Sida Evaluation 04/30 Cultural Heritage for the Future An Evaluation Report of Nine years’ work by Riwaq for the Palestinian Heritage 1995–2004 Lennart Edlund Department for Democracy and Social Development Cultural Heritage for the Future An Evaluation Report of Nine years’ work by Riwaq for the Palestinian Heritage 1995–2004 Lennart Edlund Sida Evaluation 04/30 Department for Democracy and Social Development This report is part of Sida Evaluations, a series comprising evaluations of Swedish development assistance. Sida’s other series concerned with evaluations, Sida Studies in Evaluation, concerns methodologically oriented studies commissioned by Sida. Both series are administered by the Department for Evaluation and Internal Audit, an independent department reporting directly to Sida’s Board of Directors. This publication can be downloaded/ordered from: Author: Lennart Edlund The views and interpretations expressed in this report are the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. Sida Evaluation 04/30 Commissioned by Sida, Department for Democracy and Social Development and Department for Africa Copyright: Sida and the author Registration No.: 2003-2425 Date of Final Report: June 2004 Printed by Edita Sverige AB, 2004 Art. no. Sida4374en ISBN 91-586-8494-8 ISSN 1401—0402 SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AGENCY Address: SE-105 25 Stockholm, Sweden. Office: Sveavägen 20, Stockholm Telephone: +46 (0)8-698 50 00. Telefax: +46 (0)8-20 88 64 E-mail:
[email protected]. Homepage: Table of Contents Summary ............................................................................................................ 3 1. Background ......................................................................................................... 8 1.1 The threat to cultural heritage............................................................................................