ABOVE DERWENT PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Rachael Kelly, 29 Greystoke Park Avenue, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9DB. Tel: 01768 863900;
[email protected]; https://abovederwentparishcouncil.wordpress.com/ Minutes of Above Derwent Parish Council held in Braithwaite Church Hall, Braithwaite on Wednesday 19 February 2020 at 7.00pm Present: Cllr Richard Kealey (Chairman) Councillors: Rachel Jones, Jonathan Hill, Karen Hind, Don Thoburn, John Cook, Joy Pemberton-Piggot & Kate O’Donovan Others Present: Forestry England x 3, United Utilities x 2, 3 members of public 153/20 Apologies Cllr Geoff Davies Cath Johnson (LDNPA) Alan Bowness (CCC) Carmel Bell (ABC) 154/20 Minutes of last Above Derwent Parish Council meeting The Chairman was authorised to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th January 2020 155/20 Declarations of Interest/requests for dispensation Cllr Kate O’Donovan – 163/20 - 7/2020/2033 156/20 Exclusion of Press and Public (Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960) None 157/20 Public Participation Thomas Brown attended the meeting to discuss planning 7/2020/2033 to advise of the history to the planning application. Forestry England Kevin, Mark & Adrian attended the meeting to give an update about where FE are with their plans for the development of Whinlatter, the aspirations remain the same to ensure that Whinlatter is sustainable, resilient and of interest to visitors. The centre will evolve, with facilities being improved, along with the trails. There is a long term aspiration to ensure the above all continue, with a concept of a mountain centre being their future plans.