Above Derwent Parish Council

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Above Derwent Parish Council ABOVE DERWENT PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Rachael Kelly, 29 Greystoke Park Avenue, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9DB. Tel: 01768 863900; [email protected]; https://abovederwentparishcouncil.wordpress.com/ Minutes of Above Derwent Parish Council held in Portinscale Village Hall, Portinscale on Wednesday 18th September 2019 Present: Cllr Richard Kealey (Chairman) Councillors: Geoff Davies (GLD), Kate O’Donovan (KOD), John Cook (JC), Donald Thoburn (DT), Rachel Jones (RJ), Joy Pemberton-Piggot (JPP), David Sanderson (DS), Margaret Throp (MT) Others: Alan Bowness (CCC) 78/20 Apologies Cllr Lesley Bowlby 79/20 Minutes of last Above Derwent Parish Council meeting The Chairman was authorised to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21st August 2019 80/20 Declarations of Interest/requests for dispensation Cllr Donald Thoburn – 88/20 – 7/2019/2209 81/20 Exclusion of Press and Public (Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960) None 82/20 Public Participation None 83/20 National Trust Representatives Clerk The emailed update from Nick Haigh was noted. The clerk to advise that the lengthsman does not complete any works on the common and that a parishioner cuts the grass opposite the Coledale. 84/20 National Park Representatives Clerk Concerns of cycles using footpaths and conflict of users. Clerk to write to LDNPA 85/20 Ward Representatives To receive reports on issues relevant to the Parish 85.1 - Cumbria County Councillor – Allan Bowness attended the meeting and advised that little is happening Clerk at CCC. Clerk to forward Alan Bowness emails regarding parking issues in Portinscale. Highways issues in Braithwaite and Beck Wythop were discussed. The Clerk to report these on the CCC HIMS system again. 85.2 - Allerdale Borough Councillor – Carmel Bell did not attend the meeting. ADPC thank Carmel for the Clerk assistance regarding refuse/recycling collections. 85.3 - LDNPA – The written report from Cllr. Geoff Davies, Parish member North distinctive area was noted 86/20 Consultations/Projects requiring action or decision 86.1 - Parish councillor vacancy – There is 1 vacancy on ADPC. Parish Councillors to continue seeking a All parishioner to fill the vacancy. 86.2 - United Utilities – 1 - Bursts to Braithwaite Service SR Inlet & Outlet Pipes – United Utilities had until Clerk 13 September to respond to the information request. This information has not been received. The Clerk has emailed asking for an update as the information is overdue, and to continue chasing the answers. The Clerk to email Dawn Baglee to ask what UU’s intentions are regarding slip lining this pipe. 2 - Longcroft – The clerk was advised by a parishioner that the issues are a highways issue, not UU, the pipe has been checked and there are no issues with it. 3 – Portinscale – The proposed meeting has not taken place. JPP to contact JPP Carmel Bell regarding this meeting. 86.3 - Website – The current website setup was discussed and the possibility of hosting additional KOD, information. It was agreed for a working group KOD, GLD & the Clerk to look in to hosting GLD, additional information on the website. Clerk 86.4 - Mobile Coverage in Rural Areas – The issues were discussed, and it was agreed for RJ & MT to RJ read the consultation documents. It was agreed that ADPC are not in favour of relaxing permitted development rights to allow for larger masts without planning permission. 86.5 - Risk Assessments for Defibrillators – The item to be deferred to the October meeting. 86.6 - Speed traffic reporting – A66 – KOD advised that Leanne Petite (Cumbria Police) has informed Highways England that the A66 in the parish area is of concern to the police. KOD to meet with KOD Leanne Petite and suggest meeting with ADPC. At the recent meeting with Highways England the reasons behind the extra refuge area not being installed were explained to the parish council, and it is not possible. 86.7 - Parking in Portinscale and the bottom of Whinlatter – The issues were discussed and noted. It was Clerk agreed for the clerk to contact the school to discuss the car park charges, suggesting that donations are requested rather than a fixed charge. 86.8 - Thornthwaite Community Plan – It was agreed for the Clerk to circulate for further discussion at the Clerk October meeting. Other areas to consider updating their plans. 86.9 - Zurich Insurance – It was agreed by a majority vote to dispose of the strimmer through Keswick Clerk Garden Machinery due to issues regarding the insurance, training and maintenance. 86.10 - Climate Change working group – A date for a working group meeting has been arranged, an update to be received at the October meeting. 87/20 Action Reports/Updates from Councillors 87.1 - Policies - The following policies were adopted: Date of Adoption / Date for Policy Category Latest Review Review Code of Conduct Sep-18 Sep-19 A Equality and Diversity Policy Sep-17 Sep-19 B Non compliancy with the code of conduct Aug-18 Sep-19 E 87.2 - ADFG - The written report was noted 87.3 - Highways – None 87.4 - Lengthsman report – The written report was noted 88/20 Applications for Development Clerk 88.1 – The following applications for development were considered: Ref no. Description Location Comments 7/2019/2217 Erection of replacement house Ravens Creek, No objections – improvement and retention of converted former Newlands of existing building piggery building for incidental domestic use 7/2019/2209 Removal of condition 3 on Jebal Kasar, No comments planning permission 7/1984/2205 Thornthwaite (site for dwelling house and form access thereto) T/2019/0140 Fell group of Cedar Treed (G1) Finkle Lodge, No objections Portinscale 7/2019/2205 & Ground floor extension to the The Lingholm No objections 7/2019/2206 existing Grade II Listed house Estate, Lingholm, Portinscale DT left the room during discussions of 7/2019/2209 88.2 - The notification of determinations made by the Lake District National Park Authority were noted Ref no. Description Location Decision Extensions, alterations and Middle Ruddings Hotel, internal remodelling including Braithwaite, Keswick, CA12 Approved with 7/2019/2153 level access bedrooms 5RY Conditions Development of 4 no affordable houses and associated access, parking Land at Pow Wood, Reserved Matters 7/2019/2127 and new pub Portinscale, Keswick Consent Granted Side, rear and attic conversion including office cabin to Riverdale, Dorothys Well Road, Approved with 7/2019/2160 garden (resubmission o Portinscale, CA12 5RQ Conditions Grange Field, Thornthwaite, Approved with T/2019/0117 Reduce 1 Irish yew by 40% Keswick, CA12 5SA Conditions Demolition of existing garage The Croft, Portinscale Village, and outhouse. Addition of new Portinscale, CA12 5TX Approved with 7/2019/2176 studio and workshop. Conditions Variation of condition 12 (roof Land south of Derwent Lodge, covering) on planning Portinscale, Keswick, Cumbria, 7/2019/2312 application 7/2019/2020 - CA12 5RP Withdrawn Approval of details reserved Land south of Derwent Lodge, by condition on planning Portinscale, Keswick, Cumbria, Complies with 7/2019/2181 application 7/2019/2020 CA12 5RP Condition 2 GLD abstained from discussions and vote 89/20 Clerk’s Report All circulated prior to the meeting. Bus shelter maintenance to look in to for proof for Registering the land. 90/20 Police The written report was noted. 91/20 Financial Matters 91.1 The payments detailed below were approved Date Payee V.N. No. Cheque No. Budget Head Amount 15/09/2019 R Ferrard 26 SO Lengthsman £ 1,000.00 18/09/2019 R Kelly 27 101367 Salary & Home office £ 665.02 18/09/2019 HMRC 28 101368 Salary £ 12.20 18/09/2019 R Kelly 29 101369 Mileage £ 15.60 91.2 The balances at the bank, as at 1 September 2019 were noted Business Money Manager: £30,577.64 Community Account: £6,932.56 91.3 The chairman & vice chairman were authorised to sign the cashbook reconciled to the bank Statement 92/20 Date of next meeting – the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 16th October 2019, at St Herbert’s Church Hall, Braithwaite, at 7pm. The meeting was closed at 21.25 3 .
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