DRAFT SCOPING REPORT METEOROLOGICAL MASTS FOR A POTENTIAL WIND FARM IN THE ML43 MINING AREA, NAMIBIA NAMDEB Reference:Project number: 508965 508965 Oranjemund_Met_Masts_DRAFT_07052021.docx, 2021/05/072021/05/07 Revision 11 1 Revision: 1 Submission date: 2021/05/072021/05/07 Document control record Document prepared by: Zutari Namibia (Pty) Ltd Reg No 90/469 Unit 1 Mandela Offices, Cnr Nelson Mandela & Simon Bolivar Street, Klein Windhoek Namibia PO Box 5353, Ausspannplatz, Windhoek T +264 61 237 704 F +264 61 237 706 E
[email protected] A person using Zutari documents or data accepts the risk of: ► Using the documents or data in electronic form without requesting and checking them for accuracy against the original hard copy version. ► Using the documents or data for any purpose not agreed to in writing by Zutari. Document Control Report title Draft Scoping Report: Meteorological Masts for the Oranjemund Wind Farm, Namibia Document code 12597 Project number 508965 Client NAMDEB Client contact Client reference Rev Date Revision details/status Author Reviewer Verifier Approver (if required) 0 2021/05/07 Draft Scoping Report Wynand Reuben Not Stephan van Loftus Heydenrych required den Berg 1 2021/05/07 Draft Scoping Report Wynand Reuben Not Stephan van addressing client comments Loftus Heydenrych required den Berg Current revision 1 Approval Author signature Approver signature Name Wynand Loftus Name Stephan van den Berg Title Senior Consultant Title Technical Director Project number: 508965 Oranjemund_Met_Masts_DRAFT_07052021.docx, 2021/05/07