PE PSTQYM, Arab. PSTQ, O.L. P˘STWQ˘S Hebrewpstq, Plur
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PE . 1ù÷åúùô 짧áå ÷úñô 䧧á íé÷úñô PSTQYM,Arab.PSTQ,o.l.PSTWQ˘ S˘ Hebrew PSTQ,plur.PSTQYM, from Middle Iranian pistak (cf. SDA ), means “pistachio, pistachio nut”, Pistacia vera L. (JD f.; LW :; SD ; SDA f.: Aram. à÷úñéô; KA :, :; AEY :; FE ; FO ; LF :ff.; LA ff.:; cf. as well Bet no. above) and features in Rabbinic literature, e.g. in bGit a. Arabic fustuq or fustaq designates the same plant (L ; D :; DT :; M ; ID :; LA :) and features in medieval medical literature, for instance, in Maimonides On Asthma (III, ; cf. BMA ) and is transcribed by Samuel Benveniste as: ÷úñô. For the identification of the Aramaic form à÷úñéô,cf.LOPerushim on bGit a, p. : ä÷úñåô éáøò ïåùìá àåäå à÷úñéô. The vernacular term is the plural of O. Occ. or O. Cat. festuc(h) for ‘pis- tachio’ (DAO :; PSW :a; RPA ; FEW :a; DECLC :b; AdV ). In O. Occ., the term is documented for the first time in (DAO loc. cit.). For the identification of Arab. fustuq/fustaq as O. Cat. festuchs,cf. AdV , ; cf. also GHAT where we find, for Romance (O. Cat.), the singular PSTWQ˘ identified as the same Arabic term (GHAT :). àãåø 짧áå 2áàãñ 䧧á éñãøô íâéô PYGM PRDSY,Arab.SD"B,o.l.RWD" Hebrew PYGM, from Greek πγανν (KG :; LS ), designates the herb “rue”, Ruta graveolens L. and Chalepensis L. (JD ; LW :; SDA , Aram. àðâéô; KA :, :; BM ; AEY :; FM ; LA ff.:; LF :ff.) and features in Rabbinic literature, e.g. mKil .. PYGM PRDSY means “garden rue” and is probably a loan transla- tion of Arabic sad¯ab bust¯an¯ı that features, for instance, in Maimonides’ ¯ 1 ù÷åúùô: ù÷åèùô O 2 áàãñ: áãñ V shem tov, synonym list Glossary of Drug Names no. , where it is identified as the Romance r¯uta. (cf. the Arabic text in Me ; cf. as well DT :). Arabic sad¯ab designatesthesameplantasHebrewPYGM (cf. L f.; D :; DT¯ :; M ; ID :) and features, for instance, in Mai- monides’ Medical Aphorisms (XXI, , ) and is translated by N as: àãåø/äãåø (RWDH/RWD")andbyZas:äèåø/íâéô (PYGM/RWTH. ). For the identification of PYGM as sad¯ab,cf.Sa#adya (SAM :), EG , and Maimonides on the Mishnah¯ mentioned above (MK :). The vernacular term ruda is O. Occ.or O. Cat.,meaning “rue” as well. The word is documented for the first time in the th century (CB ; RMA ; RM , , , , , , ; RMM , , , , ; FEW :a; DAO :; RL :b; DECLC :b). For the identification of Arab. sad¯ab as O. Cat. ruda, cf. AdV , and GHAT :; in the latter, the¯ transcription of the Romance term (O. Cat.) into Hebrew characters corresponds to that of our MSS. 4àéùôàè 짧áå 3àéñôà§ú 䧧á äãù íâéô PYGM SDH˘ ,Arab.T"PSY",o.l.T. "PSY˘ " ¯ Hebrew äã× íâéô means “wild rue” (Peganum Harmala L. or Haplophyl- lum Buxbaumii (Poir.) Don.) (cf. Zayin no. above). Arabic t¯afsiy¯a designates the plant Thapsia garganica L., “false fennel, bastard turpeth”¯ (cf. Zayin no. above). For the identification, cf. Zayin no. above. For the vernacular term, see Zayin no. as well. 6ùâùéøô 짧áå êåë 䧧á 5÷ñøô PRSQ,Arab.KWK,o.l.PRYSG˘ S˘ Hebrew PRSQ, from Greek Περσικ ν (KG :; LS ), means “peach, peach tree”, Prunus persica Sieb. et Zucc. (JD f.; LW :; SD ; SDA (Aram.: à÷ñøôà); KA :, :; FE ; FM ; LA :f.; LF :ff.) and features in Rabbinic literature, e.g. mKil ., bBM b. 3 àéñôà§ú: àéùôàú O äàéñàôàú V 4 àéùôàè: àéùôè VO 5 ÷ñøô: êñøô O 6 ùâùéøô: ùéâéùéøô O ùâ"ùéV"t P ùéâéùøéô V.