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[email protected] Darius Petkūnas Holy Communion Rites in the Polish and Lithuanian Reformed Agendas of the 16th and Early 17th Centuries kLaIPĖDOs UnIVeRsITETAS Darius Petkūnas Holy Communion Rites in the Polish and Lithuanian Reformed Agendas of the 16th and Early 17th Centuries klaipėda, 2007 UDk 384(474.5+438)(091) Pe222 spausdinti rekomendavo klaipėdos universiteto Humanitarinių mokslų fakulteto redakcinė komisija 2004 11 19, (protokolas nr. 27) aprobuota klaipėdos universiteto Humanitarinių mokslų fakulteto teologijos katedroje, 2004 11 11 (protokolas nr. 46H-etC-1) Recenzavo: Prof. habil.dr. Helmutas arnašius Doc. dr. Jyrki knuutila (Helsinkio universitetas) Knygos the publication of this book has leidimą been made possible through parėmė the generous support of the Martin-Luther-Bund Gustav-Adolf-Werk e.v. © University of Helsinki, 2004 © klaipėdos universitetas, 2007 IsBn 978-9955-18-190-3 COntents Preface ............................................................................................ 7 Introduction .................................................................................... 9 1. a survey of the History of the Reformation in Poland and Lithuania; its Growth and Decline .............................................. .16 1.1. the Initial Impact of the Lutheran Reformation. .......... 17 1.2. the spread of the Reformation and the advance of Calvinism. ..................................................................... 25 1.3. the Detrimental