Prof. Dis-Invited to UK! Page 1 of 17

Blacks Respond to the Dis-Invitation of Prof. Tony Martin to UK!

Mayor's Uncle Tom Lee Jasper Does Dirty Work -- UK Blacks Protest -- Ask Other Invitees Not to Attend

Blacks are responding forcefully to the dis-invitation of the highly renowned scholar Dr. Tony Martin to a Black History Month event scheduled for October 25th in . The event, an annual opportunity for Blacks to hear lectures from the world's top Black scholars, is arranged through the mayor's office which funds and promotes the event through its yassir-boss-negro Lee Jasper. It is Jasper who the mayor told to rescind the invitation. [Read Jasper's Dis-Invitation letter and responses from Dr. Martin]

Below are the international comnmunity's expressions of outrage.

Dr. 's Strong Endorsement of Prof. Tony Martin

Black Scholar Withdraws From anti-Black "Black History" Conference

London Taxpayer Outraged at "shameful insult"


Trinidad and Tobago Blacks express "ABHORENCE"

Important Question for Black Londoners

Response to the "puppet" Lee Jasper from the Truth Establishment Institute

Response to the "Diabolical" Lee Jasper from

Response to the "Robotic" Lee Jasper by Sis. Carol Taylor

Response from the Hon Marcus Garvey's UNIA to the "Rude" Lee Jasper 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 2 of 17

UK Black History Month Event Background, by Lester Lewis


[See also a response by Min. Don Muhammad of the to a Boston Globe attack on Prof. Martin]

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Dr. Raymond Winbush's Strong Endorsement of Prof. Tony Martin

I have known Dr. Martin for many years including providing a strong endorsement for his book The Jewish Onslaught which all Afrikans should read especially Black scholars. I also gave a deposition in his behalf a few years ago when he was rightly suing where he teaches and where I spoke just two nights ago. The Need to Grows at Wellesley who are terrified to support him are the ones we are unfortunately used to seeing in so many areas of Afrikan life who are under the influence of rabid Zionists and do their bidding. He is a strong Afrikan Brother and is the ultimate scholar on Marcus Garvey, and I simply want those in Europe and elsewhere to be aware of how Zionist influence all over the world continues to hamper the progress our Brothers and Sisters. 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 3 of 17


Ray Winbush, List Moderator Global Afrikan Congress North American Region

Black Scholar Withdraws From anti-Black "Black History" Conference

Rosemary Emodi , Business Manager Mayor's Office, London SE1 2AA

[Phone: +44 (0) 20 7983 6557; Facsimile: +44 (0) 20 7983 4008; E-Mail: [email protected]; Web:]

Dear Rosemary,

Thanks for the invitation to chair a session at the upcoming First Voice Conference organised by the Moyor's Office. In normal circumstances I would have been pleased to accept such an invitation. However, in view of the withdrawal of the invitation extended to Prof. Antony Martin to address this conference, I shall not attend, for I do not wish by any means to convey the impression that I associate myself with such a decision.

Professor Martin is very well known to me. So is his work, which is known to a vast number of people of all descriptions across the world. Martin is a very rigorous scholor, brilliant, hard working and always in search of the truth - whatsoever that truth may be. He has deservedly earned respect as, among other things, the foremost scholar on the Honourable Marcus Garvey, universally recognised as the foremost fighter for Afrikan redemption. Professor Martin is an outstanding academic not merely because of his considerable publications, but also because he has shared his knowledge with large numbers of people in high and low places in many parts of the world. He has used his profession as a vocation for advancing the casuse of the Afrikan people, and therefore of justice in this world. As one who practises in the , I am deeply troubled that such an outstanding academic, a real role model, can be treated with the disrespect occasioned by this 'disinvitation'. This is a blow against academic freedom and by extension the very democracy the Mayor's Office claims to be bringing to the people of London.

The circumstances of this development are deeply troubling. Professor Martin, an outstanding Afrikan, has been debarred from addressing this conference about Afrikan people because one group of non-Afrikans say that they are upset because he addressed two conferences organised by and or addressed by persons with whom they disagree. This is guilt by association. As someone who is conscious of the many times Afrikan people have been 'found guilty' because they associated with others 'not approved' by oppressive forces, I am greatly horrified that the Mayor's Office would place itself on the very same side of those who have historically oppressed Afrikan people - and employ some of their well known tactics.

This development does nothing to further the aims of the Afrikan (Black) History Month, of which this conference purports to be a part. It does not serve the interests of Afrikan self determination. It undermines any notion of democracy, fair play, academic freedom or decency. It places the Mayor's Office in a camp opposite to those who support these worthwhile ideals. It tells tax paying Afrikans in London and by extension Afrikans and supporters of Afrikan struggles all over the world, that our views do not matter to the Mayor's Office. It tells us that Afrikans functioning within the Mayor's Office are either 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 4 of 17

ineffective in representing the interests of the majority of Afrikans, or that they do not know or care about these interests, or that they are unjustly subordinated to other interests. In any event this development threatens to place the Mayor's Office and those within in a very clear light. Many Afrikans have for long been justly suspicious of anything emanating from within the establishment. This performance justifies that posture.

I disassociate myself from the conference as an act of protest against this decision. I hope that the Mayor's Office will find it necessary, and herefore possible, to apologise not only to Prof. Martin, but to to all Afrikans for this insulting decision. Undoubtably some Afrikans will attend this conference, and for many reasons. Others will stay away, for many reasons also. This issue will however always tell Afrikans much about the dangers of placing too much trust in the establishment - and about the importance of self organisation as the only true basis of self representation, which is the truest form of representation and the only road to Afrikan redemption.

Yours most Sincerely,

Kimani Nehusi.

Important Question for Black Londoners

Elder Lester wrote "But why is a White London Mayor getting involved in organising events for Black History Month in Britain." Important question. This same Ken Livingstone supported the racist who was responsible for an African, Sam Yeboah, being removed as personnel officer in the London Borough of Hackney. Lee Jasper came into prominence when he assisted Ken Livingstone to destroy the Anti Racist Alliance. Anti Racist Alliance was winning the position that anti-racist struggle should be led by victims of racism (black people) but Ken Livingstone used Lee Jasper to kill that organisation. Now he is using him to prevent Africans speaking about our history. The only solution is for us to organise our own thing and not suck up to this racist Ken begging opportunistically for co-option into global racist structures.

Explo Nani-Kofi


Quote:" Capitalism, the enemy, has us reacting to stimuli so that in the process of reacting, we think we are thinking."

(Kwame Ture, International Black Solidarity Rally, Friends House, Euston, London, 29 September 1983).

The Pan African Movement in Britain must seize the initiative to organise a massive response to the attack on Tony Martin by Zionists, Jews, London Mayor Ken Livingstone and Jewish agent Lee Jasper.

One does not know what the response would be to the call for invited speakers to stay away unless the invitation to Tony Martin is restored. Indeed, there seems to be some 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 5 of 17

confusion about who the invited speakers are. A half page advertisement in The Voice (costing £2404.40), lists some of these invited speakers as Ms. Shabaaz, eldest daughter of Malcolm X; Dr. Gamal Nkrumah, eldest son of Kwame Nkrumah; Cllr. Stephen Padmore, son of George Padmore; Dr. Tony Martin, Professor of African Studies, Wellesley âCollege and S. I. Martin, historian.

Apart from Gamal Nkrumah, one does not know which of the other invited speakers have been contacted and what their response has been, if any. What is certain is that the neo- colonials are supporting this conference and will be attending to hear Ken Livingstone and Lee Jasper cynically posing as champions of Black History while pursuing a Jewish agenda.

Whatever the outcome of this cynical piece of deception, a united Pan African response is needed. I suggest that a special event be organised so that Tony Martin, the world's foremost scholar on the Honourable Marcus Garvey can address the black Community in Britain on Zionism, Jews and the War Against the Africans. Such an event can be organised for Easter 2004. This gives enough time to hire a large venue, mobilise the resources necessary and to promote such an event, which can take the form of an African Peoples Assembly. This attack on Tony Martin is an attack on Marcus Garvey, and Pan Africanism.

Remember, Easter is the time of a special event taking place in the heavens, which has been hijacked by the Jews. This is when he sun sits on the crossing of the celestial and terrestrial equators and is said to be crucified. This is the origin of he Jewish "Passover" festival.

Note must be taken of Councillor Stephen Padmore, billed as the son of George Padmore. I have checked with authoritative sources including the George Padmore Institute run by John La rose and with Blyden Cowart, the daughter of George Padmore. This is the first time that we are being told that George Padmore had a son. But is he an impostor?

Blyden Cowart came to London for the Centenary Pan African Conference held in July 2000. Stephen Padmore was not known then. In June last year, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of George Padmore. He was not known then either. Blyden Cowart and Tony Martin attended a conference at the University of the West Indies at St. Augustine in Trinidad from 2-4 October this year. The theme of the conference was "The Life and Times of George Padmore: Black Radicalism in the 20th Century." No one at that Conference knew of Stephen Padmore. So how come he has suddenly materialised to take part in an event which has now been shown is meant to distort the African story?

Lester Lewis

Trinidad and Tobago Blacks express "ABHORENCE"

To: Mr Lee Jasper

The Emancipation Support Committee of Trinidad and Tobago wishes to express its abhorrence at your last minute withdrawal of an invitation to Dr. Tony Martin to speak at the First Voice Conference, scheduled for London on October 25, organized by the Mayor's office. 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 6 of 17

The reasons presented by you for the withdrawal are irrational, offensive and worst of all, self-demeaning. If your primary motivation is an acute sensitivity to anti-Semitism, how does that eliminate Dr. Martin? Dr. Tony Martin is widely acknowledged as the foremost scholar on Marcus Garvey, one of the towering figures of the twentieth century. He has written several books, delivered countless public lectures, appeared on many television and radio programs, his thoughts have appeared in newspaper reports and interviews. Intellectually he is a known quantity. There is profuse, publicly available material by which his views can be judged. Against this background, how do you cancel his invitation on the basis that he had attended and spoken at two named conferences (in 2001 and 2002), which included speakers who you say are "known for their anti-Semitic and racist activities".

Did you ask how many times he appeared on platforms with white racists? Or self-hating blacks? We suggest you take another look at the dangerous principle which you are seeking to enshrine by your actions. Your letter did not suggest that Dr. Martin took part in meetings or rallies which were designed to incite hatred against Jews. The implication of your letter is that our intellectuals and academics should exercise a brutal self-censorship and ensure that they do not unknowingly or by design appear on platforms with persons who are targeted by Jews as anti-semitic, a designation readily bestowed by hypersensitive ("overwrought" according to Dr. Martin) Jews.

Indeed Dr Martin himself has been a direct target of zealous Jewish organizations simply for putting on his recommended reading list at Wellesley College a book that documents the role of Jews in the slave trade. This was the basis for a prolonged and venomous attack on Dr Martin by "overwrought Jews". After years they continue to pursue their relentless campaign, seeking to brand him and isolate him in their overfilled, anti-semitic, intellectual Guantanamo. Maybe even you were embarrassed to quote this silly basis as justification for your own action and therefore you hid behind the conferences where the charge against Dr. Martin was guilty by association, much more convenient than a real assessment of his work and ideas.

You yourself recognize in your letter the tremendous contribution which Dr Martin could have made to your conference based on his substantive work and yet you slavishly denied the very audience to whom he dedicated his knowledge and energy, the opportunity to hear and interact with him. I am sure by now you know that you have destroyed your conference to please individuals who care nothing for the future of our people in a world where we are being decimated by aids, poverty, powerlessness, discrimination, oppression, exploitation and most damaging of all, ignorance of self. What irony, in Black Heritage Month!!

It is too late to ask you to withdraw your dis-invitation to Dr. Tony Martin. But it is not too late for you to apologize to Dr. Martin, the African community in London and the entire Pan- African world. And it is not too late to withdraw yourself from an official position (Policy Director, Equalities and Policing, Mayor's Office) where you may be lured again into acting so clearly against the interests of your own people. You owe such dignified action to yourself and to us, Africans all around the world.

We look forward to the day of your redemption.

Khafra Kambon

Chairman, ESCTT 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 7 of 17

London Taxpayer Outraged at "shameful insult"

As a London council tax payer, I am writing to ask you to immediately reinstate the distinguished US-based academic, Professor Tony Martin, to the list of speakers due to address the First Voice Conference due to be held on Saturday 25 October 2003.

The withdrawal of Professor Martin's longstanding invitation is nothing short of a totally unacceptable and shameful insult to one of the world's foremost African historians, and a man who has previously addressed London's African communities on the life and work of Marcus Garvey.

Please will you give an undertaking that Professor Martin will be reinstated without delay and that your staff will issue a prominent and public apology to him. I also believe that those responsible for the withdrawal of Professor Martin's invitation should be asked to seriously consider their position(s) within London's government.

If, at this relatively late stage, it is not physically possible for Professor Martin to attend and speak at the Conference, I suggest that arrangements are immediately made for Professor Martin to participate by video link.

Unless Professor Martin is immediately reinstated, I believe that those responsible for this appalling blunder, and by implication, those to whom they report, run the risk of becoming the laughing stock of the entire African world. In view of the timescale now involved, may I have a reply as a matter of urgency.

Response to the "puppet" Lee Jasper from the Truth Establishment Institute

Dear Mr. Jasper,

May this letter reach you in the best of health and spirit.

As you well know, one seeking an authority on the life and mission of the Honorable Marcus Garvey and other aspects of history relevant to your Black History Month programming could not find another individual more immersed in the subject, nor more qualified to discuss them than Africana Professor Tony Martin.

Professor Tony Martin has the right to speak at any program or conference that he chooses. As a historian, Professor Martin is sought after because of his unparalleled expertise in many areas of history. As the result of a very organized smear campaign using disinformation as one of its primary weapons, Professor Martin has been branded an anti- Semite because of his well-documented position on the role of Jews in the Trans of Africans as well as his endorsement of the definitive work on that topic The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.

By your unceremonious disinvitation of Professor Martin, whether you realize it or not, you show that you are uninterested in presenting historical perspectives that are considered outside of the view of those who apparently give you orders. This makes you nothing more 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 8 of 17

than a puppet.

In your position as an advisor to the mayor on race relations, those whom you represent (Black people in the UK) as well as those whom you claim to serve in that capacity (White people in the UK) would be more effectively served if Professor Martin were allowed to speak. Instead, in our view, you are complicit in keeping the masses of the people in a state of informational darkness and ignorance.

In his appearances at the conferences you mentioned (David Irving 2001, IHR 2002) Professor Martin dealt with the role of Jews in the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. His commentary did not include any discussion regarding what you term "."

It is with great irony that you label Professor Martin's talks at those conferences as the "appearance of a close association between yourself and extreme right wing academics and organizations" while you and your organization as the supposedly "liberal" representatives are engaging in censorship and denying Professor Martin the right to speak because you disagree with his views.

Those two conferences are listed and presented as indisputable evidence without considering the hundreds of lectures and thousands of individuals that have heard and benefited from Professor Martin,s knowledge and desire to spread truth.

Your parroting of the rhetoric and terminology of those who have an interest in keeping secret certain unflattering aspects of history verifies that Professor Martin and others who have been unfairly branded and censored such as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan (who incidentally has been banned from the UK since the mid 80's) and Professor Leonard Jeffries truly represent positions that need to be heard.

In conclusion, speaking to a group does not constitute endorsement of the totality of their ideologies or viewpoints.

If you and your handlers are unable to see or unwilling to acknowledge that a historian of Professor Martin's scholarly stature would be sought after by groups of varying viewpoints and ideologies "some controversial" then you are actually the ones involved in behavior that most rational people capable of logical thought should be concerned with.

Integrity is more important than position.


Ashahed M. Muhammad, Executive Director, Truth Establishment Institute (TEI)

Caleb Amilicar Senior Research Associate, Truth Establishment Institute (TEI)

[TEI P.O. BOX 308 CHICAGO, IL, USA 60690 ]

Visit The Truth Establishment Institute (TEI)

Read TEI's Recent Interview with Prof. Tony Matin

Read Caleb Amilicar's review of The Jewish Onslaught by Prof. Tony Martin.

See also TEI's review of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 9 of 17

Response to Jasper from

Mr. Lee Jasper, In an email addressed to Professor Tony Martin you state that because he spoke at 2 conferences in 2001 and 2002 which "included speakers known for their anti-Semitic and racist activities including Holocaust denial, the Mayor's Office has decided to withdraw its invitation" for him to speak at the Black History Month, First Voice Conference on Saturday 25th October. This is diabolical!

1) Are you saying that any African person who accepts an invitation to speak on any platform in any environment that your Jewish masters disapprove of is not fit to speak to the African community in London?

2) Marcus Garvey is arguably the greatest African leader of the 20th Century. There is no one (including his children) more knowledgeable about the legacy of Marcus Garvey than Professor Tony Martin, so why deprive the African community of that knowledge?

3) Why do you kowtow to a few Jews who object to him continuing to expose their duplicity in relation to African people and our history?

4) What is this "close association" you refer to between Professor Tony Martin and "extreme right wing academics and organisations" that left you with "no alternative but to withdraw" the invitation?

5) What evidence do you have of a "close association" between Tony Martin and anti- African academics and organisations which would make him essentially a traitor to our community?

6) Can any African person or group of people dictate to the Jews who they should invite to their conferences or who they can and can't listen to?

I await your speedy response.

Bro. Spartacus


Sis. Carol Taylor's Response to the "Robotic" Lee Jasper

As The First Black U.S. Flight Attendant, the President/Founder of The Institute For "Interracial" Harmony, Incorporated, as a BlackActivist of recognized-longstanding and an Elder, I strenuously object to Lee Jasper's robotic revocation of the invitation, to the Hon. Tony Martin, tenured Wellesley Professor, to speak at the (London) Mayor's First Voice Conference, Lodnon, England, October, 2003.

If this socially retarded action is reflective of the state of Color Relations (not 'race relations' - there is only ONE 'race,' the HUMAN one), in merry old England, then the inhabitants of that island are in dire trouble. 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 10 of 17

Dr. Martin is one of the most gifted, brilliant academicians of our century. His ability for accurately assessing racist/colorist strategies of special interest groups is flawless - as is amply demonstrated in his "The Jewish Onslaught." Would-be tacticians are advised to study "The Art of War;' they should also be advised to study Dr. Martin's "The Jewish Onslaught" - because it is a multifaceted operations guide for everyday Black African survival.

Lee Jasper has perpetrated an illogical, mindless guilt-by-association action which, in my estimation, renders him counterproductive to the progressive, anti-colorist programs of the many organizations with which I understand he is connected, including Member of the Mayor's Advisory Cabinet respondible for 'race relations,' National AntiRacist Network, National Black Alliance, Scotland Yard Op. Trident Lay Advisory Group, National Assembly Against Racism, National Black Student Alliance, Black Jewish Forum, among far too many others, considering his senseless, untreated racist/colorist action against Dr. Martin.

I am truly appalled.

Carol Taylor R.N. President/Founder: The Institute For "Interracial" Harmony, Inc. [email protected]

Response from the Hon Marcus Garvey's UNIA to the "Rude" Lee Jasper

To whom it may concern,

As the 3rd Assistant President General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association- African Communities League of the world, I am very surprised you have decided to place your upcoming First Voice Conference on the wrong side of Ourstory History. Dr. Carter G. Woodson, Hon. Marcus Garvey, and coutless other ancestors would strongly condem and object to your rude revocation of invitation to Dr. Tony Martin tenured Wellesley Professor, Author & Publisher of the New Marcus Garvey Library and world reknown as well as respected educator.

As a Garveyite and student of the works, words and deeds of both Hon. Marcus Garvey and Dr. Carter G. Woodson, I am also very dissapointed and upset, that you have made this critical mistake in history. Dr. Tony Martin is very sincere to the cause of Race First, Self Reliance, and the upliftment of Africans at home and abroad, and to label him anything else is completely unfounded and not a true account of his character.

Since you have taken this incorrect position in our story and current history in the making during Oct. 2003, we shall be left with no choice, but speak the truth to our people at home and abroad. Our Brothers and Sisters in the UK are not so unaware to except this critical action in a month which has been called Black Heritage Month, inspired by the Black History Month held in the USA and founded by Dr. Carter G. Woodson.

Here in the USA we are beginning to wonder what your true purpose and objective is, since it seems that you have lost sight of the true intent of our Black/African Heritage Comemerations. The Truth Crushed to Earth Has Risen and no one will be able to stop the TRUTH to be Spoken to Power whether within or outside of our African Race.

As a Parent Body member of the greatest of African Associations the world has ever know at home and abroad, I warn you and your staff that Facts shall always maintain themselves. 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 11 of 17

I remain to Serve, Senghor Jawara Baye-EL 3rd Assistant President General UNIA-ACL of the world

UK Black History Month Event Background, by Lester Lewis

Weekly Column 29 September 2003 TELLING THE AFRICAN STORY

October has come around again so it is Black History Month (BHM) in Britain. But the one thing that hardly happens in BHM is the telling of the African Story. The Black activists who pioneered the teaching of Black history in Britain are struggling to get a look in as the government, through the National Lottery Commission, has launched a determined campaign to hijack BHM.

BHM is an import from the USA. It was the North American African historian Carter G. Woodson who pioneered Negro History Month is the US in the early part of the last century. Woodson was concerned that the history of the African peoples of the world was being told by Europeans. They wrote Black history as the story of the conqueror for the conquered. He wrote two books on the subject. These are The Miseducation of the Negro and The Education of the Negro prior to 1861. So BHM in the USA was meant to correct this miseducation.

Similarly, Black children who go to school in Britain are being miseducated. That is why, when the Hackney Black Peoples Association launched a series of public lectures on Black History starting in 1984, they were very well attended. The first public lectures were given by Dr. Leonard Jeffries, then Head of the Department of Black studies at City College in as part of the Hackney Black Arts and Cultural Festival.

At that time, Dan Thea, the Kenyan Head of the Hackney Race Equality Unit was assisting HBPA. The establishment of Race Equality Units in local authorities was a response to the youth rebellion of the early 80s. In his book Staying Power, Peter Fryer shows that black youths staged rebellions against racial oppression in numerous British cities.

It was the apparent popularity of these public lectures that led to the Greater London Council-Inner London Education Authority being persuaded by Addai Sebo to adopt October as BHM in Britain. Since then, it has become a national phenomenon. One report suggests that as many as 1400 events are planned nationally for this month. The one thing that is not being dealt with is the demand by school students to be taught their own history in English schools.

Conscious of their racial and cultural identities, Black school students are alienated by being forced to learn the history of other peoples and cultures as though as a racial and cultural group, Africans have no history. This cultural alienation is the principal factor that has led to Black school students rejecting what they are taught in other subjects. The continued suspension of Black boys is a result of an African Cultural Resistance Movement in English schools. But the real consequence of this cultural alienation is the extremely high proportion of Black school leavers who leave school without any academic qualifications.

From since the 1960s, this problem has been apparent in English schools, hence the Swan Commission and numerous other commissions to look at the so-called underachievement of Black children. Black youths are being told that they are under achievers. The truth is 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 12 of 17

that they are being miseducated. That is what Carter G. Woodson wanted to deal with in establishing Negro History Month. Not only central government, but numerous local authorities have focused on underachievement rather than cultural education through miseducation.

In the 1980s, Brent Local Education Authority set up what was supposed to be a sophisticated programme to promote racial equality in Education. But they were looking at the wrong target. One of the questions they asked was "Why Black children resist what they were being taught in schools?" The solution they came up with was a Cognitive Modification Programme imported from Israel. I wrote about this at the time and said the purpose was to perform psychological experiments in the classroom in order to change toe cognitive styles of Black children. Certain sections of he Jewish Community took umbrage to this and launched a scurrilous campaign against this writer in the Jewish controlled media.

Berkshire Local Education Authority had adopted a comprehensive policy of Education for Racial Equality. Not that it made much difference to what was happening in the schools in the Royal county. When they attempted to change this to introduce a cognitive modification programme under the guise of an Action Plan, it led to outrage. The Action Plan was withdrawn after a campaign led by Berkshire County Councillor Joe Williams.

Rather than deal with this problem of cultural alienation, the authorities are attempting to hijack BHM and use it as an instrument for controlling Blacks. It started with the Home Office using the Commission for Racial Equality to produce glossy magazines for BHM and using them as a tool to recruit young Blacks into the army and police. This strategy failed. Next came the National Lottery Commission. It put up £500,000 for BHM. Most of the money went to established British institutions like the British Museum. Black organisations hardly got a look in. This year, the Victoria and Albert Museum has a month long programme for BHM including food tasting.

Also this year, London Mayor Ken Livingstone and his flunkey Lee Jasper are promoting themselves as champions of Black History. But Lee Jasper is a Jewish agent working within the Black Community. Jewish agencies funded his 1990 Trust and promoted it as a force for positive change within the Black community. But the opposite is true as witnessed by its Operation Black Vote.

Jasper and the 1990 Trust mounted an expensive London wide campaign to persuade Black people to go out and vote for the Labour Party. This is opposite to the Campaign for Black Representation that surfaced in Hackney in the 1980s. It had positive outcomes with the selection and election of Diane Abbot as the Member of Parliament for Hackney North and Stoke Newington and the election of nineteen Black Councillors in Hackney in 1986. But that campaign could not withstand the onslaught launched against it by white members of the Labour party.

It was the success of that campaign that persuaded Jasper and his funders to launch Operation Black Vote. Despite its massive funding, not a single Black Member of Parliament or a single Black Councillor has been elected as a result of Operation Black Vote. Only one Black MP has been elected since the 1980s. This is David Lammy who succeeded Bernie Grant. He is very well educated, very intelligent and articulate. The only problem is that he is being used to promote the New Colonialism. Has anyone heard Lammy utter a single word criticising the US-British invasion and occupation of Iraq despite the massive opposition within the black community? Like Colin Powell and Condoleeza (condemned) Rice in the USA, he will go far. 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 13 of 17

It was also interesting to note that Jasper wrote a paper putting himself forward as leader of the campaign for reparations for slavery and colonialism in Britain. This was rejected by Pan Africanists in the forefront of the campaign. He also tried to disrupt the Marcus Garvey birthday celebrations in Brixton last year. He planned an open-air rally right next to the rally celebrating Garvey's 115th birthday. Apart from the sound hired sound systems meant t! o play loud music to drown out the speakers at the Marcus Garvey event, only the police and paid staff of the 1990 trust turned up. They were forced to call off their event. What became clear is that this much promoted spokesman for the black community has no real support within this community and that he spoke only for himself and his funders.

But the history of the African peoples of the world is being written by from an African cultural standpoint by Africans with the European contact being seen purely as an African experience. Historians such as the late Cheikh Anta Diop of Senegal, Theophile Obenga of Congo and Professor Adu Boahen of Ghana forced UNESCO to adopt that position in writing the General History of Africa. Indeed, a new school of history has developed among African scholars who follow in the footsteps of Diop.

Using the pages of the French language presence Africaine, Diop articulated the view that human civilisation developed in Africa (see his African Origin of Civilisation Myth or Reality). This view was rejected by his teachers at the Sorborne in Paris where he studied for his doctorate. Having originally refused him his PhD, they could not refuse him when he marshaled witnesses and the evidence of history to support the fact.

European writers of the African story have tended to write Africans out of history. But when Africans were civilised and lived in cities, Europe had not been named and was still virgin forest. It was the Africans from who built the first university in Europe at Salamanca in Spain, then a colony of the Almorovides who initially came from the area around Senegal. The news from Spain is that the Basques are seeking autonomy and eventually independence from Spain. What the Spanish will never tell you is that one of their most famous cities, Barcelona, was founded by the African Hamilcar Barca, the father of Hannibal, the most famous military strategist in history.

The British objection to the teaching of Black history in British schools may be concerned with the history of black people in Britain. In early British history, Blacks are not in the lowly position they are in today. Blacks are shown as Kings, rulers, invaders and conquerors. They appear in various aspects of British mythology including the mythological story of the legendary King Arthur.

Blacks ruled in Scotland and Nothumbria. Black rulers in Britain imposed the head tax from which the term blackmail comes. It was known as watch money or mail money and because it was a tax imposed by Blacks, it eventually became known as Blackmail. It was the long held memory of this head tax first imposed by Blacks that led to such mass resistance when Margaret Thatcher imposed a poll tax that was similar in nature. The negative connotations to the word black in the English only arose when the Blacks were defeated in Scotland in 1445. So we see that Blacks have been written out of the British story.

It is a shame and a pity that in some African countries, the European version of the African story i.e. the story of the conqueror is still being taught in their schools. In one of his books, Chinweizu complained about writing by African writers writing from a European standpoint being taught in African universities as the only African literature. He described this as being like a mangrove of hybrid saplings in the vast and ancient forest of African literature.

We may soon see the publication of some of the older African writings. The works of 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 14 of 17

Ahmed Baba, who wrote over forty books while teaching at the University of Timbuktu, should be published. So should the epic poem written about Sundiata. Legend has it that the families in Mali preserved these writings. Diasporan Africans make regular pilgrimages to Timbuktu.

In the meantime, with so many events planned for BHM, the question is whether these events tell the African story or whether the British Government will succeed in its attempt to hijack another African institution. Already, BHM is being promoted as an Afro-Asian event. But in the 1980s, the Home Office through one of its arms, the Commission for Racial Equality, gave instructions that Asians should not be described as black. But where money and the distortion of the African story is concerned, changing one's racial identity comes easily.

Lester Lewis

[Make your views known: Either call the London Celebrates Black Heritage Hotline +44 (0) 20 7983 4969, or email: [email protected].]


by Lester Lewis

The front page of the Zionist JEWISH CHRONICLE of Friday October 17, 2003 carries the headline: "Livingstone bars anti-Jewish historian from conference." One can trust the Zionist Chronicles to to spread confusion about an issue that has enraged he Black community in London. Martin has been barred from speaking on the conference platform. He is not barred from attend! ing the conference. Professor Tony Martin is a lecturer at Wellesley College, USA and the world's foremost scholar on the life and works of the Honourable Marcus Garvey. He was invited to speak at a Black History conference in London organised by Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London. The invitation was withdrawn on the basis of the correspondence reproduced here.

(October 15, 2003 Jasper letter, above)

Despite claims to the contrary by the Zionist Chronicles, what has emerged is that the Jewish Chronicle, in collaboration with other Jews and Zionists, put pressure on London Mayor Ken Livingstone to withdraw the invitation to Tony Martin.

This is the second time that Jews have decided that they will determine who will speak to the Black community in London. The first was when they had Louis Farrakhan banned in 1986. That this is an international Jewish conspiracy to humiliate and insult the black community in Britain can not be denied. They have fought a long and bitter campaign against Tony Martin. Yet they have been unsuccessful in their objective of having him dismissed from his post at Wellesley College.

They were upset when Dr. Martin put a new book on the reading list for his students. This book is entitles THE SECRET RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BLACKS AND JEWS. All the information contained in the book was taken from ! written Jewish sources so it is irrefutable. Notwithstanding, the Jews branded Tony Martin as anti-semitic. 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 15 of 17

For the record, Semitic is a linguistic term. Most of the Semitic languages are spoken in Africa. Also, being a Jew has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. Judaism, the Jewish religion is multi-racial and multi-lingual.

Now, Wellesley College is where the white protestant American establishment sends their daughters to finishing school. Hilary Clinton, wife of former US President Bill Clinton, is a former student at Wellesley. In the middle of their campaign against Martin, the Jews were humiliated by former students who held a grand banquet in honour of the distinguished Professor.

Besides that, Tony Martin answered the Jewish-Zionist attack in a book entitled, The Jewish Onslaught: Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront. This is available in bookshops in London. Here, Professor Martin details the machinations, lies and anti-African racist propaganda of who led the campaign against him, and other Jewish- Zionist writers.

But why is a White London Mayor getting involved in organising events for Black History Month in Britain. The month of October is designated BHM in Britain. It came on the back of a series of popular Black History lectures organised by Pan African activists in London. It now seems that the purpose was to make it a British establishment event to be used as one of the tools for controlling Black people in Britain. In this regard, the British authorities have been trying to hijack an African event and turn itd into a multi-racial event including Asians and Jews.

The vehicle first used for this purpose was the Commission for Racial Equality, an arm of the Home Office and thus a part of the s! tate machinery. It began by publishing glossy magazines and using them to try to recruit blacks into the ranks of the British army and police. That strategy having failed, the next vehicle was the National Lottery Commission. In 2001, the NLC put up £500,000 ($800,000) for BHM in a blaze of publicity. Most of the money went to the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Mudseum, institutions for the promotion of British imperialist culture.

London Mayor Ken Livingstone is also using the financial muscle of the Greater London Authority as part of the process of hijacking BHM, of defining the African story which for the white rulers of Britain, is the story of the conqueror for the conquered.

It is a fact of life that some blacks who describe themselves as radicals are cynical careerists and opportunists who follow the money. Most of them are colonials who betray the Black cause when they are called upon to do so. Not surprisingly, a number of them ended up in the equalities and policing unit in he Mayor's office. In the case of lee Jasper, he volunteered to work as an agent of Jews and Zionists within the Black community, promoting himself as a black leader but not saying on whose behalf he isd working.

Jasper came to prominence with the launch of the Jewish financed 1990 Trust. It fell to him ! to carry out the instructions of the Jews to bar Tony Martin from speaking at the conference. He has publicly stated that his ambition is to become a Labour Party Member of Parliament. He has the support of the metropolitan police and his Jewish masters. He is notorious for trying to disrupt an open-air rally held in Brixton in August 2002 to celebrate the 115th birthday of the Honourable Marcus Garvey.

Jasper also put himself forward as leader of the African Reparations Movement in Britain but Reparations activists have shunned him. As part of Livingstone's BHM programme, he put himself forward as a candidate for the title of Greatest Black Britain. Also on the list is Baroness Vvalerie Amos who has been brought in as a replacement speaker for Tony 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 16 of 17

Martin. Previously, she has not shown any interest in Black History. She is notorious for attending the United Nations World Conference Against Racism in Soudth Africa in 2001 to argue that slavery is not a crime against humanity. She represented the British government at that event.

Another person on the list is Queen Sophia Charlotte Mmicklenburg who as queen of Britain during the days of slavery, never lifted a finger in condemnation of this inhuman practice. The list includes names of historical Africans who lived in Britain at some time in their lives. Notable absentees from the list include Kwame Nkrumah and the Honourable Marcus Garvey.

It seems that anyone who does not speak of the Jews in glowing terms is branded anti- semitic. The London Guardian newspaper reported that "A senior editor of he US based New Republican magazine has apologised for writing in his column that the producers of the film 'Kill Bill' are Jewish Executives who worship money." At the same time, the Jews launched an international campaign to condemn Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad as racist and anti-semitic. Mohamad told a conference in Malaysia that "Jewsd are running the world by proxy."

But Mohathir Mohamad is no racist. He ! staunchly supported Zimbabwe in its conflict with Britain. Anyone who doubts that Jews seek to control the world by proxy should look at the architects of the Project for the New American Century under which the US invaded and occupied Iraq. They are mainly Jews. They forced US President George Bush to overplay his hand and now the US stands exposed as a declining power.

Doubters can also read Shingai Rukwata Ndoro's SECRET RIGHT WING FORCES AGAINST ZIMBABWE. This shows how Jews are the leading force financing the campaign against President Robert Mugabe and the Land Reform Programme in Zimbabwe.

I too have personal experience of a Jewish hate campaign in the Jewish controlled media. Like Tony Martin, I found myself on the front page of the Jewish Chronicle in 1988. I was then working as a Community Relations Officer at the Reading Council for Racial Equality. The Jewish hate campaign was aimed at having me dismissed from my post.

My crimes were that I had pointed out a cognitive Modification Modification programme imported from Israel that was to be used on Black children attending school in the London borough of Brent. The purpose was to change the cognitive styles of Black children who rejected what they were being taught in these schools. My second crime was that I had campaigned to lift the ban on Louis Farrakhan entering Britain, imposed at the instigation of British Jews.

An inquiry found that while there were a lot of accusations, there was no evidence of me being anti-Jewish. The only evidence seen by the inquiry was of me doing things for the benefit of Jews. My evidence to the Inquiry was the contents of Psalms chapter 35 in the Holy Torah. They failed in their campaign just as they have failed miserably in heir campaign against Tony Martin.

I take the view that if the Jewish story as told in the Holy Torah is to be believed then the Jews an ungrateful people who should bow down to Blacks. After all, we have saved them three times in their history. These Jews, who today practice anti-African racism as the norm have forgotten one thing they learned during their sojourn in Africa. This is the African teaching that "Things turn into their opposites." Since they have forgotten, their own history should teach them the truth of that saying. With the decline of imperialism, they will find it increasingly difficult to get others to do their bidding. 26/10/2003 Prof. Tony Martin Dis-Invited to UK! Page 17 of 17

Lester Lewis

e-mail Professor Martin

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