Beam–Material Interactions
Beam–Material Interactions N.V. Mokhov1 and F. Cerutti2 1Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510, USA 2CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Abstract This paper is motivated by the growing importance of better understanding of the phenomena and consequences of high-intensity energetic particle beam interactions with accelerator, generic target, and detector components. It reviews the principal physical processes of fast-particle interactions with matter, effects in materials under irradiation, materials response, related to component lifetime and performance, simulation techniques, and methods of mitigating the impact of radiation on the components and environment in challenging current and future applications. Keywords Particle physics simulation; material irradiation effects; accelerator design. 1 Introduction The next generation of medium- and high-energy accelerators for megawatt proton, electron, and heavy- ion beams moves us into a completely new domain of extreme energy deposition density up to 0.1 MJ/g and power density up to 1 TW/g in beam interactions with matter [1, 2]. The consequences of controlled and uncontrolled impacts of such high-intensity beams on components of accelerators, beamlines, target stations, beam collimators and absorbers, detectors, shielding, and the environment can range from minor to catastrophic. Challenges also arise from the increasing complexity of accelerators and experimental set-ups, as well as from design, engineering, and performance constraints. All these factors put unprecedented requirements on the accuracy of particle production predictions, the capability and reliability of the codes used in planning new accelerator facilities and experiments, the design of machine, target, and collimation systems, new materials and technologies, detectors, and radiation shielding and the minimization of radiation impact on the environment.
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