Mayda M. VELASCO Northwestern University, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208, USA Phone: Work: +1 847 467 7099 Cell: +1 847 571 3461 E-mail:
[email protected] Last Updated: May 2016 Research Interest { High Energy Experimental Elementary Particle Physics: Work toward the understanding of fundamental interactions and its important role in: (a) solving the problem of CP violation in the Universe { Why is there more matter than anti- matter?; (b) explaning how mass is generated { Higgs mechanism and (c) finding the particle nature of Dark-Matter, if any... The required \new" physics phenomena is accessible at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). I am an active member of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) collaboration already collect- ing data at the LHC, that led to the discovery of the Higgs boson or \God particle" in 2012. Education: • Ph.D. 1995: Northwestern University (NU) Experimental Particle Physics • 1995: Sicily, Italy ERICE: Spin Structure of Nucleon • 1994: Sorento, Italy CERN Summer School • B.S. 1988: University of Puerto Rico (UPR) Physics (Major) and Math (Minor) Rio Piedras Campus Fellowships and Honors: • 2015: NU, The Graduate School (TGS) Dean's Faculty Award for Diversity. • 2008-09: Paid leave of absence sponsored by US Department of Energy (DOE). • 2002-04: Sloan Research Fellow from Sloan Foundation. • 2002-03: Woodrow Wilson Fellow from Mellon Foundation. • 1999: CERN Achievement Award { Post-doctoral. • 1996-98: CERN Fellowship with Experimental Physics Division { Post-doctoral. • 1989-1995: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory(FNAL)/URA Fellow { Doctoral.