December 3, 2015 The Grand Elite Hotel, Pekanbaru, ISFM 4 ISBN 978-979-792-665-6

The 4th International Seminar of and Marine Science 2015

Strengthening Science and Technology Towards the Development of Blue Economy

December 3, 2015 Grand Elite Hotel Pekanbaru-INDONESIA

ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

Committees Prof. Dr. Ir. Bintal Amin, M.Sc Dr. Ir. Syofyan Husein Siregar, M.Sc Ir. Mulyadi, M.Phil Ir. Ridwan Manda Putra, M.Si Dr. Windarti, M.Sc Dr. Victor Amrifo, S.Pi., M.Si Dr. Ir. Henni Syawal, M.Si Dr. Rahman Karnila, S.Pi., M.Si Ronald Mangasi Hutauruk, S.T., M.T. Benny Heltonika, S.Pi., M.Si Dr. Ir. Efriyeldi, M.Sc Dr. Ir. Mery Sukmiwati, M.Si Dr. Ir. Joko Samiaji, M.Sc Dr. Ir. Eni Sumiarsih, M.Sc Dr. T. Ersti Yulika Sari, S.Pi., M.Si Nur Asiah, S.Pi., M.Si Dr. Ir. Deni Efizon, M.Sc Ir. Ridar Hendri, M.Si Tri Gunawan, S.Sos Masmulyana Putra

Editor: Ronald Mangasi Hutauruk, S. T., M. T.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 ii Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Preface

Aquatic ecosystem in general has been recognized as a mega ecosystem that is needed to be conserved. Through science and technology, this ecosystem might be developed to enable it to support the prosperity of a nation. To support this, the International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science (ISFM) 2015 held in Pekanbaru took its theme of “strengthening science and technology toward the development of blue economy”. The seminar covered a wide range of disciplines reflecting the vast area in fisheries and marine science, and the papers received have also been involving a wide range of research and policy making.

The seminar was conducted for a day and the presenters were coming from 5 different countries namely Indonesia, , Australia, USA and . There were 51 papers and 8 posters presented and some of the papers were published in this proceeding. The discussion in the seminar covered not only the basic research and findings in and marine science, but also revealed the most recent information for improving the conservation and increasing the economic values of inland and marine ecosystems. Based on the number and the anthusiasm level of the attendance during the seminar, the 4th ISFM is considered as succeed.

The seminar has been conducted yearly during the last 4 years and it is expected to be conducted each year to prosper the academic atmosphere within the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of the University of .

The committe is herewith extending the greatful thanksfullness for all the involved personels who were actively contributing for the implementation of the program. We also thanks for the attendance of the keynote speakers, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Ismail (Malaysia); Prof. Dr. Jamaluddin Jompa (UNHAS); Dr. Tan Heok Hui (National University of Singapore); Dr. Michael De Alessi (The Washington University, USA); Brian Long (Australia) and Dr.Morina Riauwaty Siregar (Riau University) and thanks to the delegation that come from all over Indonesia universities and agencies. Special thanks was presented to the Prof. Dr. Aras mulyadi, DEA (the Rector of the University of Riau), who has officially opened the seminar. Finally, we would also send our gratitude to all perticipants, committee members, students and the pers communities who all have been considerably helping the commencement of the seminar.

We will be gladly to see you all in the incoming seminars here in Pekanbaru.

Chairman of ISFM 2015


The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 iii Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding


Molecular Cloning and Phylogenetic Analysis of Vitellogenin Gene in Hemibagrus nemurus Ang Pay Ling, S.A. Harmin, M.Y. Ina-Salwany, O. Roshani, Z. Zulperi, S.N. Baharum and M.Z. Mohd Syahril ...... 1

A Study on and Fisheries Institutional of Tuna (Katsuwomus pelamis) for Sustainable in West , Aceh Province Edwarsyah, Mohamad Gazali, Syarifah Zuraidah, Hafinuddin, Rahmad Saputra, and Rusna ...... 7

Zoonotic Fish Parasites in Riau, Indonesia14 Morina Riauwaty S ...... 14

Enrichment of Brine Shrimp (Artemia Franciscana) Nauplii with Potential Probiont Strains, Bacillus JAQ04 and Micrococcus JAQ07 Nora Azirah M. Z., Murni Karim, Ina-Salwany M. Y, Harmin S. A., Marini I ...... 21

Morphoanatomical and Histological Changing During The Developmental Stages of Ompok hypopthalmus Ovary Windarti*, Sukendi and Benny Heltonika ...... 28

Histopathological Changes in Gonads of Blue Spotted Ray (Dasyatis kuhlii) Due to Heavy Metal Mercury (Hg) Joeharnani Tresnati and Dody Dharmawan Trijuno ...... 35

Decomposition Rate of Mangrove Litter in Kuala Indragiri Coastal Mariana, Feliatra Felix, Sukendi and Syafruddin Nasution ...... 39

Phylogenetic Analysis of Vitellogenin Peptides in Hemibagrus nemurus Roshani O. , Harmin S. A. and Ina-Salwany M. Y...... 44

Swimming Exercise Impact on Cardiac Activities of Jack Mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) and Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) by Electrocardiograph Measurement Nofrizal ...... 48

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 iv Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding The Effects of Fermented Kapok (Ceiba petandra) Seed Meal Diet in Growth and Survival Rate of White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Juvenile Wellem H. Muskita, Prima Endang Susilowati, Muhaimin Hamzah, and Ni Gusti Ketut ...... 55

Study on The Smoking of Catfish (Cryptopterus bicirchis) Using The Different Kinds of Wood as The Smoke Source Tjipto Leksono, Edison, and M. Nur Ikhsan ...... 60

Phylogenetic and Structure Comparative Analysis of Complement Regulatory Membrane Proteins of Ginbuna Crucian Carp Carassius auratus langsdorfii Indriyani Nur, Hikari Harada, Ryota Nakamura, Masakazu Tsujikura, Tomonori Somamoto, Miki Nakao ...... 68

Preliminary Study on the Reproduction of Geso (Hemibagrus wyckii, Bagridae ) fish from , Indonesia Netti Aryani, Indra Suharman and Saberina Hasibuan ...... 76

Analysis Pattern of Potency and Fisheries Development in The Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province Amrizal, Sjafrizal, Mahdi and Junaidi ...... 82

The Effectiveness of Zeolite and Activated Charcoal Media in Reducing Pollutants in Tofu Industrial Waste Sampe Harahap ...... 90

Strategy for Reducing Fishermen Poverty in Padang Based on Multidimensional Perspective Junaidi ...... 97

The Effect of Antibiotics in the Hatching of Eggs of Ornated Lobster (Panulirus ornatus) Yusnaini and Indriyani Nur ...... 109

The Contribution of Lubuk Larangan on Rural Socio-Cultural and Economic Development in West Sumatera Abdullah Munzir ...... 114

The Use of Used Cloth as a Vessel Primary Composite Material Ronald M. H., Polaris N and Romadhoni ...... 121

Strength Evaluation of Pompong Structure Made from High Density Polyethylene Plastics as Basic Materials Jamal and Wasis Dwi Aryawan ...... 127

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 v Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Evaluation of Motion Dynamics Characteristics of Fishing Boats in Bengkalis Island Nurhasanah and I Ketut Aria Pria Utama ...... 135

Analysis of Evacuation Route Approach of IMO Guidelines Interm Msc/Circ.1238 Budhi Santoso, Zulfaidah Ariany and Sarwoko ...... 141

Aplication for Construction for Wooden Vessel by Using Matlab Ricky Pegri S., Ronald Mangasi Hutauruk and Pareng Rengi ...... 146

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 vi Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Phylogenetic and Structure Comparative Analysis of Complement Regulatory Membrane Proteins of Ginbuna Crucian Carp Carassius auratus langsdorfii

Indriyani Nur1*, Hikari Harada2, Ryota Nakamura2, Masakazu Tsujikura2, Tomonori Somamoto2, Miki Nakao2

1Department of , Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Halu Oleo University Kendari, Indonesia 93232 E-mail: [email protected] 2Laboratory of Marine Biochemistry, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan

ABSTRACT Regulation of the complement activation (RCA) has been shown to play a key role in controlling activation of the complement cascades as the main part of innate immune system. Humans RCAs have been studied most extensively and classified into soluble and membrane type. RCAs have also been partly characterized in a limited variety of non-mammalians species, including in bony fish, such as carp and zebrafish. In recent year, we have found three isoforms of complement regulatory membrane proteins (Tecrem) in ginbuna crucian carp at mRNA level, namely gTecrem-1, gTecrem-2, and gTecrem-3 in which structurally homologous to mammalian RCA-membrane type (CD46). In this study, phylogenetic analyses and comparative study on gTecrem structure were performed to clarify fundamental molecular information. Data based on mRNA level indicated that gTecrem structure principally conserved all the features of non-mammalians and human membrane-bound RCA. In addition, the findings showed that the number of Short Concensus Repeat (SCRs) in regulatory membrane-bound protein is different across isoforms and animal spesies.

Keywords: complement activation, gTecrem, structure, phylogenetic

INTRODUCTION When faced with invading microbes, immune system has an arsenal of ways to fight off those pathogens. The complement has been traditionally believed as the major factor of the innate immune defense, as its name implies, with functions to contribute in enhancing antibacterial activity of humoral response. Indeed, its functions extend far beyond the elimination of microbes that are constantly present in the environment. It contributes substantially to various immune responses, regulating adaptive immunity, homeostasis, inflammatory, tissue regeneration, and lipid metabolism (Ricklin et al., 2010).

In the case of mammalian immune system, the complement is a highly complexes system consists of nearly 30 plasma and membrane-bound proteins which involved in its activation with at least three different proteolytic pathways to sense the pathogens infection. Virtually, complement activation results in the clearance pathogens, but when activated improperly, it may contribute to host tissue damage. A double edge sword then comes up due to dual roles of complement activation. Indeed, in humans, complement has been shown to associate with pathology induced by autoimmune reactions and chronic inflammation (Trouw and Daha, 2011). Therefore, regulation of the complement activation is of critical importance for homeostasis of the organism (Sjöberg et al., 2009).

To achieve normal level of complement activation, the mammalian host cell expresses several kinds of soluble and membrane-bound proteins that restrain complement activation by acting on several complement components. Among them, a group of regulatory protein acting on C4b and

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 68 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding C3b, termed regulators of complement activation (RCA), has been shown to play a key role in controlling activation of the complement cascades.

Still, RCA also has been identified in non-mammalian species such as chickens, frogs and lampreys (Inoue et al., 2001; Oshiumi et al., 2005, 2009; Kimura et al., 2004). Evidence of the existence of RCAs include in bony fish with a number of short consensus repeats (SCRs) as their peculiarities. Taken together, these data support the idea that SBP1 represents the complement-regulatory protein identified in barred sand bass and its homolog (SBCRP-1) (Dahmen et al., 1994; Zipfel et al., 1996), HCRF in the Japanese flounder (Katagiri et al., 1998), and the latest were ZRC1,2 in the zebrafish (Sun et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2012). Previously, we have found three isoforms of complement regulatory membrane proteins (Tecrem) in ginbuna crucian carp (Carassius auratus langsdorfii) at mRNA level, namely gTecrem-1, gTecrem-2, and gTecrem-3 in which structurally homologous to mammalian RCA- membrane type (CD46) (Nur et al., 2013).

In order to develop efficient strategy and approaches to control diseases for fish production, understanding of immune mechanism of fish is needed. Moreover, since most of fish have each characteristic of immune system and a variety of causes can influence their responses, thus the search for real molecular correlates of protection should be pursued with strong efforts. Therefore, this study was analyzed phylogenetic and comparative study on gTecrem structure to clarify fundamental molecular information and for further functional study.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Cloning of Tecrem cDNA from ginbuna crucian carp. A gene-specific primer (5′- CAAGATGGGCTGTAAGGTGC-3′), corresponding to sequences containing the predicted 5′-untranslated region (UTR), was designed on the basis of the Tecrem sequence from common carp. First-strand cDNA from liver RNA was prepared using the SMART RACE cDNA amplification kit, according to the manufacturer’s protocol.

3′-RACE PCR was performed under the following conditions: 40 cycles at 98 °C for 10 s, 61 °C for 10 s, and at 72 °C for 4 min. The amplified products were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The band of interest was extracted from the gel using FastGene Gel/PCR Extraction kit (Nippon Genetics Co., Tokyo, Japan), ligated to pGEM-T vector (Promega, Madison, USA), and introduced in DH5α competent cells. Plasmid was prepared by the alkaline mini-prep method (Birnboim and Doly, 1979).

Nucleotide sequencing. Nucleotide sequences were determined using the dideoxy chain termination method (Sanger et al., 1977) using a CEQ8800 DNA Analysis system and dye terminator cycle sequencing kit (Beckman Coulter Japan, Tokyo, Japan).

Computational sequence and phylogenetic analyses. Multiple sequence alignment of the amino acid sequences was performed using ClustalW (ver. 2) program available through internet ( Domain organization of gTecrem was predicted using SMART ( (Schultz et al., 1998). Signal peptide was predicted using SignalP 3.0 Server ( Phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method (Saitou and Nei 1987) and displayed using MEGA4. Statistical significance of each branch was examined by the bootstrap percentages obtained from 1000 replications.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 69 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Structurally, RCA molecules are largely or entirely composed of arrays of tandem globular modules termed SCRs, each of which consists of ~60 amino acid residues and characterized by a consensus sequence that includes four invariant cysteines, an almost invariant tryptophan and highly conserved distribution of prolines, glycines and hydrophobic residues (Seya, 1995; Kirkitadze and Barlow, 2001) (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. SCR domain structure. Primary structure of SCR domain (A) and tertiary structure generated by Molscript (Liszewski et al., 2000). β-Sheets are numbered, disulfide bonds at each terminus (between β-sheets 1 and 6; and 4 and 8) are shown. The highly conserved tryptophan (green ring) is shown with its blue nitrogen group.

Humans RCAs have been studied most extensively and classified into the following types: soluble type including factor H (FH), factor H-related proteins (FHR), and C4-binding protein (C4bp); membrane-bound type such as Complement Receptor type 1 (CR1, CD35), Complement Receptor type 2 (CR2, CD21), Decay-Accelerating Factor (DAF, CD55), and Membrane Cofactor Protein (MCP, CD46) (Liszewski et al., 1991; Liszewski et al., 2000; Jiang et al., 2001; Post et al., 1991) (Fig. 2).

In a phylogenetic point of view, RCAs have also been partly characterized in a limited variety of non-mammalians species, such as chickens (Inoue et al., 2001; Oshiumi et al., 2005; Oshiumi et al., 2009; Kimura et al., 2004) (Fig. 3). Some of them have been reported to show actual regulatory functions on the complement system, but there is no functional data to show any role of RCA in regulation of adaptive immune response of the lower vertebrates.

In bony fish, soluble RCA proteins similar to mammalian factor H have been identified from a few species. Namely, SBP1 and its homolog (SBCRP-1) have been identified from the barred sand bass (Paralabrax nebulifer) (Dahmen et al., 1994; Zipfel et al., 1996), and SBP1 showed a similar co-factor function as that of CD46. In the Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), HCRF isoforms have been cloned but with no functional characterization (Katagiri et al., 1998). Zebrafish is a widely used model organism, whose complement system has been more extensively studied. In zebrafish, several factor H-like genes and another soluble form of RCA (named ZRC2) were found by in silico database mining. This study identified one complement factor H gene and four factor H-like genes in Danio rerio, and showed that they may originate by intra-chromosome duplication after the split of fish/mammalian common ancestor (Sun et al., 2010). In contrast, identification of membrane-bound RCA molecules

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 70 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding has been extremely limited, only reported for ZRC1 of zebrafish (Wu et al., 2012) (Fig. 4). Independently from the ZRC1 cloning, Tsujikura et al. (2015) has recently cloned cDNAs encoding membrane-bound RCA, designated teleost complement regulatory membrane protein (Tecrem) from carp (Cyprinus carpio) and zebrafish (D. rerio), and proven that carp Tecrem possesses a complement regulatory functions like CD46, suggesting that CD46 is a phylogenetically well conserved RCA molecule with ancient evolutionary origin.

Figure 2. Primary structure of human membrane-bound RCA protein.CR1 contains 30 short consensus repeats (SCRs) while CR2 contain 16 SCRs. DAF (CD55) and MCP (CD46) contain 4 SCRs. Each SCR domain consists of approximately 60 amino acids with 4 conserved Cystein residues which form intradomain disulfide bonds. DAF attachs to the cell membrane via a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor while MCP,CR1and CR2 insert into the cell membrane through transmembrane domains. DAF and MCP have Ser/Thr/Pro-rich (STP) regions between their SCR domains and the GPI-anchor or the transmembrane domain.

Figure 3. Domain structure of RCA protein in non-mammalian species. Chicken secretory RCA protein, CRES;chicken RCA with GPI-anchored protein, CREG; and chicken membrane RCA protein,CREM. Incomplete SCR is not numbered (A). Amphibian secretary RCA protein, ARC1; Amphibian membrane RCA protein, ARC2; Amphibian secretary RCA protein with a putative transmembrane region, ARC3 (B). Secretary RCA protein of Lamprey, Lacrep. SCR-like is not numbered.

Clonal triploid ginbuna crucian carp is a naturally occurring gynogenetic fish, and several clonal strains have been available for laboratory study (Nakanishi et al., 2011). These clonal fish strains can

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 71 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding serve as a model for studying innate and adaptive immune functions in both humoral and cellular aspects. In this reserach, complement component or RCA molecule has characterized in this species, hampering the molecular and cellular analyses on the relationship between complement in teleost. In the present study, we characterized the homologues of complement regulatory membrane protein (gTecrem) of all the SCRs in ginbuna crucian carp, then they were used to construct the phylogenetic tree showing the clustering relationships among the SCRs (Fig. 7).

Figure 4. Primary structure RCA protein of zebrafish. Membrane-bound RCA, ZCR1, contain 4 SCRs with transmembrane (A) and soluble form RCA, ZCR2, contain 5 SCRs (B) were shown.

Interestingly, the three gTecrem isoforms consist of different number of SCR: gTecrem-1 has seven, whereas gTecrem-2 and gTecrem-3 have four SCRs (Fig. 5). These gTecrem isoforms are not the products of alternative splicing because their SCR domains have distinct sequences. Data sequences indicated that gTecrem structure principally conserved all the features of xenopus, chicken, and human membrane-bound RCA. The most significant difference among gTecrem isoforms is the number of SCRs, and the identities among the SCRs ranges from 54%–89% (Fig. 6). Also, data shows that gTecrem-1, gTecrem-2, and gTecrem-3 share a high degree of similarity to carp Tecrem and zebrafish Tecrem (up to 40%). It is therefore highly likely that Tecrem in ginbuna fish may be functional, also capable of regulating complement activation, especially binding to C3b.

Figure 5. Domain organization of gTecrem isoforms. SP, signal peptide; SCR, short consensus repeat; STP, serine/proline/threonine-rich region; and TM, transmembrane region. Numbering of amino acids and molecular weights are shown.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 72 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

Figure 6. Amino acid sequence identity (%) of each SCR of ginbunaTecrem (gTecrem-1, gTecrem-2, and gTecrem-3), carp Tecrem, and zebrafishTecrem, numbers in the table are calculated using the program MEGA4. The identities higher than 40% are shaded to show the lineage of SCR modules.

The most different of RCA among species is the number of SCR (Fig. 2 – 4). The membrane- bound protein ZCR1 in zebrafish has five SCRs and molecular weight of 42.8 kDa (Wu et al., 2012). Human DAF and CD46 contain four SCRs, CR1 contains 30 SCRs, and mouse Crry contains five SCRs (Kim and Song, 2006; Liszewski et al., 1991). In lower vertebrates, xenopus ARC2 and ARC3 have four and eight SCRs, respectively, and carp and zebrafishTecrem contain four and five SCRs, respectively (Oshiumi et al., 2009). These findings indicated that the number of SCRs in regulatory membrane- bound protein is different across isoforms and animal spesies. Because the functional significance of the number of SCRs in complement regulatory proteins is still unclear, it would be interesting to understand the functional diversification among gTecrem isoforms.

Carp Tecrem possesses a complement regulatory functions like human CD46, suggesting that CD46 is a phylogenetically well conserved RCA molecule with ancient evolutionary origin (Tsujikura et al., 2015). Human RCA, excluding C4bpβ, fell into two distinct groups based on their sequence divergence, which were mapped on two separate loci of chromosome 1q32 (Krushkal et al. 2000). The phylogenetic tree constructed with neighbor-joining method showed that ginbuna Tecrem and zebrafish Tecrem clubbed together with carp Tecrem (Fig. 7). This indicated that Tecrem was member of RCA, derived from a common ancestor and similar function.

In summary, this study identifies three of complement regulatory membrane proteins (Tecrem) in ginbuna crucian carp. It is indicated that gTecrem structure principally conserved all the features of non-mammalians and human membrane-bound RCA, thus they may have similar function in immune system.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 73 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

Figure 7. Phylogenetic tree of amino acid sequences of Tecrem.

The phylogenetic tree was constructed using neighbor joining (NJ) method and displayed using MEGA4. Bootstrap percentages are given. Amino acid sequences are obtained from the Gen Bank: Human (H. sapiens), cow (B. taurus), rat (R. norvegicus), guinea pig (C. porcellus), wild boar (S. scrofa), rodent (M. musculus), barred sand bass (P. nebulifer), frog (X. tropicalis), lamprey (L. japonicum), chicken (G. gallus), ginbuna crucian carp (C. langsdorfii), carp (C. carpio), and zebrafish (D. rerio). Abbreviations: C4BP, Complement 4-binding protein; DAF, Decay Accelerating Factor; F13B, Coagulation Factor XIII B polypeptide; CFHR, Factor H–related Protein; SBCFR, Sand Bass Cofactor Related Protein; SBP1, Sand Bass Cofactor Protein 1; Lacrep, Lamprey Complement Regulatory Protein; CRES, Chicken Complement Regulatory Secretory Protein; CREG, Chicken Complement Regulatory GPI-anchored Protein; CREM, Chicken Complement Regulatory Membrane-bound Protein; ARC, Amphibian Regulatory Complement Activation Protein; CFH, Complement Factor H; CR1, Complement Receptor 1; CR2, Complement Receptor 2;Crry, Rat Complement Regulatory Protein; MCP, Membrane Cofactor Protein; Tecres, Teleost Complement Regulatory Secretory Protein; Tecrem, Teleost Complement Regulatory Membrane-bound Protein

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 74 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding REFERENCES Birnboim H.C. and Doly, J. (1979): A rapid alkaline extraction procedure for screening recombinant plasmid DNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 7(6), pp: 1513-1523. Dahmen A., Kaidoh T., Zipfel P.F., Gigli I. (1994): Cloning and characterization of a cDNA representing a putative complement- regulatory plasma protein from barred sand bass (Parablax neblifer). Biochem. J. 301(Pt 2), pp: 391–397. Inoue N., Fukui A., Nomura M., Matsumoto M., Nishizawa Y., Toyoshima K., Seya T. (2001): A novel chicken membrane- associated complement regulatory protein: molecular cloning and functional characterization. J. Immunol.166(1), pp: 424– 431. Jiang H., Wagner E., Zhang H., Frank M.M. (2001): Complement inhibitor is a regulator of the Alternative Complement Pathway. J. Exp. Med. 194(11), pp: 1609–1616. Katagiri T., Hirono I., Aoki T. 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The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 75 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Preliminary Study on the Reproduction of Geso (Hemibagrus wyckii, Bagridae ) fish From Kampar Kanan River, Indonesia

Netti Aryani*, Indra Suharman and Saberina Hasibuan

Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau Pekanbaru , Indonesia * Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Hemibagrus wyckii is one of vulnerable Bagridae species that inhabit the Kampar Kanan Rivers, Riau, Indonesia. A preliminary study on the reproduction of the H. wyckii has been conducted from April to August 2015 in order to determine the reproductive aspects of this fish. The number of fishes sampled was 45. The fish was captured by fishermen using fishing lines. Parameters measured were total length (cm), body weight (g), sex and reproductive condition of the fish, including gonadal maturity stages, fecundity, egg diameter, and spawning type. The eggs were preserved in Gilson solution and the diameter was measured. The fecundity was calculated using a gravimetric method. Results obtained shown that 36 males (TL 42.9 to 65.2 cm and BW 961-2,898 g) and 9 females (TL 56.4 to 79.2 and BW of 1,910 to 4,710 grams) were captured. Gonadal Somatic Index of the male ranged from 0.6 to 2.00% and that of the female was 0.88-3.97%. The fecundity range from 3,876-9,588 eggs and the egg diameter was range from 1.04-2.81 mm. Data obtained indicate that the type of the oocyte development of H.wyckii is asynchronies with partial spawning.

Keywords : Reproduction, Hemibagrus wyckii, Bagridae.

INTRODUCTION In the inland water of Riau Province, lived four families of Bagridae, namely Hemibagrus nemurus, Hemibagrus wyckii, Mystus negricep and Mystus micracanthus (Fithra and Siregar 2010; Aryani, 2015). Among the four families of the Bagridae, H.wyckii with local name "Geso" has been classified as vulnerable (Yustina 2001; Simanjuntak et al, 2006; Fithra and Siregar, 2010; Aryani, 2015), because of over fishing and habitat alteration (Aryani, 2014). Fish H.wyckii has the strategic value for cultivation because of economic value Rp 125000-150000, - (Aryani, 2015). For the success of breeding fish Geso while now underway for succesful broodstock of domestication and culture. In order for the domestication process is successful, it would require a study of the reproductive aspects that somatic gonad index, fecundity, egg diameter and spawning type.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Research was conducted from April to August 2015, the material used is fish Geso (Figure 1) were collected from the catch of with fishing lines from the water of the Kampar areas at Kouk village (0 ° 19 '23.44˝ N and 100o 56' 40.05 ˝ E), Air Tiris village (0 ° 21 '24.77˝ N and 101 ° 06' E and Tarantang village 04.90˝ (0 ° 21 '05.32˝ N and 101 ° 18' 43.96˝ E). Other equipments such as meter with accuracy of 0.1 cm, electronic scales precision brands camry 0.01 g), sample bottles, surgical tool, Gilson solution and microscope Olympus CX 21 which has been calibrated to the scale of 0.025 mm. Fish Geso caught in fresh state was inserted into the cool box measuring 120x50x40 cm and taken to the Hatchery and Breeding Laboratory, Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty, University of Riau.

Fish Geso samples measured total length (from tip of nose to tip of the longest tail) and weighed weight, after measuring the fish dissected to see gender and maturity level gonad determined. Gonad maturity level (TKG) was determined morphologically include color, shape and size of the gonads (Effendie, 1979). Gonads removed from the body cavity and weighed using scales

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 76 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding with an accuracy of 0.01 g, which is then used to calculate gonad somatic index (IGS) with following formula: IGS = x 100%.

Figure 1. H. Wykii; body weight= 1820 g, SL = 49,5 cm, Photographs by Aryani (2015)

To calculate the fecundity total with gravimetric method taken from the ovary as much as 1 gram of fish that have TKG IV (ready to spawn) and preserved with a Gilson solution (100 ml alcohol 60%, 880 ml of distilled water, 15 ml of nitric acid, 15 ml of glacial acetic acid and 20 ml of mercury chloride (Bagenal in Effendie, 1979). The use of the Gilson solution to harden the egg and to release the eggs from the ovary tissue. The absolute fecundity was determined by using a formula based Nikolsky (1963) as follows: F: f = B: b, where F = total fecundity (grains), f = number of eggs of example gonads (grains), B = weight of gonad entirely (gram) and b = weight of gonad sample (g).

Egg diameter was measured from the ovary which has been preserved as much as 30 grains of fish with high levels II-IV gonad maturity. To determine the type of fish spawning Geso analyzed histologically. For absolute fecundity suspect based on the total length and body weight were used equation Jhingran (1984) as follows: F = a1Lbl or Log F = log a + b log L, F = a2Bt2 or Log F = Log a + b log W, F = fecundity (grains), L = the total length of the fish (cm), Bt = body weight (grams), a and b = constants.

RESULTS From 45 fish samples, obtained 9 females with a total length range 56.4-79.2 cm and body weight 1910-4710 grams, and 36 males with a length ranging from 42.9-65.2 cm and a weight of between 961-2898 g. Fish Geso classified as heterosexual namely sperm and egg cells produced by different individuals. Therefore ovaries and testes are found evolved separately since each individual phase of the larvae and remain androgynous female or male during its lifecyrcle. Secondary sexual characteristics that can distinguish between male and female fish is on the female fish fatter female body and genital hole to hole distances shorter anus, while the male body is more slender fish in the hole there is a slight bulge genital and anus distance to the hole longer.

Somatic Gonad Index (IGS). Gonadal development can be seen from Somatic Gonad Index (IGS) along with increasing ripe gonad, the gonads will grow and gain weight. Tables 1 and 2 present the distribution of the size of the female and male fish length and the average IGS.

IGS value of Geso female fish TKG II average of 0.88% ± 0,42, TKG III 2,62% ± 0,28 on average, and the average TKG IV 3,35% ± 0,87. While the value of IGS male fish TKG I 0, TKG II average 1,24% ± 0,81, on average TKG III 1,43% ± 0,89 and an average TKG IV 1,60 ± 0,54. IGS average value Geso female fish is greater than the value of IGS male fish at the same TKG (IV) it is associated with ovarian weight gain is always greater than the testis weight gain.

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Table 1. Level of maturity and somatic gonad index Fish Geso female by total length Class bond TKG Total (tail) IGS (%) Class (cm) I II III IV n I II III IV A 56,4-61,9 3 3 0 6 0 0,88 2,46 0 B 62,1-68,9 0 1 0 1 0 0 2,79 0 C 69,8-74,5 0 0 0 0 0 0

D 75,6-80,2 2 2 0 0 3,35

Table 2. Level of maturity and somatic gonad index Geso male fish by total length

TKG IGS (%) Class Class bond (cm) Total (tail) I II III IV I II III IV

A 42,90-48,8 0 11 3 3 17 0 1,29 1,15 1,32 B 49,48-54,76 0 1 6 1 8 0 0,6 1,17 1,59 C 55,77-61,34 0 0 2 5 7 0 0 1,57 2,00 D 62,34-67,92 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 1,22

Fecundity and Egg Diameter. Fecundity of fish Geso ranged between 2,943-9,580 granule/individual. This value indicates the potential of the eggs produced for one-time spawning. Fecundity mostly found in fish measuring 78.6 cm by 9558 the number of grains and eggs ranged from 1.04 to 2.81 mm in diameter. The value of absolute fecundity fish Geso total length presented in Table 1 and graphs fecundity relationship with the length and weight are presented in Figure 2 and 3. From Figure 2 obtained value of R 2 = 0.44 and Figure 3 the value of R 2 = 0.24. From the equation it is evident that Geso fish fecundity increases with increasing length of the body. R2 values obtained showed that fecundity is determined by the length of the body. This parameter reflects that the length of the body is better to estimate the fecundity of fish Geso.

Table 3. fecundity fish Geso based on the length of the body Average No Class Length (cm) Total (tail) Fecundity (granule) (granule) 1 56,4-62,7 6 3,943-7970 5,492 2 63,1-68,8 1 7,265 7,265

3 69,8-75,5 - - -

4 76,5-82,2 2 7,338-9,558 8,448

y = 188,1x0,434 12000 y = 7,94x1,597 12000 10000 R² = 0,206 R² = 0,410 ) 10000 8000 8000 6000 4000 6000

(grain) fecundity 2000 4000 fecundity (grain fecundity 0 2000 0 50 100 0 length (cm) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 weight (gram)

Figure 2. Regression of fecundity with body length. Figure 3. Regresion of fecundity with body weight

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 78 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding From observations of fish Geso diameter with a total sample size of 50 rounds there is a difference in diameter between the posterior and anterior median. Diameter size fish eggs Geso at Maturity Level gonads (TKG IV) on the posterior portion of 2.88 mm, at a median of 2.81 mm and 2.75 mm anterior and histologically presented in Figure 4. From the analysis of histologically known fish oocyt development Geso occurs par group, which found the population of oocytes with different sizes on the same TKG (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Histology Geso fish ovaries. Description: TKG I (A) is dominated by the oocyte that has a nucleus (nl), TKG II (B) is dominated by the larger oocyte, TKG III (C) contained vacuoles (v) and granules yolk (gk), TKG IV (D) nucleus (nl) has moved to the edge.

DISCUSSION Comparison Geso female fish with male fish overall is 9: 36 or 1: 4. It is thought to be related to the low rainfall in the months of April to August 2015 because when associated with the spawning season generally fish that live in tropical areas such as fish spawning baung do when the water level in the river rises (Welcome, 1986). It also relates to fish Geso populations in three habitats such studies are vulnerable (Yustina 2001; Simanjuntak et al, 2006; Fithra and Siregar, 2010; Aryani, 2015). According to Nikolsky (1969) when on the water there are differences in the size and number of one sex, possibly due to differences in growth patterns, different ages because the first gonadal maturation, different lifespan and the addition of a new individual.

Somatic Gonad index value (IGS) Geso female fish at TKG IV between 2.73 to 3.97% and males between 1.22 to 2.00%. Mean weight gain is greater than the ovary testis weight gain. The same was found in coaxing fish (Channa Lucius, Channidae), where the value of TKG IV IGS female fish ranged from 2.15 to 4.70% and 0.34 to 0.97% male (Azrita, 2012). Similarly, the value of IGS fish Gobius niger (Gobiidea, teleost) ranged from 3.25 to 4.0% females and males and from 0.3 to 0.6% (Louiz, Attia and Hassine, 2009). IGS value is different from the value of the fish IGS Baung (Hemibagrus nemurus) TKG IV females average of 10.78% and 3.46% male (Sukendi, 2001). As a comparison value IGS female Cyprinidae fish TKG IV higher than the IGS value of Belingka fish (Puntius blinka) females and males ranged from 3.39 to 6.78% from 2.42 to 3.57% (Azrita et al, 2010). Of the value of fish Geso IGS can be concluded that the value of IGS depends on the number of eggs and egg diameter.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 79 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Fecundity related with age, length or weight and species of fish. (Azrita and Syandri, 2013; Syandri et al, 2013; Syandri et al, 2015). Bagenal (1978) stated that the body weight or total length of fish tends to increase fecundity. From the results of this study fecundity is affected by the length of the fish. Fecundity mostly found in fish measuring 78.6 cm by 9,,558 the number of granules and the smallest with a length of 59.6 cm indigo fecundity of 3,943 granules. Fish Geso that fecundity increased with increasing length of the body. This parameter reflects that the length of the body is better to estimate the fecundity of fish Geso.

Fecundity of fish Geso ranged between 2,943-9,588 granules are smaller when compared to fish Baung between 34701-87118 granules (Muflikhah et al, 1998). In general, fish that has a diameter smaller fecundity large eggs. Such fecundity in fish bujuk (Chana lucius) ranged between 1,152-3,746 granules/individual, or 160-210 eggs per gram weight of the gonads with the average value of the relative fecundity of 183 eggs/gram (Azrita, 2012). Fecundity green snakehead fish (Channa punctata) in India ranged from 2,300 to 2,9,600 granules (Jhingran, 1984), 2 mm diameter eggs (Khan, 1924 in Courtenay and Williams, 2004), fecundity dwarfs snekehead (Channa gachua) in Berhampur India ranged between 2,539-7194 granules, egg diameter 2.1 to 2.6 mm (Mishra, 1991). Geso smaller fish fecundity of fish such as fish family Cyprinidae Belinka (Puntius belinka) ranges from 17,599 to 60,399 granules (Azrita et al., 2010), Osteocillus kalabau ranged from 130 thousand to 140 thousand eggs/kg body weight (Kris et al, 2010), Osteochillus vitattus of Koto Panjang Reservoir amounted to 96 880 granules/weight (Syandri et al, 2015).

There are differences in the size of fish eggs Geso diameter between the posterior and anterior median. The size of the diameter of the eggs on the level of maturity of gonads (TKG IV) on the posterior portion of 2.88 mm, at a median of 2.81 mm and 2.75 mm for anterior while the TKG IV baung fish size between 1.26 to 1.35 mm diameter Sukendi (2001) in contrast to persuade fish section 1.12 to 1.32 mm anterior and posterior sections 1.35 to 1.70 mm Azrita (2012 ). These data indicate fish spawning Geso do partially with large egg diameter and can be domesticated as a candidate for fish culture because large eggs will have larvae with a large mouth opening.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia in 2015, on the Incentive Research Program, of The National Inovation System with Basics Research Funding Scheme.

REFERENCES Aryani, N. 2015 a. Native species in , Riau Province Indonesia. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2 (5): 213-217. Aryani, N. 2015.b. Fish and Environmental Change. Bung Hatta University Press, 125 p. Azrita, H, and N Syandri, Aryani. 2010. Study of the reproductive aspect Belinka fish (Puntius Belinka Blkr) In Effort Domestication in Lake Batur. Proceedings of the Seminar Limnology V. Azrita, 2012. Genetic Variation and Reproductive Biology Fish persuade (Chana Lucius, Cuvier, Agtinoterygii: Chanidae) At Habitat Aquatic Different In Effort Domestication. Accompanied the Graduate Program of Andalas University, Padang Bagenal, T, B., 1978. Aspects of fish fecundity. Ecology of freshwater fish production. Blackwell scintific Publication. Oxford 75- 101 p. Courtenay, W, R., Jr. and J, D, Williams., 2004. snakeheads (Pisces, Channidae) A biological synopsis and risk assessment. U.S. Geological Survey Circular; 1251 Effendie, M, I., 1979. Methods of Fisheries Biology. Yayasan Dewi Sri, Bogor. Fithra.R.Y, and Y.I. Siregar. 2010. Diversity of Inventarisasi Kampar river fish. Right Kampar river. Journal of Environmental Science 2 (4): 139-147. Jhingran, AG, 1984. The fish genetic resources of India: Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Allahabad and Maya Press Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad, 82 p.

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Krintanto, AH, Sidih A Rasidi, 2010. Domestication of Osteochillus melanopleura Support for Increasing Production of Freshwater researchand Development Agency of Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Center, . Louiz, I., M, Ben-Attia and O, K, Ben-Hassine., 2009. gonadosomatic index and gonad histopathology of Gobius niger (Gobiidea, teleost) from Bizerta lagoon (Tunisia): Evidence of reproduction disturbance. Fisheries Research 100: 266-273. Mishra, S, K., 1991. Reproductive biology of freshwater teleost, Channa gachua (Ham): Proceedings of the National Symposium on New Horizons in Freswater Aquaculture 1991: p.55-56 Muflikhah, N., S. Nurdawat and Aida. 1998. Fish Domestication Baung (Mystus nemurus), Journal of Agricultural Research, 17: 53-59 Nikolsky, G.V. 1969. Theory of fish population dynamics as the biological backround for rational explotation and management of fishery resources. (Transla. From Rusian). Oliver and Boyd, Edinburg. Syandri H., Azrita., And Aryani, N. 2013. Size distribution, reproduction and spawning habitat of fish bilih (Mystacoleucus padangensis Blkr.) In Singkarak Lake. Pomfret, 5 (1): 1-8. Syandri, H., Azrita., And Junaidi. 2015. Fecundity of Bonylip barb, Osteochilus vittatus, Cyprinidae waters in different habitats. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2 (4): 157-163. Sukendi, 2001. Reproductive Biology and control them in efforts Fish Hatchery Baung (Mystus nemurus CV) From Water Kampar, Riau. Dissertation Graduate Program, Bogor Agricultural University. Simanjuntak.C.P.H; M.F. Rahardjo and S.Sukimin, 2006. Iktiofauna swamp flood of Kampar Kiri (ichthyofauna in the floodplain of Kampar Left River) .Jurnal Ikhtiologi Indonesia 6 (2): 99-109. Welcome, R, L., 1985. Rivers FAO fisheries Fish Tech Paper, 262. Rome 376 p. Yustina.2001.Keanekaragaman Type Fish in Water Along the River Mandau Riau, . Thesis, Department of Biology Graduate Program, Bandung Institute of Technology (unpublished).

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Analysis Pattern of Potency and Fisheries Development in The Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province

Amrizal1, Sjafrizal2, Mahdi2 and Junaidi3

1)Phd Student in the Post Graduate Program, Andalas University 2)Lecturer in the Post Graduate Program, Andalas University 3)Lecturer in the Post Graduate Program, Bung Hatta University

ABSTRACT Bengkalis waters is experiencing over fishing (DKP Riau Province, 2011). The purpose of this study is to analyze the fisheries potency and the level of exploitation in the coastal and marine zones and to understand the level of fishermen income in the Bengkalis waters. Data were obtained directly from the fishermen and the secondary data were obtained from related institutions. Results shown that the potential of sustainable fisheries in the coastal zone of the Bengkalis is 1,287.09 tons / year, while that of the marine zone is 7,608.17 tons/ year. The exploitation rate in the coastal zone is 113.04% and that of the marine zone is 90.94% in 2013. In the coastal zone, the average of Benefit Cost of Ratio (BCR) = 1.89, with the average of income revenue was Rp 19,035,000,-/year, while those of the marine zone is 1.96 and Rp 83.442.000,-/year respectively.

Keywords: Bengkalis, sustainable potency, fishermen income,

INTRODUCTION The poverty of farmers and fishermen in the countryside will lead to pressure to natural resources, which means negative impact on the sustainability of natural resources and environmental quality. Due to the poverty, the poor tend to use natural resources to fulfill their need, but as a consequence it leads to damage of the environment.

Fish availability in the Bengkalis territorial waters is estimated to be decreased due to excessive fishing effort. As there is no fishing regulation, the fishermen take almost all of fish captured such small sized fish and fish that is in reproductive stage. This condition may damage the fishery condition in general as the fish exploitation rate is more than the fish reproduction rate. To understand the fisheries general condition in the Bengkalis waters, a study has been conducted.

MATERIALS AND METHODS This study was conducted in Bengkalis waters, in 2 study sites, namely the coastal and marine zones of the Bengkalis waters, a one year period (2013 to 2014). Data were obtained by distributing questionnaire as a data collection guidelines, stationery, tape recorder for recording the interview and a digital camera for documenting the research. Methods used in this study is a survey method. The primary data were obtained through interviewing respondent individually (200 fishermen) and in a groups (the coastal and marine groups).

Table1. The number of respondent in each study site No District Total Coastal Marine Zone Population Zone 1 Bantan 859 60 60 2 North Rupat 613 40 40 T O T A L 1.472 100 100

Analisis of Potensial Sustainable Fisheries. To calculate the MSY and optimum sustainable yield in the natural resources, a Scheafer model is used, with these following equations: 1. Maxsimum Sustainable Yield (MSY) : ²/4b

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 82 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding 2. Effort optimal : a/2b 3. Level Exploitation (T.Eks) : (

Business Analysis and fishing income. The feasibility of fishery business in the coastal and marine zones can be calculated using these following formulas: 1. BCR= GI/TC 2. IRR= NI/ Ix100% 3. Net income = GI - TC

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION There is high fishery potencial resources in the Bengkalis Regency. Data on the fishery related potency in the Bengkalis Regency during 9 years (2005-2013) period is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Fishing gear, boat and marine fisheries production in Bengkalis Year 2005-2013 Year Gear (unit) Boat (unit) Ratio of gear and Boat Production (ton) 2005 3.811 3.140 1,21 8.285,3 2006 4.447 4.215 1,06 8.468,8 2007 5.810 4.205 1,36 9.103,5 2008 5.670 4.882 1,16 10.083,9 2009 5.059 3.953 1,28 9.443,8 2010 5.132 2.997 1,71 9.291,9 2011 5.232 3.475 1,51 8.530.0 2012 5.364 3.453 1,55 8.735,0 2013 5.584 3.519 1,59 8.373,9 Source: Department of Marine and Fisheries Bengkalis

Sustainable Fisheries Potency in Bengkalis. Prediction of sustainable fisheries potency in Bengkalis coastal and marine zones are presented in Table 3

Table 3. The number of fishing boats and gears in the coastal and marine zones of Bengkalis Regency in the year of 2005 – 2013 Boats Gears Year Coastal Marine Total Coastal Marine Total 2005 1.880 1.260 3.140 2.287 1.524 3.811

2006 2.770 1.445 4.215 2.668 1.779 4.447 2007 2.797 1.408 4.205 2.895 1.915 4.810 2008 2.927 1.955 4.882 3.402 2.268 5.670 2009 2.368 1.585 3.953 3.055 2.024 5.059 2010 1.777 1.200 2.977 3.079 2.053 5.132 2011 2.089 1.386 3.475 3.139 2.093 5.232 2012 2.070 1.383 3.453 3.218 2.144 5.364 2013 2.115 1.404 3.519 3.351 2.233 5.584

Source: DKP Bengkalis 2005-2013

Production, amount of equipment, fleet, fishing effort(effort) and averagecatchper-unit apparatus(CPUE) marine fisheriesBengkalis, for 9 years presented in Table 4

Table 4. Production, gears, boats, Effort and CPUE in the Bengkalis waters in the year of 2005-2013

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Year Production Gears (unit) Boat (unit) Efforts CPUE (ton)

2005 8.285,3 3.811 4.215 2.242 3,70

2006 8.468,8 4.447 4.206 2.616 3,24 2007 9.103,5 4.810 4.882 2.829 3,22 2008 10.083,9 5.670 4.953 3.335 3,19 2009 9.443,8 5.059 3.977 2.976 3,17 2010 9.291,9 5.132 4.475 3.019 3,08 2011 8.530,0 5.232 4.503 3.078 2,77 2012 8.735,0 5.364 4.519 3.155 2,77 2013 8.373,9 5.584 4.323 3.284 2,55 Source: DKP Bengkalis 2005-2013

The fishery production as well as the gear used in fish captured activities in bengkalis waters was increase during the period 2005 -2013. However, the increment of the fishery production (0.32% per year ) is lower than that of the gear (5.24% per year ). As a consequence, the effort also increase and the CPUE drcrease into 4.40% per year. These data indicate that the fishermen need higher cost to catch the same type of fish.

The potential of fisheries in the coastal zone of Bengkalis. The common fishing boats used in the coastal zone of Bengkalis are traditional or non-motorized boat (PTM), 3GT boat, 5 GT boat and >5 GT boat. Fishery production (catch), fishing gear used, Effort index, CPUE and exploitation level are presented in Table 5

Table 5. Production (catch), fishing gear, Effort indexs and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) and exploitation level in the coastal zone of Bengkalis waters in the year of 2005-2013 Year Production Totalgear Index Effort CPUE Exploitation (ton) (unit) conversion (unit) (ton) (level) 2005 1.657,0 2.287 1.84 1.243 128,74

2006 1.693,8 2.668 1,84 1.450 131,60 2007 1.775,2 2.895 1,84 1.573 137,92 2008 1.915,9 3.402 1,84 1.849 148,86 2009 1.747,0 3.035 1,84 1.649 135,73

2010 1.772,5 3.079 1,84 1.673 137,71

2011 1.492,7 3.139 1,84 1.706 115,97

2012 1.489,9 3.218 1,84 1.749 115,37

2013 1.454,9 3.351 1,84 1.821 113,04

Source: DKP Bengkalis 2005-2013

The relationship between fishing effort (effort) with catch-per-unit effort (CPUE) of the coastal fisheries, can be described by a linear regression equation: Y = 2,269 – 0.001X (R2 is 0.718). It means that the catch per unit effort is equal to 2,269 tons / year. If the fishing effort is zero, the catch will be decreased into 0,001 tons / year. The fisheries condition in the coastal zone is presented in Figure 3 and 4.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 84 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

The fisheries potency in the marine zone of Bengkalis. The potency of sustainable fisheries in the marine zone of Bengkalis waters is presented in Table 6. The fisheries condition in this area can be predicted based on data available (2005-2013), especially the data on production and exploitation level.

Table 6. Production (catch), fishing gear, catching effort (Effort) and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) and Exploitation in the marine zone of Bengkalis, in the year of 2005-2013

Year Production (ton) Total gear Conversion Efforts (unit) CPUE Exploitation level Index (ton) 2005 6.628,3 1.524 1.49 1.023 6,48 87,12 2006 6.675,0 1.779 1,49 1.194 5,67 86,89 2007 7.328,3 1.915 1,49 1.258 5,70 96,32 2008 8.168,0 2.268 1,49 1.522 5,37 107,16 2009 7.696,8 2.024 1,49 1.358 5,67 101,16 2010 7.519,4 2.053 1,49 1.378 5,46 98,83 2011 7.037,3 2.093 1,49 1.405 5,01 92,50 2012 7.250,1 2.144 1,49 1.439 5,04 95,29 2013 6.919,0 2.233 1,49 1.497 4,62 90,94

Source: DKP Bengkalis 2005-2013

Relationship between Fishing Enterprises (effort) with catch-per-unit effort (CPUE) of the coastal fisheries, can be described by a linear regression equation: Y = 9.394 - 0,003X (R2 was 0.750). It means that the catch per unit effort is equal to 9.394 tons / year. If the fishing effort is zero, it means that the catch decrease into 0.003 tons / year with the addition of an effort unit.

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Figure 5 and 6 shown the potencial condition of marine zone fisheries in the Bengkalis waters.

Analysis of income and business feasibility level. The coastal zone fisheries. The initial capital is often called the main capital. The initial capital costs are issued/ invested by fishermen to build one unit of fishing effort. The main capital is not changed eventhough the production is changing. The business capital in coastal zone are presented in Table 7.

Table 7. The price of each fishing gear type used in the Bengkalis coastal waters Type & big spending (Rp 000) No Type of gear Boat Gear Boat engine Roller machine other 1 Gill net (PTM) 1.000 1.000 - - 50 2 Gill net (PTM) 15.000 20.000 15.000 - 300 3 Trammel net (MT) 15.000 15.000 15.000 - 300 4 Long line (MT 10.000 10.000 10.000 - 300 5 Gombang (MT) 10.000 15.000 10.000 - 300 6 Ambai (MT) 4.000 7.000 5.000 - 30

Feasibility Index Value. The values of BCR, IRR and Income are strongly influenced by the amount of capital invested and costs issued in fishing effort. The index value of fishing effort in coastal is presented in Table 8.

Table 8.The index value of fisheries in the coastal zone of Bengkalis No Gear Armada BCR IRR Income / year Bussines condition 1 Gill net PTM 2,08 45,25 6.500.000 Worthy 2 Gill net MT 1,73 28,40 44.500.000 Worthy 3 Trammel net MT 1,92 38,24 33.000.000 Worthy 4 Long line MT 1,78 29,20 24.000.000 Worthy 5 Gombang MT 1,39 17,37 11.000.000 Worthy 6 Ambai MT 1,80 29,85 8.000.000 Worthy

The fishing effort in the marine zone of Bengkalis. Business capital. The initial capital of the marine fisheries in Bengkalis shown in Table 9.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 86 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

Table 9. The initial capital of each type of fishing gear in marine zone in Bengkalis waters Types & Cost (thousand Rp) No Gear Boat Gear Boat engine Roller machine other 1 Gill net (KM 5GT) 60.000 40.000 30.000 7.500 2.000 2 Gill net (KM 5GT) 50.000 40.000 25.000 7.500 2.000 3 Trammel net (KM 5 GT) 30.000 20.000 20.000 7.500 1.000 4 Long line (KM 7GT) 100.000 100.000 42.000 8.000 3.000 5 Gombang (KM 7GT) 80.000 70.000 40.000 8.000 3.000 6 Ambai (KM 7GT) 50.000 50.000 30.000 7.500 2.000 Source: survey and interview

Index value of the marine zone. The value of the BCR, IRR index and Income is strongly influenced by the amount of capital invested and costs issued in fishing effort. The index value of fishing effort in the waters off the marine area is presented in Table 10.

Table10. Index value of marine fisheries in the Bengkalis waters No Gear Boat Size BCR IRR Income / year Bussines condition 1 Gill net KM 5GT 2,06 38,72 37.500.000 Worthy 2 Trammel net KM 5GT 1,78 25,95 29.600.000 Worthy 3 Long line KM 5GT 1,54 17,94 20.200.000 Worthy 4 Gill net KM 7GT 2,26 41,72 160.000.000 Worthy 5 Kurau net KM 7GT 2,25 41,24 127.000.000 Worthy 6 Bamboo trap KM 7GT 2,07 31,47 62.000.000 Worthy

General condition of fisheries condition in the Bengkalis Regency can be predicted based on the average of fishermen catch/ gear/ zone. Data on the fisheries condition are presented in Table.11

Table 11. Data on fishing equipment, boat, average costs, catches, BCR and IRR income /year Fisheries Respo Gear Boat Engine Cost Output Gross Net Income BCR IRR zones ndent type (thousand (kg) revenue (Thousand Rp) (Thousand Rp) Rp) 37 Gill net PTM 6000 500 12.500 6500 2,08 45,25 20 Gill net MT(2GT) 15 52.000 3600 90.000 38.000 1.73 28,40 coastal 18 T. Net MT(2GT) 10 36.000 1500 69.000 33.000 1,92 38,24 zone 7 Long line MT(2GT) 8 27.000 1600 48.000 21.000 1,78 29,20 6 Gombang MT(2GT) 8 28.000 1300 39.000 11.000 1,39 17,37 12 Ambai MT(2GT) 6 10.000 600 18.000 8000 1,80 29,85 100 23.870 1437 44.705 19.035 1,89 35,98 38 Gill net KM 5GT 24 80000 6600 165.000 85.000 2,06 38,72 marine 25 T.Net KM 5GT 16 62000 2400 110.000 48.000 1,78 25,95 zone 10 Long line KM 5GT 16 39000 1900 57.000 18.000 1,46 15,38 17 Gill net KM 7GT 60 135000 11.800 295.000 160.000 2,18 41,34 6 Kurau net KM 7GT 26 98000 6100 225.700 127.700 2,30 42,72 4 Bamboo KM 7GT 26 58000 4000 120.000 62.000 2,07 31,47 trap 100 80.950 5830 164.322 83.442 1,96 36,11

The criteria of coastal and marine fisheries condition in Bengkalis Regency based on statistical analysis are presented in Table 12.

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Table12 . Results of regression analysis of coastal (a) and marine (b) fisheries condition in the Bengkalis Regency. Coastal Regression Coefficient q Standard t F R2 r Zone parameter Error

β0(a) 2,269 0,294 7,716

β1 (b) -0,001 0,001 0,003 -4,223 17,837 0,718 0,847

Y = 2,269 – 0,001X Productione / C (2013) = 1.454,90 ton No = (a/q) x 250 (operating days per year) = 567.250,00 ton Nt = No-C = 565.795,10 ton MSY= a2/4b = 1.287,09 ton/year Optimal Effort = a/2q = 1.135 unit The lower rate of exploitation (2013) = 113,04% BCR = 1,89 Average net income = Rp 19.035.000,-/year

Marine Regression Coeffisient q Standard t F R2 r Zone parameter Error

β0(a) 9,394 1,339 11,238

β1 (b) -0,003 0,003 0,006 -4,448 19,786 0,750 0,867

Y = 9,394 – 0,003X Productione / C (2013) = 6.919,00 ton\ No = (a/q) x 235 (operating days per year) = 735.863,33 ton Nt = No-C = 728.944,33 ton MSY= a2/4b = 7.608,17 ton/year Optimal Effort = a/2q = 1.919 unit The lower rate of exploitation (2013) = 107,36 % BCR = 1,96 Average net income = Rp 83.442.000,-/year

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Fishery condition in the coastal zone indicates excess fishing (over fishing), with the potency of sustainable fishery is 1,287.09 tons / year. The highest rate of exploitation level in that area was 148.86%, with the optimum effort 1,135 units, but the effort in 2008 was higher than that of the optimum effort, it was 1,849 units. In the marine zone, the general fisheries condition is better than that of the coastal zoneIn the year of 2008, the exploitation level was 107.16% and the fishing effort was 1,522 units or 94 %. As the optimum effort is 1,619 units, and the fishing effort in the marine zone is lower than that of the maximum effort, the fisheries effort in this area can be developed.

REFERENCES Amiadji dan Santoso. H.A.,2008. Pengoptimalan penangkapan ikan pada kapal tunaLongliner dengan dukungan sistem satelit. Institut Teknologi Surabaya, Surabaya. Badrudin, N.N Wiadnyana, B.Wibowo, 2005. Deep water exploratory bottom long liningIn the waters of the . Indonesian Fisheries Research Journal, 11 (1) :pp 41-46. Badrudin, Wudianto, N.N. Wiadnyana, dan S. Nurhakim, 2006. Deep sea fish resourcesDiversity and potential in the waters of western Sumatera of the Eastern IndianOcean. Indonesian Fisheries Reseach journal. 12(2) : pp 113-12. Bailey and Brorsen (1989). Price Asymetry in Spatial Fee Cattle Markets.WesternJournal of Agriculture Economics, Vol. 14. pp 246-252 . Brill, R.W. et al, 1999. Horizontal Movements and depth Distribution of large adultYellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacores) near the Hawaiian Islands, recorded usingUltrasonic telematry: Implications for the physiological ecology of pelagic fishes,Marine Biologi (133) pp 395 – 408, . Charles, A.T., 2001. Sustainable Fishery Systems. Blackwell Science Ltd, London

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Chodriyah, U., W.A. Pralampita, 2010. Kajian perikanan Mini Purse Seine di Tempat Pendaratan Ikan Tasik Agung Rembang Jawa Tengah. Jurnal Kebijakan Perikanan Indonesia, Vol. 2 (2) halaman 91 – 99, Jakarta. Dahuri, R., 2001. Potensi dan permasalahan pembangunan kawasan pesisir Indonesia, Pusat kajiansumberdayapesisir dan lautan IPB, Bogor. Fauzi, A. dan S. Anna, 2005. Permodelan sumberdaya perikanan dan kelautan untuk analisis kebijakan,Gramedia pustaka utama, Jakarta. ______, 2005. Pendekatan Sumberdaya Perikanan dan Kelautan untuk Analisis Kebijakan. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. Gulland, J.A., 1983. Fish Stock Assesment. Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nation, Rome. Hadiyanto, Supriandi, S. Yahya, dan L.I. Amin, 2009. Analisis keberlanjutan Perkebunan Kakao Rakyat di Kawasan Perbatasan Pulau Sebatik Kabupaten Nunukan Timur, Jurnal Agro ekonomi, Vol. 25 (2) hal 218 - 229 Hermawan, M., 2006. Keberlanjutan Perikanan Tangkap Skala Kecil (kasus perikanan pantai di Serang dan Tegal). Disertasi Program S-3 Pasca Sarjana IPB,Bogor

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 89 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding The Effectiveness of Zeolite and Activated Charcoal Media in Reducing Pollutants in Tofu Industrial Waste

Sampe Harahap

Department of Aquatic Resources Management Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau

ABSTRACT Liquid waste treatment is very important because the untreated liquid waste may pollutes water bodies. To understand the effectiveness of the use of zeolit and active charcoal media to reduce the pollution in the tofu liquid waste, a study has been conducted. There were 5 treatments aplied, namely the 5, 10 and 15 days retention time. Results shown that the wastewater quality parameters of the treated waste were TSS (102.0 mg / L), pH (6.0 mg / L), DO (3.6 mg / L) BOD5 (88.0 mg / L), COD (141.0 mg / L), ammonia (1.4 mg / L), orthophosphate (1.2 mg / L) and nitrate (17.2 mg / L). The most effective treatment is the

10 days retention time and it reduced 73.3% of BOD5, 79.3% of COD and 80.9% of ammonia.

Keywords: tofu liquid waste, zeolite, activated charcoal, pollutants

INTRODUCTION Tofu industries are classified as small and medium industries and are mainly owned by the public. As the growth of Indonesian polulation reach 3% per year, the demand of food is also rise. Harahap et al (2010) stated that the need of soybeans is arround 3 million tons / year. While national soybean production only reached 6 million tons / year, it means that half of the soybean production is used for industrial purposes. Unfortunately, the waste water originated from the soybean processing industries was discharged into aquatic environment, arround 135,000,000 tons / year. According to Dhahiyat (1990), 1 ton soybean may produced 30,000 to 40,000 liters liquid waste. As the presence of the soybean industries liquid waste pollute the water, it is necessary to find out a solusion to solve this problem.

Materials that can be used to reduce the pollutant level are zeolit and activated charcoal. Combining zeolit and activated charcoal for processing the waste may increase the ability of the media to assimilate the organic and inorganic compounds present in the waste. The floating, suspended and dissolved organic and inorganic materials in the waste water might be absorbed. To understand the effectiveness of the zeolit and activated charcoal media in reducing the pollutant level of tofu industry liquid waste, a study is need to be conducted.

MATERIAL AND METHODS This research was conducted in February 2014 to October 2014, in the field and in the laboratory. Field study waslocated in the Cisalada Cikuda village , RT - 04 / RW - 07, Jatinanor, Sumedang District. Samples wete analyzed in the Chemical Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA), Padjadjaran University, The materials used in this study is the liquid waste, zeolite (40 cm thickness/ tank), activated charcoal (15 cm tickness/ tank). The wastewater processing unit was consisted of a tank to keep the liquid waste (1 tank), and tanks for processing the waste (3 tanks) ( Figure 1).

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Figure 1. Design of the biofilter reactor

Methods applied in this study is as follows: 1. Physical-chemical parameters was analyzed by standard methods and it was conducted in the Chemical Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA), the Padjadjaran University Bandung. 2. Results of physical-chemical analysis was compared with the wastewater quality standard ( Kep- 51 / MENLH / 10/1995, dated October 23, 1995). 3. The effectiveness of the zeolites and activated charcoal media was calculated using the formula of Saeni (1989): (C-in - C-out) EP = ------x 100 % C-in EF = The effectiveness of the treatment of wastewater out of media Cin = Levels of waste water parameters know early. C out = Levels of waste water parameters know who came out after processing 4. The ability of zeolites and activated charcoal to decrease wastewater contaminants was analyzed descriptively.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The effectiveness of zeolite and activated charcoal media in reducing the pollutant. TSS. The TSS in the water tank filled with zeolit and activated charcoal media, with 5, 10, 15 days retention time, showing various results (Table 1).

No WT (days) Before the After the Decrement (mg/L) Effectiveness treatment (mg/L) treatment (mg/L) (%)

1 5 460,00 260,67* 199,33 43,33 2 10 305,00 120,17* 184,83 60,60 3 15 291,00 112,43* 180,57 62,21 Description: WTO = residence time, * = standard (200-400 mg / L)

Table 1 shown that the decrement of TSS in the 5 days retention time was 260.67 mg / L, in the 10 days retention time was 120.17 mg / L and in the 15 days retention time was 112.43 mg / L. This

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 91 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding result has satisfy the quality standard (200-400 mg / L). At a residence time of 5 days, the early levels was 460.00 mg / L andit does not meet the quality standards. This decline may be related to the ability of zeolite-activated charcoal in adsorbing the organic and inorganic materials due to the presence of pores present in the media and its ability to exchange anions and cations that are present in the zeolite. Said and Erlambang (1999) stated the effectiveness of aerobic and anaerobic processor in proccessing the wastewater is able to reduce pollutant by of 60%.

Koswara (1990), stating that the ability of zeolite in absorbing of TSS (Total Suspended Solid) in the liquid waste resulting zeolites can absorbing the molecule is based on molecular size and configuration of the shape of the cavities of the zeolite. Due to the absorbsion, the TSS particles in the liquid waste can be reduced. Adamson in Priyanto and Prayitno (2005) stated that the decrement of TSS level in wastewater that is treated with zeolite and activated charcoal is affected by the time , the longer time, the more pollutant reduced, as the organic and inorganic materials contained in wastewater were absorbed by the zeolites and activated charcoal. with a zeolite-activated charcoal treatment residence time (retention time) different can reduce levels of TSS.

According to Syafrani (2006), zeolite is able to reduce the TSS levels in the wastewater of palm oil industry, with the effectiveness ranged from 60 to 80%. The TSS is decreased because the zeolites consisted of alumino - silicate hydrated and also composed by alkali cations and alkaline mineral. These compounds are three-dimensional structure that have pores or spaces that can be filled by other cations or water molecules present in the liquid waste and they are able to absorb high amount of TSS. The zeolite function, however, is generally based on its chemical and physical properties. The zeolite has the ability to exchange cations with other cations such as potassium and calcium needed by plants. Zeolite is also able to absorb ammonium, and it as a selective absorbent or cation exchanger. In a solution media, cations can be exchanged with other cations and it can be exchanged by anions (Goto, 1990).

Zeolite is widely used as a medium to improve the quality of effluent, as the zeolite is able to alter the cation in waste in large quantities selectively. The chemical composition of zeolites is as follow Fe2O2, = 0.5%, CaO, = 2%, MgO, = 2%, TiO2 = 0.03%, Na2O, = 0.05%, K2O, = 7%, SiO2, and Al2O3 = 55%, = 30%. Arifin (1991) stated that zeolite has been used to control radioactive waste, household waste, livestock waste and sulfuric acid waste. Purwadi (1997) states that the zeolite has ion exchange capacity as well as the selective adsorption of the cations NH4 +, Pb 2+, Zn 2+, Cu 2+, Fe 2+ and Mn 2+. The phosphate anion, sulfate anion and nitrate anions can be worn changed into organic waste. The levels of phosphate, nitrate, sulphate and ammonia contained in the liquid waste can be dropped into 35%. Furthermore, the size of zeolite used also affects the ability of lowering the the pollution materials in the water. The proper sizeis of 8-11 mm length.

Riyanto (1991) states that the zeolite is widely used in water treatment, because the zeolite has a hollow framework structure and porous that containing cations and water molecules that can be freely moved in the reversible ion exchange and reversible dehydration. The zeolite as a natural mineral has several functions such as absorbent, ion exchangers, molecular filters and as a catalyst. Harahap et al (2010), stated that in anaerobic condition, the zeolite is able to degrade the pollutant in wastewater , 7 mg zeolite/ liter of is able to reduce ammonia levels by 70%. According to Said and Herlambang (1999) the use of activated charcoal absorbs micro pollutants in the wastewater and also is able to absorb the dye and eliminate the stench. Research on liquid waste indicates that 25 cm thick of activated charcoal is able to lower the TSS levels, from 60-80%. Furthermore, Hammer (1986) states that the surface-active porous charcoal can absorb, TSS, organic substances, detergents, odor,

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 92 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding phenol compounds and heavy metals. The effectiveness of activated charcoal ability to reduce the TSS level in the wastewater of palm oil was 69.35% (Syafrani, 2006). In this study, the effectiveness of zeolite-activated charcoal with 15 days retention time in lowering the TSS levels of was.36% TSS.

BOD5. Results shown that the combination of zeolit and activated charcoal is able to reduce the BOD5 (Table 2). Based on the table above shows the use of zeolite-activated charcoal (5, 10, 15 days), have been able to reduce BOD5 . However, the BOD levelin the treated waste is higher than that of the government standard. After being treated for 15 days the BOD decrement reached 90.53% (into 236.67 mg / L), but it is categorized as “high” and it is not safe to discharge the waste to the river or to other aquatic resources. The organic and inorganic materials content is is predicted by measuring the BOD5 (Biochemical Oxigen Demand).

No WT (days) Before the After the Decrement (mg/L) Effectiveness treatment (mg/L) treatment (%) (mg/L) 1 5 4000,12 2820,43 1179,69 29,49 2 10 3000,67 539,33 2461,34 82,03 3 15 2500,33 236,67 2263,66 90,53 Description: WTO = residence time, quality standard (50-150)

The BOD5 is the demand of Oxygen used by decomposers to decompose organic matter or break down the complex into the simpler compounds. The amount of oxygen required by that microorganisms is known as BOD5. The more organic material goes into the water, the higher the oxygen it needs, even the oxygen in the water can be discharged and the levels reached zero (Abel, 1989). If the oxygen levels in the water is high enough and more than the oxygen required by aerobic bacteria , it does not cause negative impacts on aquatic organisms (Alaerts and Santika, 1987). However, if there is high amount of organic material present in the wastewater, the oxygen may not enough to fill the anaerobic bacteria need, and the decomposition process may results on high levels of ammonia, nitrite and highly toxic H2S that causes problems in the waters (Komarawijaya, 1995).

COD. The COD reduction at each treatment are listed in Table 3.

After the Before the Effectiveness No WT (days) treatment Decrement (mg/L) treatment (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) 1 5 6500.33 4000.17 2500.16 38.45 2 10 5500.67 1253.00 4265.67 85.30 3 15 5235.33 1242.67 3992.66 86.26

Description: WTO = residence time, quality standards (200-300)

By the end of the experiment (15 days residence time), the COD reduced into 1242.67 mg / L (effectiveness 86.26%). This COD level, however, has not satisfy the quality standards (Kep-51 / MENLH / 10 / 1995, which is 200-300 mg / L).

Ammonia. The levels of ammonia each residence time treatment are shown in the following table. The decrement of ammonia in the 5, 10, 15 days of treatment residence time are different. The highest decrement was present in the 15 days of residence time (4.00 mg / L). Data on the table above indicates that the decreased levels of ammonia increase , from of 32.33 to 28.97 mg / L (down

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 93 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding by 3.36 mg / L, effectiveness 10.39 on a 5 day treatment period). In the 10 days treatment, from 25.12 mg / L decrease into 14.37 mg / L, (down by 10.80 mg / L, the effectiveness 49.99%).

After the Before the Effectiveness No WT (days) treatment Decrement (mg/L) treatment (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) 1 5 32.33 28.97 3.36 10.39 2 10 25.12 14.37 10.80 49.99 3 15 10.11 4.00* 6.11 60.44 Description: WTO = residence time, * = appropriate quality standards (1-5)

By the end of the experiment (15 days of treatment) the ammonia reduced, from 10.11 mg / L down into 4.00 mg / L (decreased by 6.11 mg / L , effectiveness of 60.44%). Ammonia in the waters derived from the breakdown of organic nitrogen and inorganic nitrogen contained in natural wastewater which comes from the decomposition of organic matter by bacteria and fungi. The process of denitrification by bacterial activity in aerobic conditions produces ammonia gas (Nurhasanah et al, 1987). In this study the zeolite -activated charcoal media was able to gradually decreased the ammonia content in the waste water.

Orthophosphate. The ability of zeolite-active charcoal in reducing the levels of orthophosphate in wastewater are listed in the following table.

After the Before the Effectiveness No WT (days) treatment Decrement (mg/L) treatment (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) 1 5 3,61 3,20 0,41 3,10 2 10 2,93 1,40* 1,53 52,22 3 15 2,60 1,00* 1,60 62,00 Description: WTO = residence time, * = appropriate quality standards (1-3)

The zeolite-activated charcoal media was very effective in decreasing the orthophosphate content. In the 5 days treatment, the orthophosphate decrement was relatively low and the waste was not safe to be discharge to the river. In 10 and 15 days treatment, the orthophosphate level was reduced and satisfy the quality standards.

Nitrate. Nitrate levels found in wastewater is relatively high and the ability of zeolite and activated charcoal in lowering the nitrate levels during the 5, 10, 15 residence time are presented in the table below. Data in the table above indicate that the zeolites and activated charcoal media is able to reduce the nitrate level into the standard value, in the 5 to 15 days treatments. In means that the waste with these nitrate levels were reletively safe to be thrown to the river. The zeolit-activated charcoal combination is effective in reducing the nitrate content in the waste water. In the 5 days treatment, the initial nitrate was 13.21 mg / L and it reduced into 12.00 mg / L (reduced by 1.21 mg / L, the effectiveness 9.16%). In the 10 days treatment, the nitrate reduced, from 8.23 mg / L to 5.11 mg / L (decreased by 3.12 mg / L, the effectiveness 37.91%). In the 15 days treatment, the effectiveness was 42.03%. The nitrate was derived from the decomposition of organic materials, industrial waste, agricultural waste, manure and domestic waste. The effectiveness of zeolite-activated charcoal media to decrease the orthophosphate levelwas 84.17%. According to Syafrani (2006) the zeolite is able to absorb orthophosphate by 50% in the palm oil industry waste.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 94 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

After the Before the Effectiveness No WT (days) treatment Decrement (mg/L) treatment (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) 1 5 13,21 12,00* 1,21 9,16

2 10 8,23 5,11* 3,12 37,91

3 15 6,90 4,00 * 2,90 42,03

Description: WTO = residence time, * = accordance with the standard (20-30 mg / L))

pH. Acidity determines the balance between acids and bases in water where the pH <7 = acidic, pH = 7 is neutral and a pH> 7 is alkaline. PH values ranging between 6-9. When the pH value is less than 5 or more than 9, it indicates that the water is heavily polluted (Setiaji et al, 2003), and it can not be used for household and fishing activities. The pH measurement is needed to determine changes in the acidity of the water, either the acidic or alkaline condition. The more organic material present in the water, the pH became low (acidic condition). pH in the treated wastewater in this study tends to increase, in the 5-day observation, the pH value was 3.25, it increased into 3. 30 (10 days) and into 3.35 (15 days). The rise of the pH in this study is lower than the standard value ( 6-9).

The use of zeolites and activated charcoal with different residence times shows that the longer the residence time, the greater the pH increase occur (Sudibyo, 1998). In the 5 days observations , the pH value was 4 ( the effectiveness 14.2%), in the 10 days observation, the pH value is 5.6 (effectiveness 40%) and the 15 days observation the pH value was 6 (the effectiveness 42.8%).

The increase of pH value is due to decrement of organic matter in the effluent, as the zeolite absorb this matter (Nurhasanah and Pramudiyanto, 1987). Moreover, the aerobic and anaerobic bacteria may decompose the organic materials such as protein, fat, carbohydrates and other compounds contained in wastewater (Craving et al, 1999). While the increase of the DO in the wastewater might be caused by the presence of aerator.

The availability of dissolved oxygen in the water is very important, especially for the needs of biota in the oxidation process, ie breathing. In aquaculture dissolved oxygen should not be less than 2.0 mg / L, the waters that lack of oxygen can cause death in cultured organisms (Alaerts and Santika, 1987). DO range in tha treated wastewater is between 0 (not detected) mg / L - 3.82 mg / L.

The DO measurement in the treatment tanks that is completed with zeolites and activated charcoal were carried out in 3 stages ( 5 days, 10 days and 15 days retention time). The results are as follows; the DO concentration in the initial measurement (5 days) was 0.5 mg / L, while in the10 and 15 days retention time the DO was not detected. The lack of dissolved oxygen might be due to high content of pollutants in the wastewater. According to Mahida (1986) low dissolved oxygen content in the waste water is might be due to the degradation process that require oxygen, and as a consequence, the oxygen became depleted.

To increase the oxygen content in the wastewater during the decomposition process, the zeolites and activated charcoal media was completed with aerator. According to Heru (1999) the availability of oxygen in the water support the succed of decomposition process. The DO measurements was conducted at 3 stages (5, 10 and 15 retention days). The results are 1.25 mg / L; 2.55 mg / l and 3.00 mg / L respectively. The longer retention time, the higher DO content obtained.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 95 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Temperature. During the study, the wastewater temperature naturally reduced and remained steady during the treatment, it was arround 30o C. This wastewater temperature was satisfied the standard quality (Kep-51 / MENLH / 10/1995) as the temperature of industral liquid waste that is allowed to be discharged to the environment ranges between 30-40oC.

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion. The effectiveness of zeolites and activated charcoal media in absorbing organic materials in tofu wastewater is 80.90% (ammonia), 79.30% (COD) and 73.30% (BOD5).

Recommendation. As the use of zeolit-activated charcoal media to reduce the organic materials in the tofu wastewater is not completely succed, it is needed to such research in the use of zeolit-activated charcoal –aquatic plants combination for reducing organic materials in the tofu wastewater.

REFERENCES Arifin, M. 1991. Zeolit alam potensi, teknologi, kegunaan dan prospeknya di Indonesia. Proyek pembangunan pusat informasi miniral, pusat pengembangan Teknologi Mineral Bandung. Alaerts, G. dan Santika, S.S. 1987. Metode Penelitian Air. Usaha Nasional. Surabaya Dhahiyat, Y. 1990. Kandungan limbah cair pabrik tahu dan pengelolaan dengan Eceng gondok. Fakultas Pascasarjana IPB, Bogor, 60 halaman. Goto, I. 1990. The aplication of zeolit on agriculture ; Effect of zeolit on soil inprovement zeolit. 7 (3) ; 8 – 15. Hamer, M. J. 1986. Water and Wastewater Technology, Second Edition, Jhon Wiley and Sons, New York. Heru. D.W. 1999. Tekologi pengolahan air, BPPT. Jakarta. Harahap, S., Budijono, dan Jean, A. 2010. Pemanfaatan tempurung kelapa sawit (Elais guinensis) sebagai media biofilter dalam menurunkan kadar amoniak pada limbah cair tahu. Penelitian laboratorium, Faperika Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, 52 halaman. Idaman, S.N. dan H.D. Wahyono, 1999. Teknologi pengolahan air limbah Tahu-Tempe dengan proses Bofilter anaerob dan aerob. Teknologi Pengolahan Air, BPPT, Jakarta. Komarawidjaja,W. 1995. Aktivitas Mikroba aerob pada pengilahan limbah secara biologis limbah cair tahu. PPS. IPB. Bogor. MENLH. 1995. Keputusan menteri lingkungan hidup, nomor Kep- 51/MENLH/10/1995. tentang baku mutu limbah cair bagi kegiatan pabrik.Badan pengendalian dampak lingkungan. Jakarta, 60 halaman. Nurhasanah dan B.Pramudyanto, 1987. Pengolahan buagan industri tahu. Yayasan Bina Lestari dan Walhi. Semarang. 37 halaman. Poerwadi, B. 1997. Prospek Pemanfaatan Zeolit Alam Indonesia sebagai Adsorben Limbah Cair dan Media Fluidisasi dalam Kolom Fluidisasi. Laporan Penelitian Hibah Bersaing Perguruan Tinggi. (Tidak dipublikasikan, Perpustakaan Lipi , Jakarta. Priyanto, B. dan J. Prayitno. 2005. Fitoremediasi sebagai sebuah teknologi Pemulihan pencemaran, http;//www. tripod. Lycos.con. ( 7 Mei 2005). Riyanto, A. 1991. Bahan galian industri zeolit. Departemen pertambangan dan energi. Majallah PPTM. Jakarta. 60 halaman. Said, N.I. dan A. Herlambang, (1999). Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah. BPPT. Jakarta. Hal. 242-276. Setiaji, B.,Sri, S., Anik, S. H. 2003. Modifikasi zeolit alam sebagai adsorben pada pengolahan limbah eksploitasi minyak bumi. Jurnal kimia lingkungan. 5(1): 49-59. Sudibyo, M. 1998. Tanaman eceng gondok (Eichhornia crasspes (Mart) Solm) sebagai penjernih air limbah industri. Bulletin Pendidikan science 12(1): 44-53. Syafrani, 2006. Kajian Pemanfaatan Media Penyaring dan Tumbuhan Air untuk Pengendalian Limbah Cair Sub Das Tapung Kiri, .Sekolah Pasca Sarjana IPB. Bogor, 152 halaman.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 96 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Strategy for Reducing Fishermen Poverty in Padang Based on Multidimensional Perspective



ABSTRACT There are 5,856 fishermen in Padang, consist of 2,472 traditional fishermen and they are classified as poor fishermen. Various programs have been launched by the government as an effort to help them to get out from the poverty. The programs such as provision of aids for tools and fishing boats, revolving funds, help for Bantuan Modal Kerja Masyarakat Pesisir (MKPEMP), and welfare of coastal communities motion program and Gerakan Pensejahteraan Masyarakat Pesisir (GEPEMP) have been launched. However, the lives of fishing communities did not change from time to time. The purpose of this research are to understand the internal factors that cause of fishermen poverty. Methods used for identifying the internal poverty causes problems in the traditional fishermen in Padang are as follows: descriptive, quantitative, and qualitative by using primary data from 100 fishermen and secondary data such as the ownership of fishing equipment, types of fishing gear owned, level of education, the prevailing culture in the community, lifestyle, fisherman's wife job, and ownership of productive assets. Results shown that 26 % fishermen do not have their own fishing gear, the dominant tools used are beach seine and hela 41%, gill net 34%, the level of education is low (53% graduated from the elementary school, 26% junior high school and 8% senior high school ). Moreover, there are fishermen with no formal education and also there is traditional beleived that women are not allowed to go to the sea. They are also prohibited to go to the sea at Friday noon, being arrogant and spoken the curse words. The poverty is also caused by the lifestyle of the fishermen, as they used to do the gambling and alcohol drunk. Most of the fisherman's wife are working as cake traders, processing fish and having small shop. In general, the fishermen have minimum assets in the form of savings and gold.

Keywords: internal fishermen poverty, fishing tools, fishing gears, education, ownership fishing assets

INTRODUCTION Padang as the capital city of province is bordering with Indian Ocean, with 1414.96 km2 area that consisting of 694.96 km2 mainland and 720.00 km2 of marine area. From eleven districts available, there are six districts that are located in the coastal region (Bappeda Kota Padang, 2011: 8). There are 5,856 fishermen in Padang, consisting of 2,472 traditional fishermen, classified as poor fishermen. Fishermen are strategic assets that need to be empowered to allow them to get out from the poverty.

Although various government programs have been launched as an effort to help them safe from poverty such as: supports tools and fishing boats since 1980, revolving fund started in 1990, help from Modal Kerja Masyarakat Pesisir (MKPEMP) in 2000, and Gerakan Pensejahteraan Masyarakat Pesisir (GEPEMP) program, initiated by West Sumatera Governor in 2012, but fishermen economic condition has not been increase. Thereby fishermen are an important strategic asset to be considered, because poverty makes them marginalized. Although various aid has been launched by government, but the lives of fishermen community do not change from time to time. Government support in Padang as an effort to accelerate development in the fisheries sector has been carried, the development of fisheries facilities and infrastructure such as: Samudera Bungus harbor, development PT. Dempo and other facilities such as fish landing centres PPI (Pusat Pendaratan Ikan) and fish auction place TPI (Tempat Pelelangan Ikan) has been done, but change has not seen. Therefore, the development of sectoral and centralized, then it necessary to study poverty reduction strategies with a multi-dimensional perspective in Padang.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 97 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding MATERIALS AND METHODS This research was conducted in six sub-districts in the coastal area precisely in sixteen areas.

Primary Data. In this study, the types of data used are primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained by random sampling of a number of fishermen in seven sub-districts consisting of sixteen areas based on specific level and proportional to the number of fishermen and the tools they use to catch fish. To determine the number of samples from population used formula by Slovin (Rianse, 2009) N n = (1+Ne2)

In which: n = Total sample N = Total population e2 = Error in sampling set at 5%.

Technique of Collecting Data 1. Field direct observation on the life of traditional fishermen in six districts, especially in centers of the highest numbers of fishermen in each areas, 16 areas. Field direct observation on the phenomenon of fishermen poverty from internal factors, activities of their lives. 2. Interview, conducted interviews directly to fishermen in their place while seeing the condition of housing, life, their culture and family daily activitie, and the ownership of assets they have. 3. After observation and interviews conducted in exploring several questions guidance should be made in order to made questions more focus on internal factors like questionnaire to record the identity, the number of families, wives and their children's activities and others. 4. Conduct literary research and search through the internet in the form of studies on fishermen poverty, and scientific journals related to the research conducted.

Population. The population in this study is a collection of traditional fisherman community who live in the centers of areas that has many of traditional fishermen in every region which has a seashore. From population of fishermen in Padang recorded the number of fishermen as much as 2,472 fishermen (DKP, Padang, 2013) spread over six (6) districts and in 16 areas.

Sampel. The samples used in this study was determined using by Slovin formula: error estimated rate by 1% is 96 (Table 1).

Table 1. Highest number of traditional fishermen in each district No. District Number of Fishermen Total Sample 1. Bungus Teluk Kabung 599 24 2. Lubuk Begalung 397 16 3. South Padang 343 15 4. West Padang 150 8 5. North Padang 244 12 6. Koto Tangah 739 25 2472 100 Source: Padang Department of Marine and Fisheries, 2013.

Data Analysis. In analysing the data, data have been collected, quantitative and qualitatively, and then the data will be analized through the following steps:

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 98 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding 1. The data have been collected through field observations, to fishermen’s house in order to see the life of the fishermen directly to their home ownership status, fishing gear owned, income level, spending patterns, culture in spending their income, number of family, and education level. The data were analysed with the aim of internally the causes of their poverty. These phenomena associated with the causes of poverty they suffered from time to time. All of this data recording and analysis conducted accordance with the needs of the research. 2. The data were collected through interviews directly from the heart in each fishermen’s homes, the data is analysed by relating to phenomena of daily fishing activities as an effort to meet the demands of family life. All data are studied and associated to internal factors cause of their poverty. This interview was also associated with what kind of help they have received, and why it does not impact to their life. The pattern of income distribution and it used, so that from this interview can be seen directly whether the catch sufficient for their daily lives. 3. The data were collected through questionnaires were collected, recorded, and analyzed using tables and images as well as explanation is done in percentage and average. From this description can be made conclusions of the internal causes of fishermen poverty. 4. The data collected through literature and the documents used as a material for analyzing and comparing the results that have been done, study factors of poverty before and differences in the findings made and the solving steps to the causses of fishermen poverty in the future.

Table 2. Number of fishermen samples based on type of fishing gear No. District Type of Fishing Gear Seine Trap Total Stalling Plug Gill Shrimp Trawl Seine 1. Bungus Tlk 5 - - 7 2 5 4 1 24 2. Lubuk Begalung 2 - - 7 2 2 2 1 16 3. South Padang 2 - 4 6 1 1 1 - 15 4. West Padang 1 - 2 2 1 1 1 - 8 5 North Padang 1 - 3 3 2 1 2 1 12 6. Koto Tangah 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 1 25 Total 100

Table 3. Samples distribution according to areas in six sub-districts in Padang No. Sub-districts Areas Total 1. Bungus Tlk Teluk Kabung Selatan 5 Teluk Kabung Tengah 5 Teluk Kabung Utara 5 Bungus Selatan 5 5. Bungus Barat 4 2. Lubuk Begalung 6. Gates 16 3. South Padang Air Manis 8 Batang Arau 7 4. West Padang Berok Nipah 3 Purus 3 Flamboyan Baru 2 5. North Padang Ulak Karang Selatan 4 Ulak Karang Utara 4 Air Tawar Barat 4 6. Koto Tangah Parupuk Tabing 12 Pasie Nan Tigo 13 Total 100

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 99 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Variable Operational Definition. In an effort to know the factors causing fishermen poverty in internal side, then every variable that will study given indicators, measures, and categories qualitatively as follows: 1. Tool ownership: represents right of ownership of fishing gear owned by fishermen, can be self- owned, leased, or borrowed used with certain requirements. 2. Tool types: the types of instrument is a type of fishing gear used by fishermen to perform fishing in the sea, it can be: fishing rods, nets, trawl and trap. 3. Level of education: The level of education passed by fishermen during his lifetime either formal or informal, such as: elementary, junior high schools, high schools, universities and courses and training that they gained during work as fishermen. 4. Culture: the cultural customs in their daily activities in the public either: social interaction activities and institutions and customs that they use in social life. 5. Life styles: life styles are the way they are doing activities from morning till night for life and their daily lives, such as: how they use the money earned, consumption patterns, ways of life, a daily habit to fulfill their lives. 6. Wife effort: wife effort is wife activity as an effort to help her husband in supporting the family economy, such as: working as a maid, sell in shops, working in factory, own business at home, make something to sell etc. 7. Productive assets: productive assets is something that they have for businesses that generate income in the form of , boats and fishing gear, working children, cattle. etc.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Internal Factors Analysis of Fisherman Poverty. Tool Ownership. Based on the data collected during the study, then the tabulation of data was made, and presented in the form of graphs or images. Further discussions were held according with the existing reality in the field of fishermen poverty internally in Padang. The results of these data are presented as illustrated in Figure 1.

Based on diagram, ownership of fishing gear in figure 1. shows that from 100 fishermen whose was taken of data, there are 6 ownership criteria. First criteria indicates that 74 people have fishing gear belong to themselves, 9 people got fishing gear from assistance of the Department of Marine and Fisheries, 2 fishermen got from businessmen, 5 people got credit from cooperatives, 6 people gained ownership of fishing gear from worked as sailors, after they collected money they buy their own fishing gear. The last criteria is the status of ownership of fishing gear some comes from aid of Department of Marine and Fisheries as well as come from their own effort (4 people).

Figure 1. Diagram of the fishing gear ownership

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 100 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Based on discussions with extension workers in fisheries sector, which is representative of the fishermen who have always developed and assisted them in any field activity, the recipients always accusing each other because they do not committed to build a group that has formed by joint venture. Therefore, a group formed did not last long and sometimes can be dispersed without any accountability. This makes the extension upset and difficult to conduct coaching group. In fact, if the fishermen have a strong commitment they can accumulate aid and become bigger and can be routed to another fisherman who requires the fishing gear. Another factor is the existence of interrelated relationships between each other, and this is difficult to enforce those commitments. For example, the group consist of: son, nephew, son-in-law, and compatriot relationship, tribe, and uncle (mamak). Even in receiving aid has been described effect and sanctions if they are not committed to the agreement, but they seemed not to care about these. Yet from another fishermen group, if they are committed today they have accumulated large enough funds for their group, such as fishing groups: blue sea reforms club. From this description is clear that all the assistance given to fishing communities have great benefits on their lives. Based on the research by Dikrurahman and Sofhani (2015) about Factors Influencing the Development Group of Fishermen in the Fishermen Community Development Effort, the benefits of group development had been able felt by a group of fishermen and in general the situation is better than before. Conditions indicate the fishing community empowerment through the development of fishing groups have been able to improve the welfare of fishermen. Marheni et al (2014) research about the effect of direct aid to fishing communities showed that: (1) the average number of Community Direct Aid received by members of a group of fishermen Rp. 6,122,449.00; (2) the average revenue generated fishermen group members Rp. 1,098,104.00 per month in 2012; and (3) Funds BLM give positive effect on net income and affected about 61.9%. But the difference in this study did not show how ownership assets status of fishermen. Therefore, for the future aid continues in order to help the fishermen workers can change their status to the fisherman owner. However, aid should be made with the right target, namely the fishermen who need it.

Fishing Gear Type. Fishing gear types that owned by traditional fishermen in Padang based on the results conducted on 100 people showed that trawl fishing gear 41 units is a type of fishing gear that operate a lot in Padang. This fishing gear is operated with a boat called Jukung with length ± 10 meters, width 1.5 meters, and depth 1.25 meters. The average number of fishermen in a single operation up to 6 people with the amount of production can not be assured; it is largely determined by the fishing season, the weather and fishing conditions as shown in table 1 below. This is caused some region shrimp nets fishing area, has been marred by rubbish brought by river to the sea, so that all the mud where the shrimp breed has been covered by trash. From all types of fishing gear which is operated in Padang seine and trawl include fishing gear that are less environmentally friendly, this is because of mesh in the nets have a small mesh bag, so when it operated can catch all kinds of base and surface fish.

Table 4. Type of Fishing Gear Used by Fishermen in Padang No Tool Type Unit Length (Meter) Width Operational Time Average Income (Rp)/day 1 Seine and trawl 41 100 - 200 7- 10 meter morning - noon 100 – 350 2 Gill net 34 150 - 200 3,5 - 8 meter morning - noon -night 100 – 250 3 Fishing plug 9 20 - 100 0 meter morning - noon -night 100 – 250 4 Fishing pull 8 20 - 150 0 meter morning - noon -night 100 – 250 5 Trammel net 8 100 - 200 3,5- 8 meter morning - night 50 – 150 Source: Research data 2015

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 101 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Based on Adisasmita research (2013) suggested that the fishing communities living in coastal areas whose livelihood as a fisherman and his lives depend on the sea such as: capture fisheries with a wide variety of fishing gear that has high risk and fluctuations influenced by nature. Furthermore, Ariyanti and Santoso (2015) research argues that fishermen fisheries capture poverty caused by low technology, marketing through skipper, and fisherman consumption tend to spend their income at that time. From the results of this study showed that there are similarities gear types that operated in Padang have low technology, and marketing is usually through an agent, and fishermen generally spend their income at that time. Therefore, their consumption generally used for consumption and there is no thought to save.

Fishermen Education in Padang. From the figure 2. indicates that the average fishermen education are graduate from primary school 41%, this case illustrates that human resources in the fishing communities in Padang generally less educated, it is also indicated that fishermen regeneration by their parents because of inability to finance their schooling, therefore like it or not jobs that do not require many skills is work as fishermen. Therefore it needs government policy as an effort to improve education among fishermen communities, free school fee, and scholarships for tuition to their children. Fishing communities who had completed secondary school education as much (32%), high school (11%), and still found whose do not completed primary school (8%), and do not get school education (6%).

Figure 2. Diagram of Fishermen Education in Padang

Based on Agunggunanto (2011) research showed that fishermen education levels do not affect family income, things that affects the income of fishermen families are: experience, number of working family, technology, and fishermen behaviour. Other studies also show that income, household characteristics, education levels and working capital significantly influence into fishermen poverty. Other studies show income, household characteristics, education levels and working capital significantly influence to fishermen poverty. Income and characteristics of household which consists of home ownership status, number of working family and ownership status of production tools (fleet fishing) as well as the level of education and working capital positively associated with reducing of poverty, therefore it is necessary to provide scholarships to support their children education (Fajriadi, et. al. 2013). Results of study toward fishermen in Padang in line with the results Agunggunanto's research, education has no effect on fishermen's income, but some part of result presented by Fajriadi have some similarities such as the ownership of the tools, and the number of working family members. Results of other study conducted by Oktama (2013) suggest that the higher social conditions of fishermen families, higher education and the higher economic conditions of the fishing families of their children's higher education. From the research, of fishermen in Padang, due to low

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 102 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding level of education field extension difficult to establish them in the joint venture groups. Forward to the success of any kind of aids and government programs it is necessary to held religious morality education by religious teacher to change their habits, to the better one.

Culture. Generally fishermen in Padang classified into traditional fishermen, mainly based on the type of fishing gear and fishing equipment capability and distance fishing from shore that can be categories as traditional. Values that they understand influenced by natural conditions that harsh and challenging, and demanding adjustment of fishermen with nature and think that luck and misery as a part of life. They greatly appreciate the customs associated with fishing for generations. Although these values are not economically profitable and even irrational or unreasonable, these understandings inhibit creativity and innovation to advance. Traditional fishermen in Padang still believe in the values; women do not allow go to sea, prohibit to go to sea during day in Friday, mocking at sea, does not go to sea when the storm, forbid pointed objects that are not known while at sea, prohibited causing trouble, and being arrogant.

Besides understanding value hereditary, life values like cooperative still living in the community, such as: facing bereavement, wedding celebration, and other celebration. But there are some things that have been lost in the fishermen community the absence of Tuo Pasie. Tuo Pasie was: a respected person in fishermen community. Tuo Pasie role as advisor and regulates matters relating to fishing communities. Such as prohibit go to the sea at Friday comes from Tuo Pasie. But now some rules were violated. Another thing that lost is: praying if there are new fisherman went sail. Prayer led by Tuo pasie with the whole community, so the new fisherman always gets a lot of fish. All meal brings by new fisherman family and eat together at the beach. From interview, since no longer Tuo Pasie, there is conflict between fishermen in case of sea fishing, f or violating agreements between groups of fishermen. For example, shrimp nets fishermen must catch at night, but found there is a catch in the afternoon and early morning. Purnomo (2005) suggested that the conflicts between fishermen still quite high due to the seizure of catching area. Therefore, for fisherman groups, culture is a system of ideas or cognitive systems that serve as a "guideline of life", reference patterns of social behavior, as well as a means to interpret and interpret many events that occur in the environment (Keesing, 1989: 68-69). Another factor in the culture of fishermen community is women predominately in the economic affairs of the family and making important decision in the household (Kusnadi, 2001).

Fishermen Community Lifestyle. For traditional fishing communities in Padang, the activity of fishing is the livelihood that is hereditary as economic livelihood of the family. Traditional fishing activities in Padang strongly influenced by geographical situation. In addition, traditional fishermen in Padang see their income from fishing just to meet the daily needs. They work according to their daily habits. If the weather is good, they will start to go to sea. They usually go early after dawn, in the evening they can rest. In the afternoon in spare time, they can repair their nets. Morning and evening, they sell the fish on the beach or market.

Growing habit among fishermen community are: extravagant, gambling and drinking alcohol. This behavior has evolved long time ago, they used to drink, traditional alcohol drink, but now has changed to modern drink. This habit has been patterned and organized. Most traditional fishermen in Padang, have started to change their view about "God destiny or way of life depend on their effort", before they beliefe on "destiny or their way of life have been destined by God". This habit has been patterned and organized. Most traditional fishermen in Padang, have started to change their view about "God destiny or way of life depend on their effort", before they beliefe on "destiny or their way of life have been destined by God".

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 103 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

The lifestyle of fishermen community in Padang generally shown that they purchase goods that do not support their life, it is seen from the items they have are: TV and satellite as their entertainment, general fishermen also have a motorcycle that they earn from fishing. No one has assets such as gold and saving in bank. Lifestyle competing between neighbors in having goods one of triggers to them having debt to compete in something they want. Living lavishly remains strong in fishermen community in the city of Padang. As stated by Ariyanti and Santoso (2015) argue that fishermen poverty is caused by fisherman consumption patterns tend to spend their income at that time. Fishermen Women Effort. Contributions of woman fisherman to the family income for fishing communities in coastal areas visible from a hundred wives of fishermen interviewed obtained the following results (Table 5).

Table 5. Contribution of Women fishermen on family income No. Women Fishermen Job Total (person) Income average (Rp)/day 1 Not working 53 - 2 Fish processing 25 30.000 3 Selling cake 10 30.000 – 50.000 4 Having stall 12 50.000 – 75.000 Source: Data Results in 2015

From Table 5, it is seen that the number of women fishermen who do not contribute to household income (53%), the remaining 47% of women fishermen helped her husband to help the family income. This is suitable with Saidan (1998) research, women fishermen need to play a role in improving family economy, Junaidi (2012) female fishermen families play an active role to improve the economy as a processor, but is constrained by product packaging and labelling. Akbarini, Gumilar, and Garandiosa (2012) wife of fishermen contributes 31.32% of family income. Other results presented by Zein (2008) also showed that the contribution of fishermen women to the family income at district Koto Tangah in Padang on average by 37.62%. What was found in this study are consistent with results of research conducted by Zein in 2008.

Assets. Based on the results of study of 100 fishermen in Padang obtained data regarding the ownership of assets in the form of home ownership and other assets owned by fishermen can be seen in Table 6 and Table 7 below.

Table 6 shows that household assets of fishermen community, they used to using toilet along the coast has been changed to toilet inside house. They used to cook using cordwood now has turned into gas and kerosene. Roof s generally made from tin roof and they usually own their own house, parent's house, rent, parents in law's house, or grants. Average floor made from cement, but still found which uses the ground floor. For lighting they generally use electric lighting.

The average age of fisherman 41-50 (35 fishermen), 51-60 (24 fishermen), 31-40 (22 fishermen), 61-70 (17 fishermen), 20-21 (12 fishermen). From this description it appears that most of the fishermen aged over 40 years as many as 88%. Based on the results of the interview become a fisherman is their life choices that have hereditary performed since their parents live and reside in coastal areas. Other assets owned by fishermen community in the form of entertainment assets, transportation, savings and gold assets as shown in Table 7.

From table 7 it appears that in general fishermen have information and entertainment media such as TV, motor vehicles, but few have savings and assets such as gold. From one hundred people

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 104 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding interviewed only 9 people have saving and 14 people who have gold assets. While they do not have other productive assets such as asset boat, fishing gear, and the engine. If the productive assets finished then they go back work as workers, not as an owner. The results are consistent with Yonvitner (2014), he suggested that the implications of decline in assets value (boats, engines and fishing gear) will reduce the effectiveness and optimization of the asset.

Table 6. Asset House Condition of Fishermen Community in Padang

No. Age House Status Electricity House Roof Toilet House Floor Fuell 20 – 21 65 people 100 people 95 people tin 85 people 80 people 46 people (12 people) their own electricity/pln roof inside cement gas home

31- 40 21 people 4 people roof 9 people 3 people 39 kerosene (22 people) rent tile public tiles toilets 41-50 11 house 1 people sago 6 people 7 people (35 people) own by palm on plank 15 parents seashore cordwood

51-60 2 own by 10 people (24 people) parents in soil law

61-70 1 people (17 people) grant house

Source: Data Results in 2015

Table 7. Other Assets Own by Fishermen Community No Assets Entertainment (people) Transportation (people) Saving (people) Gold (people) 1 Television (80) Motor Cycle (75) Nothing (91) Own (14 ) 2 Television and Radio (4) Nothing (24) Own (9) Nothing (86) 3 TV, Radio, & Digital (10) Pedicab (1) 4 Have nothing (6) Source: Data Results in 2015

Generally, depreciation of assets imposed on fishermen by the owner and included as gross costs. Pramono research results (2012) indicate that the ownership of assets and social capital has no effect on household poverty. While type of work and the number of dependents influence on household poverty. Research conducted by Sari, Junaidi, Zein (2014) showed that the fishermen who have fixed assets have higher incomes than fishermen who had current assets and intangible assets. The average income of the traditional fishermen in Nagari Tiku Rp. 1.687.000 - Rp. 3,800,000 / month. Fishermen who have intangible assets have a low income. Therefore, the ownership of assets of the fishermen is not productive assets so that there is no influence on their poverty. If the productive assets they have as livestock, gardens and paddy fields it would improve their lives. Therefore, the government in an effort to increase their income would need aid in the form of productive assets.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 105 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Poverty reduction strategy from internal factors 1. Government keep continue the aid to change the status of tools ownership from workers into owners. This type of tool provided in the form of environmentally friendly fishing gear. 2. It is need to find subtitute of seine and trawl edges, becuase in long time it can break fish food chain. 3. Keep exemption of school fees for fishermen children and scholarships to go to college. 4. Need to increase in mentality in order to create a civilized society through religious lectures by the clerics. 5. Education and training for entrepreneurship needs to be done for fishermen women, so they do not consumptive and need counseling of the importance of saving. 6. Contributions of women fishermen to increase in earnings continuously improved through the efforts of the productive and entrepreneurial skills training and capital gains as well as the packaging and labeling of products. 7. The Government not only provide aid in the form of fishing equipment, boats and outboard engines, but also in the form of other assets such as livestock, land, and housing.

CONCLUSIONS Fishermen who do not have fishing gear still found (26%). Fishing gear that dominates in Padang is seine. The average fishermen education is elementary school and still found not complete primary school and do not get school education. Culture of fishermen community still maintained as women were not allowed going to sea, on Friday they did not go to sea, it is forbidden to speak arrogant and destructive dirty. Fishermen consumption pattern involved in competition among fishermen community have unproductive tools, such as motorcycles, TV and satellite dish. Even in debt to get it. The level of contribution of women fishermen to earnings such as selling cakes (Rp. 50,000 / day), processing (Rp. 30,000 / day) and kiosks (Rp.70.000 / day).Very few fishermen who have minimum assets in the form of savings and gold.

RECOMMENDATIONS Providing aid should be targeted to the poor fishermen. Aid should refer to the type of fishing gear that environmentally friendly. The government needs to free fishermen children from school fees and scholarships for the children of fishermen to go to college. Local cultures need to be return to regenerate local wisdom like sea alms, and Tuo Pasie. Education and training need to be done at an early age about the importance of saving culture. Contributions of women fishermen need to be increased in productive activities as well as the packaging and labeling of the efforts undertaken. Assets provision such as livestock, housing and land needs to be pursued by the government through empowerment programs.

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The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 108 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding The Effect of Antibiotics in the Hatching of Eggs of Ornated Lobster (Panulirus ornatus)

Yusnaini* and Indriyani Nur

Department of Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia

* E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT The outbreak of micro organism infection is used to br controlled using antibiotics. As lobsters spawn externally, their eggs were easily infected by microorganisms. To understand the effects of antibiotics in the hatching of P.ornatus eggs, a study has been conducted by removing the eggs from from berried spiny lobsters. The eggs were then treated using two types of antibiotics; Oxytetracyclin (2, 4, 6, and 8 ppm ) and Erythromycin (10, 20, 30, and 40 ppm). The control was not treated with antibiotic. Eggs were then incubated artificially in a recirculation system and monitored at 12, 24, 30, 36, 42, 64, and 88 hours for hatching rate (HR). Results shown that the Oxytetracyclin (6 ppm) and Erythromycin (40 ppm) result significant increase in HR, they were 20% and 18.67%, respectively. Data obtained indicate that antibiotics treatment could be a strategy for increasing the HR of lobster eggs. Keywords: antibiotic, egg, hatching, lobster, Oxytetracyclin, Erythromycin

INTRODUCTION The demand for larvae for aquaculture is on the increase and has made hatchery propagation of culturable species is important. However, microbe infections on eggs reduces hatching of fertilized eggs, survival of larvae, and leads pahological problem during the rearing of species (Jung, 2004). Like most other Decapoda crustacean, ornated lobster, Panulirus ornatus incubate eggs externally. Therefore, the eggs potentially are infested by microorganisms. Failure of embryonic development and egg mortality in crustaceans generally occurs due to parasitic organisms attach to the host or microbial fouling.The outer surface of fish eggs is easily colonized by pathogen, such as Lavobacterium sp., Psuedomonas sp., Aeromonas sp.,Vibrio sp. and fungus (Miguez and Combarro, 2003); (Madsen et al., 2005); (Yisa et al., 2014).

In aquaculture, antibiotics have been used mainly for therapeutic purposes and as prophylactic agents. Antibiotics are drugs of natural or synthetic origin that have the capacity to kill or to inhibit the growth of micro-organisms. Antibiotics that are sufficiently non-toxic to the host are used as chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of infectious diseases of humans, animals and plants (Serrano, 2005). The use of antibiotics to treat lobster eggs before incubation has not been a common practice in breeders and hatchery operators. It is assumed that to minimize the possibility of infection by bacteria, fungi or parasites, eggs should be externally disinfected at the green and/or eyed stage of embrionic development. Thus, the hatchability and survival of larvae will be improve.

In some cases, microbial onfish/crustacean neutralized with the use of antibiotics and/or chemical (Baticados et al., 1992; Cogger and Bayer, 1996; Uglem et al., 1996; Yisa et al., 2014). However, there is problem of appropriate concentration of chemical and period of time the treated eggs are to be in contact with the chemical before incubation in order to reduce potential toxic effect on species. The objective of this study therefore is to determine the efficacy of antibiotics Oxytetracyclin and Erythromycin at different concentrations on treated lobster eggs.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 109 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding MATERIALS AND METHODS The eggs of berried female lobsters P. ornatusdelivered to the lobster mini hatchery from offshore fishing around Banda sea by traditional fishermen then kept in concrete tank for 2 weeks or varying periods depending on the development stage of their eggs. The developmental stage was determined by colour and eyespot of the embryo. During the period before hatching, the lobsters were fed daily a diet of fresh trash fish and frozen squid.

All eggs were used in this study were excluded from pleopod fifth of a female lobster gently. Disinfecting solution prepared with sea water (30 ‰) prior to the exposure. Sequentially, 30-40 eggs are transferred to a sterile glass jar and in 100 ml ofdisinfectant solution (with concentrations as in Table 1). As a control, 30-40 eggs were treated the same, but placed in a sterile sea water (25 ‰) for 30 minutes. After exposure to antibiotics (Oxytetracyclin and Erythromycin), and the control eggs treated was washed three times with sterile sea water 25 ‰ and transferred to filter net. Filter net was setted in hatching container continuously aerated and cleaned.Also, they were maintained under optimum temperature in a recirculation system and monitored at 12, 24, 30, 36, 42, 64, and 88 hours for hatching rate (HR).

Table 1. Antibiotics treatment of lobster eggs Antibiotic Doses (ppm) Oxytetracyclin 2 4 6 8 Erythromycin 10 20 30 40

Percentage survival rates were determined with the following formula:

Percentage Hatchability = No. of fry x100 No. of fertilized egg

One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used as statistical tool for the analysis. Data obtained were pooled from the replicate and mean values was calculated per treatment. Also, Duncan Multiple range test was used for mean separation. All differences in mean values of parameters were determined at P = 0.05 level of significance.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The hatchability from the brood stocks ornated lobsters are presented in Figure 1 and 2. Figure 1 showed that hatchability do not differ significantly (P>0.05) among dose treatments of antibiotic Oxytetracyclin. Results also show that percentage hatching rate mostly at 24 h in artificial incubation. While, antibiotic Erythromycin treatment dose (40 ppm) gives a significantly different effect on hatchability with the best incubation period is 30-36 h(Figure 2).

Antibiotic Oxytetracycline upon Hatching Eggs. Treatment of lobster eggs immersed on the media by addition of antibiotic oxytetracycline at different doses before artificial incubation gives a different total number of egg hatching at the end of the observation (hours-88th).The highest value is obtained in the immersion of 6 mg/l (20.00% ), followed by 2 mg/l (12.00%), then control treatment (11.33%), and the latest is the treatment of 8 mg/l (10.67%). Histogram ofeggs hatchability in each

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 110 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding treatment at any observations is presented in Figure 1. Dose of 6 ppm is the best in the eggs hatch, HR lobster eggs are increasing with increasing doses, but at doses 8 ppm HR is very low and even lower than the control (0 ppm). Although antibiotic is positively has antibacterial capabilities, but is not likely to inhibit hatching when used in high doses,it is evident from the highest dose used in this study (8 ppm).

Figure 1. Hatching rate of ornated lobster eggs in artificial incubation after treatment of antibiotic Oxytetracyclin at different doses (n=3).

Although effective in killing the pathogenic bacteria in the cultivation of aquatic organisms, usingantibiotic needs to be explored further so that residual effect and influence on the water can be avoided. Besides, this effort willdiminish the emergence of resistant bacteria. Therefore, the research on the appropriate dose in various aspects of the study need to be done. Referring to the concept of the use of chemicals in controlling disease (chemotherapy) by using minimal dose, so in this study, a dose of 6 mg/l is the best treatment. However, immersion broodstock lobster bearing eggs in the media with antibiotics could be expected to give better results in hatching eggs, due to the longincubation period of the eggs result susceptible to fungus or disease.

Immersing eggs in antibiotic medium has indirect effect on the hatchability of eggs, eventhough in the research conducted by Effendi and Hadiroseyani (2002) could improve survival of betutu fish. Indeed, the direct effect is the ability to kill microbes, especially bacteria so colud eliminate the infection or attack bacteria on the egg. Oxytetracycline is a derivative of tetracycline that has a broad spectrum widely used to control bacterial diseases in fish farming (Treves-Brown, 2000). These antibiotics are able to kill and inhibit the growth of gram positive and negative bacteria (Herwig, 1979) and have some application in aquaculture because of its ability to inhibit mitochondrial protein synthesis (Spooner, 1990).

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 111 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

The selection of antibiotics and dose levelsfor fish culture should be carefully considered as various chemicals can be deadly of other organisms, including phytoplankton, which serves as a oxygen producer in the water (Smith et al., 1994). Therefore, the dose should be as precise as possible, in an effort to control the disease by taking intothe various aspects of safety, including the target animal species, environment, and consumers.

The incubation period will determine the ability of the eggs to hatch. Incubation period could also mean that the duration for antibiotics to inhibit bacterial growth, so give the effect on the ability of eggs for hatching. Data shows that the 24th hour incubation period is the best hatching, then followed at the 30th hour. While, the incubation period before the 24th hour hatching is still low, also after the 30th hours. The ability of each antibiotic to inhibitbacteria varies depending onits sensitivity.

Erythromycinantibioticsuponthe egghatchability. Treatment of lobster eggs immersed on the media by addition of antibiotic Erythromycinat different doses before artificial incubation gives a different total number of egg hatching at the end of the observation (hours-88th).The highest percentageis obtained in the immersion of 40 mg/l (18.67% ), followed by 20 mg/l (14.33%), then30 mg/l (13.67%), and control treatment (10.00%).The latest is the treatmentdose of 10ppm(9.67%). Histogram of eggs hatchability in each treatment at any observations is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Hatching rate of ornated lobster eggs in artificial incubation after treatment of antibiotic Erythromycin at different doses (n=3).

Erythromycin stearate is a macrolide antibiotic which has an anti microbial spectrum slightly wider than that of penicillin and is effective primarily against many gram-positive bacteria. It prevents bacterial growth by interfering with their protein synthesis (Serrano, 2005), and has been used mainly for therapeutic purposes and as prophylactic agents in aquaculture.

Figure 2 show that started at 24th up to 64th hours prior to hatching, the percentage ofhatchedeggs shows a similar pattern for all treatments, but in some treatment they increasevery

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 112 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding sharply.Hatching eggs rateafter giving treatment is the indirect effect. Although the treatment of immertion eggs in Erythromycinantibiotic is not equipped with data showing infectious microbial elimination but it can provide conclusions role of these chemicals to inhibit the growth of microbes. Antibiotics are commonly used as an antibacterial agent although in some applications can also control parasitic diseases. This data is not completed with which group of bacteria that infected eggs, so it is still unclear if Erythromycin could inhibit all microbes as the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria provides an apparent to the penetration of various antibiotics to their target sites (Bryan, 1982).

Dosage of antibiotics Erythromycin 20 and 30 ppm did not show significance although a dose of 20 ppm better than 30 ppm in hatching rate, this indicates that the highest doses did not always give the best effect in treatment. It is seen that the best dosage of antibiotics Erythromycinat 40 ppm indicated by the percentage of hatching eggs reached (18.67%). Compared to the other dose treatment, control show hatchability of eggs are lower than doses of 10, 20, and 30 ppm. the highest dose tested in this study showed the highest hatchability of eggs, meaning that it is still possible doses above 40ppmwillgetbetterhatchability.

The incubation period will determine the ability of the eggs to hatch. Besides the incubation period could also mean period time for antibiotics inhibit bacterial growth, the above data shows that at the 30th and 36th are the best hatchability periods. While, the incubation period before the 30th, HR is still low, as the three points after the 36th hour. Observation after 88th hours, data is very low or almost no more eggs hatch. It is assumed that remaining eggs hatch has been a failure.

In summary, our results indicate that antibiotics treatment (Oxytetracyclin and Erythromycin)could be a strategy for increasing HR of lobster eggs.However, further research is needed on the quality of larvae.

REFERENCES Baticados, M.C.L. and J.D. Paclibare. (1992): The use of chemotherapeutic agent in aquaculture in The , pp: 531 - 546.In M. Shariff, R.P. Subasinghe, and J.R. Arthur (Eds.). Disease in Asian Aquaculture I, Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines. Bryan, L.E. (1982): Bacterial resistance and susceptibility to chemotherapeutic agents. The University Press, Cambridge. 234 pp. Cogger, E. A. and Bayer, R. C. (1996): Detection of egg removal from the ovigerous lobster following chlorine bleach exposure. Fall Journal, pp: 65-70. Effendi, I. and Hadiroseyani,Y. (2002): Peningkatan Kelangsungan Hidup Larva Ikan Betutu, Oxyeleotris marmorata(Blkr.) dengan Antibiotik. Jurnal Akuakultur IndonesiaVol 1(1) pp:9 – 13. Herwig, N. (1979): Handbook of drugs and chemical used in the treatment of fish diseases. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, III. 272 pp. Jung, C. (2004): Formaldehyde residues in formalin treated olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, black rockfish Sebastes schlegeli.Aquaculture 194, pp: 251-262. Madsen, L., Moller, J.D. and Dalsgaard, I. (2005): Flavobacterium psychrophilum in rainbowtrout, Oncorhyncus mykiss Walbaum hatcheries: studies on brood stock eggs, fry and environment. Journal of Fish Diseases 28, pp: 39-47. Miguez, B. and Combaro, M.P. (2003): Disinfection of striped trumpeter Latris lineate eggs with glutaraldehyde. Aquaculture International 9, pp:189-196. Serrano, P.H. (2005): Responsible use of antibiotics in aquaculture. Fao Fisheries Technical Paper No. 469. Roe, FAO, 97 pp. Smith, P., Hiney, M. P. and Samuelsen, O. B. (1994): Bacterial resistance to Antimicrobial agents used in fish farming: a critical evaluation of method and meaning.Annual Review of Fish Diseases4, pp: 273-313. Spooner, P.R. (1990) : Oxytetracycline inhibition of mitochondrial protein synthesis in bovine lymphocytes infected with Theileria parva or stimulated by mitogen.Parasitology. 3, pp:387-393. Treves-Brown, K. M. (2000): Applied Fish Pharmacology.Published by SpringerNetherlands, pp. 309. Yisa, T. A., Tsadu, S. M., Aidoo, T., Ibrahim, A., Gana, E. S., Adama, B. S. (2014): Effect of Chemical Disinfectant (formalin) on Hatching of Eggs of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Survival and Growth Performance of Fry.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(3), pp: 1133-1138 Uglem, I., Uksnøy, L. E., Bergh, Ø. (1996): Chemical treatment of lobster eggs against epibiotic bacteria.Aquaculture International Volume 4, Issue 1, pp: 1-8 pp.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 113 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding The Contribution of Lubuk Larangan on Rural Socio-Cultural and Economic Development in West Sumatera

Abdullah Munzir1* dkk

Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Bung Hatta E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Socio-culturally, the Lubuk Larangan is a kind of local wisdom existing in rural areas of Sumatra Island mainly in West Sumatra Province. Ecologically, it refers to a protected aquatic ecosystem managed by inhabitant living surrounding the ecosystem. The research objective is to study the contribution of the Lubuk Larangan on rural socio-cultural and economic development. A descriptive exploratory survey method, field observation, and qualitative analytical approach were applied. Main species of fish having good economic value conserved in the Lubuk Larangan are garing, eel, mungkus, quail, and kapareh. Besides, there are found some common cultivated fish growing in the ecosystem i.e. carp, tilapia, and catfish. Lubuk Larangan plays important role and contributes on the preservation of germplas and social cultural values as well, especially the spirit of gotong royong (cooperation). The Lubuk Larangan also provides finance for public infrastructure maintenance and development and provision of income generation through informal sector development. So far, there is almost no innovation applied for increasing its contribution.

Keywords: local wisdom, lubuk larangan, ecosystem, and rural development

INTRODUCTION Unemployment and rural poverty tend to cause natural resources degradation. This occurred as the impact of direct and indirect exploitation of the existing resources for generating income without considering its sustainability. The tendency is easily observed on the utilization of aquatic resources at some ecosystems mainly lake and river. For instant, Syandri et all. (2014) mentioned that the carrying capacity of Lake Maninjau only for around 1,500 units of Floating Net Cage Aquaculture (FNCA) but, there were 15,660 unit of FNCA in 2012 which influenced on water quality degradation.

Lubuk Larangan. Lubuk larangan is a local wisdom founded in rural areas in West Sumatra Province and in other provinces of Sumatra Island as well. It is a kind of protected aquatic ecosystem that is utilized by local community under certain conventional regulation. Munzir (2011) explained that the management of Lubuk Larangan in rural area of Sumatra differs according to the variety of its utilization. Such as, for cultural even, irrigation, conservation, etc. The management system is also influenced by core stakeholder who controlled the aquatic ecosystem. They could be all inhabitants living near to the area of Lubuk Larang, part of mosque or musholla organization, part of sub district (lurah/nagari/RT) organization, or youth organization (Karang Taruna), etc.

The decrease of fisheries resources and the increase of fish species scarcity could have strong relation with fishing and other negative impact of human activities mainly for economic purpose. At the perspective of rural socio-cultural and economic development, this situation has also correlation with the degradation of local wisdom. Therefore, it is necessary to explore whether the local wisdom of Lubuk Larangan contributes on rural socio-cultural and economic development and how it works. The objectives of this study are to answer these questions.

MATERIAL AND METHOD The study applied qualitative method using survey, explorative, and descriptive approaches. Fourteen Lubuk Larangans in Padang City and Padang Pariaman Regency are chosen purposively.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 114 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Field work is carried out to observe the utilities of the Lubuk Larangan ecosystem and to interview its stakeholder. The informant and respondent are determined by applying snowball method.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Ecosystems of Lubuk Larangan in Padang and Padang Pariaman. Lubuk Larangan ecosystems in Padang City are distributed in suburb area in 9 districts (kecamatan) of 11 districts of Padang City. Most of them are concentrated in 2 districts i.e. Koto Tangah and Kuranji. Both districts laid at eastern Padang nearby the hilly area of Bukit Barisan. List of LL observed in Padang is in Table 1.

Table 1. Lubuk Larangan which are observed in Padang No District (Kecamatan) Kelurahan (Sub District) Name of Lubuk Larangan 1 Kota Tangah Balai Gadang Batang Kandis 2 Kota Tangah Kota Panjang Ikur Koto Batang Koto Panjang 3 Kota Tangah Kota Panjang Ikur Koto Banda Ikur Koto 4 Kota Tangah Lubuk Mintarun Lubuk Luri 5 Kuranji Banda Ampang Banda Ampang 6 Padang Utara Alai Banda Alai 7 Nanggalo Surau Gadang Surau Gadang

According to DKP (2008), there are 79 locations at 11 rivers in Padang Pariaman Regency which are identified as aquatic ecosystem under local community control known as Lubuk Larangan. For the purpose of this study, 7 of the Lubuk Larangan are observed (Table 2).

Table 2. Lubuk Larangan which are observed in Padang Pariaman No District (Kecamatan) Sub District (Kelurahan/Nagari) Name of Lubuk Larangan 1 V Koto Timur Padang Alai Padang Alai 2 V Koto Timur Kampung Sagit Kampung Sagit 3 V Koto Timur Kudu Ganting Kudu Ganting 4 Patamuan Tandikek Batang Mangau Ketek 5 Patamuan Batu Kalang Batang Mangau Rayau 6 V Koto Kampung Dalam Sikucur Marungai 7 V Koto Timur Koto Tinggi Batang Naras

Almost all of Lubuk Larangan in Padang City located near to the community housing or living area, around less than 1-2 km. Some of Lubuk Larangan are no longer natural ecosystem because; some parts of this ecosystem are modified for rice field irrigation, water supply reservoir, city canal, etc. It is also found that in certain case, the function of Lubuk Larangan is reducing due to the influence of daily activities utilizing the aquatic resources. This case occurred on the Lubuk Larangan in Sub District Surau Gadang. Before year 2009, people coming to the Lubuk Larangan ecosystem are still not allowed to take fish or fishing in the area of ecosystem. There was announcement written at the area for warning visitor that fishing is forbidden. On September 30th, 2009, great earthquake of 7.6 SR destroyed many infrastructures in Padang City including water treatment plant units. More than a week, community around the area of Surau Gadang, even from other district came to utilize water resource of the Lubuk Larangan for daily household activities mainly swimming (taking a bath), washing clothes and carpet, vehicle, etc. Later on, the function of the ecosystem as Lubuk Larangan tends to be changing. Its function for fisheries resource conservation has decreased because of the increasing of other activities at the ecosystem (Figure 1).

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Figure 1. Human activities has decreased the conservation function Lubuk Larang ecosystem in Surau Gadang in Padang City

Field observation pointed that the abundance of scarce fish species like garing and sidat (eel) which have high economic value is much decreasing compared to their population density in last decade. This related to the decreasing of local wisdom value on the management of Lubuk Larangan as well as the degradation environment quality of aquatic ecosystem where the Lubuk Larangan takes place. From 7 Lubuk Larangan which are observed in Padang, 2 of them are still in good quality to provide habitat for garing and sidat species. These species have high economic value and nowadays they are only found in two Lubuk Larangan in Padang namely Lubuk Luri and Batang Kandis (Figure 2).

(a) (b) Figure 2. Ecosystems of Lubuk Larangan Lubuk Luri (a) and Batang Kandis (b) in Padang City

Different with Lubuk Larangan in Padang, almost all of Lubuk Larangan observed in Padang ariaman Regency located relative far from community housing. Such location provides advantage for the life cycle of aquatic organism since their habitat is very productive to support photosynthetic

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 116 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding process and food chain dynamic in the aquatic ecosystem. Garing species is found in all Lubuk Larangan of Padang Pariaman Regency and other wild fish such as sidat is found in the 5 of 7 Lubuk Larangan observed. All fish species, wild fish and cultivate fishes found in Padang Lubuk (a) (b) 4 Larangan are also found in Padang Pariaman Lubuk Larangan. Those fish species are garing, sidat, mungkus, nile, gurame, kapareh, common carp, tilapia, cat fish, and prawn. One of productive Lubuk Larangan namely Batang Naras is shown below (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Lubuk Larangan Batang Naras in Padang Pariaman Regency

Contribution of Lubuk Larangan on Rural Development. The contribution of Lubuk Larangan on rural development in West Sumatra is described in several aspects as follow.

Socio-Cultural Contribution. In general, all Lubuk Larangan have one principal regulation that is, there is no free access to utilize of the ecosystem. It seems contradictive to the fact that Lubuk Larangan is indeed a common resource under common property right. In rural area of West Sumatra, the Lubuk Larangan is commonly managed traditionally under convention of local community. There are some Lubuk Larangan which are managed under participation of local youth organization named Karang Taruna but this kind of management tends to be functional if there will be activity due to utilization of Lubuk Larangan.

It is the consensus of rural society to get benefit from Lubuk Larangan which is used for sociocultural purposes as the main contribution priority of Lubuk Larangan utilization in the context of rural development. This is indicated by several points of view. First, the production of Lubuk Larangan is usually used for socio-cultural even such as celebrating the Prophet Mohammed birthday traditionally and other social togetherness on holidays or specific objectives. Second, cases of violation upon the society consensus concerning the utilization of e aquatic resource of Lubuk Larangan occurred very seldom. But, if it happens, the offender will be punished by the society. For instance, the offender has to provide building materials for rural infrastructure development or for public facility maintenance. Specifically, the punishment is different from rural to rural accordingly. Third, control mechanism on the utilization of the Lubuk Larangan resources is done under social responsibility. Informal leaders in rural area play very important role on the decision making process concerning the management or utilizing the aquatic recourses in the Lubuk Larangan including to determine the punishment for an offender. Fourth, some Lubuk Larangan have periodic maintenance and harvesting activities. Such evens need participation of rural community. This is important point to maintain as well as to sustain and develop the spirit of so called gotong royong which is very valuable for empowering the social capital for rural development. Fifth, in some rural areas, Lubuk Larangan is used as water resource for wet-rice field. In this matter, the commitment of local community to take

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 117 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding care of the sustainability of Lubuk Larangan reducing potential conflict on the water resource allocation.

Lubuk Larangan in Kota Padang Padang and Padang Pariaman provide contribution on rural economic development in two categories. First, direct contribution. All Lubuk Larangan in Padang and Padang Pariaman except Lubuk Larangan Surau Gadang in Padang provide direct contribution on the development rural public facilities like mosque, musholla, etc. It is found that in amount of 70% to 85% of the production value of Lubuk Larangan is allocated as financial assistance for rural development. Such percentage allocation can be found at Lubuk Larangan Batang Kandis, Padang Alai, Kampung Sagit, Kudu Ganting and some other Lubuk Larangan. Second, indirect contribution. Some Lubuk Larangans are attractive for domestic tourist due to its good view and interesting fisheries resources. Besides, there is opportunity for swimming at certain part of water body near to Lubuk Larangan. This situation stimulates the development of informal sector which generates income for local community.

Other Contributions. There are some other important contributions of Lubuk Larangan namely, for fish conservation and building awareness of local community on environment improvement. It is clear, that Lubuk Larangan plays important role on fisheries resource conservation. Especially for certain scarce species like garing and sidat which are well known as high economic valuable fish. Generally, rural community has a long tradition on the management of the Lubuk Larangan in which wild fish resource are naturally conserved. In Padang, it is found that there is a relative new established Lubuk Larangan. As a Lubuk Larangan, it is forbidden to catch fish outside of the agreement of local community. There is a very positive impact of the establishment of this small aquatic ecosystem as Lubuk Larangan that is, everyone of the local community agrees to keep the environment of Lubuk Larangan free of rubbish (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Lubuk Larangan Banda Ikur Koto in Padang City

Beside above contribution, there is an opportunity to increase the contribution of Lubuk Larangan for social economic development in rural area. The opportunity is by introducing small cage aquaculture at the Lubuk Larangan. Munzir (2011) mentioned that an initiative or a trial has been done by an inhabitant living in Sub District Surau Gadang but it did not yet work well (Figure 5) and the owner then took it out of the aquatic ecosystem. There should be consideration and discussion amongst the stakeholder before using an aquatic ecosystem of Lubuk Larangan for a private advantage use.

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Figure 5. A small cage aquaculture which was introduced to Lubuk Larangan Surau Gadang

Policy Implication and Conclusion. There are some studies regarding the degradation of ecosystem which have correlation with the degradation of local wisdom. For instances, studies from Prijono (2000) and Zulkarnain (2007). Both mentioned that maintaining local wisdom is important for sustainable utilization of natural resources at coastal ecosystem. Arif (2005) stated that for Mandailing society in Province, Lubuk Larangan is a capital for fulfilling social needs. This is the reason why fishermen at Singkarak Lake in West Smatra cooperated to determine the protected area of endemic species of so called bilih fish (Osmond, 2006).

Developing rural aquaculture is an important solution for food and income security as well as poverty alleviation (Munzir (2001. 2002), Edward, Little, and Demaine (2002), and Munzir and Heidhues (2002). This is very reasonable, considering that 67% of Indonesian total population are living in rural area (Munzir, 2008).

The local wisdom and the role of Lubuk Larangan in rural area of West Sumatra on socio- cultural and economic development are still functional. Lubuk Larangan contributes to rural development directly and indirectly.

Although there was a tendency of degradation on the environment quality and the value of local wisdom due to community based management on Lubuk Larangan as well, the existence of both ecosystem and its local indigenous knowledge still play important role on social cultural and social economic development in rural area. For further benefit of the existence of Lubuk Larangan, it is necessary to develop strategic policy for the utilization of this local wisdom which could provide suitable response on the important issue at rural area i.e. fulfilling social economic need under sustainable utilizing of natural resources. This should not be restricted for rural area in West Sumatra only but also for wider region in Indonesia. Such policy would be effective if it is supported by rural stakeholder. Hence, local wisdom could be considered as an entry point for this purpose.

REFERENCES Arif, A. 2005. Lubuk Larangan, Modal Sosial Masyarakat Mandailing. Www.Google.Com Dinas Kelautan Dan Perikanan (Dkp). 2008. Himpunan Surat Keputusan Bupati Dan Walikota Di 14 Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat Tentang Penetapan Lubuk Larangan. Dkp Provinsi Sumbar. Padang. Edwards, P.; D.C. Little And H. Demaine (Editors). 2002. Rural Aquaculture In Asia. Cabi I Publishing, Wallingford, Uk. Munzir, Abdullah. 2001. Technical Efficiency Of Small Fish Farmer's Production In West Sumatra, Indonesia. A Stochastic Frontier Analysis On Floating Net Cage Aquaculture. Verlag Grauer Isbn. 3-86186-379-0, Germany. Website:Http://Www.Grauer.De. Munzir, Abdullah. 2002. Towards A Technological Efficient Production Of Rural Aquaculture. Paper Presented At International Seminar In Chiang Mai, Thailand 8-12 January 2002.

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Munzir, Abdullah And Franz Heidhues. 2002. Towards Sustainable Development Of Floating Net Cage Culture For Income Security In Rural Indonesia: A Case Study Of Common Carp Production At Lake Maninjau, Indonesia. In Edwards, P.; D.C. Little And H. Demaine (Editors). 2002. Rural Aquaculture In Asia. Cabi I Publishing, Wallingford, Uk. Munzir, Abdullah. 2008. Membangun Perikanan Budidaya Pedesaan. Bung Hatta University Press. Padang. Munzir, Abdullah. 2011. Studi Sistem Pengelolaan Dan Potensi Pemanfaatan Kearifan Lokal “Lubuk Larangan” Di Kota Padang Dan Kabupaten Padang Pariaan, Smatera Barat. \ Osmond, Dodi. 2006. Perilaku Nelayan Dalam Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Ikan Bilih (Mystacoleucus Padangensis Blkr) Di Nagari Paninggahan Kabupaten Solok. Tesis S2 Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Padang. Padang. Prijono, S.N. 2000. Memanfaatkan Satwa Dan Puspa Secara Berkelanjutan. Warta Kehati. Oktober-November 14-15. Syandri, Hafrijal. 2007. Konservasi Dan Rehabilitasi Sumberdaya Alam. Bung Hatta University Press. Padang. Syandri, Hafrijal. 2014. State Of Aquatic Resources Lake Maninjau West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Journal Of Ecology And Environmental Sciences. Issn 0976-9900 And E-Issn: 0976-9919, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014, Pp.- 109-113. Zulkarnain. 2007. Kearifan Lokal Dalam Pelestarian Sumberdaya Pesisir. Studi Kasus Di Desa Panglima Raja Kecamatan Concong Kabupaten Indragir Hilir Provinsi Riau. Tesis S2 Program Pascasarjana Universitas Andalas. Padang.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 120 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding The Use of Used Cloth as a Vessel Primary Composite Material

Ronald M. H.*1, Polaris N1 and Romadhoni2

1)Department of Aquatic Resources Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia. *E-mail: [email protected] 2)Department of Naval Architecture, State Polytechnic of Bengkalis

ABSTRACT Composite are generally made out of two or more different materials that being combined to form a single structure with an identifiable interface. Fiber-reinforced polymer composite materials are the most preferred materials for construction of vessel. This research aims to create a vessel (small boat) by using natural composite, namely satin and cotton fibres as a primary material. The fibres were originated from used cloth. The main reason using this materials is easy to obtain and inexpensive. The toughness of the materials was tested by using bending and impact tests. Results of the t-test shown that the tougness of the used-cloth fibers was not significantly different with that of the BKI standart and it is suitable for vessel material, especially for small boat. The best result was obtained in the satin fibers, with 13,39 Mpa for bending test, while that of the cotton fibers was 6,58 MPa. As well as the bending test, the impact test result also shown that the satin fibers is better than that of the cotton ( 1,88 MPa for satin fibers and 0,88 MPa for cotton fibers).

Keywords: composite materials, fibrous satin, fibrous cotton, used clothes

INTRODUCTION Nowadays the use of composite material is growing for various applications. There is a sharp increase in the use of composite materials in commercial aircraft, road vehicles, ships and trains. The primary advantages of composite materials are their high strength, relatively low weight, and corrosion resistance. Composite materials are stronger and stiffner than metal and for the same strength are lighter than alluminium. They are less susceptible to corrosion and do not transmit the heat from one side to the other of the structure. Beside, it can reduce fuel consumption for its lighter (Nayak, 2014).

Actually, composite materials have been used in construction for thousands of years. For example, straw has been used to reinforce bricks for over 2000 years and this method is still used today. The expert tells that there is evidence in the past of the use of metal to reinforce the tension face of concrete beams in Greece nearly 1000 years ago (Campbell, 2010).

A composite material is made by combining two or more materials with different properties (Humphreys, 2004). These materials work together to give the composite unique properties. However, within the composite it is easily tell the different materials apart as they do not dissolve or blend into each other (RSC, 2013). As described previously, composite materials combine and maintain two or more distinct phases to produce a material that has properties far superior than either of the base materials. Combination of materials are mixed together to achieve specific structural properties. The individual materials do not dissolve or merge completely in the composite, but they act together as one. Normally, the components can be physically identified as they interface with one another. The properties of the composite material are superior to the properties of the individual materials from which it is constructed (James, 2013).

An advanced composite material is made of a fibrous material embedded in a resin matrix, generally laminated with fibers oriented in alternating directions to give the material strength and stiffness. Fibrous materials as wood and polymer composites is the most common fibrous structural

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 121 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding material in construction sector (Humphreys, 2004; Nayak, 2014) for instance aircraft and vessels. Early aircraft were composite-based structures because they were built from wood, which is a composite material comprising a cellulose/lignin mixture that gives wood its excellent strength-to- weight performance and properties of resilience and damage resistance. In fact, composite materials are being used more extensively in the construction of ships and marine structures. The use of composite on ship provides more flexibility in ship design and increase parameter for its weigth, lighter than other materials. Ship built of composite can reduce cost 10 to 20% more than steel ship.

Figure 1. Relationship between classes of engineering materials showing the evolution of composite (Harris, 1999)

Generally, most composites are made of just two materials. One is the matrix or binder. It surrounds and binds together fibres or fragments of the other material, which is called the reinforcement (RSC, 2013). Fibreglass is an example of composite material widely used today for boat hulls. The matrix is a plastic and the reinforcement is glass that has been made into fine threads and often woven into a sort of cloth. The glass is very strong but brittle and it will break if bent sharply. The plastic matrix holds the glass fibres together and protects them from damage by sharing out the forces acting on them. Some advanced composites are now made using carbon fibres instead of glass. These materials are lighter and stronger than fibreglass but more expensive to produce. Carbon nanotubes have also been used successfully to make new composites. These are even lighter and stronger than composites made with ordinary carbon fibres but they are still extremely expensive (RSC, 2013).

The use of modern composite such as fibre and carbon nanotubes resulted high performance vessel, however, those materials are expensive. As a consequence, a research on new materials that can be used to replace the modern composite is needed in order to find out the cheaper materials. One candidates of natural fibrous material that can be used to built a ship is fibers originated from used cloth, but it need more study to understand the physical properties of the materials.

MATERIALS AND METHODS The composite material is made by natural fibrous material (biocomposite) from used cloth. There are two types of fibres namely cotton and satin fibers. Both fibers will be tested and the stronger properties will be constructed as a boat hull.This innovation is expected can be applied in public for its ease of making and abundant materials in daily life.

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Figure 2. Making Process Composite Material from Ex-cloth

Figure 2 describes the procedure of the reseach. First of all, it started by gathering of rags and grouped by its type of fibrous followed by forming mold for specimen test. The dimension of specimen test sample should satistfy standarts given by ASTM D790 and ASTM D638. The aim of this test determine whether structural quality of the laminate is good or bad since laminate boat is not transparent. It can be obtained from its material properties as stress after loaded by force with destructive test.

The fundamental tool for the production of composite vessel is the mold (Coackley, Y, & Conwy, 2005). The result boat, is made by hand by cutting layers of composite from a continuous reel and sticking them into a mold with resin. All materials to forming the sample test and vessel can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 4. Materials and tools (Wax, Resins, Catalyst) in forming specimen and composite boat

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The main material used in boatbuilding are wood, aluminium, steel, FRP and ferrocement. Each has advantages and disadvantages. For instance wood is the best known material but it is depent on a shringking forest resource and higly skilled carpenter. Meanwhile, marine grade aluminium is lightweight, long lasting and requires a skilled labour force, whereas ferrocement uses low cost materials and a large laboru force. Steel is easier to obtain than aluminium. It is more rugged but corrodes if unprotected. FRP has a good toughness and lighter than materials previously stated and composite is derivate of the FRP (Coackley, Y, & Conwy, 2005)

Glass reinforced plastics, or GRP or FRP as it is commonly called, is the combination of materials most frequently used in the commercial production of small cruising craft, and the cheapest, provided that a sufficient number of hulls are taken off the moulds, because these are expensive pieces of tooling. Unlike the moulds used in laminating timber, they are female in form, having themselves been moulded in GRP from a wooden "plug". Accordingly they are reinforced on the outside to keep them rigid, with the materials being applied to the inside of the mould. They also require a high standard of surface finish, free of any ripples or blemishes, so that this can be imparted

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 123 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding directly to what will become the outside of the boat, without the need for any filling or polishing. Even without the expense of a suitable mould, solid GRP - as distinct from the foam sandwich described later - has certain other drawbacks. Unlike timber, it is not "user-friendly" and it is also relatively heavy, so it lacks positive buoyancy. It is a poor thermal and sound insulator, and its indifferent panel stiffness has to be corrected in key areas by additional ribs and stringers, adding weight to an already heavy structure. But it is basically simple to produce, and lends itself particularly well to commercial manufactures (Duroplastic, 2012).

Composites are solids made from more than one material. Composites are designed so that the properties of the composite utilize and combine the properties of the components. Most fibre composite manufacturing techniques were originally developed for the aircraft, marine and/or car industry (Humphreys, 2004).

The vessel will be form from natural composite made from satin fibrous and cotton fibrous. To ensure resilience and toughness of such composite materials then it is tested by destructive test namely bend testing and impact testing.

Bending test provide a simple way to evaluate the quality of materials by their ability to resist cracking or other surface irregularities during one continuous bend (ASTM, 2014). Bend testing results is given in Table 1 and its graph is shown in Figure 4.

Table 1. Bending test result for both specimens (fibrous satin and cotton) Stress (MPa) Sample Test I II III IV V VI

Fibrous Satin 10,86 9,98 14,63 13,66 12,97 18,26 Fibrous Cotton 6,27 7,19 6,27 5,34 6,27 8,12

Figure 4. Bending test graph for composite materials

From the graph in Figure 4, we can conclude that fibrous satin bending stress is higher than fibrous cotton. It is mean fibrous satin is stronger than fibrous cotton. Its stress varies from 9,98 to 18,26 Mpa meanwhile cotton fibrous stress range is 5,34 to 8,12 Mpa. The graph of cotton fibrous stress remain stable from the beginning of the test until the sixth test, conversely the graph of satin fibrous more fluctuate and tend to increase in the second and sixth test. It occurs because outsite

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 124 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding influence as a temperature condition, preparation and ununiform measure for each test piece (specimens) (Kocaoz, Samaranayake, & Nanni, 2015).

Impact test is a standardized high strain rate test which describes the amount of energy absorbed by a material during fracture and its results will be used to measure material toughness. As an on going vessel sometimes facing extreem condition and most of the failure occured in vessel both when the ship were in heavy seas and when they anchored at dock or port, therefore susceptibility of composite materials towards fatal failure should be circumvented as early as possible. The impact test results is given in Table 2 and its graph is shown in Figure 5.

Table 2. Impact test result for both specimens (fibrous satin and cotton) Stress (MPa) Sample Test I II III IV V VI

Fibrous satin 1,88 1,92 1,78 1,92 1,97 1,82 Fibrous cotton 0,74 0,89 1,32 0,84 1,27 0,94

Figure 5. Bending test graph for composite materials

Satin fibrous result varies from 1,78 to 1,97 MPa. There is discrepancy around 0,20 MPa on it. This is assumed no significant influence for small discrepancy. The suspected cause is outsite influence as a temperature condition, preparation and ununiform measure for each test piece (specimens).

Bending test and impact test result is satisfy BKI rule which given minimum stress of composite material is 8,58 Mpa and minimum stress of impact test is 1,68 Mpa, thus the rugs composite materials can be savely as a new material for boat to utilize ex-cloth as a primary material.

CONSLUSION AND RECOMMEDATIONS The test results indicate that ex-cloth (rags) natural composite is satisfy BKI standart as material for vessel especially small boat. The best strenght of ex-cloth (rags) natural composite for vessel is fibrous satin for both strength test material. It has stress around 13,39 Mpa for bending test,

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 125 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding meanwhile fibrous cotton around 6,58 MPa. In addition, impact test result gives the same conclution for fibrous satin. Fibrous satin reachs strength as 1,88 MPa higher about 0,88 MPa of fibrous cotton.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge their deep gratitude to Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Indonesian Goverment for financial support under INSINAS RISTEK program.

REFERENCES ASTM. (2014). Standart Test Methods for Bend Testing of Material for Ductility. West Conshohocken: PA. Campbell, F. C. (2010). Introduction to Composite Material. Dalam A. International, Structural Compsite Material (hal. 1-29). Newyork: ASM International. Coackley, N., Y, B., & Conwy, G. (2005). Fishing Boat Construction 2: Building a fiberglass fishing boat. UK: Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nation. Duroplastic. (2012). Boatbuilding. Duroplastic. Harris, B. (1999). Engineeriing Composite Materials. London: The Institutr of Materials. Humphreys, M. F. (2004). The Use of Polymer Composites In Construction. Queensland University Of Technology, Australia , 11- 17. James, H. (2013). Advanced Material Composites. Dalam Advanced Material Composites (hal. 1-58). London: Vanc Inc. Kocaoz, S., Samaranayake, V. A., & Nanni, A. (2015). Tensile characterization of Glass FRP bars. Elsevier , 128-134. Nayak, N. V. (2014). Composite Materials in Aerospace Applications. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 9 , 1-10. RSC. (2013). Advancing the Chemical Science. France: French.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 126 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Strength Evaluation of Pompong Structure Made from High Density Polyethylene Plastics as Basic Materials

Jamal*1 and Wasis Dwi Aryawan2

1The Study Programme of Naval Architecture, Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis, Indonesia *Email: [email protected] 2The Study Programme Of Naval Architecture, Faculty Of Marine Technology, Sepuluh Nopember Sepuluh Nopember Institute Of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia

ABSTRACT High density polyethylene plastic (HDPE) can be used as an alternative material for the construction of pompong ships in the Riau coastal waters, as the wood material is limited at this time. A study to understand the specifications of strength of pompong that are commonly used in Riau waters (3 GT, 10.2 m Length) has been conducted. The tensile strength of HDPE plastic is tested according to ASTM D638-02a standards with the intention of material strength properties and then being compared with the strength of the material that satisty the rule class standards. Results shown that the tensile strength is 17.12 MPa Yield Strength and the Ultimate Strength is 24.82 MPa. Data are then verified using a finite element method (FEM), where the ship are modelled using ANSYS Workbench 12.0 (3 models). The maximum stress of all models occur in the load cases 1 and load case 3. The load case 1 is the condition when the ship is empty, payload 100% and fuel 100%. While the load case 3 is full charge of 100%, net charge 100% and 10% fuel. The maximum tensile stress is 11.67 MPa, however, the tension does not exceed 17 MPa as required by the class rules. Its safety factor is 1.45, meanwhile the maximum compression stress is 15.82 MPa with a safety factor of 1.26 toward the standard class rule.

Keywords: Riau Coastal, Pompong,High density polyethylene

INTRODUCTION Pompong vessel definition in general is a proper name for a traditional wooden boat, said the term is known by the people in the surrounding waters of the Straits of Melaka. Meanwhile, according to Zarkasyi (Zarkasyi, 2006) is included in the type "Motor Vessel" (KM) is small, the small boat pengoprasiannya use a machine that is stored in the hull. So the two definitions can be interpreted that the ship pompong is smaller vessels are generally made of wood materials (timber ships) which pengoprasiannya using the machine. The ships are in general use diesel propulsion engine and use diesel fuel (diesel oil).

Coastal in Indonesia is an area that needs a lot of inter-island transportation tools, the tools used in general transportation is pompong ship. However, the number of vessels in the traditional pompong riau coastal waters began to decrease due to the difficulty of finding wood as the main material of the ship. So some shipyards traditional pompong many have closed.

As an entrepreneur ship owner would want dioprasikan The ship can be tough in any condition and guaranteed his safety so that the activities of trade or fishing voyage may continue to happen. For that we need new ways to make the ship made a new alternative. High density polyethylene (HDPE) can be made as an alternative material as a basis for shipbuilding because a lot of advantages that exist in these materials for shipbuilding

The advantages of HDPE plastic as a base material according Boat shipbuilding Indonesia are: First, HDPE plastic is very durable against material aging and corrosion (lasting a minimum of 50 years). Second, resistance to impact damage cracks a little better. Third, HDPE flexible and durable, resistant to the worst weather conditions, Fourth, can be recycled and many more advantages (Indonesia, 2014).

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 127 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Of the various advantages that exist in HDPE plastic, the researcher tried to analyze the strength of the material is directly and verify the material using appropriate methods.

There are two main types of material that can be used as a boat or ship that is plate-shaped HDPE plastic material and powder or pellets. The success of an idea into a business example is the Turkish state that became one of the country Boat makers with entirely HDPE material. innovative products for building boats made entirely of plastic HDPE has been made over the last five years (Indonesia, 2014). In the second picture looks example HDPE ship image that has been built and has operate at sea.

Figure 1. HDPE Work Boat The benefits of HDPE in the manufacture of ships, among others, are as follows: 1) Because HDPE highly durable against material aging and corrosion (lasting a minimum of 50 years). 2) Durability rift good so little impact damage. 3) HDPE flexible and durable, resistant to the worst weather conditions 4) It is easier to assemble than the HDPE material of steel, wood, aluminum or other composite materials. 5) Resistant to ultra violet, Stable, fire resistant and low maintenance 6) 100% recyclable.

Besides 6 point benefits at above, the plastic material has several advantages over fiberglass and aluminium materials. More detail can be seen in Table 1 below:

Table 1. Comparison between the material characteristics of fiberglass, aluminum and HDPE plastics [6]. Fibreglass HDPE Application Aluminium RHIB Rhino 590 Impact Resistance Poor Good Excellent Repair ability Good Good Excellent Mass Good Excellent Poor General Abuse Resistance Poor Poor Excellent UV Resistance Poor Excellent Excellent Operator Skill Level Skilled OK Unskilled Maintenance Requirements High High Low Sandy Beach Landings Good Good Good Rocky Beach Landings Poor Poor Excellent Punture Resistance Poor Good Excellent Rhino Marine, 2006

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 128 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding MATERIALS AND METHODS Method of tensile test of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) materials using ASTM D638 standard. Whereas verification of the strength of the ship model analysis using finite element method (FEM). Tensile test carried out to determine the properties of materials on fracture strength of materials that can be applied to the structural strength of the vessel either lengthwise or crosswise. In accordance with DNV [7] that in order to rule class for craft has a standard strength of materials that must be fulfilled such that the Ultimate Tensile yield stress and tensile stress.

Materials Preparation. Material specimens used in this Paper is High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) 3840 RU. Material obtained from the company's CV. Pioneers Mandiri Jaya is located at Palm Watu Street, No.89 DS, Gresik-Indonesia. The material made by heating the HDPE plastic at temperature of 2300C and with time ±30 minutes. In accordance with the ASTM standard test of HDPE plastic can be used ASTM standard. In this paper, using a specimen D638-02a – IVB type. As for the size of the specimen based on the type can be seen in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. Specimens standard with ASTM standards [8].

Table 2. Specifications Specimen HDPE Plastic Material Width Thick [mm] CSA l No. Specimen code o [mm] [mm2] [mm] 1 I 6,08 4,03 24,50 25 2 II 6,13 4,05 24,83 25 3 III 6,05 4,10 24,80 25 4 IV 6,07 4,16 25,25 25 5 V 6,22 4,17 25,94 25

Under the ASTM standard D638-02a that tolerance to the width and thickness of the specimen was 0.5 mm [8]. This proves that the specimens to be tested in table 2 above still meet the overall standards. As for the differences between the standards with the greatest test material seen in the width of the specimen No.V is 0.22 mm and is smaller than a standard maximum limit of 0.5 mm.

Testing Process. On HDPE plastic material tensile test carried out in accordance with the work steps described in the previous point. While the specimen image that has been in the tensile test can be seen in Figure 3.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 129 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

(A) (B) Figure 3. Testing Process (A)monitor results, (b) specimen results

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The true stress strain curve is showing the strain tensile strength of a material. The curve is derived from the curve obtained from the force per area of cross-section accretion of material with the magnitude of the length due to the tensile force. in Figure 4 below is a stress strain curve that occurs in HDPE plastic tensile testing.


N/mm^2 40 Yield stress Ultimate stress sp. 1 sp.1 30 20 1 Tegangan 10 5 4 2 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Regangan

Figure 4. Stress and Strain Curve Table 3. Data Result Spc. Max. Load Yield Δ l Yield Tensile Elong- tion Reduct. of Code (N) point (mm) Strength Strength (%) Area (%) (N) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) I 735,45 548,13 18,4 22.37 30,01 74.00 87.27 II 547,38 459,16 12,4 18.49 22,05 49.20 84.90 III 611,01 398.55 12,8 16.07 24,63 50.80 85.33 IV 613,71 431.53 16,2 17.09 24,30 64.80 85.15 V 600,00 300,00 9,00 11.57 23,13 36.00 82.30 Rata-rata 17,12 24,82 54,96 84.07

Based on the results of tests performed as shown in Table 3 and figure 4 is stress strain curve can be obtained a determination that the magnitude of the yield strength of HDPE plastic is at 17.12 MPa, 24.82 MPa Tensile strength, Strain 54.96% and depreciation amounted surfaces 84.07%. HDPE plastic shrinkage strain and turns show a great price so it can be concluded that turns the plastic material includes an elastic material.

Tensile Strength Pompong Ship Structure Analysis Based Plastic HDPE. Analysis of the structure of the pompong Ship made of HDPE plastic in this Paper using the finite element method (FEM) or the finite element method, the goal is: allow it to get deployment stress on vessel structure to be analyzed. FEM analysis in this research is using static structural analysis with Ansys Workbench

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 130 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Software 12.0. A model was designed and analyzed by using the software on the whole hull. While the strength of the deck house in this study ignored.

Models Product. Ship models created using AutoCAD 2014 software with 3D solid shapes that can be seen in Figure 8.3 below. The model is described in the form of real scale 1: 1 in accordance with the size of the construction that has been previously calculated using Rule-class ships.

Figure 5. The process of making 3D models with AutoCAD 2014.

Meshing. Matric meshing process is dividing the surface model into multiple nodes and some elements matric. In the first model is a model ship mashing pompong done automatically per part or by division geometry, pictures can be seen in Figure 6. meshing are done to get a total amount of 21283 nodes and 8714 elements.

Figure 6. Meshing of Models Load. loading divided into three points, namely: 1) Load case 1. load case 1 occurs when the ship leaves port: payload=0%, Fuel oil=100%, Net=100%, Fresh water=100% 2) Load case 2. load case 2 occurs when the vessel to operate: payload=50%, Fuel oil=50%, Net=50%, Fresh water=50% 3) Load case 3. Load case 3 is the ship towards the port: Payload=100%, Fuel oil=10%, Net=100%, Fresh water=10% An example can be seen in load case 1 with Figure 7.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 131 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

Figure 7. Force in Load Case 1

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Once the design of the model is formed by various case characteristics is given in the model then the model is in the running to get the desired result. The model result can be seen at Table 4, Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10.

Table 4. Maximum Principal Stress Note Load Case 1 Load Case 2 Load Case 3

Minimum - 4,66 [MPa] - 4, 66 [MPa] - 4,66 [MPa] Maximum 11,67 [MPa] 8,84 [MPa] 11,61 [MPa] Minimum Occurs On Side shell u Side Shell u Side Shell u Maximum Occurs On Inner bottom midship Inner bottom AP Inner bottom midship

For a minimum stress written in the negative sign (-) while the maximum stress is written in the form of a positive (+). The positive sign indicates actual tensile stresses occurring in the material while a negative sign is the number of the magnitude of the compressive stress that occurs in the material.

Figure 8. Maximum Principal Stress Curve

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 132 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

Figure 9. Maximum principal stress Models at load case 1

b a

Figure 10. Maximum principal stress Models. a, load case 1 b. load case 3

Safety Factor. Safety factor is the safety factor used in planning the design of the ship's structure so that the power structure is secured with minimum dimensions. Safety factor against yield strength is also often referred to as a comparison between the yield strength of the material to the voltage that occurs in the design model, for more details can be seen in the following equation: SF = Material Strength / Design Strength

Note: SF = Safety factor Material strength = 17,12 MPa Design strength = 11,67 MPa SF = 1,45

Based on the above calculation, the price obtained for yield strength safety factor is 1.45.

Permissible Stress. Based on the rule class [7] that the tensile stress is not allowed to exceed 80% of the tensile stress possessed material. Table 5 is the comparison between the test results with the class rule, the calculation results prove the test material shown to meet the standards

Table 5. Comparison of stress that occurs in the calculation of class rule Yield Stress Material Permisible Stress Principal Stress Yield stress with material test Max. 80 % with yield stress maximum principal stress result 17,12 MPa 13,69 MPa 11,64 MPa

CONCLUSIONS The conclusions obtained in this paper are the strength of HDPE plastic type 3840 RU has been tested according to ASTM standards D638-02a has amounted to 17.12 MPa Yield Strength and Ultimate Strangth of 24.82 MPa. The tensile strength of standard HDPE given Rule class is Yield

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 133 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Strength: 17.00 MPa and Ultimate Strangth: 24.00 MPa HDPE plastic material that is otherwise meet the standards of the rule class and worthy of shipbuilding materials. It has been done three modeling for verification analysis of finite element method (FEM). Of the three models of the greatest stress occurs in the inner bottom plate gear load space when the condition Load case 1 and case load conditions 3. Load case 1 is the condition of fish cargo is empty, cargo nets 100% and 100% fuel load while the third case is on while a full charge of 100%, 100% and a net charge of fuel 10%. The maximum principal stress was 11.67 MPa greatest, however, the stress of 17 MPa melibihi not required by class rules and have a safety factor of 1.45 to the tensile strength of the material.

REFERENCES Zarkasyi, I (2006) “Pengaruh Keberadaan Tangkahan Terhadap Pengoperasian Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan Bengkalis”. Institut Pertanian Bogor: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan. Boat Indonesia (26/02/2014) “Menciptakan Kapal Boat Seluruhnya Dari Plastik High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)”. Jamal & Aryawan, D.W (2014) “Analisis Kekuatan Struktur Kapal Pompong Berbahan Dasar Plastik High Density Polyethylene Di Perairan Riau Pesisir”. Seminar Nasional Teknik Sipil XI: ITS Surabaya Jamal & Aryawan, D.W (2014) “Desain Kapal Pompong Berbahan Plastik High Density Polyethylene Untuk Perairan Riau Pesisir”. Seminar Nasional Kelautan X: UHT Surabaya Boat Indonesia (02/03/2014) “Mengapa HDPE Boat Mempunyai Prospek Yang Bagus”. Rhino Marine. (2006),“Rhino 590 HDPE Workboat”. Afrika. Det Norske Verites (2010) Standard For Certification Craft. Norway. ASTM International. (2003). “Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics”. United States.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 134 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Evaluation of Motion Dynamics Characteristics of Fishing Boats in Bengkalis Island

Nurhasanah*1 and I Ketut Aria Pria Utama2

1Department of Naval Architecture, State Polytechnic of Bengkalis, Indonesia *Email: [email protected] 2Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty Of Marine Technology, Sepuluh Nopember Institute Of Technology Surabaya, Indonesia

ABSTRACT Fishermen in Bengkalis Island tend to choose alternative materials such as fiberglass instead of wooden materials for constructing their ship. The fiberglass is always available, the price is affordable and it is not require many equipments in the process of ship construction. As the fiberglass is lighter than wood, the design of fiberglass fishing boat is need to be evaluated, especially the dynamics of motion of the vessel that determine whether the vessel meets the criteria for the comfort sailing. Prior to the evaluation, the vessel was redrawn and the dynamic motion parameters that were evaluated include the motions of the heave, pitch and roll. There were 4 types of ship that have same capacity (3GT), but they have different main size. Based on the value of heave motion acceleration, it can be concluded that the heave motion meets its criteria because the acceleration of vertical motion is less than 0,315 m/s2 (< 0.315 m/s2) and it is categorized as Not Uncomfortable. For the roll motion, not all of ships meet the criteria. The value of the roll periods based on the result of evaluation, the closest criteria is vessel-2 because it is in the range of 5.5 to 7.0 seconds. The size of this ship is of 10.23 meters length, 2 meters width, 1.33 meters height and 0.44 meters draft.

Keywords: Fiberglass, Fishing, Vessel, Wood

INTRODUCTION Bengkalis Island consists of two subdistricts which have a great potential in the field of fisheries. Based on the information from the public official website of Bengkalis Regency, according to the Local Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) Bengkalis Regency of 2010-2015 that the two subdistricts in Bengkalis Island will be made as the center of the development of marine fisheries. One of the developments intended is the change of raw material for making the fishing boat from wood to fiberglass. The Fishing boats consist of several types differentiated by Gross Tonnage (GT), the capacity of 1GT to 7GT. One vessel with the largest type has the capacity of 3GT with the total number of 160 units (Marine and Fisheries Department of Bengkalis Regency, 2013). The number, may be in several years forward, will be reduced.

There are two influential factors: it is difficult to get the wood base material or there is no longer a development of fishing boat 3GT because the fishermen can’t afford to build a fishing boat with other raw materials because it was feared that the price is more expensive. The raw material expected has the greatest likelihood to be applied as a substitute for wood is Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP). The nature of fiberglass that is lighter than wood can be a strong reason why this material is chosen for alternative (Scott, 1996). The weight ratio of wood and fiberglass: for the hull the wood has weight of 20 kg/m2, while the FRP has weight of 14 kg/m2 (Fyson, 1985).

With the weight ratio, then viewed from the side of ship displacement it will be more advantageous so that it will also affect the ship barriers that may be smaller and will be useful in the selection of the ship’s main engine power. To see the effect more clearly, it is essentially evaluated to the wood ship 3GT available at this time in advance in order that it may be obtained the characteristic comparison of the wood-based fishing boat to the FRP-based fishing boat. The characteristics include displacement, barriers, as well as the ship stability and the ship motion dynamics. The evaluation of

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 135 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding these characteristics is to get the 3GT-type fishing boat with the size fulfilling the criteria to obtain the primary size of 3GT fishing boat that can be input in the construction of fiberglass fishing boat in the future.

MATERIALS AND METHODS When the ship is sailing, it will interact with the wave, current and air. As a result of the various sea states, they will affect the emergence of motions and a number of structural responses (Djatmiko, 2012). In order find out some information on the characteristics of motions, it is provided graphically with the abscissa in the form of frequency parameter. While the ordinate is in the form of the ratio of the certain motion amplitude such as heave, pitch, and roll to the wave amplitude called Response Amplitude Operator (RAO). The ship to be seen characteristically consists of 4 types with the same capacity of 3GT but with the different main sizes. As for the data of the ships are as follows:

Table 1. Main dimension of ship to be evaluated

No Name of Ship Length (m) Breadth (m) Depth (m) Draft (m)

1 Ship-1 10,20 2,20 1,76 0,40 2 Ship-2 10,23 2,00 1,33 0,44 3 Ship-3 10,97 1,93 1,69 0,49 4 Ship-4 10,62 2,10 2,00 0,37

Evaluations of characteristics will be conducted using the software with the following several data inputs:

Determinations of height and wave period refer to the provisions of sea state contained in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) of 2002 have approved the code standard of sea state, then the waters region of Bengkalis Island is categorized in the Sea State 2 with Significant Wave Height of 0.1 to 0.5 with the period of 12 Sec.

After knowing the information concerning the data inputs above, each vessel models will be tested in seakeeping by using software Maxsurf-Seakeeper. The resulting output can be concluded with several comparisons of frequency variable, motion amplitude, speed and heading. The motions to be seen are heave, pitch and roll.

Table 2. Data inputs Ship-1 Ship-2 Ship-3 Ship-4 No Data Input Wood FRP Wood FRP Wood FRP Wood FRP Maxsimum draft 1 4,21 0,45 4,71 0,46 4,42 0,56 4,45 0,56 (meter) Number of mapped 2 41 sections 3 Vessel type Monohull 4 Environment 1025 Tonne/m3 5 Spectra ITTC a. Char height 0,5 meter b. Modal periode 12 Second 6 Headings 00, 450, 900, 1350, 1800 7 Speed 0 Knot, 7 Knot, 12 Knot

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Table 3. Sea state WMO, 2002 Significant wave height Description Periode (s) Sea state code Range (m) 0 0 Calm (glassy) 10 1 0,0 - 0,1 Calm (glassy) 11 2 0,1 - 0,5 Smooth (wavelets) 12 3 0,5 - 1,25 Sligth 13 4 1,25 - 4,0 Moderate 14 5 2,5 - 4,0 Rough 5 6 4,0 - 6,0 Very rough 6 7 6,0 9,0 High 7 8 9,0 - 14,0 Very high 8 9 Over 14,0 Phenomenal 9

Figure 1: Direction of vessel motion viewed from the axis

Equation of motion dynamics can be described through the pressure on the whole hull integrated, and then it will be obtained a hydrodynamic force on the hull. Based on the hydrodynamic force, the linear motion in six degrees of freedom will be obtained in the form of response amplitude operator (RAO). RAO is calculated first by solving the equation of motion at each frequency and then displayed in the diagram of functional transfer. The equation of RAO in the functional frequency is:

RAO(ω) =

Where; : Structural amplitude : Wave amplitude

The general equation in calculating the vessel motion is the following:

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 137 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding The explanation of equation above is the heaving motion and called as forced heaving motion. Whereas for other translational motions, the equation can be applied to alter the motion axis to x or y where a is virtual mass (vessel period coupled with added mass), b is damping coefficient (a force against the motion direction), c is coefficient of restoring force (a force returning to the point of balance) and Fo is existing force or encountering force or external force acting on an object when the vessel is in the calm water condition, so the value of Fo is zero (Bhattacharyya, 1978). For another motion, that is rotational motion, the basic equation used remains the same but only changing the translational motion variable, the distance to be angle and the force to be moment as written in the pitching equation below. The rolling equation is also the same, but because its rotational axis is different from the pitching, the angle θ is replaced by ϕ.

where: a : inertial moment b : damping moment c : restoring moment Mo : existing moment

In order to determine a vessel’s RAO, then it will use software maxsurf-Seakeeper. At this software, in order to influence the motion response, the vessel will be divided into several stations or strips. The response occurring at each station will integrated to the vessel’s longitudinal direction to obtain an overall output and this method may be called a strip theory (Kornev, 2012). The strip theory method is very suitable to be used for the 3GT fishing boat, because principally this theory can be used to the vessel in the form of slender body, monohull with the ratio of the length to width is L/B>3 (Kornev, 2011). The seakeeping has the comfort criteria aiming to establish the favorable conditions for those who are on board where there are various motions when sailing. As described by Riola & Garcia de Arboleya (2006) concerning the instructions on the ability of personnel activities associated with the acceleration of vertical motion.

Table 4. The relationships of vertical acceleration and comfort (Source: Riola & Garcia de Arboleya, 2006) Velocity Remarks < 0.315 m/sec2 Not Uncomfortable 0.315 – 0.63 A little Uncomfortable 0.5 – 1.0 Fairly Uncomfortable 0.8 – 1.6 Uncomfortable 1.25 – 2.5 Very Uncomfortable > 2.0 m/sec2 Extremely Uncomfortable

In order to identify the comfort level for those who were on the ship to the seakeeping of a ship it can be determined based on the acceleration of the motions of heave, roll and pitch. The acceleration of the 3GT-type vessel’s motion consists of Heave (m/s2), Roll (rad/s), and Pitch (rad/s). It is essentially to note that in this research the comfort criteria the seakeeping for heave motion it refers to the criteria of Riola & Garcia de Arboleya (2006) where the criteria for the vertical motion acceleration. Whereas for the seakeeping comfort criteria of roll motion that has been established by Bhattacharyya (1978), where it has been recommended the roll periods for the fishing boat is 5.5 to 7.0. While for the seakeeping comfort criteria of pitch motion it has been not yet found a recommendation on the appropriate criteria for the type of fishing boat. The table 5.6 below is

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 138 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding displayed the value of heave motion acceleration for each vessel obtained from the result of maxsurf- Seakeeper.

Table 5. The Periode of Rolling Motion (Bhattacharyya, 1978)

Types of Ships T (second)

Passenger 20 – 25 Cargo-Passenger 10.5 – 14.5 Cargo 9 – 13 Tanker 9 – 10 Fishing Boat 5.5 – 7.0 Whale Boat 9 – 11.5 Battleship 14.5 – 17.0 Cruiser 12.0 – 13.0 Destroyer 9 – 9.5 Torpedo Boat 7 – 7.5

Based on the value of heave motion acceleration as shown above, it can be concluded that the heave motion meets the criteria of Riola & Garcia de Arboleya (2006) because the acceleration of vertical motion is in the condition of less than 0.315 m/s2 (< 0.315 m/s2) with status Not Uncomfortable. However, it should be seen further, whether this 3GT-type fishing boat categorized in the type of comfortable vessel (Not Uncomfortable) or uncomfortable. This needs to be clarified again because the conclusion that this 3GT fishing boat meets the criteria of heave motion when the fishing boat has been categorized in the type of Not Uncomfortable vessel. In order to identify whether the roll motion meets the criteria or not, then the following will be displayed in Table.7 the value of roll motion period in seconds based on the results of calculation for maxsurf-Seakeeper.

Table 6. The Ship’s Heave Motion Acceleration

Speed Draft No Ship 00 450 900 1350 1800 (Knot) (m)

0,36 0,082 m/s2 0,088 m/s2 0,106 m/s2 0,086 m/s2 0,081 m/s2 0 0,45 0,081 m/s2 0,086 m/s2 0,105 m/s2 0,085 m/s2 0,08 m/s2 1 Ship-1 0,36 0,028 m/s2 0,037 m/s2 0,093 m/s2 0,212 m/s2 0,261 m/s2 8 0,45 0,028 m/s2 0,037 m/s2 0,092 m/s2 0,21 m/s2 0,257 m/s2 0,38 0,08 m/s2 0,087 m/s2 0,109 m/s2 0,084 m/s2 0,077 m/s2 0 0,46 0,08 m/s2 0,086 m/s2 0,109 m/s2 0,084 m/s2 0,077 m/s2 2 Ship-2 0,38 0,029 m/s2 0,037 m/s2 0,093 m/s2 0,197 m/s2 0,235 m/s2 8 0,46 0,029 m/s2 0,037 m/s2 0,094 m/s2 0,196 m/s2 0,235 m/s2 0,45 0,082 m/s2 0,089 m/s2 0,11 m/s2 0,086 m/s2 0,08 m/s2 0 0,56 0,08 m/s2 0,086 m/s2 0,109 m/s2 0,085 m/s2 0,079 m/s2 3 Ship-3 0,45 0,028 m/s2 0,037 m/s2 0,1 m/s2 0.226 m/s2 0,275 m/s2 8 0,56 0,027 m/s2 0,037 m/s2 0,098 m/s2 0.226 m/s2 0,275 m/s2 0,45 0,087 m/s2 0,092 m/s2 0,109 m/s2 0,088 m/s2 0,083 m/s2 0 0,56 0,082 m/s2 0,08 m/s2 0,106 m/s2 0,086 m/s2 0,081 m/s2 4 Ship-4 0,45 0,028 m/s2 0,037 m/s2 0,098 m/s2 0,229 m/s2 0,282 m/s2 8 0,56 0,028 m/s2 0,037 m/s2 0,097 m/s2 0,229 m/s2 0,282 m/s2

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 139 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Based on Table 7, it appears that not all of the vessel-1, vessel-2, vessel-3 and vessel-4 meet the criteria for the comfort of roll motion. Based on the criteria of roll periods, it is known that the comfortable vessel viewed from the roll motion is in the range of 5.5 to 7.0 seconds. For the value of roll periods based Table.7 the closest to the criteria is vessel-2. So, it can be concluded that the most comfortable vessel among all 3GT-type vessels evaluated in this study is the vessel-2. In the previous studies on the effects of changes in payload on the vessel stability, the vessel-2 is the largest vessel being able to increase the payload as compared to other 3 vessels (Nurhasanah, 2014).

Table 7. Rolling Periode No Name of Ship Speed Draft 00 450 900 1350 1800

0,36 6,87 Sec 7,36 Sec 7,72 Sec 7,96 Sec 7,32 Sec 0 0,45 6,75 Sec 6,97 Sec 7,25 Sec 7,58 Sec 7,21 Sec 1 Ship-1 0,36 6,95 Sec 7,18 Sec 7,99 Sec 8,32 Sec 7,93 Sec 8 0,45 6,64 Sec 7,03 Sec 8,36 Sec 8,87 Sec 8,66 Sec 0,38 6,18 Sec 6,70 Sec 7,01 Sec 7,33 Sec 6,57 Sec 0 0,46 5,06 Sec 5,33 Sec 6,84 Sec 6,32 Sec 5,97 Sec 2 Ship-2 0,38 6,65 Sec 6,93 Sec 7,21 Sec 7,04 Sec 7,48 Sec 8 0,46 6,87 Sec 7,07 Sec 7,48 Sec 7,51 Sec 6,95 Sec 0,45 7,61 Sec 7,86 Sec 8,31 Sec 8,57 Sec 8,22 Sec 0 0,56 7,44 Sec 7,77 Sec 8,08 Sec 8,26 Sec 8,68 Sec 3 Ship-3 0,45 7,93 Sec 8,32 Sec 8,81 Sec 8,89 Sec 9,43 Sec 8 0,56 7,61 Sec 7,96 Sec 8,67 Sec 8,89 Sec 8,69 Sec 0,45 7,06 Sec 7,44 Sec 7,93 Sec 8,07 Sec 7,97 Sec 0 0,56 6,82 Sec 7,08 Sec 7,54 Sec 7,87 Sec 7,51 Sec 4 Ship-4 0,45 7,19 Sec 7,57 Sec 8,65 Sec 8,99 Sec 8,54 Sec 8 0,56 7,43 Sec 7,43 Sec 8,41 Sec 8,66 Sec 8,06 Sec

CONSLUSION AND RECOMENDATION Based on the comfort criteria of motion dynamics by Riola & Garcia de Arboleya (2006) because the acceleration of vertical motion in a state of less than 0.315 m/s2 for heave motions and the criteria by Bhattacharyya (1978) in which it has been recommended that the roll periods for the fishing boats are in the range of 5.5 to 7.0 seconds, it can be concluded that the vessels fulfilling the criteria of heave and roll motions are vessel-2 with the length of 10.23 meters, the width of 2 meters, the height of 1.33 meters and the loaded of 0.44 meters. However, it is essentially recommended that in order to choose which the vessel design is most proper to be made a reference in the manufacture of fishing boat FRP 3GT, then it can reconsider the total of payload, obstacles, and the dynamics of each vessel’s motion.

REFERENCES Bhattacharyya, R (1978), Dynamics Of Marine Vehicles, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Djatmiko, E.B (2012), Perilaku dan Operabilitas Bangunan Laut di Atas Gelombang Acak, ITS Press, Surabaya Fyson, J (1985), Design of Small Fishing Vessels, Fishing News Ltd, Farnham Surrey England. Nurhasanah. And IKAP Utama (2014), Evaluasi Karakteristik Hidrodinamika Kapal Ikan Untuk Wilayah Perairan Pulau Bengkalis Riau, Thesis, ITS Surabaya Riola, J.M. and Garcia de Arboleya,M (2006), “Habitability and Personal Space in Seakeeping Behaviour”, Journal of Maritime Research, Vol.III No.1, pp.41-54

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 140 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Analysis of Evacuation Route Approach of IMO Guidelines Interm Msc/Circ.1238

Budhi Santoso*1, Zulfaidah Ariany2 and Sarwoko2

1)Department of Naval Architecture Engineering Politecnic of Bengkalis, Riau, Indonesia. *E-mail: [email protected] 2)Department of Naval Architecture Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

ABSTRACT The emergency conditions in the cruise ship may happened at any time and it results in the form of damage to the vessel and causing lost of life. But these effects can be reduced by preventive effort. The research was conducted on a river boat type LCT 200 GT operated in the Mamberamo River . The Mamberamo Foja has different characteristics from other ferries, which is the LCT form and it has different design in passenger luggage and vehicle deck. This research aims to get a access to the optimum design of the entire system for evacuation of the passengers and crew, to enable then to leave the ship quickly and safely during an emergency condition. The emergency Evacuation System Research was conducted by calculating the escape time in each route, in the deck and outside the deck, by using the IMO Guidelines Intern MSC / Circ. 1238. Result of the optimum evacuation time in each route was calculated and then compared with the IMO Interim Guidelines. Result of the calculation of evacuation time by using the IMO Interim Guidelines in the afternoon was 37.92 minutes, while in the outside, at night these are 42.92 minutes. While the results of using the evacuation route software, in the afternoon was 39.65 minutes, and in the outside, at night was 44.64 minutes. So, it can be concluded that a solution for optimum evacuation in order to optimize the access to the liferaft, the IMO Guidelines Intern MSC / Circ. 1238 should be added to the navigation deck and passenger deck to minimize the risk of lost.

Keywords: Evacuation, IMO Guidelines Interim, Safety

INTRODUCTION During the sailing, ship may find the unpredicted condition. The condition is a state of emergency during the cruise does not operate normally and condition as usual is not working properly. As usual state is a state in which the ship as a whole, the machinery, accommodation services, navigation services, the condition of machinery capable of controlling sail safely, and the crew accordance with the design to be in satisfactory condition. (SOLAS 2004 chapter II)

So that the plan a good ship it not only includes planning the construction, machinery, and electrical ship, but also include the planning of safety for the passengers inside the ship. This is very important because with the planning of safety on board, then the events of emergency at the time of operating the vessel can be anticipated. Ship safety planning in this regard is the plan in case of fire, leakage, and collision.

MATERIALS AND METHODS IMO Guidelines InternMSC / Circ. 1238 Method of evaluation. The steps in the evacuation analysis specified as below.

Description of the system: a. Identification of assembly stations. b. Identification of escape routes.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 141 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Assumptions. This method of estimating evacuation time is basic in nature and, therefore, common evacuation analysis assumptions should be made as follows: a. All passengers and crew will begin evacuation at the same time and will not hinder each other; b. Passengers and crew will evacuate via the main escape route, as referred to in SOLAS regulation II-2/13; c. Initial walking speed depends on the density of persons, assuming that the flow is only in the direction of the escape route, and that there is no overtaking; d. Passenger load and initial distribution are assumed in accordance with chapter 13 of the FSS Code; e. Full availability of escape arrangements is considered, unless otherwise stated; f. People can move unhindered; g. Counterflow is accounted for by a counterflow correction factor; and h. Effects of ship’s motions, passenger age and mobility impairment, flexibility of arrangements, unavailability of corridors, restricted visibility due to smoke, are accounted for in a correction factor and a safety factor. The safety factor has a value of 1.25.

Performance standard (2) complies with SOLAS regulation III/21.1.4.

Figure 1. Performance Standart IMO (Source : IMO’s Interim Guidelines MSC/Circ. 1238) a. 10 min in case 1 and case 3, 5 min in case 2 and case 4 b. calculated as in appendix 1 to these Guidelines c. maximum 30 min in compliance with SOLAS regulation III/21.1.4 d. overlap time = 1/3 (E+L) e. values of n (min) provided in 3.5.2

The following performance standards, as illustrated in figure 1, should be complied with: Calculated total evacuation time: 1.25 (A + T) + 2/3 (E + L) ≤ n (1) E+ L ≤ 30 min (2)

In performance standard (1): 1) For ro-ro passenger ships, n = 60; and 2) For passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships, n = 60 if the ship has no more than three main vertical zones; and 80, if the ship has more than three main vertical zones.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 142 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Calculation of E + L E + L should be calculated separately based upon: 1) Results of full scale trials on similar ships and evacuation systems; or 2) Data provided by the manufacturers. However, in this case, the method of calculation should be documented, including the value of correction factor used. For cases where neither of the two above methods can be used, E + L should be assumed equal to 30 min.

RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS Case study. In this study, using case studies drawn KMP ship. Mamberamo Foja to cruise the rivers of Papua Mambramo district with a length of 33.27 meter ship has a passenger capacity 76 people, crew of 8 people, and the charge in the form of trucks 7 units. Location of the lifeboats only on the passenger deck. So that the is necessary to design optimum access and evacuation systems during emergency conditions on the ship. Optimum is meant here is the passengers and crew (ABK) as much as possible can take advantage of a limited time with the distance to the place of work and the evacuation of passengers to muster station room. So that the in time the evacuation is not an obstacle. At the evacuation calculation is based on IMO Guidelines InternMSC / Circ. 1238.

Calculation IMO Guidelines InternMSC / Circ. 1238. In order to compare the result obtained by the proposed model and IMO Guidelines InternMSC /Circ. 1238.

Night Conditions Emergency conditions during the night to night case wherein A is 10 minutes with a safety factor of 1.25; According to MSC / Circ.1238 as no data of shipbuilders, the EL assumed to be 30 minutes. So that the travel time can be calculated as follows:

Overall time = A + T + (E+L) 600 s + 175,09 s + 1800 s = 2575,09 second = 42,92 minutes < 60’ minutes

Evacuation time required to achieve Muster station located on deck 2 left the ship that is over 42.92 minutes.

Daylight Conditions The calculation of performance standards as follows: Overall time = A + T + (E + L) 300 175.09 s + s + 1800 s = 2275.09 second = 37.92 minutes <60 minutes Evacuation time required to achieve Muster station located on deck 2 left the ship that is over 37.92 minutes.

Route Proposed Model. Viewed from the of evacuation in the first scenario obtained when the total is still very high, and therefore the scenario of evacuation will be divided into two locations: muster station 1 to the deck of the navigation and the passenger deck, and the muster station 2 for passengers on the deck passengers and crew in the room machine.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 143 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Scheme of Hydrolic Alternative to Muster Station 1

Navigation Room

Capten Room

Doors Corridor Deck 1 Muster Station 1 DECK 3

KKM Room

ABK Room Stairs

Passenger Doors Room

Figure 1. Scheme of Hydrolic Alternative to Muster Station 1

Night Conditions The calculation of performance standards as follows: overall time = A + T + (E+L) 600 s + 140,76 s + 1800 s = 2540,76 second = 42,35 minute < 60’ minute Evacuation time is needed to reach the lifeboat that was in the passenger deck one left the ship that is over 42.35 minutes.

Daylight Conditions Overall time = A + T + (E+L) 300 s + 140,76 s + 1800 s = 2240,76 second = 37,35 minute < 60’ minute Evacuation time is needed to reach the lifeboat that was in the passenger deck one left the ship that is over 37.35 minutes.

Scheme of Hydroulic Alternative Route to Muster Station 2 Night Conditions The calculation of performance standards as follows: overall time = A + T + (E+L) 600 s + 140,76 s + 1800 s = 2540,76 second = 42,35 minute < 60’ minute Evacuation time is needed to reach the lifeboat that was in the passenger deck one left the ship that is over 42.35 minutes.

Daylight Conditions Next is the calculation of performance standards as follows: Overall time = A + T + (E+L) 300 s + 140,76 s + 1800 s = 2240,76 second = 37,35 minute < 60’ minute Evacuation time is needed to reach the lifeboat that was in the passenger deck one left the ship that is over 37.35 minutes.

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 144 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

Figure 2. Scheme Hydrolic Alternative Route to Muster Station 2

CONCLUSIONS The time required to reach the muster station crew members for each state meet the standards of the IMO Interim Guideline is less than 60 minutes. So that the difference lies in the awareness of each condition. Here are the results of the calculation of each condition: a. Day = 37.92 min; b. Night = 42.92 min. These optimum evacuation (escape) are using alternative routes 1 and 2 where the two routes that have the same time that the condition of the evening 42.35 and 37.35 daylight conditions, but a different scenario. Alternative route 1 passenger deck and deck navigation supplied to muster station 1 located on the navigation deck. Alternate 2 route passengers who were on the vehicle deck and engine room crew flowed into muter station 2 located on the passenger deck. Muster station 1 is located on the navigation deck, while the muster station 2 located on the passenger deck.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to acknowledge the financial support of Politecnic of Bengkalis and Diponegoro University for this research.

REFERENCES Ardiana N.M. (2010) evacuation system and optimum access design on emergency situation at mv. Sinar Bintan. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Surabaya International Maritime Organization, (1999), Interim Guidelines for a simplified evacuation analysis on ro-ro passenger ships, MSC/Circ.909. International Maritime Organization, (2004). Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS) Consolidated Edition 2004. International Maritime Organization, (2007) Guidelines for Evacuation Analysis For New and Existing Passenger Ships. MSC/Circ. 1238 Sinaga. J (2013). Study Planning Support System for Determination These Passenger Ship Rescue at KM Leuser In Emergency Conditions. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Surabaya

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 145 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Aplication for Ship Construction for Wooden Vessel by Using Matlab

Ricky Pegri S.1, Ronald Mangasi Hutauruk2* and Pareng Rengi2

1Student of Department of Aquatic Resources Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia. 2Department of Aquatic Resources Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science University of Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia.

*Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT There is a rule issued by authorized classification to ensure that a ship building is in safety condition during cruising or fishing. In fact, traditional shipyard builts wooden vessels in unique way, and it often neglects the government rules due to many reasons. The main reason is many diffticulties in technical calculation of the ship building process and it is confusing when applied to the vessels. Labor education background supposed to effects the concept. They rely on their descent skills and experiences. However, it is not guarantee to produce seaworthiness of wooden vessels. It needs rule issued by goverment to convince the ship product, and may not in jeopardy condition. This research aim to built an application by using Matlab to calculate the construction rule and make it simple, but it can be used in the traditional shipyard and satisfy the Indonesian Bureau of Classification. Data obtained are presented in Graphycal User Interface and built in syntaks , followed the formula given by the class. Result shown that the application can be use to facilitate the construction calculation.

Keywords : traditional shipyard, wooden vessel, Matlab, Graphycal User Interface

INTRODUCTION As of now, demand for wooden vessel showing its existency amid any difficulties to obtain the wood as a primary material. Although others composite materials, as fiber, have been found and developped to substitute wood for whole ship materials, some groups of small industries including fisherman, prefer to retain wood as a ship materials. Many reasons for the cause of this phenomenon, for instance their minimum educational backgrounds that effect their skills in applying new invention and innovation. In addition, minimum approach from researcher and goverment to introduce their research, make their knowledge remain stabil. Meanwhile, some tribe still linked with their local wisdom which enact some rules and descent knowledge from their ancestor in building a ship from wood.

Generally, in Indonesia, especially in Bagansiapi-api, wooden vessel is produced by traditional shipyard (Rengi &Hutauruk, 2015). Boats produced traditionally have been known over worldwide mainly for its strength, mechanical properties and cost. Foreign country as a customer of Bagansiapai- api shipyard in ship building order as Thailand, Philipines, Brazil ect. However, recently the order for new building shows sharply decline. The main reason is the rare of wood materials. As a result, some traditional shipyards at long last close down their business.

Though wooden ship produced from Bagansiapi-api traditional shipyard has gotten international recognition, its building process neglected rule issued by class, hereinafter we call BKI, who has an authorize in determining seaworthiness of ship. Mostly the ship that they ever build depend on their descent skills and rely on experience and instinct. The cause is the difficulties of calculation including to understand of item given by the rule (Hutauruk, 2013).

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 146 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding To overcome the problem, the solution is given by this research by making an apllication by using Matrix Laboratory to form Graphical User Interface thus the traditional shipyard can understand dan familiar with all the equation in BKI (BKI, 2006).

MATERIALS AND METHODS The first step to build a GUI in Matlab is trasfering data requirements from BKI Rule to design desire graphycal user interface (Matlab, 2010) (Figure 1). Design user interface involves any component that help user to operate calculation, i.e. pushbutton, radio button, edit text, listbox, axes, ect.

Figure 1. Components of GUI

Each of components have different function. As a result, to succeed in running program, each of component must be followed by their syntaks and make sure the formula which is tranferred from BKI is correct. The next step is data validation. After application program has been finished, the result must be tested whether conform with manual calculation. If is satisfy, the program is success and can be used. Following is the methods used to solve the research (Figure 2).




Figure 2. Flow chart of research

Some related equations using to make a GUI as a constraint in executing the input for instance  Maximum length of floor

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 147 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding 0,4.B' B’= maximum length at the point (m)

 Wide of outer planking 15  t / 2 t= thickness of outer planking (cm)  Thickness of water and oil tank plate not less than: t  4.a h.k  0,5 [mm] a = space between stringer (m) h =space from bottom plate side to maximum height of over flow h min = 2 m k = material factor (k=1,0 for normal steel ship)  Section modulus for tank stringer not less than: 2 W  c.h.a. .k h min = 2 m. c = 3,6 if the stringer fixed support c = 5,4 if the stringer free support l =unsupported span of stringer (m)

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Ship structure comprise of many sections as hull, stringer, frame, bulkhead, keelson, deck etc. These section support the ship to posses safety strenght in facing any internal and external force during operation in the ocean (Hutauruk, 2012; Hutauruk & Rengi; 2013: 2014). To ensure all the parts of the ship in good condition, BKI rule provides a calculation standart for reaching sufficient strenght in each structure. Later on, we simplify the formula by using Matlab in accordance the user desires. Figure 3 is opening display of aplication. We obtains that there are two parts of the calculation of ship structure from wood, namely local and coastal cruise. Both of calculations involve series different formula. To make sure the correct choice of calculation then it is separated.

Figure 3. Opening display of Program

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 148 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding

Figure 4. GUI of Application

Figure 4 shows the contain of aplication. There are 3 main parts of GUI i.e. input, output and exsecution. Input covers all the informations to the calculation. It requires principal dimensions of the ship and type of woods used to the ship. Meanwhile, output contains of the results of calculation, namely frame, floor,frame spacing, keelson, section modulus, etc. The output depend on the formula in BKI. The formula is writtern in syntax of Matlab and must be satisty all the diraction of Matlab to use the syntax. Figure 5 shows the application when it runs. If the syntax is wrong, then there is information in command window of Matlab that emerge and tell us which part of syntax is wrong. Figure 6 shows that the application is testeb by making an input for initial principal dimension in research location. When the GUI is executed, the output instantly appear. We can sea the result in accordance with manual calculation.

Figure 5. GUI of Application

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Figure 6. Execution of Application

Tabel 1. Discrepancy of manual and application calculation.

Table 1 shows the discrepancy between manual and application calculation of the ship. X axis is part of the construction, and Y axis is the acuration of calculation. There is discrepancy of both calculations. It means that the output of Matlab 100% can be used to calculation hull construction of wooden vessel in any dimensions. The script of some syntax is given bellow

% --- Executes on button press in HITUNG. function HITUNG_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) L=str2num(get(handles.edit7,'string')); B=str2num(get(handles.edit8,'string')); H=str2num(get(handles.edit9,'string')); d=str2num(get(handles.edit10,'string')); b=(B/3+H); c=(L/H); a=L.*b; Wrang=0.4.*B set(handles.text18,'string',Wrang); LPP=(9.276.*a + 115.2); set(handles.text21,'string',LPP);

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 150 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding set(handles.edit11,'string',a); set(handles.edit12,'string',b); set(handles.edit13,'string',c); if a>55 & a<=150 set(handles.text27,'string','pada sisi samping GB di tambah GB bawah atau GB sisi') else set(handles.text27,'string','di sisi samping GB utama di tambah 1 GB sisi dan 2 GB bawah') end if a<140 set(handles.text15,'string','tidak perlu dipasang lunas dalam') else set(handles.text15,'string','perlu dipasang lunas dalam dan lunas luar') end

Total Section at Inner Keel and Outer Keel if L<=14 set(handles.text16,'string','1 potong balok') elseif L>14 & L<=25 set(handles.text16,'string','2 potong balok') elseif L>25& L<=35 set(handles.text16,'string','3 potong balok') elseif L>35 set(handles.text16,'string','4 potong balok') end

Section Area if c<=8.2 set (handles.text17,'string','2%') elseif c>8.2 & c<=8.4 set(handles.text17,'string','4%') elseif c>8.4 & c<=8.6 set(handles.text17,'string','7%') elseif c>8.6 & c<=8.8 set (handles.text17,'string','11%') elseif c>8.8 & c==9 set(handles.text17,'string','16%') end

Joint Type if L<=15 set(handles.text19,'string','skarp berganda') else set(handles.text19,'string','skarp miring berkait ganda') end

Frame if b==2.4 set(handles.text49,'string','24.5') set(handles.text48,'string','20.5') set(handles.text47,'string','12.25') elseif b==2.6 set(handles.text49,'string','29') set(handles.text48,'string','24')

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 151 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding set(handles.text47,'string','14.5') elseif b==2.8 set(handles.text49,'string','35') set(handles.text48,'string','29') set(handles.text47,'string','17.5') elseif b==3.2 set(handles.text49,'string','49') set(handles.text48,'string','41') set(handles.text47,'string','24.5') elseif b==3.6 set(handles.text49,'string','68') set(handles.text48,'string','57') set(handles.text47,'string','34') elseif b==4.0 set(handles.text49,'string','90') set(handles.text48,'string','75') set(handles.text47,'string','45') elseif b==4.4 set(handles.text49,'string','117') set(handles.text48,'string','97') set(handles.text47,'string','58.5') elseif b==4.8 set(handles.text49,'string','146') set(handles.text48,'string','122') set(handles.text47,'string','73') else mtunggal=(2.523*b.^2.577) mberganda=(2.056*b.^2.594) mberlapis=(1.262*b.^2.576) set(handles.text49,'string',mtunggal) set(handles.text48,'string',mberganda) set(handles.text47,'string',mberlapis) end

Floor Calculation if Wrang==2.4 set(handles.text23,'string','170 mm') set(handles.text22,'string','140 mm') elseif Wrang==2.6 set(handles.text23,'string','180 mm') set(handles.text22,'string','150 mm') elseif Wrang==2.8 set(handles.text23,'string','190 mm') set(handles.text22,'string','160 mm') else lunasluar=(50*Wrang + 50) luardalam=(48.62*Wrang + 23.99) set(handles.text23,'string',lunasluar) set(handles.text22,'string',luardalam) end

Beam and Kim Stringer if a>=110 & a<120 set(handles.text39,'string','410 x 84 mm','385 x 90 mm') set(handles.text38,'string','132 x 132 mm','-') set(handles.text37,'string','-','240 x 73 mm') set(handles.text36,'string','280 x 62 mm') elseif a>=120 & a<130

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 152 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding set(handles.text39,'string','430 x 88 mm','395 x 93 mm') set(handles.text38,'string','136 x 136 mm','-') set(handles.text37,'string','-','245 x 76 mm') set(handles.text36,'string','285 x 63 mm') elseif a>=130 & a<140 set(handles.text39,'string','490 x 91 mm','410 x 97 mm') set(handles.text38,'string','140 x 140 mm','-') set(handles.text37,'string','-','250 x 79 mm') set(handles.text36,'string','285 x 64 mm') elseif a>=140 & a<160 set(handles.text39,'string','450 x 93 mm','425 x 100 mm') set(handles.text38,'string','145 x 145 mm','-') set(handles.text37,'string','-','255 x 82 mm') set(handles.text36,'string','290 x 65 mm') else set(handles.text39,'string','tidak sesuai') set(handles.text38,'string','tidak sesuai') set(handles.text37,'string','tidak sesuai') set(handles.text36,'string','tidak sesuai') end if a==110 set(handles.text40,'string','520') elseif a==120 set(handles.text40,'string','556') elseif a==130 set(handles.text40,'string','592') elseif a==140 set(handles.text40,'string','630') elseif a==160 set(handles.text40,'string','710') elseif a==180 set(handles.text40,'string','785') else pgalarbalok=(10.98*a.^0.820) set(handles.text40,'string',pgalarbalok') end

Deck Beam if a ==20 set(handles.text34,'string','450') set(handles.text31,'string','36') set(handles.text30,'string','23') elseif a==25 set(handles.text34,'string','470') set(handles.text31,'string','39') set(handles.text30,'string','25') elseif a==30 set(handles.text34,'string','490') set(handles.text31,'string','41') set(handles.text30,'string','27') elseif a==35 set(handles.text34,'string','515') set(handles.text31,'string','43') set(handles.text30,'string','30') elseif a==40 set(handles.text34,'string','530') set(handles.text31,'string','45') set(handles.text30,'string','32')

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 153 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding else jarakbalok=(181.8*a.^0.294) tebalgeladak=(14.81*a.^0.299) tebalpagar=(6.062*a.^0.444) set(handles.text34,'string',jarakbalok); set(handles.text31,'string',tebalgeladak); set(handles.text30,'string',tebalpagar); end keel and Stem if a<=20 & a<25 set(handles.text68,'string','125 x 140 mm') set(handles.text69,'string','130 x 115 mm') set(handles.text70,'string',' 125 x 180 mm') elseif a>=25 & a<30 set(handles.text68,'string','130 x 160 mm') set(handles.text69,'string','135 x 125 mm') set(handles.text70,'string','135 x 195 mm') elseif a>=30 & a<35 set(handles.text68,'string','140 x 170 mm') set(handles.text69,'string','140 x 140 mm') set(handles.text70,'string','145 x 210 mm') elseif a>=240 & a<260 set(handles.text68,'string','340 x 415 mm') set(handles.text69,'string','360 x 330 mm') set(handles.text70,'string','355 x 530 mm') end

Single and Double Frame Space if a==35 set(handles.text53,'string','315') set(handles.text55,'string','350') set(handles.text54,'string','39') elseif a==40 set(handles.text53,'string','330') set(handles.text55,'string','365') set(handles.text54,'string','41') else gtunggal=(102.7*a.^0.319) gberganda=(115.1*a.^0.317) kulitluar=(8.064*a.^0.441) set(handles.text53,'string',gtunggal); set(handles.text55,'string',gberganda); set(handles.text54,'string',kulitluar); end

Syntax of Types of Wood p=handles.p; if p==1 set(handles.text79,'string','pilih jenis kayu'); elseif p==2 set(handles.text79,'string','sesuai'); elseif p==3 set(handles.text79,'string','sesuai'); elseif p==4 set(handles.text79,'string','tidak sesuai'); elseif p==5 set(handles.text79,'string','sesuai');

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 154 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding elseif p==6 set(handles.text79,'string','sesuai'); elseif p==15 set(handles.text79,'string','tidak sesuai'); end q=handles.q; if q==1 set(handles.text86,'string','pilih jenis kayu'); elseif q==2 set(handles.text86,'string','sesuai'); elseif q==3 set(handles.text86,'string','sesuai'); elseif q==4 set(handles.text86,'string','tidak sesuai'); elseif q==5 set(handles.text86,'string','sesuai'); end r=handles.r if r==1 set(handles.text87,'string','pilih jenis kayu'); elseif r==2 set(handles.text87,'string','sesuai'); elseif r==3 set(handles.text87,'string','sesuai'); elseif r==4 set(handles.text87,'string','tidak sesuai'); elseif r==5 set(handles.text87,'string','sesuai'); end s=handles.s; if s==1 set(handles.text88,'string','pilih jenis kayu'); elseif s==2 set(handles.text88,'string','sesuai'); elseif s==3 set(handles.text88,'string','sesuai'); elseif s==4 set(handles.text88,'string','tidak sesuai'); elseif s==5 set(handles.text88,'string','sesuai'); elseif t==15 set(handles.text89,'string','sesuai'); end u=handles.u; if u==1 set(handles.text90,'string','pilih jenis kayu'); elseif u==2 set(handles.text90,'string','tidak sesuai'); elseif u==3 set(handles.text90,'string','sesuai'); elseif u==4 set(handles.text90,'string','sesuai'); elseif u==5 set(handles.text90,'string','sesuai'); elseif u==6 set(handles.text90,'string','sesuai'); elseif u==7

The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 155 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding set(handles.text90,'string','sesuai'); elseif u==8 set(handles.text90,'string','sesuai'); end

CONSLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION BKI formula can be written to form GUI to simplify calculation of ship construction. Matlab as powerfull mathematic software provide any function to transfer BKI formula to be a syntax that can be executed to produce concise calculation by forming an application. Can be concluded that the output of this application can be used to calculation hull construction of wooden vessel in any dimensions and simplify calculation process of ship construction.

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The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 156 Pekanbaru-INDONESIA