Environmental Pest Plants
REFERENCES AND SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY © Crown Copyright 2010 145 Contract Report No. 2075 REFERENCES AND SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Adams, J. 1885: On the botany of Te Aroha Mountain. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 17: 275-281 Allaby, M. (ed) 1994: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Ecology. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. 415 pp. Allan, H. H. 1982: Flora of New Zealand. Vol 1. Government Printer, Wellington. Allen, D.J. 1983: Notes on the Kaimai-Mamaku Forest Park. New Zealand Forest Service, Tauranga (unpublished). 20 p. Allen R.B. and McLennan M.J. 1983, Indigenous forest survey manual: two inventory methods. Forest Research Institute Bulletin No. 48. 73 pp. Allen R.B. 1992: An inventory method for describing New Zealand vegetation. Forest Research Institute Bulletin No. 181. 25 pp. Anon 1975: Biological reserves and forest sanctuaries. What’s New in Forest Research 21. Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. 4 p. Anon 1982: Species list from Kopurererua Stream. New Zealand Wildlife Service National Habitat Register, May 1982. Bay of Plenty Habitat sheets, Folder 2, records room, Rotorua Conservancy. Anon 1983a: Reserve proposals. Northern Kaimai-Mamaku State Forest Park. Background notes for SFSRAC Meeting and Inspection, 1983. Tauranga. 12 pp. Anon 1983b: The inadequacy of the ecological reserves proposed for the Kaimai-Mamaku State Forest Park. Joint campaign on Native Forests, Nelson. 14 p. plus 3 references. Anon 1983c: Overwhelming support to save the Kaimai-Mamaku. Bush Telegraph 12: 1-2. Wellington. Anon 1989: Conservation values of natural areas on Tasman Forestry freehold and leasehold land. Unpublished report for Tasman Forestry Ltd, Department of Conservation and Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society.
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