New Species of Psyllid from the Canary Islands and Madeira (Homoptera: Psylloidea) , 1

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New Species of Psyllid from the Canary Islands and Madeira (Homoptera: Psylloidea) , 1 /' NEW SPECIES OF PSYLLID FROM THE CANARY ISLANDS AND MADEIRA (HOMOPTERA: PSYLLOIDEA) , 1. D. Hodkinson * ABSTRACT Two new species of jumping plant louse, Livilla monospermae and Trioza laurisilvae, are described from the Canary Islands and Madeira. L. monospermae n. sp. is related to L. retamae (Puton), L. lautereri Hodkinson & Hollis, L. syriaca (Low) and L. radiata (Forster). T. laurisilvae n. sp. is related to T. alacris Flor. Additional information is pre- sented on the distribution of several endemic species and Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Maskell) is recorded from the Canaries for the first time. Key words: Jumping plant lice, Psylloidea, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Madeira, Livilla mo- nospermae n. sp., Trioza laurisilvae n. sp., recordr, distribution, host-plants. RESUMEN Nuevas especies de psílidos de las Islas Canarias y Madeira (Homoptera: Psylloidea). Se describen dos nuevas especies de psílidos de las Islas Canarias y Madeira: Livilla mo- nospermae y Trioza laurisilvae. L. monospermae n. sp. está relacionada con L. retamae (Pu- ton), L. lautereri Hodkinson & Hollis, L. syriaca (Low) y L. rudiata (Forster). T. laurisil- vae n. sp. lo está con T. alacris Flor. Se dan nuevos datos sobre la distribución de varias especies endémicas y se cita Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Maskell) por primera vez de las Cana- rias. Palabras clave: Psííidos, Psylloidea, Islas Canarias, Madeira, Livilla monospermae n. sp., Trioza laurisilvae n. sp., citas, distribución, plantas hospederas. INTRODUCCION nes black; underside of head and thorax dark brown to black; antennae dirty yellow with apices of basa1 LOGINOVA (1976) described the psyllid fauna of segments black, segments 7-10 entirely black. Abdo- the Canary islands and Madeira from material collec- men, including terminalia, yellow brown becoming ted by the Finnish hemipterist Prof. Hakan Lindberg heavily marked with black in older specimens. Femo- between 1926-1963. ASHMOLEand ASHMOLE(1988) ra predominantly dark brown, tibiae predominantly later recorded several of these species in snowfield yellow. Forewing veins light brown; pattern (fig. 1) samples from Tenerife. This paper describes two new consisting of an irregular and incomplete apical trans- species, Livilla monospermae and Trioza laurisilvae, verse band of chocolate brown patterning and a more provides additional data for known species and adds diffuse and paler yellowish longitudinal clouding one further described species to the Canary Island along leading half of wing; remainder of forewing fauna. The status of the genus Laurirrioza Conci and clear. Tamanini, 1985 is discussed. Terminology follows HODKINSON and W'HITE (1979). Strucrure Corresponding to the generic description of HOD- Livilla monospermae sp. n. KINSON and HOLLIS(1987). Head (fig. 2) weakly de- flexed, in same plane as thorax; eyes hemispherical. Colouration Antennae long and slender 2.47-2.86 times as long as Dorsal surface of head and thorax yellowish-oran- head width, with a single rhinaria on segments 4, 6, ge with darker brown markings, apices of genal co- 8 and 9. Genal cones slender and elongate, longer * School of Natural Sciences. Liverpool Polytechnic. Byrom Streei. Liverpool. L3 3AF. U.K EOS, 66 (1): 29-35 (1 990) 29 1. D. HODKINSON than the vertex along the rnid-he, little deflexed Comment frorn plane for vertex; genal cones and vertex with HODKINSONand HOLLIS(1987) revised the genus many elonnate setae. Pronotum flat, propleurites-- Livilla, providing detailed descriptions and biblio- quadrate, dvided by a vertical suture. graphies of the species, which were allocated to spe- Forewing (fig. 1) elongate, oblong-oval, somewhat cies groups. Livilla monospermae sp. n. belongs to parallel sided, 2.91-3.15 times as long as broad, the L. radiata (Forster, 1848) group, characterized 3.0-3.4 times as long as head width; costal break pre- by the upturned apex of vein Rs and the vein MI + 2, sent but incornplete, pterostigma rudirnentary; vein which reaches the wing rnargin well before the wing Rs curved upwards at apex towards foremargin of apex. The group also includes L. retamae (Puton, wing; vein M strongly sinuous; vein MI + meeting 1878), L. lautereri Hodkinson and Hollis, 1987 and wing rnargin well above apex; cell cula elongate, vein L. syriaca (Low, 1882). Livilla monospermae can be Gula rnoderately strongly curved; surface spinules separated frorn these species by the relatively longer present in centre of cell C + Sc, around vein Cuz and and narrower forewing with a characteristic and dis- in apical third of wing; clusters of denser radular spi- tinctive pattern, the very long genal cones and diffe- nules present at apices of cells m, + 2, m and cula. rences in the shape of the rnale and female termina- Metatibia with well developed genual spine and lia. Livilla monospermae sp. n. is known only from with 1 + 3 + 1 thick black apical spurs, basa1 meta- Retama monosperma (L.)Boiss. on Tenerife whereas tarsus without black spurs. Male proctiger (fig. 3) L. retamae feeds on Retama sphaerocarpa (L.)Boiss, simple; paramere (figs. 3, 4) of simple elongate la- R. raetam (ForskAl) Webb and Berth. and R. monos- mellar forrn, broad basally, gradually tapering to perma around the Southern Mediterranean Basin narrow inwardly curved hooked apex; aedeagus frorn Spain to Israel. Retama monosperma grows on (fig. 5) with apical expansion elongately reniform, maritime sands in southwest Spain and S. Portugal rounded apically, ductus ejaculatorius elongate. Fe- where the associated psyllid is L. retamae rather than rnale terrninalia (fig. 6) elongate, proctiger L. monospermae sp. n. (LOGINOVA, 1976). By con- 1.08-1.16 times as long as head width, dorsal margin trast, with the preceding species L. lautereri (host stepped posterior to the circurnanal ring, with the lat- unknown) occurs in Algeria whereas L. radiata and ter 0.30-0.32 the length of the proctiger; subgenital L. syriaca feed on host-plants such as Genista spp., plate slightly shorter than proctiger, apically acute, Chamaecytisus spp. or Lembotropis spp. in Central ventral margin angled rnedially, setae as in figure 6. Europe or the Eastern Mediterranean respectively. Measurements (in mm) Tnoza laurisilvae sp. n. Head width cf 0.85-0.93 9 0.89-0.92 Antennal length 2.32-2.45 Q 2.22-2.33 Forewing length cf 2.74-2.80 9 2.78-3.09 Colouration Proctiger length cf 0.46-0.4s 9 0.97-1.04 Immature specirnens yellow-orange throughout. Male paramere length 0.42-0.46 Mature specimens with dorsal surface of head and Male aedeagus length 0.35-0.39 thorax reddish-orange with dark brown and pale whi- tish rnarkings; genal cones whitish; antennae whitish- Host-plant yellow with segrnents 9 and 10 dark brown; undersi- Retama monosperma (L.) Boiss. subsp. rhodorrhi- de on thorax rnarked with dark brown; fore- and zoides Webb and Berth. mid-femora whitish yellow, hind femora dark brown, remainder of legs whitish yellow. Abdomen dark Type material brown with paler intersegmental membranes: termi- Holotype 6,CANARY ISLANDS, Tenerife, nalia yellowish brown. Forewing veins yellowish 1 km N. of Santiago (Hodkinson) 1s-XII-19S8 (slide brown; rnernbrane transparent with a uniform yello- mounted). Paratypes. Tenerife, 7 a",3 9 sarne data wish tinge. as holotype (slide and dry mounted). 1 a" 2 km S. of Masca, nr. Santiago 18-XII-1988 (dry rnounted). Structure 14 0,11 9, 1 nyrnph, Chio, N. W. of Guia (Wii- Corresponding to the generic description of Ho- son) 9-III-19S9 (dry mounted). 45 a", 23 9, Teno, LL~S(1984). Head (fig. 12) rnoderately deflexed frorn Masca-Santiago del Teide Rd. (Hollis) 16-V-1987, on plane of thorax, eyes relatively large somewhat flat- Retama monosperma (dry mounted and in spirit). tened; vertex quadrate, genal cones broadly triangu- Holotype and most paratypes are in the collections lar, shorter than length of vertex; antennae 1.31-1.45 of the British Museum (Natural History). Rernaining times as long as head width with single conspicuous paratypes in the author's collection. rhinaria on segments 4, 6, 8 and 9. 30 EOS, 66 (1): 29-35 (1990) . NEW PSYLLIDS FROM CANARY ISLAXDS AND MADEIRA 3 5 8 9 Figs. 1-10.-1) L. monospermae sp. n. forewing. 2) L. monospermae sp. n. head. dorsal view. 3) L. monospermae sp. n. d terrnina- lia lateral view. 4) L. monospermae sp. n. d right paramere, outer view. 5) L. monospermue sp. n. aedeagus. 6) L. monospermae sp. n. 9 terrninalia, lateral view. 7) T. faurisilvae sp. n. terminatia. lateral view. 8) T. íaitrisiivae sp. n. ovipositor. 9) 7.aiucris ovi- positor. 10) 7.alucris terrninalia, lateral view. EOS, 66 (1): 29-35 (1990) 31 . 1. D.HODKINSON Forewing (fig. 11) with typical Trioza venation, Azores, 1 6 Pico, Porto Cachorro 8-12. VIII-1987 with angular apex, 2.65-2.89 as long as maximum (Ashmole). breadth; pterostigma and costal break absent, vein Holotype and most paratypes are in the collections Rs strongly angled, meeting anterior margin at about of the British Museum (Natural History). Remaining the point of bifurcation of M; cells ml + and cuIare- paratypes in the author's collection. latively small, vein Gula evenly arched; vein Cuz mee- ting margin at some distance from apex of vein Cu,,; Comment radular spinules present at apices of cells m, + 2, m Trioza laurisilvae sp. was recorded from Madei- ' and cula; surface spinules absent from cells of fore- n. wing. Metatibia with genual spine very small and with ra, Tenerife, La Palma, Gomera and Gran Canaria 2 + 1 thick black apical spurs; basal metatarsus lac- as the closely related species Trioza alacris Flor, 1861 king black spurs. by LOGINOVA(1976). The two species are, however, Male proctiger (fig. 15) very small, little longer morphologically distinct . They can be separated by than paramere, posterior margin broadly rounded, the following couplet. sparsely hairy; paramere (figs.
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    Royal Entomological Society HANDBOOKS FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF BRITISH INSECTS To purchase current handbooks and to download out-of-print parts visit: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. Copyright © Royal Entomological Society 2012 Handbooks for the Vol. 11, Part 5(a) Identification of British Insects HOMOPTERA PSYLLOIDEA By lan D. Hodkinson & lan M. White Department of Biology Liverpool Polytechnic Byrom Street Liverpool L3 3AF Editor$ Allan Watson 1979 ROYAL ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON 41 Queen's Gate London SW7 5 H U Published by the Royal Entomological Society of London 41 Queen's Gate, London SW7 5HU © Royal Entomological Society of London 1979 First published 1979 Printed in Great Britain by Adlard and Son Ltd, South Street Dorking, Surrey , Contents page Preface iv Introduction Economic importance of British Psylloidea 1 Host plant relationships Life-history 2 Methods of coll~ting_ and preserving psyllids 3 Morphology 4 Nymphal taxonomy 9 Check list of British psyllids 9 Use of the keys 1S Simplified key to British genera 1S Key to families of Psylloidea 16 Key to species of Liviidae 18 Key to genera of Aphalaridae 18 Key to Strophingia species 22 Key to Aphalara species 24 Key to Craspedolepta species 26 Key to genera of Psyllidae 31 Key to Psy/lopsis species 33 Key to Psy/la species 40 Confirmatory descriptions of Psylla species SS Key to genera of Triozidae 61 Key to Trioza species 6S Confirmatory descriptions of Trioza species 72 Family Carsidaridae 77 Family Spondyliaspidae 78 Appendix I.
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