MINUTES For the 5th Meeting of the 33rd Session 19 September 2019 Room 201 9:00pm – Cowles Library

I. Call to Order – 9:00pm II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes A. Motion to Approve by Senator Springsteen B. Seconded by Senator Johnson C. Motion Carries IV. Amendments to the Agenda A. None V. Student Body President Report – Nicholas Johnston A. Introduction of Guests and Proxies a. Cassidy Barnes, Fermata the Blue b. Ben Jaeger, Fermata the Blue c. Danielle Green, Director of the Counselling Center d. Alex Reznicek, Drake Men’s Soccer Club B. J-term Housing/Caucuses a. I’m going to let Senator Trees handle a little more about this, but we are moving fast on an awesome new project to hopefully give first-year students the ability to be in upper-class halls during J-term if they want to be on a caucus project. They will have a once in a lifetime opportunity to do it, it won’t come again, so we’re working on it. I’ll let Senator Trees take a little more on that if he wants to in his report. C. First-Year Senator Election a. That is next week. I continue to have about six emails a day with the online balloting administrator. Imagine customer service but over email instead of on the phone. I am optimistic we will get the ballot working; I’ll be transparent, it’s not fully ready to go right now. Our problem is we are able to add everyone with the first year designation by credit; unfortunately, not all first-years have that designation because some have enough credits to be considered sophomores. What we have to do is get access to the first-time student designation which I am still kicked out of. b. Just so we are all clear, because of our rules and regulations, we don’t have election co-chairs. Instead, we have the executive officers who will be serving as election commissioners. We already are members of the election commission; we’re just only supposed to vote if we have to meet quorum. Because we are the only one’s on the commission, we do in fact have to vote to meet quorum and we have to carry out the duties of it. Hopefully you have no objections to that, if you do, let us know, we’ll see if we can work something else out. Obviously, even if we get an election commissioner for next meeting, it won’t be in time to administer any election responsibilities. D. October Board of Trustees a. That will be the first week of October on October 5th. If you are a designee to the Board of Trustees, hopefully you were able to attend last time as a sort of transition meeting. You will be getting some sort of information in the next week or so I would assume. I haven’t gotten materials yet but I believe we will have those by next week. I believe there’s two senators, Senator Springsteen and Senator Hutchison, serve on the Board of Trustees, just by virtue of their position and committees that line up with that. If you don’t get materials soon, let me know. V. Administrative Report – Associate Dean of Students Joe Campos A. I don’t really have anything for you all other than keep up the good work and everybody be cool. VI. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Nate Wright A. Elected Assembly Follow-up a. Hello everybody, just a quick follow up from our Elected Assembly last night. You’ve had a day to figure it out, if you think about anything, shoot me an email, talk to me at my office hours or talk to me after this. Do what you got to do. I am happy to answer any questions, comments or concerns that you have. I did whip together a little spreadsheet that Senator requested. If you take a look in our shared folder under the FUNding folder, it will be in there. If you want to look at funding motions ahead of time, I try to put those in there as soon as I get them. B. Bylaw Changes

a. I have two little sections I want to change in one motion. Hopefully you guys are on board, I think they are definitely for the better. We’ll see what you guys think. C. SDF Update a. We currently sit at $44,820.02; if we approve our one motion tonight, we will deplete it to $44,754.20. VII. Speakers A. Danielle Green | Director, Counseling Center| Broadlawns Partnership & Updates a. On July 1st, Broadlawns and Drake entered into a merger to have Broadlawns oversee the clinic. What that meant was day-to-day operations are still under student affairs and Dean of Students Jerry Parker, but then Broadlawns oversees all the clinical things. I was appointed the director and got to hire all new staff. We have all new staff at the counselling center. We have Carla and Amber right now and then I am interviewing for a part time person that I hope will start in October. We also have an intern that will start mid-October; she interned with us in the spring semester and wants to be here for the entire year. Some of the changes that we did right away was we updated all of our forms. Our forms were really out of date, they didn’t have pronouns, on them, we didn’t have a lot of different identifiers on them, so we updated those. We now have pronoun pins at the check in desk to be used on either the mental health side or the medical side. We ask that you return them, but if you want to keep it and wear it around campus for advertising, that would be cool too. We have a high traffic, so we have a lot of folks coming in; we’re able to get people in either the same week or early the next week. Some of that really depends on people’s availability; I know all our schedules are really busy so sometimes people will call and say they can only meet on a Tuesday and we may not be able to work like that. We’re trying to get people in really quickly and have no waiting list. If it’s an emergency, we are telling students that they can walk over. We’ve had the most walk-ins over the last two weeks than we did all last year. We are noticing that and so if you need that support, we are happy to do that. The counselling center is still set up to be briefer crisis intervention, supportive; so, if we believe that the student we’re meeting with needs a community provider, we’re going to help with that. That doesn’t mean we’re going to give you a business card and say “deuces, good luck,” it means we’re going to help you call your insurance to make sure that is a covered service and help you call that provider to get that appointment set up and then we’ll also send a background story to that provider. You’ll still have to tell your story, but you won’t have to go into the depths of everything right away. We’re trying to have a warmer, softer hand off so folks aren’t having to do that on their own. We are looking in the future to have online scheduling through Starfish, hopefully spring semester we will have that. People can also request meetings with us or if you want to have us come do trainings, we are really involved on campus. We are partnering with Drake Rise Up for suicide prevention training in October. The counselling center is more than happy to come talk on your floor or to your student org about topics you want to know more about. Hopefully we’ll have some walk in times maybe; it’s been eye opening these last couple of weeks to have so many walk-ins. I’m thinking we might just have sometimes for people to just walk- in and that can be for briefer, crisis, emergency things and then we can schedule longer appointments later down in the week. Hopefully we’ll get some groups going in the spring as well, such as some support groups for anxiety and self-care. I was in Carpenter Hall on Tuesday doing some self-care, so I’m happy to do small things like that throughout the week. I’m trying to say, if we can’t do something, it’s a “No, but…”. I’m not just going to say no, that’s not available. We want to be supportive, and I really want to hear from you all too if you have questions and feedback or suggestions. This is only good if it’s a service that you are utilizing and if you feel it’s supportive of you all. 1. Senator Binion: I know you mentioned support groups about anxiety, is there anything in terms of support groups for grief? a. Yes, we are hoping to partner with Every Step which is a community provider in Des Moines that specializes in grief. They came in November and did a group for us and they have been receptive to doing that in the future. I think as long as we can demonstrate our need, even one or two people would be enough to justify that. I will put it on the list to show that there is interest. B. Ashley DeLarm | Webmaster | Student Senate Website Updates a. If everyone wants to take out their laptops and go to drakesenate.com, I just launched the website at the beginning of the meeting. I wouldn’t recommend going on your phone yet because it’s not adapted for mobile. That should be within the next couple of days. I don’t know if you guys remember what it looked like before but it’s 100% different now. It’s an entirely new layout, I chose an entirely different theme. The home page now has links for this week’s agenda and minutes and a link to the live broadcast. It has all of the background, the mission and the non-discriminatory statement. It links all of our social medias as well and has Spotify links for the Song of the Week. If you move over to “Get Involved”, you can find the forms to be ex-officio or join a committee, or for One Time Funding or to register to be a student organization. On the “Members” tab, you all

should be able to find yourselves on here. I am missing a few bios so if you could please get those to me that would be great. If you click into your own bio, it should have your office hours and then the information that you gave me and your picture. Those are all separated into what category of senator or ex-officio you are. Under “Committees” there are descriptions of each committee and who the committee chair is and then there is a link to apply if you’re interested in joining. I made a new tab for “Archives,” and I found all the minutes and agendas from the 31st and 32nd sessions so I linked all of those and I’m hoping that can continue for the next sessions as well. Under the “Contact Us” page, you can put a message in there and it will go directly to the student.senate email. I’m really open to feedback on this because I’m not exactly a graphic designer, so I did my best. If anyone has any feedback or suggestions, I would love to hear them. 1. Senator Koch: Absolutely love it, it looks stellar. As someone who was very frustrated a few years ago when there was a bit of website confusion, this looks incredible, I love all the updated stuff. One thing is, I think the broadcast link is for some reason the videos from last year? a. Yeah, I didn’t know what the new link was. I probably should have asked that. b. Point of Information from VPSL Roach: The link is still live.drake.edu/DBS, correct? i. Adam: No, we are now going exclusively to Facebook. 2. Senator Springsteen: I think she looks great, I’m very excited for her. The only thing I would say is that I don’t know if you should say “Get Involved” and then have One Time Funding underneath that, I think that could get misleading as a headline. It’s hard because I don’t know exactly what it would say, maybe information or forms? “Get Involved” makes it seem like you want to get involved with senate? I don’t know, user friendliness is a thing. 3. Treasurer Wright: On the old website, take this with a grain of rice, it was under a “Resources” tab with the proxy form and other stuff like that. So, maybe, maybe not? Do what you want because you’re doing great. 4. Senator Binion: First off, great work. Second of all, for the Equity and Inclusion senators, is there any way you could possibly put a hyperlink to the new Diversity and Equity and Inclusion website? a. Yes, I didn’t know that was a thing, can you send that to me? VIII. Unfinished Business A. None IX. New Business A. MOTION SS [190919] – A; [Fermata the Blue] – [Treasurer Wright] a. Seconded by Senator Springsteen b. Dialogue to Treasurer Wright i. Motion to allocate time to the speaker in the back 1. Seconded by Senator Klein 2. Motion Passes a. Cassidy: Hi everyone, I’ll just start by explaining problems in the past with not having a system of organizing music. First of all, we used to not print out music for our members and then they would be on our phones looking at music and texting. That really made our rehearsal’s not efficient, it made it so that we couldn’t learn as many songs as possible. Last year, we moved to printing music for our members which often came out of our personal pockets and now, thanks to you all approving us to be a student org and giving us annual funding, we are now able to print music for every member without having to pay for it personally, which is wonderful. Last year what we did with the music that we printed was we had a giant accordion style file folder. Picture Mitch carrying that across campus, easy peasy; but for me, not so much. I drop it, it is breaking now, we need a new system of organizing our music. The best way to do that, proven time and time again, by many choirs that I’m sure some of you have been in, that I know I’ve been in, that I know my treasurer Ben has been in, is binders. We are hoping to have a new place to store them; we are working with our building manager to find a place to store them in FAC. That way our members don’t have to lug them from their dorm rooms. We’re really hoping to have more efficient by allowing students to write changes on their own personal copy that we don’t have to hand out every single time. That is why binders are the best solution. i. VPSL Roach: Where are you shopping for your binders? 1. Amazon, packs of four. ii. VPSL Roach: 22 members, I assume that means 22 binders?

1. It comes in packs of four, so we actually get 24. ii. Imagine your life without this (motions to binder). c. Questions i. Senator Hutchison: How did we acquire our binders? 1. We have it in our annual funding. d. Dialogue i. Senator Springsteen: Motion to vote by acclimation. e. Motion Carries (By Acclimation) B. MOTION SS [190919] – B; [Drake Men’s Soccer Club Confirmation] – [Senator Klein] a. Seconded by Senator Blume b. Dialogue to Senator Klein i. Motion to allocate time to the speaker. 1. Seconded by Senator Blume a. Motion Carries i. Alex: This year, I’m the Vice President of Drake Men’s Soccer Club. Unfortunately, none of our EC members could make it except me but I had conflicts before and after, so I arrived late, left early, which prevented me from signing in, so just a silly mistake on my part. The reason our club is beneficial is because it hits the sweet spot for players who played soccer in high school, maybe played club, but aren’t competitive enough to play for the Drake Men’s team but they want a more competitive environment than just intramurals. We provide that by allowing them to play twice a week and allowing them to play against other colleges in the general Iowa area. 1. Senator Johnson: When is your season? a. We practice year-round. Our season is in the fall, we currently have 7 games lined up, pending 8. 2. Senator Springsteen: Thank you for being here. How many people are typically involved? a. I’m a sophomore, but last year as a freshmen, we consistently had 13 people coming to games and around 15 coming to practices. This year we’re averaging around 20 kids coming to the practices and expect to see the same numbers coming to games. ii. Procedurally, this wasn’t right, I’m acting on behalf of the council. They reached out the same day they found out they were deactivated. That was a good job at being proactive and making sure they were on top of their game with that. c. Questions i. None d. Dialogue i. Senator Klein: I’m going to use this time to do advice, make sure you reach out to Ryan if you haven’t already about communication about technical things like IMLeagues as soon as we have our vote. ii. VPSL Roach: Motion to vote by acclimation e. Motion Carries (By Acclamation) C. MOTION SS [190919] – C; [Student Fees Allocation Handbook Amendments] – [Treasurer Wright] a. Seconded by Senator Tekautz b. Dialogue to Treasurer Wright i. There are two changes; the first one is on the first page right, the second one is towards the bottom under SVAC standards. Let’s just talk about the first one right now. Currently the way that our funding works, any organization that pays dues isn’t eligible for funding unless they collaborate with an outside organization. Under the new bylaw, they would be eligible for up to $1,000 for One Time Funding. There’s a lot of professional fraternities that want to bring speakers to campus or want to hold or attend certain events, but they simply don’t have enough money to do so and if they charge more dues, their membership goes down. These organizations do give a lot back to campus. A lot of people sitting around this table today are in these organizations. I think we should be able to help them out for helping our students out. In terms of philanthropy events, we annually fund a couple of organizations that raise money for cancer research and stuff like that. I think that organizations that have thousands of students involved with them can potentially raise thousands of dollars for other

philanthropies. I feel like if we could help them out by covering costs so that way more money can go to those philanthropies, that would be great. Then the last one is “sober, collaborative events,” so that’s promoting healthy living habits. There’s more than going to wherever you frequent on Friday nights. There are better ways to do it, whether it be grill outs on the back patios, or if you want to go to an ICubs game or pay for a bus to go down to the sculpture garden and hang out there and have a picnic. I feel like there’s a lot of value in that. ii. The second one I’ll talk about, I worked on very closely with VPSA Drake. Currently, the way our bylaws are worded, we cannot buy any sort of wearable apparel with the only exception being stickers, because we give out stickers when we vote in person and nametags and stuff like that. Now, the way it’s written, if you plan to distribute it, whether it be bucket hats, fanny packs, or things at the Relays Carnival – I know Earth Jam in the past has wanted to throw out stuff – they will now be able to do that with my written permission. If they come for a One Time Funding for something, it would be approved in there. c. Questions i. Senator Koch: Within the first change with the $1,000 pot being allocated, if they were to collab with another organization, would they have access to just the regular fund or still be restricted to $1,000? 1. That’s a great question. I’d say $1,000 is per organization per academic year, so I guess if there are two organizations collaborating, they could pool their money to have $2,000. ii. Senator Koch: So, if a professional fraternity collaborated with a club like SAB, if they did that, would that event be able to have access to the general pot or only to the $1,000? 1. When they fill out the request, let’s say the organization that is requesting money is Phi Dex, it will come out of Phi Dex’s $1,000. They can only request up to $1,000 of One Time Funding. iii. Senator Blume: So, in that scenario that Senator Koch was just speaking about, where Phi Dex was collaborating with SAB, if SAB were to come and request that money, they could get over $1,000 hypothetically? 1. Yes. iv. Senator Klein: Can you talk about the research you’ve done and the types of organizations you think would benefit from this? 1. This summer I had a gentleman from our math honors society on campus, Kappa Mu Epsilon, reach out to me and say they were trying to bring a professor talking about his research, which was very similar to something they were working on, to campus but he charged a speaking fee of $200. They were looking for ways to fund that and the way our current bylaws were set up, that wasn’t allowed. It was $200 to talk about very relevant research for math majors, for data analytics majors and computer science majors, because he was in one of the emerging fields of modeling platelet build ups in the heart and there are students are doing research on that currently. One of the professor’s luckily just funded it out of pocket, but we shouldn’t have to ask our professors to do that. Also, at the President’s Summit, I had two or three people come up to me after each session come up and ask if there was any way they could get funding for things like speakers. We currently fund two similar organizations that simply don’t have Greek letters in their name. v. Senator Blume: Will there be consideration for these speakers for example if the event is open for the general student body versus if the event closed off to simply people within the organization? 1. That’s something SFAC currently takes into consideration, whether or not it’s open to the student body. If it’s closed off, I don’t think that’s something we should fund. However, we will vote on things like that and that’s something you can consider. d. Dialogue i. Senator Klein: I would highly recommend that we all do some research. I think on something we should do is compile a list of organizations that would be affected by this so that we can maybe try and ask those orgs what they’re interested in and try to figure out what the implications of this would be instead of coming to the table again next week without doing some research. ii. VPSL Roach: I am strongly in favor of this second clause amendment to allow organizations to use their funding to get wearable apparel for distribution. I like it because it doesn’t mean that they can use it to just buy themselves t-shirts, it’s going back to the student body. I think that is a very effective way to bring people into their organization. I do want to express my dissent of amending the first part. There’s a lot of flaws that I see with this. One, $1000 is, thinking about a speaker fee, based on all of the speaker fees I’ve seen as a student senator, not sufficient. Maybe for the types of speakers they’re

bringing it is sufficient, but typically, that seems like an incongruity to me. I would also like to point out that this is covering costs associated with things like philanthropy. Student Senate doesn’t formally take positions on different philanthropies or organizations or political things, whatever it might be. And that’s a conversation that we can have if we wanted to, as of right now, student senate does not put its name on philanthropies. I don’t think we should start by just doing it in this clause and then that puts on our name on that as well, which is also the appeal of joining a professional organization; like, getting to do that philanthropy and having your name attached to it as an organization. Also I think the most obvious part is that these organizations are dues paying; members put into it what they can get out and I think that would be a misuse of our student fees to take money that other orgs wouldn’t be able to have access to later on. And I’m sure I will develop more thoughts later on that. Collaborative and sober events already happen. I don’t think necessarily that a professional fraternity is the best outlet to plan a sober alternative event, maybe that’s just my opinion. This also takes away their incentive to collaborate with other organizations. We talk about all the time how we want orgs to collaborate with each other; if we just say that orgs can get $1,000 to do what they want it takes away that incentive to collaborate, which is not something I’m in favor of. I am in favor of half of this motion. iii. VPSA Drake: I’m in favor of the whole motion but specifically the wearable apparels part. A lot of students have come up to us saying what they want, so I feel like we should give them what they want, and that’s wearable apparel. Also, I have been a part of an organization that even though we did pay dues, they still did not have enough money to fund the events they wanted to do. I do feel like you can still collaborate even if you only have $1,000. $1,000 isn’t that much, so yes, they’ll have a certain amount of money, but they’re still going to have to find someone to collaborate with. Being a part of a professional fraternity that you are not able to interact as much or do as much because your funds are low, I think it would be helpful and also give everyone a chance to have these opportunities that other people have on campus. iv. Senator Johnson: The end of your statement is what I wanted to reiterate. I definitely see VPSL Roach’s point, but I think that’s maybe a point we can bring up during the approval for One Time Funding when it happens. I think it would be interesting to see the opportunity for these organizations to have funding, if it’s an issue it can be addressed with One Time Funding requests. v. Treasurer Wright: Kind of speaking to what Senator Klein said earlier about how great of need there is; I’ve had the leadership of I think 12 organizations offer to come talk. I thought 12 speakers was a lot to talk about one motion, but their passion about this is what inspired me to do this so soon, as well as some other concerns that were addressed. I’m happy to address those individually, I’m not going to take up everyone’s time on that. I think it would be something more productive outside the senate table. vi. Senator Johnson: Point of information to ask a question, are these presidents of organizations that have Greek letters but aren’t necessarily as funded as a social fraternity? 1. It’s been a lot of both. It definitely skews toward the professional side of it as well as the service side of it, but it’s definitely from all avenues, whether it’s professional, service, or social. vii. Senator Koch: I want to echo Senator Klein’s point, especially with the newfound information that we have. At least a few organizations are passionate enough about this to come talk here and I’m excited about their enthusiasm. But if we have $1,000 limit for 12 organizations, we are looking at almost 20- 25% of our SDF that our organizations would have had access to before. That is slightly concerning for me, but also, I need to do more research. So, I’m conflicted but I wanted to share that to make sure that everyone was aware that that could be a possibility, so for sure do some further research because I know we’ve been having struggles talking about that. viii. Treasurer Wright: I will say at the end of the day, I’ve kind of said this already, you are the ones who decide if a One Time Funding thing does get funded, so if you are worried about the SDF or anything like that, maybe think about how impactful events are going to be when you’re voting. There’s no harm in turning someone away a not well put-together program. ix. VPSL Roach: I agree with that point, but I would also like to raise a concern that’s already been raised at this table before, and that is we have had to make some pretty hefty budget cuts this past year, and from what I understand our SDF is lower than what it was previous years. We’ve already kind of started a conversation about what should we prioritize cutting from if it comes to that. I don’t think we should be adding cushion for certain things if we are cutting in other areas. I think operating within the system we currently have is sufficient.

x. Senator Klein: Motion to table 1. Seconded by Senator Reichardt e. Motion is tabled X. Officer Report: Vice President of Student Life – Kiley Roach A. Shoutout to all the people wearing polka dots! B. Website a. Thanks, Ashley, for coming and presenting on the website today; you’ve done an amazing job. I would like to remind you, if you have not sent a bio in, that goes for ex-officios, senators, and exec members, please send in a bio and a headshot. If you do have changes or suggestions when you have time to mull over the website maybe by yourself in a little bit more detail, I’d appreciate if you shoot Ashley and I an email letting us know what to change. I’ve heard a lot of really robust conversation about updating our website in the past and I want to make our website look exactly how we want it to look so it’s super effective for the student body. C. Headshots a. Ella, our amazing graphic designer/photographer, offered to take our headshots this coming Friday. I sent out a google form, it is on the Facebook page, where you can sign up for a slot. If none of those times work for you, you should put in the two other boxes your Wednesday availability or weekend availability so you can reschedule with her. I’m not taking the pictures so please take it up with Ella, [email protected], exactly how you think it’s spelled. Everyone needs to have a headshot as soon as possible so we can make it look cohesive and beautiful. D. First-Year Senator Election Reminders a. We briefly touched on some of these things at elected assembly. The forum is on Wednesday at 7 PM in Meredith 106. That is on the posters, it is in the senate this week email that I accidentally sent out today as I was drafting it. There was a screenshot of the calendar so make sure you reference those dates. You are required to go to the forum and you are required to go to the election results Friday night at 9 PM. If you can’t make either of those please send me an email so I can get your absence excused. In person polling is not required but it’s fun to go and vote in person. We want to engage as many people in person as we can. Also, it’s fun to have senators around. There are a lot of rules that go into that, like candidates can’t be in that area, so if you see candidates there, shoo them away. We also talked about not endorsing candidates and not showing favoritism but of course if people ask you questions feel free to answer them and give them as much guidance as you can without showing favoritism in any way. We want to be super open and receptive to whoever the first-year senator is and let’s say someone does show favoritism and then a different person gets elected, that person could be hurt by that. We want to make them feel super welcomed in this space especially since they missed our retreat. When they do get elected, we want them to feel super included, so I want you all to work on bonding with them individually and making them feel up to speed. Technically the VPSL is supposed to transition them, but I’ve never been first year senator and I know there’s a lot of people around this table who have a lot of great insight, so I’d appreciate making it a collaborative effort. E. Elected Assembly a. I updated everyone on how many censures they had. I read through rules and regulations to make sure that my censuring policies were in line with rules and regs. They are. If you miss office hours, if you miss a report or submit it late, if you leave early, if you don’t get an absence excused, all of those things are able to be censured. I am a little more relaxed, like if you submit a report five minutes late, I’m probably not going to censure you. I will note if it’s been late and if you do it multiple times, then you will be censured. If you have to leave five minutes early for an emergency, just let me know. I’m a very understanding person, I just need you guys to communicate with me so I’m not punishing you for things you shouldn’t be punished for. And just in general, I want all of us to feel comfortable being direct with each other, so if you have feedback, questions, concerns, I want us to get in the habit of going up to people individually and addressing concerns outright. I don’t think throwing things out in a group place is the most productive way to get things done. I know several people around this table feel the same way because I’ve had a lot of great 1-on-1s recently. So let’s keep up that energy and have a really positive and productive senate. 1. Senator Tekautz: If you have a censure, is there a process to get it off your record? a. They expire at the end of the semester; you are given five. Let’s say you earn 5 and you go to the SJC and whatever discipline happens. Say you don’t get removed from senate and you’re still here after all of that happens, then the clock would reset, and you would get five more before you would get back deferred to the SJC. Whatever the SJC says is rule of law when it comes to disciplinary action. I don’t personally handle what discipline you get, I only tally how many times you violate those expectations. 2. Senator Binion: Is there a color scheme for headshots?

a. You can where whatever you want. Last year we did professional-ish headshots and I know there’s been a lot of sentiment out there about making senate more relatable and human. So, where Drake gear or wear business casual. I would wear something like this (a collared shirt and sweater). 3. Senator Maulsby: Is it five censures for the year or for the semester? a. For the semester. If you get four this semester, at the start of the spring you will start back at zero. XI. Officer Report: Vice President of Student Activities – Joanna Drake A. Upcoming Events a. Free Movie Friday: Yesterday, 9 PM, Sussman Theatre 1. If you’ve been to a Free Movie Friday and it’s been a longer one and at 11 PM it mysteriously shuts off, we fixed that. It won’t do that anymore, we fixed that. b. Spoken Word: Carlos Robeson, 7 PM, Mars Cafe 1. There will be free coffee! Come out, we’ll also have a student poet beforehand so please support her and also Carlos, he’s really cool, he’s won a lot of things for his poetry and his plays. c. SAB Exec app close tomorrow 1. There’s the list of open positions and the link on the agenda. a. Senator Johnson: On your report, it says 9.19, tomorrow at 11:59. Isn’t that today? i. It’s tomorrow at 11:59 PM. b. Senator Binion: Specifically, with the Relays planning committee, is it for this upcoming Relays or the next relays? i. This upcoming relays, so the relays in the spring. c. Senator Klein: Any updates on the Saturday matinee? i. No. We’re still working on it, I’m still trying to push it, so I will let you know if anything comes up. XI. Senator Reports A. Senator Springsteen a. I wrote a page. I used to make fun of Runal for writing a page and then I wrote a page. I’m only going to vocally update on the things that are most important. Read my report if you want to know the rest. Faculty Senate was this week. An articulation agreement passed regarding out of state colleges. Now out of state students who have an associate degree coming to Drake can pass out of AOIs. Previously it was only if you had an associate’s degree from an Iowa school that it could because they have a common core for Iowa higher ed, so it was just a lot easier. So now out of state students aren’t required to do the AOI track which is cool. That is really helpful for the SJMC continual degree, but basically you can get an SJMC degree without taking the AOI track if you have an associate’s degree. b. There was a motion to reapprove advising principles, and that’s basically just saying how to be a good advisor. That was tabled for the next meeting in October. A lot of discussion was around if we reinstate these principles, is it enough? Do we need to say these things in an amendment or how do we do these things? If you have feedback on advising in general there is a lot of data that I can share with you. c. I also had a meeting with Melissa Sturm Smith and she’s really cool. We talked about Bulldog Foundations a lot, which is a project I’m pretty passionate about and I wanted to make sure it was still working for students and adapting to student feedback, and it really is. They instituted the six pillars of wellness into their education, so that includes physical, mental, social, intellectual, workplace and spiritual. It’s not just this idea of mental health, but everything, since all of those other things contribute to your mental health. They have to do assignments based around those. The class is now graded, it’s no longer pass fail. That’s something to be aware of, it’s keeping students accountable to the curriculum they are learning about. d. Starfish is a thing. I think it’s super great; I have a notoriously difficult to schedule with advisor and I scheduled a meeting with him in two minutes on Starfish. You can also schedule with Crystal Stanley, a couple of other professors, Joe has adapted it. I think it’s a really great program. Some faculty are apprehensive to adopt it. I would ask that you ask your faculty members to adopt it because I think it’s really helpful for students. There’s also a feature that says, “What do you need help with?” and you type in a question and it will shoot you to the right office, like Residence Life, Title 9, any of those things. e. Melissa Sturm Smith is so weird and she loves hot humid weather and I think it’s really gross so if you see her tell her that you also think it’s gross, or show her some support because she might need support in this trying time. B. Senator Trees

a. I just want to touch on what Nick was talking about in the beginning. Basically, there’s so much stuff happening in January here, especially for students who are working on campaigns, and that’s like the whole point of coming to Drake for most political students is because of the caucus. We’re working with RPC and Tony and Jerry and Lorissa and we’re going to talk about how we can get at least reduced student housing rates because it’s currently $55 a night which is just crazy because campaigns never pay students anything ever. We want to make sure that students can be involved in what they came here for. b. I’m going to the Steak Fry so that’s going to be cool. XII. Issues A. None XIII. Announcements/Affirmations A. Senator Klein a. I’m going to do my Iowa Caucus fun fact. In hindsight, I should have just done more research on the Steak Fry but I already had a plan to talk about the democratic caucuses. The democrats go a little crazy. We’re going to talk about the viability standard. Let’s say you’re in a room of 100 people at the caucus site and 14 people want to vote for Drake Squirrel for president of the United States. You and your 14 people get together, you go to a corner of the room, and then guess what? When all your votes are tallied, your votes don’t count because your group didn’t meet the 15% viability standard. So, if you are in any group that is less than 15% or less than the total at your caucus site, you need to find a bigger group. So, maybe you’ll find the Griff group and then your vote will count if the Griff group has more than 15%. That is your Iowa Caucus fun fact for the week. B. Senator Maulsby a. Going off of Senator Klein’s report, I got sent a picture of a really fat squirrel earlier and I liked it. b. My fun fact of the week was punk label Stiff Records released an album that was called, “The Wit and Wisdom of Ronald Reagan” that was blank on both sides. It sold 30,000 copies. C. Senator Springsteen a. This wasn’t initially what I was going to say, but there’s an Instagram account called Drake Squirrels that makes my day every time I see it. b. I want to give an affirmation to Senator Veatch; it was just so nice to hang out with you tonight. You are so kind, and I really enjoyed it. She makes me smile! D. Senator Trees a. Originally the song I had was “On the Level” by Mac DeMarco just because I was bumping that today. But in conversations with Joe today I’m switching it up, we’re going to do “Good for You” by Third Eye Blind. That song goes so crazy, it’s so 2000s. b. Affirmation to Nick, we talked a lot this week and it was great. E. Senator Johnson a. Fashion tip of the week, paisley is so cute, and I loved Maddie’s dress today. Wear some paisley like a pocket square or a tie or a dress. F. Senator Tekautz a. Affirmation to VPSL Roach, for making me think differently on a motion and kind of think about the impact we’re going to have on campus. b. Senator Veatch, love the energy, keep it up. c. Announcement: Guess what happened 138 years ago tomorrow? Drake University was founded! If you saw the OnCampus, we’re hiding 139 of these centennial coins. It’s pretty fancy, it’s from the 80s, I think. So yeah we’re hiding 139 of them around campus. If you find one you get an extra special surprise, and I’m going to spoil the surprise: these fun Drake stickers! You can get a Griff one, you can get a fun Drake one, there’s some other fun ones. You get to keep the coin too if you find it. G. Senator Binion a. Affirmation to VPSA Drake for the fall carnival, it was a blast thanks to all your hard work. I had a great time! H. Senator Blume a. Affirmation to Treasurer Wright for the cool style of shirt. Only a really cool guy could pull off that shirt. b. Boat of the week this week, hope everyone is strapped in, let me know if you have any ideas on what the boat is, just shout out it out. This boat is a small, wooden Indonesian , traditionally used for . Also, very popular among scuba divers. It’s a double outrigger, it’s a Austronesian outrigger canoe with a . It has superb reaching ability and jibe-safe running, making it a very popular option. The modern version of this boat is made high density polyethylene, HDPE for all of you boatheads out there. The Great (Blank) Race happened in the 1980s. There were over 1,000 nautical miles traveled by these types of vessels, teams from , England, United States, France, Germany, the Netherlands and all competed . These are terrible guesses. I was not able to see the winner of this race. It was a three-month

expedition. There was a cyclone during the race so there was a huge tornado in the water and they went a bit faster. There are two names for this boat. c. Jukung or a cadik! I. Senator Reichardt a. This isn’t so much of an announcement as it is a cry for help; I will be at the Polk County Steak Fry, much like Nathan Trees, on Saturday, in business casual, carrying forty pounds of camera gear the entire time because journalism, so if any of you have any connections with people working on campaigns let me know. I’m going to be looking for all the footage I can get because I need some good stuff to add to my reel. J. Treasurer Wright a. Senator Veatch and I before the meeting shared a mint and I loved every second of it. Let the record show there were two mints and we each only had one. b. Affirmation to Senator Brooks Blume for the style inspiration. c. Tweet of the Week, it was sent in by Senator Tekautz, but it is not from Senator Tekautz. “So there I was, crying into my grilled cheese.” 1. It was Secretary Brustkern! No context needed. d. This past Spicy Sunday I was with Senator Brooks Blume as well as one of our friends. We went to Burrito Bandit, imagine chipotle not trash and with more options. We did a review so if I sauce the link to Secretary Brustkern will it end up in the minutes? It will end up in the minutes. So, read the minutes this week, as attentively as you usually do because you always read them I’m sure. e. Affirmation to Trees, we’ve been vibing lately and I’m here for it. K. VPSL Roach a. I have so many things, affirmation to Joanna and me for being the only Chipotle stans here. Chipotle all the way. b. Controversy aside, I would like to affirm Senator Tekautz for smuggling me corndogs out of Hubbell yesterday, that was the funniest thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. I had four corndogs yesterday, which is not my record. Last year, I ate five. c. Affirmation to Senator Springsteen, we had a lot of good chats this week. I’ve had kind of a hard week and you’ve been here for me, thank you so much. d. Another thing, fun fact, this is Bisexual Awareness Week, #biweek. Do some research, read some stuff, elevate bisexual voices in your life, we love that for us. e. If you’re going to Steak Fry, you should hashtag all of your steak fry photos #DrakeFry so the Iowa Caucus Project can feature you on our website. It’s a really good hashtag, we made a graphic that looks like a steak to go with it. f. Other things along politic-y stuff, on Tuesday Iowa Caucus Project is holding a voter registration event. We will be on Helmick Commons, we will be holding a corn poll so you can cast your corn for what candidate you’re supporting. You can also get registered to vote. If you moved addresses, even if you just moved dorms, change your voter registration if you want to vote in Iowa. I almost forgot at the beginning of the year when I moved downtown, but I remembered. So, please come. It’ll be super fun. A bunch of us will be there, it’ll be fun. g. Affirmation to Ashley for being swift and amazing with the website. Thank you for the yellow additions, I’ve been in a big yellow mood lately and I love it so much. h. General reminders, if you do have a graphic design need, email Ella. She doesn’t want us to use the graphic design form anymore because she doesn’t get notified, so shoot her an email with dimensions and what you’re looking for. i. Danielle Green from the counselling center mentioned the Suicide Prevention and Wellness Training being put on by Drake Rise Up. We are going to go to that, it’s in October in about a month. I believe it’s on a Saturday, you’ll get more details as I learn more. I don’t have a location or a time yet, but I’m planning on all of us going to that because I think that would behoove us. L. VPSA Drake a. First off, you should look at the exec pics on the website and compare them and then look at mine, I did not get the memo. b. Come to SAB events because they’re fun, I would love to see all your beautiful faces in support of SAB. c. Churros, best thing that Sodexo has to offer. d. Thanks to President Johnston for listening to all my business ventures that I’m thinking about, really appreciate your support, you don’t know how much that means to me. e. Lastly, follow my blog post because it’s for class and I need my views to go up for class. If you follow me on Instagram, the link is in the bio. XIV. Adjournment – 10:11pm

A. Motion to Adjourn by Senator Reichardt B. Seconded by Senator Springsteen