 94,09 vzdrževanje Drugo* 155.731 151.578 97,33 Od tega restavracija in Poročevalec 116.945 98.877 84,55 SKUPAJ 6.421.575 5.914.031 92,10

Vir: Finančno-računovodski oddelek. Legenda: *Drugo obsega namenska sredstva (lastni dejavnosti restavracija in Poročevalec ter druga namenska sredstva - odškodnine in pridobljena evropska sredstva).

11.2 Namenska sredstva

V letu 2006 je bilo iz naslova lastne dejavnosti ustvarjeno za 151 mio SIT prihodkov (restavracija in Poročevalec) in 99 mio odhodkov. Na proračunskih postavkah drugih namenskih sredstev je bilo v proračunu za 68 mio SIT pravic porabe in 53 mio SIT ustvarjenih odhodkov. 12 DRŽAVNI ZBOR REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE V DRUGEM LETU ČETRTEGA MANDATA – NEKAJ UGOTOVITEV GENERALNEGA SEKRETARJA DRŽAVNEGA ZBORA 72 12 državni zbor republike slovenije v drugem letu četrtega mandatat

Če bi hoteli izpostaviti, kaj je bilo v letu 2006 najbolj V letu 2006 je Državni zbor sprejel tudi spremembo značilno za delo Državnega zbora, bi lahko z gotovostjo ustave, in sicer je preoblikoval vsebino 121., 140. in 143. rekli, da je bilo drugo leto mandata zelo dinamično tako člena ustave, s čimer je spremenil ustavne podlage za po obsegu kot tudi po vsebini dela. Še vedno pa je bila ustanovitev pokrajin in za prenos nekaterih pristojnosti dinamika skladna s pričakovanim. Dosedanja praksa na pokrajine. namreč kaže, da so v drugem letu, če ga primerjamo z Predlagatelj zakonov je bila večinoma Vlada Republike ostalimi tremi leti v mandatu, pogoji za delo zakonodajalca Slovenije (od 234 predlaganih zakonov je vlada predlagala najbolj predvidljivi: Državni zbor je že konstituiran, 208 zakonov, poslanci 22 (od teh je Državni zbor sprejel 5 imenovana so vsa delovna telesa, tako da se je v letu 2006 zakonov), Državni svet 2 in volivci enega (5000 volivcev Državni zbor lahko ukvarjal predvsem z vsebinskimi na podlagi 59. člena Zakona o referendumu in ljudski vprašanji in le občasno tudi z organizacijskimi. So pa leto iniciativi). 2006 zaznamovale tudi lokalne volitve, ki so v marsičem Zanimivi so podatki o vrsti postopka, po katerem je vplivale, vsaj posredno, tudi na delo Državnega zbora, še zbor sprejemal akte: 92 zakonov je obravnaval po zlasti pa tistih poslank in poslancev, ki so aktivno sodelovali rednem postopku, 26 po nujnem in 46 po skrajšanem v njih, saj je bila intenzivnost občutno povečana. postopku. Z organizacijskega vidika je treba omeniti začetek priprav Podatki o številu amandmajev so naslednji: predlaganih na predsedovanje Slovenije EU. Državni zbor je sredi leta je bilo 3896 amandmajev, sprejetih pa 2571 amandmajev 2006 imenoval projektno skupino, ki skrbi predvsem ali 66%. za organizacijsko, pa tudi delno vsebinsko plat priprav. V okviru izvajanja volilne funkcije je Državni zbor sprejel Projektna skupina je za odločanje na Kolegiju predsednika 101 sklep. Državnega zbora pripravila dokument s podrobno V obravnavanem obdobju je bilo vloženih 764 poslanskih razčlenitvijo opravil, potrebnih sredstev, kadrov, predlogi vprašanj in pobud. Na 97,1 % vprašanj in pobud (ustnih terminov posameznih sestankov, konferenc itd., ki jih bo in pisnih) so poslanci tudi že prejeli odgovore. Državni zbor kot nacionalni parlament predsedujoče države EU organiziral samostojno oziroma skupaj z V plenarni zasedbi je Državni zbor o zadevah EUodločal na Evropskim parlamentom. Kolegij je predlog potrdil, 15. redni seji, ko je obravnaval Deklaracijo o usmeritvah prav tako pa tudi začel z določitvijo tistih delovnih teles za delovanje Republike Slovenije v institucijah EU v letu Državnega zbora, ki bodo poleg Odbora za evropske 2006 in Poročilo o stanju v EU in položaju Republike zadeve in Odbora za zunanjo politiko še gostila odbore iz Slovenije v njej v letu 2005. Odbor za zadeve EU in Odbor drugih parlamentov, prav tako pa tudi obravnavanih tem. za zunanjo politiko kot pristojni delovni telesi sta zadeve EU obravnavala na 56 sejah, matična delovna telesa pa Za celovit vpogled v delo Državnega zbora v letu 2006 na 33 sejah. povzemamo najbolj značilne statistične podatke. Državni zbor se je sestal na 11 rednih in 12 izrednih sejah, Delovna telesa (9 komisij, 14 odborov) so se sestala ki so trajale 88 dni oziroma 616 ur in 41 minut, kar pomeni na 364 sejah, od tega je bilo 37 % nujnih sej. Seje so v poprečju 63% napovedanega časa; trajale 844 ur. Obravnavala so 1075 točk dnevnega Obravnaval je 368 točk dnevnega reda, pri katerih je reda - 249 zakonov in 193 drugih aktov, vložila so 1570 razpravljalo 1483 razpravljavcev; amandmajev. Izvedla so 4 javne predstavitve mnenj. V Seje so bile prekinjene 57- krat, od tega na zahtevo sestavi delovnih teles je 31-krat prišlo do menjave članov. poslanskih skupin 18- krat; Napovedanih in izvedenih je bilo 29 obstrukcij. Poslanske skupine oziroma poslanci in poslanke so v zakonodajni postopek vložili 22 zakonov (skupaj z Državni zbor je sprejel 67 zakonov, 96 zakonov o ustavnim zakonom 23), od tega je bilo sprejetih le 5, 2244 spremembah in dopolnitvah zakonov, 42 ratifikacij, 93 amandmajev k zakonom in drugim aktom, 764 poslanskih uradnih prečiščenih besedil zakonov, 104 sklepe, 14 vprašanj in pobud. odlokov, 6 resolucij, 3 avtentične razlage in 1 deklaracijo ter proračun za leto 2008 in spremembo proračuna za leto 2007. 73 12 državni zbor republike slovenije v drugem letu četrtega mandatat

Kolegij se je sestal na 36 sejah in obravnaval zadeve iz svoje zbora aktivno sodelovali v dejavnostih parlamentarnih pristojnosti, predvsem pa določal terminske načrte dela skupščin Sveta Evrope, OVSE - Organizacije za varnost Državnega zbora, čas obravnave za posamezne točke in sodelovanje v Evropi, Zahodnoevropske unije, dnevnega reda, odločal o vrsti postopkov obravnave Nata, Mediteranskih dežel, Parlamentarne konference predlogov zakonov. Srednjeevropske pobude, Evro-mediteranske parlamentarne skupščine in v Inter-parlamentarni uniji. Na področju mednarodne dejavnosti je bilo realizirano V Državnem zboru je bilo 167 protokolarnih dogodkov 23 obiskov predstavnikov Državnega zbora v tujini in sprejemov. Delovalo je tudi 48 skupin prijateljstva. in 42 obiskov tujih delegacij v Sloveniji, obsežna dejavnost na področju multilateralnih parlamentarnih Državni zbor je prejel 198 peticij, Komisija za peticije ter institucij, kjer so člani stalnih delegacij Državnega človekove pravice in enake možnosti pa je zaključila 122 zadev.

Generalni sekretar Državnega zbora

mag. Lovro Lončar


1. Podatki Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije: po- 8. Podatki sekretarjev delovnih teles o delu delovnih datkovne zbirke (informacijski sistem v okolju Lotus teles Notes): Seje Državnega zbora, Magnetogrami sej 9. Podatki službe Mandatno-volilne komisije. Državnega zbora, Sprejeti zakoni, Sprejeti akti, Pred- 10. Podatki Zakonodajno-pravne službe. logi zakonov, Predlogi aktov, Zakoni-konec postopka, 11. Podatkovne zbirke Kabineta predsednika Državnega Akti-konec postopka, Prečiščena besedila zakonov, zbora. Poslanske pobude in vprašanja, Postopki pred Us- 12. Podatkovne zbirke in dokumentacija preiskovalnih tavnim sodiščem, Seje delovnih teles, Magnetogrami komisij. sej delovnih teles, Kolegij predsednika DZ, Skupine 13. Podatkovne zbirke Raziskovalnega-dokumentacijskega prijateljstva, Raziskovalne naloge. sektorja. 2. Podatki Državnega sveta Republike Slovenije. 14. Poslovnik Državnega zbora, Državni zbor Republike 3. Podatki Finančno-računovodskega oddelka. Slovenije. 4. Podatki Komisije za peticije ter človekove pravice in 15. Poslovnik o parlamentarni preiskavi, Uradni list RS št. enake možnosti 63/93, 33/03. 5. Podatki Odbora za zadeve Evropske unije. 16. Ustava Republike Slovenije, Uradni list RS št. 33/91, 6. Podatki Oddelka za mednarodno dejavnost, protokol 42/97, 66/00, 24/03, 69/2004 in 68/2006. in prevajanje. 7. Podatki Sekretariata Državnega zbora. REPORT ON NATIONAL ASSEMBLY’S WORK IN THE PARLIAMENTARY TERM 2004 - 2008

SECOND YEAR 2006 REPORT ON NATIONAL ASSEMBLY’S WORK IN THE PARLIAMENTARY TERM 2000-2004; SECOND YEAR: 2006 Collection: Publications of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, issued by the Public Relations Office Editor: Dušan Benko Data gathering and processing: Staff of the Research and Documentation Sector of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia (edited by Igor Zobavnik and Tatjana Krašovec) Address of publisher: National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Šubičeva 4 Phone: + 386 1 478 94 00 Production: Public Relations Office of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia Design and pre-print: Prajs d.o.o., Ljubljana, Print: Printing Office of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia Print run: 300 copies Translation: Nina Barlič 1 INTRODUCTION AND EXPLANATION OF WORKING METHODS 80 1 introduciton and explanation of working methods

This annual report on National Assembly’s work presents According to the existing practice of hitherto annual the activities of the deputies of the National Assembly in the reports, statistical data are indicated in tables and second year of the fourth parliamentary term and covers diagrams. the period between 1 January 2006 and 31 December 2006. The report presents: The following abbreviations are used throughout the - the situation on 31 December 2006, or text: - the changes occurred in and statistical data for 2006. NA RS National Assembly of the Republic of The form and content of this report reflect the already Slovenia established structure of previous reports. The report NC RS National Council of the Republic of comprises the following chapters: Slovenia 1. Introduction and explanation of working DG Deputy group or - as in the case of LDS methods, - deputy club 2. General information, SDS Slovenian Democratic Party 3. Sessions of the National Assembly, LDS Liberal Democracy of Slovenia 4. The National Assembly and EU affairs, SD Social Democrats 5. Working bodies and other structures of the NSi New Slovenia National Assembly, SLS Slovene People’s Party 6. Deputy groups, SNS Slovene National Party 7. The Council of the President of the National DeSUS Democratic Party of Pensioners of Assembly, Slovenia 8. International activity, NC Deputies of the Italian and Hungarian 9. Petitions, national communities 10. Elections and appointments, WBR working body responsible 11. The budget of the National Assembly, WBC working body concerned 12. The National Assembly in the second year of the fourth parliamentary term. The meaning of other abbreviations is explained in the legends after each table. The sign - in the tables means that no such phenomenon exists or that its value is equal to 0.

Data have been obtained from databases of the National Assembly’s information system as well as by secretaries of working bodies and employees of other services of the National Assembly, to whom we are most grateful for their assistance and cooperation. Certain records necessary for the preparation of the report are kept directly by the Research and Documentation Sector. The data gathered have been statistically elaborated and supplemented with graphic representations.

Ljubljana, February 2007

Research and Documentation Sector 2 GENERAL INFORMATION 82 2 GENERAL INFORMATION

At its first session of 22 October 2004, the National Assembly confirmed the election of deputies for the parliamentary term 2004-2008. This chapter presents the changes occurred in the composition of the National Assembly in 2006 and the situation at the end of 2006.

2.1 Changes in the composition of the National Assembly in the second year of the current parliamentary term

The following changes occurred in the composition of the National Assembly in 2006:

- Franc CAPUDER, NSi - ceased to hold the office of - Pavel RUPAR, SDS - presented a statement of resignation deputy (replacing Janez Drobnič) on 1 December 2006; from the office of deputy on 12 October 2006; ceased to hold the office of deputy on 23 October 2006 in - Janez DROBNIČ, NSi - regained the office of deputy accordance with Article 202(3) of the Rules of procedure on 1 December 2006 in accordance with Article 14 of of the National Assembly and Article 9 (1, indent six) and the Deputies Act (ceased to hold the office of Minister (2) of the Deputies Act; Labour, Family and Social Affairs on 1 December 2006); - Bojan HOMAN, SDS - holding the office of deputy since 25 October 2006 to replace Pavel Rupar.

(Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006)

A list of names of all deputies of the National Assembly by deputy groups is provided in Chapter 6 of this Report.

2.2 Deputy groups

Table indicates the number of members per individual deputy group as of 30 December 2006. The activities and other characteristics of deputy groups are presented in more detail in Chapter 6.

Table 2.1: Deputy groups

DEPUTY GROUP NO. OF MEMBERS 1. SDS 29 2. LDS 23 3. SD 10 4. NSi 9 5. SLS 7 6. SNS 6 7. DeSUS 4 8. NS 2

Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006. 2 GENERAL INFORMATION 83

2.3 Some characteristics related to the structure of deputies

At the end of 2006 the structure of deputies according to sex remains unchanged compared to last year. According to data collected on 30 December 2006, the National Assembly comprises 12 female deputies (13 %) and 78 male deputies (87 %).

Table 2.2 indicates that at the end of 2006 there were 36 re-elected deputies who had held such office already in the previous term.

Table 2.2: Number of re-elected deputies

SDS LDS SD NSi SLS SNS DeSUS NC Total 30 Dec. 2006 7 12 8 2 2 3 - 2 36

Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006.

The number of deputies – mayors remains unchanged compared to the previous year, with some changes as regards their distribution per deputy groups (see Table 2.3).

Table 2.3: Number of deputies – mayors

SDS LDS SD NSi SLS SNS DeSUS NC Total 30 Dec. 2006 4 5 2 2 4 1 1 - 19

Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - service, 30 Dec. 2006.

2.4 Leading officials of the National Assembly

No changes regarding the leading officials of the National Assembly occurred in 2006.

President: France CUKJATI, M.D., SDS deputy group

Vice-Presidents: - Vasja KLAVORA, DeSUS deputy group - Sašo PEČE, SNS deputy group - Marko PAVLIHA, LDS deputy group

Secretary General: Lovro LONČAR 84 2 GENERAL INFORMATION

2.5 Deputy offices

Deputy offices of the National Assembly are organised in deputy offices are open on Mondays. Table 2.4 includes accordance with Article 35 of the Deputies Act, a decision data received by the Commission for Mandates and adopted by the Commission for Mandates and Elections, Elections by 30 December 2006. and a decision taken by the deputies. As a general rule,

Table 2.4: Deputy offices of the National Assembly


Table 2.4 continued


Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006. Legend: * One deputy has two deputy offices. ** Two deputies share one deputy office.

2.6 Ratio coalition - opposition, deputies of the Italian and Hungarian national communities

No changes concerning the ratio between coalition and opposition occurred in 2006.


3.1 Sessions of the National Assembly

The National Assembly held 11 regular and 12 extraordinary as individuals or representatives of working bodies of sessions. One regular session was partly closed to the deputy groups, and 974 times by the representatives of public. The sessions lasted 88 days or 617 hours in total. the Government. The floor was taken 8623 times: 7184 times by the deputies

Table 3.1: Regular and extraordinary sessions of the National Assembly

NO. OF NO. OF REGULAR SESSIONS EXTRAORDINARY SESSIONS TOTAL SESSIONS SESSIONS Called on proposal of the Government Called according to work programme or following a decision of the Council 11 8 19 (Art. 57(1) of the Rules of Procedure) of the President of the NA (Art. 58(2) of the Rules of Procedure) Called by the President of the Republic - - (Art. 58(1) of the Rules of Procedure) Called at request of at least 1/4 of deputies (Art. 58(1) of the Rules of 4 4 Procedure) Public session* 11* Public session 12 23* Closed session * 1* Closed session - 1* TOTAL NO. OF EXTRAORD. TOTAL NO. OF REGULAR SESSIONS 11 12 23 SESSIONS Duration in days 69 Duration in days 19 88 Duration in hours and minutes 509:13 Duration in hours and minutes 107:28 616:41 No. of items on the agenda 338 No. of items on the agenda 30 368 No. of items withdrawn 2 No. of items withdrawn - 2 Time utilisation 61% Time utilisation 75% 63% No. of agenda extensions 6 No. of agenda extensions - 6 No. of items postponed to other No. of items postponed to other sessions 1 - 1 sessions No. of secret ballots 1 No. of secret ballots 1 2 No. of speakers 1001 No. of speakers 482 1483 No. of times the floor was taken: No. of times the floor was taken: - by working body responsible 174 - by working body responsible 11 185 - by deputy groups 1391 - by deputy groups 204 1595 - by the Government 839 - by the Government 135 974 - by deputies 4335 - by deputies 1069 5404 - by the National Council 10 - by the National Council 5 15 - by Legisl. and Legal Service 8 - by Legisl. and Legal Service - 8 - by others 25 - by others 2 27

Source of data: Secretariat of the National Assembly, databases of the Research and Documentation Sector. Legend: * The session was partly closed to the public; in the table, it is listed under both public and closed sessions. 3 SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 89

3.2 Adjournments and obstructions

Sessions were adjourned 57-times for various reasons, by (individual) deputy groups and to “other reasons” and the deputy groups announced 29 obstructions (21 at including adjournments proposed by the chairperson, regular and 8 at extraordinary sessions). The reasons for mostly for technical reasons and consultations with the adjournment of sessions are presented in more detail leaders of deputy groups. in Table 3.2. Most often, adjournments were due to requests

Table 3.2: Adjournments and obstructions

NO. OF ADJOURNMENTS REGULAR SESSIONS EXTRAORDINARY SESSIONS TOTAL At request of deputy groups * 14 4 18 To obtain an opinion (of working bodies, of the 1 2 3 Government, of the Legislative and Legal Service) Due to absence (non-cooperation) of the 9 - 9 Government Due to lack of a quorum 4 5 9 Other reasons 13 5 18 TOTAL adjournments 41 16 57 Obstructions 21 8 29

Source of data: Secretariat of the National Assembly, databases of the Research and Documentation Sector. Legend: * A more detailed distribution of adjournments per deputy groups is presented in Chapter 6.

Diagram 3.1: Reasons for adjournments in %

Other reasons At request of deputy 32% groups 32%

To obtain an opinion (of working bodies, Government Due to a lack of a quorum Legislative and Legal Service) 16% Due to absence 5% (non-cooperation) of the Government 16% 90 3 SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

3.2.1 Details concerning obstructions

Most obstructions were announced or presented by LDS or amendments tabled by deputy groups which, (13), followed by SNS (8). The most common reason for consequently, presented an obstruction. obstruction was non-consideration of the proposals

Regular sessions:

15th regular session: 19th regular session: - on 29 March 2006, SNS and LDS presented an obstruction - on 13 July 2006, SNS, DeSUS, LDS and SD announced to item 25 of the agenda: “Draft Act Amending the Health an obstruction to the voting on item 2 of the agenda: Care and Health Insurance Act” (third reading under urgent “Draft Religious Freedom Act” (second reading); reason: procedure); reason: disagreement with the procedure. disagreement with the contents of the draft and non- consideration of proposals. 16th regular session: - on 3 May 2006, SNS and LDS presented an obstruction to 22nd regular session: item 19 of the agenda: “Draft Resolution on the Transport - on 21 November 2006, LDS obstructed the voting on item Policy of the Republic of Slovenia”; reason: disagreement 5 of the agenda: “Draft Public and Private Partnership Act” with the contents and non-consideration of the opinion (second reading); reason: disagreement with the procedure of the opposition. and non-consideration of the amendments tabled. - on the same day, LDS also presented an obstruction to item 17th regular session: 7 of the agenda: “Draft Public Procurement Act” (second - on 30 May 2006, SD and LDS obstructed the voting on item reading); reason: disagreement with the contents and non- 23 of the agenda: “Discussion of the Draft Act Amending consideration of the amendments tabled. the Slovenian Intelligence and Security Service Act”, (shortened procedure); reason: disagreement with the 23rd regular session, starting on 14 December 2006: contents of the draft and non-consideration of proposals. - on 19 December 2006, LDS, SD, SNS and DeSUS presented an obstruction to item 5 of the agenda: “Draft Religious 18th regular session: Freedom Act” (third reading); reason: disagreement with - on 21 June 2006, LDS, SD and SNS announced an the contents of the draft. obstruction to item 4 of the agenda: “Draft Act Amending the Employment and Insurance Against Unemployment Extraordinary sessions: Act” (second reading); reason: disagreement with the procedure and non-consideration of the proposed 23rd extraordinary session, starting on 16 November amendments. 2006: - on 16 November 2006, under item 1 of the agenda SNS, - on 21 June 2006, LDS obstructed the voting on item 6 of the LDS and SD announced an obstruction to the voting on the agenda: “Draft Act Amending the Insurance Act” (second Draft Amendments to the State Budget for 2007; reason: reading); reason: disagreement with the procedure and disagreement with the course of the voting and non- non-consideration of the amendments tabled. The same consideration of their proposals. item was obstructed also by SNS; reason: disagreement - on the same day, an obstruction to item 2 of the agenda: with the procedure. “Discussion of the Supplemented Draft State Budget for 2008” was presented by LDS, SD and SNS; same reason as above. - for the same reason, LDS announced an obstruction to item 3 of the agenda: “Discussion of the Draft Act on the Implementation of the State Budget for 2007 and 2008” as well as to item 4 of the agenda: “Discussion of the Draft Ordinance on the Programme of Selling Financial and Physical Assets of the State in 2007 and 2008”. 3 SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 91

3.3 Time utilisation

Time utilisation, i.e. the share of time actually spent compared to the announced duration of a speech or debate, is indicated in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3: Time utilisation compared to the announced duration of a speech or debate

SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY REGULAR EXTRAORDINARY TOTAL** Time utilisation 61% 75% 63% - introductory speeches 65% 63% 64% - proposer* 64% 63% 64% - working body responsible 66% 62% 66% - debates by deputy groups 64% 64% 64% - debates by the proposer 46% 63% 50%

Source of data: Secretariat of the National Assembly. Legend: * The Government or a deputy. ** Weighted arithmetic mean where regular sessions - due to their longer duration - have a greater weight than extraordinary sessions.

Time utilisation per deputy groups at regular and 11% of the announced time. Time utilisation per deputy extraordinary sessions was as follows: SDS 66%, LDS 76%, groups is indicated separately for regular and extraordinary SD 66%, NSi 68%, SLS 48%, SNS 56%, DeSUS 55% and NC sessions in a diagram in Chapter 6.

3.4 Draft and adopted laws and other acts

The tables below indicate all laws and acts adopted by Most of the adopted laws were laws amending other laws the National Assembly between 1 January 2006 and 31 (96), followed by laws introducing a new regulation of a December 2006. The tables also indicate the number of specific issue (67). The number of laws ratifying treaties proposed and adopted laws per proposer and the number was 42. In the same period, 224 other acts were adopted. of adopted laws per type of legislative procedure.

In the above period, the National Assembly adopted 206 laws, including a constitutional act amending the Constitution which the National Assembly adopts by an ordinance pursuant to Article 107 of the Rules of Procedure. 92 3 SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

3.4.1 Adopted laws and other acts

Table 3.4: Adopted laws, amendments Table 3.5: Adopted acts to laws, and ratifications ADOPTED ACTS NO. OF ACTS ADOPTED LAWS NO. OF LAWS Authentic interpretations 3 Constitutional acts 1 Ordinances 14* Laws 67* Rules of Procedure - Laws amending laws 96 Budgets 1 Ratifications 42 Supplementary budgets - TOTAL 206 Decisions 104 Amendments to the budget 1 Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 16 Jan. 2007 Annual financial statements - Legend: Resolutions 6 * The adopted laws also comprise the Religious Freedom Act on Declarations 1 which the National Council requested a new voting. Recommendations 1 Official consolidated texts 93 of laws Table 3.6: Adopted acts - specific Acts on notification - categories TOTAL 224

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 16 Jan. ADOPTED ACTS NO. OF ACTS 2007 - specific categories Legend: National programmes* 4 * The ordinances also comprise the Ordinance Proclaiming the Parliamentary inquiries - Constitutional Act Amending Articles 121, 140 and 243 of the Constitution. Calling of referendums** 1 Reports 1

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 16 Jan. 2007 Legend: * The national programme of social activities and economic infrastructure is adopted as a resolution. ** A referendum is called by an ordinance (Ordinance on the Referendum and Identification of Referendum Areas concerning Establishment of Municipalities and Determination of and/or Changes of Their Respective Territories). 3 SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 93

3.4.2 Number of draft and adopted laws per proposer

Table 3.7: Number of laws per proposer

PROPOSER DRAFT ADOPTED Deputies 23* 5 Government 208 201 National Council 2 - Voters 1 - TOTAL 234 206

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 16 Jan. 2007. Legend: * The laws proposed by deputies also comprise the constitutional act proposed by the Constitutional Commission.

3.4.3 Number of adopted laws per type of legislative procedure

The National Assembly adopted 206 laws: most of them were laws adopted by the regular procedure, 26 were adopted by the urgent procedure, 46 by the shortened procedure, and 42 of them were ratifications.

Table 3.8: Number of adopted laws per type of legislative procedure

ADOPTED LAWS NO. OF LAWS Regular procedure 92* Urgent procedure 26 Shortened procedure 46 Ratification 42 TOTAL 206

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 16 Jan. 2007. Legend:

* The laws adopted by regular procedure also comprise the constitutional act adopted by a two-phase procedure. 94 3 SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

A few facts concerning the readings under regular of Procedure). In 2006, 19 laws or 20.9% of all laws adopted legislative procedure by the regular procedure were adopted in accordance with the above provision. Among the laws adopted by the regular legislative If no amendment to the supplemented draft law is adopted procedure, 89 were proposed by the Government and 2 in the second reading, the National Assembly proceeds by the deputies. to a vote on the law at the same session (Article 139 of the Rules of Procedure). In 2006, the deputies adopted 57 According to the Rules of Procedure, a group of at least 10 laws or 62.6% of all laws adopted by the regular procedure deputies may request a general debate be held during the according to such Article. first reading of a draft law by the regular procedure. Such The second and third readings were held at the same possibility was used by the deputies 32-times in relation session in 83.5% of the cases (76 laws). to 29 laws (32.6%) proposed by the Government (in case of certain laws, several deputy groups separately called for general debate) and one law (50%) proposed by the deputies. The first-signed under the requests for a general 3.5 Amendments debate on laws proposed by the Government were: LDS (12x), SD (12x) and SDS (8x). The requests were co-signed In 2006, a total of 3896 amendments were proposed and by: NSi (7x), SLS (7x), DeSUS (7x) and SD (1x). For the law 2571 adopted. 3483 amendments were proposed to laws proposed by SNS, a general debate was requested by LDS. and 2403 of them were adopted. Considering that 206 Data on the requests for general debate per deputy group laws were adopted, on average 16.91 amendments were are presented in the tables in Chapter 6. proposed and 11.67 adopted to each law.

If in the second reading amendments are adopted to less Table 3.9 shows the amendments proposed and adopted than a tenth of the articles of the supplemented draft law, to draft laws and other acts per proposer, while table the National Assembly may decide to hold the third reading 3.10 shows the amendments in the various stages of the of the draft law at the same session (Article 138 of the Rules legislative procedure, but only to draft laws.

Table 3.9: Number of amendments to draft laws and acts per proposer

PROPOSER PROPOSED ADOPTED LAWS Working body 1469 1433 Deputies* 1922 915 Government 92 55 TOTAL laws 3483 2403 ACTS Working body 89 89 Deputies* 322 77 Government 2 2 TOTAL acts 413 168 LAWS AND ACTS Working body 1558 1522 Deputies* 2244 992 Government 94 57 TOTAL laws and acts 3896 2571

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 10 Jan. 2007. Legend: * Distribution per deputy groups is presented in Chapter 6. 3 SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 95

Table 3.10: Number of amendments to draft laws per stage of procedure

STAGE OF PROCEDURE PROPOSED ADOPTED Regular legislative procedure 2nd reading, WBR, Art. 129, 131 2326 1740 2nd reading, NA, Art. 135(1) 282 109 3rd reading, NA, Art. 140(3) 85 28 3rd reading, NA, Art. 140(5) (harmonising 47 47 amendment) TOTAL regular procedure 2740 1924 Shortened procedure 2nd reading, WBR, Art. 129, 131, 142 456 333 2nd reading, NA, Art. 135 92 23 3rd reading, NA, Art. 140(3) 6 0 3rd reading, NA, Art. 140(6) (harmonising 2 2 amendment) TOTAL shortened procedure 556 358 Urgent procedure 2nd reading, WBR, Art. 129, 131, 142 137 109 2nd reading, NA, Art. 135, 144 38 5 3rd reading, NA, Art. 140(3) 9 4 3rd reading, NA, Art. 140(5) (harmonising - - amendment) TOTAL urgent procedure 184 118 Ratification 3 3 TOTAL laws 3483 2403

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 10 Jan. 2007.

3.6 Parliamentary questions and motions

In 2006, 764 parliamentary questions and motions were In the same period, several proposals (more than 70) to submitted. By 18 January 2007, 742 questions and motions discuss an answer were presented (according to Article were answered while 22 were not. 246 of the Rules of Procedure), and one of them adopted. 96 3 SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

Table 3.11: Number of answered and unanswered parliamentary questions and motions for the coalition, opposition, and deputies of the national communities


Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 18 Jan.2007. Notes: - The data were collected on 18 January 2007. Please note that the number of answered and unanswered parliamentary questions and motions might change at a later stage - the number of answers increases. - For statistical purposes, a request to supplement and answer is counted as a separate question.

Table 3.12: Number of parliamentary questions and motions per addressee

ADDRESSEE NUMBER Government 112 President of the Government 43 Secretary General of the Government - Minister of Finance 49 Minister of the Interior 51 Minister of Foreign Affairs 24 Minister of Justice 40 Minister of Defence 19 Minister of Labour, the Family, and Social Affairs 44 Minister of the Economy 23 Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food 44 Minister of Culture 41 Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning 74 Minister of Transport 65 Minister of Education and Sport 40 Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology 26 Minister of Health 42 Minister of Public Administration 16 Minister for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy 10 Minister without portfolio responsible for Slovenia’s Development Strategy 2

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 18 Jan. 2007. Note: A parliamentary question or motion may be addressed to more than one persons - only the first addressee was taken into account. 3 SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 97

Table 3.12 indicates that most questions and motions were Minister without portfolio, responsible for Coordination addressed on the Government (112), and 43 were addressed and Monitoring of Slovenia’s Development Strategy (2). on the President of the Government. The Minister of the Detailed data on the number of parliamentary questions Environment and Spatial Planning received 74 questions and motions per deputy groups is presented in and motions, and the Minister of Transport 65. The lowest Chapter 6. number of questions and motions was addressed on the

3.7 Motions and requests filed pursuant to the Referendum and Public Initiative Act

Table 3.13: Motions filed pursuant to the Referendum and Public Initiative Act

MOTIONS FILED NUMBER Motion to call an early legislative referendum (Art. 13 of the Referendum and Public 1 Initiative Act) Motion to call a subsequent legislative referendum (Art. 13 and 21 of the Referendum 2 and Public Initiative Act) Total motions for referendum 3 Legislative initiative (Art. 59 of the Referendum and Public Initiative Act) 1 TOTAL (filed pursuant to the Referendum and Public Initiative Act) 4

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly and of the Office of the President of the National Assembly.

In January 2006, the Slovene National Party submitted the meantime that not all formal conditions had been met - pursuant to Article 13 of the Referendum and Public (an insufficient number of signatures was gathered). Initiative Act - a motion for the voters to file a request for the calling of an early legislative referendum concerning On 18 July 2006, Jožica Ribič from Ljubljana submitted the Act Amending the Act Amending the Health Care and - pursuant to Article 13 in connection with Article 21 of Health Insurance Act. The deadline for the gathering of the Referendum and Public Initiative Act - a motion to call signatures to support the request for the calling of an a subsequent legislative referendum concerning the Act early legislative referendum was not set due to formal Amending the Higher Education Act. The notification and substantive reasons (decision by the Constitutional of the motion was presented in time. After the gathering Court). of support forms had been taken over by the Slovenian Student Organisation, it became clear that not enough On 29 June 2006, Matjaž Antloga from Šmartno v Rožni correctly compiled forms had been gathered. In September dolini submitted - pursuant to Article 13 in connection 2006, Mrs. Ribič was informed that the referendum would with Article 21 of the Referendum and Public Initiative Act not be called due to failure of meeting formal conditions. - a motion for the voters to call a subsequent legislative referendum concerning the Act Amending the Higher On 12 September 2006, the Youth Party of Slovenia Education Act. On the same day, the National Council voted (SMS) submitted a motion to table a draft Act Amending for a veto in relation to the above Act, whereby pending the Kindergarten Act. After the proposers submitted a new decision on such Act all activities concerning the signatures gathered to the President of the National the above motion were suspended. After the National Assembly on 20 October 2006, the legislative procedure Assembly had voted again in favour of the said Act on 11 started on 23 October 2006. The legislative procedure July 2006, Mr. Antloga was informed that the deadline for was concluded on 15 December 2006 when the National gathering signatures would not be set as it became clear in Assembly decided that the draft Act was not an adequate basis for further reading. 98 3 SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

3.8 Immunity of deputies

The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia provides that The Constitution grants immunity also to judges and no deputy of the National Assembly is criminally liable Constitutional Court judges. Immunity is also granted to for any opinion expressed or vote cast at sessions of the the Ombudsman and Deputy Ombudsmen in accordance National Assembly or its working bodies (professional with the Ombudsman Act. immunity). Furthermore, it provides that no deputy may In the period between 1 January and 31 December 2006, be detained nor, where such deputy claims immunity, the Commission for Mandates and Elections discussed may criminal proceedings be initiated against him one case related to the immunity of deputies. The National without the permission of the National Assembly, except Assembly did not grant immunity and the deputy did not where such deputy has been apprehended committing claim such. a criminal offence for which a prison sentence of over five years is prescribed (non-professional immunity). The In the same period, the National Assembly discussed no National Assembly may also grant immunity to a deputy case relating to the immunity of judges, Constitutional Court who has not claimed such immunity or who has been judges, the Ombudsman and Deputy Ombudsmen. apprehended committing a criminal offence (Article 83 of the Constitution).

Table 3.14: Immunity cases

IMMUNITY CASES NO. OF CASES Immunity granted although the deputies had not claimed such - Immunity granted, the deputies had claimed such - Immunity not granted although the deputies had claimed such - Immunity not granted, the deputies had not claimed such 1 Other immunity cases: judges, Constitutional Court judges, Ombudsman and Deputy Ombudsmen - TOTAL 1

Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections, services.

3.9 Proceedings before the Constitutional Court

Table 3.15: Number of issues subject to constitutional review or verification of legality

TYPE OF ISSUE NO. OF ISSUES Issues sent to the National Assembly by the Constitutional Court: 176 - of which sent to obtain the National Assembly’s answer or explanation 94 - of which settled in the National Assembly 32 Issues settled at the Constitutional Court 132

Source of data: Legislative and Legal Service. 3 SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 99

Table 3.16: Decisions taken by the Constitutional Court

DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT NO. OF DECISIONS Confirmation of constitutionality 29 Confirmation of unconstitutionality 35 Abrogation of law or Rules of Procedure 22 Refusal of motion or request or request for judicial protection 83 Rejection of a motion or request 84 Suspension of procedure 22

Source of data: Legislative and Legal Service.

3.10 Activities of the National Council

Table 3.17: Number of draft and adopted laws, number of opinions and other proposals

LAWS NUMBER Draft laws 2 Adopted laws - Opinions 42 Proposal for authentic interpretation 2

Source of data: National Council of the Republic of Slovenia.

Table 3.18: Number of suspensive vetoes and result of new voting

SUSPENSIVE VETO NUMBER Law adopted after new voting 7 Law not adopted after new voting -

Source of data: National Council of the Republic of Slovenia.


In accordance with Article 3a of the Constitution of the position of the Republic of Slovenia therein on the basis Republic of Slovenia, the Act on Cooperation between of an introductory presentation given by the President the National Assembly and the Government in EU Affairs, of the Government. The National Assembly also adopts and the provisions of the Rules of Procedure the National the positions on the political guidelines for the activity Assembly participates in the formulation of and adopts of the Republic of Slovenia within the institutions of the the positions of the Republic of Slovenia on individual European Union in the coming period. legal proposals discussed by EU institutions in those areas which - given their subject matter - would have fallen within The following subchapters present data on the activities the competence of the National Assembly had Slovenia not of the National Assembly at plenary sessions, the work of transferred the exercise of part of its sovereign rights to the competent working bodies, as well as the work of the EU institutions. At the proposal of the Government or at working bodies responsible and of other working bodies its own initiative the National Assembly may also discuss in relation to EU affairs in the period between 1 January other EU affairs. At least once a year the National Assembly and 31 December 2006. holds a debate on the state of affairs in the EU and on the

4.1 Deciding on EU affairs at plenary sessions of the National Assembly

The activities of the National Assembly at plenary sessions regarding EU affairs in the second year of the current term is presented in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Activities regarding EU affairs at plenary sessions of the National Assembly

SESSIONS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Declaration on the Orientations regarding the Activities of the Republic of Slovenia within the EU Institutions in 2006 with 28 March 2006 - 15th regular session Report on the State of Affairs in the EU and the Position of the Republic of Slovenia therein in 2005

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly.

4.2 Discussion of EU affairs at meetings of working bodies

4.2.1 Activities of the working bodies competent for EU affairs in the second year of the current term

Data on the meetings of the competent working bodies are presented in Table 4.2, while Table 4.3 presents their work. 4 THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY AND EU AFFAIRS 103

Table 4.2: Meetings of the competent working bodies

COMMITTEE MEETINGS Held 46 meetings (39 regular and 7 urgent); discussed EU Committee on EU Affairs affairs at all 46 meetings. Held 39 meetings (13 regular, 25 urgent, 1 correspondence Committee on Foreign Policy meeting); discussed EU affairs at 10 meetings.

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly; data provided by Secretaries of both working bodies.

Table 4.3: Data on the work of the competent working bodies (EU affairs)

EU AFFAIRS NO. OF EU affairs MEETINGS COMPETENT WORKING BODY EU affairs “U” “E” “S” referred to DEALING discussed affairs affairs affairs working body WITH EU AFFAIRS Committee on EU Affairs 32 89 20 6 68 46 Committee on Foreign Policy 2 11 2 - 9 10 TOTAL 34 100 22 6 77 56

Source of data: data provided by Secretaries of both working bodies. Legend: “U” affairs EU affairs referred to in Art. 4(1) of the Act on Cooperation between the National Assembly and the Government in EU Affairs, and affairs discussed by a similar procedure as the “U” affairs pursuant to Art. 5 of the Act. “E” affairs EU affairs referred to in Art. 4(3) of the Act on Cooperation between the National Assembly and the Government in EU Affairs. “S” affairs EU affairs referred to in Art. 8 of the Act on Cooperation between the National Assembly and the Government in EU Affairs (informing and reporting by the Government) and other issues.

4.2.2 Activity of the working bodies responsible and other working bodies in relation to EU affairs

Table 4.4: Activity of the working bodies responsible and other working bodies concerning the discussion of EU affairs

EU AFFAIRS NO. OF EU affairs MEETINGS WORKING BODY referred EU affairs “U” “E” “S” DEALING to working discussed affairs affairs affairs WITH EU body AFFAIRS Committee on the Economy 4 4 3 1 - 5 Committee on Transport - 4 4 - - 4 Committee on the Environment and 1 - 1 - - 1 Spatial Planning Committee on Agriculture, Forestry 1 1 1 - - 5 and Food Committee on Finance and Monetary 2 3 - 2 1 3 Policy 104 4 THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY AND EU AFFAIRS

Table 4.4 continued

EU AFFAIRS NO. OF EU affairs MEETINGS WORKING BODY referred EU affairs “U” “E” “S” DEALING to working discussed affairs affairs affairs WITH EU body AFFAIRS Committee on Domestic Policy, 2 2 2 - - 2 Public Administration and Justice Committee on Local Self-Government 1 1 1 - - 1 and Regional Development Committee on Defence 1 1 1 - - 1 Committee on Health 3 3 3 - - 3 Committee on Labour, the Family, 1 1 1 - - 3 Social Affairs and the Disabled Committee on Culture, Education 2 1 1 - - 1 and Sport Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technological 1 1 1 - - 1 Development Commission for Budgetary and Other - 2 - - 2 2 Public Finance Control Commission for Supervision of 2 2 - - - 1 Intelligence and Security Services TOTAL 21 26 19 3 3 33

Source of data: data provided by Secretaries of both working bodies. Legend: “U” affairs EU affairs referred to in Art. 4(1) of the Act on Cooperation between the National Assembly and the Government in EU Affairs, and affairs discussed by a similar procedure as the “U” affairs pursuant to Art. 5 of the Act. “E” affairs EU affairs referred to in Art. 4(3) of the Act on Cooperation between the National Assembly and the Government in EU Affairs. “S” affairs EU affairs referred to in Art. 8 of the Act on Cooperation between the National Assembly and the Government in EU Affairs (informing and reporting by the Government) and other issues. 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 106 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

5.1 General information

In 2006 there were nine commissions and 14 committees The composition of the working bodies reflects the operating in the National Assembly. A tenth commission composition of the National Assembly as a whole, with - the Commission under the Incompatibility of Holding certain deviations in some cases, as for example in one of Public Office with Gainful Activity Act (Official Gazette the two supervisory bodies where deputies of the coalition of the Republic of Slovenia No. 20/06) - was set up which do not have the majority. Moreover, certain working bodies should start to operate on the day of the coming into force have an entirely specific manner of work and can not of such Act, i.e. on 9 June 2006. However, pursuant to the possibly be compared with the others - one example is the Constitutional Court decision No. U-I-57/06-10 of 13 April Commission for the Rules of Procedure which formulates 2006 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. opinions on the provisions of the Rules of Procedure and 46/2006), the implementation of the Act was suspended answers questions relating to the Rules, yet those tasks are pending the final decision of the Constitutional Court. As not included in the statistical data presented in the following the above Commission has not yet started to operate, it is tables. Due to the specific nature of their tasks, also the data not included in this Report. relating to the work of other commissions are not easily compared with data available for the committees.

Considering the total number of positions (298) in all working bodies, individual deputy groups were represented therein on 31 December 2006 as follows:

· SDS - 94 positions (31.54 %), · LDS - 75 positions (25.17 %), · SD - 33 positions (11.07 %), · NSi - 29 positions (9.73 %), · SLS - 23 positions (7.72 %), · SNS - 19 positions (6.38 %), · DeSUS – 15 positions (5.03 %), · deputies of the Italian and Hungarian national communities - 10 positions (3.36 %). No subcommittee or working group was established by 31 December 2006.

Table 5.1: General information on working bodies - as of 31 December 2006

SHARE OF NAME OF WORKING DATE OF CHAIR COALITION OTHERS COALITION TOTAL BODY ESTABLISHMENT DEPUTIES Commissions set up pursuant to Article 35 of the Rules of Procedure Commission for 22 Oct. 2004 C 11 10 52.3 21 Mandates and Elections Commission for the 17 Nov. 2004 O 4 3 57.1 7 Rules of Procedure Commission for National 17 Nov. 2004 O 2 4 30.0 6 Communities Commission for Budgetary and Other 17 Nov. 2004 O 4 3 57.1 7 Public Finance Control Commission for Supervision of 17 Nov. 2004 O 3 4 42.9 7 Intelligence and Security Services 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 107

Table 5.1 continued

SHARE OF NAME OF WORKING DATE OF CHAIR COALITION OTHERS COALITION TOTAL BODY ESTABLISHMENT DEPUTIES Other commissions Commission for Petitions, Human Rights 17 Nov. 2004 O 4 3 57.1 7 and Equal Opportunities Commission for Relations with 17 Nov. 2004 C 5 4 62.5 9 in Neighbouring and Other Countries Commission under the Prevention of 17 Nov. 2004 O 3 4 42.9 7 Corruption Act Constitutional 16 Dec. 2004 C 12 10 54.5 22 Commission Committees Committee on the 17 Nov. 2004 O 9 7 56.3 16 Economy Committee on Transport 17 Nov. 2004 C 9 8 56.3 17 Committee on the Environment and Spatial 17 Nov. 2004 C 8 6 57.1 14 Planning Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and 17 Nov. 2004 C 7 6 53.8 13 Food Committee on Finance 17 Nov. 2004 C 8 6 53.8 14 and Monetary Policy Committee on Foreign 17 Nov. 2004 C 10 9 58.8 19 Policy Committee on Domestic Policy, Public 17 Nov. 2004 C 9 8 56.3 17 Administration and Justice Committee on Local Self-Government and 17 Nov. 2004 C 8 7 53.3 15 Regional Development Committee on Defence 17 Nov. 2004 O 5 4 55.5 9 Committee on Health 17 Nov. 2004 O 6 4 60.0 10 Committee on Labour, the Family, Social Affairs 17 Nov. 2004 C 9 7 56.2 16 and the Disabled Committee on Culture, 17 Nov. 2004 C 8 8 57.1 16 Education and Sport Committee on Higher Education, Science 17 Nov. 2004 O 7 6 53.8 13 and Technological Development Committee on EU Affairs 17 Nov. 2004 C 6 7 56.2 16

Source of data: Decisions of the National Assembly and of the Council of the President of the National Assembly. Legend: C - coalition deputies. O - deputies not members of deputy groups which have signed the coalition agreement. 108 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

5.2 Leading positions in working bodies

Table 5.2: Leading positions in working bodies as of 31 December 2006


Commissions set up pursuant to Article

35 of the Rules of Procedure: Borut SAJOVIC LDS Commission for Mandates and Elections Franc SUŠNIK SDS Josip BAJC SLS Commission for the Rules of Procedure Bojan KONTIČ SD Dimitrij KOVAČIČ SDS deputy of the deputy of Hungarian the Italian Commission for National Communities Maria POZSONEC Roberto BATTELLI national national community community Commission for Budgetary and Other Public Milan M. CVIKL LDS Breda PEČAN SD Finance Control Commission for Supervision of Intelligence Davorin TERČON LDS Dušan KUMER SD and Security Services Other commissions Commission for Petitions, Human Rights Majda POTRATA SD Marjetka UHAN NSi and Equal Opportunities Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Janez KRAMBERGER SLS Miro PETEK SDS Neighbouring and Other Countries Commission under the Prevention of Barbara ŽGAJNER SNS - Corruption Act TAVŠ Constitutional Commission France CUKJATI SDS Slavko GABER LDS Committees Martin MIKOLIČ NSi Committee on the Economy Franc (Feri) HORVAT SD Vili REZMAN DeSUS Committee on Transport Franc KANGLER SLS Geza DŽUBAN LDS Committee on the Environment and Spatial Rudolf PETAN SDS Pavel GANTAR LDS Planning Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Marjetka UHAN NSi Janko VEBER SD Food Committee on Finance and Monetary Policy Bojan STARMAN SDS Matej LAHOVNIK LDS Jožef HORVAT NSi Committee on Foreign Policy Jožef JEROVŠEK SDS Zmago JELINČIČ PLEMENITI SNS Committee on Domestic Policy, Public Mojca KUCLER Darja LAVTIŽAR NSi LDS Administration and Justice DOLINAR BEBLER Committee on Local Self-Government and Cvetka ZALOKAR Franc JAZBEC SDS LDS Regional Development ORAŽEM Committee on Defence Anton ANDERLIČ LDS Ivan JELEN DeSUS Committee on Health Ljubo GERMIČ LDS Ivan GRILL SDS Committee on Labour, the Family, Social Stanislav BRENČIČ SLS Matjaž HAN SD Affairs and the Disabled Committee on Culture, Education and Sport Branko GRIMS SDS Samo BEVK SD Committee on Higher Education, Science Rudolf MOGE LDS Eva IRGL SDS and Technological Development Mitja SLAVINEC LDS Committee on EU Affairs Anton KOKALJ NSi Bogdan BAROVIČ SNS

Source of data: Decisions of the National Assembly. 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 109

5.3 Activities of working bodies

Tables 5.3 to 5.7 and diagrams 5.1 to 5.3 contain data on the activity of working bodies:

- number and type of meetings, - duration of meetings, - items, laws and other acts, and amendments discussed, - other activities.

Data have been obtained by the Secretaries of working bodies and from the databases of the National Assembly. At the end of the tables, data for the entire period are summed up.

Table 5.3: Activities of working bodies (meetings)

MEETINGS Public WORKING BODY Correspon- Closed Held Duration Total Urgent dence Entire- for the outside Partly meeting ly public the NA Commissions set up pursuant to Article 35 of the Rules of Procedure Commission for Mandates and 16 5 - 15 1 - 23:18 - Elections Commission for the Rules of 5 - - 5 - - 20:36 - Procedure Commission for National 3 1 - 3 - - 2:53 - Communities Commission for Budgetary and 18 2 1 17 - - 61:49 - Other Public Finance Control Commission for Supervision of 11 4 - - 1 10 48:20 1 Intelligence and Security Services Other commissions Commission for Petitions, Human 12 3 - 12 - - 34:40 - Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and Other 8 4 1 7 - - 15:53 - Countries Commission under the Prevention 7 1 - - - 7 5:24 - of Corruption Act Constitutional Commission 3 - - 3 - - 5:33 - Committees Committee on the Economy 20 6 - 17 - 3 41:10 - Committee on Transport 15 6 - 11 3 1 38:11 - Committee on the Environment and 11 3 - 11 - - 26:24 1 Spatial Planning Committee on Agriculture, Forestry 18 6 - 18 - - 36:24 3 and Food Committee on Finance and 25 13 - 24 - 1 52:18 - Monetary Policy 110 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

Table 5.3 continued

MEETINGS Public WORKING BODY Correspon- Closed Held Duration Total Urgent dence Entire- for the outside Partly meeting ly public the NA Committee on Foreign Policy 39 25 1 19 8 11 64:42 - Committee on Domestic Policy, 28 16 - 27 - 1 83:10 - Public Administration and Justice Committee on Local Self- Government and Regional 10 7 - 10 - - 14:25 - Development Committee on Defence 12 5 - 6 4 2 33:42 - Committee on Health 16 6 - 14 - 2 46:27 -

Committee on Labour, the Family, Committee on Health 19 8 - 18 - 1 64:03 - Committee on Defence Committee on Transport Committee on EU Affairs Social Affairs and the Disabled Constitutional Commission Committee on the Economy Committee on Foreign Policy Committee on Culture, Education 14 5 - 14 - - 47:08 - CommissionCommission for the Rules for of National Procedure Communities and Sport Commission for Mandates and Elections Committee on Finance and Monetary Policy Committee on Culture, Education and Sport Committee on Higher Education, Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Food Science and Technological 8 3 - 8 - - 23:25 1 Commission under the Prevention of CorruptionCommittee Act on the Environment and Spatial Planning Development Commission for Budgetary and Other Public Finance Control Committee on Labour, the Family, Social Policy and the Disabled Committee on EU Affairs 46 7 - 10 7 29 54:51 - CommissionCommission for Supervision for Petitions, of the Intelligence Human Rightsand Security and Equal Services Opportunities CommitteeCommittee on Domestic on Local Policy, Self-Government Public Administration and Regional and Justice Development Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technological Development TOTAL 364 136 3 269 24 68 844:46 6 Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and Other Countries

Source of data: data provided by Secretaries of working bodies.

Diagram 5.1: Number of meetings of working bodies












a k i c b ti u o t r o o o e j o e t j e ij i st n ž s t ije v e o k k j o o d r ij s o a u o e c t n ti ti d b tv li o n i vn n n l n v p isija rs m st a li li o zv m s a p zvo u m lo p fi s ž s u m ro ro hr o o s ra a v v š ra o s u h o o r o a p p e p p o i r ra n n i e k o k ih i o k d r v n b d i i p s n n m p k o a in p o jo a l o z n o šk sk a i v in a p z n n r a a i v o p ln a n a ost ke ju n s r je in r p n z a o t l li z d j n n v o o l ta na n io z k ls ro o a a a a g b o o e i r r ti o no v v ij ro ih n v t a d k tv n u o g o o li š h E - s a g var e jstvu e s z o s o z v re b b o , o i n u n e č U O r a a d d p o te e n m r in i e r a a m z r in O n v t o a d e m r o z d r p OCommitteeo on Healthur i e a z n ih c a p b r z in o u o ln lt t d d K i n i z e d o o b v Committee on Defence u s a n a a l v v r O Committeeb on Transportg e d a k zCommittee on EU Affairs a sij a ra p d , no r cia M i n v ci ConstitutionalCommittee Commission on the EconomyO o O v p o a ano za m u e p n o v anc Committeeja on Foreignu Policy z n r o č č e e u in , o , s r z ra š v v n f o m o o , o K o e o o o tijst a k a in b o b r v k l k e z ti s ž d tv p e S a r li u O s Od r ob v s Z km o o o l o r lo b p ln dr o CommissionCommission for the Rules for of National Procedureo Communitiesč e o d a , š Commission for Mandates and Electionsdz z s p za jo k lo a d a o a r O n o e ko n a z n ij o a l d o n r d is b Committee on Financetr and Monetarya Policy Committeeis on Culture, Education and Sport za a e o Committee on Agriculture, Forestryo and Foodz v z t a m Od n r za ja a ije z o o r a ij c K za b o z s ti ja Commission under the Prevention of Corruption Act b r i e Committee on the Environment and Spatialr Planning o misi m o Od Od b o o p misi b d K K a o d O z K O Commission for Budgetary and Other Public Finance Control isija m CommissionCommissiono for Supervision for Petitions, of the Intelligence Human andRights Security and Equal Services Opportunities Committee on Domestic Policy, Public AdministrationCommittee and on Labour, Justice the Family, Social Policy and the Disabled K Committee on Local Self-Government and Regional Development Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technological Development Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and Other Countries 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 111

Diagram 5.2: Total duration of meetings of working bodies










a k i c b ti u o t r o o o e j o e t j e ij i st n ž s t ije v e o k k j o o d r ij s o a u o e c t n ti ti d b tv li o n i vn n n l n v p isija rs m st a li li o zv m s a p zvo u m lo p fi s ž s u m ro ro hr o o s ra a v v š ra o s u h o o r o a p p e p p o i r ra n n i e k o k ih i o k d r v n b d i i p s n n m p k o a in p o jo a l o z n o šk sk a i v in a p z n n r a a i v o p ln a n a ost ke ju n s r je in r p n z a o t l li z d j n n v o o l ta na n io z k ls ro o a a a a g b o o e i r r ti o no v v ij ro ih n v t a d k tv n u o g o o li š h E - s a g var e jstvu e s z o s o z v re b b o , o i n u n e č U O r a a d d p o te e n m r in i e r a a m z r in O n v t o a d e m r o z d r p OCommitteeo on Healthur i e a z n ih c a p b r z in o u o ln lt t d d K i n i z e d o o b v Committee on Defence u s a n a a l v v r O Committeeb on Transportg e d a k z Committee on EU Affairs a sij a ra p d , no r cia M i n v ci ConstitutionalCommittee Commission on the EconomyO o O v p o a ano za m u e p n o v anc Committeeja on Foreignu Policy z n r o č č e e u in , o , s r z ra š v v n f o m o o , o K o e o o o tijst a k a in b o b r v k l k e z ti s ž d tv p e S a r li u O s Od r ob v s Z km o o o l o r lo b p ln dr o CommissionCommission for the Rules for of National Procedureo Communitiesč e o d a , š Commission for Mandates and Electionsdz z s p za jo k lo a d a o a r O n o e ko n a z n ij o a l d o n r d is b Committee on Financetr and Monetarya Policy Committeeis on Culture, Education and Sport za a e o Committee on Agriculture, Forestryo and Foodz v z t a m Od n r za ja a ije z o o r a ij c K za b o z s ti ja Commission under the Prevention of Corruption Act b r i e Committee on the Environment and Spatialr Planning o misi m o Od Od b o o p misi b d K K a o d O z K O Commission for Budgetary and Other Public Finance Control isija m CommissionoCommission for Supervision for Petitions, of the Intelligence Human andRights Security and Equal Services Opportunities Committee on Domestic Policy, Public AdministrationCommittee and on Labour, Justice the Family, Social Policy and the Disabled K Committee on Local Self-Government and Regional Development Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technological Development Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and Other Countries

Table 5.4: Information on the activity of working bodies (contents, part I)

Items discussed Position of WBR on Reports sent opinions to the NA and WORKING BODY Items received by of local discussed by Without the Constitutional communities WBR (41/4 of Total particular Court (145/2 of the Rules of referral the Rules of Procedure) Procedure)

Commissions set up pursuant to Article 35 of the Rules of Procedure Commission for Mandates and 69 39 - - - Elections Commission for the Rules of 15 9 - - - Procedure Commission for National 8 7 - - - Communities Commission for Budgetary and Other 54 42 - - 6 Public Finance Control Commission for Supervision of 34 26 - - 1 Intelligence and Security Services Other commissions Commission for Petitions, Human 47 46 - - 3 Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and Other 20 20 - - - Countries Commission under the Prevention of 15 14 - - 5 Corruption Act 112 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

Table 5.4 continued

Items discussed Position of WBR on Reports sent opinions to the NA and WORKING BODY Items received by of local discussed by Without the Constitutional communities WBR (41/4 of Total particular Court (145/2 of the Rules of referral the Rules of Procedure) Procedure)

Constitutional Commission 8 2 - - - Committees Committee on the Economy 46 5 - - 12 Committee on Transport 43 15 - - 4 Committee on the Environment and 36 21 - - 4 Spatial Planning

Committee on Agriculture, Forestry Committee on Health 37 21 1 - 3 Committee on Defence Committee on Transport Committee on EU Affairs and Food Constitutional Commission Committee on the Economy Committee on Foreign Policy Committee on Finance and Monetary 60 2 2 - 11 CommissionCommission for the Rules for of National Procedure Communities Policy Commission for Mandates and Elections Committee on Finance and Monetary Policy Committee on Culture, Education and Sport Committee on Foreign Policy 162 105 - - 4 Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Food Commission under the Prevention of Corruption Act Committee on Domestic Policy, Committee on the Environment and Spatial Planning 87 5 25 4 6 Public Administration and Justice Commission for Budgetary and Other Public Finance Control CommissionCommission for Supervision for Petitions, of the Intelligence Human andRights Security and Equal Services Opportunities Committee on Domestic Policy, Public AdministrationCommittee and on Labour, Justice the Family, Social Policy and the Disabled Committee on Local Self-Government Committee on Local Self-Government and Regional Development 14 - 3 13 1 Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technological Development and Regional Development Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and Other Countries Committee on Defence 34 27 - - 1 Committee on Health 34 23 4 - - Committee on Labour, the Family, 52 13 - - 2 Social Affairsand the Disabled Committee on Culture, Education 32 3 4 - 1 and Sport Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technological 15 3 1 - - Development Committee on EU Affairs 153 130 - - - TOTAL 1075 578 40 17 64

Source of data: data provided by Secretaries of working bodies. 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 113

Diagram 5.3: Number of agenda items at meetings of working bodies











a k i c b ti u o t r o o o e j o e t j e ij i st n ž s t ije v e o k k j o o d r ij s o a u o e c t n ti ti d b tv li o n i vn n n l n v p isija rs m st a li li o zv m s a p zvo u m lo p fi s ž s u m ro ro hr o o s ra a v v š ra o s u h o o r o a p p e p p o i r ra n n i e k o k ih i o k d r v n b d i i p s n n m p k o a in p o jo a l o z n o šk sk a i v in a p z n n r a a i v o p ln a n a ost ke ju n s r je in r p n z a o t l li z d j n n v o o l ta na n io z k ls ro o a a a a g b o o e i r r ti o no v v ij ro ih n v t a d k tv n u o g o o li š h E - s a g var e jstvu e s z o s o z v re b b o , o i n u n e č U O r a a d d p o te e n m r in i e r a a m z r in O n v t o a d e m r o z d r p OCommitteeo on Healthur i e a z n ih c a p b r z in o u o ln lt t d d K i n i z e d o o b v Committee on Defence u s a n a a l v v r O Committeeb on Transportg e d a k z Committee on EU Affairs a sij a ra p d , no r cia M i n v ci ConstitutionalCommittee Commission on the EconomyO o O v p o a ano za m u e p n o v anc Committeeja on Foreignu Policy z n r o č č e e u in , o , s r z ra š v v n f o m o o , o K o e o o o tijst a k a in b o b r v k l k e z ti s ž d tv p e S a r li u O s Od r ob v s Z km o o o l o r lo b p ln dr o CommissionCommission for the Rules for of National Procedureo Communitiesč e o d a , š Commission for Mandates and dzElections z s p za jo k lo a d a o a r O n o e ko n a z n ij o a l d o n r d is b Committee on Financetr and Monetarya Policy Committeeis on Culture, Education and Sport za a e o Committee on Agriculture, Forestryo and Foodz v z t a m Od n r za ja a ije z o o r a ij c K za b o z s ti ja Commission under the Prevention of Corruption Act b r i e Committee on the Environment and Spatialr Planning o misi m o Od Od b o o p misi b d K K a o d O z K O Commission for Budgetary and Other Public Finance Control isija m CommissionoCommission for Supervision for Petitions, of the Intelligence Human andRights Security and Equal Services Opportunities Committee on Domestic Policy, Public AdministrationCommittee and on Labour, Justice the Family, Social Policy and the Disabled K Committee on Local Self-Government and Regional Development Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technological Development Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and Other Countries

Table 5.5: Information on the activity of working bodies (contents, part II)

Present Presentation of WORKING BODY purs. to proposals, initiatives Research by Research by Art. 51/2 and questions by the Public external the Research of the civil society hearings institutions Dept. Rules of (41/3 of the Rules of Procedure Procedure)

Commissions set up pursuant to Article 35 of the Rules of Procedure Commission for Mandates and - - - - - Elections Commission for the Rules of 1 - - - - Procedure Commission for National 12 - - - - Communities Commission for Budgetary and 21 - - - - Other Public Finance Control Commission for Supervision of 13 7 - - - Intelligence and Security Services Other commissions Commission for Petitions, Human 49 98 - - - Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and Other 55 7 - - - Countries 114 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

Table 5.5 continued

Present Presentation of WORKING BODY purs. to proposals, initiatives Research by Research by Art. 51/2 and questions by the Public external the Research of the civil society hearings institutions Dept. Rules of (41/3 of the Rules of Procedure Procedure)

Commission under the Prevention of 8 - - - - Corruption Act Constitutional Commission 6 4 5 - - Committees Committee on the Economy 168 41 - - - Committee on Transport 84 3 - - 1 Committee on the Environment and 37 - - - - Spatial Planning Committee on Agriculture, Forestry 71 69 - 2 1 and Food Committee on Finance and 85 32 - - - Monetary Policy Committee on Foreign Policy 11 - - - - Committee on Domestic Policy, 99 20 - - 1 Public Administration and Justice Committee on Local Self- Government and Regional 30 - - - - Development Committee on Defence 64 - - 1 - Committee on Health 88 6 - - - Committee on Labour, the Family, 184 45 - - - Social Affairs and the Disabled Committee on Culture, Education 34 19 - 1 1 and Sport Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technological 109 - - - - Development Committee on EU Affairs 136 - - - - TOTAL 1365 351 5 4 4

Source of data: data provided by Secretaries of working bodies and databases of the National Assembly. 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 115

Table 5.6: Information on the activity of working bodies (laws and other acts)

LAWS No Disc. of sup- Veto Other WORKING BODY TOTAL WBR WBC URG SHR opinion port to supported acts of NC veto by by NC NC Commissions set up pursuant to Article 35 of the Rules of Procedure Commission for Mandates and ------107 Elections Commission for the Rules of ------Procedure Commission for National 4 - 4 - 1 - - - 2 Communities Commission for Budgetary and 5 2 3 5 - - - - 1 Other Public Finance Control Commission for Supervision of 6 3 3 - 1 - - - 1 Intelligence and Security Services Other commissions Commission for Petitions, Human 7 - 7 1 2 3 - - 1 Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and 4 - 4 ------Other Countries Commission under the Prevention ------of Corruption Act Constitutional Commission ------3 Committees Committee on the Economy 18 18 - - 8 9 1 - 2 Committee on Transport 16 13 3 4 4 7 - - 6 Committee on the Environment 5 5 - - 1 9 - - 4 and Spatial Planning Committee on Agriculture, 9 9 - - 2 1 1 - 3 Forestry and Food Committee on Finance and 29 29 - 6 7 12 - - 6 Monetary Policy Committee on Foreign Policy 50 48 2 45 - 4 - - 24 Committee on Domestic Policy, 42 42 - 10 15 19 - - 5 Public Administration and Justice Committee on Local Self- Government and Regional 5 4 1 2 - 4 - - 2 Development Committee on Defence 4 4 - - 1 2 - - 2 Committee on Health 8 8 - - 2 4 - - 5 Committee on Labour, the Family, 18 18 - 1 7 12 4 - 7 Social Affairs and the Disabled Committee on Culture, Education 14 12 2 1 8 11 1 - 4 and Sport 116 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

Table 5.6 continued

LAWS No Disc. of sup- Veto Other WORKING BODY TOTAL WBR WBC URG SHR opinion port to supported acts of NC veto by by NC NC Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technological 5 5 - 2 1 4 2 - 6 Development Committee on EU Affairs ------2 TOTAL 249 220 29 77 60 101 9 - 193

Source of data: data provided by Secretaries of working bodies. Legend: WBR - No. of laws discussed by working body as the working body responsible. WBC - No. of laws discussed by working body as a working body concerned. URG - Urgent procedure - in the table: no. of laws discussed by working body by the urgent procedure. SHR - Shortened procedure - in the table: no. of laws discussed by working body by the shortened procedure. NC - National Council of the Republic of Slovenia.

Table 5.7: Information on the activity of working bodies (amendments)

AMENDMENTS Amendments in urgent and shortened WORKING BODY Amendments Amendments Harmonising procedures and in WBR WBC amendments the procedure for ratification of treaties Commissions set up pursuant to Article 35 of the Rules of Procedure Commission for Mandates and - - - - Elections Commission for the Rules of - - - - Procedure Commission for National - - - - Communities Commission for Budgetary and Other 1 - 1 - Public Finance Control Commission for Supervision of 6 - 6 - Intelligence and Security Services Other commissions Commission for Petitions, Human - - - - Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and Other - 2 - - Countries Commission under the Prevention of - - - - Corruption Act Constitutional Commission - - - - Committees Committee on the Economy 314 - 31 - Committee on Transport 78 - 78 - 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 117

Table 5.7 continued

AMENDMENTS Amendments in urgent and shortened WORKING BODY Amendments Amendments Harmonising procedures and in WBR WBC amendments the procedure for ratification of treaties Committee on the Environment and 192 - - - Spatial Planning Committee on Agriculture, Forestry 115 - 11 - and Food Committee on Finance and Monetary 363 - 83 - Policy Committee on Foreign Policy 31 - 6 - Committee on Domestic Policy, 173 - 73 - Public Administration and Justice Committee on Local Self-Government 17 - - - and Regional Development Committee on Defence 21 - - - Committee on Health 35 - 8 - Committee on Labour, the Family, 145 - 38 - Social Affairs and the Disabled Committee on Culture, Education 60 - 18 - and Sport Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technological 19 - 6 - Development Committee on EU Affairs - - - - TOTAL 1570 2 359 -

Source of data: data provided by Secretaries of working bodies. Legend: Amendments WBR - No. of amendments tabled by working body as the working body responsible. Amendments WBC - No. of amendments tabled by working body as the working body concerned. 118 5 WORKING BODIES AND OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

5.4 Commissions of inquiry

Pursuant to Article 93 of the Constitution and in accordance Prosecutor General of the Republic of Slovenia concerning with the provisions of the Parliamentary Inquiry Act and the exercise of control pursuant to the State Prosecutor of the Rules of Procedure on Parliamentary Inquiry, the Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. National Assembly may order a parliamentary inquiry into 110/02 - official consolidated text) in relation to legislative matters of public importance and appoint a commission amendments and other decisions made in accordance with of inquiry. the constitutional powers of the National Assembly. The request to initiate a parliamentary inquiry was submitted The two commissions of inquiry set up in 2005 continued by the National Council. their work in 2006. As the number of members and the composition per deputy groups remained unchanged, CI 2 - Commission of Inquiry to determine the political the data relating to the period of establishment of the responsibility of holders of public functions with regard commissions apply. to the alleged damaged suffered by state property through the sale of shares of Kapitalska družba d.d. and Slovenska CI 1 - Commission of Inquiry to determine and assess odškodninska družba d.d. in companies, involving all the actual state of affairs which may serve as a basis for sales that are disputable in terms of compliance with laws deciding on the political responsibility of the holders of and other regulations and in terms of transparency and public offices within the Government of the Republic of economy. The inquiry was ordered at the request of a Slovenia, the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the State group of deputies.

Table 5.8: Activity of the commissions of inquiry in 2006

ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMISSIONS CI 1 CI 2 OF INQUIRY Preparatory inquiry actions - no. of persons - - - duration No. of examined witnesses 11 18

Duration of examination 15 hrs, 40 min 10 hrs, 5 min No. of experts - - Volume of written documentation (No. 25 40 of files) Data on measures of constraint - - Interim or final report (adoption) - -

Source of data: documentation of the commissions of inquiry, as of 19 Jan. 2007.

5.5 Other structures of the National Assembly

Other structures of the National Assembly include in They are 48 in total and are listed in Chapter 8 - International particular the permanent delegations to international activity. parliamentary institutions and international organisations. In the National Assembly there is also a parliamentary group There were eight such delegations operating on 31 - GLOBE Slovenia, a voluntary group composed of deputies December 2006. Their activities are presented in chapter and members of the National Council, dealing with issues 8 - International activities. of environment protection and sustainable development. In addition to that, the National Assembly established parliamentary friendship groups with individual countries. 6 DEPUTY GROUPS 120 6 DEPUTY GROUPS

6.1 Composition of deputy groups and changes of composition

This chapter presents the composition of deputy groups - the first column indicates the office held by (leaders, deputy leaders, members) and the changes in individual deputy in the deputy group (leader, deputy composition as of 30 December 2006. The composition leader, or member). The current state as of 30 December of deputy groups is presented in Tables 6.1 to 6.8: 2006 is indicated by a number placed before the name of the deputy; - the second column contains the names of Table 6.1: The Slovenian Democratic individual deputies, members of the deputy group; Party deputy group - the third column (available only if changes of composition occurred) indicates changes in the DEPUTY GROUP: composition of the deputy group (duration of office). CHANGES SLOVENIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY 1. Leader Jože TANKO 2.Deputy leader Mitja LJUBELJŠEK Table 6.2: The Liberal Democracy of 3. Deputy leader Rudolf PETAN Slovenia deputy club Members: 4. France CUKJATI DEPUTY CLUB: 5. Zvone ČERNAČ LIBERAL DEMOCRACY OF SLOVENIA 6. Polonca DOBRAJC 1. Leader Anton ROP 7. Ivan GRILL 2. Deputy leader Majda ŠIRCA 8. Branko GRIMS 3. Deputy leader Milan M. CVIKL Since 25 Oct. Members: 9. Bojan HOMAN 2006 4. Anton ANDERLIČ 10. Robert HROVAT 5. Geza DŽUBAN 11. Srečko HVAUC 6. Slavko GABER 12. Eva IRGL 7. Pavel GANTAR 13. Franc JAZBEC 8. Ljubo GERMIČ 14. Alenka JERAJ 9. Aleš GULIČ 15. Jožef JEROVŠEK 10. Miran JERIČ 16. Dimitrij KOVAČIČ 11. Matej LAHOVNIK 17. Danijel KRIVEC 12. Darja LAVTIŽAR BEBLER 18. Branko MARINIČ 13. Rudolf MOGE 19. Stane PAJK 14. Marko PAVLIHA 20. Miro PETEK 15. Milan PETEK 21. Marijan POJBIČ 16. Alojz POSEDEL 22. Franc PUKŠIČ 17. Borut SAJOVIC 23. Bojan RUGELJ 18. Mitja SLAVINEC Pavel RUPAR Until 23 Oct. 2006 19. Jožef ŠKOLČ 24. Bojan STARMAN 20. Matjaž ŠVAGAN 25. Franc SUŠNIK 21. Davorin TERČON 26. Tomaž ŠTEBE 22. Vili TROFENIK 27. Rudi VERŠNIK 23. Cvetka ZALOKAR ORAŽEM Bogomir 28. ZAMERNIK Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006. 29. Milenko ZIHERL

Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006. 6 DEPUTY GROUPS 121

Table 6.3: The Social Democrats deputy Table 6.4: The New Slovenia deputy group group

DEPUTY GROUP: The New Slovenia CHANGES SOCIAL DEMOCRATS deputy group 1. Leader Miran POTRČ 1. Leader Jožef HORVAT Since 13 Dec. 2006 2. Deputy leader Samo BEVK From 1 Dec. 2006 to 1 Leader Franc CAPUDER Members: Dec.2006 From 7 Dec. 2004 to 1 3. Matjaž HAN Leader Alojz SOK Dec. 2006 4. Franc (Feri) HORVAT 2. Deputy Alojz SOK Since 1 Dec. 2006 5. Aurelio JURI leader 6. Bojan KONTIČ Deputy From 5 Apr. 2006 to 1 Franc CAPUDER 7. Dušan KUMER leader Dec. 2006 8. Breda PEČAN Members: 9. Majda POTRATA 3. Janez DROBNIČ Since 5 Dec. 2006 10. Janko VEBER 4. Anton KOKALJ 5. Drago KOREN Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - Mojca KUCLER services, 30 Dec. 2006. 6. DOLINAR 7. Martin MIKOLIČ 8. Ciril TESTEN Table 6.5: The Slovene People’s Party 9. Marjetka UHAN deputy group Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006. DEPUTY GROUP: SLOVENE PEOPLE’S PARTY 1.Leader Jakob PRESEČNIK 2. Deputy leader Josip BAJC Table 6.6: The Slovene National Party 3. Stanislav BRENČIČ deputy group 4. Kristijan JANC 5. Franc KANGLER DEPUTY GROUP: SLOVENE NATIONAL PARTY 6. Janez KRAMBERGER Zmago JELINČIČ 1. Leader 7. Mihael PREVC PLEMENITI Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - Members: services, 30 Dec. 2006. 2. Bogdan BAROVIČ 3. Sašo PEČE 4. Srečko PRIJATELJ 5. Boštjan ZAGORAC 6. Barbara ZGAJNER TAVŠ

Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006. 122 6 DEPUTY GROUPS

Table 6.7: The Democratic Party of Table 6.8: The deputy groups of the Pensioners of Slovenia Italian and Hungarian national deputy group communities

DEPUTY GROUP: DEPUTY GROUPS: DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF PENSIONERS OF SLOVENIA ITALIAN AND HUNGARIAN NATIONAL COMMUNITIES 1. Leader Franc ŽNIDARŠIČ 1. Roberto BATTELLI 2. Deputy leader Ivan JELEN 2. Maria POZSONEC Members: Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - 3. Vasja KLAVORA services, 30 Dec. 2006. 4. Vili REZMAN

Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006.

6.1.1 Structure of deputies according to sex, age and education (per deputy group)

Tables 6.9 to 6.11 indicate the structure of deputies according to sex, age, and education per individual deputy group.

Table 6.9: Structure according to sex – per deputy group

DEPUTY GROUP SDS LDS SD NSi SLS SNS DeSUS NC TOTAL TOTAL 29 23 10 9 7 6 4 2 90 Female deputies 3 3 2 2 - 1 - 1 12 Male deputies 26 20 8 7 7 5 4 1 78

Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006.

Table 6.10: Structure according to age – per deputy group

DEPUTY Under 30 30-39 yrs 40-49 yrs 50- 59 yrs 60-69 yrs Over 70 Total GROUP No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % SDS - - 4 14 11 38 12 41 2 7 - - 29 100 LDS - - 1 4 12 52 7 30 3 13 - - 23 100 SD - - 1 10 2 20 4 40 3 30 - - 10 100 NSi - - 1 11 6 67 2 22 - - - - 9 100 SLS - - - - 4 57 3 43 - - - - 7 100 SNS - - 3 50 4 67 2 33 - - - - 6 100 DeSUS ------1 25 2 50 1 25 4 100 NC - - - - - 1 50 1 50 - - 2 100 TOTAL - - 10 11 36 40 32 36 11 12 1 1 90 100

Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006. 6 DEPUTY GROUPS 123

Table 6.11: Structure according to education – per deputy group

UNIVERSITY AND POST-GRADUATE EDUCATION HIGHER SECONDARY DEPUTY TOTAL Master’s EDUCATION EDUCATION GROUP PhD Other degree No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % SDS - - 2 7 16 55 3 10 8 28 29 100 LDS 5 22 3 13 10 43 3 13 2 9 23 100 SD - - 1 10 5 50 1 10 3 30 10 100 NSi - - 1 11 7 78 - - 1 11 9 100 SLS - - 1 14 1 14 4 57 1 14 7 100 SNS - - - - 2 33 2 33 2 33 6 100 DeSUS - - 2 50 1 25 - - 1 25 4 100 NC ------1 50 1 50 2 100 TOTAL 5 6 10 11 42 47 14 16 19 21 90 100

Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006.

6.2 Activities of deputy groups

6.2.1 Deputy groups at sessions of the National Assembly

Table 6.12: Total number of times the floor was taken by deputy groups at regular sessions of the National Assembly

NO. OF NO. OF DEPUTY GROUP ON BEHALF OF DG PROCEDURAL TOTAL DEBATES REPLIES SDS 665 35 224 14 938 LDS 1212 101 304 102 1719 SD 618 42 259 17 936 NSi 394 27 209 7 637 SLS 211 14 182 9 416 SNS 376 22 204 46 648 DeSUS 105 3 172 5 285 NC 9 - 18 1 28

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, databases of the Research and Documentation Sector, as of 25 Jan. 2007. 124 6 DEPUTY GROUPS

Table 6.13: Total number of times the floor was taken by deputy groups at extraordinary sessions of the National Assembly

NO. OF NO. OF DEPUTY GROUP ON BEHALF OF DG PROCEDURAL TOTAL DEBATES REPLIES SDS 181 16 32 10 239 LDS 291 38 48 24 401 SD 124 9 34 4 171 NSi 84 8 28 3 123 SLS 45 2 26 2 75 SNS 81 5 25 13 124 DeSUS 23 1 27 1 52 NC 2 - 1 1 4

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, databases of the Research and Documentation Sector, as of 25 Jan. 2007.

Diagram 6.1: Total number of times the floor was taken by deputy groups at regular and extraordinary sessions

2120 2200




1400 1177 1200 1107

1000 760 772 800

600 491 337 400

200 32



Table 6.14: Adjournments

EXTRAORDINARY ADJOURNMENTS REGULAR SESSIONS TOTAL SESSIONS requested by: SDS 2 3 5 LDS 7 - 7 SD 1 - 1 NSi - - - SLS 2 - 2 SNS 2 1 3 DeSUS 1 - 1 NC - - - TOTAL 14 4 18

Source of data: data provided by the Secretariat of the National Assembly.

Diagram 6.2: Ratio between requests for adjournment per deputy group

Requested by DeSUS 5% Requested by SNS Requested by SDS 16% 26%

Requested by SLS 11%

Rrequested by SD 5% Requested by LDS 37% 126 6 DEPUTY GROUPS

Table 6.15: Obstructions


Source of data: data provided by the Secretariat of the National Assembly.

6.2.2 Draft and adopted laws per deputy group

Table 6.16: Draft laws, adopted laws, non-adopted laws, incomplete draft laws per deputy group

END OF PROCEDURE INCOMPLETE DEPUTY GROUP* DRAFT LAWS ADOPTED LAWS (NON-ADOPTED) DRAFTS SDS 2 2 - - LDS 13 - 9 2 SD 1 - 1 - NSi - - - - SLS - - - - SNS 5 1 1 1 DeSUS 1 1 - - NC - - - - TOTAL 22 4 11 3

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 19 Jan. 2007. Note: * According to the proposer first signed on the list. 6 DEPUTY GROUPS 127

6.2.3 Requests for general debate per deputy group

Table 6.17: Requests for general debate per deputy group

DEPUTY GROUP Laws proposed by the Government Laws proposed by deputies First-signed deputy First-signed deputy Co-signatories Co-signatories group group SDS 8 - - - LDS 12 - 1 - SD 12 1 - - NSi - 7 - - SLS - 7 - - SNS - - - - DeSUS - 7 - - NC - - - - TOTAL 32 22 1 -

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 7 Feb. 2007. Note: The column First-signed indicates the number of requests for general debate presented by a deputy group as the first signed under such requests, whereas the column Co-signatories indicates the number of requests for general debate presented by a deputy group that was not the first signed under the request.

6.2.4 Time utilisation at regular and extraordinary sessions per deputy group

Time utilisation, i.e. the share of time actually spent compared to the announced duration of a speech or debate, per deputy group is indicated in Diagram 6.3 (regular sessions) and Diagram 6.4 (extraordinary sessions).

Diagram 6.3: Time utilisation at regular sessions per deputy group

NS; 11% DeSUS; 55% SDS; 63%

SNS; 54% LDS; 73%

SLS; 46%

SD ; 80% NSi; 67% 128 6 DEPUTY GROUPS

Diagram 6.4: Time utilisation at extraordinary sessions per deputy group

NS; 5% DeSUS; 55% SDS; 82%

SNS; 71%

LDS; 93%

SLS; 58% SD; 34% NSi; 74%

6.2.5 Draft amendments per deputy group

Table 6.18 indicates the number of amendments tabled to laws and acts by one or more individual deputies. Table 6.19 indicates the number of amendments tabled to laws and acts by one or more deputy groups.

Table 6.18: Total number of draft amendments to acts and laws per proposer

DEPUTY GROUP D FS TOTAL SDS 1 1 2 LDS 37 5 42 SD 86 15 101 NSi 10 - 10 SLS 8 - 8 SNS 44 - 44 DeSUS 18 3 21 NC - - - TOTAL 204 24 228

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 10 Jan. 2007. Legend: D Proposed by a deputy. FS Proposed by the first-signed person from the deputy group. 6 DEPUTY GROUPS 129

Table 6.19: Total number of draft amendments to laws and acts per proposer – deputy group, and different categories (DG alone, with other DGs)

WITH OTHER DGs DEPUTY GROUP ALONE FIRST-SIGNED NOT FIRST-SIGNED SDS 1 1002 6 LDS 462 21 16 SD 349 16 40 NSi 1 4 1003 SLS - 9 951 SNS 54 - 2 DeSUS 74 3 884 NC 3 - -

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 10 Jan. 2007. Note: The column alone indicates the number of draft amendments tabled by a single deputy group, while the columns first-signed and not first-signed indicate the number of draft amendments tabled by at least two deputy groups. The column first-signed shows the number of amendments in the tabling of which an individual deputy group was first signed on the list, whereas the column not first-signed shows the number of amendments in the tabling of which the individual deputy group was not first-signed.

Diagram. 6.5: Total number of draft amendments to laws and acts per proposer – deputy group, and different categories (DG alone, with other DGs)








6.2.6 Parliamentary questions and motions per deputy group

Table 6.20: Number of parliamentary questions and motions per deputy group in 2006

DEPUTY GROUP PRESENTED UNANSWERED SDS 34 1 LDS 174 4 SD 160 4 NSi 30 1 SLS 18 1 SNS 322 11 DeSUS 16 - NC 10 - TOTAL 764 22

Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 18 Jan. 2007. Notes: Data as of 18 January 2007 - please note that the number of answered and unanswered questions and motions may change subsequently (the No. of answers increases). For statistical purposes, a request to supplement an answer is considered as an independent question.

From a total of 764 questions and motions presented, there were 605 questions, 138 motions, and 21 requests to supplement an answer.

Diagram 6.6: Structure of parliamentary questions and motions per deputy group

DeSUS NS SDS 2% 1% 4% LDS 23%

SNS 43%

SD SLS NSi 21% 2% 4% 6 DEPUTY GROUPS 131

Diagram 6.7: Share of unanswered parliamentary questions and motions per deputy group








6.3 Deputy groups and working bodies

Table 6.21 shows the representation of deputy groups in working bodies, as of 31 December 2006.

Table 6.21: Representation of deputy groups in working bodies - as of 31 December 2006

DEPUTY GROUP NAME OF WORKING BODY SDS LDS SD NSi SLS SNS DeSUS NC Commissions set up pursuant to Article 35 of the Rules of Procedure: Commission for Mandates and 6 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 Elections Commission for the Rules of 2 2 1 1 1 - - - Procedure Commission for National 1 1 1 1 - - - 2 Communities Commission for Budgetary and 2 2 1 1 1 - - - Other Public Finance Control Commission for Supervision of 1 2 1 1 1 1 - - Intelligence and Security Services Other commissions: Commission for Petitions, Human 3 2 1 1 - - - - Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Other Countries 132 6 DEPUTY GROUPS

Table 6.21 continued

DEPUTY GROUP NAME OF WORKING BODY SDS LDS SD NSi SLS SNS DeSUS NC Commission under the 2 2 1 1 - 1 - - Prevention of Corruption Act Constitutional Commission 7 6 3 2 2 1 1 - Committees: Committee on the Economy 5 4 2 2 1 1 1 - Committee on Transport 6 4 2 1 2 1 1 - Committee on the Environment 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 - and Spatial Planning Committee on Agriculture, 4 3 1 2 1 1 - 1 Forestry and Food Committee on Finance and 4 4 1 2 1 1 1 - Monetary Policy Committee on Foreign Policy 7 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 Committee on Domestic Policy, 5 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 Public Administration and Justice Committee on Local Self- Government and Regional 5 4 2 1 1 1 1 - Development Committee on Defence 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 - Committee on Health 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 - Committee on Labour, the Family, 6 4 2 1 1 1 1 - Social Affairs and the Disabled Committee on Culture, Education 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 and Sport Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technological 5 4 1 1 1 1 - - Development Committee on EU Affairs 6 5 1 1 1 1 1 -

Source of data: decisions by the Council of the President of the National Assembly. 7 THE COUNCIL OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 134 7 THE COUNCIL OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

The Council of the President of the National Assembly is the consultative body of the President. In cases provided by Article 21 of the Rules of Procedure, the Council is also competent for decision-making.

Table 7.1: Number of meetings held by the Council of the President of the National Assembly


Source of data: databases of the National Assembly, as of 18 Jan. 2007.

In addition to the meetings of the Council, the President of the National Assembly also uses other forms of work in order to obtain information and consultation (e.g. meetings, consultations, work meetings), which are closed to the public. 8 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY 136 8 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY

The cooperation between the National Assembly and the Protocol visits are listed separately. Visits of parliamentary representative bodies of other countries, international friendship groups, listed at the end of this Chapter, are parliamentary institutions, and international organisations included under bilateral visits. and international bodies is presented in separate categories: cooperation with multilateral parliamentary The National Assembly appointed its delegations to eight institutions, relations with the European Union, international parliamentary institutions. Their activity is quadrilateral cooperation and other multilateral meetings, presented in Table 8.1. bilateral visits abroad, and bilateral visits to Slovenia.

Table 8.1: Activity within multilateral parliamentary institutions

PARLIAMENTARY INSTITUTIONS NUMBER PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE 4 Assembly sessions 16 Committee meetings 1 Other CEI PARLIAMENTARY CONFERENCE Parliamentary Committee - Parliamentary Assembly - Other - OSCE PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY Assembly sessions 3 Elections observation 3 Other 10 NATO PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY Assembly sessions 2 Committee and subcommittee meetings 7 Other 2 WEU ASSEMBLY Assembly sessions 2 Committee meetings 15 Other 1 INTERPARLIAMENTARY UNION Assembly sessions 2 Other 2 EURO-MEDITERRANEAN PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY Assembly sessions 1 Committee meetings 1 PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY OF MEDITERRANEAN STATES Assembly sessions 1 Other -

Source of data: Department of International Relations, Protocol and Translation.

Table 8.2: Relations with the European Union

ACTIVITIES NUMBER European Parliament 5 Other (visits, meetings, COSAC, seminars) 7

Source of data: Committee on EU Affairs. 8 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY 137

Table 8.3: Activities within the Table 8.5: Bilateral visits to Slovenia Quadrilateral and other multilateral meetings COUNTRY NUMBER OF VISITS Australia 1 ACTIVITIES NUMBER Austria 2 Quadrilateral meetings - Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 Other multilateral meetings 58 Bulgaria 1 of which in Slovenia 3 Cyprus 1 Other meetings 25 European Parliament 3 Finland 1 Source of data: Department of International Relations, Protocol and Translation. France 2 Ireland 1 Italy 2 Table 8.4: Bilateral visits abroad Japan 2 Canada 1

COUNTRY NUMBER OF VISITS Lithuania 1 Argentina 1 Luxemburg 1 Bulgaria 1 Hungary 2 Brazil 1 Macedonia 2 Estonia 1 Germany 5 Finland 1 Netherlands 1 Japan 1 Poland 1 Canada 1 Russia 1 China 1 Slovakia 2 Luxemburg 1 Serbia 1 Germany 4 Serbia and Montenegro 1 Poland 1 Sweden 1 Romania 1 Turkey 1 Russia 1 United Kingdom 3 Serbia and Montenegro 1 TOTAL 42

Turkey 1 Source of data: Department of International Relations, Protocol Uruguay 1 and Translation. Vatican 1 United Kingdom 3 TOTAL 23 Table 8.6: Protocol visits

Source of data: Department of International Relations, Protocol and Translation. ACTIVITIES NUMBER Note: Protocol events 63 The table refers to visits hosted by foreign parliaments; Receptions 104 meetings held during multilateral meetings are not taken into account. Source of data: Department of International Relations, Protocol and Translation. Note: Receptions include receptions of Ambassadors, foreign parliamentarians and other high representatives of foreign countries. 138 8 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY

Parliamentary friendship groups

Parliamentary friendship groups are informal structures In 2006, the National Assembly comprised 48 parliamentary formed by the deputies of the National Assembly according friendship groups with the following countries: Argentina, to their interest in cooperation with individual countries. Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia The establishment and appointment of the presidents and Herzegovina, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, of parliamentary friendship groups are decided by the Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Committee on Foreign Policy. Israel, Japan, Canada, China, Korea, Cuba, Latvia, Lithuania, As a general rule, meetings of delegations of parliamentary Luxembourg, Hungary, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, friendship groups are scheduled under the programmes Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, of bilateral meetings of the President and working bodies Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia and Montenegro, Spain, of the National Assembly. The president of a parliamentary Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United friendship group is subsequently added as member of a Kingdom, USA, and Germany. delegation visiting an individual country and participates Source of data: Department of International Relations, Protocol in the programme of visit of a foreign delegation in and Translation, as of 19 Jan. 2007. Slovenia. 9 PETITIONS 140 9 PETITIONS

Complaints and proposals presented by citizens in order Opportunities. The Commission informs the competent to draw attention to specific problems concerning the bodies and examines requests, complaints, and other implementation of laws and other acts are dealt with by petitions of general importance sent by citizens to the the Commission for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal National Assembly, and analyses the reasons thereof.

Table 9.1: Total number of petitions

PETITIONS NUMBER No. of petitions 198 No. of issues solved 122

Source of data: Commission for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal Opportunities.

Diagram 9.1: Petitions per subject

70 65

59 60 58



30 27

21 19 20 14 10 10 6 6 7 5 4 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 0 1 0 1 0 10 ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS 142 10 ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS

Table 10.1: Number of decisions adopted per proposer

PROPOSER NUMBER Judicial Council of the Republic of Slovenia 66 President of the Republic of Slovenia 4 Government of the Republic of Slovenia 2 Commission for Mandates and Elections 18 Minister of Justice 1 Deputy group 7 Council of the President of the National Assembly 3 TOTAL 101

Source of data: Commission for Mandates and Elections - services, 30 Dec. 2006.

In 2006 31 there where changes concerning the composition of working bodies. 11 THE BUDGET OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 144 11 THE BUDGET OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

11.1 Budget

Table 11.1: Adopted budget of the National Assembly and expenditure

in 000 SIT

CATEGORY ADOPTED BUDGET EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE IN % Salaries 3,838,602 3,703,065 96.47 Material and other costs and 1,712,792 1,387,338 81.00 expenditure Investment and maintenance 714,450 672,225 94.09 Other * 155,731 151,578 97.33 Of which restaurant and Poročevalec 116,945 98,877 84.55 TOTAL 6,421,575 5,914,031 92.10

Source of data: Finance and Accounting Department. Legend: * This category includes appropriated funds (such as the National Assembly’s own activity - the restaurant and the bulletin Poročevalec - and other appropriated funds: claims and EU grants).

11.2 Appropriated funds

In 2006, the National Assembly’s own activity (i.e. the restaurant and the bulletin Poročevalec) generated SIT 151 million of income and SIT 99 million of expenditure. The budget headings related to other appropriated funds recorded SIT 68 million of budgetary commitments and SIT 53 million of expenditure. 12 THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA IN THE SECOND YEAR OF THE FOURTH PARLIAMENTARY TERM – afterword by the Secretary General of the National Assembly 146 12 the national assembly of the Republic of slovenia

If one wished to point out the main characteristics of the The National Assembly adopted 67 laws, 96 laws amending National Assembly’s work in 2006, it might well be said other laws, 42 ratifications, 93 consolidated texts of laws, that the second year of the term was very dynamic both in 104 decisions, 14 ordinances, 6 resolutions, 3 authentic terms of the volume and of the contents of work, and such interpretations, and 1 declaration, as well as the budget dynamics was indeed up to the expectations. Hitherto for 2008 and an amendment to the budget for 2007. By experience has in fact revealed that in the second year of adopting a constitutional amendments, the National a term - compared to the other three years - the conditions Assembly reformulated the text of Articles 121, 140 and for work of the legislator are the most predictable: the 143 of the Constitution and thus amended the legal basis National Assembly had already been constituted, all for the establishment of regions and the transfer of certain working bodies had been appointed, and the parliament competences onto the latter. spent the year dealing in particular with content-related In most cases, laws were proposed by the Govenment issues, and only occasionally with organisational ones. (from a total of 234 proposed laws, the Government Nevertheless, 2006 was marked by local elections which proposed 208, the deputies proposed 22 (5 of which to a certain extent - at least indirectly - also affected the were adopted by the National Assembly), the National work of the National Assembly, particularly of the deputies Council proposed 2 laws and the voters one (5000 voters actively involved in the elections as the intensity of work pursuant to Article 59 of the Referendum and Public increased significantly. Initiative Act). The data on the type of procedure used to adopt acts are As far as organisational issues are concerned, a particular very interesting: 92 laws were discussed by the regular emphasis needs to be placed on the start of the preparations procedure, 26 by the urgent procedure, and 46 by the for Slovenia’s presidency of the European Union. In the shortened procedure. middle of 2006, the National Assembly appointed a project As regards amendments, 3896 amendments were tabled group in charge of the organisational and, partly, of the and 2571 (66%) adopted. content-related aspects of such preparations. The project In its electoral function, the National Assembly adopted group drafted a document containing a detailed overview 101 decisions; of the tasks, funds, staff, draft schedules of meetings, 764 parliamentary questions and motions were presented, conferences, etc. organised by the National Assembly as 97.1% of which (either oral and written) were answered. the national parliament of the country holding the EU Presidency alone or in cooperation with the European The National Assembly decided on EU affairs at the Parliament, and submitted such document to the Council plenum at its 15th regular session when it discussed the of the President of the National Assembly. The Council Declaration on the orientations regarding the activities approved the group’s proposal and started to define which of the Republic of Slovenia within the EU institutions working bodies - in addition to the Committee on EU in 2006 and the Report on the state of affairs in the EU Affairs and the Committee on Foreign Policy - will host the and the position of the Republic of Slovenia therein in meetings with the committees from foreign parliaments, 2005. The Committee on EU Affairs and the Committee and to determine the topics of discussion. on Foreign Policy as the competent working bodies discussed EU affairs at 56 meetings, and the working bodies responsible discussed such at 33 meetings. Below is a review of the work of the National Assembly in 2006 with the most characteristic statistical data. The working bodies (9 commissions, 14 committees) held The National Assembly held 11 regular and 8 extraordinary 364 meetings, 37 % of which were urgent meetings. The sessions which together lasted 88 or 616 hours and 41 meetings lasted in total 844 hours. The working bodies minutes, which accounts on average for 63% of the discussed 1075 agenda items - 249 laws and 193 other acts, announced time. and tabled 1570 amendments. They organised four public The National Assembly discussed 368 agenda items; the hearings. There were also 31 changes in the composition floor was taken by 1483 speakers. of working bodies. The sessions were adjourned 57-times, of which 18-times at the request of deputy groups. 29 obstructions were announced and carried out. 147 12 the national assembly of the Republic of slovenia

Deputy groups, i.e. deputies, submitted 22 laws (or 23, members of National Assembly’s permanent delegations including the constitutional act), of which only 5 were actively participated at the Parliamentary Assembly of the adopted, 2244 amendments to laws and other acts, and Council of Europe, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, 764 parliamentary questions and motions. the WEU Assembly, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, The Council of the President held 36 meetings to discuss the Parliamentary Assembly of Mediterranean States, the matters within its competence, particularly to determine CEI Parliamentary Conference, the Euro-Mediterranean the work schedule of the National Assembly, the time of Parliamentary Assembly, and the Interparliamentary discussion of individual agenda items, and to decide on Union. The National Assembly hosted 167 protocol events the type of procedure for the discussion of draft laws. and receptions. 48 parliamentary friendship groups operated. As regards the international activity, the National Assembly carried out 23 visits abroad and hosted 42 visits of The National Assembly received 198 petitions, and the foreign delegations to Slovenia. The activity in the field Commission for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal of multilateral parliamentary institutions was bustling - Opportunities solved 122 cases.

Secretary General of the National Assembly

Lovro Lončar

SOURCES 150 Sources

1. Data provided by the National Assembly of the Republic 7. Data provided by the Secretariat of the National of Slovenia: databases (information system in Lotus Assembly. Notes): Sessions of the National Assembly, Records 8. Data provided by the Secretaries of working bodies on of sessions of the National Assembly, Adopted laws, the work of working bodies. Adopted acts, Draft laws, Draft acts, Laws - end of 9. Data provided by the service of the Commission for procedure, Acts - end of procedure, Consolidated Mandates and Elections. texts of laws, Parliamentary questions and motions, 10. Data provided by the Legislative and Legal Service. Proceedings before the Constitutional Court, Meetings 11. Databases of the Office of the President of the National of working bodies, Records of meetings of working Assembly. bodies, Council of the President of the National 12. Databases and documentation of the commissions of Assembly, Parliamentary Friendship Groups, Research inquiry. papers. 13.Databases of the Research and Documentation Sector. 2. Data provided by the National Council of the Republic 14. Rules of procedure of the National Assembly, National of Slovenia. Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. 3. Data provided by the Finance and Accounting 15. Rules of Procedure on Parliamentary Inquiry, Official Department. Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 63/93, 33/03. 4. Data provided by the Commission for Petitions, Human 16. Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, Official Rights and Equal Opportunities. Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 33/91, 42/97, 5. Data provided by the Committee on EU Affairs. 66/00, 24/03, 69/04, 68/06. 6. Data provided by the Department of International Relations, Protocol and Translation.