MGFHS LOGO ON TRACK Newsletter of the Mid Gippsland Family History Society Incorporated ABN No. 88 735 748 406 P.O. Box No 767 Morwell 3840 President: Helen McLennan 03 51274526 helenmclennan@net- Vice President: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL Jeanette Rennie Issue # 125 November 2004 – January 2005 jeanetterennie@optusnet. Website: Secretary/Publicity: Meetings: Sandra Dumble Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each Month, 03 51273025 except December, at the Meeting Room, entrance at the
[email protected] rear door of the Moe Library, Kirk Street Moe. Our Library will be open at 7pm with meetings commencing at Treasurer: approximately 7.30pm. David Grant Membership fees 2004/2005: Single $25; Family $30 Box 78 Moe 3825 payable in July. 0351271505
[email protected] Library Hours: Our Library is open to the public on Wednesday Editor/Webperson: Afternoons between 1pm and 4pm. Volunteers from our Kaye O’Reilly group are available to assist with research at this 0351221282 time. The Library is also available to members at all
[email protected] times that the Meeting room has not been booked by other organizations. (Check with the Public Library Librarian: Staff) The library is available to members on the Bob Jones first Saturday of each month. Library Fees: Gold Coin donation per visit for non – 0356347635 members.
[email protected] Committee: Research: Wes Halket There is a research fee, minimum of $10 plus a stamped
[email protected] addressed envelope for any enquiries requiring research, with additional charges for large amounts of Dawn Cowley photocopying and/or postage.