Minute s of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 10th October 2012 at 7.15.p.m. in the Village Hall, .

PRESENT: Councillor Richard Kealey (RK) – Chairman

Councillors: Geoff Davidson, (GD), Helen Davies, (HD), Margaret Throp, (MT), Geoff Davies (GLD) Joe Bennett, (JB) Bob Kemp (BK) and Keith Harryman (KH).

Allerdale Borough Councillor Tim Heslop, County Councillor, Ron Munby,

160 Apologies for Absence RESOLVED that the meeting receive apologies from Councillors Soulsby, Thoburn and Rutland and the reasons be noted, also from Pete Barron (LDNPA) 161 Requests for dispensation/Declarations of Interest No requests received or declarations advised 162 Minutes of Meeting RESOLVED that the Chairman be authorised to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 5th September 2012, (pages 15-18 ). 163 Public Participation No members of the public in attendance, 164 National Trust Representative JK No NT representative present but RESOLVED that clerk would continue to ask for a meeting between the NT and Councillors (Keith Harryman) to discuss sporting issues in the . 165 National Park Representative No LDNPA representative present but RESOLVED that the meeting receive confirmation from the clerk that the LDNPA are progressing the cutting down of overhanging trees on their land in (to allow access for a double-decker bus)(RK to monitor) and will liaise with Helen RK Davies as necessary re the repair of the stile above Hall Garth. HD 166 Also RESOLVED that the clerk will ask Pete Barron to meet with Richard Kealey to discuss the JK water/course coming from LDNPA land at Beckstones in Thornthwaite. RK 167 Also RESOLVED that the clerk will advise the LDNPA that Councillors Helen Davies, Geoff JK Davidson, Pauline Soulsby & Margaret Throp will attend the LDNPA Planning session on 18th October.(afternoon session only, an evening session will hopefully be run early next year) 168 Consultations/Projects requiring action or decision RESOLVED that the meeting receive a written report on Connecting Cumbria from Geoff Davies & noted that Margaret Throp has been appointed to a sub-group relating to Broadband & Business. 169 RESOLVED that the meeting receive the grass-cutting report from Corfields, noting that the JK cutting this year has been excellent – and particularly good value as Corfields have so clearly exceeded that which was arranged. The council cannot yet finalise next year’s arrangements as the concurrent grant is likely to be reduced, but RESOLVED that Corfields will be asked to continue to work with the Parish Council. Further RESOLVED that clerk will request dog fouling JK signs for Portinscale Turning Circle and Common plus a further bin for the common. 170 RESOLVED that Helen Davies will attend the Parish Forum on Thursday 25th October at HD 7pm 171 RESOLVED that Richard Kealey and Margaret Throp will try to attend CALC AGM on Sat 10th RK November in Carlisle MT 172 RESOLVED that, the meeting having received a written and verbal report from Clerk on Code of


Conduct training session provided by Allerdale Borough Council, it is not necessary for individual councillors to attend further training sessions, although should they wish to do so, the only local one now available is in Cockermouth at 6pm on 16th October. 173 RESOLVED that the council adopt the following protocol re applications for dispensations (in JK addition to the resolution already made that if all/most councillors need to make the same application for a dispensation then the responsibility is devolved to the clerk to grant those dispensations.) : if a councillor wishes to apply for a “personal” dispensation, they should, if possible, advise the clerk before the agenda is set and the application will be placed on the agenda. If the councillor only realises they wish to seek a dispensation after they have seen the agenda (or during the meeting) the clerk to provide a copy pro forma request to fill in and the request for dispensation will be made at the appropriate place on the agenda. The member can “speak to” their application then leave the room while the PC decides whether to grant the dispensation and if so, the nature of the dispensation and for how long it should apply. 174 RESOLVED that the meeting receive a verbal update from Clerk on the recent correspondence with the LDNPA re their current decision not to try to protect the park, at this stage, from any underground part of a Nuclear waste repository. A final written response is awaited. 175 RESOLVED that the meeting note that the MRWS decision to be made by Allerdale Executive, Cumbria CC Council and Copeland has been delayed until January. 176 RESOLVED that Councillors will consider sending further correspondence to CCC Cabinet & GLD Allerdale Executive. Geoff Davies and Margaret Throp will consider any new angles and provide MT draft correspondence (if any considered appropriate) to the clerk in early December for circulation to councillors and discussion at the December meeting. 177 RESOLVED that the Clerk try to ascertain from records and Councillor Mc Carron Holmes the JK date/details of any 2009 consultation on an underground repository along with an explanation of her last email. 178 RESOLVED that at the December meeting, the council also consider any further issues that may have arisen from contact with MPs or others involved. 179 RESOLVED that any issues that may arise from the Malcolm Wilson motor rally be considered at JK a meeting next summer, so as to put the council in a position to respond to next year’s anticipated short notice consultation expected from LDNPA next September. 180 Ward Representatives RESOLVED that the meeting receive the following verbal report from Allerdale Borough Councillor Tim Heslop; 5 Longcroft remains unoccupied. The owner has moved from their previous address and cannot be contacted. It is classed by Allerdale as a second home therefore no action is envisaged to recover the property. Tim will take this up with the Chief Executive. The little

roadsweeper comes to Thornthwaite twice a year. Councillors made strong representations that it does no more than sweep the main road whereas it needs to come up into the village. RESOLVED that Richard Kealey will contact Jimmy Irvine to request a meeting next time it comes (Nov 2012) to demonstrate the preferred route. Tim will be standing down next year. The Parish RK Council wished him well. 181 RESOLVED that the meeting receive the following verbal report from Cumbria County Councillor, Ron Munby; as a result of boundary changes, after next May Ron will no longer be the AD representative. MRWS – the delayed decision making is largely due to the 3 councils requiring a water tight position from government on the Community Right to Withdraw. Although there has been widespread consternation expressed that the decision in Allerdale & Cumbria will only made

by a small body of councillors, the constitution is unlikely to be altered before the decision is taken in January 2013. Additionally, if the parish council has particular projects requiring funds, we can write to Ron Munby by Feb/March next year RESOLVED that Bob Kemp will consider an application re BK signpost restoration. Ron was thanked for his assistance re the successful bid to the Neighbourhood Forum. 182 Action Reports/Updates from Councillors RESOLVED that the meeting receive a verbal report from Bob Kemp from the LDNPA Parish


Forum 8th October 2012: the top six concerns of Parish Councils are: planning; MRWS; Footpaths; Public Toilets; Localism & Water Management. The proposed Whole Valley approach to the park divides the area into Wordsworth’s 13 valleys with all organisations working together. Pilot project in Ullswater due to start 2012/13. Next meeting Monday 29/4/13. BK will attend if possible.

BK 183 RESOLVED that the meeting receive a verbal report from Helen Davies from the LDNPA North Distinctive Area Tour on 26th September 2012 – the tour looking at car parking at Whinlatter and cycleway/water issues at Thirlmere was a good opportunity to spend time with a variety of LDNPA staff. Adrian Jones did say that FC would be looking to extend their facilities in future with possible black and green cycletracks. 184 RESOLVED that the meeting receive a verbal update from Richard Kealey re flooding in RK Thornthwaite in June 2012: after a multi agency meeting on 18th September, FC are working with RK to undertake some improvement works. Minutes of the meeting have yet to be agreed – to be pursued after clerk’s holiday. Clerk to chase UU re results of camera survey. The flow of the beck JK between the church and is severely restricted as part of the aftermath of 22/23 June. Responsibility falls on a number of different bodies/people. Environment Agency are assisting. 185 RESOLVED that the meeting receive the following verbal report from Joe Bennet re bollards by JK old road – now in place and we have already had a letter of thanks from a parishioner. Clerk to respond confirming that as maintenance of the bollards will need to be undertaken locally, all help will be gratefully received. 186 RESOLVED that all digital photos for the website have not yet been received from councillors (as BK minuted in July 2012) and that Bob Kemp will bring a digital camera to the December meeting to take photos of councillors who have not sent a photo by that date. 187 RESOLVED that the meeting receive the following update re the Newlands Valley Village Plan: JK the draft plan has been received and seems very straightforward and easy to read. The clerk will work with the steering group to hone the action plan but in the meantime the draft plan will be published on the website and also circulated to the other steering groups. 188 RESOLVED that the meeting receive the following verbal update re Portinscale Village Plan: the questions are currently being drafted and were to be submitted to Steph Smith by 9th October. Final meeting to be held on 24th October. Geoff Davidson will attend if possible. Following the questionnaire being finalised/tested the group will arrange printing via McKanes (if Clerk is away). The intention is to deliver by hand and give assistance to complete if required. A meeting at the GD village hall will be fixed prior to final distribution and will be referred to on the questionnaire as this worked well in Newlands Valley 189 RESOLVED that receive the following update re Braithwaite Village Plan: the questionnaire is now PS ready for testing. A meeting at the Church Hall will be fixed prior to final distribution and will be JB referred to on the questionnaire. Thanks to the many people who have helped so far. 190 RESOLVED that receive the following update re Thornthwaite Village Plan: Becx Carter will now JK look at the Thornthwaite plan to see how it can be more streamlined with the Newlands plan. Clerk MT to put Becx in touch with Margaret Throp as it may be useful for her to see earlier versions/analyses. 191 Applications for Development RESOLVED that the following applications are received and the Parish Council delegate power to the clerk to submit observations to the Lake District National Park Authority, including the following:- Ref Description Location no. Observations 7/2012 Return change of /2224 use hotel to Lodge Hotel, dwelling Portinscale No observations T/2012 Trim/cut 3 trees Holly Cottage, None of the trees appear to be so badly /0095 Braithwaite diseased or dangerous as to require felling, although all lean over the road suggesting


reduction would be sensible

192 Pre notified Village Matters RESOLVED that (in respect of Braithwaite issues)Post Office Van limitations, Parked car by Royal Oak, and Trees opposite Coledale Inn be placed on the next agenda. 193 RESOLVED that the clerk raise with Ben Murray of CCC Highways the need for Yellow lines at end of Dorothy Well Road, Portinscale. 194 RESOLVED that the meeting note that clerk has raise with Tim Heslop on a number of occasions the fact that the Roadsweeper in Thornthwaite does not go through the village. 195 RESOLVED that (in respect of Thornthwaite issues) Church Lane roadsurface be placed on the next agenda. 196 Clerks Report RESOLVED to note Clerk’s actions since the last meeting and to receive the following verbal report: Allerdale have been asked about the current position on concurrent grants. A letter will be sent to parishes in late October or November setting out new proposals. The clerk had received a copy letter sent to CCC Highways by the school. LDNPA have advised that part 2 of the Land th Allocations 8 week Consultation (plus Mineral sites) will commence on 13 December.. Clerk to request documentation earlier than that date to allow initial consideration at the Parish meeting on 12 December. JK 197 RESOLVED that the questionnaire received from Electricity North West will be circulated to all All councillors and those who wish to respond will do so by the end of November to allow the clerk to collate responses and submit to ENW by the closing date of 3rd December. JK 198 RESOLVED: The notice board for Stair Village Hall has been ordered and will be delivered to JK Keith Harryman who will arrange for it to be put up. KH 199 RESOLVED to note Clerk’s actions outstanding: Community Speedwatch Project Parking in the parish – potential project Continue to work towards Cilca qualification Continue to work on Community Plan Review Standing Orders to take account of changes in legislation

200 Correspondence Received RESOLVED to receive the circulated “digest” of correspondence 201 Highways Matters RESOLVED to update and resubmit Highways table of outstanding issues with particular reference to the following new matters: water across road by Thelmlea, Braithwaite; road surface JK subsiding by Seldom Seen, Thornthwaite; blocked drain by The Hollins, Thornthwaite. 202 RESOLVED that, in respect of the trees overhanging the highway in Thornthwaite, RK will monitor RK when LDNPA cut their section, then offer to meet yet another rep of CCC Highways to assist in any outstanding problems with identification of land ownership. 203 RESOLVED that the clerk will chase Ben Murray, CCC Highways re the issues discussed at the JK site meeting earlier this year. 204 Police No Police in attendance, RESOLVED that the meeting receive the written monthly update from the police and note the forthcoming Police Commissioner elections. 205 Financial Matters RESOLVED that the following payments for year ended 31 March 2013 be approved

payee V.N. No. Cheque No. Budget Head Amount

J Knights SO Home office 39.46 J Knights 021 100971 expenses 58.10 J Knights SO wages 416.54 Becx 022 100972 Newlands Village 100.00 Carter Plan McKanes 020 100970 stationary 12.00


Total 626.10

JK 206 RESOLVED that the following balances at the bank as at 1st October 2012 be noted: Business Money Manager 11662.38 Community Account 108.73 Total 11766.11

207 RESOLVED that councillors be reminded to submit mileage claims for first half of the financial All year (April-October 2012) for approval at December Meeting 208 RESOLVED to receive half year budget review from which the following issues arise: clerks hours: 272 hours spent for first half year( contracted for 230) many of the additional hours were on the Community Plan project and clerk will check if they can be paid for from ACT grant; we are forecast to be under budget so RESOLVED that a new noticeboard for Braithwaite be purchased – to be placed where parishioners prefer after consultation in the village plan questionnaire. 209 RESOLVED to note receipt of second precept payment of £6688 from Allerdale BC 210 RESOLVED that the following decisions conveyed, since the last meeting, to the Lake District National Park Authority on the following applications, be ratified:- Ref no. Description Location Observation 7/2012/2210 Extension of season of Lanefoot Farm, No objections campsite Thornthwaite 7/2012/2211 Alterations & extension Church Hall, No objection in Braithwaite principle* 7/2012/2212 Retrospective COU Kentmere No objections studio to office/laundry *subject to the Parish Councils overriding concern with child protection issues and the proposed French window in close proximity to the school playground which would be publicly accessible via the church hall which is open throughout the day.

211 RESOLVED to receive and note the following determinations by the Lake District National Park Authority Description Location Decision Date Car park Thornthwaite Church refused 4/09/12 2 local needs Land by Croft Terrace, granted 13/08/12 dwellings Braithwaite

212 Date of next meeting RESOLVED that the next PARISH COUNCIL MEETING be held on Wednesday 12th December 2012 at 7.00pm for the viewing of any planning applications, with the formal meeting commencing at 7.15p.m in the Victory Memorial Hall, Braithwaite.

Meeting closed at 10.20pm


Date...... Councillor Matters

1. A caravan has been placed on Howe Lane. Clerk to report to Julie Birkett –LDNPA. JK 2. Low House Farm, Newlands have included in their sale particulars a parcel of land by the church believed by local people to be common land not belonging to the farm. Clerk to pursue with PFK and/or the Land Registry. JK 3. During clerk’s absence on holiday a friend will check for planning applications and contact Pauline Soulsby for onward submission to the appropriate area. PS