
The Mee of the MefCfhurst Community


:n* The money-raisers at Mercyhurst have set themselves to the massive task of raising the sum of $1,000,000 for the construction of the Mercyhurst y ''Campus Center". £ . j i ;Jj The fund raising drive, which started on November «,13,-and will run through January 27, 1975, was an­ nounced at a press conference held on the kick-off day by President Shane. | 1 ~i> Speaking on the Campus Center Project and its importance to both Mercyhurst and the community, Dr. Shane noted that '"The construction of this building is critical to|future well-being of?' Mer­ cyhurst. This building is essential if we are to meet the total needs—academic, social, cultural, spiritual, and ?physical—of more than 1400 Mercyhurst students. It is essential if we are to become more of a cultural center for the citizens of the* Erie com­ munity/' I & m * ™ Dr* Shane went on to'mention that the Campus Center would bea necessity if the college wished to attract new students and retain those already enrolled. He pointed out that *'Students are aware, as are educators, that much of the learning which takes place during the college years takes place outside of the classroom. This building will provide a physical | site where that part of the learning process will be encouraged".^ '^5f I | * | 4 The new campus center will be located in the north­ west sector of the campus. In the open space between the Sesler Apartments and the main part of othe campus. Among the facilities of themew center will be an open classroom and multi-purpose area; space for physical education, recreation, and intra murals; office space; a student lounge; a food service area; a concourse; and an outdoor activity area. -SP ^ The design of the building is such that it will en­ courage'greater involvement by the citizens of the Erie area i n the cultural and social life of the college. Artist rendering of the new Mercyhurst Campus Center, as seen from (he outside. There will be rooms available' for meetings of various groups in the community, facilities for the campaign is the culmination ofjover jtwo years of olds attending one of the three pre-schools on the presentation of plays, ballets, and concerts, a con study and planning by task forces consisting of campus to the 80-year-olds attending the College Of course for art [ displays, and room for com­ students, faculty, administrators, and others from Older A merleans." $BR. I I mencement, major lectures and other events which the Erie community, g? Plssi I 3 S » R Owing to a number of important factors-that are draw large crowds.-In the past, there has been a "It willfbeFcalled a Campus!Center", said Dr. not yet certain, a completion^, date for the new great need on the campus for facilities that can ac­ Shane, "because it will act as a -magnet to draw Campus Center has not been projected. It is hoped, commodate a group of mor e? than 250 people at one Students, faculty, land I visitors fctogether from however, that the Center te?f..ill be completed by the time. jj f f throughout the campus and the community. It will beginning of the 1976-77 school year, which is also the :?Dr. Shane mentioned that the launching of the benefit students ranging in age from the three-year- fiftieth anniversary of the college's founding in 1926,

.•_•. • • • • • •»••»••» » • • • • • • .•_•_•_• .•••-••-•_•*. >•-•_•• -VAV • • • $400,000fDOWN;i$600,000iTO GO With the fund-raising drive for the new Mercyhurst In order to more fully reach the $1,000,000 goal, the Campus Center nearing the end of its first month, the closing date of the Campus Center Fund Drive has Merciad sought out Mr.'Robert Prather, Director of been extended fromDecembe r 19 to January 27,1975. Development, for a progress report on the drive, ygj I f sufficient pledges have been gathered by that time, jAccording to Mr. Prather, the sum of $400,000, or and other factors permit, ground-breaking j would forty per cent of the drive's $1,000,000 goal had been become a possibility in the Spring of next year. fl^H pledged by December 9. This was only slightly behind the schedule set for the drive at its beginning. One of the more gratifying aspects of the drive thus far has been the tremendous faculty staff response. M IMPORTANT!! The donations of faculty and I staff are 1 fast \ap­ proaching their $20,000 goal. M ilm ftjrai WINTER TEHM REGISTRATION fJraj Among the large gifts to the drive is a pledge of KoB Seniors * • ^ $100,000 by a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. 1 Tuesday morning, December 17, 9:30 a.m. to Mr. Prather also mentioned another pledge of $25,000 11:30 a.m., Registrar's Office. §S f M*#ffi» by an individual donor. 2|| K jff& £ K ffi Iff f& Juniors ! | m J When asked if the present economic depression was \g Tuesday afternoon, December 17,1:30 p.m. to having any effect on the success"of the drive, Mr? 3:30 p.m., Registrar's Office. •* J #jj|| Prattler responded that he did not feel so, as the % ** 9 Sophomores fix. donors realize that the Campus ^Center Is a vital i Wednesday morning, December 18, 0:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Registrar's Office. jj i necessity. He added that inflation would i make the * * * Freshmen & Center even more expensive if it were postponed, and I Wednesday afternoon, December 18,1:30 p.m. that donors are aware that the least expensive time to Si30 p.m.. Registrar's Office. * to build is the present. |f ^ All Students Thursday and Friday, December 19 and 20, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Registrar's Office;? i :30 LAKERS BA TILING p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Registrars Office STUDENTS MUST REGISTER iBY THROUGH SEASON DECEMBER 20 TO AVOID AF$10 LATE REGISTRATION FEE. l W ho is this man? Turn to page two to find out! SEE PAGE 14 .•^•JI PAGE 2 MERCYHURST COLLEGE DECEMBER 13. If74 Hypnotist Performs | Mercyhurst Master Hypnotist, Mr. Edwin L. Baron, will appear at Mercyhurst tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the Student Having played the education game for eons, I have tlnioa m 1 1 > in my antiquity become a bit squirrely. This serious Mr. Baron, who has a Ph.B. in psychology from condition at times, hurtles me into extended periods Loyola University will be at Mercyhurst through the of ramblings. The following is a sample collection: sponsorship of the Student Activities Committee I've often wondered why God didn't supply me with (SAC). :• h r * 1 a collection of 3x5 index cards along with my eyes, «fTfce Wwst of tU Hw^gt> Featured in Mr. Baron's show will be the hypnosis ears, legs, 12 toes and a tail. In every class I've ever of several volunteers from the audience, as taken, the entire first week is wasted while we, the demonstration of the remarkable range of the field of students, labor to fill out: * hypnosis. I Line 1: Name Major From a scientific standpoint, Mr. Baron is best Line 2: Address * known for his "Reduce by Hypnosis" methods Line 3: Reason in Course $ a which have enabled thousands of people to lose as Line 4 is a killer: MWhat are your hobbies" Why much as thirty pounds in four weeks. His weight does it matter to my remedial math teacher that my reduction program is based at his Hypnotism hobbies are restricted to squashing and eating Institute of Chicago. * y> lightning bugs?? Is nothing sacred????? * According to Mr. Baron, effectiveness of hypnosis treatment is dependcnron three factors—First, the Some of my most enjoyable moments at Mercy­ individual must respond to hypnosis. Second, hurst have been spent sitting in class in Old Main on a physiological make-up of the individual must be blustery Winter day and watching cars sliding favorable; Third, the patient must persistently sideways up and down the main driveway. pursue the treatment/ I * Tonight's hypnotism program is absolutely free! The best day of any term is undoubtedly the day on Everyone is encouraged to attend, and witness for which SIR tests are administered. Teachers smile themselves this field which inhabits the frontiers of for one solid hour and then try, as nonchalantly as science. < ? possible to pass out the test. It's poetic justice- one dav a term students are allowed to smile sweetly and say, "I don't give you grades. You earn your own!!! Another laughter is Free Wednesday. If Wed­ The Senior Class has elected a committee of nesday is free-how much does Monday cost??? five students to\ organize » and plan for their * IJ graduation. These five students are; Maureen How about the stupendous mural on Second Floor Flaherty, Ann Howard, Char Kolupski, Mark Old Main. You arise at 8 a.m. on a Monday morning, McCullough and Sharon Ryan. If you have any drag yourself to class, crawl up the stairs, (that by suggestions or ideas, please see one of these the way are made for midget feet) and are greeted people. T$ I by a smiling typical Mercyhurst girl. She's plastered Beginning in Winter term, all students must to the wall in her long green WAC uniform and is present their I.D.'s to be admitted to the movies surrounded by all ?. the wonderful professions of shown on Sunday night in the Recital Hall. NO women. Relevance, at its peak!! STUDENTS WILL BE ADMITTED WITHOUT .MERRY CHRISTMAS! 1!!!!!!! THEIR I.D. CARD. rt Awareness Weekend tr Lots To Do During Intersession Starts Tonight Who says that nothing is happening at Mercyhurst and Mansfield Colleges. g 4 H Starting tonight at 6:30 and running through Sunday during Intersession? Certainly not anyone who has Special attractions coming to the Hurst include morning, the Mercyhurst Campus Ministry is opened their eyes and, looked around!- The Inter­ tonight's show, featuring Mr. Edwin L. Baron, sponsoring a weekend for fifty members of the session is full^of things to do, to experience, to see, Master Hypnotist, at 8 p.m. Tomorrow night, the Mercyhurst community at an estate near Corry. 3 and to hear. f . I Student Activities Committee;.(SAC) will sponsor Students, faculty, staff, administration and their Film buffs have had a chance to take advantage of another ice skating party at the Glenwood Ice Rink. families are invited to take part in a human weekend the abundant film fare being offered at the Hurst Vans will leave from in front of Baldwin Hall at 8:48 aimed at putting you in touch with those around you during Intersession. Three* or four films have-been pn. Skating wiB run from 9-l», and door prizes may through discussions, songs, laughter and sharing. shown on the campus every week, and in past weeks, •e raffled off. i The weekend will also be a religious one, with students have had the chance to see the likes of Arts and ^Crafts creators and watchers—take moments of prayer, reflection, solitude and a com­ Humphrey Bogart in "Sahara" and WillianvHolden notice! The Basement Gallery has opened in?the munal celebration of the Eucharist. in"Stalagl7." u \ WM §j * { basement of Zurn Hall, rnear the Student* Union. Cost for the weekend is $5.00. This fee is all The great Aides continue—next Monday, "The War Artists will display and sell their handmade wares inclusive, and it covers transportation to and from Game will be shown and on Tuesday afternoon, "To throughout the final week of> Intersession. Come*on Maple Crest, food for two days, and lodging for two Die* In Munich" will be screened. Tuesday night, down and ha ve a look! i nights. Although Campus Ministry has supplied the comedy fans can stand up and cheer the antics of With the cold weather and snow fast descending on food, both Fr. PatricK and Dave Blanchfield have comedy king (Charlie Chaplin at his best, in "An Mercyhurst, the snow freaks can take part in the promised not to do any of the cooking. ; > Evening of Chaplin." fr tftii fii * Jk activities of the Mercyhurst Ski Club, which heads There is still room for a few more people—so if you With the Lakers off to a roaring start, basketball for Peek 'n Peak whenever the snow permits. Also, feel like doing something worthwhile this weekends- fans have had the chance to sample college roundball the Mercyhurst skating pond is located in the rear of get involved! Drop by the Campus Ministry office at its best. On December 21 and 22, the Lakers will the campus, and it will soon be ready for skating (the and sign up. travel to Wheeling, W.Va. for the Golden Valley campus' hills beckon fsledding and tobogganing Tourney, where they will meet Wheeling, Bluffton, enthusiasts). The 1974 75 Mercyhurst College Student The secret to finding what's going on during Directory is now out! Copies of the directory will Intersession lies in getting invol ved. So, get in on the be distributed in the near future. THE MERCIAD fun! Years of Service Coming Hurst

Published weekly (luring the college year, except > *v *te Thanksgiving, intersession, Christmas and Easter vacations, and examination periods by the students of Mercyhurst Word has it from the North Pole that E qua 10 pport unity College, Erie, Pa. 1*901. Mailing address: Mercyhurst Santa Claus is going to make a special stop For Media ^Services a jprojector that Mailroom. Preston Mall, Box 3*. « . at Mercyhurst this December 25. Santa's works bag for Mercyhurst folks this | year For SAGA a cookbook msx features: For {Mercyhurst students A long ft VJ Editor: «/ VTL olleenMcManamon For President Shane—a six pack of vacation and sanity Editorial Board J NOW* y^. > «• " Fat Weschler "significant learning' % * For the Education Dept. a school Feature Tarry Schoib Sports Jim Mariano For Dean Garvey— A "Whip Grade district that doesn't go on strike. I Tony Mancuso Business Manag< Joe Castrignano Inflation Now" kit complete with 1400 "I i For Political Science— a revolution Copy Editor? •w Olivia Congo GOT AN "F" BUTTONS* For R.U.S. — a loud speaker ^^ Photographer Dave Schmelder Typiit ,j Tina Reichenbach For Cam pus Ministry— a believer * For the Development ^Department-— F acuity Advisor Andy Roth For Mr. Kennedy—a 248 page issue of the $1,000,000 and a game of "Easy Money" Merciad (with 244 blank pages). *;' * For McAuley Hall—'lifeboats and a fire Staff: Joni Stevenson, Chris Van Wegenerv Joni Wheeler, For ithe Merciad-—a typewriter that extinguisher—plus classes in disaster Angelee Smith, Rick Zwotko, Greg Zaffuto, Betsy Steinwedel, Darla Ma lone, Kathv Torek, Esther Schreiber, Patty works, a photographer, and a group of response. | Mullaugh, Nancy Willis, Mary Fiudinski. more interesting ghosts. j .;•.' . For Terry Scheib and readers of For the Home Economics Department— "Reasonable Recipes" a ton of Alka Seltzer DECEMBER 13, 1974 MERCYHURST COLLEGE PACE 3 FinanciaLAid

It's that time of year again. Just whenyou thii* you have solved all your money problems for 1974-75, you have to think ahead for 1875-76. We all know how hard money is to come by, these days. Miss Windy McCabe, the Financial Aid Director, and Mrs. Jacque MazanowsH, her assistant, want to make sure we take advantage of every opportunity for receiving financial aid, either federal,state, orfrom Mercy- Jay KM: "Sunshine to melt the Lori Weaver: "Cleaner hurst, i t snow." showers inEgan."«4 Stop in the Financial Aid Office in 215 Old Main and pick up a financial aid packet. It might take a little extra time to fill out the forms, but isn't it worth it? A college education is a fine thing, but It is also expensive. There are agencies willing to help the "poor college student." You never know if

F"W you are eligible for financial aid until you apply. The most common application is the Parents' Confidential Pat Hood: "A field house." Statement, better known as the PCS. Tlie PCS is to be completed by parent(s) of the applicants. Information and instructions are attached to the form. The PCS has to be sent to Princeton, N.J. by March 1,1975. Pennsylvania students should also be familiar with the Tom George 'Clean showers Pennsylvania Higher Education. Assistance Agency, or Gary Klaas; "Food". in McAuley." PHEAA. The application for this grant is due in Harrisburg by May 1,1975. All students applying for financial aid should apply for the Basic Educational Opportunity Grant (BEOG), with the exception of those who will enter their senior year in Sep­ tember, 1975. The BgOG applications are to be filed by June KM 1,1975. "Remember: unless you apply, you won't know if you qualify. PCS, PHEAA, BEOGr-th^y all spell MONEY. Sue Schmidt: "A party."

Record Review Ed Daniel: "I hope more Max llayden: "A new boys* Israeli students at Mercy hurst dornir" next fall,?and a special Hi as a f representative from Galilee." Quest by Dale Patterson ) At a time when glitz and The third cut, a lyrical ballad, glitter j music by; such considers the inner strength dehumanized units as Alice that is inherent in each human $&&••&*, Cooper, The N.Y. Dolls and T- being. Finally, the last cut, Rex promote the philosophy "The Idol", examines our Ed Inscho: "A hockey rink." that western society is at its secular gods and discovers nadir—"so, ivhat the hell you that they are made of clay. desperate people, you might as well abandon your lives to Side two develops the ^decadence and despair 'cause ithemes of sidefcone. It begins w|th a real horror song, 'The this life is one big septic tank Thin End of $ the Wedge". any way'—in such a dark time Then, via a hard rock num­ it is encouraging that Procol ber—"Monsieur R. Monde", Harum is still on a quest for the listener arrives at "Fresh truth, j i * Fruit" i a light spot to stop and In their latest , bop, although the' message is National Teacher Exam Exotic Birds and Fruit* that fresh fruit can be gar­ f. by Olivia Longo Procol Harum wonders what bage, too. With "Butterfly Less than two weeks remain for prospective teachers happend to the enlightenment Boys (guess who* this one's planning to take the National Teacher Examinations at I wantjto*write a crazy Why have so many given up about), Procol * Harum in­ Mercy hurst College on January 25, 1975 to submit their poem t I looking, when; inside they dulges in the same bad musk registrations for these tests to Educational Testing Service, absolutely insane , know that there is something that earns big bucks for. those Princeton, New Jersey David De Sante, Director of Testing marvelous to find? people. * 'New Lamps for Old" announced today. Registrations for the examinations must can't yovou hear the Side One: "Nothing but the be forwarded so as to reach the Princeton Office nofclater buzzer concludes the album with a Truth", "Beyond the Pale"1 , warning: Don't tirade in the than January 2, De Sante advised. f > that $ goes off in my "As Strong as 5Sampson ', magic of the old lamp for a Bulletins of Information. describing registration % brain? "TheMol". * new lamp which merely procedures and Registration Forms may be obtained from connected to neutrons Yes, the title of the first cut Mercy hurst College Testing 'Center*or directly from the explains itself, and as a good glitters. . ^ National Teacher Examinations, Educational Testing jumped across synapses hard rock number, it starts Truth is hard to discover, Service, Box 911, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. provoked J by* happy this search off at an ap­ and Procol Harum doesn't At the one-day test: session a candidate may take the > jangles. g propriate^ pace. Cut two is pretend to- know what the Common Examinations, which include tests in Professional Voices? musically reminiscent of*the truth is. Instead, they invite Education and General Education, and one of the twenty* No, not voices. cabaret music of pre-war us listeners to join a quest. four Area Examinations which are designed to evaluate his* Germany. 'Ironically, its The point of departure is the understanding of the subject matter and methods applicable^ Screams, shrieks. words explore the purpose of knowledge we already to the areas he may be assigned to teach. giggles * a quest for something other possess about the true and ungrateful!and uncaring than decadence and despair. noble nature of our humanity. k mirth: i gnawing at my brain cells every time that buzzer sounds forth. ?. Search For Miss Po. I want to J write a d mad poem Applications are now being accepted from all over the absolutely furious ^ Keystone State for the annual -MISS PENNSYLVANIA with the whole wrath of PAGEANT to be Staged for the 5th consecutive year at God Washington, Pa., in the Grand Concourse of the Franklin Mall in early March. The MISS PENNSYLVANIA coming from me, in­ PAGEANT is an Official Miss USA-Miss Universe Contest ERIE MOVIES jurious. I There is no "Talent" requirement, all judging is on tne Whip in my right hand basis of poise, personality and beauty of face and figure. Cinema 18 - life of Xaviera Hollander AM a i&fea _ in my left two lashes Applicants must be between 18 and 28, never married and at Cinema I. II. HI * (Millcreek Mall) - Airport, Odessa File, Law The entire!*!'' world least six month residents of Pennsylvania-thus college dorm students are eligible. All girls interested in competing for Clrema World (15th and Pittsburgh) - The Trial of BUly Jack, The deserves fbrty^even the Title must apply to MISS PENNSYLVANIA PAGEANT Dove, French Connection - The Seven Ups, Phase IV * thrashes^ I I HEADQUARTERS 35 WEST CHESTNUTJWASHINGTQN. Ptoza (West Erie Plaza) - The Longest Yard j* for standing me up * PA. 15301 BY DECEMBER 31st Applications should in­ Warner (8th and State)-Shaft, Five on the Black Side for letting me down clude a recent photo, a brief biography and phone number. SSS^i 1JSTS"-Wftl of Billy Jack. Devil's Wangle, for letting the buzzer go The girl chosen as MISS PENNSYLVANIA, will represent UFO's Snoopy Come Home the Keystone State in the Miss USA Pageant, nationally Regent Adolt Theater (Parade) - Memoirs of a Madam, Double off in my brain televised on CBS-TV from Niagara Falls, N.Y. in May. The Luck i. for making me mad and new winner win be awarded a host of prises including an ' insane. exciting 11 day stay in Niagara Falls, PAGS 4 MERCYHURST COLLEGE DECEMBER 13. W4

The Mercyhurst Lakers ran into a hot Slippery Rock on Saturday night and dropped their first game of the season, 81-70 but bounced back the next afternoon to top St Vincent 70-65, and move their season record to 3-1. i * The Lakers, playing under Assistant Coach Dave Markey, as head mentor Dick Fox was bed-ridden with the flu,fel l to a victim to the Rockets' hot second half shooting (18 of 27 Hockey team from the floor) after trailing by just four at the intermission. Slippery Rock also forced Mercyhurst into 22 turnovers their tough jnan-to-man defense, which has been a Undefeated characteristic of Rocket teams the past several years. .Jesse Campbell again led the bakers with 18 points and The Mercyhurst Hockey 1 team which* plays in the in­ hauled down 20 rebounds, - and both Carl Jones and Jeff dustrial league at the Glen- Davern added 12 markers to the Hurst attack. •' wood skating rink is currently St. Vincent led by two at the half on Sunday and upped that occupying first mace. The margin at the outset of the second canto. But the Lakers team is undefeated after their fought back, took the lead late in the game, and hit some With basketball?season upon us the Lakers have come first ffour games with every clutch-free throws in the final minutes to seal the victory. through with a 3 and 1 record and a tournament win under win coming as a solid victory. Again Campbell, the Lakers' 6-9 junior All-American, had their belts. Mercyhurst looked quite highly impressive in The team is playing well game highs of 24 points and 18 rebounds despite spending their victories over Western New England and West due to the ability to get a goal much time on the bench with personal foul problems. Mike Georgia. The St Vincent and Slippery Rock games were when they neetf one which is Molnar canned 18 markers, including eight of eight from the another story. The Lakers, although defeating St. Vincent, valuable for any team. The charity stripe and Curtis Hixon dumped in 12 points and played a poor game, being outshot and out rebounded by the team, which missed several pulled of f eight rebounds. ^ ^ opposition. They lost to Slippery Rock whom they could games, due to the It was a pleasing victory for the Lakers, who won despite have and should have beaten. Don't get me wrong, Slippery Thanksgiving break,, will be a cold 32 per cent shooting chart from the floor and who playing their next few games were outrebounded by the? visiting Bearcats by a 55-47 Rock is no pushover but the Lakers should have won. The margin. * * j *j| Lakers are a tough team and have the potential* to go for double point value in order somewhere (Kansas City?) but they are going to have to to make up for missed games. Editor's Note: Release* prepared by Sports Information prove their ability with consistency. The team will now be able Department. *f I > | to get fin more skating The Merctad wishes Coach Dick Fox a speedy recovery. practice when the pond behind Zurn freezes. The Sports Editor's Note: The following is a copy of a letter support! for the team is in­ sent to Jack Polancy of the Erie Morning News concerning creasing, but even greater fan admission costs to Laker games. turnouts are hoped-for. For Sir: i those who are interested in Your December 2nd headline appears: Erie Classic: attending an exciting game of Where have all the people gone?* hockey come outrand watch May I give you some insight as to why my entire family the team^and give them your did not appear.^ ** 1 support. ;The games are i My husband^and myself and two young children would usually I scheduled* "for enjoy very much attending all Hurst games. But the Erie Tuesday and Thursday nights County Field House and whoever else deems it necessary to at 11 p.m. * • charge a five and six year old child full admission price has ruined that. | 1. At $2. $3, or $4 for admission for all seats—The four of us at best, could get by 'with $8 (not, to mention J $1 for the parking) and with a box of popcorn and Pepsi, we are now at LAKERS TAKE ERIE CLASSIC approximately $11 for a fun night, at the Field House. The Mercyhurst Lakers easily romped over Western fine outside shooting of Smoke 'Cour§eJf4we want the better seats—$12 plus.$l, plus $2, captured, the -Erie Classic New England, by a 114-67 Jones and the inside power ot equals $14. t >-. Sr J % Cage Tournament with a score. J Going into the locker Jesse Campbell who com­ I know everything's expensive, but please at least half "touch ,1 of class" on room with a 52-23 half-time bined for 48 points. price for the kids. ; | November § 29th and 30th. lead, Coach Dick Fox came West Georgiaattempted a Dick Fox, If read about your boys in the paper: They accomplished; this by out using all the players on final comeback, but the Congratulations, we're proud of Mercyhurst. defeating Western New the bench and every player Lakers held them off and f Respectftdly, \ England and highly rated wound jup "chipping in'r a went on to score a 7 point Mrs. John P. Howard West' Georgia. The 'Lakers couple of points. victory and capture the This was an impressive win tournament. Jesse Campbell for the Lakers but their next and * Smoke Jones 1 received 197W75 WJC1RDR3T BASKETBALL 3HTI3TIC3 1 1 flour OBHS (Hon 3, Lost 1) game was even 'more im­ "all tournament ! team * pressive with an upset victory honors and Smoke went on to FGH-KH PCT.i rm«RA POT. iS3t AST over West Georgia; The Hurst receive the award as } the 7m Ira m led all the way thanks to the tournament's top player. 23-50 0*0 8- 13 .615 % 13.5 SO* l& .1108 i*- k 1*000 10 10-0 11.0 13- 28 .h6k 12- 12 1.000 12-1 atti 25- 2$ .520 fe- 6 .500 11-O 10-36 2- h2 1.000 0.8 5-0 1922; E. 38th St. • 6-17 .3*3 2- 3 .667 7-0 6- 13 .l& 1- 2 .500 1-0 864-0715 *

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