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Complete Report INTERNATIONAL CO N G RESS OF JURISTS WEST BERLIN 1952 Complete Report Discourses Pro tocols Printed by Rudolf Ofto, 63, Lutzowsfrcsse, Berlin W 35, Germony « The first greatINTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF JURISTSfor the protection of Right against Systematic Injustice was recently held in West Berlin with the cooperation of Delegates from 43 countries, amongst whom were 31 Ministers and Statesmen, 32 Professors, 35 Presidents, Judges and Counsel in High Courts of Justice. The names of these Delegates warrant that the resolutions were passed by the Congress unprejudiced by political questions of the day and after scrupulous examination of the documentary material and the hearing of witnesses. The publication of this report is being done not for propaganda purposes, but with the object of spreading the truth in order to maintain and defend Law against an im­ minent danger not yet sufficiently understood by the Free World. Published by the International Commission- of Jurists 47, Buitenhof, The Hague, Netherlands Berlin■ Offices: 5, Lindenthaler Allee, Berlin-Zehlendorf-West, Germany i 1/0t f a k e tin likexhp to inform you that the Collection of Documents often referred to in this report as hearing the title “Injustice as a System” is in the original entitled “Injustice the Regime C ontents Page Page Part One: The Development of Public Law in Latvia, by M. C a k ste............................................................ 26 Preparation Legal Development in Estonia, , and Plenary Meetings of Congress by H. Mark ............................! ...................... ................ 27 FOURTH D A Y ................................................................... 30 IDEA AND PREPARATION ....................................... 1 Discussion and adoption of the Resolution of the Committee FIRST PLENARY MEETING....................................... 3 Opening Remarks by Dr. T. Friedenau ................ 3 Remarks of Welcome by Dr. H. V o c k e l............ 4 Remarks of Welcome by Dr. V. Kielinger .... 4 Committee for Penal Law Presidents of Congress .............................................. 4 SECOND PLENARY MEETING ................................. 5 FIRST DAY .................................................. .................... 31 Chairmen of Working Committees ....................... 5 Human Rights limit the State’s punitive Law and Human Society, Power, by Prof. Dr. F. Darmstaedter ................................... 5 by Prof. J. Graven ................ ...................................... 31 Remarks of Welcome by Prof. Dr. E. Reuter .. 7 Reports of the Secretaries ....................................... 31 The Legal Situation in the Soviet Zone, by Dr. T. Friedenau .................................................. 8 SECOND DAY ................................................................... 34 Reports of the Secretaries Questioning of Witnesses Part Two: Examination of Documents Waldheim Trials ......................................................... 43 Sessions of Working Committees THIRD D A Y ....................................................................... 48 The Development of Law in Czechoslovakia, Committee for Public Law by Prof. Dr. J. Stransky ............................................ 48 Additional Remarks to the same Subject, FIRST DAY ................ ...................................................... 13 by Dr. Frank ................................................................ 49 The Human Rights as Barriers of the Admini­ Development of Jurisdiction in Bulgaria, stration of a Constitutional State, by Prof. Dr. N. Dolapchiev ....................................... 52 by Prof. Dr. H. R om m en ............................................ 13 The Development of Jurisdiction in Rumania, Reports of the Secretaries ....................................... 14 by Dr. M. Butariu ....................................................... 56 SECOND DAY ..................................................... ......... 19 FOURTH DAY ........................... ....................... .. 57 Reports of the Secretaries Questioning of Witnesses The Development of Law in Latvia, Examination of Documents by A. Grantskalns ....................................................... 57 Soviet Justice in Estonia, THIRD D A Y .................................................................. 25 by P. P o o m ..................................................................... 58 The Development of Jurisdiction in Albania, Discussion and adoption of the Resolution of by N. K o tta ....................................... ............................. 25 the Committee Page Page 95 Discussion and adoption of the Resolution of the Committee FIRST DAY ....................................................................... 61 Practice of Expropriation in the Soviet Zone, by Prof. Dr. A. Blomeyer ......................................... 61 Reports of the Secretaries ....................................... 64 Part Three: Questioning of Witnesses Plenary Meetings Examination of Documents of Congress and Communist Disturbances SECOND DAY ................................................................... 67 THIRD PLENARY M E ET IN G ..................................... 99 Reports of the Secretaries Questioning of Witnesses Development of Law in the USSR, Examination of Documents by Prof. G. G u in s.......................................................... 99 Development of Law in Czechoslovakia, THIRD D A Y ....................................................................... 77 by Dr. J. M ikus.............................................................. 100 Development of Law in Rumania, The Economic Legislation in Lithnania, by Prof. L. J. Constantinesco .................................. 102 by Prof. Dr. A. Trimakas ......................... ............... 77 Communist Legislation in Bulgaria, SPECIAL MEETING OF CONGRESS ..................... 103 by A. Slavov ................................................................... 79 COMMUNIST DISTURBANCES ................................ 105 The Legal Development in Latvia, by J. B r e ik ss.................................................................. 80 FOURTH PLENARY MEETING ................................ 107 The Right of Resistance, FOURTH DAY ................................................................ 81 by Dr. T. F ried en a u ..................................................... 107 Discussion and adoption of the Resolution of Discussion on this subject ....................................... 107 Reading of and Discussion on the Resolutions the Committee of the Working Committees .................................. 109 Discussion and adoption of the Final Resolution 110 Further motions ......................................................... I l l Committee for Labor Law FINAL CEREMONY ........................................................ 115 FIRST DAY ....................................................................... 83 General humanitarian Principles of Labor Law, Part Four: by Prof. F. Schmidt ..................................................... 83 List of Delegates The Social Basic Rights in Western Germany, by Prof. Dr. E. Heinitz .............................................. 84 and Resolutions of Congress The Labor Law in the Soviet Zone, by Prof. Dr. H. K. Nipperdey ................................ 85 THE D ELEG A TES............................................................ 121 THE RESOLUTIONS ..................................................... 123 SECOND DAY .................................................................. 87 Final Resolution of C ongress................................... 123 Reports of the Secretaries Committee for Public Law ....................................... 124 Questioning of Witnesses Committee for Penal L a w ..................... .................... 125 Examination of Documents Committee for Civil and Economic L aw .............. 126 Committee for Labor Law ....................................... 126 THIRD DAY ..................................................................... 91 RESOLUTIONS ON Labor Law in Soviet-occupied Estonia, by J. Klesment .............................................................. 91 the Abduction of Dr. Walter Linse ..................... 127 Structure of Labor Law in Czechoslovakia, the Work of the Investigating Committee .... 127 by P. Barton . .............................................................. 93 the Standing Council of Exiled Jurists ............ 127 PART O N E Idea and Preparation of Congress Plenary Meetings of Congress Idea and Preparation of Congress The idea of an International Congress of Jurists was international jurists’ associations were asked to name born early in the fall of 1951. The activity of the In­ suitable jurists. This part of the preparations for the vestigating Committee of Free Jurists had demonstrated Congress kept the entire secretariat, including the the power that can radiate from Law. Law is a precise interpreters, in suspense until after the beginning of scale for the measurement of conditions prevailing un­ the Congress. Up to July 25, the estimated number of der a regime of terror. The rulers of the Soviet Zone participants changed daily. Several cables were dis­ have shown how vulnerable they are once their system patched to the members of the Korean delegation which of injustice is revealed with the help of irrefutable facts. was two days late and then reported on the adven­ It was expected that the effect of the Investigating
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