Above Derwent Parish Council

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Above Derwent Parish Council ABOVE DERWENT PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Rachael Kelly, 29 Greystoke Park Avenue, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9DB. Tel: 01768 863900; [email protected]; https://abovederwentparishcouncil.wordpress.com/ Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 20 March 2019 at 7.15pm in Portinscale Village Hall PRESENT: Joy Pemberton-Piggot (JPP) (Vice Chairperson) COUNCILLORS: Geoff Davies (GLD), Geoff Davidson (GD), Joe Bennett (JB), Don Thoburn (DT), John Cook (JC), Lesley Bowlby (LB) & Margaret Throp (MT) OTHERS: None 169/18 Apologies for Absence Resolved that the meeting receive and accept apologies from, and the reason be noted 170/18 Minutes of last Above Derwent Parish Council meeting Clerk Resolved that the Parish Council agreed to allow the Chairman to be authorised to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 20th February 2019 Pages 39 – 41. 171/18 Declarations of Interest/requests for dispensation None 172/18 Exclusion of Press and Public (Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960) None 173/18 Public Participation None 174/18 National Trust Representatives Clerk No representative attended. The clerk advised there had been no response from the National Trust regarding the email sent as discussed at the previous meeting. The Clerk to speak to CALC to see if they have any advice, and to also speak to other clerks in the area who have NT land, and ask how they communicate with them. It was agreed for the Clerk to contact the Director of the NT directly to try and solve the issue. 175/18 National Park Representatives Clerk No representative attended. The Clerk to chase dates for R2R The bottom half of Car park at Woodend, floods on regular basis and reported to highways hotline, not a highways issue. The Clerk to contact LDNPA 176/18 Ward Representatives To receive reports on issues relevant to the Parish 176.1 - Cumbria County Councillor – Allan did not attend the meeting. The Clerk was asked to contact Clerk Alan for feedback on the request for directional arrows at Braithwaite, also the white lining has not completed 176.2 - Allerdale Borough Councillor – Adrian did not attend the meeting. 173.6 - LDNPA – written report from Cllr. Geoff Davies, Parish member North distinctive area. – Report noted. The LDNPA sent an email out today which the Clerk has circulated regarding the latest update on the LDNPA local plan review. CALC have sent an email regarding the LDNPA elections, Geoff advised he will be standing again. The link to the planning applications map in the February report was commented upon as being very useful. 177/18 Consultations/Projects requiring action or decision 177.1 - To receive an update from the meeting held with other local parishes at the LDNPA regarding the JPP / LDNPA Local Plan Review – The parishes met with representative from LDNPA and discussed LB the changes to the consultation version of the LDNPA local plan, there is no longer a showcase area policy, and “gondola” has been removed from the NDA. The LDNPA have realised they have to consider other ideas on to solving problems if more people go to Whinlatter. The NDA policy 09 mentions securing a master plan for Whinlatter, this will hopefully address sustainable transport. It was agreed to put the consultation documents on the April & May agenda to consider a response. JPP & LB to look at documents. 177.2 - To agree procedures for handling planning applications requiring an urgent response to the LDNPA - Deferred to Policies item to 10.1. 42 177.3 - To receive an update on the Braithwaite Community Camera and discuss an information email to LB / all parishioners – The Camera has now been upgraded and works in dark. An app can be Clerk downloaded too, which give good quality images. It was agreed to send a press release to parishioners. LB to confirm wording and the Clerk to send out. 177.4 - To decide whether ADPC will make any response regarding the new siting process for a GDF – It was agreed that currently there is no need to respond. To be a standing item on agenda 177.5 - To note a proposed meeting (16th April) with residents and landowners in Portinscale regarding Clerk car parking - It was agreed that a meeting would be a positive step forward. The date is however subject to being changed due to land owners not being available. The Clerk to contact CCC for update on TRO. 177.6 - A66 – Thornthwaite Junction –The recent accident and concerns regarding the new junction Clerk were discussed and the lack of bollard. The Clerk to contact Highways England and request a bollard in centre, HE have previously said this is not possible due to the width of the road, however upon measuring the widths at other bollard location, the width here is the same as others, and more than some. Concerns were raised over there being no deceleration lane coming from Keswick at the new junction, and vehicles are overtaking over double white lines. The Clerk to raise the concerns to HE, and also request a copy of the junction survey which we believe has recently been completed. 177.7 - Blocked Gullies – Concerns were raised regarding the build-up of detritus around the Clerk drains/gullies, which is causing them to be constantly blocked. The Lengthsman is cleaning certain ones out on a weekly basis. The Clerk to contact CCC highways to see if it would be possible for a contactor to be employed to dig out the affected areas to resolve the situation. The Clerk to also request that the road sweeper come and sweep the whole parish. 177.8 - Annual Parish Meeting – It was agreed for the Clerk to contact Whinlatter to request a Clerk representative come and speak about their future plans. 178/18 Action Reports/Updates from Councillors Clerk 178.1 - Policies – It was agreed to adopt the following policies: Date of Adoption / Date for Policy Category Latest Review Review Bullying and Harassment Policy Mar-18 Mar-19 D How we deal with urgent planning applications New New D Scheme of Delegation Dec-18 Jul-19 E 178.2 - ADFG – no report received 178.3 - Highways – It was agreed to contact CCC and thank them for the works in Braithwaite and Clerk Thornthwaite. Concerns were raised about the works on Whinlatter road, there are issues with the channels for run off, during recent bad weather little water made it through the cuts – not effective. The schedule needs updated. Questions were asked about the removal of the aqueduct, which ADPC have not had any information about. The Clerk to contact HE to see if any information is available. 179/18 Applications for Development Clerk 179.1 - Resolved that the following applications are received and the Parish Council delegate power to the clerk to submit observations to the Lake District National Park Authority, including the following: Ref no. Description Location Comments 7/2019/2046 Development of 4 detached dwellings Derwent Bank, Portinscale No objections not in accordance with conditions previously attached to planning permission ref 7/2016/2286 and 7/2017/2232: amendment to condition 2 to allow 1) change of position of rear conservatory to plot 4; 2) stone facing to porches plots 1 – 4 and; 3) amended window details to plots 1-4 7/2019/2030 Variation of condition 3 (roof material) on Emerald Bank, Newlands No objections application 7/2018/2030 – replacement dwelling and garage and new shed Note: GLD abstained from discussions and vote 179.2 - Resolved that the following notification of determinations made by the Lake District National Park Authority have been received: Ref no. Description Location Decision 43 Rear of Dodd View, Jenkin Hill, Approved with Replacement general purpose Thornthwaite, Cumbria, CA12 conditions 7/2018/2355 storage building 5SG Replacement of existing Derwent Hill, Portinscale Approved with windows to double doors at Village, PORTINSCALE, CA12 conditions 7/2018/2352 ground floor level to provide 5RD Proposed development of 2 Land at Hodgson How, Withdrawn no. affordable houses and 2 Portinscale, Keswick, Cumbria, 7/2018/2338 no. local needs houses CA12 5RS 180/18 Clerk’s Report All correspondence circulated prior to the meeting. 181/18 Police Clerk Report circulated. The Clerk to ask if there are any comments regarding the new Thornthwaite junction 182/18 Financial Matters Clerk 182.1 - To approve payments detailed below: Date Payee V.N. No. Cheque No. Budget Head Amount 15/03/2019 R Ferrard 67 SO Lengthsman £ 1,000.00 20/03/2019 R Kelly 68 101332 Salary & Home office £ 629.27 20/03/2019 HMRC 69 101333 Salary £ 22.00 20/03/2019 R Kelly 70 101334 Expense & mileage £ 141.55 20/03/2019 R Kelly 71 101334 Expense £ 99.24 20/03/2019 R Kelly 72 101336 Expense £ 1.23 20/03/2019 R Kelly 72 101337 mileage £ 15.30 182.2 - Resolved: To note the balances at the bank, as at 1 March 2019 Business Money Manager: £30,561.23 Community Account: £5,017.89 182.3 - Resolved: To authorise the chairman & councillor to sign the cashbook reconciled to the bank statement. 182.4 - Resolved: To note the budget to date. 183/18 Date of next meeting – the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 17th April 2019, at The Church Hall, Braithwaite, at 7pm. Meeting closed at 21.05pm Chairman................................ Date........................................ 44 .
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    ABOVE DERWENT PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Rachael Kelly, 29 Greystoke Park Avenue, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9DB. Tel: 01768 863900; [email protected]; https://abovederwentparishcouncil.wordpress.com/ Minutes of Above Derwent Parish Council held in Braithwaite Church Hall, Braithwaite on Wednesday 19 February 2020 at 7.00pm Present: Cllr Richard Kealey (Chairman) Councillors: Rachel Jones, Jonathan Hill, Karen Hind, Don Thoburn, John Cook, Joy Pemberton-Piggot & Kate O’Donovan Others Present: Forestry England x 3, United Utilities x 2, 3 members of public 153/20 Apologies Cllr Geoff Davies Cath Johnson (LDNPA) Alan Bowness (CCC) Carmel Bell (ABC) 154/20 Minutes of last Above Derwent Parish Council meeting The Chairman was authorised to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th January 2020 155/20 Declarations of Interest/requests for dispensation Cllr Kate O’Donovan – 163/20 - 7/2020/2033 156/20 Exclusion of Press and Public (Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960) None 157/20 Public Participation Thomas Brown attended the meeting to discuss planning 7/2020/2033 to advise of the history to the planning application. Forestry England Kevin, Mark & Adrian attended the meeting to give an update about where FE are with their plans for the development of Whinlatter, the aspirations remain the same to ensure that Whinlatter is sustainable, resilient and of interest to visitors. The centre will evolve, with facilities being improved, along with the trails. There is a long term aspiration to ensure the above all continue, with a concept of a mountain centre being their future plans.
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