Contents Introduction ...... 5 Biochemical and Biological Agents ...... 48 What You Get ...... 5 Biochemistry in the Kazei Five Universe...... 48 How To Use This Book ...... 5 Pharmaceuticals ...... 48 Designer's Notes ...... 5 Stimulants ...... 49 Anime and ...... 6 Blockers ...... 50 What Is Kazei 5 ...... 7 Medicinal Drugs...... 50 Part One: Worldbook...... 8 Overdose and Addiction to Biochemical Gaming in the Kazei Five Campaign ...... 8 Agents ...... 51 Campaign Styles ...... 8 Overdose ...... 51 Tone ...... 10 Addiction...... 51 Psychokinetic Ratings ...... 10 ...... 53 Character Design ...... 11 Disadvantages ...... 54 Character Background...... 11 Building a Kazei Five Cyborg ...... 54 Character Motivations ...... 11 Hard Shell Cyborgs ...... 55 Disadvantages ...... 12 Cyberspace ...... 57 Everyman Skills ...... 12 Simple Cyberspace ...... 58 New Skills ...... 13 Mentalist Cyberspace ...... 58 Fringe Benefits ...... 13 Alternate-Dimension Cyberspace ...... 59 Character Archetypes ...... 14 Entering Cyberspace ...... 59 Bounty Hunter ...... 14 Campaign Overview ...... 61 Corporate Official (a.k.a. Corper) ...... 15 Worldview ...... 61 Detective...... 16 History ...... 61 Fixer ...... 16 Technology ...... 62 Gang Member (a.k.a. Ganger) ...... 17 Medical Technology ...... 63 Medic ...... 17 Military Technology...... 64 Mercenary ...... 18 Vehicles ...... 64 Police Officer (NYPD Inc.)...... 19 Space ...... 65 Reporter...... 20 Cultures ...... 65 Rigger(a.k.a. Driver) ...... 20 United North America(UNA) ...... 65 Rocker ...... 21 Confederated States of America (CSA)...... 66 Security Specialist ...... 21 Nation of California ...... 67 Street Samurai ...... 22 Republique du Quebec (Republic of Quebec) 67 Part Two: Sourcebook ...... 23 Inuit Territory ...... 68 Psychokinetic Powers ...... 23 THE WORLD ...... 68 The Nature of Psychokinetic Powers ...... 24 Japan ...... 68 Psychokinetic Powers and Modifiers ...... 25 The Pacific Rim ...... 69 Psychokinetic Limitations and Disadvantages 27 Europe ...... 69 Powered Armor ...... 29 Africa ...... 70 Building a Suit of Powered Armor ...... 29 Central America ...... 70 Mecha ...... 32 South America...... 70 Special Mecha Rules...... 32 Neo York ...... 71 Mecha Powers ...... 32 Overview ...... 71 Mecha Disadvantages ...... 33 Utilities ...... 71 Cyberware ...... 34 Public Transportation ...... 72 Districts ...... 73 Designing Cybernetic Systems ...... 34 Inside an Arcology ...... 74 Cybernetic Abilities ...... 34 Corporations ...... 74 Cybernetic Limitations ...... 34 CYBERNETIC SYSTEMS ...... 36 Neo York Police Department Incorporated75 Cyberware Systems ...... 39 History ...... 75 Equipment ...... 76 Body Systems ...... 39 Ear Systems ...... 43 The Neo York Zero Zone...... 77 Optical Systems...... 43 What is a Zero Zone? ...... 77 Cranial Systems ...... 44 Life in the Neo York Zero Zone ...... 77 Limb Systems ...... 45 Layout of the Neo York Zero Zone...... 78 3 Kazei Five ...... 79 Part Five: Bibliography...... 174 Purpose...... 79 General ...... 174 Kazei Five Support Personnel ...... 80 Anime Cyberpunk Sources ...... 175 Charley ...... 80 Biochemistry ...... 175 Oscar...... 81 Cyberspace ...... 175 Tatsuya Sonoda ...... 81 Cyberware ...... 175 Yoshiyuki Matthews...... 83 Cyborgs...... 175 Equipment ...... 84 Mecha ...... 175 Armor ...... 84 Powered Armor ...... 175 Armor Descriptions ...... 84 Psychokinetic Powers ...... 176 Sample Armor Types ...... 85 Campaign Styles ...... 176 Weapons Key ...... 88 The Special Police Task Force ...... 176 Weapons Chart ...... 89 The Covert Police Force ...... 176 Weapons Descriptions...... 92 Military Forces / Special Operations ...... 176 Revolvers ...... 92 Independent Freedom Fighters ...... 176 Pistols ...... 92 Supernatural Cyberpunk ...... 176 Sub-Machine Guns ...... 94 Self Discovery ...... 176 Rifles ...... 95 Assault Rifles ...... 96 Shotguns ...... 98 Machine Guns ...... 100 Heavy Weapons ...... 100 Other Weapons ...... 101 Grenade Launchers ...... 102 Grenade Rounds ...... 102 Grenades...... 103 Melee Weapons ...... 104 Melee Weapons Descriptions ...... 104 Mecha Weapons ...... 106 Mecha Weapons Descriptions ...... 106 Vehicles ...... 108 Vehicle Descriptions ...... 109 Cars ...... 109 Motorcycles ...... 110 Trucks and Off-Road Vehicles ...... 110 Fixed Wing Planes ...... 110 Tilt-Wing Planes ...... 110 Helicopters ...... 111 Vector-Thrust Vehicles ...... 111 Police Vehicles ...... 112 Glossary of Slang (and Other Terminology) in Neo York ...... 113 Japanese ...... 114 Part Three: Characters ...... 116 Kazei Five Characters ...... 116 Other Characters ...... 131 Synthetics ...... 159 Cyberdroids ...... 163 Mecha ...... 167 Part Four: Scenarious ...... 170 Hostage Crisis...... 170 Cyberdroid Hunt...... 171 Zone Slavers ...... 171 Zone Hunters ...... 172 Replicant Revolution ...... 173 4 Introduction

In recent years the availability of Japanese anima- the Kazei Five organization is presented in detail, al- tion (i.e. anime) and comics (i.e. manga) has reached lowing the Game Master to start a new campaign an all-time high. Videotapes of many popular shows quickly and easily. Finally, attention is then given to are available for either sale or rent at most video stores, the hardware needed for such a campaign, with exten- Since we have a while several comics publishers offer translated edi- sive listings of arms, armor, gadgets and vehicles, com- new format, we have a new look for tions of a variety of titles. Often the stories presented plete with design notes. two old stand-bys. are quite different from what many people might ex- Characters: This section presents a number of differ- The Magnifying pect, and contain genre conventions radically differ- ent character types, including possible PCs, as well as Glass Icon has been ent from American cartoons or comic books. This book replaced by a NPCs, enemies, , and even mecha. Although Caution Sign. is an attempt to present one aspect of the anime and meant for the Kazei Five universe, most, if not all the manga field, that of the near future anime-cyberpunk characters can easily be adapted to Star Hero, Dark genre. As with the original source material, the world Champions or Champions campaigns with ease. presented here is a dark one, and presents its subject Scenarios: Five scenario seeds designed to get the PCs matter in a serious tone. Although this specific field involved quickly in the Kazei Five universe and to help may not be for everyone, elements of this genre can be the GM provide direction for the campaign. The Stop Sign adapted for use in many other games. Icon is new and colorful. What You Get How To Use This Book Any Game Master wishing to use this book should, The Kazei Five (i.e. K5) Worldbook is designed to at the very least, read through the Sourcebook section allow a Game Master to create and run a campaign before making any decisions about what sort of cam- using elements common to many near-future paign he wants to set up. The Game Master should cyberpunk anime. The book is divided into several sec- also make clear to his players which sections of the These symbols tions for ease of use. They are: book he is using, and which he is not, as the book pre- will help you quickly Introduction: The section you are reading now; this spot things to watch sents a wide range of genre ideas. Players should feel out for. also includes a short discussion of the anime and free to make a thorough examination of the book as cyberpunk genres and how they relate as well as differ. well, although they should try to avoid the Scenarios Anime/Cyberpunk Sourcebook: Written to be as com- section. patible as possible with the Kazei Five universe, this section describes how to express certain ideas com- Designer's Notes mon to the anime and cyberpunk genres using Hero The book you hold in your hands Kazei Five has System game mechanics, including such subjects as literally been years in the making. I first conceived the cyberware, cyborgs, cyberspace, mecha and idea when I walked into a video store one afternoon psychokinetic powers. To help familiarize Game Mas- and found a videotape case showing a woman in a suit ters and Players with the concepts presented, these sec- of blue power armor, standing inside of a larger ex- tions contain numerous references to specific anime oskeleton. In turn, the exoskeleton, which vaguely re- and manga. It should be noted that this section also minded me of the power lifter from Aliens was grip- presents a number of optional rules, and all such rules ping the biggest cannon I had ever seen. The tape in should be carefully examined and evaluated by any question was Bubblegum Crisis Episode 1, and from potential Game Master before being adopted into their that image of Priss and her MotoSlave alone, I began campaign. to formulate some of the basic ideas for the campaign. Kazei Five Worldbook: This section presents the Kazei When I finally rented that particular tape, and actu- Five universe itself. Beginning with a discussion of ally saw what it contained, I was hooked and rapidly campaign styles, it then presents ideas on character cre- began laying out certain ground rules. As time passed ation before starting an in-depth examination of the I tinkered with the game off and on, but I wasn’t actu- background and makeup of the Kazei Five world. Next, 5 Part One


Gaming in the Kazei Five The PCs are assumed to respect the organization’s chain of command. This means the GM must decide Campaign what rank characters may hold, and what privileges and responsibilities come with that rank. The GM should determine who the PC’s commanding officers Campaign Styles are, as well as developing a supporting cast of fellow police officers. Many anime/manga series are naturals for adap- The GM also must create such things as the equip- tation into a Hero role-playing environment, as they ment carried by the characters, as well as details of the usually combine two or more main characters, along department’s operation. This sort of game environ- with a number of supporting characters, into a long ment may be too restrictive for some GMs and their and often complex storyline. This section presents a players. number of anime-inspired campaign possibilities that Some examples of the Special Police Task Force can be developed using the Kazei Five sourcebook. include the Advanced Police, which was developed to Most of these examples are based on the idea that the combat renegade “boomers” (i.e. robots), featured in characters belong to some form of police or other law the AD Police and Bubblegum Crisis series, and the enforcement organization. This is a very common set- Bladerunner division, which tracked down rogue ting for many anime and manga series, and has the replicants, from the film Bladerunner. A less serious advantage of allowing the GM to easily bring the Player example would be the Newport City Tank Police from Characters together into a team. When deciding upon Dominion which uses an assortment of tanks and other an appropriate campaign style or setting, the GM armored vehicles in their war on crime. Similarly, the should first select a setting that is acceptable to both Patrol Labor Division of the Tokyo Police Department himself and his players. in the anime series PatLabor uses large manned robots The Special Police Task Force called “Labors” to combat crime. This is one of the more common settings for an The Covert Police Force anime/manga series. The characters are members of a This type of campaign has many similarities to law enforcement agency of some form or another. Usu- the Special Police Task Force. In both campaigns, the ally, this agency is responsible for handling cases that PCs are assumed to be working for a law enforcement the regular police cannot. To aid them in this task, the agency, and they often use advanced equipment and officers are often equipped with weapons and other handle cases outside the realm of regular police work. equipment more advanced than that carried by regu- But the Covert Police Force has a number of unique lar patrol officers. advantages. Usually, there is less emphasis on rank and This type of campaign setting has many advan- regulations in these teams. Because of this sort of at- tages. Since the PCs all belong to the same organiza- mosphere, characters are allowed to consider a wider tion, it is a simple matter to get them together for a range of options when deciding how to resolve a situ- scenario. Due to the nature of the campaign, adding ation. Additionally, the Covert Force is usually smaller in new characters requires a minimum of preparation. than the Special Task Force, allowing the GM to con- The characters will also have access to issued weap- centrate more on the PCs themselves. The Covert Force ons, armor and vehicles, making it easy for the GM to often has a broader directive than the Special Task govern exactly what equipment the PCs are carrying. Force; members may find themselves operating in a There are a number of disadvantages to this type number of different environments and locations. This of campaign, however. Since the PCs are supposed to can make scenario preparation much easier for the be law enforcement officers, they are bound by certain GM, as all he has to do is announce this week’s mis- rules and regulations, and are subject to sanction when sion without worrying about such details as getting these are broken. In effect, each PC receives the disad- the PCs to the adventure site. Of course, this does mean 8 vantage of Watched: “Subject to Orders and Regula- tions”. Psychic Strain (Brainburn) Powered Armor Brainburn is what happens when a psychokinetic overextends himself when using his powers. A A common element of many science-fiction based psychokinetic who strains too hard while attempting anime and manga is the presence of powered suits of to summon and control his power may run the risk of armor. Designed to enhance the user’s physical capa- causing himself injury. Common symptoms include bilities, these suits are usually used for combat, and migraine headaches, dizziness, nausea, bleeding from can mount an impressive array of weaponry. the eyes, nose and ears, and vomiting. This is not a A typical suit of powered armor is approximately specific or required disadvantage, and players, if they human-sized and relatively form-fitting. It consists of desire such a disadvantage for their characters, can an outer shell, composed of various forms of armored choose to simulate this in a variety of ways. If a power ceramics and metal alloys, over a system of powerful has an Activation Roll, then it may have a Side Effect synthetic muscles or electronically controlled servos triggered by the failure of the Activation Roll. and motors. Power for the suit is supplied from either Example: Blade has a 75 point Multipower with a high-yield electrical batteries or from a chemical (i.e., 15- Activation Roll. If she misses this roll, she suffers a “cold”) fusion system. As can be expected, these suits Examples of 4d6 Ego Attack. are usually very heavy, weighing from 200 to 400 anime and manga Sample Side Effects include Drains of DEX, END pounds. powered armor and STUN, Flash Attacks vs. the Sight Group and the A suit of powered armor is usually stored upright, include the Hearing Group, and Stun Only physical attacks. A more hardsuits worn by opened slightly for easy access. The user puts on a suit the Knight Sabers simple method would be a Susceptibility triggered by like this by climbing inside of it and then sealing the in Bubblegum the failure to make an Activation Roll. shell around himself. The suit locks together along the Crisis and Bubblegum Crash, Example: Takeda Johnson has a 60-point Variable sides of the upper legs and torso. Joints constrict Power Pool with a Control roll of 18-. If at any time he the armor worn around the wearer, making for a perfect fit. The arms by the Red fails this roll, he suffers an overload effect that is defined are usually solid pieces that are connected to the Commandos in as 2d6 EB (Stun only), a 4d6 Flash (vs Sight Group) and backplate. Helmets attach separately; a helmet is often Dominion, as well a 2d6 DEX drain. as suits seen in the last piece of equipment to be put on, since it can Genocyber, Iria the A Physical Limitation of some sort could also be obstruct the wearer’s vision and range of head mo- Animation, Silent bought, simulating the effects of headaches, dizziness tion. One does not pilot a suit like this, one merely Mobius and Zeram. Of these or nausea. This sort of Physical Limitation could cause wears it. a reduction of the character’s CV, Perception and various series, Bubblegum Crisis movement. A Slight Intensity Physical Limitation provides excellent would only reduce the character’s values by one to Building a Suit of Powered Armor ideas for suit three, while a Great Intensity would halve them. A To- designs, as well as tal Intensity Physical Limitation would most likely ren- The Powered Armor Limitation some of the best When designing a suit of powered armor, it rap- sequences of such der the character physically helpless, giving him a CV suits in action. and movement of zero. idly becomes apparent that the Limitation “OIF”, nor- Example: Tenchi suffers from massive migraine mally used in Champions campaigns, does not accu- headaches. These are defined as a 10 point Physical Limi- rately reflect the nature of a powered armor suit. In- ½ tation (Infrequent, Greatly) causing -3 to his OCV, DCV, stead, the Limitation of “Powered Armor” (- ) is used Perception Rolls and Skill Rolls. His movement is also for all powers and abilities. Although the two limita- halved. tions have the same value, Powered Armor does differ in several ways from OIF. These differences are as fol- lows: (1) A suit of powered armor takes eight action Phases to put on. (2) A suit of powered armor cannot be removed from the wearer by someone spending one Turn out of combat to do so. It can take upwards of an hour to cut someone out of a suit like this. (3) A suit of powered armor can be targeted by ranged attacks with the specific intent of damaging and disabling portions of the suit. (4) A suit of powered armor does not lose powers based on point values, but based on location hit. Capabilities of Powered Armor The following list presents a number of power suggestions and ideas designed to reflect the nature of genre powered armor suits. 29 Cyberware Bioware Bioware, or Biological Hardware, consists of im- In the world of Kazei Five the intense competi- planted artificial organs that manufacture assorted tion for material gain, both on the street and in the chemical additives to boost the body’s performance. corporate boardroom, has led to widespread use of These systems are usually more reliable than other implanted cybernetic devices. With the desired systems forms of cyberware, but can cause harmful effects if installed one can become faster, stronger, more pow- used for extended periods of time. Most of the harm- erful, pushing one’s physical abilities beyond the range ful side effects from bioware usage is a result of the of mere flesh. inordinate stress such systems put on a normal body. Cybernetic systems have become widely accepted Complications can also arise following extensive use among a large portion of the world’s citizens. Among of the artificial stimulants and other performance en- corporate executives it is considered almost a matter hancements produced by this form of cybernetic sys- of course to have a computer interface access system tem. implanted. Those who are involved in more combat Electrical Systems Cybernetic intensive occupations (police officers, mercenaries, sol- systems of all diers) will often opt for such items as vision enhance- Electrical Cyberware is much more common, rep- kinds are found ments, radios, body plating and reaction upgrades. resenting a wide range of systems from modified eyes in a number of Persons who operate on the fringes of the law, such as and ears to accelerated reaction wires, snap-out blades, anime and or entire limb replacements. These units run off ei- manga series, bounty hunters or the infamous street samurai, often including AD will try to have implanted whatever they need in order ther internal batteries (i.e., an END Reserve) or use Police, to give them that necessary edge. the body’s own bio-electrical field for power. It should Appleseed, Depending on where the character goes to have be noted that unshielded and poor-quality electrical Adam Warren’s systems have shown a marked tendency to short out Dirty Pair his implants installed, he may have to undergo some series, Ghost in form of screening process. This process is designed to and fail when exposed to strong electrical-magnetic the Shell, and (EMP) pulses. Gunhed. weed out persons with an unstable personality that Usually, the would react badly to the upcoming cybersurgery. A test presence of such as this is usually administered at the larger hos- General Systems cybernetic pitals. Depending on the administering doctor, char- A General System is any implant that doesn’t re- implants is acters may be able to bypass this test through either ally fall in the two former categories. This includes acknowledged, implanted armor plates, skeletal replacement, internal but not bribery or blackmail. Of course, in such places as a examined in street chop shop, the patient’s state of is of no armor sheeting and so on. detail. A notable concern, only his ability to pay. exception to this is AD Police There are some people who consider cyber im- Cybernetic Abilities episode two, plants to be an aberration They are usually those that A wide range of powers, abilities and skills are “The Ripper,” in still retain strong traditional religious beliefs. Such available as cybernetic implants. A number of indi- which the whole idea of people would include fundamentalist Christians, tra- vidual systems are described below. Cyberware that cybernetic ditional Japanese Shintoists, and Hasidic Jews. These affects a character’s normal attributes is not affected implantation is people would most certainly have little or nothing to by the limitations of Normal Characteristic Maxima. questioned, as do with anyone that possess obvious cybernetic im- Devices such as these are normally bought with the well as providing the plants. limitation of “Doesn’t Affect Figured Characteristics.” rational for the Any device that incorporates a skill presumes that the killings Designing Cybernetic Systems appropriate Characteristic to be 0. Thus the base skill committed by roll would be 9 + CHAR/5 = 9. one of the in Kazei Five are assumed to be rela- characters. tively reliable and of a more advanced technology then the cyberware discussed in Cyber Hero. Implanted di- Cybernetic Limitations rectly into the character’s nervous system, cybernetics Having a cybernetic implant is not without its replace a normal organ or body part with a new, en- price. The character has replaced a portion of his body hanced system. with an artificial implant, which may cause unpredict- There are three basic types of cybernetic implants: able side effects sometime in the future. Although cy- Bioware, Electrical and General Cyberware. bernetic upgrading is common, most implants are in- ternal. Characters who make use of extensive external systems, such as armor plates, eye replacements or cy- bernetic limbs may want to select the Distinctive Fea- tures Disadvantage. Depending on the quality and type of cybernetic systems the character has had installed, excessive and obvious cyberware may result in a vari- ety of reactions from others. Such reactions could in- clude revulsion or distaste at the character’s body al- teration, envy that the character possesses such a sys- 34 tem, desire to obtain the system from the character The Neo York Zero Zone How does one live? Game Masters In the twenty years since its creation, the Neo York may wonder Zero Zone has formed into its own, separate society. where exactly one Note that although the following material is pri- can expect to find marily concerned with the Neo York Zero Zone, it can There are no laws and no law enforcement, but there many of the be applied to all Zero Zones. are certain unwritten rules. The most important Zone characters found rule is that everyone their own affairs. The sec- in this book. The ond rule is that certain bars and nightclubs are con- following list gives What is a Zero Zone? sidered neutral ground, safe for anyone to enter and a rough break- A Zero Zone is an area that has been designated conduct business. down of which as an area of “Zero Law Enforcement.” These areas are Most Zero Zone residents just try to survive. A section of the Zone a particular usually any troublesome section of a city that can be fortunate few have jobs in Neo York or the surround- easily sealed off, and ignored. The most infamous Zero character is ing area. As for the rest, many make a living by strip- known to Zone is in Neo York. It was formed in 2010 and is lo- ping abandoned buildings in the Zone of anything use- frequent. cated in what used to be the boroughs of Brooklyn ful such as pipes, wiring, doors, furniture, and so on. Zone City (or and Queens. Other East Coast Zero Zones can be found Others use vacant lots to grow crops (corn, beans, and Zone Central) in Atlantic City (usually regarded as the worst one in tomatoes are common) while others raise livestock Angelkiller Hiroko O’Hara existence), and Washington (in what was once (chickens, rabbits and pigs). Finally, others barter their Anticostia). According to tri-vid shows, a Zero Zone is Ryder services; carpenters, electricians and mechanics are Bartertown either a dark burnt-out hell filled with cannibals, mu- always in demand. Brais tants and sub-human gangers or a techno-dreamscape For those who choose more questionable ways to Tetsutenshi of bars, and nightclubs where everyone is either a full- make a living, the Zone has many options. Both the Darkside chrome street samurai or a psychokinetic. The truth Mafia and the Yakuza are more than willing to recruit Jetsemany lies somewhere in between. prospective new members from the Zone. They have Payne Tetsutenshi Most Zero Zones were formed over a period of found that Zone recruits tend to be desperate for at- ten years, starting in 2007, soon after the nuclear de- Pleasure Center tention of any sort and respond favorably to the pres- Dawn struction of downtown Los Angeles. Many municipal tige that comes from being even a low-level Mafia or Hiroko O’Hara police departments were converted to contract law Yakuza soldier. This reaction also takes the form of a Jetsemany enforcement, and many city governments were will- higher degree of loyalty to the organization which re- Shion ing to ignore certain low-rent districts in favor of ex- cruited them. Others peddle to humanity’s more basic (specifically tra enforcement in those areas with a higher tax base. nature, selling drugs, simsense chips, guns and even The Living End) Ryder Usually, a designated Zero Zone was supposed to be themselves to any who can meet there price. Finally, reclaimed “after things settle down.” Very few Zero Southside there are those who have found employment in the Ran Zones have received this treatment. Zone’s entertainment district. These people work as The Wastes strippers, dancers, waiters (and waitresses), musicians Brais Life in the Neo York Zero Zone and entertainers. Payne Ryder Who Lives in a Zero Zone and Why? Utilities in the Zone Tetsutenshi Zone residents come from all walks of life. Many The Neo York Zero Zone is still connected to the are transients, refugees from CAS/UNA border local ConEdison powergrid, and it is possible to have squabbles, or other outbreaks of civil disorder, fleeing lighting, heat and air conditioning. To connect to the from any one of a number of intolerable situations. grid, a user must have a system identification number The average Zero Zone inhabitant has little or no (a.k.a. “SIN”) as well as a computer account that can money and lives in whatever empty set of rooms he or be billed for services rendered. The grid is broken down she has been able to find and hold on to. They own into building-by-building designations to make it some clothing, a little bit of scavenged furniture, and easier to set up accounts. Payment is automatically whatever odds and ends they can find to make life a deducted from the user’s account. If insufficient funds little easier. are available, then the power is turned off to that ac- According to the federal government, Zero Zone count. As can be expected, power piracy is a common inhabitants are those who have a “detrimental effect problem. Also, grid maintenance is very spotty. If a on society” or are “undesirable elements.” These “ele- portion of the grid goes down, it could be weeks or ments” are usually the homeless, jobless, refugees, im- even months before a repair will be set made. Because migrants, mentally challenged or other similar unfor- of these problems, Zone residents have turned to a tunates. Zero Zones are also a popular destination for number of alternative fuel sources. These include so- runaways, especially corporate teenagers who want to lar panels, wind turbines (found on most Zone roof- experience “how the other half lives”, or those that wish tops), oil or wood stoves, coal furnaces, and methane, to avoid detection (such as police pursuit) or certain methanol or ethanol generators. obligations (such as debts or marriage). Finally, a sig- Clean drinking water is less accessible than power. nificant portion of Zero Zone residents are gang mem- There is some running water to the Zone, but it is very bers or have connections to either the Mafia or Yakuza. limited and rather unreliable. Water from the East River is undrinkable, contaminated by raw sewage, indus- trial pollutants and corporate arcology wastewater, 77