Richard A Gabriel | 176 pages | 30 Mar 2006 | University of Oklahoma Press | 9780806137346 | English | United States Genghis Khans Greatest General: Subotai the Valiant PDF Book

However, the overall campaign seemed to have reached a stalemate. Without cookies your experience may not be seamless. Trivia About 's Gr Subutai returned, destroyed the three Song armies by isolating and defeating them, and retook the cities. Nevertheless, it covers an immense scene and yields an extraordinary amount of knowledge and wisdom. Historians believe Subutai was born in the year , [2] probably just west of the upper Onon River in what is now . Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Lars Fischer rated it liked it Sep 15, After plundering the southern Russian steppes, the Russian princes united with the retreating Cuman confederacy to defeat the Mongols with an 80, man host. Unlike in —23 when the majority of the Rus' states allied against Subutai and , this time the Mongols apparently struck with such speed that the Russians were either too paralyzed, or possibly too bitter or distracted to ally. Army War College students express what can be learned from the Mongol art of war; interesting stuff, much of which can be learned from other generals and is likely in one field manual or another. Apr 22, James Kenney rated it it was amazing. The Mongol dispersion helped them avoid contagion by the plague that devastated Kaifeng, and after being stretched to the limit, the Emperor fled and the city surrendered. Subutai had to divert his movements, take command, and conquered the fortress in three days with ease. After all, had been subservient to the for three centuries, with the result that the blood of the Russian nobility, and a goodly part of that of the common people, was commingled with the Mongolian. Subutai's role was to act as the vanguard and defeat one of the Merkit camps at the Tchen River. He directed more than 20 campaigns and won 65 pitched battles , during which he conquered or overran more territory than any other commander in history as part of the expansion of the . , Mongolia. Friend Reviews. Subutai and Jebe spent part of the winter in Azerbaijan and Iran, raiding and looting while preventing the western Khwarezm forces from assisting the rest of the empire to the east. Subutai initially attempted to outflank the Jin by feinting an attack at the fortified location of Weizhou and maneuvering through an unguarded side corridor. It was a quick easy read, with a strong style and no errors that I noticed. It was later noted that corpses littered the countryside over the space of a two-day journey. Did he think of the strateg Not much of a biography; we learn Our Boy was the son of a blacksmith, the brother of one of the Khan's inner circle members, and that he eventually retired to the Danube sources on Wikipedia contradict that. Main article: Deep Battle. In the West, we hold many misconceptions about the Mongols: that they were murderous cannibals who raped and pillaged every place they conquered. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. A light cavalry force under Kadan was sent to chase King Bela along the Adriatic Coast, while the main army with its siege engines under Subutai and Batu attempted to pacify Hungary proper. Disheartened by the ease of the Mongol advance against their strong fortifications, the Song agreed to supply guides. Meanwhile, Subutai in secret created a pontoon bridge to the south, where the river was too deep to be forded, and crossed the river in secret with a large force. So, if this book isn't a biography, then what is it? After cutting off Kaifeng from any outside help, Subutai alternated intense bombardments using a mixture of Muslim trebuchets, mangonels , and captured gunpowder with periods of rest and plundering the countryside. Shah Mohammd attempted to save himself by fleeing into central Persia , but while he eluded capture, the relentless chase meant he could not rally his forces. April Learn how and when to remove this template message. However, they constructed a mini-navy of boats, trapped Bachman within a limited area, and gradually closed the 'net'. To create our Had not the Great Khan died an event that required the Mongol armies and their princes to return to Mongolia to elect a successor , there is every likelihood that Subotai would have destroyed itself! He belonged to the Uriankhai clan, known as the reindeer people, a group of Siberian forest-dwellers who did not live like the plains Mongols to their south. Every officer who has command over other officers should hasten to purchase a copy of this extraordinary book. Having said that, it's unclear to me why the focus is on Subotai. Behold, they are now unleashed, and they slobber at the mouth with glee. Subutai's father, Jarchigudai, supposedly supplied food to Temujin and his followers when they were in dire straits at lake Baljuna, and Subutai's elder brother also served as a general in the Mongol army and was a close companion of Temujin. The Rus forces were defeated in 3 separate engagements and their cities were taken in quick succession. The only unhappy fact concerning this work is that the index seems to be somewhat inadequate for scholarly research. Paperback , pages. Read preview. Even if you think you have no particular interest in the Mongols, I'd still urge you to read it, as it's truly enlightening. When the crossing was completed, the second contingent attacked from the south, and a third from the north. Genghis Khans Greatest General: Subotai the Valiant Writer

Jim Masselos, Ed. It tells stories of the empire's conquests at every stage of its existence. He presents this brilliant book as "The first attempt at a military biography of the greatest general to be published in the West" p. In — Subutai made another attempt to outmaneuver the Jin fortified lines by using a similar highly audacious approach that they had employed in Khwarezm and Xi Xia Mar 21, Gerry Germond rated it it was ok Shelves: biography , medieval-history. Rating details. According to Persian sources, this battle seems to have eroded Mohammed's confidence in his ability to defeat the Mongols in pitched battle, since Subutai only commanded a small 20, man force and did not want to even fight him. Norman E. Subotai was perhaps one of the most enigmatic figures around Ghengis Khan, his principal general and strategist, who knocked on the doors of Vienna and conquered more land and people than anyone on history. Apr 01, Frank Thun rated it really liked it. In execution, his usage functioned more akin to the creeping barrage of World War I, used to soften and disrupt enemy lines right before an attack. Main article: Mongol invasion of Europe. Subutai ordered huge stonethrowers to clear the bank of Hungarian crossbowmen and open the way for his light cavalry to cross the river without further losses. Sort order. The author did an excellent job of working with what he had, but I wonder if writing a book about Subotai was a lost cause from the beginning. A light cavalry force under Kadan was sent to chase King Bela along the Adriatic Coast, while the main army with its siege engines under Subutai and Batu attempted to pacify Hungary proper. This book tells the story of Subotai the Valiant, a warrior for Genghis Khan and one of the greatest generals in military history. This is a rather short monograph which would have benefitted from being shorter still. The Muslim chroniclers tell us that when he died at age seventy-three, Subotai [had conquered thirty-two nations and won sixty-five pitched battles. Subutai refused Genghis Khan's offer for extra elite troops, and instead traveled to the Merkit camp alone, posing as a Mongol deserter. When Genghis died, Subotai continued to be the moving force of the Mongol army under his successors. To ask other readers questions about Genghis Khan's Greatest General , please sign up. Having a clear picture of the European kingdoms, he brilliantly prepared an attack nominally commanded by and two other princes of the blood. Russia derived the most use out of a careful study of the Mongol campaigns. The Grand Duke Yuri of Vladimir, the most prominent of the Rus leaders, had left Vladimir to raise an army and defeat the Mongols before they reached his city. Supposedly the Mongol army had destroyed his left wing, and nearly broken his center and captured him, until reinforcements from his son arrived and the battlefield turned dark. Jul 03, Nicholas rated it it was ok. Richard has opened a wonderful debate with his book and hope other writers will follow his footsteps. Subutai did not want a battle where the massed crossbowmen, supported by mounted knights, stood firm and fought to the death against his army. Genghis Khan led the Mongol army westwards in late to invade Khwarizm as retaliation for the execution of Mongol ambassadors. Gabriel, currently professor of history and politics at the U. Refresh and try again. Did he think of the strateg Not much of a biography; we learn Our Boy was the son of a blacksmith, the brother of one of the Khan's inner circle members, and that he eventually retired to the Danube sources on Wikipedia contradict that. Wan Yen Heda had retreated towards the city of Tengzhou in order to obtain supplies. The Mongols were spared the need to conquer Novgorod when the principality surrendered, agreed to pay tribute in the future, and gave the Mongols a large bribe. Sep 15, Skallagrimsen added it Shelves: military-history , biography , east-asia , history , turko-mongol- empires. However, the Mongols surrounded the fortified Hungarian camp, and bombarded it with trebuchets, gunpowder weapons, and flaming arrows. Brill, Leiden, , p. Subutai managed to convince the Merkits that the main Mongol army was far away, and they were in no danger. Average rating 3. He belonged to the Uriankhai clan, known as the reindeer people, a group of Siberian forest-dwellers who did not live like the plains Mongols to their south. In the end Batu apologized to Subutai. I loved every page of this book. His legacy lives to the present day, for much of the theory and practice of modern military operations was first used by Subotai. The author moves back and forth in time and often repeats himself in almost boilerplate fashion. Army War College students express what can be learned from the Mongol art of war; interesting stuff, much of which can be learned from other generals and is likely in one field manual or another. Two Song armies seized Kaifeng and Luoyang during the summer of during Subutai's absence. Hard to objectively review, as by its own admission it works with pretty scarce material about the man himself and therefore is more of an operational history. After destroying them, the Mongols encircled and crushed the Georgian army. This section does not cite any sources. Genghis Khans Greatest General: Subotai the Valiant Reviews

Bo'orchu Muqali Borokhula Chilaun. Subotai commanded armies whose size, scale, and scope of operations surpassed those led by any other commander in the ancient world. What is known about Subotai is that he led the Mongol Hordes from to victory to victory across Eurasia, from to Poland. There are many typos that lead me to believe this book was not properly edited. I'll find out The result was complete panic; and to ensure that the Hungarians did not fight to the last man, the Mongols left an obvious gap in their encirclement. After subduing a Cuman revolt in what is now Russia, Subutai turned towards Mongolia. He belonged to the Uriankhai clan, known as the reindeer people, a group of Siberian forest-dwellers who did not live like the plains Mongols to their south. As Subutai had planned, the Hungarians poured through this 'hole' in the Mongol lines, which led to a swampy area, poor footing for horses and hard going for infantry. Really cool to see an in-depth look at why they were militarily better than China, Russia, the Middle East, and some Europeans. Short, pages, but a good read. How was that possible, for illiterate tribesmen on horseback armed with bows and arrows? Subutai managed to convince the Merkits that the main Mongol army was far away, and they were in no danger. Unfortunately, you won't learn much about Subotai by reading this book. I loved every page of this book. Generals and ministers of Genghis Khan. Main article: Mongol conquest of . Subutai had originally been assigned to conquer the Kipchak Turks in central Russia in , [25] but was hurriedly recalled to China in — after the Mongolian general Dolqolqu suffered a major defeat. Recommend to anyone interested in the Mongols, military history, or military strategy. Its commander, Wan Yen Heda attempted to ambush the Mongols, but the ambush was detected. Excerpt Subotai bagatur, that is to say, Subotai the Valiant, was one of the greatest generals in ancient military history. Showing After all, Russia had been subservient to the Golden Horde for three centuries, with the result that the blood of the Russian nobility, and a goodly part of that of the common people, was commingled with the Mongolian. Jul 03, Nicholas rated it it was ok. National War College, an expert on warfare in the classical period of European history, with thirty-five published books to his credit, has now turned his attention to Subotai Bagatur, Genghis Khan's greatest general. Having said that, it's unclear to me why the focus is on Subotai. The Mongol invasion of Europe was a five-pronged attack. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Secret History of the Mongols, are biased, poetic, or both. Subotai bagatur, that is to say, Subotai the Valiant, was one of the greatest generals in ancient military history. Despite this close family association, some consider Subutai's career proof that the Mongol Empire was a meritocracy. Be the first to ask a question about Genghis Khan's Greatest General. Want to Read saving…. Subutai originally wanted to execute everyone in Kaifeng to punish them for their intransigence and extremely long resistance. About Richard A. In turn, the Mongols attempted to draw him into their own ambush with a feigned retreat, but he held his strong position. Main article: First Mongol invasion of Hungary. Views Read Edit View history. Other Editions 3. Unlike in —23 when the majority of the Rus' states allied against Subutai and Jebe, this time the Mongols apparently struck with such speed that the Russians were either too paralyzed, or possibly too bitter or distracted to ally. The Mongols dispersed their forces in order to confuse the Europeans as to their ultimate objectives, and defeat the European armies piecemeal before they could mass into a central force. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Short interesting analysis of Subotai and his influence on the Mongol Empire. Although Giovanni di Piano Carpini wrote an account of the Mongol army, its equipment, and its tactics in as a result of his visit to the Mongol court, this work appears to have had no influence whatsoever on European military thought or practice. And Gabriel's thoughtful epilogue discusses the historical continuity between the Mongol and Russian and later Soviet Empires in a way that connects Subotai's achievements to contemporary geopolitical concerns. Huluhun Subutai's brother and Subutai arrived in good time, and with their lances stabbed some of the robbers. Though the king George IV of Georgia was reluctant to actually commit to battle, Subutai and Jebe forced his hand by ravaging the countryside and killing his people.

Genghis Khans Greatest General: Subotai the Valiant Read Online

So, if this book isn't a biography, then what is it? The problem with the biographies of people living years ago or a similarly remote period is that there's usually not a lot of primary sources to evaluate. To ask other readers questions about Genghis Khan's Greatest General , please sign up. Unfortunately, you won't learn much about Subotai by reading this book. Subutai defeated them on the Chu River in and again in in Wild Kipchak territory. The Mongols retained a pioneer corps capable of efficiently clearing pathways through the forest, and were unfazed by Bela's obstacles. After the defeat of the Hungarians at Mohi, Subutai used a stolen royal seal to issue bogus decrees across the country, leaving many unassuming inhabitants at his mercy. Gavigan, Christian Society and the Crusades, — , ed. Showing It is rather surprising that very little attention is paid to the horses, who were the basic motor power of the human. The vanguard of the Russian army was already put in flight before the second wave even reached the battlefield and began to deploy. The heavily fortified city of Kaifeng required an eight month long siege. In the end Batu apologized to Subutai. Despite this close family association, some consider Subutai's career proof that the Mongol Empire was a meritocracy. Generals and ministers of Genghis Khan. Though war had begun between the Mongols and Song, Subutai was recalled to the west. Gabriel, currently professor of history and politics at the U. Apr 22, James Kenney rated it it was amazing. This is the only book I've come across that focuses on one of the greatest generals in history. In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Reviewed by:. According to Persian sources, this battle seems to have eroded Mohammed's confidence in his ability to defeat the Mongols in pitched battle, since Subutai only commanded a small 20, man force and did not want to even fight him. Subutai was tasked to direct the operations under the overall command of prince Batu. Also, little real feeling of Subotai is conveyed, this is best seen as a general survey of Mongol warfare and engagements. Download as PDF Printable version. The main Jin army promptly marched to intercept Subutai's army at Mount Yu. View 1 comment. While Batu Khan, son of Jochi , was the overall leader, Subutai was the actual commander in the field, and as such was present in both the northern and southern campaigns against Kievan Rus'. The book doesn't cover a ton about him as I think there's little actually known about the guy. Sieges would be limited to critical or vulnerable locations; in other situations, the Mongols either left a blockading force, or simply ignored fortified citadels and devastated the surrounded agriculture so that the remaining people would starve if they remained within fortified walls. Even apart from the author's good intentions, I very much enjoyed this book. With the blood went Mongolian thought processes. Not a bad read. LOG IN. Once again, Subutai invaded during winter, when they would be least expected. Sep 15, Skallagrimsen added it Shelves: military-history , biography , east-asia , history , turko- mongol-empires. Original Title. They have foreheads of brass, their jaws are like scissors, their tongues like piercing awls, their heads are iron, their whipping tails swords. It also provides some insight into the growth of technical martial competence as a result of contact with defeated peoples. Easy read. Aug 05, Danny rated it really liked it. At Mohi, the Mongols fixated the Hungarian attention in the center by assaulting the lone bridge and attempting to ford to the north and around the bridge. You Genghis Can!