HOBBIES • INTERESTS • PASSIONS Stuff for Baby Boomers! H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions 1 Creative discovery optionsfor50 creative optionsfor50 active optionsfor50 accept responsibilityforaneffectsarisingfrom useofthisinformation. publication was correctat thetimeofprinting,Rotoru While everyefforthasbeenmadetoensurethat theinformation contained inthis wellness optionsin2011andbeyond. tobroadeningtheirsocialinteraction,knowledgeand Mrs Leeandagepositivelyshouldusethisbookletasaguide to makecheese.residentsaged50andoverkeenemulate class, enrollingina2-daypasteldrawingworkshoporlearning class, trainingasaVictim SupportvolunteerortakingaTe Reo Whether it’sjoiningawalkinggrouporBabyBoomers’dance whilst gettingolder. engaging inactivitiesthathelpensurelifeishappyandfulfilled shining exampleofsomeonewhochoosesto‘agepositively’by and playingoutdoorbowlsinadditiontowalking,MrsLeeisa Club,theRotoruaMusicalTheatre branch oftheAltrusaService Being anactivememberoftheRotoruaDahliaClub, no oneshouldcomplain there isnothingto doinRotorua.” availablemany activities to motivated getolderpeople . . . brings attention to the brochure. and informative HIP in reading thecolourful my friends findpleasure Mrs Lee. “Like me, manyof something to do,” says at thebrochure seeking through looking people hasincreasedmembership Strollers andour “I to belong Springfield RDC initiative. Leeisamongthosewhohaveheaped praiseonthe Mrs Kathleen interests orrediscoveroldhobbiesandpassions. seniors and‘soon-to-be-seniors’togetinvolvedwithnew and Passions booklethasprovidedthecatalystforlotsoflocal threeissues,wenowknowthattheHobbies,Interests After Baby Boomers. Council’s Autumn/WintereditionofH.I.P. Stufffor Kia ora,andwelcometotheRotoruaDistrict It certainly certainly It s s plus –p19to27 plus –p11to18 s plus –p3to10 a DistrictCouncildoesnot

Photo: the daily post |Ph3494350ext7823 Museum |Free forresidentswith ID|AnnSomerville |Ph3494350ext7823 Museum |Free forresidentswithID|AnnSomerville supporters/friends-of--museum [email protected] |www.rotoruamuseum.co.nz/about-us/our- Admission: Goldcoin|WarwickHill Ph 0272437595,3501814 Bob Gardner|[email protected] Mon-F sculpture, groupand topartstudentsexhibitionsMarch-Sept. A constantlychangingarrayofwearable art,photography, painting, Exhibitions atRotoruaArtsVillage Monthly, variousdates glassmakers andcarvers. Monthly arttalksbyNewZealandartists,photographers,sculptors, Art Bytes-F Summer ArtsFestivalArtCompetition. Works bynineaward-winnersfromWhakatane’snationallyrecognised Molly orpethCanadayArtwardwinners Sat andSun,April23/24 region. Allworkisavailableforpurchase. Sculpture exhibitionfeaturingartistsfromthroughouttheBayofPlenty Daily, Aug20-Nov27 than justthescenicwondersofRotorua. An exhibitiondemonstratingthatCharlesBlomfield’sartfocusedonmore ’Blomfield in Wonderland’ exhibition (see p6)|EnergyEventsCentreFree |MijoKatavic Daily, Aug13-21 artists atwork. artists. Opportunitiestopurchaseandmeetthe Exhibition ofworkbyinvitedlocalandnational Wearable Creationzartexhibition Daily, July2-Aug7 tomeetadiversegroupofMuslimsAsiandescent. the country Photographer AnsWestra andwriterAdrienneJansentravelled ‘ Daily, June11-July10 from Te Papa’s collection. Selection of15th-18thC.Italian-influenceddrawingsandprints ‘Drawn fromItaly:MantegnatoKauffmann’exhibition T Highly interactiveexhibitionrevealinghowthehumanbodyworks. ‘Body inAction’exhibition T otary Clubfund-raisingsculptureexhibition Sunrise Rotary Tania Short |[email protected] |www.rave.org.nz |Ph3494350ext7823 Free forresidentswithID|AnnSomerville |Ph3494350ext7823 Ann Somerville |Ph3494350ext7823 Ann Somerville Ph 0275282842|[email protected] The CrescentMoon:F o Sun,June26 o Sun,May15 Art ondisplay ri | 9am-4.30pmRotoruaArtsVillage, HinemaruSt. |Free riends oftheRotoruaMuseum |9am-5pmRotoruaMuseumFree forresidentswithID |9am-5pmRotoruaMuseumFree forresidentswithID

| 1-4pmplusshownights |9am-5pmRotoruaTrust Galleries,RotoruaMuseum

9am-5pm. 9am-9pm after Sept 25|Rotorua | 9am-5pm.9am-9pmafter |9am-5pmRotoruaTrust Galleries,Rotorua |5.30pmEducationRoom,RotoruaMuseum | 10am-4pm |2ManahiAve.Admission: ace ofIslaminNZ’exhibition

H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions


3 Creative Creative 5

H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions H.I.P.

Mokoia Campus, Waiariki Institute Campus, Waiariki | Mokoia 5 credits

Mokoia Campus, Waiariki Institute 10 credits | Mokoia Campus, Waiariki

Dutch Club Hall, Neil Hunt Park, Tarawera Tarawera Park, | 7pm | Dutch Club Hall, Neil Hunt

| 11.30am for 12.30pm film | Meet at various local | 1.30-3.30pm | Mokoia Community Assn Hall, ri of month ues of month Rd | 10am | Mokoia Community Assn Hall, 297 Vaughan ri meets 2pm meets 10am riday Flicks ri of month A - Movie and Munch A - F ilm and theatre group - U3A Jaarna Hoskins, School of Computing, Technology and Computing, Technology | Jaarna Hoskins, School of of Technology | [email protected] Communications | Ph 346 8684 www.waiariki.ac.nz Ph Katie Williams 346 3148 Ph Katie Williams Learn techniques for digital image capture and digital image manipulation manipulation digital image capture and digital image for Learn techniques software.using editing digital cameras. images from Improve/enhance image capture using and contrast for advanced Understand exposure images using editing software.a digital camera. Enhance/manipulate Explore printing processes. Group for ‘third agers’ who share an interest in film/theatre by going on Group for ‘third agers’ who share an interest in film/theatre regular group outings. | Ph 345 5971 | [email protected] Rd | Free 297 Vaughan Group of ‘third age’ amateur photographers who share an interest in cameras and photography. | Raewyn Connolly | Ph 345 9828 Rd. | Subs: $55 single, $75 couple [email protected] | www.rotoruacamera.co.nz MC Every 2nd F MC chat with friends. Check monthly east-side ‘Mokoia a movie and Watch Matters’ newsletter for what’s on. 4th F 10 weeks part-time. Rotorua Camera Club of month 1st Wed F Every 2-3 weeks Photography - U3A Group 1 Group 2 ne semester part-time. One semester Digital Photography Experiencing Course Certificate in WR2983: Short 2982: Short Course Certificate in inIntroductory Certificate Course Short 2982: WR Photography Digital 2nd and 4th T cafes | Subs: $10 (covers all U3A groups) | Mary | Ph 347 9636 Shapley www.u3arotorua.com 2nd and 4th F Jaarna Hoskins, School of Computing, Technology and and Technology School of Computing, | Jaarna Hoskins, of Technology | Ph 346 8684 | [email protected] Communications www.waiariki.ac.nz Ph 345 5971 | [email protected] Watch a movie then share lunch with new friends. Check monthly Watch east-side ‘Mokoia Matters’ newsletter for what’s on. Club meets to discuss and critique members’ prints. Also tutorials Club meets to discuss and imageryon digitally manipulating via computer software. Ph Loeta Davies 348 6322 Subs: $10 (covers all U3A groups) | www.u3arotorua.com

| 9.30-11.30am

Various | Various

Hinemaru St. | 8.30am-4pm | Arts Village,

Arts Village, Hinemaru St.$130 Hinemaru | | Arts Village, | 8.30am-4 pm ilm Festival Hinemaru St. | 9.30am-12.30pm | Studio 2, Arts Village,

| 1.30-3.30pm | Mokoia Community Association Hall, ues, ongoing throughout the year.


A - Mokoia painting group work sts’ at Arti C 8.30am-4pm Hinemaru St. Arts Village, www.maxinethompsonartist.com H.I.P. April 2011 – October 2011 H.I.P. Magma Short F Thurs-Sat, April 28-30 plus workshops MC and techniques. For painters of all levels of experience to share ideas Every Wed A supportive environment where artists of all levels and mediums A supportive environment where artists of all levels come together to paint. Every Thurs Geyserland Art Group Ideal class for those who have always wanted to try their hand at painting. Ring for course outline. Mon and T Sat and Sun, Nov 19/20 office | Ph 348 9008 | [email protected] $130 | RAVE www.maxinethompsonartist.com Beginners’ mixed media art classes Pastel Portraits - 2-day art workshop Portraits Pastel professional artist Maxine Thompson. Learn pastel drawing with Suits beginners to advanced artists. | [email protected] office | Ph 348 9008 $130 | RAVE Sat and Sun, Oct 29/30 n Pastel - 2-day Animals In Pastel art workshop Whether beginner or advanced artist, learn the art of drawing animals in pastel with professional Maxine Thompson. Sat and Sun, May 7/8 Sat and Sun, art workshop - 2-day Portraits Pastel build confidence exercises to and discussions Demonstrations, advanced artists. skills. Suits beginners to and technical

Short film festival featuring films from around the globe. Live music and a bar open ahead of screenings. Janet Keen Mosaics and Fine Art Studio, 374 Clayton Rd. Janet Keen Mosaics and Fine Art Studio, 374 Clayton Janet Keen $200 includes eight hours of tuition and materials | | www.jkeen.net Ph 346 3435 | [email protected] Pam Lines | Ph 027 594 2307 Subs: $25 plus $2 per session | Pam [email protected] times and costs, see online programme | Shambles Theatre, Amohau St. | Kiri Jarden | Ph 351 8154 [email protected] | www.magmafilm.org.nz Ph 348 9008 | [email protected] office | RAVE www.maxinethompsonartist.com 297 Vaughan Rd | Koha | Ph 345 5971 | [email protected] 297 Vaughan 4 Creative Creative 7

H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions H.I.P. ony Parker’s he Woody Woodhouse Woodhouse The Woody

from Auckland | 1pm matinee (Wed and Thurs) and 7pm (Thurs)

from Tauranga $15 non-members, | $15 non-members, Racecourse | 5-8pm | Arawa Lounge, | 6-9pm | Arawa Lounge, Racecourse | $15 non-members, | 5-8pm | Arawa Lounge, Racecourse | 5-8pm | Arawa Lounge, Racecourse or Tues. No shows Mon matinee. 2pm (Sun) | 8pm (Wed-Sat), | 8pm | Civic Theatre, 8pm (Wed-Sat), 4pm (Sun) | 8pm (Wed-Sat), oung, the show’s jam-packed ri, July 8 Up’ All Shook Admission: $15 non-members, $8 members. | Dave Cown | Ph 347 9438 [email protected] | www.rotoruajazzclub.com | Ph 349 5141 | Ticketmaster Convention Centre | $30 Civic Theatre, [email protected] JPC musical based on a guitar- based on Elvis. JPC musical famous by songs made Featuring of rock ‘n’ roll. the power town discover a small stranger helping playing | Ph 347 9438 | [email protected] $8 members. | Dave Cown www.rotoruajazzclub.com matinee. No shows Mon or Tues. Casa Blanca Theatre, 122 Riri St. matinees. Admission: $27 seniors, $32 adults, $5 discount at Richard MarsHall | Ph 347 6330 | [email protected] www.rotoruamusicaltheatre.co.nz Featuring the best musicians from Rhapsody 2011 plus guest performances by Roger Fox Quartet and jazz singer Erna Ferry. Rotorua Jazz Club evening with Australian band, ‘Dixie Street’ Sun, Aug 7 Rotorua Jazz Club evening with T ‘New Orleans Joymakers’ Sun, Sept 4 otorua Jazz Club evening with ‘ Rotorua Jazz Club evening Connection’ Sun, July 3 Rotorua Rhapsody concerts Performances concert bands. by local and Australian school choirs, orchestras and and Thurs, July 6/7 Wed Rotorua Rhapsody gala concert F Musical Rotorua Musical Theatre’s BEEHIVE: The 60s directed and choreographed by Written, Robert Y with the hits of 60s and 70s girl groups. July 8-23 ‘ May 20-28 ‘BBC’ Club evening with the Rotorua Jazz Sun, June 5 | [email protected] | Dave Cown | Ph 347 9438 $8 members. www.rotoruajazzclub.com | Ph 347 9438 Admission: $15 non-members, $8 members. | Dave Cown [email protected] | www.rotoruajazzclub.com Civic Theatre, Convention Centre | Free tickets available from Ticketmaster Free tickets available Convention Centre | Free from June 27. from Ticketmaster 0800 442 554 Rod Bird | Freephone [email protected] from June 27. | Rod Bird | Freephone 0800 442 554 [email protected]

| 9.30-11.30am | Janet Keen Mosaics and

| 7pm plus

and run every5.30-7.30pm six weeks (approx.) |

amari balls A | 1-3.30pm | Mokoia Community Assn Hall, Arts Village, Hinemaru St. | 9.30am-3.30pm | Arts Village, | 5-8pm | Arawa Lounge, Racecourse | 9.30am | Subs: $10 (covers all U3A groups) ues on demand St Luke’s Church, cnr Pukuatua and Amohia Sts. and | 12.15pm | St Luke’s Church, cnr Pukuatua


PERFORMANCE H.I.P. April 2011 – October 2011 H.I.P. A fun, charitable event showcasing A fun, charitable event showcasing Art; a true celebration of Wearable creativity and community. colour, 5-week course learning some basic floral designs whilst having some fun. having some whilst floral designs some basic course learning 5-week Max. 15 places. Normally two concerts held each month. Check Rotorua Review for date Normally two concerts held each month. Check Rotorua and featured singer/musician/ choir etc. Lunch available. $15 non-members, $8 members. | Dave Cown | Ph 347 9438 [email protected] | www.rotoruajazzclub.com | Ph 348 2992 Donations welcome. | Hanno Fairburn Free. 297 Vaughan Rd | Koha | Ph 345 5971 | [email protected] 297 Vaughan Sun, May 1 Rotorua Jazz Club evening St Luke’s Lunchtime Concert Series April-Oct Every Thurs Craft group - MC Coffin Club group - U3A Every Wed Mon and T Beginners’ Mosaic Classes Thurs-Sat, Aug 18/20 Wearable Creationz 2011 Wearable Sat, May 21 Create Japanese T Create Japanese Courses start April Courses start loral design course Floral design Have fun learning to mosaic over four weeks. Ideal for small groups. Have fun learning to mosaic over four weeks. Ideal

Tutor Ann Bell shares the traditional Japanese art of Tamari; traditional Japanese art of Tamari; Ann Bell shares the Tutor to make intricate, geometric patterns. wrapping balls with thread Featuring a tribute to Bobby Hackett and Benny Goodman. Ph 357 2575 required | Delight Gartlein | Approx $50. Pre-registration [email protected] Fine Art Studio, 374 Clayton Rd. | $200 for four 2-hour lessons (includes materials) | Janet Keen | Ph 346 3435 | [email protected] www.jkeen.net Group for ‘third agers’ intent on building their own underground furniture. Group for ‘third agers’ intent on building their own 11am matinee (Thurs only) $5-$135. Energy Events Centre | From Check website for details. Barbara Cook | Ph 021 797 049 | www.wearablecreationz.co.nz For crafts people of all levels of experience to share ideas and techniques. School of Floral Design, Rotorua Florist, 1222 Eruera St. | $150 plus Design, Rotorua Florist, School of Floral Ph 348 1092 Jenkins | week for materials | Pamela approx $20 per www.schooloffloraldesign.co.nz | [email protected] | Ph 346 3148 | www.u3arotorua.com Katie Williams 6 Creative Creative 9

H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions H.I.P.

Rotorua Bridge Club, Rotorua Bridge | 7-9.30pm |

| 7.30pm (Sat) and 2pm (Sun)

| 7.30pm | Concert

ues of month Concert Chamber, Convention Centre | 7.30pm | Concert Chamber, | 3pm | Concert Chamber | Admission: Senior citizens or Hinemaru St. | Subs: $50 | 1pm | Studio 1, Arts Village, Parksyde Community Centre, | Parksyde | 9.30am-3.30pm and 7-9pm THE ARTS rench Collection: The ainbow Quilters ainbow Performing works by French Performing works by French Faure, composers Debussy, including and Faust, Franck Featuring ‘Requiem’. Faure’s soloists and a small orchestra. | Ph 345 7406 | [email protected] Admission: $30 | Don Tombleson www.rotoruamusic.org.nz Peter Walls will conduct a programme including Mozart’s concerto will Walls Peter for flute and harp, and Symphony No. 31.

Rotorua Music Federation concert featuring Andrew Tyson (piano), Rotorua Music Federation concert featuring Andrew Tyson (cello). ( viola) and Aleisha Verner Josef Spacek (violin), Amanda Verner | Ph 348 2868 | [email protected] | Subs: $30 | Ruth Lewis Neil Hunt Park

St Luke’s, cnr Pukuatua and Amohia Sts. | Admission: $15 and Amohia St Luke’s, cnr Pukuatua Alison Lewis | Ph 348 5183 | [email protected] A group of friendly quilters who meet to share their knowledge their knowledge meet to share quilters who of friendly A group and patchwork. of quilting and love | [email protected] Anne Koopal | Ph 366 6851 Convention Centre | Admission: $30 | Don Tombleson Chamber, Ph 345 7406 | [email protected] | www.rotoruamusic.org.nz | Ph 348 2992 | Hanno Fairburn of Opus $30, adults $35 Friends [email protected] | www.opusorchestra.org.nz Thurs, June 23 ‘Meler Ensemble’ chamber music concert Aug 10 Wed, Rotorua Embroiderers’ Group (day or evening) to stitch and chat. Regular Members get together weekly classes throughout the year. Every Wed A F Rotorua District Choir conducted by Ursula Schraa Sat and Sun, May 14/15 Opus Orchestra concert Sun, June 5 Chamber Music Concert R T 1st and 3rd Art Group Rotorua Floral Every Thurs Weekly workshops, demonstrations or classes. Occasional outings. or classes. Occasional workshops, demonstrations Weekly National qualifications available. national body. Affiliated to Rotorua Music Federation hosts an evening of chamber music featuring Martin Riseley on violin and Deidre Irons on piano. Subs: $50 plus $2 per day. Most classes additional. | Subs: $50 plus $2 per day. Pl. Tawera | [email protected] | www.anzeg.org.nz Linda Keach | Ph 349 3106

| 9.30am-noon | Cottage Flair,

| 10am-4pm (Sat) and 10am-2pm (Sun) Cottage Flair, Main Rd, | 10am-3pm | Cottage Flair,

Cottage Flair, Main Rd, Ngongotaha. | 10am-3pm | Cottage Flair, The Belgian Bar, 1151 | 7.30pm | The Belgian Bar, | 1-4.30pm | RSA Clubrooms,

Lounge, Racecourse | Arawa | 6-9pm Civic Theatre, Convention Centre | Civic Theatre, | 11am and 2pm

pins and needles ues, 10 weeks, starting May 31 Main Rd, Ngongotaha. | $120 | Ph 357 5955 | [email protected] www.cottageflair.co.nz Popular annual concert for Rotorua’s older residents featuring a variety older residents featuring annual concert for Rotorua’s Popular and choirs. singers, groups, orchestras of mostly local Comprehensive beginners’ class covering all basic patch-working skills. After 10 classes you will have a completely finished and bound quilt. Haupapa St. | Subs: $8 senior individual or $12 senior $4. couple (over 55) plus door charge of $2. Visitors Julie Hill | Ph 027 727 4914 | [email protected] Ph 347 9438 | Ph 347 | Dave Cown members. $8 $15 non-members, Admission: | www.rotoruajazzclub.com [email protected] The quilt’s flowers are made with machine appliqué techniques The quilt’s flowers are made with machine appliqué the quilt. then machine embroidered before being added to Cottage Flair, Main Rd, Ngongotaha. | $90 | Ph 357 5955 Cottage Flair, [email protected] | www.cottageflair.co.nz $90 | Ph 357 5955 | [email protected] | www.cottageflair.co.nz Ph 348 9134 Monty Morrison | Ph 348 9134 | from Ticketmaster. tickets available Free [email protected] T Beginners’ Patchwork course Beginners’ Patchwork Sat and Sun, May 28/29 Create a 34” x 34” quilt featuring Convolvulus Silk ribbon embroidery class Sat, May 7 and 14 Sat and Sun, April 30/May 1 Make a poppy wall hanging or bag Geyserland Countryusic Club M atmosphere. welcoming Enjoy country friendly, music in a Sing or just listen. 3rd Sun of month 1st Wed of month 1st Wed Blues Club Inc. Bay of Plenty Blues Club Sun, Oct 2 ayoral Concert for the Elderly 2011 Mayoral Concert H.I.P. April 2011 – October 2011 H.I.P. ct 2 Sun, O otorua Jazz Club evening the ‘Hamilton evening Club Jazz Rotorua Band’ Big Ngongotaha. | $90 | Ph 357 5955 | [email protected] www.cottageflair.co.nz Subs: $40 double, $30 single. Arawa St. | Subs: $40 double, $30 single. | Anita Loderus Non-members $5 door charge. Ph 345 8115 | [email protected] www.bop-blues.com Make an attractive little bag whilst learning this fast growing Make an attractive little bag whilst learning this fast for all levels. technique. Suitable and easy-to-learn Where Blues enthusiasts come together to play, perform together to play, Where Blues enthusiasts come interest in Blues music. and meet people with a common Learn how to design a garden scene, raw edge appliqué and free motion Learn how to design a garden scene, raw edge appliqué quilt during this relaxed, fun class. 8 Creative Creative 10 at bargainprices.AllproceedstotheLibrary. this regularfundraiserfeaturesthousandsofbooks Organised byFriends oftheRotoruaDistrictLibrary, violin andJamesTennant oncello. Hallon Austinonpiano,Lara soloists Katherine Rotorua MusicFederationhostschambermusic Ph 3487680|[email protected] |www.rotorualibrary.govt.nz Old Tea Kiosk,KuirauPark |Friends subs:$10|AnneHunt to sharefellowship,ideasandfamilyhistory. Lively groupof‘thirdagers’whowrite athomebutgather www.opusorchestra.org.nz Hanno Fairburn |[email protected] Admission: SeniorcitizensorFriends ofOpus$30,adults$35 (violin) andRowanPrior (cello)hostedbytheRotoruaMusicFederation. Rebecca Struthers(violin),AndrewThomson(viola),Vesa-Martti Leppanen www.rotoruamusic.org.nz Admission: $30|DonTombleson |Ph3457406 |[email protected] Val |[email protected] Isherwood Theatre, behindPak ’n’Save,AmohauSt.|Subs:$40single,$55couple Three showsannually, autumn,winterandspring Get involvedincommunitytheatre Wed, Oct26 ‘Felix theQuartet’inconcert Sun, Sept18 Opus rchestraconcert Sat, Aug27 Concert featuringNZChambersoloists 4th Wed ofmonth Reading ound-Monthlybookdiscussiongroupfor adults 1st and3rdF Writing for families group-U3A 3rd Monofmonth Group for‘thirdagers’keentosharetheirloveofthewrittenwordandreading. U3A -Bookreviewsgroup 1st and3rdSatofmonth Book sale on manynewtitles. Lively, informal discussionsoncurrenttopicsandbookswithfirstoption |www.rotorualibrary.govt.nzPh 3484177ext7042 |[email protected] Haupapa St.|Goldcoindonation to covermorningtea| Bev Emmerson

building? TheRotoruaLittleTheatrewelcomesnewmembers. Interested inacting,directing,backstage,front-of-house, wardrobeorset for twocellosandBeethoven’sSymphonyNo.1. Peter Walls willconductaprogrammeincluding aVivaldi concerto [email protected] |www.rotoruamusic.org.nz Convention Centre|Admission:$30DonTombleson |Ph3457406 www.u3arotorua.com Subs: $10(coversallU3Agroups)|JillNicholasPh3479647 Jenny Carroll|Ph3322633www.u3arotorua.com H.I.P. April 2011– October 2011 WRITERS ANDBOOKWORMS

|7.30pmConcertChamber, |3pmConcertChamber, ConventionCentre | 7.30pmConcertChamber, ConventionCentre ri ofmonth |10.30-11.45am Haupapa Room,Rotorua Library, |2pmMeetatPublic Library, HaupapaSt.

|9.30amSubs:$10(coversallU3Agroups) |9am-1pm


Play asmanygamessuits.B Relaxed, socialdaybeginswithmorningteaat9.30am. Learners’ welcome. social andtournamentleveltenpin. An activegroupofover55swhoplay Commencing earlyMay. The RotoruaPetanque Clubhastwosessionsweekly

Elizabeth Maxwell|Ph3457371 Subs: $85firstyearmember, $30socialmember, $170 fullmember

very Mon Every it. through toOct24.Comealongandtry Rotorua RSAIndoorBowlsClubplayssocial/competitivegamesweekly RSA IndoorBowls very MonandF Every Indoor bowls very Mon Every Blind bowlersgroup Regular, twiceweeklyplay. V L holidays T Primetimers T 2nd and4thT Social daytimebowlswithNgongotahaIndoorBowlsClub T Every Learn toplaypetanque [email protected] [email protected] 347 0758orChrisClare3456754 Ward Ave.|Subs:$25plus$12persessionPhDaphHarvey Strike ZoneEntertainmentCentre, and 1.15pm(Tues) beginners. Regularsocialgatherings.Non-playingmemberswelcome. Try outdoorbowlswithloangear. Clubcoachesonhandtoassist of theBlindarewelcomeforsocialindoor bowls. Blind orvisuallyimpairedmembersof the RoyalNZFoundation Hazel Priday |Ph3494579 $3 plus$15socialmembershiptoArawaBowlingClubencouraged. [email protected] Subs: $50.Visitors $5.|SueorTrevor Neilson |Ph3463370 Petanque Terrain, adjacenttoBlueBaths,GovernmentGardens Ph 3575332|[email protected] Wiggins Community Hall,SchoolRd.|$3perdayCheryl Eoin Gainsford|[email protected] plus sub-clubfeeof$20and$3clubnights/$5championships www.parksyde.org.nz Subs: $5plus$3per session.|ShirleyTeirney |Ph3487673 ues andThursexcludingschool awn bowlsatRotoruaEastBowlingClub BOWL ALONG ues andSun |10.15am(Thurs) |7.15pmRSAClubrooms,HaupapaSt.membership |1.30-3.30pmParksyde CommunityCentre,Tarewa Pl.

ues ofmonth en Pin BowlingClub ri afternoon

|12.30pm(Tues) and12.30pmfor1pmstart(Sun)

|10am-2pmNgongotaha Y

O lunch. |ArawaBowlingClub,64Lytton St. arious days. H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions

|WarwickDr, Lynmore

11 active

tive c a 13

rust H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions H.I.P.

Roosevelt Church, Roosevelt Rd. | 1pm | Roosevelt Church, Roosevelt

| 10.30am and 6.30pm

| 10am-5pm 18 Waters St. | $10 per session, 10-class | 18 Waters

ues and Wed excluding school holidays ues and Wed ai Chi Arawa Bowling Club, Lytton Street | $8 casual, | 9.30-11am | Arawa Bowling Club, Lytton ri ri morning ues and Thurs HY OPTIONS HEALT ri-Sun, Nov 11/13 oga for balance ai Chi classes at The Academy | Ph 345 5659, 021 064 3122 $35 (x 5 sessions) | Joy Wilkins Advice, friendship, dahlia demonstrations and garden visits. Members can Advice, friendship, dahlia and national dahlia shows. enter blooms in various local Biennial festival featuring 45 gardens. 45 gardens. festival featuring Biennial are gardens featured the 15 new Among properties. eight large Waikite-Ngakuru Volunteers welcome to assist running programmes based around welcome to assist Volunteers community gardens, wetlands restoration and education-focused organic orchard at Hannah’s Bay. development of a community of the Hannah’s Bay reserveCommunity restoration area Denise La Grouw | Ph 345 5592 | [email protected] www.communityrestorationtrust.com Admission: $15 seniors (Fri only), seniors (Fri Admission: $15 $30 (3 days) | Lois Baker $20 (1 day), | www.rotoruagardens.org.nz | [email protected] Ph 345 3578 Improve health. Calm and focus the mind. The Taoist Tai Chi Society of Tai Improve health. Calm and focus the mind. The Taoist | First class free, NZ runs regular beginner classes. | 11 Hyland Cres. thereafter $27.50 per month (waged), $16.50 per month (unwaged). | Ph 347 1647 | [email protected] | www.taoist.org.nz Erik Westra | Ph 366 4683 | Sue Wykes (if not an outside visit) | Subs: $5 [email protected] [email protected] Pam Shanks | Ph 345 8632, | Pam concession available. No ETFPOS facility. 021 1155 9238 | [email protected] B.U.S classes - Balance Upright and Safe Every Mon, T locations: city, times: 11am, 1pm, 1.30pm and 2pm | Various Various | Ph 348 4125 eastside, westside and Ngongotaha. | $2 | Lisa Mansell [email protected] | www.sportbop.co.nz Y Being flexible isn’t a prerequisite to trying yoga, let Joy teach you how. Beginner and advanced welcome. Every F EveryMarch) 2nd Mon (Aug- Restoration T Hannah’s Bay Community AMJAZZ - Baby Boomers Classes Every F T Every T Rush Bodywork at Go360, 1070 Eruera St. | $5 per session | Ph 343 6080 Wayne of Gardens Festival Rotorua F Club Rotorua Dahlia Beginners’ T Falls prevention class for 55 years and over - 45 mins of gentle exercise prevention class Falls to music to improve strength and balance. A gentle ‘keep fit’ style class incorporating dance, Pilates and general A gentle ‘keep fit’ style class incorporating dance, Encouraging, social atmosphere. movement. No experience necessary. Tai Chi will guide you towards a healthier body; assisting with flexibility, body; assisting with flexibility, Chi will guide you towards a healthier Tai core strength, balance, vitality and breathing.

| 9.30am | Meet at Sea Scout -

Meet at Redwoods Visitor Centre, Centre, | 10am | Meet at Redwoods Visitor

| Meet at 8.45am, leave 9am sharp

WCA), Te Ngae Rd. outh Centre (old YWCA), Te

akefront - every Thurs | 8.30am L | 10-10.45am | Meet at Sea Scout Hall, Lakefront | Darryl Sala St. | Free Gardenworld, Pierce | 2pm | Palmers | 9.30am | Meet at Springfield Golf Course carpark, Various locations for approx. one hour locations for approx. | 9am | Various ri ues and Thurs ues THE FEET BEAT GREEN FINGERS H.I.P. April 2011 – October 2011 H.I.P. money for apres-walk coffee. | Ph Audrey 348 1471 Bring Free. or Gill 346 2911 | [email protected] Longmile Rd. | Ph 348 0357 Wood | Violet Free Meet at Community Y | Ph 348 9407 Charge for transport when required. | Ingri Bonnington Moderate to high fitness required for solid full days. Bush and forest trails. Moderate to high fitness required for solid full days. Green Prescription advisor on hand to navigate the way for an advisor on hand Green Prescription easy 30-40 minute walk. Ph 347 7505 | [email protected] | www.palmers.co.nz Different weekly walk providing fun, social support and exercise Different weekly walk providing fun, social support to those with heart conditions. Sun, July 3 Rose and fruit tree pruning demonstration Every T Every T Cross country walking Walk with Rotorua Heart Support Group Walk Redwoods - every Mon Green Prescription walking group Every Wed Springfield Strollers Nordic walking Every F Sat, April 30 otorua otorua Marathon 47th R Informative pruning demonstration covering roses and fruit trees. or come along on the day. Pre-register | Melissa Gordon | Ph 348 4125 ext 605 Hall, LakefrontFree | [email protected] | www.sportbop.co.nz Join informal, social Nordic walking group. Beginners’ welcome. Join informal, social Nordic or hire poles. Need to bring own, borrowed (recreational marathon (recreational walkers), 10am (marathon plus half marathon runners and walkers), runners and competitive walkers Gardens (5km) | Start/finish Government 10.15am (10km), 10.20am Entry and $110 | Murray Fleming | Ph 348 3301 fees: $40, $50, $80 | www.rotoruamarathon.co.nz [email protected] sually flat walking for one hour in various Rotorua social group. Usually flat walking for one hour in various Rotorua Friendly, locations, then morning tea. NZ’s most famous marathon famous marathon NZ’s most circles Lake Rotorua. of Support runs/walks new half 5km, 10km and on offer. marathon also | BarrySpringfield Rd. | Free | Ph 348 1450 Jenkins [email protected] active 12 quick event finder when page quick event finder when page april July (continued) Molly Morpeth Canaday Art Award winners Through April 3 Rotorua Rhapsody Concerts July 6, 7 7 ‘Body in Action’ Exhibition Starts April 13 3 Rotorua Rhapsody Gala Concert July 8 7 Antique Fair April 23, 24 20 BEEHIVE: The 60s Musical July 8-23 7 Sculpture Exhibition April 23, 24 3 49th annual Rotorua Cage Bird Show July 9, 10 19 Model Railway Show April 23, 24, 25 19 Swap Meet and Car Show July 10 20 Magma Short Film Festival April 28, 29, 30 4 ‘Drawn from Italy’ Exhibition To July 10 3 Make a poppy bag class April 30 8 Dinosaur Fossils exhibition To July 20 20 47th annual Rotorua Marathon April 30 12 Exhibition of ornamental boots and shoes Starts July 24 20 may august Sporting clays target shoot May 1 19 Jazz with ‘Dixie Street’ August 7 7 Bobby Hackett and Benny Goodman tribute May 1 6 ‘The Crescent Moon’ Exhibition To August 7 3 Make a poppy wall bag class May 1 8 ‘Meler Ensemble’ performance August 10 9 Rotorua Fishing and Casting Club competition May 7, 8 19 Wearable Creationz Art Exhibition August 13-21 3 Pastel Portraits art workshop May 7, 8 4 Wearable Creationz 2011 August 18, 19, 20 6 Silk ribbon embroidery class May 7 and 14 8 ‘Blomfield in Wonderland’ Exhibition Starts August 20 3 Cheesemaking workshop (Feta and Halloumi) May 14 23 NZ Chamber soloists concert August 27 10 ‘A French Collection’ choral performance May 14, 15 9 Exhibition of ornamental boots and shoes Through August 20 Cheesemaking workshop (Brie) May 15 23 september Molly Morpeth Canaday Art Award winners To May 15 3 Jazz with ‘New Orleans Joymakers’ September 4 7 May 20, 21, 22, 25, Rugby World Cup match: Fiji vs Namibia September 10 21 ‘All Shook Up’ musical 7 26, 27 and 28 Rugby World Cup match: Samoa vs Namibia September 14 21 Creating Japanese Tamari balls May 21 6 Exhibition of ornamental boots and shoes To September 14 20 Dinosaur Fossils Exhibition Starts May 26 20 Opus Orchestra Concert September 18 10 Create a quilt May 29 8 Rugby World Cup match: Ireland vs Russia September 25 21 Beginners’ patchwork course Starts May 31 8 ‘Blomfield in Wonderland’ Exhibition Through September 3 ‘Body in Action’ Exhibition Through May 3 october june Elder Expo October 1 22 Rotorua Fishing and Casting Club competition June 4, 5 19 Deepawali ‘Row of Lights’ Festival October 1 25 Opus Orchestra Concert June 5 9 Jazz Club with ‘Hamilton Big Band’ October 2 8 Jazz with the ‘BBC’ June 5 7 Mayoral Concert for the Elderly October 2 8 ‘Drawn from Italy’ Exhibition Starts June 11 3 Antique Fair October 22, 23, 24 20 Dinosaur Fossils Exhibition Through June 20 ‘Felix the Quartet’ in concert October 26 10 Chamber Music Concert June 23 9 Animals In Pastel art workshop October 29, 30 4 ‘Body in Action’ Exhibition To June 26 3 ‘Blomfield in Wonderland’ Exhibition Through October 3 july november ‘The Crescent Moon’ Exhibition Starts July 2 3 Rotorua Festival of Gardens November 11, 12, 13 13 Rose and fruit tree pruning demonstration July 3 12 Pastel Portraits art workshop November 19, 20 4 Jazz with ‘Woody Woodhouse Connection’ July 3 7 ‘Blomfield in Wonderland’ Exhibition To November 27 3

14 15

tive c a 17

| 7-9pm | RSA

H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions H.I.P.

Parksyde Community Centre, | 10-11am and 11am-noon | Parksyde

| 1-2.30pm | St Mary’s | 10am-noon Sts. cnr Ranolf and Seddon Hall, | 1-2.30pm | Ngongotaha Community Hall, School Rd. | 9.30-11am | St David’s Church Hall, cnr Wharenui (square and round alternate weeks) | 7.30-9.30pm (square and round alternate | 10am-noon | Rotorua Citizens Club, cnr Arawa and St Andrew’s Church, cnr of Devon St. and cnr of Devon Church, | St Andrew’s | 7.30-9.30pm ues ake City Square Dancers ake City Square $4 per session | Jeanette Salt | Ph 348 4845 | [email protected] and Reeve Rds. | $4 per session | Jeanette Salt | Ph 348 4845 [email protected] St Mary’s Ranolf and Seddon Sts. | $4 per night | Ann Church Hall, cnr Hand | Ph 345 6827 | [email protected] Rangiuru Sts. | $2 | Anne Hogg | Ph 348 4246 Ph 347 9046 | [email protected] | Ph 347 Ann Brimmer Rd. | $5 | Otonga Ph 349 1308, 027 200 3912 | Ph 349 1308, $4 per session | Irene Clair Subs: $15 plus [email protected] the Geyserland Line Dancers. With Our mainly 45-60 year-old group enjoys social Ballroom, Sequence, Our mainly 45-60 year-old Latin dancing. and some Rock ‘n’ Roll New Vogue, [email protected] Square dancing options include learners, mainstream and plus level. mainstream and plus level. options include learners, Square dancing Also round dancing. | Ph 348 4845 Pl. | $4 per session | Jeanette Salt Tarewa [email protected] | www.parksyde.org.nz Beginners welcome to come and give line dancing a go. Beginners welcome to come and give line dancing Bring a plate for shared lunch after class. Parksyde Community Centre, Tarewa Pl. Community Centre, Tarewa Parksyde $4 per session | Jeanette Salt Ph 348 4845 | [email protected] Every Thurs Easy line dance class @ Ngongotaha Every Mon Intermediate line dance class @ Owhata Every Mon ound Dancing Club Dynamic Square and R Every Mon RSA Dance Sport Group 3rd Sun of month Every plus 1st and Wed Every Mon Beginner and easy line dancing classes @ Parksyde combined Beginner class with Geyserland Line Dancers. Can be with follow on easy session. Fee covers both sessions. Every Thurs Intermediate line dance class @ Parksyde Scottish Country Scottish Dancing Every Mon L Every T Round dancing is a combination of ballroom moves cued from the stage Round dancing is a combination Ideal for couples. Beginners welcome. by a caller. Marae line dancing With the Geyserland Line Dancers. With nder $60 for RSA membership Subs: Under $60 for RSA membership Clubrooms, Haupapa St. | (depending on service) | Ph 357 2636 plus $2 nightly raffle | Greg Ellwood Soft welcome. Learners necessary. but no partner shoes required

| 12.15pm | Aquatic Centre,

QE Health (Wed). ri) or 4pm or 4.30pm at

ANCE Te Ika Whenua Hauora, Pine Drive, Murupara Pine Ika Whenua Hauora, | 10am | Te Gold’s Gym, Old Taupo Rd.$3 per | Old Taupo | Gold’s Gym, | 11am-noon

Parksyde Community Centre, Tarewa Pl. Community Centre, Tarewa | 9am | Parksyde 12-week $20 learner courses held | 7-9pm | St Mary’s Church Hall, cnr Ranolf and Seddon Sts.

ues ues ues excluding school holidays LET’S D ues and Thurs H.I.P. April 2011 – October 2011 H.I.P. Ph 349 5254 | | Gail Powell St. | $60 and $93 QE Health, Whakaue | www.qehealth.co.nz [email protected] Exercise that will help with balance, mobility, co-ordination and flexibility Exercise that will help with balance, mobility, at a tempo that is comfortable. Warm water pool exercises for arthritis sufferers. Enjoy the benefits of easy water pool exercises for arthritis sufferers. Warm Non-swimmers welcome. exercise in a friendly environment. $2 per session. Lessons: $25 per 5-week block course | Donna Mason Ph 346 0317, 0274 516159 | [email protected] Low-impact aqua aerobics class; perfectLow-impact aqua aerobics for beginners. A low intensity ‘sit and be fit’ exercise class. PerfectA low intensity ‘sit and be fit’ exercise class. for beginners. $3 per session | Esther Amon | Ph 350 3037 | [email protected] www.parksyde.org.nz | Ph 348 8998 | [email protected] session | Raewyn Gardiner Every T Rock ‘n’ Roll dance lessons Every Wed. Sulphur City Square and Round Dance Club Every 2nd Wed Murupara In Motion The Body Movers Every T Every T Aqua Green Prescription Easy on), 1pm or 1.30pm at Spa (Mon), 1pm or 1.30pm at Option of 8.30am at Polynesian Cantabria (Mon and F T Classes Arthritis Pool Heart of Gold egular 5-week (evening) and 8-week (day) block courses 8-week (day) and 5-week (evening) Regular Pilates for health Pilates

Square dancing is a fun, healthy, low impact Square dancing is a fun, healthy, and danced on club nights. Moves taught activity. Certified by the Heart Foundation, this class is designed to improve the class is designed to improve the Heart Foundation, this Certified by system. cardiovascular | [email protected] | Melissa Gordon | Ph 348 4125 ext 605 Free www.sportbop.co.nz Low impact exercise to improve core stability, balance and strength. Ideal Ideal and strength. balance core stability, to improve exercise Low impact over. 50 and for beginners annually April-June. | 7.45-9.30pm | St Mary’s Church Hall, cnr Ranolf and Seddon Sts. Subs: $15 plus $4 per night | Ann Sullivan | Ph 348 1991 | sites.google.com/site/sulphurcitysquares [email protected] Rotorua Rock ‘n’ Roll Club holds weekly club dances plus regular beginner courses several times a year on demand. $5 per session, $3 Arthritis NZ Foundation members | Ph Alison 345 8345 $5 per session, $3 Arthritis or Mary 346 3831 | [email protected] | $4 per session | Melissa Gordon | Ph 348 4125 ext 605 Rd. Tarewa [email protected] | www.sportbop.co.nz active 16

tive c a 18 Ph 3495254|[email protected] sessions. |QEHealth,WhakaueSt.AaronRandellMSc.BPhEd,BSc Randell offerspersonalisedfitnessprogrammes,assessmentsandtraining An accreditedconditioningprovidertoNZAcademyofSport,Aaron 297 Vaughan Rd|KohaPh3455971 |[email protected] air conditionedforyear-round beginners. comfort.Idealforreserved Family-based Supportiveteam,dimlylit, classescaterforeveryone. beginner orsomeoneinrehabilitationmode. danceandfitnessclassdesigned fortheactiveolderperson, Latin-inspired co-ordinated. InquireaboutZumbaAqua. Have funwhilstexercising.Y in water. Bookingrequired. Medium tohighintensityaquaclassmusicwithcontinuousmovement or Rose0210389722 $4 seniors(65+),$5adults,|PhPaere 0211598065 www.rdc-aquatic.co.nz $6 casual|[email protected] (Mon andWed -deep),(Fri -shallow)|AquaticCentre,Tarewa Rd. Zumba® Gold F F Mon,WedEvery andF Aqua Cardio L Get Active,StayctiveExpo very Mon Every MC WedEvery MC Mon,WedEvery andF Zumba fitnessclasseswithLeanne MonandF Every ZUMBA -Beginners ThursandSat Every November’s GetActive,StayActivemonth. November’s A hostoflocalsportsclubsandactivityproviders’jumpstarting Exercise programmeforover65srunby aprofessionaltrainer. Leanne White-Haverkamp|[email protected] $5 persession,$4GoldCardholder. Firstclassfree. building, 1131ArawaSt.|[email protected] Pilates andfitnessadvice.|FitasaFiddleFunctional FitnessCentre,Zen Specialising inexerciserehabilitation,cardiovascularstrengthandfitness, |[email protected] 297 Vaughan Rd |Free |Ph3455971 |[email protected] of theparticipantson theday. Length ofrideisdecidedontheexperience andenthusiasm [email protected] |http://61602.zumba.com 1131 ArawaSt.|$5persessionGayleRattiganPh0212039619 H.I.P. April 2011– October 2011 unctional F itness atQEHealth ate Oct MOVE YOUR BOD A -EastsideSeniorCyclists A -Chairobics |Village |Free |Ph3518685 Green,Lakefront |KylieLang |9.45-10.30amMokoiaCommunityAssnHall, |9.30amFrom MokoiaCommunityAssn, itness Centre


| 4.30-5.15pmWestbrook SchoolHall,MalfroyRd.

| 9.15am(Thurs)and11am(Sat)FitasaFiddle,

ri (excludingschoolholidays) ri Kaitao SchoolHall,BellRd. | 6-7pmKaitao ou don’tneedtoknowhowdanceorbe


| 12.15-1pm www.targetshootingnz.co.nz Ph 0275943550|[email protected] TeReserve, NgaeRd.|Casuals:$15pernightTerry Duncan projects, makeorrepairthings,talkandshareskills. Expanding facilitywheremengettogetherforwoodworkandmetalwork

and buildatracklayout. Use ownorgroup’strainsandrollingstock. Learnhowtomaintaingear grounds. Greatcampingfacilitiesforfun,familyweekend. Weekend beachfishingcompetitionsbasedattheclub’sOtamarakau Sat-Mon, April23/25 Model R very Thurs Every Ngongotaha ModelR T Every MENZ ShedRotorua WedEvery Indoor SmallboreT Sat andSun,July9/10 49th annualRotoruaCageBirdShow Sat andSun,May7/8June4/5 Rotorua F Sun, May1 Annual sportingclaystargetshoot.Pre-season warmupforgame-birdhunters. Rod andGunClubsportingclaystargetshoot provided theycanshootfromaproneposition. .22 rifletargetshootingcanbeenjoyedbymenandwomenofanyage subs: $22|JeanFentonPh3337978 Gymnasium, IlesRd.|Admission:$2.Club School 9am-1pm (Sun)|Lynmore Primary [email protected] |www.rotoruarail.co.nz Gold coindonation |RodneySieversPh3575484 |Tonypast RotoruaLandfill Truss |Ph3479425,0274720116 Peter Egglestone|[email protected] 10am-2pm (Mon)|ArawaPark Racecourse|Adults$5 Bengalese, lovebirdsandBritishbirds. canaries, parrots,cockatiels,Zebrafinches, Hundreds ofbirdsonshowincludingbudgies, menzshedaotearoa.org.nz or AllanEstcourt0272853205|[email protected] | 43-45 RobinsonAve.|PhBruceChapman3459525 www.sportsground.co.nz/ClubSite.asp?SiteID=13547 [email protected] Bennett|Ph3458040,0272768138 ontheday|Garry rod entry till 10amSun|ClubroomsandHQatOtamarakauSubs:$50plus$3per build andrunthem.Modeltrainspartsonsale. Variety ofmodeltrainlayouts.Talk tomodellerswho ACCENT ONHOBBIES ues andThurs ailway Club’sannualmodelshow ishing andCastingClub |7pmRotoruaSmallboreRifleClubclubrooms,Sanatorium |From 8.30am|Clubgrounds,249BSH30,2kmfromcity | 6.30-8.30pmModelRoom,Ngongotaha RailPark arget Shooting

| 10am-4pm(SatandSun), |10am-4pmTe AmorangiMuseum, ailway Group |1-4pm(Sat)and

H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions |CompetitionrunsfromnoonSat

19 discovery

overy sc i d 21

H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions H.I.P. U3A groups) | 2pm | Subs: $10 (covers all | 10am | Subs: $10 iji vs. Namibia

43-45 Robinson Ave. | 43-45 Robinson | 10am-4pm Museum e Amorangi

| 2.30pm kick off | Rotorua International Stadium | 6pm kick off | Rotorua International Stadium | 3.30pm kick off | Rotorua International Stadium Arawa Bowling Club, 64 Lytton St. | 1pm sharp | Arawa Bowling Club, 64 Lytton | 1pm sharp | RSA Clubrooms, Haupapa St. | 1pm | RSA Clubrooms, Haupapa St. | RSA membership ues GAME ON | www.u3arotorua.com Anne Hunt | Ph 348 7680 Tony Horton $2 per visit. | Tony plus sub-club fee of $10. Visitors Ph 362 8165 | [email protected] Cup play. D of Rugby World Match 3, Pool | Ph 349 2898 Nisbet RSA membership plus $3 per session | Valerie [email protected] $2 plus $15 social membership to Arawa Bowling Club encouraged. Nairn | Ph 347 8658 Wendy Friendly competitive play, three persons per table. Prizes; three persons per table. Prizes; competitive play, Friendly weekly door prize and monthly aggregate prize. Go to Rugby World Cup 2011 website for ticketing information Go to Rugby World http://tickets.rugbyworldcup.com/info/ticketsIndDate.aspx Go to Rugby World Cup 2011 website for ticketing information Go to Rugby World http://tickets.rugbyworldcup.com/info/ticketsIndDate.aspx Ph Bruce Chapman 345 9525 or Allan Estcourt 027 285 3205 345 9525 or Allan Ph Bruce Chapman [email protected] Flag 500 cards Every T Arawa Social Bridge Club Every Thurs Nan Miller | Ph 345 5817 | www.u3arotorua.com (covers all U3A groups) | F Cup match: Rugby World Sat, Sept 10 Cup match: Samoa Vs Namibia Rugby World Sept 14 Wed, Cup match: Ireland vs. Russia Rugby World Sun, Sept 25 RSA Snooker Competition Every Mon 2nd and 4th Mon of month History group - U3A agers’ who share an interest in past lives and times. Enthusiastic group of ‘third of month 2nd and 4th Wed of T Village Heritage operation of and with development to help for enthusiasts Opportunity etc. appliances clothing, of furnishings, displays buildings, machinery, steam Every Thurs and Sun Art Historygroup - U3A Friendly, social afternoon competition using a handicap system of snooker Friendly, based on ability. Opportunity for ‘third agers’ to share their passion for art. ‘third agers’ to share their Opportunity for Outings to exhibitions. Cup play. C of Rugby World Match 27, Pool Go to Rugby World Cup 2011 website for ticketing information Go to Rugby World http://tickets.rugbyworldcup.com/info/ticketsIndDate.aspx Cup play. D of Rugby World Match 9, Pool

rust rust

air Charitable T air Charitable T

10am-5pm (Sat) and 10am-4pm (Sun) | 10am-5pm (Sat) and 10am-4pm pper foyer, Rotorua Museum | 9am-5pm | Upper foyer, Rotorua Museum | 9am-5pm | Upper foyer, | 10am-5pm (Sat and Sun) and 10am-4pm (Mon) Don Stafford Room, 2nd floor, Rotorua | 5.30pm | Don Stafford Room, 2nd floor,

rust Paradise Valley Valley | Gates open 7am | Paradise

air hosted by the Antique F F air hosted by the Antique Ngongotaha Rail Park, Taui St. | Rodney Sievers or Taui | 10am-3pm | Ngongotaha Rail Park,

ri | 9am-3pm. BYGONE TIMES ailway vehicle restoration | Admission: $6 | Diane Akers Rotorua Convention Centre Ph 021 609 399 | [email protected] Furniture, vintage tools, china, clocks, militaria, crystal vintage tools, china, clocks, militaria, Furniture, and silver Rotorua Hospice. displayed for sale. Supporting Admission: $10 Rd. | Valley Paradise Raceway, Sellers $20 | Mel Cooper | Ph 345 6615 | [email protected] | Ph 345 5073 Price LibraryPublic | Subs: $25 | Valerie [email protected] | www.geneaolgy.org.nz Rotorua Convention Centre | Admission: $6 | Diane Akers Ph 021 609 399 | [email protected]

The 31st annual Rotorua Vintage and Veteran Car and Veteran The 31st annual Rotorua Vintage attracts large crowds Club event. Traditionally from all over . 3rd Thurs of month Discover your Genealogy The Rotorua Ngongotaha Rail Trust welcomes volunteers The Rotorua Ngongotaha Rail Trust keen to help restore part of our railway heritage. Every F Sat-Mon, Oct 22/24 R Antique F furniture, books, crystalAntique and vintage china, jewellery, and militaria displayed for sale. Supporting Rotorua Hospice. Daily, July 24-Sept 14 Daily, H.I.P. April 2011 – October 2011 H.I.P. Collectors in the Community: Norma Evans’ Ornamental Boots and Shoes Sun, July 10 Central Swap Meet and Car Show ick Williams’ dinosaur fossils Rick Williams’ dinosaur Collectors in the Community: May 26-July 20 Daily, Sat and Sun, April 23/24 Antique F Daily Wingspan Wingspan of Prey T Birds Rotorua residents free with ID | Ann Somerville | Ph 350 1814 Rd., Ngongotaha Valley from 2pm. | 1164 Paradise Flying displays and enjoy member a Trust seniors, $25 adults. Become Admission: $20 unlimited entry of $60. membership donation for a family year-round | [email protected] Debbie Stewart | Ph 357 4469 www.wingspan.co.nz | www.rotoruarail.co.nz Sharon Fleet | Ph 357 5484 | [email protected] Rotorua residents free with ID | Ann Somerville | Ph 350 1814 A ‘conservation in action’ with free-flying programme falcons. New Zealand museum, Falconry display, tours. aviaries and Join the Rotorua Branch of NZ Society of Genealogists and learn how to undertake family history research. discovery 20

overy sc i d 23

H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions H.I.P. Arts Village, | Arts Village, | 9am-4pm

| 2pm | Subs: $10 (covers all U3A | 10am | Subs: $10 (covers all U3A groups)

1st and 3rd Thurs of month. 1st Thurs of month. | 6pm dinner followed by meeting olunteer meets 10am meets 10am ues of month NEW SKILLS mental stimulation mental utor training starts Mon, May 9 starts utor training 80-hour course builds proficiency to assist adults improve their reading, their reading, improve to assist adults proficiency course builds 80-hour to be completed. Assessments and math skills. writing Ph 332 2183 | www.u3arotorua.com Charleton | Tony Free but requires time and commitment. | Mary but requires time | Free Hinemaru St. Longson | [email protected] Ph 350 2286 Understanding the principles and practices of making, ripening and maturation of cheese to enable home-based production. An international organisation with clubs worldwide, Zonta’s mission An international organisation women worldwide. is to advance the status of

Ph Blanche Kingdom 348 7990. Subs: $10 (covers all U3A groups) | www.u3arotorua.com Rotorua Museum | Ann Somerville Ph 351 7823 | [email protected] www.rotoruamuseum.co.nz Group of ‘third agers’ who enjoy discussing topics with a philosophical and theological underpinning. Subs: $200 (includes admin fee). St. | Subs: $200 (includes admin Millennium Hotel, Hinemaru Barbara Stewart | Ph 348 5410 Meal $22 on club nights. | www.zonta.org.nz [email protected] | | Ph 345 5099 | www.u3arotorua.com Wood groups) Peter 1st and 3rd Mon of month 1-day hands-on cheesemakers’ workshop Sat, May 14 (Feta and Halloumi) or Sun, May 15 (Brie) nquire about the next training course Inquire about the next Zonta Club of Rotorua 4th T Current events groups - U3A Group 1 Ph Ann Bosomworth 345 8339. Group 2 Philosophy group - U3A 2nd and 4th Thurs of month Science group - U3A V Literacy Adult T Rotorua Museum Docents at weeks of programme offers 13 The docent training conducting return for a commitment of instruction in tours for museum visitors. weekly guided Opportunity for ‘third agers’ to discuss national and international events. Opportunity for ‘third agers’ to discuss national and | $199 | NZ Cheese School House Runanga Tea 9.30am-3.30pm | Te Ph 07 883 8238 | [email protected] ’Third agers’ with enquiring minds who share an interest ’Third agers’ with enquiring minds who share an interest covering many scientific subjects.

year. intakes per Two

Gate Hotel, Arawa St. | 6.30pm | Princes

| Subs: $10 | 9am-noon | 25 Barraud Place, Pukehangi | 10am-4pm |

Arawa Bowling Club, 64 Lytton St. 64 Lytton Bowling Club, | Arawa | 1pm sharp Room, Energy Events Centre | 9am-5pm | Bay Trust helping hands rain to become a Victim Support volunteer KathleenPh 348 1450 Lee | | Ph 347 1539 | [email protected] Cathy Le Vaillant www.ageconcern.org.nz Featuring 60 stalls offering easy access to a wealth of information Featuring 60 stalls offering and their families. pertinent to older persons $3 per session plus $15 social membership to Arawa Bowling Club Arawa Bowling to $15 social membership session plus $3 per Lamprey | Gillian encouraged. [email protected] 1376 | | Ph 347 Ph Tim Henneveld 348 0697 or plus $2 per week | Ph Tim [email protected] | www.scrabble.org.nz Ruth Godwin 349 6954 | An international women’s serviceclub, Altrusa is actively involved in community service literacy. and improving Rotorua Grey Power Daily tours Kiwi Encounter volunteer guiding Rotorua Altrusa Service Group 3rd Mon of month T Initial three months on phones and ‘buddied up’ observation. Next 3-day course Oct 22, Nov 5 and 6. Sat, Oct 1 Elder Expo Every Thurs Rotorua Scrabble Club H.I.P. April 2011 – October 2011 H.I.P. Every Sun Lessons Contract Bridge Community autumn/winter open draw mah-jong draw open autumn/winter Community Rainbow Springs Kiwi Wildlife Park, Park, Rainbow Springs Kiwi Wildlife Thompson Fairy | Toni Springs Rd. Ph 350 0440 [email protected] | www.kiwiencounter.co.nz Become a volunteer guide and help educate guests about the conservation work being done by the National Kiwi Trust. Inquire about the club’s annual 10-week beginner lessons. Suitable for beginner lessons. Suitable the club’s annual 10-week Inquire about are ‘rusty’. | 7-9pm or former players who complete novices Rd. | $30 Tarawera Park, Bridge Club, Neil Hunt Rotorua Contract Ph 346 2911 | [email protected] notes | Gill Nelson | including course www.contractbridge.net/rotorua A group that lobbies Parliament and local bodies to improve the lifestyle A group that lobbies Parliament | Subs: $12 single, $20 double | Ashton Peat of the elderly. Ph 346 8527 | [email protected] | www.greypower.co.nz All levels of ability welcome to play Scrabble using NZASP rules. All levels of ability welcome tournaments. Opportunities to play in national Free but requires | Free Institute of Technology 9am-4pm | Waiariki a commitment of two shifts Royal per week for one year | Pam Ph 349 9471, 349 9548 | [email protected] www.victimsupport.org.nz discovery 22

overy sc i d 25

| Mokoia Campus,

H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions H.I.P.

ues of month, 10am),

15 credits 15 credits | Mokoia Campus, U3A groups) | 2pm | Subs: $10 (covers all . 15 credits | Mokoia Campus, Dutch Club Hall, Neil Hunt Park, Tarawera Rd. Tarawera | Dutch Club Hall, Neil Hunt Park, | 12.10-12.50pm ri of month | Free 6.30-10pm | Convention Centre | 10am-4pm and ri of month S ER LANOTH D CULTURE GES AN UA G ast F oga, roti-making and sari workshops plus clothing, jewellery plus clothing, sari workshops and oga, roti-making and Indian Write in Japanese using basic grammar as well as understand simple in Japanese using basic grammar as well as understand simple Write spoken and written Japanese in social situations. | Ph 345 9383 Subs: $20 single, $30 couple | Douwe Visser [email protected] | www.dutchclubrotorua.blogspot.com Community activities for people of Dutch descent or affiliation. Community activities for people of Dutch descent or

Write in Spanish using basic grammar as well as understand simple Write spoken and written Spanish in social situations. ne semester, part-time. One semester, WR3024: Short Course Certificate in Introductory Spanish part-time. One semester, 1st and 3rd F Neighbours in the Community L Netherlands Society Rotorua (Inc) Regular coffee mornings (1st T Dutch market day of month, 2pm) and bingo sessions (3rd Wed every 2nd month. WR3023: Short Course Certificate in Introductory Chinese part-time One semester, WR3022: Short Course Certificate in Introductory Japanese estival Lights’ F ‘Row of Deepawali Sat, Oct 1 3A Spanish group - U Conversational | [email protected] Dr Guna Magesan www.rotoruadeepawali.org Y and fireworks. Indian cultural show food stalls. Evening ’Third agers’ with some knowledge of Spanish gather to practice the Spanish gather to practice with some knowledge of ’Third agers’ skills. language and retain their Karoline Setu-Galo, Te Wananga a Wananga | Karoline Setu-Galo, Te of Technology Institute Waiariki Ihenga Maori Development, Humanities and Research | Ph 346 8964 [email protected] | www.waiariki.ac.nz Gain understanding of the challenges of Gain understanding of the migrants settling into NZ life via different and experiences. talking about their culture Karoline Setu-Galo, Te Wananga a Wananga Karoline | Te Setu-Galo, Institute of Technology Waiariki | Ph 346 8964 Ihenga Maori Development, Humanities and Research [email protected] | www.waiariki.ac.nz Free. Tea/coffee Tea/coffee Hinemaru St. | Free. Arts Village, 350 2395 provided | Ph Judy Winiata 0533 or Heather McAllister 350 [email protected] or [email protected] Karoline Setu-Galo, Te Wananga a Wananga Karoline | Te Setu-Galo, Institute of Technology Waiariki | Ph 346 8964 Ihenga Maori Development, Humanities and Research [email protected] | www.waiariki.ac.nz Write in Chinese using basic grammar as well as understand simple in Chinese using basic grammar as well as understand simple Write spoken and written Chinese in social situations. | www.u3arotorua.com Miriam Ruberl | Ph 027 248 7542


| 6.30-8.30pm | $80

| 9am-2pm | Whakarewarewa Forest

Institute of Technology | Mokoia Campus, Waiariki pstairs at Arts Village, Hinemaru St. | 12.15-1.15pm | Upstairs at Arts Village, ues ake up a mallet sport The A-Z Fly Fishing School is Fly Fishing The A-Z on behalf another course running Assn. Rotorua Anglers’ of the including a All aspects covered practical session. NZ Sign Language it’s for everyone is not just for the deaf; keen to learn about deaf culture. Text only 021 34 89 34 | [email protected] | Text Neame Pixie Peggy Shanks | Peggy $US20 one-off fee plus $NZ50 bi-annually. Ph 348 7400 | [email protected] Ph 021 865 454 | [email protected] $125 | Gabrielle Molloy | www.mtbskillsclinics.co.nz Progress from beginner to advanced level developing listening, speaking, from beginner to advanced Progress reading and writing skills for everyday life or study. Rotorua Anglers’ Assn 7-9pm | Rotorua Anglers’ club membership | Roger Bowden St. | $160 includes clubrooms, Pererika | [email protected] Ph 348 7816 Dates available monthly Mountainbike Skills’ Clinic ‘scariness’ out of learning this exciting, sociable sport. the Take for riding safely and correctly off-road. Clinics teach simple techniques H.I.P. April 2011 – October 2011 H.I.P. Every T T Learn public and event speaking with Lunchtime Start anytime WR2721: Certificate in English (for speakers of other languages) Members have own key and play when it suits. Learn to play squash to give squash a go or new in town? Geyser City welcomes Want beginners through to A-graders. Every and Sat Wed T Sign language course for beginners Sign language course of May 7 weeks starting 2nd week hurs, 5 weeks starting Aug Thurs, 5 weeks earn to fly fish to fly Learn 9.15am-12.45pm Rotorua Croquet Club, Queen’s Drive, Government Gardens Subs: $135 | Dorothy Dyson Ph 357 5754 | [email protected] Jaarna Hoskins, School of Computing, Technology and Communications Jaarna Hoskins, School of Computing, Technology Ph 346 8684 | [email protected] | www.waiariki.ac.nz Geyser City Squash Club, Depot St. | Subs: $190 (social) Graham Brownrigg | Ph 021 312 076 | [email protected] On-going education in public speaking using comprehensive Toastmasters On-going education in public speaking using comprehensive Toastmasters International course instruction manuals. The Rotorua Croquet Club plays several versions of croquet, all are good exercise but not strenuous. discovery 24

overy sc i d 27

H.I.P. Hobbies, Interests, Passions H.I.P.

Regency Park Estate, Brent Rd. | Regency Park

(5-week course)

| Flexible study options | Flexible study options | Flexible study options

U3A groups) | 1.30pm | Subs: $10 (covers all Capers, Eruera St. | 6.30pm | Capers, Eruera


Mokoia Community Assn Hall, | 10-11.30am | Mokoia Community Assn U3A groups) | 1.30pm | Subs: $10 (covers all ri of month ri of month A - Cuppa and Co THE NETSC ravel group - U3A ravel group asters Club of Rotorua asters Group of keen ‘third age’ travellers who enjoy sharing their individual enjoy sharing their individual ‘third age’ travellers who Group of keen and plans with others. travel experiences Courses cover introduction to email, internet usage, Basic and Advanced Courses cover introduction to email, internet usage, digital camera usage etc. Point, Excel, Power Publisher, Word, Estate, Brent Rd. | Subs: $20 individual, $30 couple. Regency Park Betty Milligan | Ph 348 8117 | [email protected] Join like-minded people each month to taste 4-6 wines to taste each month people Join like-minded finger food. matched to wines are Four winery. from one Ph 348 8117 Subs: $20 individual, $30 couple. | Betty Milligan | [email protected] Certificate in Computing - Level 3 18 weeks, starting July Certificate in Computing - Level 4 18 weeks, starting July 4th Thurs of month Visits group - U3A 1st F MC 3rd F Introduction to Computers New classes start regularly. Computer classes at SeniorNet Certificate in Computing - Level 2 18 weeks, starting July T 4th Thurs of month T ’Third-agers’ who enjoy sharing outings to places of interest locally and in ’Third-agers’ who enjoy sharing the wider Bay of Plenty. | www.u3arotorua.com Doris Scott | Ph 349 2720 Intermediate level. Develop skills in word processing, spreadsheets, Intermediate level. Develop skills in word processing, professional database management, desktop publishing, creating presentations and web design. Develop skills in project management, data communications, computing systems, multi-media websites, online help systems, relational databases and software programming. Introductory hardware course providing basic skills in computer and software, email and office applications. Judy Somerville | Ph 357 2292 | www.u3arotorua.com Share a cuppa and a chat, perhaps listen to a speaker or go on a trip. Share a cuppa and a chat, Keen to use computer technology to enhance your life? Keen to use computer technology to enhance your usage course. a basic Senior Net computer Take Subs: $15 plus $15 per night. Casuals $20. Pre-booking required Pre-booking $15 per night. Casuals $20. Subs: $15 plus | www.tastersrotorua.co.nz | Ph 345 5510 Jan Wilson | Ph 343 6087 | www.twoa.ac.nz o Aotearoa | No fees Wananga Te o Aotearoa | No fees | Ph 343 6087 | www.twoa.ac.nz Wananga Te | Ph 343 6087 | www.twoa.ac.nz o Aotearoa | No fees Wananga Te

| Ph 345 5971 | [email protected] Rd | Free 297 Vaughan

Level 2 e Reo Maori - evel 1 Level - eo Maori e R

Mokoia Campus, Waiariki Campus, Waiariki | Mokoia 11 credits | Flexible study options Parksyde, Tarewa Pl. | Betty Foster Tarewa | Parksyde, | 10am | Rotorua East Bowling Club, Warwick Dr. | 10-11.30am | 9.45am | St. Barnabas Church Hall, Ngongotaha

e Ara Reo Maori - Level 4 SOCIAL NETWORKING H.I.P. April 2011 – October 2011 H.I.P. Enjoy companionship and laughter at new monthly coffee mornings. Different activity/ guest speaker arranged each month. Communicate in te Reo Maori, Communicate te Reo / tikanga undertake higher in Maori studies, and participate common Maori customary practices with understanding. | Ph 347 1539 | [email protected] Cathy Le Vaillant www.ageconcern.org.nz Prue Hall | Ph 349 4554 Subs: $12 plus $2 per meeting | Prue Communicate in te Reo Maori in everydayReo Maori in in te Communicate and confidence situations with level. a foundation customs at and Maori language understand 2nd Wed of month 2nd Wed Ngongotaha Probus Club Rotorua East Probus Club for retirees to meet for clubs provide an opportunity Probus companionship and friendship. 2nd Thurs of month Weekdays from 9am Weekdays Parksyde Community Centre for 55 plus Community Centre for 55 Parksyde 3rd Thurs of month Age Concern, 1333 Eruera St. | Admission: Gold coin donation plus $2 raffle Coffee mornings Certificate in T 36 weeks, starting July ne semester, part-time. One semester, 11 credits | Mokoia Campus, Institute of Technology Waiariki a Wananga Karoline Setu-Galo, Te Humanities and Research | Ph 346 8964 Ihenga Maori Development, | www.waiariki.ac.nz [email protected] 2844: Short Course Certificate in T Course Certificate in WR2844: Short ne semester, part-time. One semester, 2843: Short Course Certificate in T Certificate Course Short 2843: WR | www.parksyde.org.nz Ph 348 9892 | [email protected] Older Persons Community Centre Trust offering opportunities for Community Centre Trust Older Persons monthly luncheons recreational and social interaction. Cafeteria daily plus with entertainment. Probus clubs provide an opportunity for retirees to meet for Probus companionship and friendship. Karoline Setu-Galo, Te Wananga a Ihenga Maori a Ihenga Wananga | Karoline Setu-Galo, Te Institute of Technology | Ph 346 8964 Humanities and Research Development, | www.waiariki.ac.nz [email protected] | Ph 348 7990 Subs: $10 plus $3 per meeting | Blanche Kingdom | Ph 343 6087 | www.twoa.ac.nz o Aotearoa | No fees Wananga Te Intermediate level. Designed for adult learners to develop basic Intermediate level. Designed understanding of Maori customs and protocols. conversational Maori and discovery 26 Require additional copies of this booklet? Contact the Rotorua District Council’s Customer Centre, phone 348 4199 or email [email protected]. Alternatively go to the Rotorua District Council website, www.rdc.govt.nz, click on the recreation tab and download a PDF copy of the booklet. Keen for your event, activity or course to be included in Spring/Summer 2011 issue of H.I.P. or want to update information contained in this edition? Please forward details by email to RDC’s Customer Centre - [email protected] - before August 5 for inclusion in the next issue due to be released prior to Labour Weekend October 2011. The event/activity/class/course name is required plus date, time, venue, cost, contact person and phone number. Include email and website address if appropriate. No more than 18 words of detail about an activity that is specifically aimed at, or particularly suited to, Rotorua residents aged 50 years and over. Activity must run between October 20, 2011 and April 30, 2012.

Brochure prepared by JILL MARSHALL MEDIA LTD for Rotorua District Council