

To: Parkview Staff/Parents/Caregivers

From: Steve Lutzke

Re: Staff Survey Regarding Reopening School

Date: July 14, 2020

The following are results from a staff survey that was sent to Parkview employees this week.

Parkview has to make decisions about the following precautionary measures for the 2020-21 school year. Please indicate your agreement with Staff being required to wear masks or face shields at school when in close contact with students/colleagues.

If the decision is made to provide virtual instruction, what is your preferred web- based teaching and learning platform (, hangout, zoom, etc.)?80 responses


Google Classroom

Google classroom n/a google classroom

Google Classroom and Zoom

Google Classroom/Hangout zoom

I used a variation of Google Classroom, Class Dojo, and Zoom.

Zoom and class dojo port

Zoom and anything additional to support my students and their learning.

Zoom, Class Dojo, and I'd like to learn more about Google classroom.

Google Classroom and hangout


Zoom and google classroom

I'm not that familiar with any of them to answer this question.

Continue using what we used the last 10 weeks of school... This however, will look very different in that our NEW 4K families/students will not know us as teachers or how the program works + some families will have a much higher technology learning curve(because it's new to them) then those families who experienced this event in March -June 2020. We will have to work to create a family friendly way of easing 4K students & their families into this virtual way of learning..... Google Classroom and Zoom worked well for me, but if we go virtual I think we need some instruction on best practices for how to use these. I know PD is offered 7/9, but I am unable to attend. I think my videos were just ok. Google Classroom Zoom Class Dojo

With the age group I work with, Zoom and ClassDojo work the best

I don't teach but Zoom and Google Hangout worked well for meeting with students individually and in small groups.

This doesn't apply to me

I used ZOOM and would find that VERY helpful, but I still need Google classroom, Quicktime, Screencastify, and email to make it work.

Google Classroom , Zoom

Zoom and google classroom

Google classroom (per my children)

Google Classroom, with Zoom.

Zoom has been great to connect for my counseling students and other meetings.

Google Classroom & Zoom

Google Classroom as well as other platforms like Zoom or Hangouts.

I feel that a mix of these platforms are essential, but probably the most important is Google

Classroom and Zoom.

Zoom, but whatever gets the job done for each student

Google classroom, zoom, Flipgrid, soundtrap

Google Classroom and zoom

Google & Zoom

This does not pertain to me.

Google classroom, zoom

I don't have a preference. I like Google Classroom as a place to communicate with students (explain assignments, post videos and other links). I used both Hangouts and Zoom to chat with students one on one, but never used it for whole group instruction.

Zoom and Google Classroom google classroom and zoom

NA. - don't teach. Use Zoom for meetings. zoom and seesaw for K-2


Zoom and google hangout

I have only used zoom, but willing to learn others.

Google classroom and Zoom

Google Classroom, Big Ideas Math, and Zoom

I would like to use Zoom. I am familiar with this web-based platform.

Google Classroom, Zoom

I would try Google Classroom or zoom (and Dojo)

I thought Class Dojo was a great way to reach out. I also used google classroom for some assignments and most students understood how to use it. Zoom chats were great, but often times it was a quick check in and students were not always super focused. Maybe only a couple times per week instead of everyday for zoom.

Zoom and Google Classroom

I personally love Google Classroom and am happy using Zoom or Hangouts for meetings and discussions.

Google classroom or zoom

Zoom, Quaver , GoogleClassroom doesn't apply I would want to do the Youtube videos linked onto the school website like we did this spring for teaching lessons. I would want to do zoom for time for my students to socialize with their peers. I also liked being able to check on students overall well-being through zoom.

What are your biggest concerns as we plan for the 2020-2021 school year?84 responses

Over-prep and not enough focus on individual student growth

Keeping my students safe and making sure they are ready to adapt as we need to make changes.

Kids not keeping protective gear on. Not being able to social distance the students. Busing. Parents giving their kids medication & sending them to school when sick. On a personal note as a single mom I worry about getting sick & not being able to take care of my kids or having my kids get sick & not being able to take the time off to care for them.

That we teach virtual for too long. i think it was fine for a quarter, but anything more than that, it will be tough to keep the students engaged. the students safety

I struggle with wanting to be in person to facilitate meaningful relationships with students (so important to do at the beginning of the year) and not wanting to potentially get sick or get people I live with sick. I myself have been going to my yoga job (with strict mask and cleaning guidelines in place), and have seen certain groups of people throughout this time (socially distancing), but haven't gone to restaurants or other indoor locations that aren't necessary. I wear a mask whenever I go out, and it is hard to wear a mask and glasses (I can work around that myself). I'm concerned about working through letter sounds with 2nd graders while using a mask (a face-shield is potential to use during sound lessons). I have no problem being told to wear a mask indoors. Some questions I have: Also if we do get sick, what does sick time look like this year? If we are in school, will we take students' temperatures daily? Not questions needing to be answered now and I know you will answer them if they need to be answered.

All of the uncertainty in general. I am concerned about a brand new class, and not being able to meet them face to face,.

I am concerned for our students who have behavioral challenges and attention issues and will need sensory or movement breaks as we look ahead to figure out how to modify recess, lunch time, etc.

1) Not having staff to cover thereby forcing school closure 2) parents/community negative response should we face a small outbreak

The health and safety for me and my growing family are my top priority! I will wear a mask, distance myself as much as possible and frequently sanitize. But I do find my role as an elementary special education teacher VERY difficult to do in a virtual/distance learning environment 100%. The needs of my students are very difficult to fully meet from home. With the lack of support or time due to parents working, to my students who already struggle with sensory and attention needs, it was difficult to keep my students with academic needs from drowning in regular ed work while also trying to provide equitable interventions. Our population of students had upwards of 3 or more zoom calls a day on top of their school work. This resulted in screen fatigue, behaviors, missing or partial work and disengagement by the middle to end of the week.

We have been working on trying to figure out a better system for the possibility of this happening again, but I am very concerned for our special ed. and tiered kiddos going completely virtual again. I am also unsure how this will look in the classrooms again due to the additional support these students need. In the past I would be in multiple classrooms a day supporting kids and so would these kids for interventions and therapies. How are we going to keep them in the least restrictive environment with support while also limiting the risks?

I want my classroom to feel welcoming, inviting, and fun rather than sterile. I'm concerned about managing a physical classroom along with a virtual classroom at the same time if some students are home and some students are virtual. I answered No to students wearing masks because I feel having kindergarten students wear masks will spread more germs and be more of a problem than without them. If I taught older students I may feel differently.

I hope we stay healthy and the kids engage in learning.

A large group getting sick

Enforcement- I think that if masks and social distancing are requiremeynt in the classroom that we will be constantly reminding and trying to enforce those rules instead of teaching. It will be a fight everyday with students who learn at home that masks and social distancing don't matter and the students who learn at home that they really do. I certainly don't think there should be a free for all of hundreds of kids and staff touching and being in close-quarters, but I think it will be close to impossible to enforce those rules and teach at most age-levels. are increasing and it is likely that someone (student, staff or family member of student or staff) are going to test positive which would mean a shutdown and full virtual for at least 2 weeks. The school being linked to a breakout of cases will be very poor publicity and staff, parents and students will be more fearful when we return. I know virtual learning isn't the best way for students to learn, but at this point it is the safest option. And ultimately safety is what's most important.

Teachers are being asked to choose between their health and their effectiveness. Will enough wipes and sprays be available to sanitize 6- 7 times a day? Will my budget allow for the purchase of individual supply kits to minimize the spread of COVID? How will I effectively sanitize my room and supplies between classes with limited passing time? Those few minutes are used to transition between subjects. Cutting the instructional time by 10 minutes to sanitize adds up . If a student or staff is exposed to COVID, how will quarantine work? Will the school have enough replacement staff?One staff or student could have exposed 100 people - are they all on a mandatory 2 week quarantine? My biggest concern is my area of teaching and being able to keep students engaged. I really want to be in person in the fall but I am worried about my health and the health of our students. As much as we struggled with virtual learning I feel like it might be the safest route until we can get the virus under control. As is now our state is still limiting the amount of people that can gather which makes me worried about the fall.

The biggest concern is the unknown which I know the administrative team is already dealing with.

I don't feel that I'm qualified to answer the educational environment question... what is the health department and DPI telling schools in the area??? however, we had to pick one in order for the survey to be submitted??? I a perfect pandemic free world I would choose face to face with 4/5 year olds.. However, that may not be the healthiest choice for families??? I really don't know what is truth OR fiction anymore with this pandemic???? I am concerned about "how" this will look in a 4K classroom were so much of what we do for instruction and learning is done in very close proximity to students, peers, toys & our use of so many hands on manipulatives for so much of our curriculum???

Safety must always be the biggest concern. I am fearful that we won't have school in the building, and although I understand if that is what is needed, I do NOT believe that virtual learning works for most high school students. It is also really difficult for me.

Parents- we can’t make everyone happy � What are my responsibilities going to be in regards to enforcing masks, etc... My voice- we already use our “teacher voices” to make sure everyone can hear. With a mask on, this is going to be even more needed as students will be further away and our mouths will be covered... maybe some type of wearable mics? Illness- what happens if a student or staff member become ill. I am not looking forward to frequent COVID tests and being in and out of the classroom if I have a positive case... at what point do we go virtual?

How we can provide a safe environment while COVID is still a real threat.We can not assure staff or students they are safe.

At this point, it’s just all the unknowns. I worry about people getting sick and bringing illnesses home to our families. I worry about parents not sending their kids to school because they are worried. I worry about how effective virtual schooling is/has been for the EC kids I work with.

They need to be in school but yet many of them have compromised immune systems to begin with.

The unknown. What if there is another large outbreak? What if a staff member gets infected? Will the days out come out of their sick bank/personal days? Will there be extra days given to staff? What about staff who are at higher risk? What about parents who refuse to have their child wear a mask? Will they need a health plan? How do you address that with other students?

If my kids are not at school while I am required to work I won’t have anyone to watch them.

The kids becoming sick. The kids not wearing masks

I feel that providing 100% online instruction OR 100% face-to -face instruction will be most effective. Dividing kids means double the work for the instructor as he/she does everything twice.

I feel as a student it would be difficult to move from one method to the other. IF they started online, it would be hard to rejoin this kids who were face to face the whole time. Likewise, if they started with face-to-face they would struggle to switch to online.

Starting the year virtually.

Massive out break of sickness in the school.

My biggest concern of returning to the classroom is closing down part way through the year due to outbreaks. Trying to get students to wear masks may not be that easy. Having them switch to online learning mid-year also was a mess last time. Special education students are going to be difficult to keep physically distanced from others. When they get sick in a normal school year the aides get ill as well.

Keeping students socially distanced Controlling out breaks that WILL happen in our school buildings Providing a safe learning environment that makes kids comfortable enough to focus and learn. All the new safety measures put in place may make some kids anxious and therefore have a hard time focusing on there school work.

That preventative measures will inhibit learning

Social/Emotional well being of the staff/students, keeping everyone safe, and having a job/paycheck

I don't want to lose the fact that we are schools that service children. I will do everything I can to make my classroom environment as safe as possible for my students. However, I still want my students to encounter an inviting learning space.

Students wearing prevention gear appropriately, as well as staff. I am also concerned about the toll it will take on the mental health of staff and students. I am concerned about equity too with families (e.g., low SES, working parents).

Staff illness, students not participating in distance learning

Getting my baby & husband sick. Providing sanitation materials to teachers, students touching drinking fountains and bathrooms, keeping students current with work with frequent absences.

My biggest concern is how far behind the students will already be from virtual instruction during the 4th quarter already and how are we going to remediate for their intervention. I have a compromised family member and bringing the virus home could lead to hospitalization or worse.

The little ones EC, KG and Special Ed. It will be hard to distance and wear masks

We are planning or thinking about returning to large groups of people in confined areas when there is a complete lack of adherence to guidelines necessary to achieve any kind of impact on slowing the spread of the virus.

How music classes will work? How to socially distance in the classroom? Student engagement?

What happens if someone in the district gets covid?

Being able to attend school face to face without spreading Covid-19 to members of my own family. The length of time we will be able to stay open before having to close again as it seems to be ramping up in certain areas again.

Enforcement and consistency of safe and healthy practices. Foreign exchange students allowed during the 20-21 school year.

My biggest concern is the ability to keep the social distancing and allow kids to have a recess to get rid of the extra energy. I don't think kids would keep the face masks on. As an employee; I would wear the face mask; if required.

That everyone is safe and stays healthy. I miss the face to face interaction with students.

If we go virtual, the lack of quality education

The safety and well being of the students and staff.

1) Special education students understanding/tolerating face masks; social distancing, etc... 2) Special education students who have attention and behavioral difficulties and providing movement/sensory breaks for those students 3) Modifying lunch and recess times 4) Education of our 3 and 4 year olds: How do we provide "play based" therapy/education opportunities, and how do we teach social skills while social distancing? 5) How to provide articulation therapy while wearing face masks. Much of articulation therapy consists of providing models and cues, thus needing to see structures of the mouth. 6) Learners who require hand-over-hand assistance while performing new tasks. How do we provide this in a safe manner while social distancing? 7) Working with young students who require assistance to blow their noses, potty training, etc...How do we do this while social distancing?

Consistency. Masks. Having a job (as an aide, if we do not go back to physical schooling)

My biggest concern is that people maintain proper social distancing.

A spike in flu/covid cases infecting myself or my 5 month old

Increase in COVID-19 cases not being back in the classroom, or teachers being required to be in classroom but kids not being allowed to return to school, especially since I have kids in the district.

How decisions for need to change modifications are made. providing good and quality instruction for all students while still maintaining proper physical distancing and following other safety guidelines

The safety of staff and students. Close monitoring. Temperature taking.

How are we going to social distance with students with special needs? What about students that have sensory issues and refuse to wear masks? How do we teach them? We have learned that virtual learning is not the best option for some of these students so I am concerned with their education.

Taking a student's opportunity for education that will increase the socioeconomic achievement gap. student 's having effective learning whether it be virtual or face to face

Students and staff members not following the masks and distancing rules

Trying to keep masks on little kids for a full day.

If teachers are going to be required to come into the building if we have all remote learning?

Especially those with kids that are school aged and can not stay at home by themselves for a long period of time.

Why are we having summer school if we are still planning for the school year? Classes that are fun and not for kids that are struggling... If we come back to a full time at school schedule, how long will that last until we need to go back to a virtual setting.

I believe that face-to-face is best for our students academically. What is best for their health and safety is a complete virtual environment until there is a vaccine. The students' health and safety takes precedence over academics.

I am concerned about meeting the very diverse needs of the students and families. I am worried about how to have meaning, effective instruction for young students while still keeping them safe and healthy.

My concerns are obviously keeping everyone safe, but I'm also concerned with how second graders will learn when wearing a mask. Me, as an adult, gets very uncomfortable and often get headaches when wearing one. It's going to be tough to keep such young kids apart and not able to get up and move. Im also concerned about not building solid relationships if we are to go virtual. Kids need that support and relationship with a teacher.

Time to get things done. physical and emotional safety

I would like a way to space the students out in the art room, rather than doing "art on a cart". I don't know how to have students safely share art supplies; or can we provide hand sanitizer in the art classroom throughout the year? Will my tables and chairs be sanitized daily if students are allowed in the classroom? I want to feel my concerns are valued and I would like to be able to have input in how to safely hold art class.

Keeping everyone healthy. How to know if it is COVID or cold or allergy. Limited staff if there is an outbreak. Being able to pay bills if I need to be quarantined for a length of time.

I think we need to get into the year with our plans and then figure out what needs to be tweaked. My biggest concerns are the health and safety of staff and students. I feel that there are so many people who will be careless with their behavior and things would not be safe until second semester. I feel that starting online and staying consistently online would keep everyone on the same page for first semester and we could make a decision at that point to continue or try something different for second semester depending on how things stand in our state.

I am mostly concerned about this uptick in cases and the uncertainty of what August will bring with this virus. Hopefully it will be more under control by then, but there is no way to know until we get there.

Children being scared of being around other people and losing all socialization skills as I have dealing with this situation since school closed in March. The uncertainty is what makes me uneasy.

My biggest concern is healthy staff. Healthy staff provide the best education and environment for students. If we are face to face learning, and staff are already stressed with trying to keep students safe, it makes it easier to get sick. Students will not benefit with face to face instruction if they end up having different subs throughout the year. That's too much for the subs to take on and I believe too much for the students.

The policing of the face masks. Trying to keep little ones apart, having to sanitize after every class.

Physical and mental health of students and staff, maintaining relationships with students, providing quality education

Student and faculty health and safety figuring out a new routine on how school is going to look for the new school year.

I am concerned with my kindergarteners being required to wear masks. I think they will just end up touching their faces more which will make them ineffective in preventing the spread. Face shields might be ok, but I think students will tough those too. I also am worried about requiring my students having to social distance. It is important for kindergarteners to socialize and this is more challenging 6 feet away from others. We also do partner discussions and games frequently, so this would be challenging to have to change in our curriculums (especially math). Plus I think bringing up social distancing with the kids will make some students anxious about being at school. I am also concerned about what recess will look like. I want them to be able to use the equipment if we can and to be able to play with others at recess as well.


In 100 words or less, provide any other information you feel relevant regarding reopening Parkview for 2020-21.53 responses

I feel that if school was to be back in person at any percentage of the week or student body, no adults should be allowed to entire the school unless for emergency to limit in and out flow of people.

Being new to the district, this was hard to answer. I think in person instruction is best for student learning. I think virtual is best for keeping students and staff healthy and safe. I am up for whatever our leaders decide. I think it would be nice to start in person and make sure our students are prepared to make the switch if/when that needs to happen.

Face shields would be better as the students can see staffs facial expressions & mouth movements. Class sizes

I am open to anything. I believe face to face learning is hands down the best way to reach ALL students and this should be looked to as the first option. Virtual education is a short term solution. If we go back to it at sometime, we should be constantly trying to find ways to make it safer to come back to the actual classroom. n/a

My answers to this are not definite--I understand this decision needs to be met with fluidity, since we don't know what the situation will look like in August/September and everyone has different opinions on this. Thank you for putting out a staff survey and hearing all of us. Again, I don't mind wearing a mask (maybe there can be a teacher location where they can take their masks off for instruction, and put their mask back on once they leave that spot--this is what I do during my yoga classes). I would appreciate having access to hand sanitizer!

The masking issue seems to be the largest of all. In my opinion, requiring masks for all would be most prudent. If this virus is in fact transmitted through the air, it seems that masking gives us the best chance at mitigating transmission regardless of physical distancing measures etc. I think while not popular (I certainly am not a fan of wearing one either), it puts us in the best position to keep our teachers teaching and our students learning onsite in our schools.

Thinking from a Physical Education standpoint, it would be harder for students to participate in PE if wearing a face shield or mask. It would also be harder for the students to hear me in a gym or larger outdoor setting. I do feel that masks are very important in stopping the spread though. It would be great if the first day of school was scheduled appointments to meet the teacher and drop off supplies since school has the potential to look so different. Students NEED recess, time to play, and a break from the classroom.

Parents being onboard Likely we'll switch to virtual at some point during the year. We may as well plan to be that way from the start and prepare to have a small number of students with WiFi issues or who did very poorly last time around be in-house doing virtual instruction and everyone else will be at home. I just think the risk of in-person instruction, at this time, out-weighs the benefits.

I am worried about the balance between staying healthy and keeping students learning. What if a staff member or student dies?

I am also worried about our specials and how we are going to keep students engaged. My concerns are the safety of both staff and students. I know you kids won't be good at wearing masks, but at this point they have proved to be a good protection if everyone is wearing them. So much is still unknown about the virus that I can't imagine trying to plan.

I did not answer the environment questions (social distancing & educational environments) as I would need to see what the first 2 environmental choices will look like in a 4K classroom.... 4K/5K instruction is very different from grades 1-6/ 7-12...

We have to do what we can to provide an education for our kids. I assure you I will work my hardest to do this regardless of how we need to deliver it.

Masks required when in close quarters for students (bathroom, hallway, carpet, small group work), not during direct instruction if we are able to have some distance. Kids need recess. Staff can distance during lunch and meetings as they feel comfortable.

I believe reopening should only be done once this threat has passed. We are responsible for the safety and well being of our students.My family and I have been strictly quarantined for 4 months and are safe. I am not willing to take risks with their health. We still don’t know enough to make these very important decisions.

Whatever we do, not everyone will agree with it or support it.

I have heard we should also plan for a legionnaires disease outbreak. I'm not sure what that looks like though.

I think temperatures need to be taken daily for every student and staff before going to classrooms.

As a mother of an asthmatic...I am nervous to expose him to the possibility of getting COVID. As a teacher...I am ready to come back. I'M TORN!!!!(I voted for 100% online, but that is dependent on the number of cases Wisconsin has on Sept 1. or in the weeks before.) I am adamantly opposed to having 1/2 online and 1/2 at school. I feel the instructors will be spread too thin and the learning will not be consistent for online students. I feel staff can wear masks, if required, with each other around if they choose. I feel there are pros and cons to each side to returning virtually/physically.

I feel that masks should be strongly encouraged for the jrhigh and high school students. I feel at the elementary level they should not be encouraged because the students will spend more time touching there face with a mask on than they would with out one on. Another option to consider would be possibly switching to all virtual learning after Thanksgiving break through the first of the year. It may possibly slow the spread of kids bringing it back from family gatherings due to the holidays.

I think for PES students it would be hard to keep masks on. However, I feel @ PHS students are old enough to be able to handle wearing a mask. There should be some type of recess, but maybe not in the traditional sense. Maybe take walks, or other outdoor activities. I am very concerned/worried with the rise in #'s at this time, and how it will affect moving forward. I'm looking forward to teaching and learning with my students and colleagues in 2020-21! Parkview is a great community. I know that when we all come back together we will be welcoming and creative with the changes. We are trail blazers at Parkview, however, I do think that we tend to go slow to go fast. We do not need to have all the answers right away at the beginning of the year, and changes can be made.

Face masks would be challenging for both staff and students. I would prefer face shields.

I am very concerned about the possible spread of Covid during this school year. Some students are succeptible for one reason or the other, as well as faculty who are at risk themselves or have family members that they may be putting at risk as the school year progresses. We must be diligent with precautions for the well-being of everyone involved.

Small class sizes would be the best option. Possibly some students twice a week, a day for cleaning, and then another group of students. They could distance learn on the days off. Flipped classroom model

I think the kids need time with Virtual that they are just like in school. In front of the teacher and seeing work being done. To much Ind learning doesn't work for a lot of kids.

The possibility of returning to an overcrowded classroom without a vaccine is absolutely frightening.

Updates communicated on a frequent basis will be necessary and are appreciated. Please supply all staff with approved (washable) face masks and sanitation products-hand and surface. Thank you!

I believe face to face instruction is the best. However, having 20 students in some of these classrooms is impossible if we are going to practice social distancing. Perhaps we have to do split shifts - students divided into mornings or afternoons; or Mondays/Tuesdays or Wednesdays/Thursdays. Students would attend every other Friday, or use Friday as teacher prep, staff and PLC meetings, PD, etc. Colleges are being creative. I heard Freshmen and Juniors will attend 1st semester at Princeton; Sophomores and Seniors 2nd semester. I believe our district has the resources and people to be creative as well.

I am hoping that there if flexibility in working virtually/in person if our children are on a different schedule due to the pandemic. Our children attend school in a different district. I am hoping that the safety of the staff is considered as well. As staff members, we'd be interacting with multiple sets of students and other staff. We need to be assured that we will be able to maintain safety as well.

1) Much of my therapy with young learners (3 and 4 year olds) is play based using manipulatives/toys. I am questioning how this will happen while social distancing? It will be very difficult to manage a very busy schedule and clean/sanitize between each therapy session. 2) I generally work with small groups of students (2-5) and would need space to allow for social distancing

We need consistency, either 100% in school or 100% computer based. I do not think kids are going to be able to wear masks and "stay away" from friends. I also, after researching, feel masks are not good for people to wear for the entire day.

Only a quote: it is better to lean on the side of caution and not have needed to rather than not and wish that you had.

Have been sharing my thoughts in administrative meetings.

I think it's important for us to at least start school together in the fall, and possibly go to all virtual, if there is a "peak" time. I think staff masks and temperature checks for all would be a good start to ensure safety for all.

If it is decided to do both virtual and face to face learning, how much additional compensation will be given ? This is a huge undertaking for teachers to teach learners in both forums as well as managing paraprofessionals.

I feel the school needs to limit the number of students in classrooms. Possibly older students doing more virtual teaching from home. And possibly splitting up some of the younger students to alternating days so they can all have some classroom time.

I am concerned with parents wanting to walk their child to the classroom.

I feel that a hybrid plan would be beneficial, where parents get to the choice of sending their child to school or if they will do remote learning. That way the parent does not as stressed and they have a say in what is right for their student(s).

I just can't wait to get back to school full time and work with students and colleagues face to face.

I think taking precautions school year is very important, but I don't know how to practically make social distancing and masks work in the younger grades. There is no easy solution, and I appreciate everyone working so hard to try to figure things out!

Im very indifferent about opening up in September. Im not exactly sure where I stand. Virtual was easy with bigger kids, but it's very hard for the younger kids to understand whats going on and how to keep everyone safe. Mental health is a HUGE part of this, and I feel like I don't know whats best for even myself, so it's hard to provide the best information for my students. It was a lot of stress for parents to do virtual, but I'm also concerned about everyones health. I think if there is a spot in the room that is safe to take off masks (students sitting in their spot) it would be more helpful. Its hard for kids to read facial expressions when they can't see my face.

I want to see my students in person and I think many of them need to be in the room with their teachers for optimal learning. In order to do this I think that, until a vaccine is available, it is important to maintain all the proven safeguards to prevent spread. After all, if one student is diagnosed positive and contact tracing is done we may find a significant part of the student body having to quarantine at home particularly at the high school. This would be very hard on quarantined students. It would be a very tough logistical problem for teachers in lessons and parents with work.

I do think it's important for students to have some in person classes for their social/emotional well- being. I'm ok with all in person instruction if there are some safety precautions implemented.

I think that students wearing masks can be limited during certain times, but should be required - walking the halls, while in the lunch line, (kids don't often cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.) or when in groups. All day if showing any signs of COVID-19. (coughing or sneezing). With the recent increase in cases, I feel we need to be a little more cautious than not.

I feel that we are creating plans that will be fine to start. We will need to adjust, just like we did in the spring once we are up and running.

Flexibility. I think another parent survey should go out in 2 - 3 weeks - there could be a big change in parent answers because of the number of cases. Students wearing masks at the elementary level will not work. K, 1st, and 2nd grade will be very hard to keep them on then the sneezing, coughing, licking, touching and chewing on the masks would be more of a distraction and I believe would carry more germs than benefit. Young students would need many masks per day because of those reasons.

I was excited to see we are going to be having face shields for the teachers. In Kindergarten, we talk a lot about what are mouth looks like when we make different letter sounds. This means it is important for students to be able to see what my mouth is doing when making these sounds. It is also easier to understand others when you can read their lips and your voice is not muffled. After reading the American Pediatrics Association article, my preference would be for all students to be at school. I think students especially in Kindergarten need to be in school. Students learn so much in kindergarten other than academics that I can't imagine starting the school year online. Other grades might be ok doing online school. I would be ok with just certain grades being in school if we could not all be at school safely. Lastly, I think lunch should either happen in the classroom or in shifts by grade in the cafeteria. This way at least only one grade would be together at one time. Then, students could sit by students in only their class.