Study Bicycles on Board Bicycle transport Internal Deliverable No.: DI7.02.03 Project Acronym: 2MOVE2 Full Title: New forms of sustainable urban transport and mobility Grant Agreement No.: 296036 Workpackage/Measure No.: WP 7 / B7.02 Workpackage/ Measure Title: Extension of bicycle transport service in public transport Responsible Author(s): Jiri Cerny, Ton Daggers Date: January 2016 Status: Final Dissemination level: Public 1 / 43 DI7.02.03 - Study Bicycles on Board January 2016 Bicycles on Board Integration of bicycle transport in Public Transport, a study in the fram e- work of the 2MOVE2 CIVITAS Plus ll Authors: Jiri Cerny (Brno), Ton Daggers (IBC , the Netherlands ) Date: January 2016 Figure 1: Bike on board 2 / 43 DI7.02.03 - Study Bicycles on Board January 2016 Abstract This study is executed in the framework of the CIVITAS project 2MOVE2 Plus ll, coordinated by the city of Stuttgart. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the CIVITAS consortium nor the European Commission is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. The authors have tried as carefully as possible to mention all sources of information and photographs that are used. If, however errors or omissions are made, please contact
[email protected] in order to restore eventual imperfections. Utrecht- Stuttgart, January 2016 Project Partners Organization Country Abbreviation Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart DE LHS SSP Consult, Beratende Ingenieure GmbH DE SSP Statutárni Mesto Brno CZ SMB Ayuntamien to de Màlaga ES Malaga Dopravní podnik města Brna, a.