The Good News! St

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The Good News! St The April 22, 2018 Good News! Fourth Sunday of Easter Annushka Bernadette Adanlete Marcus Benedict Kriener Matthew Michael Allen Emily Teresa Kriener Allison Kateri Tekakwitha Bash Kylie Katherine Laferriere Makayla Teresa Baughman Michael Polycarp Lee Teigan James Becker Thomas Augustine Leiden Henry Gregory the Great Biesanz Sophia-Rae Thomas More Mace Fayth Benedicta Hyon Nathan Maximilian Manhart Kyongnyon Boer Nathan Ignatius McCoy Kayla Katharine Brezack Jamison Gerald Moisset Isabel Katherine Castillo Joan Sebastian Montgomery Quincy Francis of Assisi Emily Philomena Mordeson Cervantes Faith Maria Goretti Morrison Cecelia Agatha of Sicily Clites Alexander James Narducci Niamh Caoimhe Corrigan Skylar Kateri Tekakwitha Troy Stephen Coughlin Needham Kaley Ann Cubrich Jack Ignatius of Antioch Noble Gabriel Christopher Dlouhy Jacob Sebastian Orr Luke Matthew Fenton Nicholas Philip Ostapowicz Josette Catherine of Alexandria Anamaria Anne Palacio Frazell Krischan Gabriel Papst John Thomas Aquinas Freitag Jennifer Genevieve Perry Jadon Michael Gbetanou Rachel Maria Goretti Phillips Jonathan Luke Ghaffari Tyler Matthew Phillips Josephine Monica Golka Bethany Rose Rihanek Simon Francis Gurney Sykora Philomena Roberts Diego Paul Hamilton March 31 Kit John Hamilton Anna Rose Schmidt Bradley Michael Harrison Augustine Augustine of Hippo Shawn Isidore of Seville Hojnacke Schwarz Libby Clare of Assisi Hubschman Caden Sebastian Sexton Derek Hippolytus Incontro Austin Sebastian Shiner Brodey Thomas Johnson Jakob Joseph Smith Andrew James Joppa Will Leo Sprakel Makayla Maria Goretti Kennedy Curtis Dieu-Donne Tchibozo Stephen Gerard Kimminau Lexus Margaret Tenorio Jacob Michael Kinney Jack Joseph Thompson Avery Philomena Kinnison Kaleb Stephen Vinson Adam Francis Kleymann Mason Andrew Wickstrom Lucas Sebastian Kloewer Matthew Christopher Wilmes Samantha Lucy Kluthe Fabiola Alexandria Zapatero EUCHARIST: St. RECTORY: Daily Mass 9025 Larimore Avenue M-F 6:30 a.m. & 8:15 a.m.; James Omaha, NE 68134 Catholic Church Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday at 8:30 a.m. and St. James/Seton Catholic School 402-572-0499 office Saturday Vigil Mass 402-573-9345 fax 5:00 p.m. EMAIL [email protected] Sunday Masses ONLINE 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. CONFESSION: ST. JAMES/SETON SCHOOL: Saturday 3 to 4:30 p.m. 4720 N. 90th Street or by appointment 402-572-0339 Bill Koley Jr. This Week’s Activities . * Fr. Tom’s Thoughts Sunday, April 22 * Mass, 7:30 a.m. * Mass, 9:30 a.m. , (Sacred Music Choir) Dear Dear Parishioners, amazing resume and was available and inter- ested. Peter and his wife, Karla, have been * Mass, 11:30 a.m. (11:30 Music Group) Happy Good Shepherd * parishioners at St. James for more than 10 Mass, 5:00 p.m. (5:00 Music Group) Sunday! Today we cele- * SoulCore, 7 p.m. years. They currently have four children enrolled brate Jesus’ attribute of * Monday, April 23 at St. James/Seton and another who will attend being THE Good Shep- * Daily Mass, 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. in a few years. In his most recent position, Peter * herd. He is actually calling Tai Chi, 9:30 am was the Manager of Family Life ministries for the * Bible Study, 1 pm Himself God by saying, “I Am” which is the Archdiocese of Omaha and previously the Man- * Book Club, 7 pm, Family Room name God calls Himself. It is truly a remarkable * ager of Adult Faith Formation and Evangeliza- Celebrate Recovery, 7 pm Gospel passage that tells us Jesus loves us so * tion. Peter comes to us with more than 15 years Legion of Mary, 7:30 pm much that He would lay down His life for us, His * of experience teaching and coaching at the jun- Tuesday, April 24 sheep; and He did. On this Fourth Sunday of * Daily Mass, 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. ior high, high school, and college level and with Easter we meditate on * Wednesday, April 25 more than 25 years of what the Good Shepherd * Daily Mass, 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. As pastor, I have only two hands experience in ministry. He * means to us – which is Jr. High Choir Rehearsal, 3:15 pm but together we have thousands. holds an undergraduate * High School Praise Rehearsal, 5:30 pm everything. * PRE, 6-7:15 pm degree in theology, phi- * Evangelization Core Team, 7 pm For obvious reasons, today is also the World losophy, and education from St. John’s Univer- * Knights of Columbus Officers and Directors Day of Prayer for Vocations. We have such a sity, a M.A. in theology from the Notre Dame Meeting, 7:30 pm great need for men and women to come forward Graduate School of Christendom College, and * Thursday, April 26 and offer their lives to God in faithful service of an Advanced Apostolic Catechetical Diploma * Daily Mass, 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. His people. Because of the busyness, noise and from the Holy See. He is currently in diaconate * Alanon, 5:30 pm * Confirmation Practice, 7 pm chaos of the world today, it is particularly difficult formation with an anticipated ordination date of * First Act Rehearsal, 7 pm to discern a religious vocation. We must pray so May, 2019. * that young men and women can hear the Holy Blue Army, 7 pm In his work, Peter will be charged with assisting * BRIDGES Bible Study, 7 pm Spirit calling them to serve God’s holy people. St. James parishioners to experience a deeper * Friday, April 27 Today in the narthex we will have holy cards on encounter with Jesus Christ, to assist parishion- * Daily Mass, 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. the tables and we invite everyone to pick one up * ers in strengthening the bonds of this commu- Parish Wide Day of Prayer and to pray for more priests, deacons, religious * Tai Chi, 9:30 am nity, and to help people identify God's call for and consecrated men and women. * Women’s Study and Prayer Group, 10 am them in their individual lives, with the goal of * Confirmation, 7 pm I would also like to mention a staffing change raising up many new missionary endeavors for * Saturday, April 28 that is happening in our parish offices. Josie our community. We hope to hear from many of * Daily Mass, 8:30 a.m. * Lawn Crew #4 Clarey has recently you in the coming * Vigil Mass, 5:00 p.m. (Hatt Family) chosen to go ahead months about any of * Server Training, 6:30-7:30 pm and pursue a teach- the ways you feel * Sunday, April 29 ing career and so is called to help in this * Mass, 7:30 a.m. leaving us after four effort. As pastor, I * Mass, 9:30 a.m. , Knights of Columbus Corpo- years of dedicated have only two hands rate Communion Mass. Doughnuts and fel- lowship after 9:30 am Mass (Sacred Music) effort for us and for but together we have * Mass, 11:30 a.m. (11:30 Music Group) our school. She will thousands. I look * Server Training, 2-3 p.m. continue, for a while, forward to working * Mass, 5:00 p.m. (5:00 Music Group) setting up our litur- with him and I pray * SoulCore, 7 p.m. gies until we find a that everyone will be Server Training Dates replacement. I really open to the working Tom K. and Fr. Toby will lead server training: and sincerely thank of the Holy Spirit in April 21 6:30-7:30 p.m., April 28 6:30-7:30 p.m., her for her hard work our midst in the and April 29 from 2-3 p.m. (If any server is un- for us over these future. able to attend one of these sessions, please con- years. This past year tact Fr. Toby.) New servers are asked to attend she has been spear- one of these sessions. Other servers who want a heading our new refresher are welcome to attend. If your student has not signed up yet for being an altar server for evangelization ef- Masses and would like to do so, please contact forts which we are about to unfold. She has Have a great week! God bless you! Fr. Toby. Boys and girls in the 5th-7th grades for done a great job and we will certainly miss her. the current academic year (2017-2018) are eligi- ble to become new servers . Questions? Contact Fortunately for us, we have already found a Fr. Toby: 402-572-0499 replacement to lead our new evangelization Fr. Tom Weisbecker or [email protected] programs. Peter Kennedy comes to us with an I BELIEVE IN ONE GOD, THEand FATHER ALMIGHTY, MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, OF ALL THINGS VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE. I BELIEVE IN ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST, 2 April 22, 2018 The Good News! St. James for Life In Our Prayers Special Intentions To request prayers for your special intentions, LIFE LINES please contact Kristi Mancuso, at 402-933-6509 WCaroline Michaelis between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. or email at: Pray to End Abortion [email protected]. You may also request Mother of Scott (Michelle) Regretfully, abortions are performed at Planned prayers for your special intentions from the and Sister of Phyllis (Dan) Rosloniec Parenthood, 3105 N. 93rd St. every Monday be- Catholic Daughters Our Lady of Faith Rosary tween 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Fr. Frank Baumert will Chain . Please contact Shirley Simons May, 402 lead prayer every third Monday of the month, -572-1349, [email protected] between 11 a.m.
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