Dierk Hoffmann, Otto Grotewohl (1894-1964)
Format de citation LaPorte, Norman: Rezension über: Dierk Hoffmann, Otto Grotewohl (1894-1964). Eine politische Biographie, München: Oldenbourg, 2009, in: German Historical Institute London Bulletin, Vol. XXXIII (2011), 1, S. 132-137, DOI: 10.15463/rec.1189742156 First published: German Historical Institute London Bulletin, Vol. XXXIII (2011), 1 copyright Cet article peut être téléchargé et/ou imprimé à des fins privées. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, intégrale ou substantielle de son contenu, doit faire l'objet d'une autorisation (§§ 44a-63a UrhG / German Copyright Act). DIERK HOFFMANN, Otto Grotewohl (1894–1964): Eine politische Bio - gra phie, Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 74 (R. Olden - bourg Verlag: Munich, 2009), viii + 721 pp. ISBN 978 3 486 59032 6. €69.80 On a fact-finding tour of the Eastern Bloc in 1954, the British Labour MP Desmond Donnelly had a two-hour long meeting with Otto Grotewohl in his capacity as head of the GDR government. The East German Minister President made a broadly positive impression on Donnelly, who noted: ‘In manner he [Grotewohl] was a mild person. His immaculate dove-grey suit, dove-grey shoes and rimless specta- cles made him look like a prosperous American.’ The substance of the discussion, in Donnelly’s view, was also punctuated by some encouraging aspects, in particular, Grotewohl’s readiness to express ‘outright a sense of remorse’ for the war—a sentiment conspicuous by its absence during the MP’s recent visit to Bonn.1 In his articles for the British press and the books he subsequently published, Donnelly appeared unaware of Grotewohl’s political past as a Social Democrat; he was merely described as the ‘communist head of state’.
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