October 2005 Popular Woodworking

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October 2005 Popular Woodworking BONUS PULL-OUT SECTION: BASICS OF GOOD CASEWORK LOST 18th-CENTURY TRICKS HELP YOU SAW FAST AND STRAIGHT OCTOBER 2005 ISSUE #150 FRANK KLAUSZ’S FINAL WORD ON DOVETAILS No Marking, No Measuring, No Gaps (No Kidding) Is SawStop Worth It? It’s Safer; But is it a Good Table Saw? PLUS • Prairie Coffee Table • Cold-Bending Basics • Build Better Backs DISPLAY UNTIL 10-10-2005 496:)=3673**-2)1%',-2)6=7-2') 8,)908-1%8) 0)*88-08-2+7%;;-8, 463*)77-32%0'%&-2)87%; '3286%'83678=0)8%&0)7%; 6%-07 )<8)27-328%&0) s-OTOR(0 6 SINGLE PHASE ;'%78-632;-2+7 8%&0) s0RECISIONGROUNDCASTIRONTABLE s-OTOR(0 6 SINGLE PHASE 20- s-OTOR(0 66 SINGLE PHASE s4ABLESIZEWITHWINGS bX s0RECISIONGROUNDCASTIRONTABLE s0RECISIONGROUNDCASTIRONTABLEMEASURES s$UALARBORS b s%XTENSIONTABLESIZEX X bWWINGS s-AXRIPCAPACITY s!RBOR b ACCEPTSDADOBLADESUPTO b s!RBOR bs2IPCAPACITY s-AXDEPTHOFCUT ª b ª s#UTTINGCAPACITYLEFT RIGHT s#UTTINGCAPACITY b ª b ª s#ASTIRONMITERGAUGE s-AXDEPTHOFCUT ª b ª *)%896)72); © s$USTPORT s3HOP&OX !LUMA #LASSIC &ENCE s3HOP&OX#LASSIC&ENCE 7,34*3< s!PPROXSHIPPINGWEIGHT s!PPROXSHIPPINGWEIGHTLBS s$USTPORT 032+6)%', LBS s!PPROXSHIPPINGWEIGHTLBS *)2') <%)))OG><=I"I>AI <*.*.G><=II>AI DCAN*,*%% <&%'(HAM DCAN&+*%%% <%*,+A:;I"I>AI 2); DCAN <*.*.OA:;II>AI *36 %% DCAN+&*%% &'.* DCAN&+.*%% \794)6 \.3-28)67 40%2)6;-8,'037)(78%2( ,)%:=(98=.3-28)67 s-OTOR(0 66 SINGLE PHASE s-OTOR b(0 66 SINGLE PHASE 4%&# 20- *6))4%-6 s-OTOR(0 6 SINGLE PHASE 20- s0RECISIONGROUNDCASTIRONTABLE s0RECISIONGROUNDCASTIRONTABLE 3*7%*)8= s0RECISIONGROUNDCASTIRONTABLE 497,&03'/7 s#UTTERHEADKNIVES(33 *6))4%-6 INCLUDESTWOEXTENSIONS s4ABLESIZE bX *6328 6)%6 -2'09()7 s#UTTERHEADDIAMETER 3*7%*)8=497, s#UTTERHEADSPEED20- s-AXCUTTINGHEIGHT b 6300)6 .%'/7'6); &03'/7 )<8)27-32 s#UTTERHEADSPEED20- s-AXDEPTHOFCUT b %'')7736= s-AXCUTTINGDEPTH b 8%&0)7 s-AXDEPTHOFCUT b s-AGNETICSAFETYSWITCH 746-2+/-8 s&EEDRATE&0- s(EAVY DUTYCENTERMOUNTEDFENCE s-AGNETICSAFETYSWITCH s#UTTERHEADKNIVES(33 s(EAVY DUTYCENTERMOUNTEDFENCE s!PPROXSHIPPINGWEIGHTLBS s#UTTERHEADSPEED20- s!PPROXSHIPPINGWEIGHTLBS 1%()-2-73*%'836= s#UTTERHEADDIAMETER s-AGNETICSAFETYSWITCH 1%()-2-73 s$USTPORT *%'836= s!PPROXSHIPPING <&%&-DG <%*%% <%*)( WEIGHTLBS ",!$% 30)2!, <&%&-=L #544%2(%!$ #544%2(%!$ <%**& 7)4((!.$7(%%,3 3(/7. 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CUT CIRCLES AROUND OTHER All-metal lever-action keyless blade clamp for fast and easy JIG SAWS. blade changes. 6.5 Amp motor delivers the most power in class, enough power for the toughest applications. Unique flush cutting blade cuts all the way to the front of the shoe. Rubber grip provides better control and comfort in all applications. INTRODUCING THE NEW PREMIUM JIG SAWS FROM DEWALT .® Cut circles around other jig saws with the DW331K premium jig saw from DEWALT. Designed with productivity and accuracy in mind, the 6.5 Amp DW331K offers an all-metal gear case, all-metal keyless blade change, four-position orbital action and a unique flush cutting blade only offered by DEWALT. This new premium jig saw, available in corded and 18V cordless, allows you to make straight, radius, scroll and plunge cuts through wood, laminate, pressure treated lumber, sheet metal and plastics with more precision than ever. ©2005 DEWALT. The following are trademarks for one or more DEWALT Power Tools and Accessories: The yellow and black color scheme; the “D”-shaped air intake grill; the array of pyramids on the handgrip; the kit box configuration; and the array of lozenge-shaped humps on the surface of the tool. CIRCLE NO. 115 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD. contentsIN EVERY ISSUE 16 How to Properly Cut A Clean Keyhole Q&A Can’t use an escutcheon to hide your work? Learn the best method for cutting a quality keyhole. Plus, tips for refi nish- ing furniture that’s been exposed to nature too long and an easy way to calculate board footage from a materials list. 32 20 20 Powerful Magnetic Single-point Fence TRICKS OF THE TRADE An inexpensive magnetic base for holding your dial indica- tor is perfect for building a solid fence for many tools. Plus, drill into spheres easily, build a better splitter, make lathe chuck gauges and turn a circuit board into a heat sink. 32 Jet Parallel Jaw Clamps TOOL TEST Jet’s clamps are well-made, feature-laden and competitively priced. Plus, JessEm’s miter gauge proves accurate, solid and user-friendly, Shop Fox’s 15" spiral-knife planer is a good value and Lee Valley’s honing guide is one sharp jig. 42 36 A Better Table for a Drill Press INGENIOUS JIGS Build a clever, multi-faceted fi xture that will turn your drill press into a quality woodworking machine. by Eric Hedberg 42 The Secrets to Sawing Fast ARTS & MYSTERIES Adam Cherubini believes your table saw shouldn’t be the FPO nucleus of your woodshop. Hand saws are fast, cheap, por- 36 table and effective – if you know how to buy and use one. 96 by Adam Cherubini Popular Woodworking (ISSN 088 4 - 8823, USPS 752-250) 96 How to Pursue an Ideal Form is published seven times a year in February, April, June, AT THE LATHE August, October, November and December by F+W Publications Inc. Editorial and advertising offices are Turning an object that’s well designed requires following located at 4700 E.
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    The Project Gutenberg EBook of Woodwork Joints, by William Fairham This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Woodwork Joints How they are Set Out, How Made and Where Used. Author: William Fairham Release Date: May 19, 2007 [EBook #21531] Language: English *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK WOODWORK JOINTS *** Produced by Chris Curnow and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net Transcriber's Note: The Table of Contents has been changed to match the actual chapter headings. A few hyphenations have been changed to make them consistent. Minor typographic errors have been corrected. WOODWORK JOINTS (THE WOODWORKER SERIES) REVISED EDITION WOODWORK JOINTS HOW THEY ARE SET OUT, HOW MADE AND WHERE USED; WITH FOUR HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS AND INDEX REVISED EDITION LONDON EVANS BROTHERS, LIMITED MONTAGUE HOUSE, RUSSELL SQUARE, W.C.1 THE WOODWORKER SERIES WOODWORK JOINTS. CABINET CONSTRUCTION. STAINING AND POLISHING. WOODWORK TOOLS. PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERY. WOOD TURNING. WOODCARVING. TIMBERS FOR WOODWORK. FURNITURE REPAIRING AND RE- UPHOLSTERY. HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS AND RENOVATIONS. CARPENTRY FOR BEGINNERS. KITCHEN FURNITURE DESIGNS. BUREAU AND BOOKCASE DESIGNS. LIGHT CARPENTRY DESIGNS. DOORMAKING. EVANS BROTHERS, LIMITED, MONTAGUE HOUSE, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1. EDITORIAL FOREWORD To be successful in woodwork construction the possession of two secrets is essential—to know the right joint to use, and to know how to make that joint in the right way.
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