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.. ....... .. I. ... ., ... : .. , . j;. ..... .. .... The Copyright law of the United States (title 17, United States Code) governs the making of phwtmwpies or wtha reproductiwns of mpyrighted material. Under cetZBin conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorid to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific mditions is that the phohmpy or reproduction is not to be “Used fir my purpose other than private study, schdanhip, or research.” If B user make3 a quest far, or later uses, a photompy or repductim for puqmses in ecess of ‘‘fair we9’’that user may be liable for mpyright infringement, This institution reserves the right to rehe to accept a copying order if, in its judgmenk fulfitlrnent of the order would involve violation ofcoMght Jaw- By the using this materid, you are couwnting t~ abide by this copyright policy, Any duplication, reprodndinn, nr modification of this material without express waitken consent from Asbuv Theological Seminary andhr the original publisher is prohibited. Q Asbury TheoIogi@alSeminary 2009 B. L. Fisher Library Asbuy Ssrnhww 404 North Lexington Ave Witmore, W 40390 ASEURY SEMINARY 1090281833 ABSTRACT KOREAN IMMIGRANTS AND THEIR MISSION: EXPLORING THE MISSIONAL IDENTITY OF KOREAN IMMIGRANT CHURCHES IN NORTH AMERICA Sinyil Kim This is a study of Korean immigrants and their mission, investigating the way Scripture, self-identity, and mission are understood among Korean immigrants in the United States and Canada. The rationale for study was the observation that even though Korean immigrants have often formed very church-centered communities and are involved in mission in many ways, their sense of Christian identity as immigrants, and the missional implications of this status, remain largely undeveloped.
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