A Handbook on the Steam Engine, with Especial Reference to Small And
ADVERTlSEMElfTS. i+t\\i JD, 3.E. YS. (YS, Tl sPOUS U ^rcacuteb to PI nd), of I tt of Toronto id). Professor E.A.Allcut AL. Is. Castings in Bronze, Brass and Gun and White Metals, Machined if required. ROLLED PHOSPHOR BRONZE, Strip and Sheet, for Air Pump Valves, Eccentric Strap Liners, etc. HIKE find TELEPHONE WIRE. AD VER TISEMENTS. THE PHOSPHOR BRONZE CO, LIMITED, 87, Sumner Street, Southwark, London, S.E. And at BIRMINGHAM. r "COG WHEEL" and Sole Makers of the j3S %jg "VULCAN" iSPI^flfiC Brands of The best and most durable Alloys for Slide Valves, Bearings, Bushes, Eccentric Straps, and other parts of Machinery exposed to friction and Piston Motor wear ; Pump Rods, Pumps, Rings, Pinions, Worm Wheels, Gearing, etc. "DURO METAL" (REGISTERED TRADE MARK). Alloy B, specially adapted for BEARINGS for HOT-NECK ROLLS. CASTINGS In BRONZE, BRASS, GUN and WHITE METALS, in the Rough, or Machined, if required. ROLLED AND DRAWN BRONZE, GERMAN SILVER, GUN METAL, TIN, WHITE METALS AND ALUMINIUM BRONZE ALLOYS PHOSPHOR TIN & PHOSPHOR COPPER, "Cog-Wheel" Brand. Please specify the Manufacture of THE PHOSPHOR BRONZE CO., Ltd., of Southwark, London. lii ADVERTISEMENTS, ROBEY & Co GLOBE WORKS, LINCOLN. Mod Compound Horizontal Fixed Engine, it.- 1 iiii I'.ii.-nt Ti-ip Kxitiimioii (ic:ir. tolnijthe limpl >nUit ml miTrt economical at uuv in tin- market, and working ;.|iei to the Newcastle-nil -Tvm .tit Station (MX large engines), also St. Helens mint lam. BrUbane Electric Tram- Open-front High-speed Vertical e, for electric lighting. All thete Engine* are specially Dengned and Adapted for Electric Lighting.
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