Saint Roman Laguna Beach, CA

Month of the Passion of Our Lord Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2019 I will sing of your salvation. Psalm 71

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2019 Page 2 Welcome to Our Parish

MISSION STATEMENT—We, the community of St. Catherine of Siena Parish, located within the larger, diverse and artistic seaside community of Laguna Beach, recognize and celebrate the uniqueness which is grounded in the sacred mysteries and traditions of the Roman Catho- lic Church and in the history and lives of our individuals, families and leaders. Built on these roots, and in order to see the world as God sees it, we commit ourselves to: being a welcoming sanctuary and a place of prayer and worship, nurturing, assisting, encouraging and serving all those in need, offering all generations opportunities for personal and communal growth, and,

by these commitments, to honor our call to evangelization. ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA CHURCH 1042 Temple Terrace  Laguna Beach, CA 92651 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Phone: (949) 494-9701 Fax: (949) 497-2610 On the First Friday of each month we gather in prayer and praise before the Blessed Sacrament. Following the 8 a.m. Mass and concluding at 8 p.m.

OFFICE HOURS Mon—Thurs 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Fri 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Parents of infants requesting information about Baptism may contact Father Closed Saturday & Sunday Ken in the parish office. Infant baptisms are celebrated on the second Saturday of the month.

SUNDAY EUCHARIST (MASS) CELEBRATION OF CHRISTIAN FUNERALS Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) At the time of death, a family member should contact the parish office, as Sundays: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.,11:00 a.m., soon as possible, to arrange the date and time for the Funeral Liturgy.

1:30 p.m. Spanish and 5:30 p.m. Mon - Sat 8:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples must begin preparation for their Sacrament at least six months prior HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION MASS SCHEDULE to their proposed wedding date. Please call the parish office for more 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. information.

CLERGY SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Rev. Kenneth A. Schmit—Pastor The third Saturday of each month after the 8:00 a.m. Mass. In the event of Ext. 111 or [email protected] serious illness or medical emergency, Anointing of the Sick and Eucharist may be arranged by contacting the parish office

Rev. Stack, O. Praem—Sunday Assistance CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Adults requesting information about full initiation and communion with the Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirma- tion) may contact the office for more info.—949-494-9701, ext. 113

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturdays: 4:00—5:00 p.m. (or by appointment) PARISH STAFF

ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA PARISH SCHOOL Susan Daley-Ministry Coordinator/Office Manager (Transitional Kindergarten—8th Grade) Ext. 118 or [email protected] 30516 So. Coast Hwy w Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Phone: (949) 494-7339 Fax: (949) 376-5752

Lisa Marcus-Parish Administrator & Bookkeeper Ext. 131 or [email protected] Dr. Jennifer Maan—School Principal Charles Stephenson-Director, Music Ministry Ext. 211 or [email protected]

Gina Stewart-Director, Youth Religious Education/ Informacion en Espanol Carmela Davidheiser - Business Manager Ext. 119 or [email protected] Ext. 212 or [email protected]


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2019 Page 3 At Our Parish


St. Agatha, also known as Agatha of , is one of the most highly venerated of the Catholic Church. It is believed that she was born around 231 in either or , Sicily to a rich and noble family.

From her very early years, the notably beautiful Agatha dedicated her life to God. She became a consecrated virgin, a state in life where young women choose to remain celibate and give themselves wholly to Jesus and the Church in a life of prayer and service. That did not stop men from desiring her and making unwanted advances toward her.

However, one of the men who desired Agatha, whose name was Quintianus, because he was of a high diplomatic ranking, thought he could force her to turn away from her vow and force her to marry. His persistent proposals were consistently spurned by Agatha, so Quintianus, knowing she was a Christian during the persecution of Decius, had her arrested and brought before the judge. He was the Judge.

He expected her to give in to his demands when she was faced with torture and possible death, but she simply reaf- firmed her belief in God by praying: "Jesus Christ, Lord of all, you see my heart, you know my desires. Possess all that I am. I am your sheep: make me worthy to overcome the devil." With tears falling from her eyes, she prayed for cour- age.

To force her to change her mind, Quintianus had her imprisoned - in a brothel. Agatha never lost her confidence in God, even though she suffered a month of assaults and efforts to get her to abandon her vow to God and go against her virtue. Quintianus heard of her calm strength and ordered that she be brought before him once again. During her interrogation, she told him that to be a servant of Jesus Christ was her true freedom.

Enraged, Quintianus sent her off to prison instead of back to the brothel -- a move intended to make her even more afraid, but it was probably a great relief to her.

Agatha continued to proclaim Jesus as her Savior, Lord, Life and Hope. Quintianus ordered her to be tortured. He had her stretched on a rack to be torn with iron hooks, burned with torches, and whipped. Noticing Agatha was enduring all the torture with a sense of cheer, he commanded she be subjected to a worse form of torture ? this evil man ordered that her breasts be cut off.

He then sent her back to prison with an order of no food or medical attention. But the Lord gave her all the care she needed. He was her Sacred Physician and protector. Agatha had a vision of the apostle, St. Peter, who comforted her and healed her wounds through his prayers.

After four days, Quintianus ignored the miraculous cure of her wounds. He had her stripped naked and rolled over na- ked over hot coals which were mixed with sharp shards. When she was returned to prison, Agatha prayed, "Lord, my Creator, you have ever protected me from the cradle; you have taken me from the love of the world, and given me pa- tience to suffer: receive now my soul."

Agatha is believed to have passed into Heaven around the year 251.

She is commonly featured in religious art with shears, tongs, or breasts on a plate.

St. Agatha is the patron of Sicily, bellfounders, breast cancer patients, Palermo, rape victims, and wet nurses. She is also considered to be a powerful intercessor when people suffer from fires.

Prayer: Saint Agatha, you suffered sexual assault and indignity because of your faith and purity. Help heal all those who are survivors of sexual assault and protect those women who are in danger. Amen

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2019 Page 4 Readings, Intentions, & Special Observances


Monday: Heb 11:32-40; Ps 31:20-24; Mk 5:1-20 Sunday: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Boy Scouting Sunday Mk 5:21-43 Tuesday: St. Agatha; Chinese New Year 4717 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, Wednesday: St. Paul Miki and Companions 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Friday: St. Emiliani; St. Josephine Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Bakhita; Mk 6:7-13 International Day of Prayer and Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3,5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Awareness against Human Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Trafficking Mk 6:30-34 Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11


In his hometown synagogue, Jesus’ neighbors are amazed by his words. Nevertheless, they remind each other, “Is this not ’s son?” Surely the people know who he is. The carpenter’s son. The young man who had learned in this very synagogue. The boy down the street. Conflict arises as Jesus begins to define himself in a new way. When he compares himself to the ancient prophets and Elisha the tensions grow. The tensions multiply when Jesus begins to tell of a new mission for God’s people: the good news of the scriptures is intended for all. In his famous passage from the First Letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul reminds us of the eternal nature of love. Love does not come to an end. In today’s readings, we are reminded that, like love, Jesus’ mission cannot be contained. Jesus slips through the crowd of persecutors and moves on to new challenges. We are called to this same perseverance in the name of love. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Please pray for the sick:

Harry Allen Claire Marcus Malea Anderson Lauriann Meyer Charles Cambruzzi Melinda Munoz Jakie Canali Jared Nelson Margaret Chase Hiroko Nishimaya Rick Ciaccio Steve Pfeffer Myrla Clark Billie Quam Intentions—8:00 a.m. Mass Conor Davis Anthony Ramirez Therese Davis Richard Robertson Mon: Sarah Delacruz Mary Ann Schaeffer Tue: Laura Ewing Eleanor Schmidt Wed: Paul Freeman Gary Seddon Thurs: Ruby Garcia Ann Shea Fri: Patricia Gonzalez Mike Soto Sat: Mary Lou Halla Halina Stanaland Steven Handwerk Regine Stanaland Mary Hobson Francis Szeibert Ed Johnson Aria Tremblay Pray for those in the Armed Forces: Teresa Johnson Sam Vasquez Jim Kollenda Troy Wagner Erin Bevacqua, Captain, USMC Ghinka Wilson Evan Dineen, Major, USAF

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2019 Page 5 Ministries


Altar Servers Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Art & Environment Virginia Atherton 497-1904 Extraordinary Ministers Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Extraordinary Ministers To Sick & Homebound Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Homeless Shelter Dinners Lisa Staight 949-852-4442 Jovenes Para Cristo Felix Cruz 949-202-9412 Evaristo Reyes 949-616-0733 Lectors Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Men’s Fellowship Joe Bevacqua 714-747-3122 Music Charles Stephenson [email protected] Orange Diocesan Council Catholic Women Judy MacPherson Prayer Line Parish Office 494-9701 Religious Education Gina Stewart 494-9701, x119 RCIA please leave message 494-9701, x113 Respect Life Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Sacristans Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Sick & Homebound Visits Parish Office 494-9701 Ushers Susan Daley 494-9701, x118 Women’s Council Stephanie Andrews [email protected]

Ministry Coordinator: Susan Daley, 494-9701, x118 or [email protected]

St. Catherine’s Parish Men’s Retreat - March 8-10, 2019. Weekly Collection

The peace of God which surpasses all understanding can heal our pain, January 14 - 20, 2019 can rub the healing balm of love on our sorrow and worry, and more. The beatudes are a perfect model for us living in an “anxious world” and can deliver internal peace by Living the Word from the cen- ter of our soul. Come, let us share with you how! Envelope $ 3,327.00 Loose $ 2,839.00 Our retreat begins Friday evening with a buffet supper and concludes Sunday aer lunch. Private rooms available. Credit Card $ 2,870.00

Online reservaƟons and now monthly payments available!!! hps:// or Total $ 9,036.00 hps:// weekend-retreat/

Date: March 8-10, 2019 Requested DonaƟon: $250.00 per person – Visa/MC or check $50.00 deposit with balance due at retreat or make monthly pay- ments. Call Jim Raynoha for informaƟon and reservaƟons. 858-414-2909

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2019 Page 6 RCIA

Are you thinking of joining the Church? Do you have a family member or friend you would like to introduce to the Catholic faith? Do you have questions about what we believe?

If our Catholic faith attracts you, or if you are a baptized Catholic who would like to be Confirmed and receive the Eucharist, our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process can help you.

YOUR FIRST STEP: Contact the parish office to set up a meeting with one of our RCIA Team Leaders. Please call 949-494-9701.

All inquiries are welcome. No immediate commitment is necessary at the time of initial inquiry.

Around the Diocese

Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola Lenten Session 2019 Begins Week of February 16th – 21st Choice of attending; (Saturdays 11:00 AM, Sundays 1:30 PM, Wednesdays 7:00PM, or Thursdays 9:15 AM)

Do You Feel An Inner Call To Grow In Holiness?

These classes, offered at St. in Hawaiian Gardens, and given over a 10-Week period, will greatly intensify your spiritual life and your desire to go to Heaven. Come and learn the real purpose of your life and how to achieve it through self-knowledge, self-discipline, deep prayer, and discernment of spirits. You’ll see mir- acles happen in your life!

There is no charge for the program and all materials are provided. Donaons are accepted. Each meeng lasts 2-2.5 hours. To register online, go to www. St. Peter Chanel, 12001 214th St., Hawaiian Gardens, Ca 90716. For more informaon, contact Veronica Ayson at (562) 924-7591 or Mary Martorana at [email protected]

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2019 Page 7 School News

Saint Catherine Of Siena Parish School Educating The Next Generation Of Decision Makers

Saint Catherine School is rooted in a rich 58-year history based on unparalleled academic excellence for grades K-8, as well as a Transitional Kindergarten program for students turning four years old by September 1, 2019.

• 58 Years of Spiritual and Academic Excellence • Fully Accredited by WCEA/WASC • Small Class Size for Student Centered Learning • Full Day Transitional Kindergarten • Full Day Kindergarten • First—Eight Grades • New State-of-the-Art Building • Technology-Driven Environment • Core Curriculum is Enhanced with Music, Art, Foreign Language, Technology and Physical Education • Computer, Science and Art Labs • Before and After School Day Care Program • After School Sports Program

Call the school office for information: 949-494-7339 or visit Transitional Kindergarten through Eight Grade 30516 South Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2019 Page 8 Around the Diocese

Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition is coming to the Cathedral Cultural Center on the Christ Ca- thedral Campus!

The exhibit focuses on Michelangelo’s contri- butions to the Sistine Chapel: namely the art work from the ceiling and the Last Judgment.

By bringing the artwork closer, visitors will be able to appreciate these famous masterpieces from a new perspective.

The Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition will open on April 13.

For more information and tickets:

Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 3 de febrero de 2019 Page 9 Lecturas y Noticias


En la sinagoga de su pueblo natal, los vecinos se ma- ravillaban con las palabras de Jesús. No obstante, se pre- guntaban: “¿No es este el hijo de José?”

Con seguridad la gente sabía quién era Jesús. El hijo del carpintero. El joven que aprendió en esa misma sina- goga. El muchacho de la calle.

El conflicto surge cuando Jesús empieza a definirse de una manera nueva. Las tensiones aumentan cuando se compara con los antiguos profetas Elías y Eliseo. Las ten- siones se multiplican cuando Jesús empieza a hablar de una nueva misión para el pueblo de Dios: la Buena Nueva de la Escritura está dirigida a todos.

En su famoso pasaje de la primera carta a los Corin- PLANIFICAR tios, san Pablo nos recuerda la naturaleza del amor eterno. El amor no termina. En la lectura de hoy, se nos recuerda que, como el amor, la misión de Jesús no se puede dete- Si planificas para un año, ner. Jesús se desliza entre la multitud de perseguidores y siembra arroz. sigue adelante con nuevos retos. Estamos llamados a esta misma perseverancia en nombre del amor. Si planificas para una década, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. planta árboles. Si planificas para toda una vida, educa a una persona. —Proverbio chino


En muchos hogares Latinos el tiempo de Navidad terminó el día dos de febrero con la levantada del Niño Dios en la fiesta de la Candelaria. Es interesante como el pueblo cristiano tiene un cierto afecto para Jesús en su aspecto de niño. Desde hace siglos con el evangelista Lucas y la virgen María la imagi- nación cristiana ha ido buscando al Divino Niño en el templo; con san Cristóbal lleva cargando al Niño Dios sobre los hombros mientras cruza el río de la vida y san Antonio de Lisboa juega con el Niñito Je- sús sobre un libro teológico mientras estudia la Palabra de Dios.

Fueron los monjes cistercienses del siglo XII quienes primero desarrollaron esta devoción al Niño Jesús. En su afán por conocer mejor al Dios hecho humano entraban por medio de la meditación imagi- nativa en los cuatro evangelios. Esta meditación es un entrar en la vida de Jesús de tal manera que vives los eventos en tu corazón y desarrollar así una relación afectiva con el Señor. La devoción al Niño Dios debe ser acompañada de la lectio divina. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 3 de febrero de 2019 Page 10 Lecturas y Noticias


Lunes: Heb 11:32-40; Sal 31 (30):20-24; Primera lectura — Dios destina a Jeremías a ser profe- Mc 5:1-20 ta de las naciones (Jeremías 1:4-5, 17-19). Martes: Heb 12:1-4; Sal 22 (21):26b-28, 30-32; Salmo — Señor, tú eres mi esperanza (Salmo 71 [70]). Mc 5:21-43 Segunda lectura — El amor con todas sus muchas fa- Miércoles: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Sal 103 (102):1-2, cetas es la más importante de las virtudes 13-14, 17-18a; Mc 6:1-6 (1 Corintios 12:31 — 13:13 [13:4-13]). Jueves: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Sal 48 (47):2-4, 9-11; Mc 6:7-13 Evangelio —Jesús reclama que su misión salvífica es Viernes: Heb 13:1-8; Sal 27 (26):1, 3, 5, 8b-9; para todos los pueblos (Lucas 4:21-30). Mc 6:14-29 Sábado: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Mc 6:30-34 Domingo: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Sal 138 (137):1-5, 7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lc 5:1-11


Domingo: Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Domingo de los Niños Exploradores Martes: Santa Águeda; Año nuevo lunar (chino) 4711 Miércoles: San Pablo Miki y compañeros Viernes: San Jerónimo Emiliano; Santa Josefina Bakhita; Jornada Internacional de Oración y Reflexión Contra la Trata de Personas Sábado: Santa María Virgen

BAUTISMOS Nuestros bautizos de infantiles en español están programados contactando Gina Stewart en la ofici- na parroquial. (949)494-9701 Ext. 119

Los padres deben ser miembros de la parroquia de Santa Catalina y los padres necesitan venir a la oficina de la parroquia para la aplicación Bautismal.

Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o necesita información adicional, por favor contáctenos al (949) 494-9701 ext. 119 o también puede contactar Gina Stewart en [email protected].