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Asian Missions Advance on the Third All asian 35 missions advance ISSN 2234-3423 OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE ASIA MISSIONS ASSOCIATION April 2012 REPORT ON ASIAN SOCIETY OF MISSIOLOGY FORUM Timothy K. Park It is an accepted fact that the world today is different I would like to acknowledge our hosts, SaRang from that of the past. The tide of change is sweeping the Community Church for opening to us their hearts and 21st century. Before our very eyes are rapid technological facilities to make this Forum a success. I also thank development, cultural, economic and political the ACTS for co-sponsoring this important event. I upheavals, globalization, international and domestic acknowledged our speakers and respondents who insecurity, religious polarization, spiritual renaissance, took time to write their papers to be presented. My moral revolution, among many others. Thirty-five years appreciation goes to the officers of ASM for their hard ago, the internet became a reality and the world was work in organizing the Forum and to the volunteers for virtually connected via the so-called digital highway helping make every aspect of gathering organized and also known as information technology. The world is efficiently executed. now virtually at our fingertips. Geographical distance is As President Emeritus of ASM, I am happy to report to bridged. Knowledge is widely accessible. But this is not all the readers of Asian Missions Advance on the Third all. More are yet to come. International Forum of ASM. God bless you all. The world has changed and is still changing. How do Timothy K. Park we, as Christians, cope with this inevitable reality? Head Chairman, AMA The Great Commission of Christ is yet to be fulfilled. The timeless message of salvation and transformation CONTENTS is yet to be heard by innumerable mass of people in all four corners of the world. The essential truth is unchanging but the form and methods must be relevant 1 The Report on ASM Forum to the changing times. The post 9/11 has completely Timothy K. Park changed the landscape of the world in terms of peace 2 Hinduism: Mission Strategy and security, travel, international relations and most Susanta Patra especially for us, the Christian global mission. As a result, the Christian mission enterprise needs to rethink 6 Hinduism: Mission Strategy - Response and adopt relevant measures to effectively carry out the Joseph Ounho Cho Great Commission. 9 The Adaptation of Buddhism and Christianity This challenge is before us, mission practitioners and to Asian Soil missiologists, who were gathered at the Strategic Chansamone Saiyasak Mission Forum of Asian Society of Missiology (ASM). 17 The Adaptation of Buddhism and Christianity The theme of this biennial gathering was “Discern what to Asian Soil - Response is good” which is adopted from what our Lord Jesus Chestor Choi Christ said to the disciples as a command and challenge to be wise in changing times. The aim of the Forum was 20 Missions in the Muslim World - A Decade to help us better understand the changing world and to After 9/11 be at the cutting edge of mission. J. Dudley Woodberry In the Forum, our distinguished speakers representing 23 Asian Mission and Socialism different cultures and fields of expertise stimulated us Philo Kim with well-researched presentations on various situations 28 Leadership Development in Asian Contexts and strategies of mission. Bong Rin Ro 26 ama_35_final check.indd 1 2012-03-27 오전 10:24:15 HINDUISM: MISSION STRATEGY Susanta Patra Hinduism, the word having its roots in Indus (the • That one can be identified as a Hindu by the belief in river), refers to the religion and philosophies that were an impersonal absolute Brahman (meaning Creator, prospering in the land around and beyond the river Supreme god or Greater than the greatest) who is Indus. Hinduism is now spreading rapidly throughout consisting of three parts: Brahman – Atman (Jiva), the world though it has been practiced intently in the Karma – Samsara cycle and Liberation – Moksha. Indian subcontinent. The Hindu leaders proudly declare Some of the General Characteristics of this form of that their discipline of not having a founder but in Hinduism are; ‘Unity in diversity’, ‘Accommodating existence from the time past reveals their worth. It was New ideas – absorbing & assimilating new ideas’, ‘No the people from outside who discovered this practice founder and no organization,’ Religious Tolerance’ and called it by this name ‘Hinduism’. ‘Mystical about the other world’. Originally the names that were used to refer to this The Historical Hinduism took different shapes & turns discipline are SANATANA dharma (meaning eternal during the above period. One of such shapes were called discipline) and Vaidika dharma (meaning discipline the period of ‘The History (Epics) 200 B. C. – 300 AD’, of Vedas). If the religions practiced in the subcontinent when ‘Ramayana – the story of the prince who lost are referred to as Hinduism it would mean a broad his kingdom’, ‘Mahabharat – the story of the princes umbrella, which includes the Jainism, Buddhism and who lost their kingdom’, ‘Bhagabat Gita – inserted in various other religions that took birth in this land and Mahabharat in 2nd century AD’ and ‘The concept of then spread out to other parts. These religions share Avatars – divination of Rama and Krishna’. many of the common roots with the Sanatana dharma. The next was called the period of ‘The Puranas 300 AD Hinduism being an open framework, these philosophies – 1200 AD’. During this period, the historical Hinduism, and customs are closely associated with the main when the belief of 330 million of gods and goddesses; streams. Hence it may not be wrong all together to call mythological accounts of ‘Shiva’, ‘Vishnu’, ‘Shakti’; them so. But for a devotee generally Hinduism would the doctrines of ‘Avatars’ meaning incarnations; the mean the core Hindu discipline. ‘Temple and Idol Worship’; ‘Festivals’ based on Lunar The Gayatri Mantra: ‘OM, Bhur bhuvah svah, Tat Calendar; Animation ceremony; Offering of 16 gifts and Savitur varenyam, Bhargo devasya dhimahi, Dhiyo relinquishing ceremony were introduced. yo nah prachodayat’ consists of twenty-four syllables - During this period, ‘The Bhakti Tradition’ was also three lines of eight syllables each. The basic translation introduced by several Hindu religious teachers like of the mantra is: Oh God, the Protector, the basis of all Nanak, Namadeva, Vallabha, Chaitanya, Ramanuja life, Who is self-existent, Who is free from all pains and and Tukaram etc. These religious teachers began to give Whose contact frees the soul from all troubles, Who the greatest stress on the teaching of the importance of pervades the Universe and sustains all, the Creator and God’s grace; the grace that purifies the mind and frees Energizer of the whole Universe, the Giver of happiness, the devotees from sin; moral obligation on the part of Who is worthy of acceptance, the most excellent, Who is devotee resulting to humility, prayer and fulfilling the Pure and the Purifier of all, let us embrace that very God, religious duties. The most popular movements during so that He may direct our mental faculties in the right this period were the ‘Ram Bhakti’ and ‘Krishna Bhakti’ direction. movement. However the people at home or in the According to D. S. Sharma writer of the book ‘What practice of religion polytheism and superstition were is Hinduism?’ – “Hinduism is more a federation of often mixed with Bhakti (devotion). Loving devotion religions than a single religion with a definite creed.” to the Ista Devata – the personal God and Songs, Bhajans, Repetition of names and teachings of Gurus are HISTORICAL HINDUISM given more importance in these religious movements. The Early Origin of Historical Hinduism goes back to Moreover these religious reformers began to emphasize the year 2000 – 600 BC when the Vedic form of Hindu that every holy man is an embodiment of divine Avatar religion was in practice. This Vedic form Hinduism (Revelation). simply mean that these Hindu followed & practice the The next is the ‘Modern Age’ which is believed to be four types of Veda rigorously. These four forms are: Rig from 1757 till the current date. During this period, Veda – Hymn of Praise, Sam Veda – Chanting of Hymns, several Reformation Movements took its shape. Some Yajur Veda – Sacrifices and Athurva Veda – Spells and of the important ones were ‘Brahma Samaj’, ‘Arya magic. The teachings during this period were specific: Samaj’, ‘Ramakrishna Mission’ etc. These movements • That there are 33 gods and 3 worlds. There are 11 lay emphasis on the cultural dependence referring to gods for each world. the freedom from western culture that over ruled us. • That there can be no icon or idol. Idolatry was Several disciplines in the religion were introduced by treated as sinful. the Mission. However it also gave birth to a ‘Guru Cult’ • That their Nature is personified and therefore where people began to put their trust more on these worshipped sincerely. gurus for their identity, security and leadership. This • That the Sacrifices has to be offered to please their guru cult led to the birth of Hindu Militancy. gods 2 ● asian missions advance 26 ama_35_final check.indd 2 2012-03-27 오전 10:24:15 PHILOSOPHICAL HINDUISM of animism in the worship of nature, spirit, demon and The innate curiosity of most of the Hindus has been deceased. They are not dogmatic in their beliefs. They urging him to delve into the mysteries of the universe suffer greatly of fear complex and are knowledgeable and self. Hence Hindus pose questions’ like: ‘Who of the power of nature. They practice worship of their created this universe? Who am I? Where did I come ancestors and blood sacrifice to quench the thirst of their from? Where do I go after death?’ The relentless search gods and for some cleansing of their sins.
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