Golden Horn (Istanbul, Turkey)
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Water and Green Growth Case Study Report 11 Turkey Restoration of an Urban Estuary: Golden Horn, Istanbul Rights and Permissions Please obtain permission from the authors before reproducing this work in whole or in part. About the Report This case study report has been prepared as part of Phase 2 of the Water and Green Growth project, a collaborative research effort by the Government of Korea, as represented by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and K-water, and the World Water Council. The Water and Green Growth Report Edition II follows from and further develops the contents of the Water and Green Growth Report Edition I, which was published in March 2012. Disclaimer The findings, interpretations, arguments, and conclusions expressed in this report DUHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RIWKHDXWKRUVDQGGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHÀHFWWKHYLHZVRI.ZDWHUDQG:RUOG Water Council. Prepared for Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Republic of Korea and K-water (Korea Water Resources Cooperation) in cooperation with the World Water Council. Authors 0DUFLD0%UHZVWHU 6HQLRU&RQVXOWDQW1DXWLOXV,QWHUQDWLRQDO'HYHORSPHQW&RQVXOWLQJ,QF 1HZ<RUN1<86$ DQG'U$VOLKDQ.HUF%XUFX<D]LFL2VPDQ7LNDQVDNDQG$VOL%HNWLN (Turkish Water Institute, Istanbul, Turkey) Peer Reviewer %RQQLH$+DUNHQ 3UHVLGHQW1DXWLOXV,QWHUQDWLRQDO'HYHORSPHQW&RQVXOWLQJ,QF Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of all those who have made this reportpossible. In particular, we express our thanks to colleagues at the Turkish Water Institute (SUEN) and to Dr. Dogan Altinbilek (President, International Water Resources Association and Professor, Middle East Technical University) for sharing their expert knowledge. We express our gratitude to all the persons who filled in the questionnaires and participated in interviews. Finally, we are most grateful to fellow members of the Water and Green Growth team at K-water Institute and the World Water Council for their support and feedback on this report. Contents 623 List of Figures 624 List of Tables 625 List of Pictures 626 Abbreviations and Acronyms 628 Executive Summary 631 I. Introduction 631 1. Purpose of the Case Study 631 2. Case Study Context 632 3. Case Study Methodology 633 4. Organization of the Report 633 II. An Overview: Restoration of an Urban Estuary 634 1. About the Golden Horn Estuary (Haliç) in Istanbul 636 2. Timeline for Water Management Milestones and Golden Horn Restoration 636 III. The Case Study 638 1. Exogenous Factors 638 1-1. Economic Factors 647 1-2. Social Factors 653 1-3. Political Factors 656 1-4. Environmental Factors 662 1-5. Technical Factors 670 1-6. Concluding Remarks 671 2. Water Resources Governance and Institutions 671 2-1. State-driven Institutions Turkey Restoration of an Urban Estuary: Golden Horn, Istanbul ● 621 674 2-2. Municipal Water and Sanitation Institutions 675 2-3. Market-oriented Institutions 676 2-4. Community-centered Institutions 677 IV. Performance of Water Planning and Management in Turkey and the Greater Istanbul Municipality 677 1. Generic Performance 678 2. Economic Performance 681 3. Environmental Performance 683 4. Social Performance 685 5. Overall Performance 686 V. Lessons Learned and Conclusion 688 References 691 Annex A. Interviews 622 ● Water and Green Growth Case Study Report 11 List of Figures 634 <Figure 1> Map of Turkey, Showing the Location of Istanbul, the Bosporus Strait and the Sea of Marmara 635 <Figure 2> Location of the Golden Horn and Surrounding Districts 637 <Figure 3> Redevelopment of Golden Horn Estuary 646 <Figure 4> Population Density in Turkey, 2009 646 <Figure 5> Population Distribution in Turkey, 2013 649 <Figure 6> Changes in Employment Rates in 2004-2012(%) 654 <Figure 7> Map of Provinces in Turkey 657 <Figure 8> Annual Water Budget in Turkey 657 <Figure 9> Changes in the Treated Wastewater Flow Rates in Istanbul 673 <Figure 10> Organizational Chart of Ministries Related with Water Management in Turkey 673 <Figure 11> Administrations under the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs 678 <Figure 12> Projections for Population Growth, Irrigated Areas, and Share of Government in Agricultural Investments 680 <Figure 13> Real Estate Market Value Change in Ayvansaray District of the Golden Horn 683 <Figure 14> Historic Neighborhoods around Golden Horn Estuary Turkey Restoration of an Urban Estuary: Golden Horn, Istanbul ● 623 List of Tables 638 <Table 1> Turkey: Growth in GDP and GDP per Capita, 2000-2012 (Constant 2005 US $) 639 <Table 2> Valued Added by Sector as a Percentage of GDP in Turkey, 2000-2012 640 <Table 3> Workforce by Sector, Employment of Men and Women to Total Population and Total Unemployment (% of total) 645 <Table 4> Population Growth in Istanbul, Percentage of Turkish Population in Istanbul, Total Population of Turkey and Population Growth in Turkey, 2000-2012 648 <Table 5> Turkey’s Human Development Index (HDI) Trends Based on New Methodology 648 <Table 6> Turkey’s HDI Indicators for 2012 Relative to Selected Countries and Groups 652 <Table 7> Population Change in Different Parts of Istanbul (Thousand people) 663 <Table 8> Gross Expenditure on Research and Development to GDP (GERD/GDP) in Turkey 2001-2012 (%) 682 <Table 9> Fish and Larvae Species Observed in Golden Horn Estuary (1993-2013) 624 ● Water and Green Growth Case Study Report 11 List of Pictures 635 <Pictrure 1> A Historical Depiction of Golden Horn 637 <Picture 2> Educational-cultural Urban Zone around the Estuary 643 <Picture 3> Golden Horn before 1996 Restoration 644 <Picture 4> Golden Horn after Restoration of the Estuary 679 <Picture 5> Rehabilitated Buildings under the Fener-Balat Rehabilitation Project 681 <Picture 6> Vialand Located on the Old Quarry Filled with Dredged Sludge from the Estuary 681 <Picture 7> Sludge Dredging in the Golden Horn Estuary 683 <Picture 8> Seawater Tunnel Constructed between the Bosporus and the Golden Horn Estuary 684 <Picture 9> Green Recreational Areas at Golden Horn 684 <Picture 10> Pierre Loti Hill 685 <Picture 11> Recreational Boating at Haliç 685 <Picture 12> Baptism Ceremony on Orthodox Christmas, at Haliç. Turkey Restoration of an Urban Estuary: Golden Horn, Istanbul ● 625 Abbreviations and Acronyms BERD Business expenditure on R&D BILGEM Turkish acronym for TÜBİTAK Informatics and Information Security Research Center BRIC Brazil, Russia, India and China BTP-UP Turkish acronym for the Implementation Plan for the National Science and Technology Strategy BTYK (Turkish acronym) Supreme Council for Science and Technology BUTAL Bursa Test and Analysis Laboratory DSI State Hydraulic Works EU European Union GDP Gross Domestic Product GERD Gross Domestic Expenditure on Research and Development GII Gender Inequality Index GW Gigawatts HDI Human Development Index HRST Human Resources Science and Technology IBB Turkish acronym for Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) IHDI Inequality adjusted HDI IMM Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality ISAF International Security Assistance Force ISKI Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration MAM or TÜBİTAK MAM Marmara Research Center NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NCCAP National Climate Change Action Plan NSTI National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy (2011-2016). NSTI National Science, Technology and Innovation OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development RDI Research, development, and innovation 626 ● Water and Green Growth Case Study Report 11 REC Regional Environmental Center SMIT South Korea, Mexico, Indonesia, and Turkey STI Science, technology, and innovation SAGE Defense Industries Research and Development Institute SUEN Turkish Water Institute SYGM General Directorate of Water Management TUSSIDE Institute for Industrial Management TARAL Turkish Research Area TEMA The Turkish Foundation for Combatting Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats TTKD Nature Conservation Association of Turkey TÜBA Turkish Academy of Sciences TÜBİTAK Turkish Acronym for Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey TUG National Observatory TUIK Turkish Statistical Institute ULAKBİM National Academic Network and Information Center UME National Metrology Institute UNCED Conference on Environment and Development UNDP United Nations Development Program UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization UZAY Space Technologies Research Institute VA Value added WERDEC Water Engineering Research & Development Center WGG Water and Green Growth WSA Water and Sewerage Administrations WWC World Water Council Turkey Restoration of an Urban Estuary: Golden Horn, Istanbul ● 627 Executive Summary of dockyards, factories, and warehouses, increased pollution of the estuarine waters. The results were GHYDVWDWLQJWKHHVWXDU\WXUQHGLQWRDVKDOORZGHDG Turkey is the 18th largest economy in the world with lagoon where the boats could not move, where there a Gross Domestic Product of US $786 billion in 2012, were no living species, and the smell from anaerobic DFFRUGLQJWRWKH:RUOG%DQN1) It is among the founding degradation could be detected for a radius of several PHPEHUVRIWKH2UJDQL]DWLRQIRU(FRQRPLF&RRSHUDWLRQ km. DQG'HYHORSPHQW 2(&' DQGWKH*JURXSRIPDMRU economies. Turkey’s economy has been quite resilient The Golden Horn rehabilitation project, implemented despite several slowdowns in economic growth, most by the Greater Istanbul Municipality from 1995 to recently during the global economic crisis in 2008. 2003, has made significant progress in restoring and In 2012, the per capita income topped US $10,600