Conflict on the Frontier: Lesson 1-The Search for Peace Quiz

1.During the Civil War, many pioneers in West Texas were forced to abandon their homes due to attacks from _____.

A. Mexican Raiders

B. Native Americans

C. Union troops

D. vigilantes

2. Before the invention of _____ six-shot pistol, Native Americans had an advantage in weaponry over U.S. troops.

A. Samuel Colt's

B. Eliphalet Remington's

C. Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson's

D. Oliver Winchester's

3. In 1867 the U.S. government signed three treaties at _____ with five Native American groups in hopes of bringing peace on the plains.

A. Mountain

B. Fort Concho

C. Fort Griffin

D. Medicine Lodge Creek

4. Under the Treaty of Medicine Lodge Creek, Native Americans agreed to stop their opposition to the construction of _____ across the plains.

A. forts

B. highways

C. railroads

D. reservations

5. The Treaty of Medicine Lodge Creek required the U.S. government to give Native Americans large amounts of land for _____.

A. following their way of life

B. hunting

C. mining

D. reservations

6. The peace treaties with Native Americans failed because _____.

A. Native Americans continued to raid white settlements

B. neither side was fully committed to following the treaties

C. the U.S. Supreme Court ruled them unconstitutional

D. U.S. troops mounted campaigns to remove Native Americans from the plains

7. In 1869 President Ulysses S. Grant appointed Lawrie Tatum, a _____, as the federal agent in Indian Territory for the and people.

A. Comanche

B. Kiowa

C. Presbyterian

D. Quaker

8. _____, the son of a Comanche chief and an Anglo-American woman who had been captured as a child, was one of several chiefs who opposed the Medicine Lodge Creek Treaty and refused to move onto a reservation.

A. Kicking Bird

B. Lone Wolf



9. _____ was a Native American leader who supported the Medicine Lodge Creek Treaty because he believed that adapting to the new settlers' ways was their only hope.

A. Kicking Bird

B. Lone Wolf

C. Quanah Parker

D. Satanta

10. Many reservations were located in the Indian Territory, which is present-day _____.

A. Colorado

B. New Mexico

C. Oklahoma

D. West Texas

Short Answer

11. Use the word corrupt in a sentence about how Native Americans were treated.

12. What did Native Americans give up when they signed the Treaty of Medicine Creek? What benefits were they supposed to receive?

13. How did President Grant try to improve relations with Native Americans?

14. Why was the U.S. Army unable to stop Native American raids in West Texas soon after the Civil War?

15. Why did members of some Native American bands feel they did not need to abide by the terms of the Medicine Lodge Creek Treaty?