Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Government theses Government 12-1977 The aM sterless Society: Observations on American Democracy by Alexis de Tocqueville James Tyrie Jr. Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/gov_theses Part of the American Politics Commons, American Studies Commons, Political History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Tyrie, James Jr., "The asM terless Society: Observations on American Democracy by Alexis de Tocqueville" (1977). Government theses. Paper 1. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/gov_theses/1 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Government theses by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. • THE I~~TERLEJ S SOC I ETYI OB~ERVATIONJ O~ AMER ICA :1 O:.\t.:OCRACY OY ALEXr,; DE ?OCQ 'E'l ILL~ A Thesis Pronented to the Facu l ty of the De pa rtment of Government ~1c s t~rn i<ent'lc ky Il niversity BOlv 1 ing Green . Kent'lcky • In Pa rtia l Fu lfil l ment of t he Reqll irem'lots f o r the Degreo r:aster of Ar t s by J ane::: S . Tyrie , J r . • December 1977 • AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF THESIS Permis. ion 15 hereby ~ranted to the Western Kentuc ky University Library to make, or a llow to be made photocopies . microfilm or other copie s of thi s the . iII (or appropria te researc h or scholarly p urp.l se ll. re served to the author for the making of any copies of thi s O the sis except (or brief acctions for research or Icholarly • purpOICs • Signed Date Please pl03ce a.n " X; " in the a ppropriate box.