Npr 2.2: Reducing Nuclear Dangers in South Asia: A
Abdul Sattar REDUCING NUCLEAR DANGERS IN SOUTH ASIA: A PAKISTANI PERSPECTIVE by Abdul Sattar A former career diplomat of Pakistan, Abdul Sattar served as Ambassador to India (1978-82 and 1990-92) and the Soviet Union (1988-90). He was also Pakistan's Foreign Minister in the caretaker government in 1993. In 1993-94, he was a Distinguished Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, D.C., which supported his research for this article. The views expressed in the article are those of the author alone. esisting pressures and pen- from Pakistan’s border for a mili- the security situation in the region. alties, Pakistan has declined tary exercise, code-named “Brass A constructive approach to con- Rto renounce the nuclear op- Tacks,” triggered a crisis between the taining nuclear dangers has to start tion. In practice, however, it has two countries. with a recognition of the existing demonstrated restraint and reason- Although the incipient revision of realities, then evince greater under- ableness, deferring conversion of its the earlier projections of apocalyp- standing of the security concerns acquired nuclear capability into tic consequences of Pakistan’s that drive nuclear programs, and fi- weapons, remaining willing to agree nuclear pursuit is welcome from nally develop a responsive and af- to any nondiscriminatory arrange- Islamabad’s perspective, the swing firmative strategy in place of the ment for a nuclear freeze in South of opinion to the other extreme of failed policy of censure and sanc- Asia and, meanwhile, even suspend- neglect of the nuclear and security tions selectively targeting one coun- ing further accumulation of highly- issues in South Asia does not serve try or another.
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