History and Historiography of the German Problem
University of California-Berkeley Margaret Lavinia Anderson 1992 HISTORY 280 HISTORY AND HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE GERMAN PROBLEM GENERAL INFORMATION STUDENTS STUDYING FOR THEIR ORALS could not do better for our period than to concentrate on the two volumes in the Oxford History of Germany: James J. Sheehan (1937--), German History 1770-1866 (1989). Gordon Craig (1913--), Germany 1866-1945 (1978). THE GERMAN EQUIVALENTS of the above, written by the two, competing colossi of their generation, quite different from each other in methodology and interpretation, and indespensible for every specialist in German history are: Thomas Nipperdey (1927-1992), Germany from Napoleon to Bismarck 1800-1866 (Princeton, 1996, ISBN: 0- 691-02636-x); first published as: Deutsche Geschichte, Bd. I, 1800-1866. Bürgerwelt und starker Staat (Munich, 1983). Vols. II (still untranslated) is Deutsche Geschichte, Bd. II, 1866-1918. Machtstaat vor der Demokratie (Munich, 1992); and then there is: Deutsche Geschichte 1866-1918, Band I Arbeitswelt und Bürgergeist (Munich, 1990). Hans-Ulrich Wehler (1931--), Deutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte. Bd. I, Vom Feudalismus des Alten Reiches bis zur Defensiven Modernisierung der Reformära (Munich, 1987); Bd. II, Von der Reformära bis zur industriellen und politischen 'Deutschen Doppelrevolution' 1815-1845-/49. (Munich, 1987); Bd.. III, Von der ‘Deutschen Doppelrevolution’ bis zum Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs 1849-1914 (Munich, 1995); Bd.IV, Vom Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs bis zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts 1914-1990 (Munich...in press). Also useful: Heinrich Lutz, Habsburg and Preussen: Deutschland 1815-1866 (1985). The same story told by Wehler and Nipperdey, but this time by a Bavarian who for many years taught at Vienna, with all the differences that implies.
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