Water Resources Management Authority Water Resources Management Authority Water Reeources Management Authority Counting Square House B Stand No. 2374, Block C Thabo Mbekl Road P.O. Box 51059, Lusaka, zambla Tel: +260 211 251 934 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.warma.org.zm Water Resources Management Authority CONTENTS i. Message from the Minister 2 ii. Statement of the General Director 3 iii. Members of the Senior Management 4 1. Institutional information 6 Background 8 Introducing Water Resources Management in Zambia and its Governance 8 Core Functions 8 Mandate of WARMA 8 WARMA’s Objective 9 Vision 9 Mission 9 Core Values 9 2. 2016 Activities 12 Water Permitting 14 Water approved for abstraction from the six catchments in 2016 14 Programmes Implemented in 2016 16 Environment & Water Quality 16 Regulations & Compliance 17 Hydrological Activities 18 Hydrogeology Unit 21 Hydro Informatics 22 3. Selected Examples from the catchments 24 Kafue Catchment 26 Luangwa Catchment Activities 30 Chambeshi Catchment Activities 32 4. Summary 34 Challenges & Overview 36 Recommendations 36 Conclusion 37 5. FINANCIAL REPORT 38 Funding status 40 Role and function of the Finance department 40 Financial Reports and Highlights for the year 2016 40 Income 40 Income from Water Use Charges 40 Support from Co-operating partners 40 Statement of Income and Expenditure 42 Statement of Financial Position 43 Development and Implementation of financial management system 44 Participation in formulation of pricing strategy 44 6. Human Resources and Administration 45 Recruitment of Staff 45 Staff Establishment 45 Separations from Employment 45 Performance management 45 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 1 Message from the Minister A growing number of Zambians recognize the importance of securing sustainable access to water.