The Upper Derwent News Parish of cum with Newlands

After Jesus died the women went to his tomb. It was

April/May 2017

‘Our purpose is to serve Jesus Christ and share God’s love with all’


Vicar: We are in an Interregnum. If you wish to contact a member of the clergy : Revd. Stuart Penny MA, Rural Dean & Vicar of Crosthwaite 72509 [email protected] Otherwise contact the Churchwardens below:

Churchwardens: Mr Colin Grant, Sour Riggs, Thornthwaite 78288 Mrs Christine Lewis, Mereside, Thornthwaite 78108 Mr Trevor Longley, 1 Melbecks, Braithwaite 78512

Local Lay Ministers: Colin Grant - see above Trevor Longley - see above Jackie & Peter Williams, Greystones, Braithwaite 78333 Sylvia & Alan Williams, 3 Gardens, Braithwaite 78454

Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Mrs Tessa Longley 1 Melbecks, Braithwaite [email protected] 78512 Secretary: Mrs Tessa Longley 78512 Treasurer: Mr Colin Grant, Sour Riggs, Thornthwaite 78288 Organist: Mrs Sue Grant, Sour Riggs, Thornthwaite 78288 Hall Bookings: Mrs Sue Grant, Sour Riggs Thornthwaite 78288

Parish Paper Ed: Mrs Christine Lewis, Mereside, Thornthwaite 78108

Thornthwaite cum Braithwaite Victory Memorial Hall Booking Secretary: Mrs Penny Woodyer, Shotover, Braithwaite 78394 [email protected]

Braithwaite Voluntary Car Service: Ms Anne Armfield 78336

Newlands Institute Mrs Jenny Grange Newlands Gate, Swinside. CA12 5UE 78222


Dear Friends,

In the last edition of the Parish Paper Trevor was reminding us that even in the late doldrum days of winter there is much to be looked forward to and to be excited about. Not least is the re-awakening of the land as spring gets hold, the crocuses and daffodils start to emerge, the days get longer and the sun gets higher and warmer. As we write the season of Lent has just begun with its call to move out of our comfort zones as we look forward to the great celebration of risen life on Easter Sunday. What might you give up or maybe take up for God this Lent? What are your fears, hopes, aspirations?

For us in this Parish it is a time for prayerful reflection and dedication but also a time to thank God for an opportunity for further new beginnings. Not simply because it is spring, nor because it will soon be Easter, but importantly because He has given us, in the person of Judith Ashurst, a New Vicar. We were able to make the joyful announcement of her appointment on March 12 after what will have been an en- couragingly short interregnum.

Since moving into Braithwaite Judith and Colin already have become a valued part of our fellowship, and although it will be a month or two before Judith is formally installed we are already looking forward to her leadership and deep involvement in God's work in the Parish. Judith and Colin come as a strong team, and some will already know that we are delighted that Colin has become a Governor at the school and will undoubtedly be a source of strength as he brings his skills to bear in that role, as well as to the life of the church. We believe it is the intention of the Diocese to let the vicarage since Judith and Colin will continue to live in their own home.

Judith's role will not be full time, so there will need to be a continuing strong involve- ment of laity in the work of the church, both in the normal life of the church and also the social & pastoral aspects of the villages that form the Parish. We still look for more involvement and help in these areas, so please let us know where you can help!

Many will be heartened to know that we have at last submitted the faculty applica- tion for the first stages of the renovation work at St. Mary's church. The work will be started as soon as possible depending on the timing of the faculty approval and the choice of contractors to do the work. You will of course be kept fully informed about the timing and the implications as far as the availability of St. Mary's for services is concerned.

And finally, don't forget the APCM on the evening of April 30 where we receive the annual reports and elect church officers and PCC members.

With our best wishes.

Colin Grant, Church Warden


The Bishop of Carlisle has appointed the Revd. Judith Ashurst, previously Associate Vicar of St. Mary’s and St. Cuthbert’s, Chester le Street in the Diocese of Durham, as Priest in Charge (House for Duty) in the Parish of Thornthwaite cum Braithwaite with Newlands.

Judith & Colin Ashurst

We moved into Braithwaite on 5th September 2016 and this first 6 months has flown by. If you haven’t found us yet, we live in Oak Side just in the little group of houses by the Royal Oak car park. It is great living here, we have felt so wel- comed, met so many people and are really enjoy- ing exploring our beautiful new surroundings.

We’ve been coming to the North Lakes since we got married. We stayed at the Lodore Hotel for our honeymoon and we’ve been to the HBP many times. So we already knew the area quite well, but it’s better living here!

Over the years we’ve lived in London (East Twickenham), Crawley, Huddersfield, Cambridge, Durham and Chester le Street. Colin worked as an Accountant, in IT and most recently teaching at a business school. Judith went from banking to Relate and was a local preacher in the Methodist Church for many years before becoming a Reader and then getting ordained.

Jess, our dog (now 11 years old) lives with us, but our daughters Rachel (24) and Sarah (20) have stayed in the north east. Rachel got married last year to John, a paramedic. Rachel is a self-employed photographer – portraits and wed- dings. Sarah is at Teesside University studying Crime Scene Science.

Judith is looking forward to starting work here in the parish. Colin has just joined the governing body at Braithwaite School and, among other things, is working as part of the diocesan team for the Moving Mountains mission next year.

We love cooking, gardening, walking, going to the theatre and seeing friends. It’s been great to start making friends here and we look forward to making many more.


Members of the Village Lunch Group, enjoying Christmas lunch at the Coledale Inn, Braithwaite.

The lunches are a weekly event where local people are able to share a good meal and lots of chat.

Anyone interested in coming along should contact Gary or Pam on 78272.

Heather the Sheep Returns to Braithwaite School




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7 Raymond Ridley (2nd December 1929 – 25th February 2017) Raymond was born in Braithwaite on 2nd December 1929, he lived the whole of his life in Braithwaite, and he died in Braithwaite. He was one of five children, having three brothers George, Tommy (known mostly as Tucker) and Gerald, and one sister, Freda.

Following school, Raymond began his working life gardening, he then did a couple of years with the Forestry Commission prior to being called up for his National Service with the RAF; he made friends and connections which he maintained throughout his life. After that and until retirement, he worked on the railways; at the time of the closure of the Cockermouth, Keswick, Penrith line, was a platelayer along the stretch of track be- tween Braithwaite and then, with the closure of the line, he transferred to the Coast Line at Workington.

Retirement may have beckoned, but Raymond did not stop working. For a while he was a handyman at the Hotel, and later helped his nephew, Stephen, with his sheep at Lorton and Clifton Moor, doing stonewalling, fence work and general farm work. There was an occasion, when Raymond was sweeping the chimney; as the brush went up the flue, he added one rod, then another; absorbed in his task, so it went on. Unbeknown to him, the brush had long since come out the top of the chimney and was soon down in the road the other side!

Not only did Raymond enjoy gardening, he was also a keen sportsman. He enjoyed playing and following football. He also played Badminton, Tennis and Squash, and not only played, he also coached juniors and organized matches amongst the villages.

People who knew Raymond said that he was quite a character – the best people are! At the same time, Raymond was a gentle, unassuming man who endeared himself to many people. Raymond certain knew what he liked and didn’t like, and he certainly didn’t like telephones and wouldn’t have one in the house: ‘I don’t like these modern inven- tions.’

Within the process of grief, we remember our loved ones with affection, whilst at the same time grieving their loss we celebrate their life, treasure our memories, and give thanks to God. Part of the funeral address by Revd. Robert Canham

Marie Louise Jay Davies, a former resident in Braithwaite died on 6th February 2017 at Frinton on Sea, Essex aged 76. She was the daughter of Dennis & Joan Davies, sister to Keith and grand- daughter of Harvey & Madeline Davies. Cremated at Ipswich with intern- ment of ashes at St. Mary’s graveyard at a later date.


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9 The Easter Story


Spring is here!! - so it’s time for our annual cleaning day which will be on Wednesday 12th April, commencing at 10.00am or there- abouts, with the usual pie and peas at lunchtime.

Also, advance notice that the garden at High Moss, Portinscale will be open in aid of Friends of on Sunday 11th June. Please put the date in your diary – there will be fuller information in next Benefice News. We will be providing refreshments etc, would anyone who can help please let Jackie (78333) or Ann (78453) know.

The annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held at Braithwaite on Sunday 30th April – 7-00pm. If you were on the old Newlands elec- toral roll you will have been included in the roll for the new com- bined parish, so are entitled to attend and vote. It is important that we continue to have a meaningful input into parochial affairs, so if you are interested in the future of the church at Newlands, do please come along.

We were sorry to hear of the death of Liz Ledward. Liz and Ken moved to Greystoke a short time ago, but they lived in Newlands, at Low Uzzicar for many years, and loved the valley dearly. Liz was a lovely lady, who faced various health problems, but always in good spirit – and they could never stop her walking her dog. We hold Ken and family in our thoughts and prayers at this time, and remember

Liz with much fondness.

11 The garden at High Moss, Portinscale

Will be open on the afternoon of Sunday 11th June.

In aid of Friends of Newlands Church

Put the date in your diary now! Full details in next edition of Benefice News xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Newlands Church

Spring Cleaning Day

On Wednesday 12th April from 10am

Pie & Pea lunch provided

Please let Ann or Jackie know if you can come (or you might not get a pie!!)

St Herbert's Church Hall & Thursday,13th April Thursday, 11th May 10.30-12 All welcome.

Do come along, meet your friends and perhaps chat to someone you haven't seen for a while. As usual, there will be no charge. See you there!



THORNTHWAITE CUM BRAITHWAITE WITH NEWLANDS All services held are ‘Common Worship’ unless stated otherwise Please let us know if you need assistance with transport

SUN 2nd Lent 5 10.15 am St. Herbert’s Braithwaite Holy Communion

SUN 9th Palm Sunday 10.15 am St. Mary’s, Thornthwaite Holy Communion

FRI 14th Good Friday Reflections at the 2.00 pm St. Mary’s, Thornthwaite Cross

SUN 16th Easter Sunday 10.15 am St. Herbert’s, Braithwaite Morning Prayer

SUN 23rd Easter 1 10.15 am Newlands Holy Communion

SUN 30th Easter 2 10.15 am St. Herbert’s, Braithwaite All Age Worship 7.00pm “ APCM


May 2017 CHURCH DIARY THORNTHWAITE CUM BRAITHWAITE WITH NEWLANDS SUN 7th Easter 3 10.15 am St. Herbert’s, Braithwaite Holy Communion

SUN 14th Easter 4 10.15 am St. Mary’s, Thornthwaite Holy Communion

SUN 21st Easter 5 10.15 am St. Herbert’s, Braithwaite Morning Prayer

SUN 28th Easter 6 10.15 am Newlands Holy Communion (BCP)


These are very popular and a great time for relaxing together, enjoying company and are open to all. The next lunch will be held at St. Herbert’s Church, Braithwaite at 12 noon on Sunday, 21st May

If you would like to come, please let the Churchwardens know.

Please note: Some of our services may use projected words and images onto a screen. Please ask if you prefer a hymn book or a booklet containing some of the words. All are most welcome to come join us!


Thinking about a school for your child?

Your child could have a place in our Nursery from September; most 3 year olds will then be entitled to 30 hours of provision which can be split over 2 settings and/or used towards an extended school day.

Come and visit to meet our friendly team and see the school in action.

At Braithwaite CE Primary School our 3-11 year olds are learning to be great learners. We have experienced staff, spacious grounds and re- cently updated Early Years resources. We can offer an extended school day from 8:00am to 5:30pm.

Please apply now for Nursery entry in September 2017 .

For further information or to arrange a visit, telephone 017687 78356, email:

COMIC RELIEF We had great fun at our Red Nose Day Talent Showcase on 24th March and helped raise lots of money for Comic Relief! Thank you everyone for your support.

EASTER SERVICE Our Easter Service will be held on Thursday 6th April at 9:30am in the school hall with coffee and cakes on sale beforehand in the church hall (arranged by Friends of Braithwaite School). Everyone is welcome! We will also be having an Easter Egg Hunt on th Friday 7 April. HAPPY EASTER!


Braithwaite CE Primary School, Braithwaite, Keswick, Cumbria Head Teacher: Mrs J Laker Tel: 017687 78356 Website:

Class 4 pupils learn about rivers One Wednesday in February, the pupils in Class 4 took part in an excit- ing and informative ‘Rivers in the Classroom’ day with Becca from West Cumbria Rivers Trust and Tania from Eden Rivers Trust. It all began when we were introduced to our new friends: trout, salmon and pike (large, fish-shaped toys that we became very fond of). Map work came next, testing our knowledge of the locality. This was followed by fact-finding games to help us identify the variety of freshwater wildlife in our local rivers and lakes. Then the messy part: soil experiments, in- vestigating the effect of vegetation on water quality and how quickly wa- ter gets into rivers and lakes. Interpreting the data from these experi- ments helped us to understand how rivers and lakes can be affected by the land around them. In the afternoon, we were able to put our new-found knowledge to good use in a role-play activity, which involved a great deal of debate. We’ll certainly be putting our knowledge to the test when we visit our local beck. Thank you to Becca and Tania for teaching us so much.

Fun for all on Braithwaite Book Day Everyone had a great day recently when we celebrated books by dress- ing up as our favourite book characters. We worked in groups during the day with a fun quiz, as well as making masks and book marks and sharing different books we like. Since then everyone has received a £1 World Book Day token to buy a book of their choice.

We are looking for a caring, friendly person to help us as a Lunch Supervisor especially on Thursdays. Could you help?


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If you are going on a walk and looking for a fresh sandwich, pop down to the village store to purchase a freshly made sandwich or a slice of cake perhaps? Skipped breakfast? Try our hot sausage, bacon or egg sandwiches for only £2.50. To save waiting you can pre-order the day before. 017687 78157 twitter@braithwaiteshop Open everyday except Christmas Day! Mondays to Saturdays - 08:00 to 17:30; Sundays - 08:30 to 17:00 (Sundays in winter closed between 1.30 and 2.30pm)

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Our portfolio has only quality 4 - 5 star self catering accommodation in Keswick, Portinscale, Braithwaite, & the . We strive to promote local people and business to further enhance the reputation of the local area. Tel: 01768780088 e-mail: [email protected]


The Flood Group AGM is to be held on Tuesday, 11th April 2017 at 7pm in St Herbert’s Church Hall, Braithwaite. The meeting is open to all residents of Above Derwent. Paid-up members of the group are entitled to submit an item for the agenda, to be submitted in writing by the 1st April at the latest, addressed to the Secretary Lesley Bowlby, Riverside, Braithwaite, CA12 5ST or by email to [email protected].

ThornThwaiTe’ news

A warm welcome to two more new young residents to the village. Emily and James have recently moved into the "Drey" at Seldom Seen Cottages. Emily is an art teacher and James is a doctor. We hope that they will find time to attend one or more of our village gatherings in the future as we would love to meet them both.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Oliver and his family for the warm welcome 'The Friend's of St Mary's' group received at the Thornthwaite gallery in February. They provided us with homemade soups and cakes which were delicious and everyone, who attended, t horoughly enjoyed the occasion. We hope that this may be repeated in the future if they are willing to have us.

Those of us who have been attending services, during the interregnum period, will have met our new part time Priest in Charge Judith Ashurst. She is a delightful person and has said that she would like to meet every- one so it would be nice if she could attend one of our forthcoming coffee mornings in the village. We hope that she will be very happy.

If you have any news for future issues of the Parish News please contact me.- [email protected]/Tel. 78587.


This traditional Easter cake was originally made for the middle Sunday of Lent when the 40 day fast was relaxed. It is traditionally decorated with 11 marzipan balls to represent the 12 apostles minus Judas.


225 g butter/softened Maureen’s 225 g sugar 4 eggs Recipe of the 225 g plain flour Month 225 g sultanas 110 g currants 110 g glace cherries quartered Grated zest of 2 oranges Grated zest of 2 Lemons 2 tsp ground cinnamon 450 g almond paste 2 tbsp apricot jam

Method Preheat oven to 150o C gas mark 2

Place butter, sugar, eggs, flour, sultanas, currants, glace cherries, orange and lemon zests in a large mixing bowl and beat together until thoroughly blended.

Place half the mixture in a buttered and lined 20cm deep round cake tin and level the sur- face.

Take one third of the almond paste and roll it out into a circle the size of the tin. Place it on top of the cake and spoon the remaining cake mixture over it. Smooth the surface.

Bake the cake for about 2 hours 30 minutes until well risen and firm to touch. Cover with foil after 1 hour if the top is browning too quickly. Allow the cake to cool in the tin for 10 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

When the cake has cooled, brush the top with warmed apricot jam and roll out half the re- maining almond paste to fit the top. Press firmly on the top and crimp the edges to deco- rate.

Make a criss cross pattern on the almond paste with a sharp knife. Form the remaining al- mond paste into 11 balls to represent the apostles. Arrange the balls around the outside.


Keswick Choral Society Spring Concert

Keswick Choral Society will be performing a ‘Spring Concert’ at St John’s Church, Keswick on Saturday 6th May at 7.30 pm. The performance will be conducted by Ian Hare and the Society will be joined by Carlisle Cantate Children’s Choir conducted by Edward Taylor to sing Benedicite by Andrew Carter.

The programme also features Cantique De Jean Racine by Faure, Panis Angelicus by Franck, Psaume XXIV by Lili Boulanger and a selection of Gilbert and Sullivan choruses.

Tickets are £12 in advance, £14 on the door (refreshments included) and can be purchased from members of the choir and from Bookends, Main Street, Keswick.

For further information contact Nia Derry, Publicity Secretary on email address [email protected].

Keswick Choral Society

Spring Concert with Carlisle Cantate Children’s Choir

Saturday 6th May at 7.30 pm, St John’s Church, Keswick

Cantique De Jean Racine – Fauré, Benedicite – Andrew Carter, Panis Angelicus – Franck, Psaume XXIV – Lili Boulanger, Chorus Selection – Gilbert and Sullivan

Conductor Ian Hare, Organist John-Cooper Green, Pianist Cilla Grant, Cantate Conductor Edward Taylor, Organist Jack Stone

£12 in advance, £14 on the door Tickets are available from Choir Members or Bookends, Main Street Keswick.

For information contact [email protected]

Registered Charity No: 1161762


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21 Thornthwaite cum Braithwaite WI

meets on the second Monday of each month at St. Herbert’s Church in Braithwaite at 7.30pm.

The WI plays a unique role in providing women with educational op- portunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities. We are very keen to welcome new members and visitors are very welcome. We do all we can to make them feel at home. Although there is a lot going on people are encouraged to take part in as much or as little as they wish. Future meetings: April 10th Pat Hall ‘Victorians - A Middle Class Household’ May 8th Sharon Hodgson ‘Tips for Looking Your Best’ Ring Chris on 78108 for any more information.

Voluntary Car Service Coffee Morning The next one will be on Monday, May 15th. It is hoped that it will be special event and hope that you can support this and raise even more for such a good cause.

22 Your Own Five Finger Guide To Prayer

2.The index finger. Pray for those who teach and instruct you. They need 3.This is the longest finger, support and wisdom to help others. it reminds us of the leaders. Governors need God’s guidance.

4.The ring finger 1.The thumb is the closest to is also the weak- you so pray for the ones est. Pray for those closest to you. They’re the that are sick or in easiest to remember. trouble. They need your prayers.

5.The smallest finger is for ourselves. Whilst praying for the other four groups you will be able to see your own needs, but in a proper perspective.

If you’re not already, and wish to be, on the Parish electoral roll then please contact Sue Grant on 78288.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting is at 7 p.m. On 30th April at St. Herbert’s.

Refreshments will be served from 6.30 p.m.


From the Church Registers

March 2017

Funeral & Burial at St. Mary’s, Thornthwaite

8th Raymond RIDLEY (87) Braithwaite

St. Herbert’s Church Hall

offers an ideal venue for your events.

Committee Meetings - Children's Parties Coffee Mornings - etc...

Kitchen equipped with modern appliances Seating for up to 40 £7.50 per hour. Enquiries : phone 017687 78288 or e-mail [email protected]


The Parish of Thornthwaite cum Braithwaite with Newlands.

St. Mary’s Church, Thornthwaite St. Herbert’s Church, Braithwaite Newlands Church, Newlands Valley Psalm 118 1. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good his love endures forever.

2. Let Israel say: "His love endures forever."

14. The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.

15. Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous:

The LORD's right hand has done mighty things!

16. The LORD's right hand is lifted high; the LORD's right hand has done mighty things!"

17. I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.

18. The LORD has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death.

19. Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the LORD.

20. This is the gate of the LORD through which the righteous may enter.

21. I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation.

22. The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone;

23. The LORD has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes.

24This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.


NO LATER THAN MAY15th 2017 PLEASE. PRINTING: 23rd May 2017 Printers: Alan Williams & Margaret Throp