
Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean / Vol XI / Navarro Palazón, García-Pulido (eds.) © 2020: UGR ǀ UPV ǀ PAG

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11333

“Locking up the Strait in the fifteenth century’s Ottoman Mediterranean”: The Bosporus’ sea forts of Mehmet II (1452)

Vincent Ory Laboratoire d’Archéologie Médiévale et Moderne en Méditerranée, Aix-en-Provence, France [email protected] / [email protected]

Abstract In the fifteenth century, the Mediterranean world was in turmoil. A new sultan, Mehmet II, had just in- herited a vast empire stretching over two in the centre of which the ruins of the survived through the city of . In order to seal his accession, he therefore under- took important preparations to conquer the “City guarded by God”. Mehmet then ordered the construc- tion, within 4 months, of an imposing fortress nicknamed Boǧazkesen (the throat cutter). This coup de force is a testimony to the incredible military and economic power of this growing empire that masters a new war technology: artillery. The Ottomans, who were still novices in this field, had therefore had to adapt their fortifications to the use of firearms. Using local and foreign architects and engineers, the Ot- toman fortifications built in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries bear witness to an architectural experi- mentation that seems to testify, like the work carried out in Rhodes by Pierre d’Aubusson or in Methoni by the Venetians, to a real research in terms of offensive and defensive effectiveness. In this context, the fortifications of Rumeli Hisarı and Anadolu Hisarı, built on either side of the narrowest point of the Bosporus in 1451-1452, are characterized by the presence of large coastal batteries that operate together. They were to block access to Constantinople by the , combining sinking and dismasting fire. Keywords: Bosporus, fifteenth century defensive architecture, fortifications of the early artillery era, Ottoman fortifications.

1. Introduction The spread of firearms modify the architectural on-board artillery of the war ships and this, 50 conventions. From a structural point of view, years before the French answers in Toulon the fortifications must guard against this new (1515) or Le Havre (1517), 60 years before the weapon, which during the following centuries, construction of the Megalos Kules (1524) in becomes more and more effective. Architects Heraklyon by the Venetians, and 75 years be- must also open shooting ranges and find sites fore the forts at the sea of Henry VIII of Eng- to house heavy muzzle-loading weapons. Thus land. from the advent of Mehmet II, a new offensive architectural style was created with the con- 2. The Bosporus Strait struction in 1452 of Rumeli Hisarı and Anado- The Bosporus Strait connects the Black Sea to lu Hisarı, two forts at sea established on either the . It is part of the Turkish Strait side of the narrowest point of the Bosporus. System (TSS) which also includes the Marma- For the first time, fortifications totally integrate ra Sea and the Strait further south. artillery in their structure, to fight against the


This inlet, which looks like a river with a erally from the Black Sea to the Marmara Sea. winding course between two fairly high banks, This force varies according to the width of the is about 30 km long. It runs north/south from strait and the irregular shape of the coastline so to , then follows a first bend to that too much advance projects the flow to- the northwest for about 4 km at Sariyer, before wards the opposite shore at a very steep angle. returning to its original orientation to the Black The intensity of the current is also affected by Sea (Fig. 1). fluctuations in winds blowing in the same tra- jectory as the channel, most often from north The southern mouth of the channel, almost to south. Topographical and climatic con- 3500 m wide, receives to the west, a vast estu- straints continuously impose powerful currents ary 7 km long, called the , before which, unlike the Dardanelles in calm weather, gradually narrowing to 860 m, between Rumeli remain extremely fast. These physical charac- Hisarı and Anadolu Hisarı. The canal widens teristics dictate difficult conditions for naviga- again to 1500 m and opens into a funnel to- tion. Boats had to negotiate the routes accord- wards the Black Sea. ing to the sudden changes in current orienta- To understand the hydrological characteristics tion along the inlet, while the frequent fogs of the Strait, we must consider it as a whole. provided additional discomfort. The configuration of the two sea basins (Black Due to its configuration, the Bosporus Strait Sea/Marmara Sea) connected by the strait has a was a major crossing point; first as an im- strong asymmetry. Many rivers supply the portant maritime communication route be- Black Sea directly or indirectly. The latter then tween the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea, but discharges its overflow towards the Mediterra- also as an intercontinental transit route be- nean, by a very powerful surface current, gen- tween and .

Fig. 1. Bosporus Strait (Vincent Ory, 2019).


The Ottomans settled permanently on the east- 3. Rumeli Hisarı and Anadolu Hisarı : a dam ern coast of the Bosporus during the fourteenth on the Bosporus century. In 1394, Bayezid I Yıldırım, under- While there does not seem to be any document took the siege of Constantinople. More or less preserved in the Ottoman archives that would before the outbreak of hostilities, he ordered allow us to date the construction of Rumeli the construction of the Gözluce Hisarı fortress Hisarı and the expansion of Anadolu Hisarı at the mouth of the Göksü River on the eastern with any precision, the many testimonies and bank of the Bosporus, 10 km north of Istanbul. chronicles from the time Constantinople was The latter was to secure the intercontinental taken provide valuable information (Déroche, transit route that would allow its troops to Vatin, 2016). Thus it was possible to determine cross the strait and maintain communication that the erection of the first one began in mid- with Ottoman forces operating on the Europe- spring 1452 and was completed in August of an coast. Bayezid, like his successors, did not the same year. have a sufficiently efficient fleet to ensure and perpetuate the crossing of the strait. Rumeli Hisarı was designed by Mehmet II, as- sisted by the architect Müslihiddin and a monk Mehmet II enlarged Gözluce Hisarı in 1452, converted to Islam. and in the same year, on the European side of the Bosphorus, launched the construction of The context of this fortification campaign was the imposing Rumeli Hisarı fortress opposite clearly explained by Kritoboulos. The fortress- the first one. They had to prevent any supply es would, in fact, be advantageous for various of the city by Christian ships in the Black Sea, reasons and would serve as a powerful support and to do so had been considerably provided point for the siege of Constantinople that with artillery. Mehmet was about to undertake. Their founda- tion thus appears as the prologue to the fall of However, the system does not seem to have the Byzantine Empire. Therefore, they had first had, at least initially, the expected effective- to isolate the city of Black Sea by the Bosporus ness. On November 10th, 1452, the garrison of by sinking any ship that tried to force the strait. Rumeli Hisarı opened fire on two Venetian galleys from the Pontic region, which managed But if the primary purpose of these forts at sea to pass. Undoubtedly, the novelty of this sys- had been to stifle Constantinople, cut off from tem explained this first failure, and perhaps it the pontic supply, it is nevertheless certain that was necessary to make some adjustments be- they were also intended to ensure communica- fore Antonio Erizzio’s ship was sunk on No- tion between Europe and Asia, so that the West vember 26th of the same year. could not prevent Ottoman troops from cross- ing it, as had been the case several times be- The two forts at sea finally had an economic fore. interest. By blocking the strait, the Sultan had also taken control of the only seaway leading The fortress of Rumeli Hisarı1, in Europe, oc- to the Black Sea and its riches. All types of cupies the steep slope of the foothills of two ships, whether commercial, military or private, hills overlooking the Bosporus, between which and of any nationality, foreign or even Turkish, a small valley slopes gently to the sea. The ir- had to pay a tax that was an important source regularity of the relief imposed an irregular po- of income for the empire. lygonal plane running from north to south over a length of about 250 m and a maximum width When in 1484, the Black Sea became an “Ot- of 130 m. The complex is dominated by three toman Sea”, the fortresses lost their military autonomous master towers, occupying the importance and were converted into prisons. peaks of the two hills and the centre of the val- ley at its contact with the sea. A fourth, smaller “master” tower controls the southeast corner. They interrupted the entire enclosure, and

819 flanked by thirteen towers of various plans. ment. It was mainly equipped with “stone and Access to the fortress was through three doors catapult throwing machines” of all sizes –the in the curtains, respectively to the west, north largest, facing the sea, were massed on the and northeast, as well as through two potterns, ground along the entire length of the wall systematically flanked by a tower. Inde- along the shoreline– suggesting that the order pendently of the corps de place, a coastal bat- included both powder and mechanical artillery. tery or hisar peçe, wrongly named barbican by Doukas claimed that bronze cannons threw Albert Gabriel because of its wall pierced by a stones of more than 600 pounds (about 294 kg) door placed in front of the northeast access, and had been installed in the Halil Paşa kulesi, doubled the eastern enclosure along the shore. while Nicolò Barbaro wrote that the fortress This one, now partially destroyed, had many was firmly defended on the sea side by a very shooting gates built at the level of the sea so large number of bombards established on the that the shooting trajectories were perpendicu- coast and the ramparts. lar to the coastline. Tursun Bey, finally, was the only one to speak The fortress of Anadolu Hisarı2, in Asia, is clearly of an advanced work on the water, characterized by a large square tower doubled pierced by twenty firing gates, in which very to the south by a roughly quadrangular enclo- high-calibre pieces had been placed. He added sure flanked by four towers. Built in the that this device had also been built on the side 1390s, it occupies the top of a reef overlooking of the “new fort located on the opposite bank” the mouth of the Göksü River. In 1452, –Anadolu Hisarı– without however providing Mehmet II added a polygonal enclosure more details. flanked by three circular towers to the alluvial plain that had formed around the original site. On the other hand, Evliyâ Çelebi (1611-1682) Only the northeast quarter, with two doors, gives figures and the type of artillery. Thus in does not appear to have been washed by the Rumeli Hisarı it counted 105 pieces among water, while the western curtains had many which there were balyemez and şayka on the shooting gates. The latter, arranged slightly waterfront. But we do not know in what pro- above sea level, covered the strait at an angle portion they arm the coastline. Nor does it pro- of about 115°. The fortress’ largest dimensions vide any indication of Anadolu Hisarı’s ordo- were 70 m, from north to south, and 80 m from nance. east to west. In addition to this limited written information, there is a document of exceptional significance 4. Armament and action principle of forts because it is probably the first representation It is difficult to know exactly the composition of the Bosphorus fortifications. Preserved at and layout of the armaments, particularly artil- the Biblioteca Trivulziana in Milan, in the co- lery, when the fortresses are completed. The dex 64, Babinger believes that it was made by chronicles, despite their large number, because a Venetian spy around 1453 (Babinger, 1955, of this event considered by his contemporaries p. 190). There is clearly large artillery facing as exceptionally remarkable, are rarely so de- the sea perpendicular to the coastline. Unfortu- tailed. nately, the annotations do not provide any fur- ther details. Kritoboulos, one of the most singular eyewit- nesses for his work dedicated to Mehmet II, he information provided by the written sources reported that the site and programme had been is therefore limited as regards the composition chosen so that the structure had the widest pos- of the ordinance, but supplemented with the sible width along the coast to place guns cov- architectural study, it makes it possible to ering the sea. Then, he explained that at its glimpse the fire plans (Fig. 2). completion Rumeli Hisarı was equipped with all kinds of weapons, and defensive equip-


Fig. 2. Theoretical distribution of fire levels on the Rumeli Hisarı seafront (Vincent Ory, 2019).

It is therefore possible to suggest that the mari- If the location of Anadolu Hisarı had probably time front, which constitutes the offensive el- been dictated by two geographical parameters ement of these fortresses, was the most heavily that would meet its supposed roles of securing armed. A first shot of fire, at sea level, was the intercontinental transhipment point and armed with bronze cannons –probably of the protecting the mouth of the Göksü River, the balyemez and şayka type– firing 600 pound choice made for the construction of Rumeli (about 294 kg) cannonballs on the southern Hisarı would appear to be defined by other re- portion and of a smaller calibre in the north. If quirements. Also, as Kritoboulos and Tursun the offensive character, at Anadolu Hisarı, Bey testify, particular attention has been paid seemed to be limited to this low battery, that of to the characteristics of the currents. Mehmet Rumeli Hisarı was doubled by a second shot of II would have visited the canal with specialists fire, apparently ensured by box bombards ar- to determine the areas that would present the ranged at nearly 13 m above sea level. The lat- greatest difficulties for navigation. ter was itself supported by an intermediate po- The navigation conditions between Rumeli sition established at an altitude of about 15 and Hisarı and Anadolu Hisarı are complicated 17 m on the top terraces of the towers in the due to a relatively strong current. Regardless middle of the curtain wall. According to of the wind direction, the flow invariably Kritoboulos, mechanical or kinetic artillery evolves from the Black Sea to the Marmara was also used to crown the enclosures and Sea. In most cases, it remains in the centre of towers. A third level of fire was allowed by the the channel, but the arrangement of the points terrace crowning the Kuçuk Zağanos Paşa ku- and curves on both sides of the channel is such lesi and probably by light artillery on the main that, in some places, the water is sometimes terrace of Halil Paşa Kulesi which culminate pushed towards the opposite coast with vio- respectively at 22,70 m and 26 m. A fourth lence. Thus, when encountering the Asian plan was guaranteed by box bombards in- coast at Kalinca, the current’s trajectory gradu- stalled on the north curtain wall at mid-slope, ally moves towards the European coast and which stood at 31,50 m, and by light artillery passes near Kayalar Burnu where Rumeli on the summit terrace of the Halil Paşa Kulesi. Hisarı is located at a speed of 5 to 6 knots. Finally, close defence was also provided by light artillery placed on the towers and proba- In this context, ships heading down to Con- bly by mechanical and powder handguns. stantinople were exposed to extremely danger- ous currents, so that “ships were thrown and

821 broken against the reefs if sailors did not pro- whose main flow ran along the European vide care and experience”. Ships sailing to- coast. The addition of maritime batteries to the wards the Black Sea also had to deal with narrowest part of the channel therefore only headwinds increased the risk of shipwrecks, both for naves and galleys. The chronicles mentioned Thus, in the fifteenth century, naves and gal- above, as well as the architectural analysis of leys encountered difficulties in navigating the the fortresses, suggest, in theory, the composi- strait. Although the latter could row their way tion of the coastal batteries. Thus, Rumeli in, their shallow freeboard and shallow draught Hisarı was probably equipped with 16 giant made them unstable in bad weather and ad- bombards and 4 smaller ones, while Anadolu verse conditions. The 1,20 m high waves were Hisarı had 9, probably of the same categories. an almost insurmountable obstacle that could Two of these unusual pieces, which were part capsize them. In addition, since the cruising of Rumeli Hisarı’s arsenal, are on display in speed of propulsion by oars was about three front of the site, while a third is in the War knots during the day, halved at night, the gal- Museum at İstanbul. They provide a glimpse leys had great difficulty maintaining a velocity of the type of weapon used. Weighing nearly that would allow them to cross the passage. fifteen tons, they fired 630 mm diameter stone The rigged ships had to follow particular tra- balls weighing about 285 kg. Their maximum jectories to benefit from the counter-currents range, in comparison with the Dardanelles’ and sail up the strait. guns, was supposed to be close to 1200 m, The point chosen for the establishment of Ru- while their effective range was certainly lower. meli Hisarı was therefore partly determined by However, even with a 50% reduction in the lat- the unfavourable navigation conditions there ter, European and Asian fire crossed in the and by the distribution of surface currents middle of the channel since the strait is not

Fig. 3. Theoretical fire plans of the fortresses of Rumeli Hisarı and Andolu Hisarı (Vincent Ory, 2019).

822 more than 830 m wide at this point. The ab- 5. Conclusion sence of a trunnion and the presence of at- In conclusion, it can be said that these forts at tachment rings suggest that these bombards sea are characteristic of this period of architec- were placed on fixed mounts, so the angle of tural renewal linked to the massive use of artil- fire was not adjustable. In addition, the size lery, where the increase in the effective range and weight of the projectile resulted in an ex- of weapons now makes it possible to block and tremely slow firing rate, so that after the first control previously uncontrollable traffic routes firing, however destructive it may have been, from the coast. With Anadolu Hisarı and Ru- these weapons could not be recharged quickly. meli Hisarı built in 1451, Mehmet intro- Consequently, the garrison had to prepare them duced the concept of “double sea forts”, which and wait for the target to pass in front of the he would perfect 10 years later on the Darda- gun to make a salvo. The importance of the nelles. These forts were designed from the be- calibre and the enormous crushing power of ginning by two to operate in a coupled manner the stone balls thrown by the main battery and increase the risk of sinking for the enemy bombards indicate that its role was clearly the by combining the sinking fire, and dismasting firing to sink. fire in areas where the sailing conditions were The provision to Rumeli Hisarı of three addi- already dangerous and complicated. tional fire plans on the waterfront curtains and It is therefore necessary to specify that the for- on the terraces of the Halil Paşa Kulesi was tress of Rumeli Hisarı, whose plan may seem certainly intended to destroy the rigging of illogical because of its location straddling a naves, galleys and other sailing ships. They valley, must be approached as an element of should therefore promote the use of scrap met- protection for the coastal battery. It is the latter al. The ordinances installed on the enclosure that must be established on the narrowest por- probably favoured direct fire, perpendicular to tion of the strait. The monumental complex the axis of the walls, while the towers allowed that dominates it is totally devoted to its de- the radiant fire to cover a larger area. There is fence. no element to determine the characteristics of the gun supports and therefore their manoeu- In addition, the Ottomans appear to have been vrability, except on the north enclosure at mid- pioneers in this field by using principles that slope where the provisions suggest the use of other nations seem to have used half a century fixed supports placed directly on the ground. later. Thus the arrangement of batteries estab- lished on either side of a waterway was taken Powder artillery appears to have been support- over by King Manuel I of Portugal to control ed by mechanical artillery, referred to as cata- access to Lisbon by sea with the construction pults, also positioned on towers and curtains. of the Belem tower on the bank of the Tagus The maritime fronts of Rumeli Hisarı and between 1514 and 1519. The principle was Anadolu Hisarı were thus equipped with de- taken up ten years later by the architects of vices that allowed parabolic or vertical firing. Francis I of France when he built the Château The layout of the two fortresses and the con- d’If in front of Marseille in 1529. figuration of the coastal batteries suggest that The forts at Rumeli Hisarı and Anadolu Hisarı the two fortifications acted in a complementary seem to illustrate that under the reigns of manner to control the strait by crossing their Mehmet the Conqueror and Süleymân the fires. They combined the use of giant stone- Magnificent, the Ottomans actively participat- throwing bombards for sinking fire with lighter ed in the evolution of military architecture to pieces on three superposed levels for dismast- adapt it to the use of artillery, as did European ing fire (Fig. 3). powers such as the kingdoms of France, Spain or the city-states of Italy.


Notes 1 For a description of Rumeli Hisarı see: Ga- 2 For a description of Anadolu Hisarı see: Ga- briel, 1943, pp. 29-75; Ayverdi, 1989, pp. 626- briel, 1943, pp. 9-28; Ayverdi, 1966, pp. 501- 660). 506; 1989, pp. 617-624.

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