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Patented Dec. 20, 1927. 1,653,136 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HOMAS H. THOMAS, OF EDGEwooD, PENNSYLVANIA, ASSIGNOR. To west ING iOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY, OF WILMERDING, PENNSYLVANIA, A coRPoRATION OF PENINSYLVANIA. FLUID-PRESSURE BRAKE Application filed April 11, 1927. serial No. 182,744. This invention relates to fluid pressure comprising a piston 8, having the chamber 9 brakes, and more particularly to the brake at one side thereof connected to the equaliz control equipment on the locomotive. ing reservoir 10 through a passage 11, choke. In the usual locomotive fluid pressure 12, and pipe 13. At the opposite side of the 5 brake equipment the automatic brake valve piston 8 the chamber 14 is connected with the 60 device is normally carried in running po brake pipe 15 through a passage 16 and sition, while the brakes are held fülease?, and branch pipe 17. The piston 8 is adapted to when the brake valve device is in this posi operate a discharge valve 18 for controlling tion, fluid under pressure is supplied to the 0 the venting of fluid from the brake pipe 15. brake pipe through a feed valve device, to Also. ... O included... ". in the brake valve device 65 maintain the pressure in the brake pipe at casing, is a cut-off valve mechanism compris a predetermined degree. ing a valve 19 contained in a chamber 20 If, when the brakes are in release position, and adapted, in one position, to seal against a sudden or emergency reduction in brake a seat ring 21. The valve 19 is connected pipe pressure is initiated somewhere in the with the stem 22 of a piston 23, at one side 7 train, other than by the operation of the of which piston there is a chamber 24 con automatic brake valve device, this reduc nected to the brake pipe 15 through a pas tion will be propagated serially throughout Sage 25, passage 16 and branch pipe 17. At the train by the well known quick serial the opposite side of this piston there is a action, and the brakes will be applied. chamber 26 containing a spring 27 which 75 Under such a condition, if the brake valve; acts upon the piston. There is also a double device is not moved from the running posi beat valve 28 adapted, in one position to tion to lap position, so as to cut off the flow close communication between chamber 26 of fluid to the brake pipe, the brakes on the and a passage 29, and in the opposite or nor 2.* locomotive and on cars at the head of the mal position, in which it is held by the pres train are liable to be released by the con Sure of a spring 30 contained in a chamber tinued flow of fluid to the brake pipe. • , 31, to seat so as to prevent leakage from this The principal object of my invention is to chamber to the atmosphere. This valve 28 provide means for automatically cutting off has an extended stem provided with an en * the flow of fluid to the brake pipe at the larged outer end portion 32 by which the S5 brake valve device after an emergency re valve is manually operated. duction in brake pipe pressure has been pro The distributing valve device 2 comprises duced, thereby preventing an undesired re a casing having the usual application portion. leasing of the brakes. 33 and equalizing portion 34. Another object of the invention is to pro The distributing valve application por vide means whereby an emergency reduction : tion 33 comprises a casing having an appli 90 in brake pipe pressure will automatically cation cylinder 35 containing an applica cause the flow of fluid to the brake pipe to tion piston 36, a valve chamber 37 separate be cut off and whereby under any service re from the piston chamber at the right of the 40 duction in brake pipe pressure the flow of application piston 36 by piston 38 and con fluid to the brake pipe will not be cut off. taining an exhaust valve 39, and also has a In the accompanying drawing, the single valve chamber 40 containing an application figure is a diagrammatic sectional view of a valve 41, both of said valves being operated brake control equipment, embodying my in by the movement of the piston stem 42. vention. The equalizing portion 34 of this distribut- 100 The apparatus shown in the drawing in ing valve device, comprises a casing having a cludes a brake valve device 1, a distributing piston chamber- 43 containing an. equalizing. valve device 2. the usual feed valve device 3 piston 44, and a valve chamber 45 contain and a cut off control valve device 4. ing a main slide valve 46 and an auxiliary The brake valve device 1 preferably com slide valve 47 adapted to be operated by said 105 prises a casing having a valve chamber 5, piston. The casing also contains the usual containing the usual rotary valve 6 which is pressure chamber 48 and application cham adapted to be operated through the medium ber 49. ' of a handle 7. Included in the casing, is the The cut-off control valve device 4 may usual equalizing discharge valve mechanism comprise a º casing having flexible dia- liu 2 1,653,136 phragms 50 and 51 mounted therein. the and from thence through passages 25 and 16 chamber 52 at one side of the diaphragm 50. to the brake pipe 15 and to the equalizing being connected with the application cham piston chamber 14 and thus charges the ber 49 of the equalizing portion 34 of the brake pipe and chamber 14. As the pres distributing valve device, by a pipe 53 and sures on both sides of the piston 8 are 76 containing a spring 54 which acts upon the equalized, the discharge valve 18 is held diaphragm 50. The chamber 55 at the other seated. side of the diaphragm 50 is connected with With the brake valve device in running the brake cylinder 56 and chamber 3 of the position and the equalizing portion 34 of the application portion 33 of the distributing distributing valve device in release position, 75 valve, device, by a pipe 57, and contains a the application, cylinder 35, is vented to the, valve 58 for controlling a communication. atmosphere through passages, 78 and 79, between the chamber 55 and a chamber 59. cavity 80 in the equalizing slide valve 46, at one side of the diaphragm 51. The valve passage 81, the usual release pipe.82, passage. 58 is secured to the diaphragm 50 and has 83 in the brake valve device, and through 80 a fluted stem, 60, past, which, fluid may ?low, cavity 84 in the rotary. Valve 6 to the ex from the chamber 55 to the chamber 59, the haust passage 85. When the application chamber 59 being open to the atmosphere cylinder 35 is thus, vented, the application, through a passage 61 containing a choke. piston, 36, Will be in the position as shown in plug 62. The chamber 63, at the other side the drawing and when in this position, the 8 of the diaphragm 51, is open to the atmos, brake cylinder 56, and also, chamber 55 in phere through, a port 64 and is adapted the cut-off control valve, device. 4 will be, to communicate with a chamber 65 in the vented to the atmosphere through pipe, 57, a casing, such communication being controlled. passage 86 in the distributing valve, device, 2, by a valve 66 contained in the chamber, valve, chamber 31 and exhaust passage 87. 90. 65 and which is acted upon by a spring 67 Chamber 52 of the cut-off, control valve de which tends to maintain, the valve closed. vice being connected by pipe 53 to the, ap This valve has a fluted stem 6S which is plication chamber 49, is also vented to the adapted to engage with the under side of the atmosphere in the release position of the i i diaphragm, 51. The chainber. 65. is connect equalizing valve device. ed with the cut-off valve device of the brake When a Sudden or emergency reduction, valve device by a pipe 69. in brake pipe pressure is initiated somewhere. Assuming the brake valve device to be in in the train, said reduction is propagated running position, as shown in the drawing, Serially, throughout the train in the usual 3 and the train brakes, released, fluid at the Well known manner and when the reduction reduced pressure supplied by the feed valve in pressure reaches the locomotive, the pres device. 3., flows through a pipe 70, passage sure in the brake pipe 15, and, piston, chamber 1 in the brake, valve device, cavity, 72 in 43 of the distributing valve device will be the rotary valve 6 and then through pas Suddenly reduced, causing the equalizing. 4t sages 73 and 11 to chamber 9 at one side of piston, 44, to be moved by fluid under pres Its the equalizing piston, 8, and, also through the Sure in the chambers.45 and 48, to its emer passage 11, choke 12 and pipe. 13 to the gency position. Movement of the equalizing. equalizing reseryoi 10. Fluid at feed valve, piston to this position, shifts the slide valves. pressure also flows to valve, chamber 20, 46 and 47 to emergency position in, which, 45 through the cavity 72 in the rotary valve 6, fluid under pressure in the valve chamber 45 i ll() a port 74 in this valve, and a passage 75, and pressure chamber 48 flows past the end and also from passage 75 through a passage of the slide valve 46 into passage 79 and then 76 containing choke plug TT into the spring through passage 78 to the application cylin chamber 26 of the cut-off valve mechanism, der 35, causing, the application piston 36 to .