December 3, 2015 The Grand Elite Hotel, Pekanbaru, INDONESIA ISFM 4 ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 The 4th International Seminar of Fisheries and Marine Science 2015 Strengthening Science and Technology Towards the Development of Blue Economy December 3, 2015 Grand Elite Hotel Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Committees Prof. Dr. Ir. Bintal Amin, M.Sc Dr. Ir. Syofyan Husein Siregar, M.Sc Ir. Mulyadi, M.Phil Ir. Ridwan Manda Putra, M.Si Dr. Windarti, M.Sc Dr. Victor Amrifo, S.Pi., M.Si Dr. Ir. Henni Syawal, M.Si Dr. Rahman Karnila, S.Pi., M.Si Ronald Mangasi Hutauruk, S.T., M.T. Benny Heltonika, S.Pi., M.Si Dr. Ir. Efriyeldi, M.Sc Dr. Ir. Mery Sukmiwati, M.Si Dr. Ir. Joko Samiaji, M.Sc Dr. Ir. Eni Sumiarsih, M.Sc Dr. T. Ersti Yulika Sari, S.Pi., M.Si Nur Asiah, S.Pi., M.Si Dr. Ir. Deni Efizon, M.Sc Ir. Ridar Hendri, M.Si Tri Gunawan, S.Sos Masmulyana Putra Editor: Ronald Mangasi Hutauruk, S. T., M. T. The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 ii Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Preface Aquatic ecosystem in general has been recognized as a mega ecosystem that is needed to be conserved. Through science and technology, this ecosystem might be developed to enable it to support the prosperity of a nation. To support this, the International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science (ISFM) 2015 held in Pekanbaru took its theme of “strengthening science and technology toward the development of blue economy”. The seminar covered a wide range of disciplines reflecting the vast area in fisheries and marine science, and the papers received have also been involving a wide range of research and policy making. The seminar was conducted for a day and the presenters were coming from 5 different countries namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, USA and Singapore. There were 51 papers and 8 posters presented and some of the papers were published in this proceeding. The discussion in the seminar covered not only the basic research and findings in fishery and marine science, but also revealed the most recent information for improving the conservation and increasing the economic values of inland and marine ecosystems. Based on the number and the anthusiasm level of the attendance during the seminar, the 4th ISFM is considered as succeed. The seminar has been conducted yearly during the last 4 years and it is expected to be conducted each year to prosper the academic atmosphere within the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of the University of Riau. The committe is herewith extending the greatful thanksfullness for all the involved personels who were actively contributing for the implementation of the program. We also thanks for the attendance of the keynote speakers, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Ismail (Malaysia); Prof. Dr. Jamaluddin Jompa (UNHAS); Dr. Tan Heok Hui (National University of Singapore); Dr. Michael De Alessi (The Washington University, USA); Brian Long (Australia) and Dr.Morina Riauwaty Siregar (Riau University) and thanks to the delegation that come from all over Indonesia universities and agencies. Special thanks was presented to the Prof. Dr. Aras mulyadi, DEA (the Rector of the University of Riau), who has officially opened the seminar. Finally, we would also send our gratitude to all perticipants, committee members, students and the pers communities who all have been considerably helping the commencement of the seminar. We will be gladly to see you all in the incoming seminars here in Pekanbaru. Chairman of ISFM 2015 Windarti The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 iii Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding Contents Molecular Cloning and Phylogenetic Analysis of Vitellogenin Gene in Hemibagrus nemurus Ang Pay Ling, S.A. Harmin, M.Y. Ina-Salwany, O. Roshani, Z. Zulperi, S.N. Baharum and M.Z. Mohd Syahril ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 A Study on Fishing and Fisheries Institutional of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwomus pelamis) for Sustainable Fisheries Management in West Aceh, Aceh Province Edwarsyah, Mohamad Gazali, Syarifah Zuraidah, Hafinuddin, Rahmad Saputra, and Rusna ........................ 7 Zoonotic Fish Parasites in Riau, Indonesia14 Morina Riauwaty S .................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Enrichment of Brine Shrimp (Artemia Franciscana) Nauplii with Potential Probiont Strains, Bacillus JAQ04 and Micrococcus JAQ07 Nora Azirah M. Z., Murni Karim, Ina-Salwany M. Y, Harmin S. A., Marini I ......................................................... 21 Morphoanatomical and Histological Changing During The Developmental Stages of Ompok hypopthalmus Ovary Windarti*, Sukendi and Benny Heltonika ......................................................................................................................... 28 Histopathological Changes in Gonads of Blue Spotted Ray (Dasyatis kuhlii) Due to Heavy Metal Mercury (Hg) Joeharnani Tresnati and Dody Dharmawan Trijuno .................................................................................................... 35 Decomposition Rate of Mangrove Litter in Kuala Indragiri Coastal Mariana, Feliatra Felix, Sukendi and Syafruddin Nasution ........................................................................................ 39 Phylogenetic Analysis of Vitellogenin Peptides in Hemibagrus nemurus Roshani O. , Harmin S. A. and Ina-Salwany M. Y. .......................................................................................................... 44 Swimming Exercise Impact on Cardiac Activities of Jack Mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) and Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) by Electrocardiograph Measurement Nofrizal .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 48 The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 iv Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6 International Proceeding The Effects of Fermented Kapok (Ceiba petandra) Seed Meal Diet in Growth and Survival Rate of White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Juvenile Wellem H. Muskita, Prima Endang Susilowati, Muhaimin Hamzah, and Ni Gusti Ketut .............................. 55 Study on The Smoking of Catfish (Cryptopterus bicirchis) Using The Different Kinds of Wood as The Smoke Source Tjipto Leksono, Edison, and M. Nur Ikhsan .................................................................................................................... 60 Phylogenetic and Structure Comparative Analysis of Complement Regulatory Membrane Proteins of Ginbuna Crucian Carp Carassius auratus langsdorfii Indriyani Nur, Hikari Harada, Ryota Nakamura, Masakazu Tsujikura, Tomonori Somamoto, Miki Nakao .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 68 Preliminary Study on the Reproduction of Geso (Hemibagrus wyckii, Bagridae ) fish from Kampar Kanan River, Indonesia Netti Aryani, Indra Suharman and Saberina Hasibuan .............................................................................................. 76 Analysis Pattern of Potency and Fisheries Development in The Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province Amrizal, Sjafrizal, Mahdi and Junaidi ................................................................................................................................. 82 The Effectiveness of Zeolite and Activated Charcoal Media in Reducing Pollutants in Tofu Industrial Waste Sampe Harahap ......................................................................................................................................................................... 90 Strategy for Reducing Fishermen Poverty in Padang Based on Multidimensional Perspective Junaidi ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 97 The Effect of Antibiotics in the Hatching of Eggs of Ornated Lobster (Panulirus ornatus) Yusnaini and Indriyani Nur .................................................................................................................................................. 109 The Contribution of Lubuk Larangan on Rural Socio-Cultural and Economic Development in West Sumatera Abdullah Munzir ...................................................................................................................................................................... 114 The Use of Used Cloth as a Vessel Primary Composite Material Ronald M. H., Polaris N and Romadhoni ....................................................................................................................... 121 Strength Evaluation of Pompong Structure Made from High Density Polyethylene Plastics as Basic Materials Jamal and Wasis Dwi Aryawan .......................................................................................................................................... 127 The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science, December 3, 2015 v Pekanbaru-INDONESIA ISBN 978-979-792-665-6
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