Quarterly Progress Report QPR-007

Marginalized Populations Support Activity in

Contract No. AID-168-I-15-00001

January 2017 This publication was produced by the Contractor for review by the United States Agency for International Development. 1



Report No. QPR-007

January 2017

Contract No.: AID-168-I-15-00001

Task Orders: AID-168-TO-15-00001 AID-168-TO-15-00002 AID-168-TO-15-00003 AID-168-TO-15-00004 AID-168-TO-15-00005

The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.






Version Date Person Comment 1.



CO Contracting Officer COR Contracting Officer’s Representative OCA Organizational Capacity Assessment PPMG Marginalized Populations Support Activity QFP Quarterly Financial Report QPR Quarterly Progress Report SOW Statement of Work TO Task Order USAID U.S. Agency for International Development




Total Funding: $3.4 million Project Duration: February 2015 – February 2020 Implementing Partner: Institute for Youth Development KULT Approved Subcontractor: NGO & Business Audit d.o.o.

The Challenge While the international community has long supported activities that facilitate the inclusion of marginalized populations in civic and political decision making in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), these groups are often overlooked or ignored by the BiH Government. As a result, many citizens – youth, women, religious minorities, Romani, disabled persons, minority returnees and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons – remain unheard and excluded from mainstream social, cultural, economic and political life. Youth are disaffected. Romani, largely disenfranchised, are excluded from decision-making processes, while most cannot get the skills or training they need to join the labor market. Persons with disabilities are marginalized from early childhood. Many are institutionalized and lack access to basic education in mainstream schools. Women’s participation in political and public life is extremely low. BiH society continues to abhor the idea of homosexuality and most institutions ignore discrimination or violent acts against LGBT persons. In fear for their physical safety, most of them stay hidden from the public sphere, and, as a result, LGBT activism is weak. A new marginalized group emerged in the aftermath of the 2014 floods, when 40,000 people were displaced. Assistance is still needed to provide economic and social stability to help flood-affected citizens from the most marginalized groups rebuild their lives.

Our Activity USAID’s Marginalized Populations Support Activity supports activities of local organizations that advocate for the rights, empowerment and dignity of underrepresented groups of BiH society, and builds the capacity of local NGOs, BiH institutions and USAID implementing partners to do so. Providing underrepresented groups with opportunities to participate in civic and political issues, through their engagement in civil society organizations, will ensure that the government recognizes them as necessary and respectable partners in policy development.

Implementation and Expected Results The Activity provides grants to local organizations that promote the rights and dignity of marginalized populations and to enhance their performance and management capacity through formal classroom training, mentorship and one-on-one coaching. Training topics include legal structures, financial management, human resources, internal control systems,


project performance management, procurement systems, organizational sustainability, and monitoring and evaluation. The Activity also builds the capacity of USAID partners, institutions and government leaders to promote and protect the rights of these underrepresented citizens. A component of the Activity is designed to respond flexibly and swiftly to public demand for humanitarian and other material assistance.

By the end of the project’s life, the activity will:  Strengthen the performance of at least 40 BiH NGOs and other organizations, including associations, civil society organizations, BiH institutions, and small and medium-sized enterprises;  Enhance the performance of at least 75 current USAID local partners, to enhance their performance and management capacity through group trainings; and  Build the expertise of at least 75 BiH government leaders of municipalities and ministries collaborating with USAID.


Notable programe activities implemented in this reporting period (October – December 2016) are: grant agreement signed with the organization “Tračak nade” in Foča, through which we are planning to establish another Service Center for supporting families of children and persons with disabilities. We signed grant agreements for 2 projects dealing with LGBTI issues, and held a meeting with representaties of local communities, during which we presented the model for supporting entrepreneurship of marginalized women.

1. Grant agreement signed with the association “Tračak nade” from Foča: New Service Center established for supporting families of children and persons with disabilities On Monday, November 28, 2016, an agreement was signed on the establishment of the Service Center in Foča for supporting families of children and persons with disabilities. The opening of the Service Center, intended to provide free support to persons with developmental issues and disabilities and their families, was supported by the Marginalized Populations Support Activity (USAID/PPMG) with 50,000 BAM, and the opening was initiated by the association “Tračak nade” from Foča. "Tračak nade" is an association of children and youth with developmental disabilities, whose goal is to care for this group and their needs and to help them fight for their rights and equality in the society, without prejudice.


The Service Center is intended to provide alternative social protection services in the municipality of Foča and neighboring municipalities and improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities. The Service Center in Foča will be opened during a formal ceremony on December 3, 2016. It will provide workshops and training for persons with disabilities and developmental issues, to help them develop practical skills and knowledge and contribute to their independence. The Center’s users will work with experts in the fields of medicine, psychology and social work.

2. Grant agreements signed with organizations selected through the “Supporting activities of LGBT community in BiH” RFA

USAID’s Marginalized Populations Support Activity provided 150,000 BAM for supporting activities of the LGBT community in BiH. On Friday, December 16, 2016 grant agreements were signed by the Chief of Party of USAID’s Marginalized Populations Support Activity - Jasmin Bešić, Executive Director of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska - Branko Todorović, and the Executive Director of the Open Center Emina Bošnjak. The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights from Bijeljina was awarded 90,000 BAM for the project “(In)visible minorities – zero tolerance of LGBT discrimination” with activities planned for xis cities: , Prijedor, Biljeljina, Sarajevo, and . Sarajevo Open Center received 60,000 BAM for the project “Institutional support network for LGBT persons in Sarajevo Canton”.

The goal of the project that received funding is creating a safe, non-discriminatory space for LGBT persons in BiH by building the capacities of various actors and integrating issues important to LGBT person into all public policies. According to independent research, 51% members of the LGBT community in BiH were exposed to some form of discrimination, 15% were physically assaulted over a presumption of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity, 72% suffered verbal attacks and abuse, 36% were discriminated at their job or when seeking employment. USAID/PPMG published the RFA soliciting project proposals intended to support the activities of the LGBT community in BiH in June 2016.

3. Introductory meeting with representatives of local communities selected through the RFA “Support to marginalized groups of women in developing businesses” USAID’s Marginalized Populations Support Activity in cooperation with nine local self-government units provided approximately 700,000 BAM for the “Fund for supporting marginalized groups of women”. Representatives of local self-government units and the USAID/PPMG team held a meeting at the hotel Bristol, on November 23, 2016, and discussed the development of the Model for supporting business development, which will be used in allocating funds for developing businesses. The RFA for supporting the development of businesses owned by marginalized women from Rudo, Livno, Kalinovik, Teslić, Prijedor, , Tešanj, Zvornik and Visoko should be issued in January 2017. Marginalized Populations Support Activity will support the development of businesses owned by women victims of violence, women with disabilities, mothers of persons with disabilities and unemployed young women. This assistance is aimed at women who are in a long-term marginalized position, and who are facing marginalization in the society on a daily basis. Each approved business will be provided mentorship during their first year, in all segments of implementation. The “Fund for supporting marginalized groups for women” was supported by USAID’s Marginalized Populations Support Activity (USAID/PPMG) and local self-government units, with equal contributions. The total amount in the Fund exceeds 700,000 BAM.

Three newsletters were made as an overview of activities conducted from October to December 2016, and published on the Activity’s official website – www.ppmg.ba.

We held trainings for Youth Officers on the topic of Administrative procedures in municipalities and government and Teamwork and leadership in youth work, in the period of November 7-11, 2016 in Brčko. During the training, the Youth Officers exchanged personal experiences of the ways government structure and administration impacts their efficiency, they analysed procedures that act as frameworks for their work and cooperation with youth and ways to improve them. They also learned about the work done by their colleagues from other municipalities, about leadership, leadership roles and characteristics, leadership styles (through both theory and practice), and the requirements for successful teamwork.

A training session was held in Sarajevo From December 8 through December 10, 2016, on the topic Legal and organizational structures for representatives of youth councils at all levels of government. This training allowed the participants to learn about the role of the Administrative board and the division of responsibilities in an organization, systematic approaches to developing a system of written policies, and to improve their skills for writing regulations, forms and other documents necessary for an organization.

This training included a session on gender equality, relevant to the topic. Ms. Jadranka Miličević, representative of the Foundation CURE, emphasized the importance and presence of gender issues in all structures of an organization, and the importance of incorporating a gender component in all policies and procedures of an organization.

Some of the statements by training participants are provided below in their entirety:

“The first time I was told about this training I thought sure, okay, maybe we'll learn something new we can use in our local community, i.e. our Council, but now that I've attended the entire training I'm sure it will be immensely beneficial to us because some things regarding competencies of certain bodies in an organization have been clarified to us. Now I think that if the Youth Council of Orašje Municipality accepts all the suggestions I have for them thanks to this training, I think we could become a truly respectable organization.” - Admir Nurkić, Youth Council Orašje

“This training will certainly be very important for the future development and capacity building of youth councils, both the Youth Council of FBiH and youth councils at other levels.” – Mate Lončar, President of the Youth Council of FBiH

“I have nothing but praise for their work methodology and approach”. - Alen Smajić, Municipality Breza

During the reporting period, informative meetings were held with representatives of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska, Sarajevo Open Center and Citizens’ Association Tračak nade. During the meeting, the OCA process was presented (organizational capacity assessment) along with the financial and narrative reporting process.

During the reporting period, the finance and organizational development team continuously communicated with grantee organizations and provided them with advisory support, to ensure that they implement the recommendations defined in the Grant Agreements.


5.1. TASK ORDER: AID-168-I-15-00001

1. Task Title: Conduct Organizational Capacity Assessments

Between October and November 2016, the organizational development team intensively communicated with grantee organizations concerning the implementation of activities defined in the capacity-building plans and the implementation of recommendations. With the advisory support of the organizational development team, 9 grantee organizations completed the activities defined in the plan for the third quarter, and one organization is still in the process of implementing recommendations. All evidence about completed activities was submitted via email. The grantee organizations are required to submit evidence of successful implementation of recommendations during the fourth quarter by January 31, 2017 at the latest.

Regarding the process of implementing recommendations provided by the PPMG teams based on the results of capacity assessments conducted for each grantee, which they are contractually obligated to implement within six months from the signing of the grant agreement, we can report that 10 grantees successfully implemented their recommendations, while Alliance SUMERO has yet to implement the recommendation concerning the necessary changes to the Statute, which is why their funds are still suspended.

During the reporting period, we held meetings with representatives of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska. During the meeting we presented the OCA process (Organizational Capacity Assessment), and guidelines for developing a capacity-building plan for areas that the organizations want to strengthen, which is the second stage in the organizational development process. Organizations received the template for the capacity-building plan developed by the PPMG. These meetings also included a presentation of the process of financial and narrative reporting.

During the reporting period, the organizational development team exchanged more than 50 emails and 50 phone calls with representatives of grantee organizations, and spent more than 80 working hours on consultations in the process of implementing capacity-building plans, and recommendations defined in the Grant Agreement.

2. Task Title: One-on-One Capacity Building Support to Grantee

Reporting model for the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees in BiH

During the reporting period, we cooperated with the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees in BiH (hereinafter: Ministry). Although they are not a grantee, this activity is included in this section because PPMG provided advisory support in building the capacities of this Ministry.

The Ministry receives a substantial number of reports every year. These are regular, periodic reports

and reports made at the request of domestic and international institutions, which often entails collecting information from other institutions at different levels of government. The Ministry recognized the need for a new, specific approach that would adequately handle the complexity of the reporting process, and ensure quality, which is why they asked the PPMG team for support.

PPMG plans to do the following in order to improve the coordination and writing reports in the Ministry, which entails monitoring the efficiency of implementing international agreements signed by BiH, and reviewing the conditions in certain areas, segments and components of human rights:

1. In coordination with the Ministry, the PPMG team will prepare a plan to visit each individual organizational unit in order to gain insight into its operations.

2. The Ministry will provide the PPMG team with access to all necessary information and documents, in order to objectively analyze the situation and needs in the reporting process. The PPMG team will use the received documents and information exclusively for the purpose of meeting the mutually agreed goals.

3. In coordination with the Ministry, the PPMG team will explore the features of the OWIS system used by the Ministry, to ensure that the reporting model will be as effective as possible.

4. The PPMG team will submit a reporting model draft to the Ministry, to ensure that all the necessary elements are harmonized before the model is adopted. Once adopted, the model becomes property of the Ministry.

5. The PPMG team will organize a training course for the Ministry’s staff, in order to ensure the successful implementation of the reporting model.

Conduct Post award Organizational Capacity Assessments

PPMG team performed remaining two field visits to Association Zemlja djece BiH Tuzla and Women’s Association “Derventa” for the purpose of conducting a post-award assessment to gain insight into the realization and implementation of the mandatory recommendations from pre award assessment that were defined by the Grant Contract and should have been finished in accordance with deadlines, six months after project implementation started.

Most of the recommendations are related to developing missing internal procedures that regulate the grantee’s internal control system. The PPMG team has had an advisory role in drafting internal rules and procedures of the partner organizations in this process. As we mentioned in previous reports, partners sent working materials by email and the PPMG suggested corrections if necessary before the documents are adopted by the managing boards. We insisted that the organizations make an effort and create their own internal documents and adjust them to their needs and capacities.

In this reporting period PPMG team issued two reports for the Association Zemlja djece BiH Tuzla and Women’s Association “Derventa” on post award assessment findings.

When we speak about the process of strengthening of organizational capacities and mandatory recommendations for all grantees (ODI and Anti-TIP), during field visits in the previous period the PPMG team found that the grantees had not implemented all of the recommendations. PPMG decided to define new deadlines for all organizations, in order to finalize the ongoing processes in building their

capacities. Some of the Grantees did not comply with the new deadline and did not submit internal regulations that were adopted by the Assembly or Governing Board. Failure to comply with contractual provisions in terms of implementation of all recommendations in the context of institutional strengthening was sanctioned by suspending the payment of funds for the current month. By the end of December, all grantees, except Sumero, submitted evidence of internal regulations adopted by their Assembly/Governing Boards, and thus enabled the continuation of project implementation. During December, Sumero mostly finished the process of implementing mandatory recommendations and provided evidence of the new and approved internal rules and regulations they adopted. Still, one of the required recommendations had not been implemented and Sumero is still sanctioned by suspended payments of funds from October 13th 2016.

All reports on post-award assessment were finalized and drawn up in the reporting period after grantees sent all the necessary evidence. Reports emphasized recommendations, and addressed the performed activities and tasks.

Below are tables for each Association with an overview of implemented obligatory recommendations:

Initiative for promoting responsible deinstitutionalization of persons with disabilities (ODI)

1. Alliance of organizations for supporting persons with intellectual disabilities FBiH SUMERO, Sarajevo 2. Association Sunce, 3. Association “Zajedno”, Banja Luka 4. Library for persons with visual impairments in Sarajevo Canton

Completed in accordance Not completed in accordance Organization with recommendations with recommendations Alliance of organizations • Vehicle use record • Change section of the supporting persons with • Cash operations Statute on procurement intellectual disabilities FBiH introduced in the procedures, concerning SUMERO, Sarajevo organization the Director’s • Inventory count authorization performed, inventory done for 2015 • Procedures developed for maintaining and safeguarding project and other type of documentation • Manual/procedure on fixed assets management • Define the cost approval process through internal procedures • Cost Allocation Methodology • Improve Procurement Manual

Association Sunce, Mostar • Updating Articles of Association • Training members of the Managing Board • Accounting manual • Internal procedures on fixed assets management • Set of procedures concerning human resources and administration • Cost Allocation Methodology Association “Zajedno”, Banja • Accounting Manual Luka • Fixed Assets Management (Accounting Manual) • Procedures on filing and safeguarding documentation (in the Accounting Manual) • Financial Operations Manual (including cash operations) • Cost allocation methodology (Financial Operations Manual) • Procedure on regular harmonization of project reports with accounting records. Library for persons with • Accounting Manual visual impairments of • Procedure on cost • Financial Operations Sarajevo Canton, Sarajevo approval process Manual • Decision on Cost * They are unable to adopt allocation methodology the manuals because of issues concerning the establishment of a managing board.

Anti-Trafficking in Persons (anti-TIP)

1. Citizens’ Association Budućnost, Modriča 2. Democratic Youth Organization, Velika Kladuša 3. Association for the prevention of addiction Narko Ne, Sarajevo 4. Citizens’ Association Zemlja djece BiH, Tuzla 5. Women’s association “Derventa”, Derventa

Completed recommendations Not-completed

Organization recommendations Citizens’ Association • Vehicle use record • Assign inventory numbers Budućnost, Modriča • Travel Procedure Manual to fixed assets • Cost allocation methodology (Financial Operations Manual) • Cost approval process (Financial Operations Manual) • Time Sheets per Project Democratic Youth • Introduce practice of Organization, Velika Kladuša harmonizing project reports with accounting records • Accounting Manual • Financial Operations Manual • Cash Operations Manual • Cost allocation methodology • Travel Procedure Manual

Association for the • Accounting Manual prevention of addiction • Cash Operations Manual Narko Ne, Sarajevo • Travel Procedure Manual • Procurement Manual • Cash books records regularly maintained, in accordance with legally prescribed deadlines • Procedure on maintaining and safeguarding documentation (in accounting manual) • Fixed assets management • Cost allocation methodology • Code of Conduct for the Association of citizens Zemlja Assembly djece BiH, Tuzla • Procedure for evaluating the work of the Executive Director • Assembly should adopt all Manuals and procedures • Develop Procurement Manuals Women’s Association

“Derventa”, Derventa • One person hired who will be responsible for all aspects of the implementation of the project and for the association’s work in general • Articles of Association updated • Managing Board members trained • Organizational scheme developed with clearly defined coordination and subordination relationships and job descriptions for each position • Procedure introduced requiring time sheets for staff to record hours spent at work • Accounting Manual • Financial Operations Manual • Cash Operations Manual (Regulations contained within the Financial Operations Manual) • Fixed Assets Management Rules (Regulations contained within the Accounting Manual) • Fund allocation methodology according to funding sources (part of the Financial Operations Manual)

Association Pro-Reha, Sarajevo

Completed recommendations Not-completed Organization recommendations Association Pro-Reha, Sarajevo • Vehicle use record • Travel Procedure Manual • Cost Approval Process

• Accounting Manual • Organizational chart • Cost allocation methodology • Procedures that define regulations on the protection and storing of Project and organization documentation • Organizational chart with detailed job description with duties and competencies • Procurement Manual

Field visits to associations considered to be potential grantees

In accordance with USAID’s instructions. two organizations “Udruženje za ljudska prava i socijalnu inkluziju SOCI” Tuzla and Udruženje za pomoć djeci i omladini sa posebnim potrebama “Tračak nade”, Foča, have entered into the process of capacity assesment as direct grants. Also, according to public calls for proposal Support of the LGBT community in Bosnia and Herzegovina (LGBT) published by the USAID/PPMG, two projects of potential grantees were selected by the Grant Evaluation Committee (GEC), Association “Sarajevski otvoreni centar” and Association Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska, who achieved the best scores in the first phase of the evaluation.

It was necessary to assess the organizations’ capacities, to ensure that the project is implemented in accordance with USAID rules and procedures. For the purpose of conducting a pre-award assessment, four field visits to the Associations were performed in the period of October and November aiming to gain insight into their existing legal regulations, organizational structure, internal rules and procedures as well as the financial management system and internal control system.

Prior to the visit, the associations received a pre-award evaluation questionnaire used as a tool in the pre-award evaluation procedure. In addition, PPMG evaluation team used NUPAS1, as tool which is tailored for pre-award assessments. The results of organization’s evaluations are available for each organization.

In order to ensure quality in project implementation, and to build the organization's capacities in general and reduce the risk of mere implementation of the projects, we defined recommendations if needed and proposed a plan for their implementation. Some of the recommendations should have been implemented prior to the grant award and some should be implemented during the project implementation with the professional help of the PPMG team whenever necessary. The Institutional

1 NUPAS- Non-U.S. Organization Pre-Award Survey

Development Plan will be defined in the grant agreement as one of the obligations, with set deadlines for implementation.

Some of the recommendations related to the correction of the project budget. The purpose of these interventions was to provide for a better implementation of project activities in line with project goals and objectives, but always in accordance with the principles of sound financial management. All of the defined findings and recommendations are provided in Negotiation memorandums for each of the potential grantees and they are available to all stakeholders who want more detailed information.

Problems during the reporting period

PPMG’s Finance team held regular monthly meetings in order to review grantees’ financial statements and send comments on the statements and submitted financial documents (if any) by e-mail. There has been significant progress in the majority of the grant beneficiaries when it comes to financial reporting.

At the beginning of October we visited the Association "Dajte nam šansu" due to the problems that we had (again!) in the process of financial reporting. We reviewed complete financial records of the project and noted that there were certain weaknesses in the process of financial reporting. We discussed the identified weaknesses and problems with the management of the organization, but also decided to suspend funds for one month until the situation improves.

3. Task Title: Conduct training


Trainings on the topics Administrative procedures in municipalities and government and Teamwork and leadership in youth work were held for youth officers from November 7 to November 11, 2016 in Brčko. During the training, the officers exchanged personal experiences of the extent to which state structures and state administration affect the efficiency of their work, analyzed the procedures that comprise the framework for their activities and cooperation with youth, discussed ways of improving them, learned about the work done by their colleagues from other municipalities, about leadership, leadership roles and characteristics, leadership styles in theory and practice and the basic characteristics of teamwork. The trainings were conducted by Ms. Danijela Dugandžić Živanović and Mr. Ilija Trninić.

In an attempt to present the topics Administrative procedures in municipalities and government and Teamwork and leadership in youth work, and facilitate the implementation of the training, the trainers developed training manuals containing the following: training agenda, presentations, exercises, forms, theory and a list of literature. All the participants received copies of the manuals.

Training on the topic Administrative procedures in municipalities and government contained the following topics:

1. State structures and basic legislation in FBiH, RS, BD and BiH 2. Legal regulations concerning local self-government 3. Systematization and local administration 4. Municipal Youth Officer and the systematization and job descriptions of youth officers 5. Goals and tasks of youth officers 6. Key persons/groups during the budget approval process 7. Youth budget and its constituent parts 8. Criteria 9. What is administrative strategic planning?

Training on the topic Teamwork and leadership in youth work contained the following units:

1. Youth officer position in the municipal structure 2. Qualities and characteristic of a successful youth officer 3. Teamwork 4. Team building 5. Belbin test 6. Leadership 7. Leadership styles

The training participants also completed evaluation forms rating the quality of the content and organization of the training. The evaluation2 yielded the following results:

1. Administrative procedures in municipalities and government

1.1. The training successfully encouraged the exchange of information and ideas 1.2. To what extent did the training meet your expectations?

2 Note: The grades are: 1) unsatisfactory 2) sufficient 3) good 4) very good i 5) excellent, like grades in elementary and secondary education.

5 47,1% 1 0%12% 2 4 41,2% 12% 3 3 11,8% Skup1 6% 4 70% 2 0,0% 5 1 0,0%

0,0% 20,0% 40,0% 60,0%

1.3. How clear was the content you were offered? 1.4. Were the thematic units well organized?

5 64,7% 0% DA 4 35,3% Skup1 NE 3 5,9%

2 0,0% 100% 1 0,0%

0,0% 10,0% 20,0% 30,0% 40,0% 50,0% 60,0% 70,0%

2. Teamwork and leadership in youth work

2.1. The training successfully encouraged the exchange of information and ideas. 2.2. To what extent did the training meet your expectations?

5 82,4% 1 0% 2 4 17,6% 3 3 0,0% Skup1 4 2 0,0% 100% 5 1 0,0%

0,0% 50,0% 100,0%

2.3. How clear was the content you were offered? 2. 4. Were the thematic units well organized?

5 94,1% 0% 4 5,9% DA Skup1 3 0,0% NE 2 0,0% 100% 1 0,0%

0,0% 50,0% 100,0%


From November 8 to November 10, in Sarajevo, a training was held on the topic Legal and organizational structures. The training was attended by 21 representatives of youth councils at all levels of government. The participants had the opportunity to learn about legal and organizational structures, which includes: understanding the notion of civil society, types of organizations, division of managing and executive structures in CSOs, the roles of each structure and their relationship, forming a managing board and developing and using policies and procedures in everyday work. The training was conducted by Mr. Zlatko Sarić and the gender equality session was conducted by Ms. Jadranka Miličević.

In an attempt to present the topic Legal and organizational structure, and facilitate the implementation of the training, the trainer developed a training manual containing the following: training agenda, presentations, exercises, forms, theory and a list of literature. All the participants received copies of the manual.

The training comprised the following topics:

1. Presentation of the program and introduction into the topic 2. Definition and elements of the civil society 3. Development stages of a civil society organization 4. Managing boards – managing board models 5. Managing board transformation 6. Roles of the managing board 7. Relationship between the managing board and staff 8. Criteria for selecting Managing board members and motivation for membership in the Managing board

9. Connection between organizational structure and gender equality 10. Role and importance of rules and procedures in the work of CSOs 11. Basic principles in developing rules and procedures 12. Types of documents and principles of writing documents 13. Gender equality in the context of the topic

After the training, the participants completed evaluation forms assessing the quality of the content and organization of the training. The evaluation showed the following:

To what extent did the training meet your expectations?



50,0% 1 40,0% 2 30,0% 3 20,0% 4

10,0% 5

0,0% 1 2 3 4 5

The training successfully encouraged the exchange of information and ideas. 70,0%


50,0% 1 40,0% 2 30,0% 3 20,0% 4 10,0% 5 0,0% 1 2 3 4 5

Will you be able to apply at least some of what you learned during the training over the next year?


Was the session on gender equality useful?

90,0% 80,0% 70,0% 60,0% 50,0% DA 40,0% NE 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0% DA NE

A video story was made about the training on Legal and organizational structures. The goal was to show how PPMG helps the participants improve their knowledge about legal and organizational structures and how this training will help them in the future.

4. Task Title: Integrating gender and institutional cooperation into activities

Session on gender equality

In December 2016, a session on gender equality was held within the topic Legal and Organizational Structures. Ms. Jadranka Miličević, representative of the Foundation CURE, emphasized the importance and presence of the gender issue in all structures of the organization, and the importance of incorporating the gender component in all organizational policies and procedures.

6. Task Title: Review of USAID/BiH Unsolicited Proposals The Contractor created a separate email address – [email protected] for receiving Unsolicited Proposals. The address was forwarded to COR, and all requests sent to USAID are redirected to this address.

This reporting period includes all requests submitted between the 70th and 81st week of the Activity’s duration. During this reporting period (October – December 2016), a total of 35 requests were submitters, and 3 monthly reports were made for Unsolicited Proposals. All three monthly reports were approved, and for one of them initial responses were compiled and sent to applicants. November and December reports were approved in mid-January, and responses will be sent by January 20, 2017.

Below is a chart showing initial responses sent to applicants in the period of October – November 2016.

The percentage distribution of the proposed initial

responses for received unsolicitedRecommend to proposals (QPR #7) Other response submit full proposal recommended (1) (1) 3% Recommend Follow- 3% Recommend to send up and Response by concept note (2) Ongoing USAID 5% Activity (7) 20%

Recommend other Recommend not to assistance (8) fund (16) 23% 46%

7. Task Title: Visibility

Newsletter Three newsletters were made as overviews of activities held from August to October 2016, and published on the Activity’s official website – www.ppmg.ba.

Video stories During this quarter, the Contractor made 2 video stories. One video story was centered around the training “Legal and organizational structures”. The video story is available on PPMG’s YouTube channel and on www.ppmg.ba.

The second video story focused on Laura Nuss’ visit to BiH and to users of the users of Alliance SUMERO, Service Center “Dajte nam šansu” and the pizzeria “Uspon”. This video story is in the final editing stage.

Video During the reporting period, we filmed a video about the Service Center “Dajte nam šansu”. The video focuses on the Center, its employees, users and families. After it was promoted, the video was very well received by the public and we are planning a campaign to promote it on TV stations and web portals. The video is available on the USAID/PPMG-a YouTube channel.

Media reports During the reporting period, the media particularly focused on the signing of grant agreements between USAID/PPMG and organizations concerned with LGBT rights. The signing of the grant agreement with the organization “Tračak nade” from Foča, for establishing a Service Center for supporting families of children and persons with disabilities was also well covered by the media.

We were covered in at least 76 articles in the most popular print and web editions of news outlets. There are only PPMG related articles, without those initiated by beneficiaries, which is why we consider this to be a conservative estimate of the number of articles.

An overview of the most important articles is provided below:

No. Date Media Type Grantee Link 05/10/2016 Mi2 web PPMG, https://www.mi2.ba/podrska-marginaliziranim-grupama- 1 municipalities zena-u-razvoju-biznisa-158304/

05/10/2016 Nezavisne print Zajedno, https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/10 Banja Luka /05/bc4ace09-ef8f-46a5-a3a8- 1c0dfc1b815b&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 2 5f2a-3e69-b4e9- 2cca46a30ed8&showHighlights=true&purpose=2&sum

maryType=auto_generated 05/10/2016 Bljesak.info web PPMG, http://www.bljesak.info/rubrika/business/clanak/izdvaja- municipalities se-90-000-km-za-podrsku-marginaliziranim-zenama-u- 3 razvoju-biznisa/171967

05/10/2016 Livnoonline web PPMG, http://www.livno-online.com/zupanija/17637-potpisan- municipalities ugovor-o-suradnji-na-programu-podrske- 4 marginaliziranim-skupinama

05/10/2016 Direkt.ba web PPMG, http://direkt.ba/podrska-marginaliziranim-grupama-zena- 5 municipalities u-razvoju-biznisa/ 05/10/2016 Pogled.ba web PPMG, http://www.pogled.ba/clanak/izdvojeno-90-000-km-za- municipalities podrsku-marginaliziranim-zenama-u-razvoju- 6 biznisa/98421

05/10/2016 RTVUSK Dnevnik Zajedno, http://www.rtvusk.ba/video/dnevnik-5102016/1142 7 Banja Luka

05/10/2016 RTV Sana Dnevnik Zajedno, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRPLHatpENY 8 Banja Luka 07/10/2016 Dnevni list print PPMG, https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/10 municipalities /07/a872d9d5-621e-4946-a935- 9 b3194b552585&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 5f2a-3e69-b4e9-


maryType=auto_generated 07/10/2016 Večernji list print PPMG, https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/10 municipalities /07/6c671b64-85b5-48cb-a5b2- a17193301535&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 10 5f2a-3e69-b4e9- 2cca46a30ed8&showHighlights=true&purpose=2&sum

maryType=auto_generated 07/10/2016 Unsko- print Zajedno, https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/10 sanske Banja Luka /07/e235d08b-1209-4c13-9657- novine 5b64144fd564&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 11 5f2a-3e69-b4e9- 2cca46a30ed8&showHighlights=true&purpose=2&sum

maryType=auto_generated 07/10/2016 Otaharin.or web Otaharin, http://otaharin.org/bs/sastanak-sa-ombudsmenom-za- 12

g Bijeljina djecu-rs/ 11/10/2016 Oslobođenj print Dajte nam https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/10 e šansu, /11/7cf54503-bc44-4cbe-9d59- Sarajevo ebe7d9250b09&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 13 5f2a-3e69-b4e9- 2cca46a30ed8&showHighlights=true&purpose=2&sum

maryType=auto_generated 12/10/2016 Otaharin.or web Otaharin, http://otaharin.org/bs/imam-i-ja-pravo-na-predstavu/ 14 g Bijeljina 19/10/2016 Otaharin web Otaharin, http://otaharin.org/bs/ug-otaharin-predstavio-razlicite- 15 Bijeljina oblike-trgovine-ljudima/ 24/10/2016 CityTv Sunce, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Goo-jKBMpjo 16 Mostar 28/10/2016 Unsko- print DOM, https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/10 sanske Velika Kladuša /28/8fc6983d-59eb-499e-bd7a- novine b968445c8174&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 17 5f2a-3e69-b4e9- 2cca46a30ed8&showHighlights=true&purpose=2&sum

maryType=auto_generated 01/11/2016 PINK TV Emisija u Pola Biblioteka za https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDwMzlYCpyU 5 slijepa I 18 slabovidna lica u BiH, Sarajevo 06/11/2016 RadioVkladu web DOM, http://www.radiovkladusa.ba/domvk-mjesec-oktobar- sa Velika Kladuša zaokruzila-sa-projektom-zaposljavanja-i-posjete- 19 parlamentu-fbih/

09/11/2016 TVSA web Srce puno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Jx1X2XwBrA_gen osmijeha, erated 20 Sarajevo

22/11/2016 Akta web PPMG, http://www.akta.ba/Vijest/Najave/sutra-sastanak-o- municipalities podrsci-marginaliziranim-grupama-zena-u-razvoju- 21 biznisa/71773?utm_source=notificationClient&utm_me dium=email&utm_campaign=Vasa%20firma%20u%20tek

stu%20na%20Poslovnom%20portalu%20Akta.ba 22/11/2016 StartMagazi web PPMG, http://www.startbih.info/Aktuelnost.aspx?id=84474 22 n municipalities 22/11/2016 Bljesak web PPMG, http://www.bljesak.info/rubrika/business/clanak/za- municipalities podrsku-marginaliziranim-grupama-zena-u-razvoju- 23 biznisa-680000-km/177164

22/11/2016 Informativa. web PPMG, http://informativa.ba/2016/11/22/za-podrsku- ba municipalities marginaliziranim-grupama-zena-u-razvoju-biznisa- 24 680000-km

22/11/2016 Poslovnisvij web PPMG, http://poslovnisvijet.ba/za-podrsku-marginaliziranim- 25 et municipalities grupama-zena-u-razvoju-biznisa-680-000-km/

22/11/2016 Boljiposao.c web PPMG, http://www.boljiposao.com/clanci/vijesti/bosna-i- om municipalities hercegovina/za-podrsku-marginaliziranim-grupama-zena- 26 u-razvoju-biznisa-680-000-km/14278/

22/11/2016 Fena.ba web PPMG, http://www.fena.ba/article/899153/za-podrsku- municipalities marginaliziranim-grupama-zena-u-razvoju-biznisa- 27 680000-km

23/11/2016 Dnevni avaz web PPMG, http://www.avaz.ba/clanak/263551/za-podrsku- municipalities marginaliziranim-grupama-zena-u-biznisu-vise-od-700- 28 000-km

23/11/2016 N1 Web + TV PPMG, http://ba.n1info.com/a123953/Video/Info/Za-program- municipalities podrske-marginalizovanim-grupama-zena-osigurano- 29 680.000-KM.html

23/11/2016 TVSA Gostovanje PPMG, 30 Jutarnji municipalities program 23/11/2016 Hayat TV Prilog u PPMG, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP5A9gVEvJ0 31 dnevniku municipalities 23/11/2016 Fena web PPMG, http://www.fena.ba/article/899611/za-podrsku- municipalities marginaliziranim-grupama-zena-u-biznisu-vise-od- 32 700000-km

23/11/2016 RSG Radio Vijesti PPMG, 33 municipalities 23/11/2016 Faktor web PPMG, http://www.faktor.ba/vijest/za-podrku-marginaliziranim- 34 municipalities grupama-ena-u-biznisu-700-000-km-223902

23/11/2016 Elteboro web PPMG, http://etleboro.org/a/28f7b7e12e57b4dedb7bb0034c00c municipalities 0b4/za-podrku-marginaliziranim-grupama-ena-u-biznisu- 35 700000-km

23/11/2016 Source.ba web PPMG, http://www.source.ba/clanak/BiH/422931/Za-podrsku- municipalities marginaliziranim-grupama-zena-u-razvoju-biznisa- 36 680000-KM

24/11/2016 Poslovne Print PPMG, https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/11 novosti municipalities /24/2034a1aa-4ef6-4ab4-951b- f6675dde95bb&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 37 5f2a-3e69-b4e9- 2cca46a30ed8&showHighlights=true&purpose=2&sum

maryType=auto_generated 24/11/2016 Dnevni avaz Print PPMG, https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/11 municipalities /24/7a716190-bb2d-46cc-bd6f- 1d71061d91b6&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 38 5f2a-3e69-b4e9- 2cca46a30ed8&showHighlights=true&purpose=2&suma


24/11/2016 Oslobođenj Print PPMG, https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/11 e municipalities /24/0ae15639-0386-4fa5-9fbc- 78a6306a98ff&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 39 5f2a-3e69-b4e9- 2cca46a30ed8&showHighlights=true&purpose=2&sum

maryType=auto_generated 24/11/2016 Dnevni list Print PPMG, https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/11 municipalities /24/3f4c8ff4-f298-4e68-aa52- 73887328f51c&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 40 5f2a-3e69-b4e9- 2cca46a30ed8&showHighlights=true&purpose=2&sum

maryType=auto_generated 24/11/2016 Vazdan.com web PPMG, http://www.vazdan.com/vijest/za-podrsku- municipalities marginaliziranim-grupama-zena-u-biznisu-vise-od-700- 41 000-km/531158

27/11/2016 Oslobođenj web Tračak nade, http://www.oslobodjenje.ba/index.php/vijesti/bih/foca- e Foča ce-dobiti-servis-centar-za-djecu-i-osobe-s- 42 invaliditetom/186781

27/11/2016 Fena web Tračak nade, http://fena.ba/article/899909/foca-ce-dobiti-servis- 43

Foča centar-za-djecu-i-osobe-s-invaliditetom 27/11/2016 Faktor web Tračak nade, http://www.faktor.ba/vijest/foa-e-dobiti-servis-centar-za- 44 Foča djecu-i-osobe-s-invaliditetom-224496

27/11/2016 Mi2ba web Tračak nade, https://www.mi2.ba/foca-ce-dobiti-servis-centar-za- 45

Foča djecu-i-osobe-s-invaliditetom-171147/ 28/11/2016 Viphd.ba web Tračak nade, http://www.viphd.ba/category/bih/ 46 Foča 28/11/2016 Oslobođenj print Tračak nade, https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/11 e Foča /28/29324a21-badc-444e-b0a8- 9e97b92c7ce5&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 47 5f2a-3e69-b4e9- 2cca46a30ed8&showHighlights=true&purpose=2&sum

maryType=auto_generated 28/11/2016 RSG Radio Vijesti + web Tračak nade, 48 Foča 28/11/2016 Dnevni avaz Print Tračak nade, https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/11 Foča /28/7bec4b17-668a-4a55-81ac- 1f5d011265de&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 49 5f2a-3e69-b4e9- 2cca46a30ed8&showHighlights=true&purpose=2&sum

maryType=auto_generated 28/11/2016 viphd.ba web Tračak nade, http://www.viphd.ba/2016/11/28/sarajevo-potpisan- Foča sporazum-o-uspostavljanju-servis-centra-u-foci-za- 50 djecu-i-osobe-s-invaliditetom/

28/11/2016 Fena web Tračak nade, http://www.fena.ba/article/900804/servis-centar-u-foci- 51 Foča za-djecu-i-osobe-s-invaliditetom 28/11/2016 Glas.ba web Tračak nade, http://www.glas.ba/2016/11/27/fena-novost-najave- 52 Foča dogadaja-za-28-11-2016-godine-ponedjeljak/

28/11/2016 FTV Federacija Tračak nade, http://www.federalna.ba/bhs/vijest/185634/usaid-ov- 53 danas + web Foča program-podrske-marginaliziranim-grupama

28/11/2016 TV1 Dnevnik Tračak nade, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxXOuquFNNA 54 Foča

28/11/2016 RTRS Srpska danas Tračak nade, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4oBf4pnsAg 55 Foča 28/11/2016 RTRS web Tračak nade, http://lat.rtrs.tv/vijesti/vijest.php?id=232167 56 Foča 28/11/2016 Trebinje059 web Tračak nade, http://www.trebinje059.com/059/u-foci-se-otvara- Foča servis-centar-za-podrsku-djeci-licima-sa-smetnjama-u- 57 razvoju-video/

29/11/2016 Visegrad24. web Tračak nade, http://ww com Foča w.visegra d24.info/s ervis- centar- 58 za-djecu- i-osobe- s- invaliditet om-u-

foci/ 01/12/2016 RTVUSK web DOM, http://www.rtvusk.ba/vijest/spzz-bihac-sastanak-o- Velika Kladuša osamostaljenju-i-prioritetima-zaposljavanja-djece-bez- 59 roditeljskog-staranja/10364

01/12/2016 RTVUSK Dnevnik Tračak nade, https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=S3_QpJZqmRg 60 Foča &video_referrer=watch 02/12/2016 FMRS web PPMG, http://fmrsp.gov.ba/s/index.php?option=com_content&t 61 municipalities ask=view&id=643&Itemid=1 03/12/2016 RadioFoča web Tračak nade, http://radiofoca.com/tracak-nade-od-danas-servis- Foča centar-nasa-djeca-nisu-vise-neko-tamo-prihvacena-su-u- 62 svim-sferama-drustva/

05/12/2016 GlasSrpske web Tračak nade, http://www.glassrpske.com/drustvo/panorama/Humanita 63 Foča rno-vece-za-Udruzenje-Tracak-nade-Podrska-djeci-sa-

poteskocama-u-razvoju/lat/224056.html 16/12/2016 Bljesak.info web PPMG, LGBT http://www.bljesak.info/rubrika/lifestyle/clanak/usaid- 64 osigurao-150000-km-za-podrsku-aktivnostima-lgbt-

zajednice-u-bih/180086 16/12/2016 Mi2.ba web PPMG, LGBT https://www.mi2.ba/usaid-osigurao-150-000-km-za- 65 podrsku-aktivnostima-lgbt-zajednice-u-bih-175745/ 16/12/2016 Fokus.ba web PPMG, LGBT http://www.fokus.ba/vijesti/bih/150-000-km-za-podrsku- 66

aktivnostima-lgbt-zajednice-u-bih/564063/ 16/12/2016 Glas.ba web PPMG, LGBT http://www.glas.ba/2016/12/16/fena-novost-usaid- 67 osigurao-150-000-km-za-podrsku-aktivnostima-lgbt-

zajednice-u-bih/ 16/12/2016 Klix web PPMG, LGBT http://www.klix.ba/vijesti/bih/usaid-osigurao-150-000- 68 km-za-podrsku-aktivnostima-lgbt-zajednice-u-

bih/161216102 16/12/2016 DnevniAvaz web PPMG, LGBT http://www.avaz.ba/clanak/267652/usaid-osigurao-150- 69


16/12/2016 Vazdan web PPMG, LGBT http://www.vazdan.com/zivot?c=svi 70

16/12/2016 Start web PPMG, LGBT http://www.startbih.info/Aktuelnost.aspx?id=85078 71 16/12/2016 Banjalucani.c web PPMG, LGBT http://banjalucani.com/usaid-osigurao-150-000-km-za- 72 om podrsku-aktivnostima-lgbt-zajednice-u-bih/#more-3814 16/12/2016 Bhpress web PPMG, LGBT http://bhpress.ba/index.php/najnovije-vijesti/vijesti- 73 bih/item/953-usaid-sa-150-000-km-podrzava-aktivnosti-


16/12/2016 Fena web PPMG, LGBT http://www.fena.ba/article/906245/usaid-osigurao- 74 150000-km-za-podrsku-aktivnostima-lgbt-zajednice-u-

bih 16/12/2016 BHRT web PPMG, LGBT http://www.bhrt.ba/vijesti/bih/usaid-osigurao-150-000- 75 bam-za-aktivnosti-lgbt-zajednice-u-bih/ 17/12/2016 Dnevni avaz print PPMG, LGBT https://media.klipingmap.com/pdf/view?filePath=2016/12 /17/942e596b-1e4e-4cfb-bb51- f923a96849ef&language=hr&topicGroupId=856bd5e5- 76 5f2a-3e69-b4e9- 2cca46a30ed8&showHighlights=true&purpose=2&sum


Other Activities:

Monitoring visits to grantees

During the reporting period, the PPMG team conducted 4 monitoring visits to grantee organizations.

In October we visited: Service Center “Dajte nam šansu“ Sarajevo, “Otaharin” Bijeljina, “Zemlja djece u BiH” Tuzla and Women’s association “Derventa”.

During the monitoring visits, we evaluated the progress in implementing the recommendations from the pre-award assessment, saw the progress of approved projects in the field, and provided consultations regarding the implementation of the OCA process and using the OCA tool.

One organization made great strides in implementing their recommendations (“Zemlja djece u BiH”) and other organizations more or less stagnated when it comes to recommendations. The Women’s association “Derventa” did not achieve the expected progress in implementing their recommendations form the pre-award assessment although they were required to complete the implementation of all recommendations listed in the grant agreement. The association did prepare for implementing some of the recommendations, but they did not include the recommendation in their official documents or used them in practice.

The association “Otaharin” partially completed numerous recommendations from the grant agreement, and their progress was particularly evident in documents and procedures concerning financial operations. Recommendations concerning management were not implemented in the same extent as the recommendations concerning finances.

Advisory support to grantees

During October-November 2016, the PPMG team provided daily advisory support and consultation services to grantees. During this period we exchanged over 110 emails with grantees, had over 100 calls and spent over 70 working hours on consultation services alone. All of the aforementioned concerns consultations on project implementation, introducing rules and procedures in organizations, reporting to the donor, support in achieving project results etc. Additional services in terms of consultations were provided during the pre-award assessment.

Consultation with organizations “Tračak nade” and “SOCI” were intensified during and after the pre- award assessment in order to finalize all documents and details before writing the report on the pre- award visit.

Special attention was given to the association “SOCI” from Tuzla, which was required to implement certain recommendations as a condition for continuing the grant award negotiations. We elaborate on this in the section on TO #3 activities.

The aforementioned hours do not include regular daily administration of grantee projects.

Visit by Laura Nuss to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Laura Nuss, expert from the U.S. with more than 30 years of experience in providing support to persons with developmental disabilities and other types of disabilities, visited Bosnia and Herzegovina from November 14 to November 18.

During her stay in BiH, Ms. Nuss visited the Alliance of organizations for supporting persons with intellectual disabilities in FBiH – SUMERO, the Service Center in Sarajevo “Dajte nam šansu”, the Library for Persons with Visual Impairments in BiH, housing communities for persons with intellectual disabilities in Jajce and Zenica, and met with all relevant authorities and representatives of institutions in charge of issues concerning this population group. The goal of this session with Laura Nuss was an exchange of experiences in the process of deinstitutionalization, while using constructive discussions to introduce new topics that will serve to improve this process in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Laura Nuss is an eminent expert in supporting persons with developmental and other types of disabilities. She spent the first half of her career working with local communities and helping persons with developmental disabilities leave large state institutions and move back into their homes. After that, she held different government jobs, which entailed designing and managing services provided by local communities to adults and children. The process of deinstitutionalization is also supported by the Marginalized Populations Support Activity (USAID/PPMG).

Visit to housing communities in Zenica, Nemila and Jajce Representatives of the Marginalized Populations Support Activity (USAID/PPMG) visited users of housing communities for persons with intellectual disabilities in Zenica, Nemila and Jajce, supported by the Alliance of organizations supporting persons with intellectual disabilities in FBiH “SUMERO”.

The housing communities were created through the initiative “DI-SP Strengthening the deinstitutionalization process and support services in local communities, implemented by SUMERO and supported by the Marginalized Populations Support Activity (USAID/PPMG). These users moved from institutional care to local housing communities, which provide them with better care and social inclusion. Through the deinstitutionalization process and support services in local communities, the Marginalized Populations Support Activity (USAID/PPMG) supported the successful integration of 12 users into local communities.

Screening of film "Slobodni" for students of Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo

At the initiative of USAID’s Marginalized Populations Support Activity, on Friday, November 18, 2016, the Faculty of Philosophy hosted a screening of the film “Slobodni” (“Free”).

The screening was held for 4th and 5th year students of the Psychology Department at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo.

“Slobodni” is an award-winning film by Tomislav Žaja, about persons placed in closed institutions for persons with intellectual disabilities, and their road towards an independent life, which is something that all signatories of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities must provide.

The screening was intended to demonstrate the importance of supporting the deinstitutionalization process and show opportunities for improving the status of persons with intellectual disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

One of the users of SUMERO’s services shared with the students his experience with living in institutions and the process of transferring into a housing community, which allowed him to live independently.

The screening of the film “Slobodni” was organized in cooperation with the Alliance of organizations for supporting persons with intellectual disabilities SUMERO FBiH and the Association of Psychologists of the Federation of BiH.

Meeting with representatives of the sector for social issues of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy

Representatives of the Marginalized Populations Support Activity (USAID/PPMG) met with the representatives of the sector for social issues of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, in order to try to address the problem presented by exploitation of children. Among the participants was Sahiba Srna from the organization “Zemlja djece u BiH” from Tuzla, a member association of the referral mechanism for combatting and the prevention of child begging and violence against children in the Tuzla Canton.

The focus of the meeting was the non-functional protocol on handling begging, wandering, financial exploitation and other types of exploitation of children, as a major social problem whose solution is hinged upon the involvement of all government institutions and civil society organizations. The development of a specialized protocol on handling child begging, which will function as a referral mechanism, was one of the steps towards solving this problem. The organization “Zemlja djece” has already developed one such protocol, tailored to the specific characteristics and capacities of the community. An intersectional Protocol for handling wandering, begging, forced labor and other types of exploitation was signed in Tuzla, for the Tuzla Canton. The Protocol was signed by the four competent ministries, the Municipal Court in Tuzla and the organization “Zemlja djece”. The Protocol is a sequential scheme of actions for all competent institutions concerning begging and other types of exploitation of children, with clearly defined competencies, obligations and responsibilities. However, it has, unfortunately, remained unenforced for the past two years, while other cantons have not even adopted such protocols.

During the meeting, the Chief of Party of USAID’s Marginalized Populations Support Activity, Jasmin Bešić, pointed out unemployment as the key problem faced by marginalized groups, and invited the competent authorities to cooperate with sectors for labor and employment and provide programs and funds for employing members of vulnerable groups.

The Ministry pointed out that they are currently working on overhauling social protection legislation, which will encompass all marginalized groups, with a special emphasis on children and youth. The measures from these strategic documents will primarily reinforce the preventive measures intended to prevent the occurrence of negative phenomena affecting individuals and the community.

5.2. TASK ORDER: AID-168-I-15-00002

4. Task Title: Fellowship for People with Disabilities

During the previous quarter the educational cycle for the first group of persons with disabilities was completed. A total of 12 users completed a 6-module training for empowering persons with disabilities.

The topics participants learned about are: Developing social skills, business communication, time management, stress management, problem solving, situational leadership. All of the participants successfully passed the final test and were awarded well-deserved certificates.

Pre-tests were conducted for 9 new participants who will be in the second groups. The workshops and trainings started in December 2016.

Internships in organizations and greenhouses gives people with disabilities the opportunity for using the knowledge and skills they learned in practice, which empowers them to look for a job when their internship is over. In October-November 2016, Salko Aljović and Ridžal Rusmir completed their short internships.

Edina Memišević started working for the company Studio Moderna as an administrative assistant and business cooperation was established with this company which leaves room for more persons with disabilities to be hired by Studio Moderna, for the same/similar jobs.

It is particularly important to note that 5 persons with disabilities from the first groups, who successfully completed all six modules, were employed through the Fund for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities. The internship and training provided to them by ProReha, with the support of USAID/PPMG, made it easier for them to find employment.

This provides them with a livelihood in the future. One person was employed in SUMERO and 4 persons were employed in other companies.

Below is a statement by Marko Rašević, who spent a month as an intern at the Greek Embassy in Sarajevo: Now that my internship ended, I will continue my training at ProReha, and together with their team and educators I will learn even more and become more competent and competitive on the labor market.

Rusmir Ridžal completed all stages of the training held by ProReha My participation in trainings and the effort I put in bore fruit when I was told in October that I will work at ProReha for a month as an intern. I was very happy to hear that and I hope I will get a chance for long-term employment.

Rusmir got his wish, because he is one of the 5 training participants who were employed through the Fund for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities.

5. Task Title: Socializing marginalized children support

We continued our successful cooperation with the staff and management of the Pediatric Clinic, and children who have been in contact with our volunteers are better able to handle their exams, checks and hospitalisation. The photos that are taken during activities and then given to the Clinic’s users have a positive effect on the psychological state of hospitalized children and their parents/escorts. During this reporting period, the Pediatric Clinic was visited 5 times.

The weekend workshops held at the Mjedenica Institute in this quarter were very successful, since they provided for better communication and stronger connection between the Institute’s users and the volunteers conducting the activities. During this reporting period, 5 weekend workshops were held at the Mjedenica Institute.

The “travelling show” was performed in two locations, in and Pale. The first one was performed in Doboj in cooperation with the Association for children with special needs, with crucial coordination support by the USAID/PPMG and the second was performed in Pale, in cooperation with the Association for children with special needs “Sunce”.

During this reporting period, we held three volunteer capacity-building meetings. Two of them included expert lecturers who focused on working with children with developmental disabilities and malignant diseases.

8. Task Title: Support for LGBTI activities

USAID’s Marginalized Populations Support Activity provided 150,000 BAM for supporting the activities of the LGBTI community in BiH. The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights from Bijeljina was awarded 90,000 BAM for their project “(In)visible minorities – zero tolerance for LGBTI discrimination” with activities planned for Banja Luka, Prijedor, Bijeljina, Sarajevo, Zenica and Tuzla.

The project goal is to improve the existing measures and introduce new ones for achieving equality for LGBTI people in society and mobilize local NGOs dealing with issues of LGBTI people in six local communities and improve their capacities. The Sarajevo Open Center received 60,000 BAM for the project “Institutional support network for LGBTI persons in Sarajevo Canton”. With this project we are trying to an establish institutional support network for LGBTI people at the local and cantonal level in the Sarajevo Canton and increase the level of knowledge of institutions representatives and organizations at the local and cantonal level about the rights and the challenges that LGBT people face in the Sarajevo Canton. Both projects started on January 1, 2017 and their contracts expire on December 31, 2017.

a. Pre-award assessment of organizations recommended for grant awards

USAID/PPMG conducted a pre-award assessment for two organizations recommended for grant awards through the RFA for supporting the activities of the LGBTI community in BiH.

The pre-award visit to the organization “Sarajevo Open Center” was conducted on November 17, 2016, and the basic findings and recommendations are presented in the table below:

Activity Document title Deadline Changes to the Statute to Statute During project completely adapt to the needs of the implementation organization and work standards Develop and adopt a special Procedure During project procedure for evaluating the work of implementation the Executive Director

Adopt and implement Procedure for Procedure During project filing and circulation of documents implementation

Since none of the recommendations were prerequisites for awarding a grant to this organization, a grant agreement was signed in the amount of 60,000 BAM.

The pre-award visit to the organization “Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in RS” was conducted on November 16, 2016, and the main findings and recommendations are provided below:

Activity Document title Deadline for completing activity Fundamental changes to the Statute, Statute During project to align it with the actual work of implementation the organization, allowing it to truly become the basic and supreme act of the organization Develop and adopt a Code of Manual During project Conduct for the Managing Board implementation Introduce the principle of formal and Conclusions and During project recorded decision-making by the decisions implementation Managing Board Create and adopt a procedure on Procedure During project evaluating the work of the Executive implementation Director by the Managing Board Document Policies and Procedures Decision on adoption, During project of the Association and all other minutes from the implementation manuals adopted by the Managing Managing Board Board Revise the Accounting Manual and Accounting Manual During project adapt to the needs of the implementation Association Develop procedures defining the Procedure/regulations (in During project rules on harmonizing project the Accounting Manual) implementation records with the Association’s main ledger, in the Accounting Manual Adopt a Financial Operations Manual Financial Operations During project Manual implementation Define the division of duties and During project competencies for approving and implementation paying expenses in the Financial Procedure/regulations (in Operations Manual. the Financial Operations Manual) Improve the existing procurement Procurement regulations During project regulations. implementation

Since none of the recommendations were prerequisites for awarding a grant to this organization, a grant agreement was signed in the amount of 90,000 BAM.

5.3. TASK ORDER: AID-168-I-15-00003

1. Task title: Service Centers

5.3. TASK ORDER: AID-168-I-15-00003

1. Task title: Service Centers

1.1. Service Center “Dajte nam šansu” Sarajevo

During the previous period, since the beginning of the project until the end of December 2016, the Service Center in Sarajevo provided 2484 services to users in this quarter.

The Service Center in Sarajevo had 289 families with PWDs as members and users of services. Also, the Service Centers provided in-class assistants in schools for children with disabilities.

In addition to children, the Service Center employees held activities for parents of children and youth with special needs. The Service Centers provided their services to at least one family member of children with disabilities. The Service Center in Sarajevo provided their services to at least 289 parents (mostly mothers) or other family members of PWDs. Project activities are being implemented according to plan. Below are some of the most important activities implemented in two Service Centers.

1. Regular activities of the Service Center ”Dajte nam šansu” Sarajevo: • Regular activities of the Service Center ”Dajte nam šansu” Sarajevo: o Short stay o Outdoor activities o Observation of children with suspected disabilities o Information provided by a social worker, psychologist and lawyer o Creative workshops for users o Birthday parties for users • Psychological work: o Initial conversation with parents and the assessment of parents’ acceptance of the diagnosis o Supportive workshops o Individual work with parents o Individual work with children o Direct work with a psychologist during the short stay, in order to analyze behavior and changes in dysfunctional behavior patterns • Mobile team: support in the field and transportation of users • Help in hiring an in-class assistant • Training interns

• Computer classes


1. Celebrating Children’s Week • The first inclusive musical therapeutic workshop was held at the Service Center “Dajte nam šansu”, led by the ensemble Sarajevo Drum Orchestra, which was one of the activities designed to celebrate Children’s Week, organized by the Ministry of Labor, Social Policy, Displaced Persons and Refugees of Sarajevo Canton, with the participation of numerous public institutions and NGOs. 2. Round table organized by the Institute for Special Education of Children “Mjedenica”, held at the Faculty of Pedagogy in Sarajevo, sponsored by the Ministry of Labor, Social Policy, Displaced Persons and Refugees. This round table was one of the activities organized to celebrate Children’s Week in Sarajevo Canton in 2016, in order to support persons with disabilities in Sarajevo Canton and beyond. Director of the Association, Ines Kavalec, was one of the speakers. 3. Meeting at the Department of Pediatrics with Dr Feriha Hadžagić-Ćatibušić (Pediatric subspecialist) and Director of the Department of Pediatrics, Edo Hasanbegović, during which the Director Ines Kavalec presented the services offered by the Service Center “Dajte nam šansu”. The participants established cooperation, which means that after telling parents the diagnosis, specialists will send them to the Service Center where the family will receive additional support. 4. Meeting of Director Ines Kavalec in the Novi Grad Municipality, regarding the construction of an inclusive park for children with developmental disabilities in front of the Service Center Dajte nam šansu. The meeting was attended by Taib Delalić, Hamdija Dizdar and Ines Kavalec. 5. Signing a contract with Sunrise. Extension of the contract on long-term cooperation with a minimum of financial support for a longer period. 6. Two-day training for members of the Association “Sunce nam je zajedničko” from . The training was held to present the work of the existing Service Center in Sarajevo and discuss expanding the service center model, i.e. opening service centers across BiH.

• Lecturers: Director of the Association Ines Kavalec, lawyer Minela Dzažanović, social worker Almina Hodžić and psychologist Ana Vujica 7. Association “Dajte nam šansu” took part in the Children’s Fair held in Skenderija, November 11-13, 2016, where they had a promo booth, with members and volunteers handing out flyers and informing the public about the association and the services they provide. 8. Open Door Day at Association “Dajte nam šansu” • On November 15, the Service Center for supporting families of children and persons with developmental disabilities “Dajte nam šansu” hosted a meeting during Open Door Day, which was attended by Ms. Laura L. Nuss, a renowned human rights advocate, representatives of USAID, cantonal ministers and representatives of the health and education sector, representatives of the Novi Grad Sarajevo Municipality, President of the Managing Board and parents of children with developmental disabilities. They were also joined by guests from the Service Center Dajte nam šansu - Zvjezdice Banja Luka and representatives of NGOs from Foča and Tuzla. The meeting ended with the

conclusion that it is necessary to adopt a systematic approach to service centers as a form of support for the entire family of a child or person with developmental disabilities. • Participants: Laura L. Nuss, Aziz Đipa, Vice President of the Federation Milan Dunović, coordinator of instructional classes project and expert advisor to the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Sarajevo Canton Nihada Čolić, Minister of Health Zilha Ademaj, special education expert Alma Dizdarević, Assistant to Municipal Mayor of Novi Grad Tajib Delalić, Dragana Zec, Dragana Cenić, Amra Hašimbegović, NGO representatives from Foča and Banja Luka and parents of children with disabilities. 9. Holding a Diplomatic Winter Bazaar in Skenderija, where, this year as well, the Association “Dajte nam šansu” organized an inclusive corner for children. The corner included various activities: decoupage, making cards, painting glass, floor time, face painting and fun with clowns. The goal of the corner is inclusion, and providing parents of typical children and children with disabilities with a safe, fun space for children and some free time for them. 10. Meeting with Senad Resić from the Facility Management Department of the Municipality of Stari Grad, and considering potential facilities adequate for housing another Service Center. 11. Protocol on Cooperation signed at the Cultural Center in Sarajevo. The goal of this Protocol are joint activities aimed at establishing and improving the cooperation between the Clinical Center in Sarajevo, faculties, centers, associations and institutes. The parties to this Protocol will work on providing the conditions for performing various educational and cultural activities, which will improve the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities. 12. Ministry of Health of Sarajevo Canton supported initiative launched in cooperation with “Dajte nam šansu” guaranteeing priority access, without waiting in line, for parents/families of children with developmental disabilities and persons with severe disabilities in all public health institutions. Since the initiative did not target only these institutions, other ministries are also expected to give a positive reply for introducing the same rule in institutions under their jurisdiction. 13. Meeting of Director Ines Kavalec with the Stari Grad Municipal Council President and Vice- President Jusuf Pušin, to discuss the opening of a second Service Center in the Municipality of Stari Grad.

1.2. Service Center “Tračak nade” Foča

Our new (third) Service Center started its work in December in Foča, after the formal opening on December 3, 2016. The opening day of the Service Center was symbolic, since December 3 is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Thanks to 50,000 BAM provided by the USAID’s Marginalized Populations Support Activity, the Daycare Center of the Association of children and adults with developmental disabilities “Tračak nade” is starting to provide free support to children and persons with disabilities and their families. For the following year, a special education expert, a speech therapist, a medical technician and a psychologist will be working 4 hours a day with members of the Association “Tračak nade” and will be compensated for their work by USAID through the Marginalized Populations Support Activity. The Service Center provides psycho-social support to persons with developmental disabilities, and, it is important to note, to their parents as well. Support is provided in the form of group and individual counseling, especially through creative workshops as the most effective way of channeling negative energy and stress, as well as a way to learn new skills. The organization “Tračak nade” currently has 60 members from Foča and Čajniče, and their Service Center is the third of its kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Prior to this one, two centers were opened in Sarajevo and Banja Luka. The Service Center regularly works with parents and immediate family members (fathers, brothers, sisters). Since the Center was opened recently, there have not been many significant activities in the previous period. The Service Center formed an expert team, which is now working actively. A workshop was held for students of the Faculty of Medicine in Foča, about the “Role and Importance of the Service Center in the Local Community”. The same workshop was held for parents of the organization’s members, and for other, non-member, parents. A meeting was held with representatives of the Municipality of Čajniče, during which they were told about the Center’s services, and the problem of transporting current users from Čajniče to the Service Center in Foča. A gift-giving event was organized for members of the organization and their families.

The importance of Service Centers to their users is best illustrated by the following statements by parents and users: “This is the first time in the 16 years of my daughter’s life that that she has a space that I didn’t provide myself where she can come and be accepted with all her virtues and faults, enjoy the company and go home happy. It’s such a huge help for me as a mother to know that I can leave my child who can’t verbalize how she feels

at the Service Center, knowing that she’s in a safe environment sensitive to the needs of children with disabilities, in the care of a dedicated staff of professionals.“ Mother of a girl with developmental disabilities, Sarajevo

“For us, the Service Center provides both physical and psychological support. It’s good for our child and for us, because we have a safe place to leave children for a while. The Service Center supports me in every way. They’re always willing to talk to us and to give us advice.” Father of a child with developmental disabilities

“The Service Center “Dajte nam šansu” means a lot for me as a parent. It helps me deal with a lot of my problems, by, for example, allowing my child to spend time here. It means a lot since it’s a center where I can come and talk about my problems and issues I’m dealing with. It means a lot to know that you have a place where you can spend time with parents who have the same, or similar problems that you have, and to know that someone understands you.”

Mother of a child with developmental disabilities, Sarajevo

The Service Centers will continue conducting their regular activities.

1.3. Pre-Award Assessment of potential two new Service Centers

Within the TO#3 (modification) two pre-award assessments were conducted for two organizations proposed for the establishment of two new service centers for supporting the families of children and persons with disabilities. This concerns direct grants awarded to the organizations at the request of USAID.

a. Association “Tračak nade” from Foča

The pre-award assessment of the Association “Tračak nade” was conducted in October 2016. USAID/PPMG representatives visited the Association on October 27, 2016. Based on the pre-award assessment, a Negotiation Memorandum was created, with the conclusion that the Association “Tračak nade” had shown sufficient professionalism and responsibility to be entrusted with a grant in the amount of 49,999.20 BAM (without VAT).

Below is a table with a short overview of the pre-award assessment:

Deadline for No. Activity Document title completing the activity 1 Special project account for PPMG Contract with the bank Prior to signing the Grant Agreement 2 Changes to the Articles of Association which will Articles of Association During project strengthen the role of the Managing Board and implementation position it as the true management organ

3 Write job descriptions for all new employees, with Document During project

clearly defined competencies and responsibilities implementation 4 Create employment procedures for the Procedures During project organization, which will be in accordance with the implementation law and in the interest of the organization 5 Create an organizational scheme, especially for the Document During project Service Center staff, with a clear definition of the implementation hierarchy 6 Create and adopt a set of administrative Procedures During project procedures: implementation a) Codes and rules of conduct at the Service Center, which should include a Child Protection Code of Conduct or a Child Protection Policy at the Service Center, Procedure on maintaining and using Service Center facilities b) Procedure on handling, maintaining and circulation of documentation c) Procedure defining working hours of the Service Center

7 Create and adopt Manuals • Accounting Manual During project • Travel Procedures implementation Manual • Improve the Financial Operations Manual (describe cash operations in more detail) • Procurement Manual (or include these regulations in the Financial Operations Manual) 8 Introduce the practice of harmonizing project Procedure defined in During project reports with the general ledger the Accounting Manual implementation

Since none of the recommendations needed to be implemented prior to awarding the grant, a Grant Agreement was signed with the organization, which is required to implement all recommendations within 6 months from signing the Agreement.

b. Association for human rights and social inclusion “SOCI” from Tuzla

The second organization which is being considered for implementing the Service Center for supporting children and persons with developmental disabilities is SOCI. The pre-award assessment of this organization was substantially slower than expected. The association had a series of deficiencies that were supposed to be addressed prior to signing the grant award agreement. The organization was visited twice, once on October 26, 2016 and once on November 11, 2016, after which a Negotiation Memorandum was written, summarizing the results of the assessment.

Below is a table with an overview of recommendations:

No. Deadline for Activity Document title completing the activity 1 Advocate for an extension of the contract Contract with the City Prior to signing the with the City Administration of Tuzla for a of Tuzla Grant Agreement period of at least 2 years, to ensure that project activities will continue at least one year after the end of the project. 2 Sign a contract with an accounting company Contract with an Prior to signing the as soon as possible. accounting company Grant Agreement 3 Name a person within the organization Organizational scheme Prior to signing the who will be responsible for project with descriptions of jobs Grant Agreement accounting and reporting for the Service at the Service Center Center. 4 Appoint a person responsible for student Document with Prior to signing the internship at the Association, who is not descriptions of jobs at Grant Agreement under contract with the Faculty of the Service Center with Education and Rehabilitation of the staff’s CVs University in Tuzla. 5 Professional training for key staff: Short report on Prior to signing the • Professional training entails a 3-5 activities, acquired Grant Agreement day stay by the Project Manager knowledge and and 2 other persons form the experience Service Center’s expert team at the SC “Dajte nam šansu”, in order to get practical knowledge and experience necessary to open and manage a Service Center. • Accommodation and transportation costs are covered by the USAID/PPMG. 6 Write a concept (plan) for the opening and Work concept (plan) Prior to signing the work of the Service Center. for the Service Center Grant Agreement 7 Amend the Articles of Association to Articles of Association Prior to signing the clearly separate the managing and executive Grant Agreement functions in the Association 8 Create and adopt procedures regarding: Procedures Prior to signing the • Codes and rules of conduct at the Grant Agreement Service Center, which should include a Child Protection Code of Conduct or a Child Protection Policy at the Service Center • Procedure on mainintaining and using Service Center facilities 9 Special project account for USAID/PPMG Contract with the bank Prior to signing the Grant Agreement

and after completing the previously listed recommendations 10 Create a Code of Conduct of the Managing Code of Conduct of the During project Board, which will clearly define the Managing Board implementation Managing Board and the organization’s basic managing body 11 Write creal job descriptions for each Document During project position defined in the project implementation 12 Develop an internal reporting system that Procedure During project will clearly reflect hierarchical implementation competencies 13 Create and adopt a set of administrative Procedures During project procedures: implementation a) Procedure on handling, maintaining and circulation of documentation b) Procedure defining working hours of the Service Center 14 Develop and adopt manuals • Accounting Manual During project • Financial Operations implementation Manual (include regulations on cash operations or develop a separate Cash Operations Manual) • Travel Procedures Manual • Procurement Manual 15 Introduce the practice of harmonizing Procedure defined in During project project reports with the general ledger the Accounting Manual implementation 16 Write job descriptions for all positions in Organizational chart During project the organization with job descriptions implementation

The association has a significant number of recommendations to meet by the end of January 2016, if it wants to continue the award negotiation process. If the recommendations that must be met prior to signing the agreement are not met, negotiations will be terminated, funds will not be given to this organization and another organization will be selected as a potential partner for opening a new service center.

5.4. TASK ORDER: AID-168-I-15-00011

3. Task Title: Entrepreneurship Assistance to Women Victims of Violence

USAID’s Marginalized Populations Support Activity, in cooperation with 9 local self-government units, provided around 700,000 BAM for the “Fund for supporting marginalized groups of women”.

Representatives of local self-government units and the USAID/PPMG team held a meeting at the hotel Bristol, on November 23, 2016. The topic of the meeting was the development of the Model for supporting businesses, which will be used in the process of awarding funds for developing businesses.

The public call for awarding funds for supporting the development of businesses of marginalized groups of women from Rudo, Livno, Kalinovik, Teslić, Prijedor, Konjic, Tešanj, Zvornik and Visoko, should be issued in January next year.

USAID/PPMG will support the launch and development of businesses owned by women victims of violence, persons with disabilities, mothers of persons with disabilities and unemployed young women.

Help is aimed at marginalized groups of women because the unfavorable position of women and the discouraging statistics on women participation increasingly push women farther towards the margins of the society. Each approved business will be provided with mentorship for the first year, in every necessary segment of implementation. The “Fund for supporting marginalized groups of women” is supported by the USAID/PPMG and local self-government units with an equal amount of funds. USAID’s Marginalized Populations Support Activity (USAID/PPMG) invited all local self- government units to submit their application to the RFA for support in implementing the component Supporting marginalized groups of women in developing businesses. The RFA was open to all local self-governemtn units in BiH, who are able to match the funds requested from USAID/PPMG, with the minimum amount being 20,000 BAM and the maximum 150,000 BAM.

5.5. TASK ORDER: AID-168-I-15-00012

Requests for Proposals (RFAs) – Projects implementation in progress

During the 7th quarter, implementation continued for 10 projects that have grant award agreements and were submitted in response to the ODI and Anti-TIP RFAs. Below are summaries of each project and their values.

1. Task Title: Deinstitutionalization of Persons with Disabilities Grant(s) Initiative for promoting responsible deinstitutionalization of persons with disabilities in BiH (ODI)

Below is a short overview of the implemented activities and results achieved by every grantee organization participating in the ODI RFA.

Initiative for developing protected housing for persons with mental disabilities through small living communities, NGO “Budućnost”, Modriča

Specific results in this period include the fact that the development of operational plans has been initiated in 9 municipalities, 3 of which did not sign Memorandums on cooperation, but representatives of institutions insisted that project activities be implemented according to plan. During October, the International Mental Health Day was marked (October 10) by distributing flyers with information about the rights of persons with disabilities, i.e. Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Since in some municipalities the structure of government changes, we initiated contact with the newly elected officials in those muncipalities. After these changes, the most productive cooperation was established with the municipalities Odžak and Vukosavlje.

Below is a statement by the Mayor of Odžak Municipality, Jakov Ivanković, who accepted the Initiative for developing a protected housing model, and asked for concrete examples of other municipalities’ operational plans, so that his municipality can use the appropriate operational plan: “I want this municipality to do something concrete, to provide a permanent mechanism to help these people, I don’t want to just be paying lip service.” Jakov Ivanković, Municipal Mayor of Odžak

The biggest changes are noticable in persons with chronic mental ilnesses and their families, who are becoming significantly more successful in communicating, understanding the symproms of their illness and using the intact parts of their personality more adequately. This is based on their statements, and the statements of their relatives and professionals, who believe that support clubs greatly contribute to the general progress of users, and improve the communication od persons with mental illnesses and their relatives/caretakers.

The project’s users in the previous quarter were women (family members of persons with mental illnesses), and a total of 106 from 9 municipalities used the services of support clubs in local communities.

Non-institutional protection of persons with mental illnesses, NGO “Zajedno” Banja Luka

The project implemented by the organization “Zajedno” ended on October 31, 2016. During 7 months, the project provided support to the Daycare Center for persons with mental illnesses from Banja Luka, while simultaneously working on developing a daycare center model in Sanski Most. A total of 80 beneficiaries used the services of the daycare centers in Banja Luka and Sanski Most, which includes users and their family members.

The project included 80 users from two local communities (Banja Luka and Sanski Most).

The daycare center model developed by the organization “Zajedno” from Banja Luka is an example of good practice that can be replicated elsewhere. This claim is substantiated by the positive reaction od members and users of the organization “Apel” from Sanski Most, which applied this model and met with an overwhelming response for such a small local community.

The importance of the Daycare Centers are evident in their users’ statement: “The Daycare Center “Zajedno” is all I have, I eat here and spend my time here. I go to all the workshops and what’s most important to me is that I always have someone who will lend an ear and help with my problems. This USAID’s project meant a lot to us because we had good food and monthly passes for public transports. Thank you to those who didn’t forget about us.”

Ermin Mujagić, user of the DC “Zajedno” Banja Luka

“The Daycare Center “Zajedno” is my home and other users are my family. I live alone and visiting the Center makes my day. I always have a warm meal there and coffee, and the therapists always cheer me up.” Željana Došlić, user of the DC “Zajedno” Banja Luka

“Spending time at CzM and the organization “Apel” had such a positive impact on me. I’m glad that Arman and the CzM staff came to visit me at home. I help with cooking, I bake and I light the grill. I never had a chance to do that before anywhere. The most important thing is that no one tries to humiliate me and I feel accepted.” Senad Mujakić, user of Daycare Center’s service in Sanski Most

Independent Living, NGO “Sunce”, Mostar

Project activities are aimed at providing support to 2 deinstitutionalized persons with disabilities from Mostar (both are men).

DI-SP – Strengthening the process of deinstitutionalization of persons with disabilities and support systems in the local community, SUMERO FBiH, Sarajevo

Alliance SUMERO’s project has been suspended since mid-October, because they have not implemented the recommendations concerning the development of organizational capacities defined in the Grant Agreement. Payments for November and December are being withheld.

Publishing the magazine "Svjetlo misli" and recording audio books on CDs, Libraby for persons with visual impairments in BiH, Sarajevo

During the reporting period, 3 new issues of the magazine “Svjetlo misli” were recorded (October, November and December issues). During this period, the continued recording books on CDs, in the DAISY format. From October to December, 3 books were recorded for persons with visual impairments: “The Fault in Our Stars”, by John Green, “Sappho’s Leap” by Erica Jong and The Lady of the Rivers, by Phillipa Gregory.

During the previous period, 1200 subscribers (562 women and 638 men) used the books and magazines published within this project by the Library for persons with visual impairments.

When I learned that the Library for persons with visual impairments in BiH launched the magazine “Svjetlo misli”, I immediately subscribed and I realized that this is a very valuable magazine covering a wide variety of topics. In addition to information about the Library, it offers interesting writing on culture, art and science, which makes our spirits richer. The magazine helps us learn about the culture and art in BiH, and hearing the articles read add a special enjoyable aspect to it. I have nothing but praise for the editor of this high-quality magazine, for the employees and associates of the Library, because each of them contributed to making this magazine as rich and diverse as possible. This is a chance to express my gratitude for the fact that some articles I found and considered interesting to many readers were published in the magazine. I am honored to be able to give a small contribution to selecting the content for this excellent magazine. I want the Library to get better financial support and a stable source of funding so that their employees, volunteers and associated could give free reign to their creativity, and continue in their dedication to provide blind people with as much content as possible in an accessible format. I would like the magazine creators to have better technical conditions, and I’d also like to be able to download books directly from the internet. I hope that the Library will be able to withstand all funding difficulties and maintain the high quality of their publishing work.

Mr. Slobodan Stanković

2. Task Title: Addressing the Challenges of Trafficking in Persons Grant(s) Anti-Trafficking in Persons Initiative (Anti-TIP)

Youth and the community – You have the right to know!, NGO “Democratic Youth Organization”, Velika Kladuša

A total of 5 youth without parental care have been employed since the beginning of the project. One of those 5 persons was employed during this quarter. The Social-pedagogical living community hosted a meeting with representatives of the Employment Service of Una-Sana Canton, represented by the

Director Anando Bakal, Minister of Health, Labor and Social Policy of Una-Sana Canton, Dženis Šabulić, Fikreta Halimović (Director of the Employment Service) and representatives of USAID/PPMG.

''My first job is a wish come true – I’m working in retail. This project helped make my future brighter.” Aldijana

''I’m glad I was given the opportunity to retrain and become a welder. This degree helped me get a job, and I will be working hard to justify the trust placed in me.” Salmir

DOM VK has conducted workshops for the Roma population, disadvantaged groups and elementary school students on the issue of human trafficking.

The street is not home, it only leads there – Let’s protect children’s rights, NGO “Otaharin”, Bijeljina

The organization “Otaharin” held a training course for all members of working groups from Živinice, Brčko and Bijeljina, on the topic “Accommodation capacities for children in BiH”.

The training offered very important information about what is currently offered by the system for caring for children living in the street, and about this system’s drawbacks. Potential solutions were explored for improving the current situation in this type of care. The training course was held in Sarajevo and was attended by representatives of USAID/PPMG.

Prevention in the fight against human trafficking NGO Udruženje žena “Derventa”, Derventa

Activities implemented and activities achieved in the previous quarter: Workshops were held in elementary schools “Đura Jakšić” in Podnovlje and “Milan Rakić” in Rudanka.

A total of 107 students took part in training and workshops on preventing trafficking in humans and pointing out high-risk behavior that may increase the likelihood of human trafficking.

Give them time instead of money, NGO “Narko-Ne”, Sarajevo

Results achieved during this quarter mostly concern the connections between children and volunteers as older role models, and a trusting relationship that they developed. Both parents and staff from partner organizations expressed interest in continuing this type of work with children. According to associates, children attend school and visit the Service more regularly. They have made obvious progress in developing social skills and personal hygiene, and are more interested in attending cultural events and visiting restaurants. In terms of volunteer engagement, during this quarter the focus was on networking and connecting with volunteers from other cities, which was achieved through the second module of the training on preventing addiction and promoting health awareness. During this training, the participants were tasked with applying the skills they learned in workshops with their peers/volunteers and children, and were provided adequate materials to do so.

Statement by a volunteer working on the project: “I volunteer because I love feeling useful and doing something worthwhile. This project taught me how to be patient, how to listen and formulate questions better. What I like about this Association is the fact that we can freely express our opinions and say what we want and don’t want to do. By volunteering I’m trying to set a good example for kids and inspire them to set more ambitious goals and work on achieving them.” Merima Karauzović

Statement by a child from the Daycare Center for children working in the street, who work with volunteers: “Classes fly by with our teachers (volunteers). My favorite thing was when we thought of nice sentences to tell each other.”

United in the fight against modern child slavery, NGO “Zemlja djece u BiH”, Tuzla

Nine children continuously attended pre-school activities in October and November, and more than 45 schoolchildren were included in activities designed to help them with schoolwork. In December, there was a slight decline in attendance of regular users due to an epidemic of scabies in the

municipality of Kiseljak, which meant that the group from Kiseljak had to suspend their activities. One indicator of success of these activities with children is regular attendance by schoolchildren (even in Kiseljak, which previously struggled immensely with attendance), and the fact that 14 children were particularly successful in school, so the individual plans made for them in the beginning were updated to reflect their progress.


1. Grantee map improved

The Marginalized Populations Support Activity team (USAID/PPMG) created a map of grantees. The map shows all 18 projects supported by the USAID/PPMG thus far. It contains a title, short description and the amount of funding for each project, i.e. basic information on the following projects: 1. Social Inclusion in the Community – Providing Equipment for a Speech Therapy Room – Association for children with special needs Doboj 2. National Geographic Photo Camp in Sarajevo - Internews in BiH 3. Improving Education Quality in Glamoč Municipality – Center for Civic Cooperation Livno 4. Service Center "Dajte nam šansu" Sarajevo - Association "Dajte nam šansu" Sarajevo and Association "Svjetlice" Banja Luka 5. Service Center "Dajte nam šansu" Banja Luka - Association "Dajte nam šansu" Sarajevo and Association "Svjetlice" Banja Luka 6. Supporting sports activities for persons with disabilities for a better tomorrow – Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Club “Bambi” 7. DI-SP – Strengthening the process of deinstitutionalization of persons with disabilities and support systems in the local community – Alliance of organizations for supporting persos with intellectual disabilities of FBiH SUMERO 8. Creating conditions for developing a support service in the Bosnian Podrinje Canton for persons with disabilities and support to deinstitutionalization – Association of persons with cerebral palsy and dystrophy of the Bosnian Podrinja Canton Goražde 9. Independent living - Association “Sunce” 10. Non-institutional protection of persons with mental illnesses – Association "Zajedno" Banja Luka 11. Initiative for developing protected housing for persons with mental disabilities through small home communities – Citizens’ association "Budućnost" 12. Publishing magazine "Svjetlo misli" and recording audio books on CDs - Biblioteka za slijepa i slabovidna lica u BiH 13. Youth and the community – You have the right to know! – Democratic Youth Organization 14. The street is not home, it only leads there – Let’s protect children’s right – Association for Promoting Roma Education "Otaharin" 15. United in the fight against modern child slavery - Association "Zemlja djece u BiH" 16. Prevention in the fight against human trafficking - Women’s Association "Derventa" 17. Give them time instead of money – Association for Addiction Prevention "NARKO-NE" 18. Trainings and internships for persons with disabilities - Association “ProReha”; 19. International Open Championship and 13th Paraplegic Sports Games – Alliance of Paraplegics and People with Polio in FBiH 20. Krug ljubavi, Srce puno osmjeha, Sarajevo

21. Service Center for supporting families of children and persons with disabilities, “Tračak nade” Foča 22. Sarajevo Open Center, Sarajevo 23. Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska, Bijeljina

More information about the organizations, projects and local communities where they are being implemented is available here: http://www.ppmg.ba/ba/grantovi/podrzali-smo.


6.1. TASK ORDER: AID-168-I-15-00001

1. 10 grantees implemented all the recommendations required by the Grant Award Agreement, and one grantee did not (Alliance SUMERO), so their payments are still suspended. 2. A model for reporting is currently being developed for the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH; 3. Three trainings were held on the topics: Administrative procedures in municipalities and government, Teamwork and leadership in youth work and Legal and organizational structures. One video story was made about the training on Legal and organizational structures; 4. One session on gender equality was held during the training on Legal and organizational structures; 5. Three newsletters were made to present an overview of activities held from August until October 2016; 6. Published 1 video clip related to training topics 7. Published 1 video about Service Center “Dajte nam šansu“ 8. 4 Pre-award field visits to associations from public call Support of the LGBT community in Bosnia and Herzegovina (LGBT) published and “Udruženje za ljudska prava i socijalnu inkluziju “SOCI” Tuzla and Udruženje za pomoć djeci i omladini sa posebnim potrebama “Tračak nade”, Foča considered as potential grantees, 9. 2 Post-award field visits to associations, from the public call The fight against human trafficking (anti-TIP), considered to be potential grantees, 10. 2 Reports on post-award capacity assessment, 11. Two post award conference meetings (presentation of Instructions for financial reporting for Grantees), 12. Four Negotiation memorandums, 13. 19 monthly financial reports.

6.2. TASK ORDER: AID-168-I-15-00002

14. 3 quarterly report 15. Funds tranferred to grantee 16. 2 Quarterly report 17. Pre-Award Assessment Report 18. Grant Agreement & Memorandum of Negotiation 19. Post-Award Conference held 20. Funds transferred to Grantees

6.3. TASK ORDER: AID-168-I-15-00003

21. Pre-Award Pre-Award Assessment Report 22. Grant Agreement & Memorandum of Negotiation (1 grant awarded) 23. Post-Award Conference held (1 grant awarded) 24. Funds tranferred to grantee (Tračak nade + Dajte nam šansu) 25. 5 quarterly reports (Dajte nam šansu)

6.4. TASK ORDER: AID-168-I-15-00011

26. Post-Award Conference held

6.5. TASK ORDER: AID-168-I-15-00012

27. 5 Monitoring reports included in Quarterly Report 28. 3 Quarterly Report per Grantee 29. 1 Final report (UG „Zajedno“) 30. 1 Final financial report 31. 5 Quarterly Report per Grantee 32. 4 Pre award field visits to associations from public call Support of the LGBT community in Bosnia and Herzegovina (LGBT) published and direct grants “Udruženje za ljudska prava i socijalnu inkluziju „SOCI“ Tuzla and Udruženje za pomoć djeci i omladini sa posebnim potrebama „Tračak nade“, Foča , considered to be potential grantees, 33. 2 Post award field visits to associations, from public call The fight against human trafficking (anti- TIP), considered to be potential grantees, 34. 2 Reports on post-award capacity assessment, 35. Two post award conference meeting (presentation of Instructions for financial reporting for Grantees), 36. Four Negotiation memorandums, 37. 19 monthly financial reports.

Contact information

Institute for Youth Development KULT Ul. 4. viteske brigade 34-36 71210 Ilidza

Bosnia and Herzegovina www.ppmg.ba