Lewisham Local Plan Site Allocations – Central Area
Draft Lewisham Local Plan Site Allocations – Central area Regulation 18 stage ‘Preferred Approach’ Document Lewisham Gateway Site address: Lewisham Gateway Site, Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 Site details: Site size (ha): 5.52, Setting: Central, PTAL: In 2015: 6b, In 2021: 6b, In 2031: 6b, Ownership: Mixed public and private, Current use: Transport interchange How site was Lewisham Core Strategy (2011) and London SHLAA (2017) identified: Planning Opportunity Area, adjacent to Conservation Area, Critical Drainage Area, designations Flood Zones 1 and 2 and site constraints: Planning Full application DC/06/062375 granted in May 2009. Various reserved matters and Status: s73 minor material amendment granted April 2013 – February 2019. Started construction and development is partially complete. Timeframe for 2020/21 – 2024/25 2025/26 – 2029/30 2030/31 – 2034/35 2035/36 – 3039/40 delivery: Yes Indicative Net residential units: Non-residential floorspace: development 607 Town centre: 2,550 capacity: 1 Employment: 17,500 Existing planning consent DC/06/062375 - The comprehensive mixed use redevelopment of the Lewisham Gateway Site, SE13 (land between Rennell Street and Lewisham Railway Station) for 100000m² comprising retail (A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5), offices (B1), hotel (C1), residential (C3), education/health (D1) and leisure (D2) with parking and associated infrastructure, as well as open space and water features as follows: up to 57,000 m² residential (C3) up to 12,000 m² shops, financial & professional services (A1 & A2) up to 17,500 m² offices (B1) / education (D1) up to 5,000 m² leisure (D2) up to 4,000 m² restaurants & cafés and drinking establishments (A3 & A4) up to 3,000 m² hotel (C1) up to 1,000 m² hot food takeaways (A5) 500m² health (D1) provision of up to 500 car parking spaces revised road alignment of (part of) Lewisham High Street, Rennell Street, Molesworth Street and Loampit Vale and works to Lewisham Road.
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